author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 2 2fe1408b6811
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #if !defined(__EIKSBFRM_H__)
    20 #define __EIKSBFRM_H__
    22 #include <lafpublc.h>
    23 #if !defined(__AKNSCRLB_H__)
    24 #include <aknscrlb.h>
    25 #endif
    27 class CEikCba;
    29 /**
    30  * Enables setting of the frame layout for a scroll bar.
    31  */
    32 class TEikScrollBarFrameLayout
    33     {
    35 public:
    37     /** 
    38      * Determines whether the client rectangle or the inclusive rectangle
    39      * remains constant.
    40      */
    41     enum TTilingMode
    42         {
    44         /** The client rectangle remains constant. */
    45         EClientRectConstant,
    47         /** The inclusive rectangle remains constant. */
    48         EInclusiveRectConstant
    49         };
    51 public:
    53     /**
    54      * C++ default constructor.
    55      */
    56     IMPORT_C TEikScrollBarFrameLayout();
    58     /**
    59      * Sets all inclusive margins.
    60      *
    61      * @param aMargin The value to use for all inclusive margins.
    62      */
    63     IMPORT_C void SetInclusiveMargin(TInt aMargin);
    65     /**
    66      * Sets all client margins. These surround the client rectangle which is
    67      * the client area viewport onto the larger canvas to be scrolled.
    68      *
    69      * @param aMargin The value to use for all client margins.
    70      */
    71     IMPORT_C void SetClientMargin(TInt aMargin);
    73 public:
    75     /** The inclusive margin (in twips or pixels). */
    76     TMargins iInclusiveMargin;
    78     /** 
    79      * The amount of screen movement performed when the nudge button is 
    80      * pressed.
    81      */
    82     TMargins iClientMargin;
    84     /** 
    85      * The amount of screen movement performed when the nudge button is
    86      * pressed.
    87      */
    88     TSize iClientAreaGranularity;
    90     /** 
    91      * Determines whether the client rectangle, or the inclusive rectangle,
    92      * remains constant.
    93      */
    94     TTilingMode iTilingMode;
    95     };
    98 class CEikCornerWindow;
    99 class CEikScrollBarFrameExtension;
   101 /**
   102  * The scroll bar frame is a control assemblage manager that relates a control,
   103  * or control body, to two scroll bars and a corner window. A corner window is
   104  * that part of the screen that is common to both the horizontal, and the 
   105  * vertical elements of a scroll bar.
   106  *
   107  * This class helps with access to, and set up of, scroll bars and also with 
   108  * the layout of the scrolled control or control body. A scroll bar frame is 
   109  * not a control, but it does implement the standard control composite pattern
   110  * to manage the assemblage.
   111  */
   112 class CEikScrollBarFrame : public CBase
   113     {
   115 public:	// enums 
   117     DECLARE_TYPE_ID(0x101F8672)   
   119     /** Defines the scroll bar’s visibility.*/
   120     enum TScrollBarVisibility
   121         {
   122         /** Scroll bar not visible.*/
   123         EOff,
   125         /** Scroll bar visible.*/
   126         EOn,
   128         /** Scroll bar visible if required.*/
   129         EAuto
   130         };
   132     /** Defines the type of scroll bar.*/	
   133     enum TScrollBarType
   134         {
   135         /** Scroll bar complete with shaft. Not used.*/
   136         ENormalScrollBar =0x0,
   138         /** Floating arrow head scroll bar, without shaft. Legacy type. */
   139         EArrowHead =0x200,
   141         /** Spanned scroll bar. */
   142         EDoubleSpan =0x400
   143         };
   145     /** Defines where the scroll bar is located. */		
   146     enum TScrollBarSide
   147         {
   148         /** 
   149          * Scroll bar located at the bottom, or to the right of the scroll bar
   150          * frame.
   151          */
   152         EBottomOrRight =0x0,
   154         /** 
   155          * Scroll bar located at the top, or to the left of the scroll bar
   156          * frame.
