author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 2 2fe1408b6811
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 1997-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #if !defined(__EIKSCRLB_H__)
    20 #define __EIKSCRLB_H__
    22 #if !defined(__EIKBCTRL_H__)
    23 #include <eikbctrl.h>
    24 #endif
    26 #if !defined(__EIKSBOBS_H__)
    27 #include <eiksbobs.h>
    28 #endif
    30 #if !defined(__AKNSCBUT_H__)
    31 #include <aknscbut.h>
    32 #endif
    34 #include <lafpublc.h>
    36 class CEikCba;
    37 class CAknDoubleSpanScrollIndicator;
    38 class CEikScrollBarExtensionImpl;
    39 class CEikScrollBarExtension;
    40 class CAknDoubleSpanScrollBarExtension;
    42 const TInt KEikScrollEventFromVBar=0;
    43 const TInt KEikScrollEventFromHBar=0x01;
    44 const TInt KEikScrollEventBarMask=0x01;
    46 // sets all bits in EButtonsXxx range
    47 const TInt KButtonPositionMask=KLafScrollBarButtonPositionMask; 
    49 // sets all bits in determining which components exist
    50 const TInt KDisplayComponentsMask=0x1f; 
    53 /**
    54  * Scroll bar models encapsulate the range of integers which a scroll bar can 
    55  * represent, from zero to n, and the current position of the scroll bar thumb
    56  * within that range.
    57  *
    58  * Supported from Symbian 5.0.
    59  */
    60 class TEikScrollBarModel
    61     {
    63 public:
    65     /**
    66      * C++ default constructor. Creates, allocates and initialises a new @c 
    67      * TEikScrollBarModel.
    68      */
    69     inline TEikScrollBarModel();
    71     /**
    72      * Constructor. Creates, allocates and initialises a new @c 
    73      * TEikScrollBarModel.
    74      *
    75      * @param aScrollSpan The span of this model, numbered from zero.
    76      * @param aThumbSpan Number of positions spanned by the thumb.In default
    77      *        this is zero.
    78      * @param aThumbPosition Position of the thumb within the model span. In
    79      *        default this is zero.
    80      */	
    81     IMPORT_C TEikScrollBarModel(TInt aScrollSpan,
    82                                 TInt aThumbSpan=0,
    83                                 TInt aThumbPosition=0);
    85     /**
    86      * Tests two models for equality. The two models are the current model and
    87      * the model specified by @c aModel.
    88      *
    89      * @param The model against which the current model is tested. 
    90      *
    91      * @return @c ETrue if the two models are equal.
    92      */	
    93     IMPORT_C TBool operator==(const TEikScrollBarModel aModel) const;
    95     /**
    96      * Tests two models for inequality. The two models are the current model 
    97      * and the model specified by @c aModel.
    98      *
    99      * @param The model against which the current model is tested. 
   100      * @return @c ETrue if the two models are not equal.
   101      */	
   102     inline TBool operator!=(const TEikScrollBarModel aModel) const; 
   104 public:
   106     /** 
   107      * Tests whether the scroll bar model is useful. Scroll bar models are only
   108      * useful if their thumb span is smaller than their entire span.
   109      *
   110      * @return Whether this scroll bar can be used.
   111      */
   112     IMPORT_C TBool ScrollBarUseful() const;
   114     /**
   115      * Gets the maximum position possible for the low edge of the thumb within
   116      * the total span.
   117      *
   118      * @return Maximum value possible for @c iThumbPosition.
   119      */
   120     IMPORT_C TInt MaxThumbPos() const;
   122     /**
   123      * Ensures that the thumb position remains within its valid range by
   124      * altering it if necessary.
   125      */
   126     IMPORT_C void CheckBounds();
   128     /** 
   129      * Type of scroll bar model. The different models store the scrolling
   130      * information in different way, so correct model must be used with correct
   131      * scrollbar type.
   132      */
   133     enum TEikScrollBarModelType
   134         {
   136         /** This model type is for storing data for the arrowhead scrollbar. */
   137         EEikScrollBarModel               = 0x00000000,
   139         /** This model type is for storing data for the spanned scrollbar. */
   140         EAknDoubleSpanScrollBarModel     = 0x80000000
   141         };        
   143     /**
   144      * Gets type of scroll bar model which is one of the enum values from @c 
   145      * TEikScrollBarModelType enum.
   146      */
   147     TEikScrollBarModel::TEikScrollBarModelType ScrollBarModelType() const;
   149 public:
   151     /** Entire range of integers for this model. */
   152     TInt iScrollSpan;
   154     /** Range spanned by the thumb. */
   155     TInt iThumbSpan;
   157     /** Position of the low edge of the thumb within 0...@c iScrollSpan. */
   158     TInt iThumbPosition;            
   159     };
   161 inline TEikScrollBarModel::TEikScrollBarModel() {}
   162 inline TBool TEikScrollBarModel::operator!=(const TEikScrollBarModel aModel) const { return !(*this==aModel); }
   165 //
   166 // TAknDoubleSpanScrollBarModel class
   167 //
   168 // This class is binary compatible with TEikScrollBarModel and can
   169 // be used in places where TEikScrollBarModel is used but few restrictions exist:
   170 //
   171 // - Base class (TEikScrollBarModel) public members must NOT be accessed directly.
