author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 2 2fe1408b6811
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #if !defined(__EIKRTED_H__)
    20 #define __EIKRTED_H__
    22 #if !defined(__EIKGTED_H__)
    23 #include <eikgted.h>
    24 #endif
    26 #if !defined(__APPARC_H__)
    27 #include <apparc.h>
    28 #endif
    30 #if !defined(__TXTMRTSR_H__)
    31 #include <txtmrtsr.h>
    32 #endif
    34 #if !defined(__GDI_H__)
    35 #include <gdi.h>
    36 #endif
    38 class CRichText;
    39 class TResourceReader;
    40 class TPictureHeader;
    41 class CEikRubberBand;
    42 class CBufStore;
    43 class CStreamStore;
    44 class CApaDoor;
    45 class CEikParserManager;
    46 class MEikRichTextEditorParserObserver;
    47 class MParser;
    49 /**
    50  * Rich text editor.
    51  * 
    52  * This is an edit window that supports rich text, including embedded objects
    53  * represented either by icons or glass doors. 
    54  *
    55  * @since Symbian 5.0
    56  */
    57 class CEikRichTextEditor : public CEikGlobalTextEditor, 
    58                            public MApaEmbeddedDocObserver, 
    59                            public MRichTextStoreResolver, 
    60                            public MPictureFactory
    61 	{
    63 public:
    65     /** 
    66      * Identifies how an embedded object should be represented.
    67      *
    68      * One of these values is specified when the object is inserted.
    69      */ 
    70 	enum TObjectFormat
    71 		{
    72         /** The object is always represented by an icon */
    73 		EAlwaysIconic,
    75         /** 
    76          * The object is represented by a glass door, if possible, or by icon,
    77          * if not.
    78          */
    79 		EGlassIfPossible
    80 		};
    82     /** 
    83      * Edit window attribute flags specific to the rich text editor.
    84      *
    85      * These may be specified during construction in addition to the values 
    86      * contained in the @c TFlags enum in class @c CEikEdwin.
    87      */
    88 	enum // user flag
    89 		{
    90         /** 
    91          * All embedded objects are represented by icon rather than 
    92          * glass doors. 
    93          */
    94         EShowAllPicturesAsIconic	=0x00100000,
    96         /**
    97          * The editor has no text parsers.
    98          *
    99          * Text parsers are used to recognise and tag special text strings,
   100          * e.g. URLs.
   101          */
   102         ENoTextParsers				=0x00200000,
   104         /**
   105          * When pasting text into the editor, the text is
   106          * stripped of all formatting.
   107          *
   108          * @since 3.2
   109          */
   110         EPasteAsPlainText           =0x00400000
   111 		};
   113 public:
   115     /**
   116      * C++ default constructor.
   117      */
   118     IMPORT_C CEikRichTextEditor();
   120     /**
   121      * C++ constructor.
   122      * 
   123      * @param aBorder Border for the rich text editor. 
   124      */ 
   125 	IMPORT_C CEikRichTextEditor(const TGulBorder& aBorder);
   127     /**
   128      * Destructor.
   129      */ 
   130     IMPORT_C ~CEikRichTextEditor();
   132     /** 
   133      * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
   134      *
   135      * Completes construction of the rich text editor.
   136      *
   137      * The editor's paragraph and character formatting are set to default
   138      * values, unless the @c CEikEdwin::EUserSuppliedText flag is specified 
   139      * in @c aEdwinFlags.
   140      *
   141      * @param aParent If not NULL, the editor's parent control. 
   142      *        If NULL, the editor has no parent.
   143      * @param aNumberOfLines The number of lines visible in the editor. 
   144      *        This controls the editor's height.
   145      * @param aTextLimit The maximum number of characters that can be entered
   146      *        into the editor.
   147      * @param aEdwinFlags Edit window attribute flags. 
   148      *        See @c CEikEdwin::TFlags().
   149      * @param aFontControlFlags = EGulFontControlAll Flags that specify which 
   150      *        font-related controls should not appear in font dialogs launched 
   151      *        from the edit window. For instance @c EGulFontControlBold removes 
   152      *        the bold checkbox control. The default shows all. For possible 
   153      *        values, see @c gulftflg.hrh.