   157          */
   158         ETopOrLeft =0x800
   159         };
   161     /** Determines how the scroll bar frame manages scroll bars.*/
   162     enum TScrollBarManagement 
   163         {
   164         /** 
   165          * The scroll bar frame creates, destroys and recreates, scroll bars
   166          * according to the visibility mode. The scroll bar frame also acts as
   167          * an intermediary with its owning control so that the scroll bars can
   168          * be treated as component controls.
   169          */
   170         EComponent                  ,//=SLafScrollBarFrame::EComponent,
   172         /** 
   173          * The scroll bar frame creates, destroys and recreates, scroll bars 
   174          * according to the visibility mode. In this case, the scroll bars are
   175          * not treated as component controls. Instead, the scroll bars are 
   176          * geometry managed in windows floating above the control window and
   177          * their position is determined in relation to the frame’s position on
   178          * the screen.
   179          */
   180         EFloating                   ,//=SLafScrollBarFrame::EFloating,
   182         /** 
   183          * The scroll bar frame uses the central application scroll bar as held
   184          * in the environment. This scroll bar is neither owned by the frame 
   185          * nor treated as a component control of the frame’s owner.
   186          */
   187         EApplicationScrollBar       //=SLafScrollBarFrame::EApplicationScrollBar
   188         };
   190     /**
   191      * Defines that is the horizontal or the vertical (spanned) scroll bar
   192      * visible. Applicaple  only for spanned scroll bars.
   193      */
   194     enum TScrollBarFrameFlags
   195         {
   196         /** Horizontal spanned scroll bar visible. */
   197         EHVisible           =0x01,
   199         /** Vertical spanned scroll bar visible. */
   200         EVVisible           =0x02,
   202         /** 
   203          * Enables nudge buttons in touch devices. This flag MUST
   204          * be set before the creation of the doublespan scrollbar.
   205          */
   206         EEnableNudgeButtons = 0x04,
   208         /** 
   209          * Disables expanded touch area, which is on by default
   210          * in touch devices. This flag MUST be set before the
   211          * creation of the doublespan scrollbar.
   212          */
   213         EDisableExpandedTouchArea = 0x08      
   214         };
   215 private:
   216     enum TMarginsAdjustmentMode
   217         {
   218         EGrow,
   219         EShrink
   220         };
   222 public:	// specific
   224     /**
   225      * C++ default constructor.
   226      */
   227     CEikScrollBarFrame(){}
   229     /**
   230      * Constructor. Constructs a scroll bar frame object.
   231      *
   232      * @param aParentWindow The scroll bar’s parent control.
   233      * @param aObserver The scroll bar observer.
   234      * @param aPreAlloc Not used.
   235      */  	
   236     IMPORT_C CEikScrollBarFrame(CCoeControl* aParentWindow, 
   237                                 MEikScrollBarObserver* aObserver, 
   238                                 TBool aPreAlloc=EFalse);
   240     /**
   241      * Destructor.
   242      */  
   243     IMPORT_C ~CEikScrollBarFrame();
   245     /**
   246      * Constructor. Internal only to Eikcoctl.lib use. Parameter @c aDoubleSpan
   247      * offers possibility to optimize scroll bar loading (if @c ETrue,
   248      * arrowhead scroll bar will never be loaded).
   249      *
   250      * @since S60 3.0
   251      * @param aParentWindow The scroll bar’s parent control.
   252      * @param aObserver The scroll bar observer.
   253      * @param aPreAlloc Not used.
   254      * @param aDoubleSpan If @c ETrue, spanned scroll bar is created.
   255      */     
   256     CEikScrollBarFrame(CCoeControl* aParentWindow, 
   257                        MEikScrollBarObserver* aObserver, 
   258                        TBool aPreAlloc, 
   259                        TBool aDoubleSpan);
   261     /**
   262      * Initializes a new @c CEikScrollBarFrameExtension object.
   263      *
   264      * @since S60 3.0
   265      * @param aParentWindow The scroll bar’s parent control.
   266      * @param aObserver The scroll bar observer.
   267      */
   268     void InitExtension(CCoeControl* aParentWindow, 
   269                        MEikScrollBarObserver* aObserver);
   271     /**
   272      * Forces any scroll bars and the corner window if it is visible to be 
   273      * redrawn.
