author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 3 e1b950c65cb4
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #if !defined(__GULCOLOR_H__)
    17 #define __GULCOLOR_H__
    19 #if !defined(__W32STD_H__)
    20 #include <w32std.h>
    21 #endif
    23 #if !defined(__E32BASE_H__)
    24 #include <e32base.h>
    25 #endif
    27 #if !defined(__GDI_H__)
    28 #include <gdi.h>
    29 #endif
    31 /** Logical colours.
    33 Logical colours are used to specify the colour scheme for the controls in 
    34 an application.
    36 Many controls have one logical colour for text and another logical colour 
    37 for the background. Some logical colours have a dimmed variant for when the 
    38 control becomes inactive or disabled. Highlighted and pressed variants exist 
    39 for controls that support selection or which can be pressed. 
    41 @publishedAll
    42 @released */
    43 enum TLogicalColor
    44 	{
    45 	// Windows
    46 	/** The colour of a window's background. */
    47 	EColorWindowBackground,
    48 	/** The colour of text in a window. */
    49 	EColorWindowText,
    50 	// Controls
    51 	/** The colour of the background contents of a control. */
    52 	EColorControlBackground,
    53 	/** The colour of the text inside a control. */
    54 	EColorControlText, 
    55 	/** The background colour of a control's border. */
    56 	EColorControlSurroundBackground,
    57 	/** The colour of text in a control's border. */
    58 	EColorControlSurroundText,
    59 	/** The colour of a control's background when highlighted for selection. */
    60 	EColorControlHighlightBackground, 
    61 	/** The colour of the text in a control when highlighted for selection. */
    62 	EColorControlHighlightText,
    63 	/** The colour of a control's background when dimmed. */
    64 	EColorControlDimmedBackground, 
    65 	/** The colour of the text in a control when dimmed. */
    66 	EColorControlDimmedText,
    67 	/** The colour of a control's background when dimmed and highlighted for selection. */
    68 	EColorControlDimmedHighlightBackground,
    69 	/** The colour of the text in a control when dimmed and highlighted for selection. */
    70 	EColorControlDimmedHighlightText,
    71 	// Dialogs
    72 	/** The colour of a dialog's background. */
    73 	EColorDialogBackground,
    74 	/** The colour of text inside a dialog. */
    75 	EColorDialogText,
    76 	/** A dialog title's background colour. */
    77 	EColorDialogTitle,
    78 	/** A dialog title's background colour when pressed. */
    79 	EColorDialogTitlePressed,
    80 	/** The text colour in a dialog's title. */
    81 	EColorDialogTitleText,
    82 	/** The text colour in a dialog's title when pressed. */
    83 	EColorDialogTitleTextPressed,
    84 	// Menus
    85 	/** The colour of the menubar's background. */
    86 	EColorMenubarBackground,
    87 	/** The colour of text in the menubar. */
    88 	EColorMenubarText,
    89 	/** The colour of the menubar title's background. */
    90 	EColorMenubarTitleBackground,
    91 	/** The colour of text in the menubar title. */
    92 	EColorMenubarTitleText,
    93 	/** The colour of the menu pane background. */
    94 	EColorMenuPaneBackground,
    95 	/** The colour of text in the menu pane. */
    96 	EColorMenuPaneText,
    97 	/** The colour of the menu pane background when highlighted for selection. */
    98 	EColorMenuPaneHighlight,
    99 	/** The colour of text in the menu pane when highlighted for selection. */
   100 	EColorMenuPaneTextHighlight,
   101 	/** The colour of the menu pane background when dimmed and highlighted. */
   102 	EColorMenuPaneDimmedHighlight,
   103 	/** The colour of text in the menu pane when dimmed. */
   104 	EColorMenuPaneDimmedText,
   105 	/** The colour of text in the menu pane when dimmed and highlighted for selection. */
   106 	EColorMenuPaneDimmedTextHighlight,
   107 	// Command buttons
   108 	/** The colour of the button background, when the button is in the unset state. */
   109 	EColorButtonFaceClear,
   110 	/** The colour of the button background when the button is in the set state. */
   111 	EColorButtonFaceSet,
   112 	/** The colour of the button background when the button is in the set state and 
   113 	is pressed. */
   114 	EColorButtonFaceSetPressed,
   115 	/** The colour of the button background when the button is in the unset state and 
   116 	is pressed. */
   117 	EColorButtonFaceClearPressed,
   118 	/** The colour of the button text. */
   119 	EColorButtonText,
   120 	/** The colour of the button text when the button is pressed. */
   121 	EColorButtonTextPressed,
   122 	/** The colour of the button text when the button is dimmed. */
   123 	EColorButtonTextDimmed,		
   124 	// Message windows
   125 	/** The colour of the message window foreground. */
   126 	EColorMsgWinForeground,
   127 	EColorMsgWinBackground,
   128 	// Scrollbars
   129 	/** The colour of the scroll bar border. */
   130 	EColorScrollBarBorder,
   131 	EColorScrollBarShaft,
   132 	/** The colour of the scroll bar shaft background when dimmed. */
   133 	EColorScrollBarShaftDimmed,
   134 	/** The colour of the scroll bar shaft background when pressed. */
   135 	EColorScrollBarShaftPressed,
   136 	/** The colour of the background for scroll bars with no thumb and no shaft. */