   154      * @param aFontNameFlags = EGulNoSymbolFonts The font flags. These control 
   155      *        whether symbol and monospace fonts should be displayed in font
   156      *        dialogs launched from the edit window. For possible values, see 
   157      *        @c gulftflg.hrh.
   158      */
   159     IMPORT_C void ConstructL(const CCoeControl* aParent,
   160                              TInt aNumberOfLines,
   161                              TInt aTextLimit,
   162                              TInt aEdwinFlags,
   163                              TInt aFontControlFlags=EGulFontControlAll,
   164                              TInt aFontNameFlags=EGulNoSymbolFonts);
   166     /** 
   167      * Gets a pointer to the rich text object owned by the editor.
   168      *
   169      * @return Pointer to the rich text object.
   170      */
   171     IMPORT_C CRichText* RichText() const;
   173     /** 
   174      * Launches an insert object dialog (@c CEikInsertObjectDialog),
   175      * and inserts a default document of the application type selected 
   176      * by the user.
   177      * 
   178      * The object can be displayed either as a glass door, if supported, 
   179      * or as an icon, and the inserted object is opened for editing.
   180      *
   181      * Displays an info message and leaves if the editor's text limit 
   182      * has been reached.
   183      * 
   184      * @param aFormat Specifies whether the embedded document should be 
   185      *        displayed as an icon or as a glass door.
   186      */ 
   187     IMPORT_C void InsertObjectL(TObjectFormat aFormat);
   189     /** 
   190      * Launches an insert object dialog (@c CEikInsertObjectDialog),
   191      * and inserts a default document of the application type selected 
   192      * by the user.
   193      * 
   194      * The object is displayed as a glass door rather than as an icon, 
   195      * if supported and the inserted object is opened for editing.
   196      *
   197      * Displays an info message and leaves if the editor's text limit 
   198      * has been reached.
   199      *
   200      * Default is @c EGlassIfPossible.
   201      */
   202     IMPORT_C void InsertObjectL(); // defaults to EGlassIfPossible
   204     /** 
   205      * Creates and inserts a default document of the specified 
   206      * application type.
   207      * 
   208      * @c CApaProcess::AddNewDocumentL() is used to create the document.
   209      * 
   210      * The object can be displayed either as a glass door, if supported, 
   211      * or as an icon, and the inserted object is opened for editing.
   212      *
   213      * Displays an info message and leaves if no suitable application DLL 
   214      * can be found, or if the editor's text limit has been reached.
   215      *
   216      * @since Symbian 7.0
   217      * @param aAppDllName Filename of the application DLL.
   218      * @param aAppDllUid UID of the application. The default is @c KNullUid.
   219      * @param aFormat Specifies whether the embedded document should be 
   220      *        displayed as an icon or as a glass door.
   221      */
   222     IMPORT_C void InsertObjectL(const TDesC& aAppDllName,
   223                                 TUid aAppDllUid,
   224                                 TObjectFormat aFormat);
   226     /** 
   227      * Creates and inserts a new embedded object of the specified type.
   228      *
   229      * First, an attempt is made to find an extended picture factory that
   230      * supports the insertion of pictures of the specified type. If one is
   231      * not found, the function leaves; if one is found, the picture is inserted
   232      * at the cursor position.
   233      *
   234      * Displays an info message and leaves if the editor's text limit has
   235      * been reached.
   236      * 
   237      * @since Symbian 6.1
   238      * @param aPictureType The picture type.
   239      * @param aData The base address of the data. 
   240      * @leave KErrNotSupported No picture factory which supports the specified 
   241      *                         type is available in the control's @c Uikon 
   242      *                         environment.
   243      */
   244     IMPORT_C void InsertObjectL(TUid aPictureType,
   245                                 CBase* aData);
   247     /** 
   248      * Re-edits the embedded object at the cursor position.
   249      *
   250      * If there is no embedded object at the cursor position, or if there is a 
   251      * selection, an info message is displayed.
   252      *
   253      * If there is a valid object at the cursor position, it is opened for 
   254      * editing (or for viewing if the editor is read-only).
   255      */
   256     IMPORT_C void ReEditObjectL();
   258     /** 
   259      * Gets the document position and checks whether there is an embedded 
   260      * object at the cursor position.