   274      */     
   275     IMPORT_C void DrawScrollBarsNow() const;
   277 	/**
   278      * Tell scroll bars and the corner window to redraw if it is visible
   279      */     
   280     void DrawScrollBarsDeferred() const;
   282     /**
   283      * Sets the visibility state for both the horizontal and the vertical scroll
   284      * bars. This is used when tiling.
   285      *
   286      * @param aHVisibility Horizontal scroll bar visibility.
   287      * @param aVVisibility Vertical scroll bar visibility.
   288      */     
   289     IMPORT_C void SetScrollBarVisibilityL(TScrollBarVisibility aHVisibility, 
   290                                           TScrollBarVisibility aVVisibility);
   292     /**
   293      * Determines the vertical scroll bar’s visibility. @c 
   294      * CEikScrollBarFrame::ScrollBarVisibility @c 
   295      * (CEikScrollBar::TOrientation aOrientation) can be used instead of this
   296      * method.
   297      * 
   298      * @return Visibility for vertical scroll bar.
   299      */     
   300     inline TScrollBarVisibility VScrollBarVisibility() const;
   302     /**
   303      * Sets scrollbar observers.
   304      *
   305      * @param aObserver The scroll bar observer. 
   306      */     
   307     IMPORT_C void SetScrollBarFrameObserver(MEikScrollBarObserver* aObserver);
   309     // Model setting. 
   311     /**
   312      * Sets the vertical scrollbar mode. Does not actually draw anything until 
   313      * the thumb or focus setting functions are called.
   314      *
   315      * @param aVModel Model for the vertical scrollbar.
   316      * @return @c EFalse.
   317      */     
   318     IMPORT_C TBool Tile(TEikScrollBarModel* aVModel);
   320     /**
   321      * Tiles the client area and the scroll bars managed by the frame. The 
   322      * scroll bars are set up according to the scroll bar models; @c aHModel and
   323      * @c aVModel. Ownership is not transferred as a result of passing these
   324      * parameters as pointers. The result of tiling geometry management is 
   325      * observable through the two rectangles @c aClientRect and @c 
   326      * aInclusiveRect. Depending on the tiling layout @c aLayout and the scroll 
   327      * bar visibility settings, either of these rectangles can be made constant
   328      * and the other rectangle adjusted accordingly.
   329      *
   330      * For @c EArrowhead type scrollbar the layout is always fixed, it cannot be
   331      * altered by using this method.
   332      *
   333      * For @c EDoublespan type scrollbar the layout can be set also with two 
   334      * helper methods from the @c AknLayoutUtils class:
   335      *
   336      * @code
   337      * AknLayoutUtils::LayoutVerticalScrollBar(
   338      *           CEikScrollBarFrame* aScrollBarFrame, 
   339      *           const TRect& aControlParent, 
   340      *           const TAknWindowLineLayout& aLayout);
   341      * AknLayoutUtils::LayoutHorizontalScrollBar(
   342      *           CEikScrollBarFrame* aScrollBarFrame, 
   343      *           const TRect& aControlParent, 
   344      *           const TAknWindowLineLayout& aLayout);
   345      * @endcode
   346      *   
   347      * @param aHModel Horizontal scroll bar model.
   348      * @param aVModel Vertical scroll bar model.
   349      * @param aClientRect Client rectangle.
   350      * @param aInclusiveRect A rectangle that includes the area to be scrolled 
   351      *        and the scroll bars themselves.
   352      * @param aLayout Tiling layout.
   353      * 
   354      * @return @c ETrue if the non-constant rectangle is adjusted, otherwise @c 
   355      *         EFalse.
   356      */     
   357     IMPORT_C TBool TileL(TEikScrollBarModel* aHModel, 
   358                          TEikScrollBarModel* aVModel,
   359                          TRect& aClientRect,
   360                          TRect& aInclusiveRect,
   361                          const TEikScrollBarFrameLayout& aLayout);
   363     /**
   364      * Moves the scroll bar thumbs by the specified amounts. This updates the 
   365      * scroll bars after an external scroll. The values of the parameters should
   366      * be supplied in terms of the horizontal and vertical scrolling models 
   367      * respectively. The scrolling models are presumed not to have changed 
   368      * spans.
