author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 2 2fe1408b6811
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #if !defined(__EIKMENUP_H__)
    20 #define __EIKMENUP_H__
    22 #if !defined(__EIKBCTRL_H__)
    23 #include <eikbctrl.h>
    24 #endif
    26 #if !defined(__EIKDEF_H__)
    27 #include <eikdef.h>
    28 #endif
    30 #if !defined(__EIKSBOBS_H__)
    31 #include <eiksbobs.h> // for TEikScrollEvent
    32 #endif
    34 #include <bidi.h>
    37 class MEikMenuObserver;
    38 class CEikHotKeyTable;
    39 class CEikMenuPaneTitle;
    40 class CEikButtonBase;
    41 class CEikScrollBarFrame;
    42 class CEikScrollBar;
    43 class TEikScrollBarModel;
    44 class CGulIcon;
    45 class CEikMenuPaneExtension ;
    46 class CEikCba;
    47 class CAknItemActionMenuData;
    49 // CONSTANTS
    50 const TInt KScaleableTextSeparator = 0x0001;
    52 /**
    53   * A helper class for extending CEikMenuPaneItem without breaking binary 
    54   * compability.
    55   */
    56 class CExtendedItemData : public CBase
    57     {
    59 public:
    61     /**
    62      * Destructor.
    63      */
    64     ~CExtendedItemData();
    66 public:
    68     /** Two packaked bitmaps: bitmap icon and mask for it. */
    69     CGulIcon* iIcon;
    71     /** Scalable text buffer. */
    72     HBufC* iScaleableText;    
    73     };
    76 /**
    77  * The @c CEikMenuPaneItem class encapsulates the data needed to define a menu
    78  * pane item and provides some of the functionality required to display the 
    79  * item.
    80  *
    81  * @since ER5U
    82  */
    83 class CEikMenuPaneItem : public CBase
    84     {
    86 public:
    88     /** Struct to menu pane item. */
    89     struct SData
    90         {
    92         /** Nominal text length.*/
    93         enum { ENominalTextLength=40 };
    95         /** 
    96          * ID of the command to issue when the menu item using this @c SData is 
    97          * selected.
    98          */
    99         TInt iCommandId;
   101         /** Resource ID of a menu pane to cascade from this item. */
   102         TInt iCascadeId;
   104         /** 
   105          * Flags used internally by @c CEikMenuPane and accessible through 
   106          * functions such as @c CEikMenuPane::SetItemDimmed().
   107          */
   108         TInt iFlags;
   110         /** The text buffer displayed in the main area of the menu item. */
   111         TBuf<ENominalTextLength> iText; // less than this actually stored
   113         /** 
   114          * Additional descriptive text about the item. This is used by @c 
   115          * CEikMenuPane to display hotkey names.
   116          */
   117         TBuf<1> iExtraText;
   118         };
   120 public:
   122     /**
   123      * C++ default constructor.
   124      */
   125     IMPORT_C CEikMenuPaneItem();
   127     /**
   128      * Destructor.
   129      */
   130     IMPORT_C ~CEikMenuPaneItem();
   132     /**
   133      * Sets a menu item icon. This replaces any icon already set for the menu
   134      * item.
   135      *
   136      * @param aIcon Menu item icon consisting of a picture bitmap and a mask 
   137      *        bitmap.
   138      */
   139     IMPORT_C void SetIcon(CGulIcon* aIcon);
   141     /**
   142      * Draws the menu item icon.
   143      * 
   144      * @param aGc Graphics context to which the icon is drawn.
   145      * @param aRect Rectangle in which the icon is drawn. 
   146      * @param aDimmed If @c ETrue the icon is drawn dimmed. 
   147      * @param aBitmapSpaceRequired Length of one side of the square required to 
   148      *        contain the bitmap.