   172 // - Base class (TEikScrollBarModel) public methods must NOT be called.
   173 //
   174 // If this model is not supported by the scrollbar system, then values are stored
   175 // as in the base class for compatibility resons. See ModelIsSupported()-method 
   176 // documentation for more information.
   177 //
   178 class TAknDoubleSpanScrollBarModel : public TEikScrollBarModel
   179 	{
   181 public:
   183    /**
   184     * Default constructor.
   185     */
   186     IMPORT_C TAknDoubleSpanScrollBarModel();
   188    /**
   189     * Constructor which converts TEikScrollBarModel into TAknDoubleSpanScrollBarModel.
   190     *
   191     * @since    2.6
   192     * @param    aEikModel a model that will be converted.
   193     * 
   194     * Allowed range for TEikScrollBarModel values is from 0x1FFF7FFF to -0x1FFF7FFF. 
   195     * Values outside the allowed range will be truncated to max or min value. 
   196     * Value will be internally  stored with 15 bit accuracy, this means 
   197     * that the actual stored value may differ from the value given as parameter.
   198     * 
   199     * Values will be converted as:
   200     * 
   201     * TEikScrollBarModel        TAknDoubleSpanScrollBarModel
   202     * ------------------        ----------------------------
   203     * iScrollSpan          ->    ScrollSpan
   204     * iThumbPosition       ->    FocusPosition
   205     * iThumbSpan           ->    WindowSize
   206     * 0                    ->    FieldPosition            
   207     * 0                    ->    FieldSize
   208     *
   209     *
   210     * Values will be internally  stored with 15 bit accuracy, this means that the 
   211     * actual stored value may differ from the value given inside parameter.
   212     *
   213     */
   214     IMPORT_C TAknDoubleSpanScrollBarModel(const TEikScrollBarModel& aEikModel);
   217    /**
   218     *  Set methods for model attributes. These MUST be used instead of setting
   219     *  base class model values directly.
   220     *
   221     *  @since    2.6
   222     *  @param    aValue Value to be stored. Allowed range 0x1FFF7FFF to -0x1FFF7FFF. 
   223     *                   Value outside the allowed range will be truncated to max
   224     *                   or min value. Value will be internally  stored with 
   225     *                   15 bit accuracy, this means that the actual stored value
   226     *                   may differ from the value given as parameter.
   227     *
   228     *                   This inaccuracy means that e.g. following can happen:
   229     *                       TInt value1 = 23456789;                   
   230     *                       TInt value2 = 0;                   
   231     *
   232     *                       model.SetScrollSpan(value1);
   233     *                       value2 = model.ScrollSpan();
   234     *                       if (value1 != value2)
   235     *                           {
   236     *                           // we can end up here !!!!  
   237     *                           }
   238     *
   239     */
   240     IMPORT_C void SetScrollSpan(TInt aValue);    // Size of the scrolled list. 
   241     IMPORT_C void SetFocusPosition(TInt aValue); // Position of the current field in the list.
   242     IMPORT_C void SetWindowSize(TInt aValue);    // Size of the visible part of the list. 
   243     IMPORT_C void SetFieldSize(TInt aValue);     // Size of the current field. (Optional double span)
   244     IMPORT_C void SetFieldPosition(TInt aValue); // Position inside the current field. (Optional double span)  
   247    /**
   248     *  Get methods for model attributes. These MUST be used instead of getting
   249     *  base class model values directly.
   250     *
   251     * @since    2.6
   252     * @return   Values from range 0x1FFF7FFF to -0x1FFF7FFF. 
   253     *           Values are internally  stored with 15 bit accuracy, this means that 
   254     *           the returned value may differ from the value which was set using the
   255     *           corresponding set method. Difference can be about 0x3FFF in the high
   256     *           end of the range.
   257     *
   258     */
   259     IMPORT_C TInt ScrollSpan() const;    // Size of the scrolled list.
   260     IMPORT_C TInt FocusPosition() const; // Position of the current field in the list.
   261     IMPORT_C TInt WindowSize() const;    // Size of the visible part of the list. 
   262     IMPORT_C TInt FieldSize() const;     // Size of the current field. (Optional double span)
   263     IMPORT_C TInt FieldPosition() const; // Position inside the current field. (Optional double span)
   266    /**
   267     * This method can be used to query if this model type is supported by the device. If model 
   268     * is not supported then this model and the behaviour of ALL methods defaults to TEikScrollBarModel 
   269     * behaviour with following rules:
   270     *
   271     * TAknDoubleSpanScrollBarModel              TEikScrollBarModel
   272     * ----------------------------              ------------------  
   273     * ScrollSpan methods                ->      iScrollSpan
   274     * FocusPosition methods             ->      iThumbPosition
   275     * WindowSize methods                ->      iThumbSize
   276     * FieldPosition methods             ->      N/A
   277     * FieldSize methods                 ->      N/A
   278     *
   279     * @since    2.6
   280     * @return   ETrue if this model is supported by the devices scrollbar system. Otherwise EFalse is
   281     *           returned.