   369      *
   370      * @param aDeltaX The amount to move the horizontal scroll bar.
   371      * @param aDeltaY The amount to move the vertical scroll bar.
   372      */     
   373     IMPORT_C void MoveThumbsBy(TInt aDeltaX, TInt aDeltaY);
   375     /**
   376      * Moves the horizontal scroll bar thumb to the position @c aHorizThumbPos.
   377      * This function is used to update the scroll bar after an external scroll.
   378      * The value of @c aThumbPos should be supplied in terms of the scrolling
   379      * model, which is presumed not to have changed spans.
   380      * 
   381      * @param aHorizThumbPos The required thumb position.
   382      */     
   383     IMPORT_C void MoveHorizThumbTo(TInt aHorizThumbPos);
   385     /**
   386      * Moves the vertical scroll bar thumb to the position @c aVertThumbPos. 
   387      * This function is used to update the scroll bar after an external scroll.
   388      * The value of aThumbPos should be supplied in terms of the scrolling 
   389      * model, which is presumed not to have changed spans.
   390      * 
   391      * @param aVertThumbPos The required thumb position.
   392      */     
   393     IMPORT_C void MoveVertThumbTo(TInt aVertThumbPos);
   395     /**
   396      * Moves the vertical scroll bar thumb to the position @c aFocusPosition. 
   397      * This function is used to update the scroll bar after an external scroll. 
   398      * The value of @c aFocusPosition should be supplied in terms of the 
   399      * scrolling model, which is presumed not to have changed spans.
   400      * 
   401      * @param aFocusPosition The required thumb position.
   402      */     
   403     IMPORT_C void SetVFocusPosToThumbPos(TInt aFocusPosition);
   405     /**
   406      * Returns the breadth of the scroll bar idenitified by @c aOrientation, or
   407      * zero if none exists.
   408      *
   409      * @param  aOrientation The orientation of the scroll bar for which you wish
   410      *         to obtain the breadth.
   411      *
   412      * @return The specified scroll bar's breadth. This is zero if none exists.
   413      */     
   414     IMPORT_C TInt ScrollBarBreadth(
   415         CEikScrollBar::TOrientation aOrientation) const;
   417     // scroll bar frame behavior functions
   419     /**
   420      * Not implemented.
   421      *
   422      * @param aAdjusts Not used. 
   423      */     
   424     IMPORT_C void SetAdjustsHorizontalModel(TBool aAdjusts); 
   426     /**
   427      * Not implemented.
   428      *
   429      * @param aAdjusts Not used. 
   430      */      
   431     IMPORT_C void SetAdjustsVerticalModel(TBool aAdjusts);
   433     /**
   434      * Sets scrollbar frame flags. 
   435      *
   436      * @param aMask Bitmask of the bits that are to be set.
   437      */     
   438     inline void SetScrollBarFrameFlags(TInt aMask);
   440     /**
   441      * Determines whether the scroll bar specified by aOrientation exists
   442      * 
   443      * @param aOrientation The scroll bar’s orientation.
   444      * @return @c ETrue if the specified scroll bar exists otherwise @c EFalse.
   445      */     
   446     IMPORT_C TBool ScrollBarExists(
   447         CEikScrollBar::TOrientation aOrientation) const;
   449     /**
   450      * From @c CCoeControl
   451      *
   452      * Gets the number of controls contained in a compound control.
   453      * 
   454      * @return The number of component controls contained in this control.
   455      */     
   456     IMPORT_C TInt CountComponentControls() const;
   458     /**
   459      * From @c CCoeControl
   460      *
   461      * Gets the component specified by index. Within a compound control, each
   462      * component control is identified by an index, where the index depends on
   463      * the order the controls were added: the first is given an index of 0, the
   464      * next an index of 1, and so on.
   465      * 
   466      * @return The component control with an index of aIndex
   467      */         
   468     IMPORT_C CCoeControl* ComponentControl(TInt aIndex) const;
   470     /**
   471      * Returns a pointer to the scroll bar identified by orientation @c 
   472      * aOrientation.
