author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 2 2fe1408b6811
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  CPosLandmarkEncoder class
    15 *
    16 */
    22 #include <e32base.h>
    23 #include "EPos_Landmarks.h"
    24 #include "EPos_CPosLandmark.h"
    25 #include "EPos_CPosLandmarkCategory.h"
    26 #include "EPos_CPosLmOperation.h"
    28 class CPosLandmarkEncoderExtension;
    30 /**
    31 *  Class used for encoding landmark content.
    32 *
    33 *  When creating an instance of this class, the type (e.g. the mime type) of
    34 *  the landmark content must be specified. The client will then receive an
    35 *  encoder implementation which understands the requested landmark content.
    36 *
    37 *  Output is written either to a buffer or to a file.
    38 *
    39 *  The basic protocol for encoding is to 
    40 *  -# define where to write the output to by calling @ref SetUseOutputBufferL or 
    41 *  @ref SetOutputFileL, 
    42 *  -# optionally add collection data using @ref AddCollectionDataL,
    43 *  -# add landmark data to encode by using functions in @ref CPosLandmarkEncoder
    44 *  and/or @ref CPosLandmarkDatabase::ExportLandmarksL 
    45 *  -# finalize the encoding by calling @ref FinalizeEncodingL. 
    46 *
    47 *  If this protocol is not followed
    48 *  the client is panicked with error code @p EPosLmProtocolBreak. Encoding can
    49 *  be performed multiple times using the same encoder object.
    50 *
    51 *  If @ref CPosLandmarkEncoder is used, the client must call the global
    52 *  function @ref ReleaseLandmarkResources before terminating, in order to
    53 *  release all used landmark resources, otherwise the client may receive
    54 *  an ALLOC panic.
    55 *
    56 *  @lib eposlandmarks.lib
    57 *  @since S60 3.0
    58 */
    59 class CPosLandmarkEncoder : public CBase
    60     {
    61     public:
    63         /**
    64         * Two-phased constructor.
    65         *
    66         * The client must specify the type (e.g. the MIME type) of the content
    67         * format which should be used for encoding.
    68         *
    69         * @param[in] The MIME type of the encode format.
    70         * @return A new instance of this class.
    71         *
    72         * @leave KErrNotSupported Content format is not supported.
    73         */
    74         IMPORT_C static CPosLandmarkEncoder* NewL( const TDesC8& aContentMimeType );
    76         /**
    77         * Destructor.
    78         */
    79         IMPORT_C virtual ~CPosLandmarkEncoder();
    81     public:
    83         /**
    84         * Encode to a buffer.
    85         *
    86         * This function returns a dynamic buffer which will be filled with
    87         * encoded landmark content. The client takes ownership of the buffer.
    88         *
    89         * The client must not delete the buffer until encoding is finalized.
    90         *
    91         * @return The output buffer.
    92         */
    93         virtual CBufBase* SetUseOutputBufferL() = 0;
    95         /**
    96         * Encode to a file.
    97         *
    98         * The client specifies an output file for the encoder. The encoder
    99         * will then write all encoded data to this file.
   100         *
   101         * The file will be opened in exclusive mode which means that the file
   102         * cannot be accessed until the file is closed. The file is closed when
   103         * @ref FinalizeEncodingL has been executed. The file is also closed
   104         * if a new encoding is initialized by a call to
   105         * @ref SetUseOutputBufferL or @ref SetOutputFileL. After this, further
   106         * encoding to the old file is not possible.
   107         *
   108         * @param[in] aOutputFile The file name to write the encoded data to.
   109         *
   110         * @leave KErrAlreadyExists Specified file already exists.
   111         */
   112         virtual void SetOutputFileL( const TDesC& aOutputFile ) = 0;
   114         /**
   115         * Add landmark collection data to be encoded.
   116         *
   117         * @pre Output buffer or file is specified.
   118         *
   119         * Landmark collection data is generic information about the landmark
   120         * collection. It can for instance contain a name for the landmark
   121         * collection. Predefined collection attributes are defined by
   122         * @ref TPosLmCollectionDataId enumeration but also format specific
   123         * collection meta data can be defined.