   282     *
   283     */
   284     static TBool ModelIsSupported();
   286 private:   
   287    /**
   288     * Gets the internal scale value. 
   289     *
   290     * @since    2.6
   291     * @return   Internal scaling value.
   292     *
   293     */
   294     TUint16 Scale() const;
   296    /**
   297     * Sets the internal scale value. 
   298     *
   299     * @since    2.6
   300     * @param    aScale  New internal scaling value.
   301     *
   302     */
   303     void SetScale(TUint16 aScale);    
   305 private:   
   306    /**
   307     *  Get methods for model attributes values without scaling.
   308     *
   309     *  @since    2.6
   310     *  @return   Stored value without scaling. 
   311     *
   312     */
   313     TInt16 ScrollSpanValue() const;
   314     TInt16 FocusPositionValue() const;
   315     TInt16 FieldPositionValue() const;
   316     TInt16 FieldSizeValue() const;
   317     TInt16 WindowSizeValue() const;
   319    /**
   320     *  Set methods for model attributes values without scaling.
   321     *
   322     *  @since    2.6
   323     *  @param    aValue Value without scaling to be stored. 
   324     *
   325     */
   326     void SetScrollSpanValue(TInt16 aValue);
   327     void SetFocusPositionValue(TInt16 aValue);
   328     void SetFieldPositionValue(TInt16 aValue);
   329     void SetFieldSizeValue(TInt16 aValue);
   330     void SetWindowSizeValue(TInt16 aValue);
   332    /**
   333     *  Gets two lowest bytes from TInt and constructs TInt16 from those.
   334     *
   335     *  @since    2.6
   336     *  @param    aInt  Value from which the lowest bytes are extracted.     
   337     *  @return   TInt16 constructed from two lowest bytes.
   338     */
   339     TInt16 LowBytes(TInt aInt) const;
   341    /**
   342     *  Gets two highest bytes from TInt and constructs TInt16 from those.
   343     *
   344     *  @since    2.6
   345     *  @param    aInt  Value from which the highest bytes are extracted.     
   346     *  @return   TInt16 constructed from two highest bytes.
   347     */    
   348     TInt16 HighBytes(TInt aInt) const;
   351    /**
   352     *  Sets two lowest bytes of TInt.
   353     *
   354     *  @since    2.6
   355     *  @param    aInt    TInt of which the lowest bytes are set.     
   356     *  @param    aValue  Value for the lowest bytes.     
   357     */    
   358     void SetLowBytes(TInt& aInt, TInt16 aValue);
   360    /**
   361     *  Sets two highest bytes of TInt.
   362     *
   363     *  @since    2.6
   364     *  @param    aInt    TInt of which the highest bytes are set.     
   365     *  @param    aValue  Value for the highest bytes.     
   366     */        
   367     void SetHighBytes(TInt& aInt, TInt16 aValue);
   370    /**
   371     *  Constructs a scaled TInt16 value from given TInt value. Changes
   372     *  internal member variable values using ReScale()-method if needed.
   373     *
   374     *  @since    2.6
   375     *  @param    aNonScaledValue    Value which will be changed to scaled one.
   376     *  @return   Scaled value.
   377     */        
   378     TInt16 PrepareScaledValue(TInt aNonScaledValue);
   380    /**
   381     *  Changes the used scale value and updates all stored attribute values
   382     *  if needed.
   383     *
   384     *  @since    2.6
   385     *  @param    aNewScale    New value to be used scaling.
   386     *
   387     */        
   388     void ReScale(TUint16 aNewScale);
   390    /**
   391     *  Sets the scrollbar type.
   392     *
   393     *  @since    2.6
   394     *  @param    aModelType    Scrollbar type. Supported types are 
   395     *                          EEikScrollBarModel and EAknDoubleSpanScrollBarModel.
   396     *
   397     */        
   398     void SetScrollBarModelType(TEikScrollBarModelType aModelType);
   400    /**
   401     *  Checks if given parameter is between internal min and max values.
   402     *
   403     *  @since    2.6
   404     *  @param    aValue        Value to be checked.
   405     *  @return                 Checked value which will be between internal min 
   406     *                          and max values. 
   407     *
   408     */        
   409     TInt CheckMinMaxValue(TInt aValue);
   410     };
   413 //
   414 // CEikScrollBar
   415 //
   417 class CEikScrollThumb;
   418 class CEikScrollBarFrame;
   420 /**
   421  * The CEikScrollBar class implements a scroll bar. Scroll bars are used when
   422  * the contents of a view require a greater area than can be physically 
   423  * displayed. Scroll bars allow a user to move different parts of the content
   424  * into the view and to indicate what proportion of the total contents are 
   425  * visible at any one time.