   473      * 
   474      * @param aOrientation The orientation of the scroll bar for which you wish
   475      *        to obtain a pointer.
   476      * @return A pointer to the scroll bar with orientation @c aOrientation if 
   477      *         the scrollbar is visible.
   478      */         
   479     IMPORT_C CEikScrollBar* GetScrollBarHandle(
   480         CEikScrollBar::TOrientation aOrientation) const;
   482     /**
   483      * Returns a pointer to the vertical scroll bar.
   484      * 
   485      * @return A pointer to the vertical scroll bar.
   486      */         
   487     IMPORT_C CEikScrollBar* VerticalScrollBar() const;
   489     /**
   490      * Sets the type of horizontal scroll bar. Possible values are @c EArrowHead
   491      * and @c EDoubleSpan.
   492      *
   493      * @param aType Type of the scrollbar. 
   494      */         
   495     IMPORT_C void SetTypeOfHScrollBar(TScrollBarType aType);
   497     /**
   498      * Sets the type of vertical scroll bar. Possible values are @c EArrowHead
   499      * and @c EDoubleSpan.
   500      *
   501      * @param aType Type of the scrollbar. 
   502      */         
   503     IMPORT_C void SetTypeOfVScrollBar(TScrollBarType aType);
   505     /**
   506      * Returns the control type of the horizontal scroll bar 
   507      * 
   508      * @return Type of the scrollbar.
   509      */         
   510     IMPORT_C TScrollBarType TypeOfHScrollBar() const;
   512     /**
   513      * Returns the control type of the vertical scroll bar 
   514      * 
   515      * @return Type of the scrollbar.
   516      */         
   517     IMPORT_C TScrollBarType TypeOfVScrollBar() const;
   519     /**
   520      * Checks if the vertical scrollbar type is @c EArrowHead.
   521      *
   522      * @param aFlag Not used.
   523      * @return @c ETrue if the type of the scrollbar is @c EArrowHead.
   524      */         
   525     IMPORT_C TBool IsArrowHeadScrollBar(TInt aFlag) const;
   527     // application scroll bar utilities
   529     /**
   530      * This method is used only internally by the @c CEikScrollBar. Disconnects
   531      * externally connected scrollbar.
   532      * 
   533      * @param aScrollBar Scrollbar to be disconnected.
   534      */     
   535     void DisconnectExternalScrollBar(CEikScrollBar* aScrollBar);
   537     /**
   538      * This method creates double span type scrollbars into this frame. Old
   539      * scrollbars are deleted or disconnected.
   540      *
   541      * @since S60 2.6
   542      * @param aWindowOwning Tells wheter created scrollbar should be 
   543      *        a window owning control or not. Selection for this is 
   544      *        relevant especially because skinned scrollbar draws            
   545      * @param aRemote @c True if this method should instead of creating own 
   546      *        scrollbar try to connect to a remote scrollbar frame and 
   547      *        start using its scrollbars. Connecting is done using 
   548      *        through object provider mechanism, so the object supply 
   549      *        chain must be valid. Also if true, then parameter @c 
   550      *        aWindowOwning will be ignored.
   551      *
   552      * Example of use:
   553      *
   554      * @code
   555      *    iSBFrame=new(ELeave) CEikScrollBarFrame(this, NULL, ETrue);
   556      *    iSBFrame->SetScrollBarVisibilityL(CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff,
   557      *                                      CEikScrollBarFrame::EAuto);
   558      *    iSBFrame->CreateDoubleSpanScrollBarsL(ETrue, EFalse);
   559      *
   560      *    Note that double span scrollbar types requires different model classes
   561      *    to be used in places of @c TEikScrollBarModel of this scrollbar frame 
   562      *    API:s other method calls.