   149      */
   150     IMPORT_C void DrawItemIcon(CWindowGc& aGc, 
   151                                TRect aRect, 
   152                                TBool aDimmed, 
   153                                TInt aBitmapSpaceRequired) const;
   155     /**
   156      * Construct an icon from bitmaps. 
   157      * 
   158      * Constructs a new icon for the menu item, taking ownership of the picture
   159      * bitmap aBitmap and the mask bitmap aMask unless the bitmaps are 
   160      * externally owned.
   161      * 
   162      * @param aBitmap Picture bitmap.
   163      * @param aMask Mask bitmap.
   164      */
   165     IMPORT_C void CreateIconL(CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, 
   166                               CFbsBitmap* aMask);
   168     /**
   169      * Gets a pointer to the menu item's icon picture bitmap. This does not 
   170      * imply transfer of ownership.
   171      * 
   172      * @return Picture bitmap.
   173      */
   174     IMPORT_C CFbsBitmap* IconBitmap() const;
   176     /**
   177      * Gets a pointer to the menu item's icon mask bitmap. This does not imply
   178      * transfer of ownership.
   179      * 
   180      * @return Mask bitmap.
   181      */
   182     IMPORT_C CFbsBitmap* IconMask() const;
   184     /**
   185      * Sets icon bitmap ownership.
   186      * Sets the menu item's icon bitmaps as externally owned if @c 
   187      * aOwnedExternally is @c ETrue.
   188      * 
   189      * @param aOwnedExternally If @c ETrue bitmaps are set as externally owned. 
   190      *        @c If EFalse bitmaps are set as not being externally owned. 
   191      */
   192     IMPORT_C void SetBitmapsOwnedExternally(TBool aOwnedExternally);
   194     /**
   195      * Sets the picture bitmap. Transfers ownership unless the bitmaps are 
   196      * already owned externally.
   197      * 
   198      * @param aBitmap Picture bitmap.
   199      */
   200     IMPORT_C void SetIconBitmapL(CFbsBitmap* aBitmap);
   202     /**
   203      * Sets the mask bitmap. Transfers ownership unless the bitmaps are already
   204      * owned externally.
   205      * 
   206      * @param aMask Mask bitmap.
   207      */
   208     IMPORT_C void SetIconMaskL(CFbsBitmap* aMask);
   210     /**
   211      * Returns scaleable text. If there isn't scaleable text available then
   212      * this method returns @c iData.iText.
   213      * 
   214      * @return Pointer to TPtrC object that contains scaleable text.
   215      */
   216     IMPORT_C TPtrC ScaleableText() const;
   218     /**
   219      * Sets scaleable text. @c iData.iText is set to first text version.
   220      * 
   221      * @param aText Scalable text.
   222      */
   223     IMPORT_C void SetScaleableTextL(const TDesC& aText);
   225 private:
   226     inline void CreateExtendedDataBlock();
   227     inline TBool IsScaleableText(const TDesC& aText) const;
   228     TPtrC GetNominalText(const TDesC& aText);
   230 public:
   232     /** The y position of the menu pane item. */
   233     TInt iPos;
   235     /** The menu pane item's hotkey text. */
   236     TInt iHotKeyCode;
   238     /** Information from an SData struct. */
   239     SData  iData;
   241 private:
   242     CExtendedItemData* iExtendedData;
   243     };
   246 inline void CEikMenuPaneItem::CreateExtendedDataBlock()
   247     {
   248     if (!iExtendedData)
   249         {
   250         TRAPD(err, ( iExtendedData = new (ELeave) CExtendedItemData() ) );
   251         }
   252     }
   255 inline TBool CEikMenuPaneItem::IsScaleableText(const TDesC& aText) const
   256     {
   257     return aText.Locate( TChar( KScaleableTextSeparator ) ) != KErrNotFound;
   258     }
   261 /**
   262  * Menu panes are opened by activating the menu title 
   263  * @c (CEikMenuPaneTitle / MENU_TITLE) which is displayed in the menu bar @c 
   264  * (CEikMenuBar / MENU_BAR). They can also be cascaded from a menu item @c
   265  * (CEikMenuPaneItem / MENU_ITEM) or launched by a menu button @c 
   266  * (CEikMenuButton). 