   426  */
   427 class CEikScrollBar : public CEikBorderedControl, public MCoeControlObserver
   428 	{
   429 friend class CEikScrollBarExtension;
   430 friend class CAknDoubleSpanScrollBarExtension;
   432 public:
   434     /** Scroll bar orientation. */
   435     enum TOrientation
   436         {
   437         /** Scroll bar is oriented vertically. */
   438         EVertical = SLafScrollBar::EVertical,
   440         /** Scroll bar is oriented horizontally. */
   441         EHorizontal = SLafScrollBar::EHorizontal
   442         };
   444     /** Type of the scroll bar.*/	
   445     enum TScrollBarType
   446         {
   447         /** Normal scrollbar. */		
   448         ENormalScrollBar =0x0,
   450         /** Used scrollbar type is an old one. (arrows in the CBA-area) */		
   451         EArrowHead =0x200,
   453         /** 
   454          * The created scrollbar is the current and commonly used in Series 60
   455          * platform, spanned scrollbar. (scrollable bar on the right side of
   456          *  the control, like in windows etc.).
   457          */		
   458         EDoubleSpan =0x400
   459         };
   461     /** 
   462      * Scroll bar initialisation flags. The default is for the scroll bar
   463      * to have both a shaft and a thumb. 
   464      */	
   465     enum TEikScrollBarFlags
   466     	{
   467     	/**  */	
   468     	EEikScrollBarDefaultBehaviour = 
   469     	    SLafScrollBar::EEikScrollBarDefaultBehaviour,
   471     	/** Does not display nudge buttons.*/	
   472     	EEikScrollBarNoNudgeButtons =
   473     	    SLafScrollBar::EEikScrollBarNoNudgeButtons,
   475     	/** Has buttons which move it a page at a time. */	
   476     	EEikScrollBarHasPageButtons =
   477     	    SLafScrollBar::EEikScrollBarHasPageButtons,	
   479     	/** Has buttons which move it its entire extent. */	
   480     	EEikScrollBarHasHomeEndButtons =
   481     	    SLafScrollBar::EEikScrollBarHasHomeEndButtons,
   483     	/** Central area is empty. */	
   484     	EEikScrollBarNoShaftOrThumb =
   485     	    SLafScrollBar::EEikScrollBarNoShaftOrThumb,	
   487     	/** Central area has no scroll thumb. */	
   488     	EEikScrollBarShaftButNoThumb =
   489     	    SLafScrollBar::EEikScrollBarShaftButNoThumb,	
   491     	/** Buttons are placed at the start of the bar. */	
   492     	EButtonsAtStartOfShaft =
   493     	    SLafScrollBar::EButtonsAtStartOfShaft,	
   495     	/** Buttons are placed at the end of the bar. */	
   496     	EButtonsAtEndOfShaft =
   497     	    SLafScrollBar::EButtonsAtEndOfShaft,			
   499     	/** 
   500     	 * Buttons are placed at either end of the bar @c
   501     	 * (EButtonsAtStartOfShaft | @c EButtonsAtEndOfShaft).
   502     	 */	
   503     	EButtonsEitherSideOfShaft =
   504     	    SLafScrollBar::EButtonsEitherSideOfShaft,
   506     	/** 
   507     	 * Buttons do not automatically dim when scroll bar is at its maximum
   508     	 * extent.
   509     	 */	
   510     	ENoAutoDimming =
   511     	    SLafScrollBar::ENoAutoDimming,
   513     	/** Enable the nudge buttons. */
   514     	EEnableNudgeButtons = 0x0200,
   516     	/** Disable the expanded touch area. */
   517     	EDisableExpandedTouchArea = 0x0400
   518     	};
   520     /** Type of the scroll extension area.*/
   521      enum TScrollBarExtensionAreaType
   522         {
   523         /** Normal scrollbar extension area. */
   524         ENormalExpandedTouchArea,
   526         /** Scale scrollbar extension area. */
   527         EScaleExpandedTouchArea,
   529         /** none scrollbar extension area. */
   530         ENoExpandedTouchArea
   531         };
   533     typedef TEikScrollBarFlags TAknScrollBarFlags;
   535 public:
   537     /**
   538      * Destructor.
   539      */
   540     IMPORT_C ~CEikScrollBar();
   542     /**
   543      * C++ default constructor.
   544      */	
   545     IMPORT_C CEikScrollBar();
   547 public:
   549     /** 
   550      * Second phase constructor of the scroll bar. 
   551      *
   552      * @param aScrollBarObserver The scroll bar observer which is to be 
   553      *        informed of scroll events by this scroll bar. 
   554      * @param aParent Parent control for this new scroll bar. 
   555      * @param aOrientation Orientation of the new scroll bar. 