   563      *    
   564      *    Scrollbar type        Required model (in places of TEikScrollBarModel)
   565      *    ---------------       ------------------------------------------------
   566      *    EDoubleSpan           TAknDoubleSpanScrollBarModel 
   567      *    EArrowHead            TEikScrollBarModel
   568      *
   569      *   // model for double span type scrollbar
   570      *   TAknDoubleSpanScrollBarModel vModel; 
   571      *   // model for double span type scrollbar
   572      *   TAknDoubleSpanScrollBarModel hModel; 
   573      *   
   574      *   iSBFrame->Tile(vModel, iVRect);
   575      * @endcode
   576      */ 
   577     IMPORT_C void CreateDoubleSpanScrollBarsL(TBool aWindowOwning, 
   578                                               TBool aRemote);
   580     /**
   581      * This method creates double span type scrollbars into this frame. Old 
   582      * scrollbars are deleted or disconnected.
   583      *
   584      * @since S60 2.8
   585      * @param aWindowOwning Tells wheter created scrollbar should be a window 
   586      *        owning control or not. Selection for this is relevant especially
   587      *        because skinned scrollbar draws its background using its parent 
   588      *        windows background context.                   
   589      * @param aRemote True if this method should instead of creating own
   590      *        scrollbar try to connect to a remote scrollbar frame and start
   591      *        using its scrollbars. Connecting is done using through object 
   592      *        provider mechanism, so the object supply chain must be valid. Also
   593      *        if true, then parameter @c aWindowOwning will be ignored.
   594      * @param aVertical If @c ETrue vertical scrollbar will be created to 
   595      *        scrollbar frame.
   596      * @param aHorizontal If @c ETrue horizontal scrollbar will be created to
   597      *        scrollbar frame.
   598      * @leave KErrNotFound Parent object doesn't have scrollbar frame.
   599      */ 
   600     IMPORT_C void CreateDoubleSpanScrollBarsL(TBool aWindowOwning, 
   601                                               TBool aRemote, 
   602                                               TBool aVertical, 
   603                                               TBool aHorizontal);
   605     /**
   606      * Tiles the vertical @c EDouble span type scroll bar managed by the frame.
   607      * The scroll bar is set up according to the scroll bar model and given 
   608      * rectangle which is relative to the parent window of the frame.
   609      *
   610      * @since S60 2.6
   611      * @param aVModel Vertical scrollbar model.         
   612      * @param aVScrollBar Vertical scrollbar rectangle.            
   613      *
   614      * For @c EDoublespan type scrollbar the layout can be set also with a 
   615      * helper method from the @c AknLayoutUtils class:
   616      *
   617      * @code
   618      * AknLayoutUtils::LayoutVerticalScrollBar(
   619      *                                   CEikScrollBarFrame* aScrollBarFrame, 
   620      *                                   const TRect& aControlParent, 
   621      *                                   const TAknWindowLineLayout& aLayout);
   622      * @endcode
   623      */     
   624     IMPORT_C void Tile(TEikScrollBarModel* aVModel, TRect& aVScrollBar);
   626     /**
   627      * Sets the models of the scrollbars. 
   628      * 
   629      * @since S60 2.6
   630      * @param aHModel The model of the horizontal scrollbar.
   631      * @param aVModel The model of the vertical scrollbar.
   632      *
   633      */     
   634     IMPORT_C void Tile(TEikScrollBarModel* aHModel,
   635                        TEikScrollBarModel* aVModel);
   637     /**
   638      * Gets the visibility of given scrollbar orientation. 
   639      * 
   640      * This method should be used instead of a deprecated method @c
   641      * CEikScrollBarFrame::HScrollBarVisibility() and
   642      * also can be used instead of @c CEikScrollBarFrame::VScrollBarVisibility()
   643      *
   644      * @since S60 2.6
   645      * @param aOrientation The orientation of a scrollbar in the frame.
   646      * @return The visibility of requested scrollbar.
   647      */     
   648     IMPORT_C TScrollBarVisibility ScrollBarVisibility(
   649             CEikScrollBar::TOrientation aOrientation) const;
   650 	/**
   651     * Sets the background drawing for the double spanned scrollbars 
   652     * 
   653     * This method can be used to enable or disable the drawing of the scrollbar 
   654     * background via mop chain.
   655     *
   656     * @since    3.0
   657     * @param    aDrawHorizontal sets the state of the background drawing of 
   658     * 			the horizontal scrollbar.
   659     * @param    aDrawVertical sets the state of the background drawing of 
   660     * 			the vertical scrollbar.