   267  *
   268  * Menu panes may be defined using a @c MENU_PANE resource.
   269  */
   270 class CEikMenuPane : public CEikBorderedControl
   271     {
   272 private:
   273     enum {ENothingSelected=-1};
   274     class CMenuScroller;
   275     friend class CMenuScroller;
   276     friend class CEikMenuPaneExtension;
   277 public:
   279     /** The text to be displayed for a hotkey. */
   280     typedef TBuf<20> THotKeyDisplayText;
   282 public:
   284     /**
   285      * This class provides a constructor to create an array of menu pane items
   286      * and a destructor to destroy an array of menu pane items.
   287      */
   288     class CItemArray:public CArrayPtrFlat<CEikMenuPaneItem>
   289         {
   291     public:
   293         /**
   294          * C++ default constructor that creates a flat array of menu pane 
   295          * items.
   296          */
   297         IMPORT_C CItemArray();
   299         /**
   300          * Destructor.
   301          */
   302         IMPORT_C ~CItemArray();
   304         /**
   305          * Appends @c CEikMenuPaneItem class object to array.
   306          *
   307          * @param aMenuItem The menu item to add.
   308          */        
   309         IMPORT_C void AddItemL(CEikMenuPaneItem* aMenuItem);
   310         };
   312 public:
   314     /**
   315      * Destructor.
   316      */
   317     IMPORT_C ~CEikMenuPane();
   319     /**
   320      * C++ default constructor. Constructs a menu pane object with the 
   321      * specified observer.
   322      * 
   323      * @param aMenuObserver Menu observer.
   324      */
   325     IMPORT_C CEikMenuPane(MEikMenuObserver* aMenuObserver);
   327     /**
   328      * Handles 2nd base construction. Completes construction of a menu pane object. 
   329      * 
   330      * @param aOwner Menu pane owner ( for cascade menu ).
   331      * @param aEditMenuObserver Observer for the edit menu. In default this is 
   332      *        @c NULL.
   333      */
   334     IMPORT_C void ConstructL(CEikMenuPane* aOwner, 
   335                              MEikMenuObserver* aEditMenuObserver = NULL);
   337     /**
   338      * Destroys the menu pane's item array.
   339      */
   340     IMPORT_C void Reset();
   342 public: // framework
   344     /**
   345      * From @c CcoeControl.
   346      *
   347      * Handles key events offered to the menu by the control environment and 
   348      * provides an appropriate implementation of @c 
   349      * CCoeControl::OfferKeyEventL(). 
   350      * 
   351      * @param aKeyEvent The key event. 
   352      * @param aType The type of key event: @c EEventKey, @c EEventKeyUp or @c 
   353      *        EEventKeyDown.
   354      */
   355     IMPORT_C TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
   356                                          TEventCode aType);
   358     /**
   359      * From @c CcoeControl.
   360      *
   361      * Handles a pointer event on the menu.
   362      * 
   363      * @param aPointerEvent The pointer event to handle.
   364      */
   365     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);
   367     /**
   368      * From @c CcoeControl.
   369      *
   370      * Gets the list of logical colours employed in the drawing of the control, 
   371      * paired with an explanation of how they are used. Appends the list into 
   372      * @c aColorUseList.
   373      * 
   374      * @since 005u
   375      * @param aColorUseList The list of colours paired with explanations.
   376      */
   377     IMPORT_C virtual void GetColorUseListL(
   378         CArrayFix<TCoeColorUse>& aColorUseList) const; 
   380     /**
   381      * From @c CcoeControl.
   382      *
   383      * Handles a change to the menu's resources which are shared across the
   384      * environment. For example, colours or fonts.