   137 	EColorScrollBarNoShaftOrThumb,
   138 	/** The colour of scroll bar buttons. */
   139 	EColorScrollButtonIcon,
   140 	/** The colour of scroll bar buttons when pressed. */
   141 	EColorScrollButtonIconPressed,
   142 	/** The colour of scroll bar buttons when dimmed. */
   143 	EColorScrollButtonIconDimmed,
   144 	/** The colour of a scroll bar thumb's background. */
   145 	EColorScrollButtonThumbBackground,
   146 	/** The colour of a scroll bar thumb's background when pressed. */
   147 	EColorScrollButtonThumbBackgroundPressed,
   148 	/** The colour of a scroll bar thumb's background when dimmed. */
   149 	EColorScrollThumbDimmed,
   150 	/** The colour of a scroll bar thumb's edge. */
   151 	EColorScrollThumbEdge,
   152 	// Toolbars
   153 	/** The colour of a toolbar's background. */
   154 	EColorToolbarBackground,
   155 	/** The colour of the text in a toolbar. */
   156 	EColorToolbarText,
   157 	// Status pane
   158 	/** The colour of a status pane's background. */
   159 	EColorStatusPaneBackground,
   160 	/** The colour of the text in a status pane. */
   161 	EColorStatusPaneText,
   162 	// Labels
   163 	/** The colour of the text in a label. */
   164 	EColorLabelText,
   165 	/** The colour of emphasised text in a label. */
   166 	EColorLabelTextEmphasis,
   167 	/** The colour of the text in a label when dimmed. */
   168 	EColorLabelDimmedText,
   169 	/** The colour of the label background when highlighted and dimmed. */
   170 	EColorLabelHighlightPartialEmphasis,
   171 	/** The colour of the label background when highlighted. */
   172 	EColorLabelHighlightFullEmphasis,
   173 	/** The number of logical colours */
   174 	EColorNumberOfLogicalColors
   175 	};
   177 class RReadStream;
   178 class RWriteStream;
   179 class CColorArray;
   181 // not available before Release 005
   183 class CColorList : public CBase
   184 /** A palette that maps logical colours (TLogicalColor) to physical (TRgb) values. It 
   185 also supports independent sections for applications: a section is identified by an 
   186 application UID, and the mappings are held as a colour array (CColorArray). 
   188 A colour list also supports mapping for both four-grey and 256-colour schemes; the 
   189 256-colour scheme will be used and will look good if the screen mode supports 16 or 
   190 more colours. Otherwise, the four-grey scheme will be used. 
   192 @publishedAll 
   193 @released */
   194 	{
   195 public:
   196 	IMPORT_C static CColorList* NewL(CArrayFix<TRgb>* aColors);
   197 	IMPORT_C ~CColorList();
   198 	// Accessors
   199 	IMPORT_C TRgb Color(TLogicalColor aColor) const;
   200 	IMPORT_C TInt Count() const;
   201 	IMPORT_C TRgb Color(TUid aApp,TInt aColor) const;
   202 	IMPORT_C CColorArray* ColorArray(TUid aApp) const;
   203 	IMPORT_C TBool ContainsColorArray(TUid aApp) const;
   204 	// Manipulators
   205 	IMPORT_C void SetColor(TLogicalColor aLogicalColor,TRgb aColor);
   206 	IMPORT_C void AddColorArrayL(TUid aApp,CColorArray* aArray); // takes ownership
   207 	IMPORT_C void DeleteColorArray(TUid aApp);
   208 public:
   209 	IMPORT_C static CColorList* NewLC();
   210 	IMPORT_C void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
   211 	IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
   212 	IMPORT_C void MergeL(const CColorList& aList);
   213 private:
   214 	CColorList(CArrayFix<TRgb>* aColors);
   215 	TInt Find(TUid aApp) const;
   216 private:
   217 	class TAppColorList
   218 		{
   219 	public:
   220 		inline TAppColorList(TUid aApp,CColorArray* aColorArray);
   221 	public:
   222 		TUid iApp;
   223 		CColorArray* iColorArray;
   224 		};
   225 private:
   226 	CArrayFix<TRgb>* iEikColors;
   227 	CArrayFix<TAppColorList>* iAppColors;
   228 	};
   230 // not available before Release 005
   232 class CColorArray : public CBase
   233 /** A dynamic array of mappings between logical and physical colours (TRgb values).
   235 @publishedAll 
   236 @released */
   237 	{
   238 public:
   239 	IMPORT_C static CColorArray* NewL();
   240 	IMPORT_C static CColorArray* NewLC();
   241 	IMPORT_C ~CColorArray();
   242 	IMPORT_C TRgb Color(TInt aLogicalColor) const;
   243 	IMPORT_C void SetColor(TInt aLogicalColor,TRgb aColor);
   244 	IMPORT_C TBool Contains(TInt aLogicalColor) const;
   245 	IMPORT_C TInt Count() const;
   246 	IMPORT_C void Reset();
   247 	IMPORT_C void AddL(TInt aLogicalColor,TRgb aColor);
   248 	IMPORT_C void Remove(TInt aLogicalColor);
   249 public:
   250 	static CColorArray* NewLC(const CColorArray& aArray);
   251 public:
   252 	void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
   253 	void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
   254 private:
   255 	CColorArray();
   256 	void ConstructL();
   257 	TInt Find(TInt aLogicalColor) const;
   258 private:
   259 	class TColor
   260 		{
   261 	public:
   262 		inline TColor();
   263 		inline TColor(TRgb aColor,TInt aLogicalColor);
   264 	public:
   265 		void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
   266 		void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
   267 	public:
   268 		TRgb iColor;
   269 		TInt iLogicalColor;
   270 		};
   271 	CArrayFixFlat<TColor> iColors;
   272 	};
   274 #endif