   556      * @param aLength Not used. 
   557      * @param aScrollBarFlags Not used. 
   558      */
   559     IMPORT_C virtual void ConstructL(
   560                 MEikScrollBarObserver* aScrollBarObserver,
   561                 const CCoeControl* aParent,
   562                 TOrientation aOrientation,
   563                 TInt aLength,
   564                 TInt aScrollBarFlags=EEikScrollBarDefaultBehaviour);
   566     /** 
   567      * Not implemented.
   568      * 
   569      * @param aLength Not used.
   570      */
   571     IMPORT_C void SetLengthL(TInt aLength);
   573     /** 
   574      * Change the scrollbar model.
   575      * 
   576      * @param aModel The new model to use.
   577      */
   578     IMPORT_C void SetModelL(const TEikScrollBarModel* aModel);
   580     /** 
   581      * Change the scrollbar model.
   582      * 
   583      * @param aModel The new model to use.
   584      */
   585     IMPORT_C void SetModel(const TEikScrollBarModel* aModel);
   587     /** 
   588      * Change the model at once to avoid a double update of the scroll bar.
   589      * 
   590      * @param aLength Not used. 
   591      * @param aModel New scroll bar model.
   592      */
   593     IMPORT_C void SetLengthAndModelL(TInt aLength,
   594                                      const TEikScrollBarModel* aModel);
   596     /** 
   597      * Not implemented.
   598      * 
   599      * @param aThumbPos Not used.
   600      */
   601     IMPORT_C void SetModelThumbPosition(TInt aThumbPos);
   603     /** 
   604      * Not implemented.
   605      * 
   606      * @param aFocusPosition Not used.
   607      */
   608     IMPORT_C void SetFocusPosToThumbPos(TInt aFocusPosition);
   610     /** 
   611      * Gets the default width of the scroll bar.
   612      * 
   613      * @return Default scroll bar breadth.
   614      */
   615     IMPORT_C static TInt DefaultScrollBarBreadth();
   617     /**
   618      * Allows scroll bar observer to be changed also after the construction. 
   619      * This function is not exported, but the applications can use it via
   620      * @c CEikScrollBarFrame::SetScrollBarFrameObserver function.
   621      *
   622      * @param aScrollBarObserver New observer replacing the previous (if any).
   623      */
   624     void SetScrollBarObserver(MEikScrollBarObserver* aScrollBarObserver);
   626     /**
   627      * Gets the scroll bar model used by this scroll bar.
   628      */
   629     inline const TEikScrollBarModel* Model() const;
   631     /** 
   632      * Gets the position within the scroll bar model. This function would
   633      * normally be called by an @c MEikScrollBarObserver implementation in 
   634      * response to a scroll bar event.
   635      * 
   636      * @return Current position within the scroll bar model’s range.
   637      */
   638     IMPORT_C TInt ThumbPosition() const;
   640     /** 
   641      * Gets the height of a horizontal scrollbar or width of a vertical 
   642      * scrollbar.
   643      * 
   644      * @return Scroll bar breadth.
   645      */
   646     IMPORT_C TInt ScrollBarBreadth() const;
   648     /** 
   649      * Not implemented.
   650      * 
   651      * @param aScrollBarFlags Not used.
   652      *
   653      * @return Zero.
   654      */
   655     IMPORT_C static TInt MinVisibleLength(const TInt aScrollBarFlags);
   657     /** 
   658      * Not implemented.
   659      * 
   660      * @param aDimmed Not used.
   661      */
   662     IMPORT_C void SetDecreaseButtonsDimmed(TBool aDimmed);
   664     /** 
   665      * Not implemented.
   666      * 
   667      * @param aDimmed Not used.
   668      */
   669     IMPORT_C void SetIncreaseButtonsDimmed(TBool aDimmed);
   671     /** 
   672      * Not implemented.
   673      * 
   674      * @param aDimmed Not used.
   675      */
   676     IMPORT_C void SetAllButtonsDimmed(TBool aDimmed);
   678     /** 
   679      * Gets handle to the controls that draw arrows in the both ends of spanned
   680      * scrollbar. These arrows are for pen support to enable exact moving of
   681      * the scrollbar with pen. The arrow is tapped with the pen to move the
   682      * scrollbar with one step.
   683      *
   684      * @return Pointer to the increace button.
   685      */
   686     inline CAknScrollButton* IncreaseNudgeButton() const;
   688     /** 
   689      * Gets handle to the controls that draw arrows in the both ends of spanned
   690      * scrollbar. These arrows are for pen support to enable exact moving of
   691      * the scrollbar with pen. The arrow is tapped with the pen to move the
   692      * scrollbar with one step.
   693      *
   694      * @return Pointer to the decreace button.
   695      */
   696     inline CAknScrollButton* DecreaseNudgeButton() const;
   698     // This function should only be used by CEikCba
   699     /** 
   700      * Sets command button area. This function should only be used by @c 
   701      * CEikCba.