   385      * 
   386      * @since 005u
   387      * @param aType The type of resource that has changed.
   388      */
   389     IMPORT_C virtual void HandleResourceChange(TInt aType);         // not available before Release 005u
   391 private: // from base class
   393     /**
   394      * Not implemented.
   395      * 
   396      * @param Not used.
   397      * @return NULL
   398      */
   399     IMPORT_C void* ExtensionInterface( TUid aInterface );
   401 public: // from MCoeInputObserver
   403     /**
   404      * From @c CCoeControl.
   405      *
   406      * Gets the list box’s input capabilities as set through the list box flags.
   407      *
   408      * @return List box input capabilities.
   409      */
   410     IMPORT_C TCoeInputCapabilities InputCapabilities() const;
   412 protected: // from base class
   414     /** 
   415      * From @c CCoeControl
   416      * 
   417      * Draw a control called by window server. 
   418      *
   419      * All controls, except blank controls, should implement this function. The
   420      * default implementation draws a blank control. This function is used for
   421      * window server-initiated redrawing of controls, and for some 
   422      * application-initiated drawing. It should be implemented by each control,
   423      * but  is only called from within @c CCoeControl's member functions, and 
   424      * not from the derived class. For this reason it is a private member 
   425      * function of @c CCoeControl.
   426      *
   427      * The rectangle aRect indicates the region of the control that needs to be
   428      * redrawn. The implementation of @c Draw() must always draw to every pixel 
   429      * within this rectangle.
   430      *
   431      * @param aRect The region of the control to be redrawn. 
   432      *        Co-ordinates are relative to the control's origin (top left 
   433      *        corner). Optional, not used currently.
   434      */
   435     IMPORT_C void Draw(const TRect& aRect) const;
   437     /**
   438      * From @c CCoeControl.
   439      *
   440      * Takes any action required when the menu pane gains or loses focus, 
   441      * to change its appearance for example.
   442      * 
   443      * @param aDrawNow If @c EDrawNow the menu pane is redrawn. If @c 
   444      *        ENoDrawNow the menu pane is not redrawn.
   445      */
   446     IMPORT_C void FocusChanged(TDrawNow aDrawNow);
   448     /**
   449      * From @c CCoeControl.
   450      *
   451      * Constructs the menu pane using the specified resource reader.
   452      * Fills the menu item array with the list of menu items provided by the
   453      * resource file.
   454      * 
   455      * @param aReader The resource reader to use.
   456      * @leave KErrNoMemory Memory allocation failure earlier construction.     
   457      */
   458     IMPORT_C void ConstructFromResourceL(TResourceReader& aReader);
   460 public: // new functions
   462     /**
   463      * Adds a menu item dynamically by creating a new menu item, setting its 
   464      * data to @c aMenuItem and appending it to the pane's menu item array. 
   465      * Updates the menu's scroll bar to take account of the new item.
   466      * 
   467      * @param aMenuItem The menu item to add.
   468      *        NOTICE that @c SData is a structure so all fields in it should be
   469      *        set to avoid any unexpected behaviour.
   470      */
   471     IMPORT_C void AddMenuItemL(const CEikMenuPaneItem::SData& aMenuItem);
   473     /**
   474      * Adds a menu item dynamically by creating a new menu item, setting its 
   475      * data to @c aMenuItem and inserting it into the pane's menu item array. 
   476      * Updates the menu's scroll bar to take account of the new item.
   477      * 
   478      * @param aMenuItem The menu item to add. NOTICE that @c SData is a 
   479      *        structure so all fields in it should be set to avoid any 
   480      *        unexpected behaviour.
   481      * @param aPreviousId The id of the item after which the new item should be
   482      *        added.
   483      */
   484     IMPORT_C void AddMenuItemL(const CEikMenuPaneItem::SData& aMenuItem, 
   485                                TInt aPreviousId);
   487     /**
   488      * Adds menu items dynamically by creating new menu items from resource 
   489      * and inserts them into the pane's menu item array. 