   261      *
   262      * If there is no embedded object at the cursor position, or if there 
   263      * is a selection, an info message is displayed.
   264      *
   265      * @return The document position of the embedded object, or 
   266      *         @c KErrNotFound if there is no embedded object at the cursor 
   267      *         position, or if there is a selection
   268      */
   269     IMPORT_C TInt ObjectCursorPos() const;
   271     /**
   272      * Tests whether there is an embedded object at the cursor position.
   273      *
   274      * If there is one, it is opened for editing (or for viewing if the editor
   275      * is read-only).
   276      *
   277      * @return @c ETrue if there is an embedded object at the cursor 
   278      *         position and it could be opened. @c EFalse if there is no 
   279      *         embedded object at the cursor position, or if the object has
   280      *         a NULL UID.
   281      */ 
   282     IMPORT_C TBool CheckForObjectL();
   284     /**
   285      * Launches a format object dialog (@c CEikFormatObjectDialog) if there 
   286      * is an embedded object at the cursor position, and the object supports 
   287      * being displayed as a glass door.
   288      *
   289      * If the object does not support being displayed as a glass door, an 
   290      * object information dialog (@c CEikObjectInfoDialog) is launched instead.
   291      *
   292      * If the embedded object's associated application cannot be found, an 
   293      * info message is displayed and the function leaves.
   294      *
   295      * The function has no effect if there is no embedded object at the cursor
   296      * position.
   297      */ 
   298     IMPORT_C void EditPictureFormatL();
   300     /**
   301      * Handles a change to the format of an embedded object, by updating the 
   302      * view, the scroll bars and reporting the event to its observers.
   303      *
   304      * There is no need to call this function after calling 
   305      * @c EditPictureFormatL().
   306      */
   307     IMPORT_C void PictureFormatChangedL();
   309     /**
   310      * Gets a pointer to the embedded object located at the specified position. 
   311      *
   312      * If the object is not in memory, the function loads it.  
   313      *
   314      * If the object's associated application cannot be found, an info message
   315      * is displayed and the function leaves.
   316      *
   317      * @param aDoor On return, the embedded document's wrapper object (icon or 
   318      *        glass door).
   319      * @param aDoc On return, the embedded document.
   320      * @param aDocPos The document position in the editor at which the embedded 
   321      *        object is located.
   322      */
   323     IMPORT_C void GetEmbeddedAppL(CApaDoor*& aDoor,
   324                                   CApaDocument*& aDoc,
   325                                   TInt aDocPos);
   327     /** 
   328      * Changes all embedded objects displayed as glass doors into temporarily 
   329      * iconic.
   330      * 
   331      * The function operates throughout the editor.
   332      *
   333      * Only needed when pictures are temporarily iconic. 
   334      *
   335      * Has no effect if there are no embedded objects in the editor or if the 
   336      * @c EShowAllPicturesAsIconic attribute flag was set during construction.
   337      */
   338     IMPORT_C void UpdatePictureFormatL(); 
   340     /**
   341      * Changes all embedded objects displayed as glass doors into temporarily 
   342      * iconic.
   343      * 
   344      * The function operates over a specified range of characters.
   345      *
   346      * Has no effect if there are no embedded objects in the editor or if the 
   347      * @c EShowAllPicturesAsIconic attribute flag was set during construction.
   348      *
   349      * Only needed when pictures are temporarily iconic.
   350      *
   351      * @param aStartPos The start position.
   352      * @param aLength The number of characters, beginning at @c aStartPos over 
   353      *        which the function operates.
   354      */
   355     IMPORT_C void UpdatePictureFormatL(TInt aStartPos,TInt aLength); 
   357     /** 
   358      * Changes the size of the icons used to represent embedded objects.
   359      *
   360      * Any existing iconic doors can be updated to the new size by calling 
   361      * @c UpdatePictureSizeL().
   362      *
   363      * @param aSize The new iconic door size in twips.
   364      */ 
   365     IMPORT_C void SetDefaultIconicDoorSize(const TSize& aSize); 
   367     /** 
   368      * Gets the size of iconic doors.
   369      * 
   370      * @return The size of iconic doors. 
   371      */ 
   372     IMPORT_C const TSize& DefaultIconicDoorSize() const;
   374     /** 
   375      * Changes the size of all icons representing embedded objects to the 
   376      * default iconic door size.