   124         *
   125         * Collection data must be added before any landmarks are added.
   126         * Each collection ID can only be specified once.
   127         *
   128         * If the collection data is not a part of the chosen landmark encoding
   129         * format, it will be silently ignored.
   130         *
   131         * @param[in] aDataId Identifies which collection data to add.
   132         * @param[in] aCollectionData The collection data which should be added.
   133         *
   134         * @leave KErrAlreadyExists Collection data ID is specified twice.
   135         *
   136         * @panic "Landmarks Client"-EPosLmProtocolBreak 
   137         *   -# Output buffer or file not specified. 
   138         *   -# Collection data is added after some landmarks are added. 
   139         * @panic "Landmarks Client"-EPosLmInvalidArgument @p EPosLmCollDataNone is 
   140         *   specified as collection data ID.
   141         */
   142         virtual void AddCollectionDataL(
   143             TPosLmCollectionDataId aDataId,
   144             const TDesC& aCollectionData
   145         ) = 0;
   147         /**
   148         * Add a landmark to be encoded.
   149         *
   150         * @pre Output buffer or file is specified.
   151         *
   152         * If the landmark contains any categories, those categories may be
   153         * added by calling @ref AddCategoryForLatestLandmarkL.
   154         *
   155         * The client can either call this function directly or pass this encoder
   156         * object to @ref CPosLandmarkDatabase::ExportLandmarksL.
   157         *
   158         * @param[in] aLandmark The landmark to add.
   159         *
   160         * @panic "Landmarks Client"-EPosLmProtocolBreak Output buffer or file not specified. 
   161         */
   162         virtual void AddLandmarkL( const CPosLandmark& aLandmark ) = 0;
   164         /**
   165         * Add a landmark category for the most recently added landmark.
   166         *
   167         * @pre Output buffer or file is specified.
   168         *
   169         * The landmark category is added to the landmark which was most
   170         * recently added using @ref AddLandmarkL.
   171         *
   172         * The client can either call this function directly or pass this
   173         * encoder object to @ref CPosLandmarkDatabase::ExportLandmarksL.
   174         *
   175         * @param[in] aCategory The landmark category to add.
   176         *
   177         * @panic "Landmarks Client"-EPosLmProtocolBreak 
   178         *   -# Output buffer or file not specified. 
   179         *   -# No landmarks have been added yet.
   180         */
   181         virtual void AddCategoryForLatestLandmarkL(
   182             const CPosLandmarkCategory& aCategory
   183         ) = 0;
   185         /**
   186         * Finalize the encode process.
   187         *
   188         * Writes any buffered data to the output buffer/file. If an output
   189         * buffer is used it is compressed so that unused memory is freed. If an
   190         * output file is used, it is closed.
   191         *
   192         * After finalizing, further encoding to the specified output is not
   193         * possible. To start a new encoding, @ref SetUseOutputBufferL or
   194         * @ref SetOutputFileL must be called.
   195         *
   196         * The function returns an operation object which can be run in
   197         * incremental mode. If it is run incrementally the client can supervise
   198         * the progress of the operation.
   199         *
   200         * The client takes ownership of the returned operation object.
   201         *
   202         * If the @ref CPosLmOperation object is deleted before the operation
   203         * is complete, finalize is cancelled. Further encoding will not be
   204         * possible.
   205         *
   206         * @return A handle to the operation.
   207         */
   208         virtual CPosLmOperation* FinalizeEncodingL() = 0;
   210     protected:
   212         // C++ constructor.
   213         IMPORT_C CPosLandmarkEncoder();
   215     private:
   217         // Prohibit copy constructor
   218         CPosLandmarkEncoder( const CPosLandmarkEncoder& );
   219         // Prohibit assigment operator
   220         CPosLandmarkEncoder& operator= ( const CPosLandmarkEncoder& );
   222     private:
   223         CPosLandmarkEncoderExtension* iExtension;
   225         // Implementation Uid
   226         TUid iDtorIdKey;
   227     };
   229 #endif      // CPOSLANDMARKENCODER_H