   490      * 
   491      * @param aResourceId The ID of the resource for the menu item.
   492      * @param aPreviousId The ID of the previous menu item, after which this 
   493      *        newly created item should be added.
   494      * @param aAddSeperator Shouldn't be used as separator is not not supported
   495      *        anymore.
   496      */
   497     IMPORT_C void AddMenuItemsL(TInt aResourceId, 
   498                                 TInt aPreviousId = 0,
   499                                 TBool aAddSeperator = EFalse);
   501     /**
   502      * Deletes the specified item in the menu pane.
   503      * 
   504      * @param aCommandId The ID for the item to be deleted.
   505      */
   506     IMPORT_C void DeleteMenuItem(TInt aCommandId);
   508     /**
   509      * Deletes the items between specified items.
   510      * 
   511      * @param aStartIndex The index of the item after which items should be 
   512      *        deleted.
   513      * @param aEndIndex The index of the item up to which items should be 
   514      *        deleted.
   515      */
   516     IMPORT_C void DeleteBetweenMenuItems(TInt aStartIndex, 
   517                                          TInt aEndIndex);
   519     /**
   520      * Gets a reference to the data in the specified menu item.
   521      * 
   522      * @param aCommandId The command ID of the menu item for which data is 
   523      *        obtained.
   524      * @return Reference to struct that contains command id.
   525      */
   526     IMPORT_C CEikMenuPaneItem::SData& ItemData(TInt aCommandId);
   528     /**
   529      * Gets a pointer to the specified menu item. Also gets the position of the
   530      * item within the menu pane. Panics if there are no menu items in the menu
   531      * pane. Panics if the menu pane id does not identify any menu pane item in
   532      * the array.
   533      * 
   534      * @param aCommandId The ID of the menu item for which a pointer is 
   535      *        returned. 
   536      * @param aPos On return, the position of the menu item with an ID of 
   537      *        aCommandId.
   538      * @return A pointer to the menu item.
   539      * @panic EEikPanicNoSuchMenuItem Panics if there are no menu items in the
   540      *                                menu pane or if the menu pane id does not
   541      *                                identify any menu pane item in the array.
   542      */
   543     IMPORT_C CEikMenuPaneItem* ItemAndPos(TInt aCommandId,TInt& aPos);
   545     /**
   546      * Displays the menu pane with the corner identified by @c aTargetType in 
   547      * the position specified by @c aTargetPos. This function uses @c 
   548      * aMinTitleWidth to calculate the area required to display the menu pane,
   549      * taking into account whether the menu is a cascading menu or popup menu.
   550      * 
   551      * @param aHotKeyTable Optional hotkey table. 
   552      * @param aTargetPos Position of the corner of the menu pane identified by 
   553      *        @c aTargetType. 
   554      * @param aMenuPaneTitle The menu pane's title.
   555      * @param aMinWidth Minimum width of the menu's title.
   556      * @param aTargetType The corner of the menu pane to which @c aTargetPos 
   557      *        relates. The default is the top left corner. Possible: @c 
   558      *        EPopupTargetTopLeft, @c EPopupTargetTopRight, 
   559      *        @cEPopupTargetBottomLeft, @c EPopupTargetBottomRight.
   560      */
   561     IMPORT_C void StartDisplayingMenuPane(
   562             const CEikHotKeyTable* aHotKeyTable,                               
   563             const TPoint& aTargetPos, 
   564             const CEikMenuPaneTitle* aMenuPaneTitle,
   565             TInt aMinWidth,  
   566             TPopupTargetPosType aTargetType = EPopupTargetTopLeft);
   568     /**
   569      * Sets the text in a menu item.
   570      * 
   571      * @param aCommandId The command (as defined in an .hrh file) associated
   572      *        with this menu item. This identifies the menu item whose text is
   573      *        to be set. 