   661     * @return   Success of the call, KErrNotSupported if the scrollbars 
   662     * 			are not doublespan scrollbars.
   663     *
   664     */
   665 	IMPORT_C TInt DrawBackground(TBool aDrawHorizontal, TBool aDrawVertical);
   667 	/**
   668     * Gets the state of the background drawing for the double spanned scrollbars.
   669     * 
   670     * This method can be used to get the state of drawing of the scrollbar 
   671     * background via mop chain.
   672     *
   673     * @since    3.0
   674     * @param    aDrawHorizontal gets the state of the background drawing of 
   675     * 			the horizontal scrollbar.
   676     * @param    aDrawVertical gets the state of the background drawing of 
   677     * 			the vertical scrollbar.
   678     * @return   Success of the call, KErrNotSupported if the scrollbars 
   679     * 			are not doublespan scrollbars.
   680     *
   681     */
   682 	IMPORT_C TInt DrawBackgroundState(TBool& aDrawHorizontal, TBool& aDrawVertical);
   684 public:
   686     /**
   687      * Gets a pointer to the horizontal scroll bar.
   688      * 
   689      * @return A pointer to the horizontal scroll bar.
   690      */         
   691     CEikScrollBar* HorizontalScrollBar() const;
   693     /**
   694      * Sets scrollbar observers.
   695      *
   696      * @param aObserver The scroll bar observer. 
   697      */
   698     MEikScrollBarObserver* ScrollBarFrameObserver();
   700 protected:
   701     // Accessor methods
   703     /**
   704      * Sets parent window.
   705      * 
   706      * @param aParentWindow A pointer to the parent window.
   707      */ 
   708     void SetParentWindow(CCoeControl* aParentWindow);
   710     /**
   711      * Gets a pointer to the parent window.
   712      *  
   713      * @return A pointer to the parent window.
   714      */ 
   715     CCoeControl* ParentWindow() const;
   717 protected:
   719     /** Struct */ 
   720     struct SBarData
   721         {
   723         /** Pointer to the @c CAknScrollBar class */
   724         CAknScrollBar* iBar;
   726         /** Enum @c TEikScrollBarModel */
   727         TEikScrollBarModel iModel;
   729         /** Enum @c TScrollBarVisibility. */
   730         TScrollBarVisibility iVisibility;
   732         /** Boolean value if external scroll bar is attached. */
   733         TBool iExternalScrollBarAttached;
   734         };
   736 private:
   738     void CalcTheoreticalScrollBarVisibility(const TEikScrollBarModel* aVModel);
   739     void ApplyModel(SBarData& aSBar);
   740     void MakeSBarVisible(SBarData& aSBar, TBool aVisible);
   741     void GetScrollBars(TBool aDoubleSpan);
   742     CEikCba* GetCurrentCba();
   743     void DeleteScrollBars();
   744     void CreateArrowHeadScrollBarsL();
   746     void CalcTheoreticalScrollBarVisibility(const TEikScrollBarModel* aVModel,
   747                                             const TEikScrollBarModel* aHModel);
   749 protected:
   751     /** Struct object.*/
   752     SBarData iV;
   754 private:
   756     CEikScrollBarFrameExtension* iExtension; 
   757     TInt iScrollBarFrameFlags;
   759     friend class CEikScrollBarFrameExtension;
   760     };
   762 inline CEikScrollBarFrame::TScrollBarVisibility CEikScrollBarFrame::VScrollBarVisibility() const
   763     { return iV.iVisibility; }
   764 inline void CEikScrollBarFrame::SetScrollBarFrameFlags(TInt aMask)
   765     { iScrollBarFrameFlags|=aMask; }
   767 // Cba scroll bar frame (with it's own scrollbar creation methods)
   768 class CEikCbaScrollBarFrame : public CEikScrollBarFrame
   769     {
   770 public:
   771     CEikCbaScrollBarFrame(CCoeControl* aParentWindow, MEikScrollBarObserver* aObserver, TBool aPreAlloc=EFalse);
   772     void ConstructL();
   773     void SwitchToArrowHeadScrollBarL();  // @since 3.0
   774     };
   776 #endif