   377      *
   378      * Also updates any objects currently displayed as glass doors, so that
   379      * if displayed as icons, they will use the correct size. 
   380      *
   381      * The function operates throughout the editor.
   382      */
   383     IMPORT_C void UpdatePictureSizeL();
   385     /**
   386      * Changes the size of all icons representing embedded objects to the 
   387      * default iconic door size.
   388      *
   389      * Also updates any objects currently displayed as glass doors, so that 
   390      * if displayed as icons, they will use the correct size. 
   391      *
   392      * The function operates over a specified range of characters.
   393      *
   394      * @param aStartPos The start position.
   395      * @param aLength The number of characters, beginning at @c aStartPos over
   396      *        which the function operates.
   397      */
   398     IMPORT_C void UpdatePictureSizeL(TInt aStartPos,TInt aLength);
   400     /** 
   401      * Sets a parser observer.
   402      *
   403      * If the @c CEikEdwin::ENoTextParsers attribute flag was specified on 
   404      * construction, this function has no effect.
   405      *
   406      * Its @c HandleCursorOverParserL() function is called when the cursor is 
   407      * positioned over text that has been tagged by the parser, for instance 
   408      * a URL.
   409      *
   410      * @param aObserver The parser observer.
   411      */ 
   412     IMPORT_C void SetParserObserver(
   413                     MEikRichTextEditorParserObserver* aObserver);
   415     /**
   416      * Activate/Disable phone number grouping.
   417      *
   418      * @param aEnable @c ETrue if phone number grouping is to be activated,
   419      *        @c EFalse otherwise.
   420      */ 
   421     IMPORT_C void SetPhoneNumberGrouping( TBool aEnable );
   423 public: // from CCoeControl
   425     /** 
   426      * From @c CCoeControl.
   427      * 
   428      * Handles key events.
   429      *
   430      * Has no effect (apart from returning @c EKeyWasConsumed) if the 
   431      * @c CEikEdwin::EDisplayOnly attribute flag was specified on construction.
   432      *
   433      * Handles rich text-specific hot keys, for instance to insert an object; 
   434      * otherwise calls @c CEikGlobalTextEditor::OfferKeyEventL(). 
   435      *
   436      * @param aKeyEvent The key event.
   437      * @param aType The type of the event. The editor only consumes events of 
   438      *        type @c EEventKey.
   439      * @return Indicates whether or not the editor consumed the 
   440      *         key event.
   441      */
   442     IMPORT_C TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType);
   444     /**
   445      * From @c CCoeControl.
   446      * 
   447      * Handles pointer events inside the editor.
   448      *
   449      * Has no effect if the @c CEikEdwin::EDisplayOnly attribute flag was 
   450      * specified on construction.
   451      * 
   452      * @param aPointerEvent The pointer event to be handled.
   453      */
   454     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);
   456     /** 
   457      * From @c CCoeControl.
   458      *
   459      * Completes the construction of the rich text editor from a resource file.
   460      *
   461      * The editor's paragraph and character formatting are set to default 
   462      * values, unless the @c CEikEdwin::EUserSuppliedText flag is specified in 
   463      * the resource.
   464      *
   465      * @param aReader A resource reader positioned for reading from an 
   466      *        RTXTED resource.
   467      */
   468     IMPORT_C void ConstructFromResourceL(TResourceReader& aReader);
   470     /** 
   471      * From @c CCoeControl. 
   472      * 
   473      * Activates the editor so that it is ready for use.
   474      *
   475      * For instance, the text view is created, the editor is set to observe its
   476      * rich text object, the editor's parser manager is set up, which handles
   477      * the changes that occur when the cursor is moved over tagged text
   478      * (for instance a URL), and all embedded objects are set to be displayed
   479      * as icons, of the default size.
   480      */ 
   481     IMPORT_C void ActivateL();
   483 private:
   485     /**
   486     * From CAknControl.
   487     */
   488     IMPORT_C void* ExtensionInterface( TUid aInterface );
   490 public: // from CEikEdwin
   492     /** 
   493      * From @c CEikEdwin.
   494      * 
   495      * Copies the contents of one text object into another.
   496      *
   497      * @param[in] aInText The rich text object to copy.