   702      * 
   703      * @param aCba Command button area.
   704      * @panic EEikPanicScrollBarExtensionNotCreated Extension of 
   705      *        the scroll bar not created.
   706      */
   707     IMPORT_C void SetContainingCba(CEikCba* aCba);
   709     /** 
   710      * From @c CCoeControl.
   711      *
   712      * Sets this control as visible or invisible.
   713      * 
   714      * If @c MakeVisible() is used to make a component visible, and the control
   715      * captures the pointer (see @c CapturesPointer()), @c MakeVisible() throws
   716      * away any pending pointer events for that control.
   717      * 
   718      * @param aVisible @c ETrue to make the control visible, @c EFalse to make 
   719      *        it invisible.
   720      */
   721     IMPORT_C void MakeVisible(TBool aVisible);
   723     // 
   724     /** 
   725      * From @c CCoeControl
   726      *
   727      * Called by the framework to handle pointer events. 
   728      * 
   729      * @param aPointerEvent A pointer event.
   730      */
   731     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);
   733     /**
   734      * Not implemented.
   735      *
   736      * @param aType The extension area to use.
   737      */
   739     IMPORT_C void SetExtensionAreaType(TScrollBarExtensionAreaType aType);
   740 protected:      
   742     /** 
   743      * From @c CCoeControl
   744      *
   745      * Gets the specified scrollbar component. Each component control is 
   746      * identified by an index, where the index depends on the order the 
   747      * controls were added: the first is given an index of 0, the next an index
   748      * of 1.
   749      * 
   750      * @param aIndex The index of the control to get.
   751      *
   752      * @return The component control with an index of aIndex.
   753      */
   754     IMPORT_C CCoeControl* ComponentControl(TInt aIndex) const;
   756     /** 
   757      * From @cCCoeControl.
   758      *
   759      * Gets the number of controls contained in this scrollbar.
   760      * 
   761      * @return The number of component controls contained by this scrollbar.
   762      */
   763     IMPORT_C TInt CountComponentControls() const;
   765 private: // from MCoeControlObserver
   766     IMPORT_C virtual void HandleControlEventL(CCoeControl* aControl, 
   767                                               TCoeEvent aEventType);
   768 private: // virtual - reserved from CCoeControl
   769     IMPORT_C virtual void Reserved_2();
   770 private:
   771     /**
   772     * From CAknControl
   773     */
   774     IMPORT_C void* ExtensionInterface( TUid aInterface );
   776 protected:
   778     /**
   779      * The scroll bar frame is a control assemblage manager that relates a 
   780      * control, or control body, to two scroll bars and a corner window. A 
   781      * corner window is that part of the screen that is common to both the 
   782      * horizontal, and the vertical elements of a scroll bar.
   783      *
   784      * This class helps with access to, and set up of, scroll bars and also
   785      * with the layout of the scrolled control or control body. A scroll bar
   786      * frame is not a control, but it does implement the standard control 
   787      * composite pattern to manage the assemblage.
   788      */
   789     friend class CEikScrollBarFrame;
   791     // enums
   792     /** 
   793      * Flags to determine whether there are visible components and whether to
   794      * dim the increase, or decrease, buttons.
   795      */
   796     enum TPrivateScrollBarFlags
   797         {
   799         /** There are no visible components in the scroll bar. */
   800         ENoComponentsToDisplay          =0x10000,
   802         /** Dim the increase buttons. */
   803         EIncreaseButtonsDimmed          =0x20000,
   805         /** Dim the decrease buttons. */
   806         EDecreaseButtonsDimmed          =0x40000
   807         };
   809     /** Determines where on a scroll bar a pointer down event occurred. */
   810     enum TPointerDownOn
   811         {
   812         /** No pointer down event occurred on the scroll bar. */
   813         ENone,
   815         /** A pointer down event occurred on the home button. */
   816         EHomeButton,
   818         /** A pointer down event occurred on the decrease page button. */
   819         EDecreasePageButton,
   821         /** A pointer down event occurred on the decrease nudge button. */
   822         EDecreaseNudgeButton,
   824         /** A pointer down event occurred on the decrease shaft button. */
   825         EDecreaseShaft,
   827         /** A pointer down event occurred on the scroll bar thumb. */
   828         EThumb,
   830         /** A pointer down event occurred on the increase shaft button. */
   831         EIncreaseShaft,
   833         /** A pointer down event occurred on the increase nudge button. */
   834         EIncreaseNudgeButton,
   836         /** A pointer down event occurred on the increase page button. */
   837         EIncreasePageButton,
   839         /** A pointer down event occurred on the end button. */
   840         EEndButton
   841         };
   843     /** Determines whether to redraw the scroll bar shaft. */
   844     enum TShaftRedrawRequired
   845         {
   846         /** Do not redraw the scroll bar shaft. */
   847         ENoRedrawRequired,
   849         /** Redraw the scroll bar shaft. */
   850         ERedrawShaft
   851         };
   853     /** Determines which buttons are displayed. */
   854     enum TWhichButtons
   855         {
   856         /** Display the increase buttons only. */
   857         EIncreaseOnly,
   859         /** Display the decrease buttons only. */
   860         EDecreaseOnly,
   862         /** Display all buttons. */
   863         EAll
   864         };
   866     /** 
   867      * Encapsulates pointers to the scroll bar buttons. A maximum of three 
   868      * pairs of buttons are available, you may choose to use only one pair or
   869      * two pairs.
   870      */
   871     struct SEikScrollBarButtons
   872         {
   873         /** Pointer to the decrease nudge button. */
   874         CAknScrollButton* iDecreaseNudge;
   876         /** Pointer to the increase nudge button. */
   877         CAknScrollButton* iIncreaseNudge;
   878         };
   881 private:
   882     // construction/destruction
   883     IMPORT_C virtual void CreateButtonL(CAknScrollButton*& aButton,
   884                                         CAknScrollButton::TType aType);
   886     void SizeChanged();
   888     // set state functions
   889     void DoSetModel(const TEikScrollBarModel* aModel);
   891     CEikCba* Cba() const;
   893     // These functions are for use only be CEikScrollBarFrame (a friend class)
   894     void AddExternalFrameL(CEikScrollBarFrame* aFrame);
   895     void RemoveExternalFrame(CEikScrollBarFrame* aFrame);
   897     void DisconnectExternalFrames();
   899 protected:
   901     /** 
   902      * Allocates and constructs all the required components of the scrollbar.
   903      */
   904     void CreateRequiredComponentsL();
   906     /** 
   907      * Destroys a button.
   908      *
   909      * @param aButton A button that will be destroyed.
   910      */
   911     void DestroyButton(CAknScrollButton*& aButton);
   913     /** 
   914      * Not implemented 
   915      * 
   916      * @param aButton Not used. 
   917      */
   918     IMPORT_C virtual void SetButtonPositionL(CAknScrollButton* aButton);
   920 public:
   922     /** 
   923      * Gets the scroll bar type.
   924      * 
   925      * @return Value of the enum @c TScrollBarType.
   926      */
   927     TScrollBarType ScrollBarType();
   929 public:
   931     /** Not used, but cannot be removed due binary compatibility issues. */
   932     TDblQueLink iSBLink;
   934 protected:
   936     /** Scroll bar buttons struct. */
   937     SEikScrollBarButtons iButtons;
   939     /** Scroll bar orientation. */
   940     TOrientation iOrientation;
   942 private:
   943     TEikScrollBarModel iModel;
   945 protected:    
   947     /** A pointer to @c CEikScrollBarExtensionImpl class. */
   948     CEikScrollBarExtensionImpl* iExtension;
   949   };
   952 /**
   953  * The CEikArrowHeadScrollBar class is a scroll bar which uses only
   954  * two small nudge button arrows to scroll up and down. It has no shaft.
   955  * It therefore takes up very little space.
   956  *
   957  * @since ER5U 
   958  * @ internal
   959  * Internal to Symbian
   960  *
   961  */
   962 class CEikArrowHeadScrollBar : public CEikScrollBar
   963 	{
   964 public:
   965 	IMPORT_C CEikArrowHeadScrollBar(CCoeControl* aParentWindow);
   966 	IMPORT_C ~CEikArrowHeadScrollBar();
   967 public: // from CEikScrollBar
   968 	IMPORT_C void ConstructL(MEikScrollBarObserver* aScrollBarObserver,const CCoeControl* aParent,
   969 				TOrientation aOrientation,TInt aLength,TInt aScrollBarFlags=EEikScrollBarDefaultBehaviour);
   970 public: // From CCoeControl
   971     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);	
   972 private: // from CEikScrollBar
   973 	void CreateButtonL(CAknScrollButton*& aButton,CAknScrollButton::TType aType);
   974 	void SetButtonPositionL(CAknScrollButton* aButton);
   975 private:
   976 private:
   977     /**
   978     * From CAknControl
   979     */
   980     IMPORT_C void* ExtensionInterface( TUid aInterface );
   981 private:
   982 	CCoeControl* iParentControl;
   983     TInt iSpare;
   984 	};
   987 /**
   988  * The CAknDoubleSpanScrollBar class is a scroll bar without buttons, 
   989  * but it has a shaft. Additionally it has in its shaft a double 
   990  * span feature which means that there can be another thumb inside the thumb 
   991  * if needed.
   992  *
   993  * This class uses TAknDoubleSpanScrollBarModel instead of TEikScrollBarModel
   994  * as its internal scrollbar model. TAknDoubleSpanScrollBarModel in binary 
   995  * compatible with TEikScrollBarModel. User must take care that TAknDoubleSpanScrollBarModel 
   996  * is really used in API calls in places where TEikScrollBarModel is declared.