   498      * @param[out] aOutText On return, contains a copy of @c aInText.
   499      * @panic 26 In debug mode, if either @c aInText or @c aOutText is @c NULL.
   500      */ 
   501     IMPORT_C void CopyDocumentContentL(CGlobalText& aInText,CGlobalText& aOutText);
   503 protected:
   505     /** 
   506      * Internal flags used for indicating operations. 
   507      */
   508     enum // internal flags
   509 		{
   510         /** Crop from left. */ 
   511         ECropFromLeft			=0x00010000,
   513         /** Crop from right. */
   514         ECropFromRight			=0x00020000,
   516         /** Crop from top. */
   517         ECropFromTop			=0x00040000,
   519         /** Crop from bottom. */ 
   520         ECropFromBottom			=0x00080000,
   522         /** Object is being re-edited. */
   523         EReEditingObject		=0x00100000
   524 		};
   526 protected: // from CCoeControl
   528     /** 
   529      * From @c CCoeControl.
   530      *
   531      * Writes the internal state to the specified stream.
   532      * 
   533      * @param aWriteStream Target stream.
   534      */
   535     IMPORT_C void WriteInternalStateL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream) const;
   537 protected: // from MEditObserver
   539     /** 
   540      * From @c MEditObserver. 
   541      * 
   542      * This member is internal an not meant to be used. 
   543      *
   544      * @param aStartEdit Start position for editing.
   545      * @param aEditLength The length of the edited object.
   546      */
   547     IMPORT_C void EditObserver(TInt aStartEdit,TInt aEditLength);
   549 private: // from CoeControl
   551     IMPORT_C void Draw(const TRect& aRect) const;
   553     IMPORT_C void Reserved_2();
   555 private: // from CEikEdwin
   557     IMPORT_C void HandleTextPastedL(TInt aStartPos,TInt& aLength);
   558     IMPORT_C void Reserved_3();
   560 private: // from MApaEmbeddedDocObserver
   562     IMPORT_C void NotifyExit(TExitMode aMode);
   564 private: // from MRichTextStoreResolver
   566     IMPORT_C const CStreamStore& StreamStoreL(TInt aPos) const;
   568 private: // from MPictureFactory
   570     IMPORT_C void NewPictureL(TPictureHeader& aHdr,const CStreamStore& aDeferredPictureStore) const;
   572 private:
   574     void CommonConstructL();
   576     static TInt InsertEmbeddedDocL(TAny *aThis);
   578     static TInt DeleteEmbeddedDoc(TAny *aThis);
   580     static TInt UpdateEmbeddedDocL(TAny* aThis);
   582     static TInt TryDeleteEmbeddedDocL(TAny *aThis);
   584     void InsertPictureL(const TPictureHeader& aPictureHeader);
   586     void DoInsertPictureL(TBool& aFormatHasChanged,const TPictureHeader& aPictureHeader);
   588     void DoReEditObjectL(TInt aDocPos);
   590     void RoomForObjectL();
   592     void InsertObjectL(CApaDocument* aDoc,TObjectFormat aFormat);
   594     void SetTextObserver(CRichText& aText);
   596     inline void DoReportEdwinEventL(MEikEdwinObserver::TEdwinEvent aEventType);
   598 protected:
   600     /** 
   601      * Default size of iconic door.
   602      */
   603     TSize iDefaultIconicDoorSize;
   605 private:
   607     TPictureHeader iEmbeddedDoc;
   609     CIdle* iEmbeddedDocUpdate;
   611     CBufStore* iBufStore;
   613     CEikParserManager* iParserManager;
   615 private:
   617     friend class CEikParserManager;
   619 public: // new methods
   621     /**
   622      * Force everything to be parsed.
   623      */ 
   624     IMPORT_C void RefreshParsersL();
   626     };
   628 class MEikRichTextEditorParserObserver
   629 	{
   630 public:
   631 	virtual void HandleCursorOverParserL(const TDesC& aDoItText)=0;
   632 	};
   634 inline void CEikRichTextEditor::DoReportEdwinEventL(MEikEdwinObserver::TEdwinEvent aEventType)
   635 	{ReportEdwinEventL(aEventType);}
   637 #endif  // __EIKRTED_H__
   639 // End of file