   997  * 
   998  * @since 2.6 
   999  *
  1000  */
  1001 class CAknDoubleSpanScrollBar : public CEikScrollBar
  1002 	{
  1003 public:
  1004 	IMPORT_C CAknDoubleSpanScrollBar(CCoeControl* aParentWindow);
  1005 	IMPORT_C ~CAknDoubleSpanScrollBar();
  1007    /**
  1008     * Sets fixed layout to scrollbar. If set, then scrollbar size
  1009     * changes done by the CEikScrollBarFrame class are disabled. 
  1010     *
  1011     * @since    2.6
  1012     * @param    aScrollBarRect     Scrollbar rectangle.         
  1013     *
  1014     */     
  1015     IMPORT_C void SetFixedLayoutRect(TRect aScrollBarRect);
  1017    /**
  1018     * Method for constructing the object.
  1019     *
  1020     * @since    2.6
  1021     * @param    aWindowOwning       True if scrollbar is to be a window owning control. 
  1022     * @param    aScrollBarObserver  Same as in CEikScrollBar::ConstructL()
  1023     * @param    aParent             Same as in CEikScrollBar::ConstructL()
  1024     * @param    aOrientation        Same as in CEikScrollBar::ConstructL()
  1025     * @param    aLength             Same as in CEikScrollBar::ConstructL()    
  1026     * @param    aScrollBarFlags     Same as in CEikScrollBar::ConstructL()
  1027     *
  1028     */     
  1029     IMPORT_C void ConstructL(TBool aWindowOwning, MEikScrollBarObserver* aScrollBarObserver,const CCoeControl* aParent,
  1030 				TOrientation aOrientation,TInt aLength,TInt aScrollBarFlags=EEikScrollBarDefaultBehaviour);
  1032    /**
  1033     * Sets scroll popup info text to be shown while dragging with stylus.
  1034     * Popup is shown until next pointer up event.
  1035     * KNullDesC parameter can be used to hide popup earlier.
  1036     * 
  1037     * @since    3.2
  1038     * @param    aText               Text to be shown
  1039     *
  1040     */  
  1041     IMPORT_C void SetScrollPopupInfoTextL( const TDesC& aText );
  1043    /**
  1044     * Gets the fixed layoutrect of the scrollbar.    
  1045     * @since    2.6
  1046     * @return   Scrollbar rectangle. 
  1047     *
  1048     */     
  1049     TRect FixedLayoutRect();
  1051 public: // from CEikScrollBar
  1052 	IMPORT_C void ConstructL(MEikScrollBarObserver* aScrollBarObserver,const CCoeControl* aParent,
  1053 				TOrientation aOrientation,TInt aLength,TInt aScrollBarFlags=EEikScrollBarDefaultBehaviour);
  1054     IMPORT_C void MakeVisible(TBool aVisible);
  1056 public: // from CCoeControl
  1057     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);    
  1059 protected: // from CCoeControl
  1060 	IMPORT_C CCoeControl* ComponentControl(TInt aIndex) const;
  1061     IMPORT_C TInt CountComponentControls() const;
  1063 private:  // from CCoeControl
  1064     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
  1066 public:
  1068 	TBool DrawBackgroundState();
  1070 	void DrawBackground(TBool aDrawHorizontal);
  1072     /**
  1073      * Resets pressed down highlight so that default highlight is used when
  1074      * the scrollbar is drawn.
  1075      *
  1076      * @since S60 5.2
  1077      */
  1078     void ResetPressedDownHighlight();
  1080 private:
  1081     /**
  1082     * From CAknControl
  1083     */
  1084     IMPORT_C void* ExtensionInterface( TUid aInterface );
  1085 private: // from CEikScrollBar
  1086 	void CreateButtonL(CAknScrollButton*& aButton,CAknScrollButton::TType aType);
  1087 	void SetButtonPositionL(CAknScrollButton* aButton);
  1089    /**
  1090     * Sets scrollbar background transparency as given in the parameter.
  1091     * 
  1092     * @param    aTransparentBackground   If ETrue then scrollbar will have transparent background.
  1093     * @since    2.6
  1094     *
  1095     */     
  1096     void SetTransparentBackground(TBool aTransparentBackground);
  1098     /**
  1099     * Calculates scrollbar's extension area relative to its own position.
  1100     */
  1101     TRect ExtensionArea() const;
  1102 private:
  1103 	CCoeControl* iParentControl;
  1104     TInt iSpare;
  1105 	};
  1108 //
  1109 // Inlines
  1110 //
  1113 inline const TEikScrollBarModel* CEikScrollBar::Model() const
  1114 	{ return &iModel; }
  1116 inline CAknScrollButton* CEikScrollBar::IncreaseNudgeButton() const
  1117 	{ return iButtons.iIncreaseNudge; }
  1119 inline CAknScrollButton* CEikScrollBar::DecreaseNudgeButton() const
  1120 	{ return iButtons.iDecreaseNudge; }
  1123 #endif