   574      * @param aDes New item text.
   575      */                                      
   576     IMPORT_C void SetItemTextL(TInt aCommandId,
   577                                const TDesC& aDes);
   579     /**
   580      * Sets the text in a menu item from resource.
   581      *
   582      * @param aCommandId The command (as defined in an .hrh file) associated 
   583      *        with this menu item. This identifies the menu item whose text is
   584      *        to be set. 
   585      * @param aRid The resource ID of the menu item text. 
   586      */
   587     IMPORT_C void SetItemTextL(TInt aCommandId,
   588                                TInt aRid);
   590     /**
   591      * Dims (greys out) or undims a menu item. Dimming indicates that user 
   592      * input is not accepted.
   593      * 
   594      * @param aCommandId The command (as defined in an .hrh file) associated
   595      *        with this menu item. This identifies the menu item whose text is
   596      *        to be dimmed or un-dimmed. 
   597      * @param aDimmed @c ETrue to dim this menu item. @c EFalse to un-dim this
   598      *        menu item.
   599      */
   600     IMPORT_C void SetItemDimmed(TInt aCommandId,
   601                                 TBool aDimmed);
   603     /**
   604      * Sets the item to be indicated or not. It should be used to change the
   605      * state of radio buttons or check box items. It has real effect only 
   606      * starting from S60 v3.0.
   607      * 
   608      * @param aCommandId The command (as defined in an .hrh file) associated 
   609      *        with this menu item. This identifies the menu item for which the 
   610      *        state is set or unset. 
   611      * @param aButtonState should be @c EEikMenuItemSymbolOn or @c
   612      *        EEikMenuItemSymbolIndeterminate
   613      */                           
   614     IMPORT_C void SetItemButtonState(TInt aCommandId,
   615                                      TInt aButtonState);
   617     /**
   618      * Sets the selected menu item.
   619      * 
   620      * @param aSelectedItem The index of the item to get selected
   621      */                                
   622     IMPORT_C void SetSelectedItem(TInt aSelectedItem);
   624     /**
   625      * Gets the position of the selected menu item.
   626      * 
   627      * @return The position of the selected menu item.
   628      */
   629     IMPORT_C TInt SelectedItem() const;
   631     /**
   632      * Closes and destroys any current cascade menu and takes focus back. Does
   633      * nothing if no cascade menu exists.
   634      */
   635     IMPORT_C void CloseCascadeMenu();
   637     /**
   638      * Sets the array containing the list of menu items for the current menu 
   639      * pane.
   640      * 
   641      * @param aItemArray The menu item array for the menu pane.
   642      */
   643     IMPORT_C void SetItemArray(CItemArray* aItemArray);
   645     /**
   646      * Set menu item array ownership.
   647      * 
   648      * @param aOwnedExternally If @c ETrue the menu pane's menu item array is 
   649      *        set as externally owned. If @c EFalse the menu pane's menu item 
   650      *        array is set as not externally owned.
   651      */
   652     IMPORT_C void SetItemArrayOwnedExternally(TBool aOwnedExternally);
   654     /**
   655      * Sets the specified button to launch the menu pane. Doesn't have any 
   656      * effect in current implementation.
   657      * 
   658      * @param aButton The button to set as launching the menu.
   659      */
   660     IMPORT_C void SetLaunchingButton(CEikButtonBase* aButton);
   662     /**
   663      * Moves the menu pane highlight to a newly selected menu item identified
   664      * by @c aNewSelectedItem. Scrolls the menu to show the new selected item
   665      * if necessary and redraws only the newly selected item and the currently
   666      * selected item if possible.
   667      * 
   668      * @param aNewSelectedItem The newly selected menu item index.
   669      */
   670     IMPORT_C void MoveHighlightTo(TInt aNewSelectedItem);
   672     /**
   673      * Gets the number of menu items within the menu pane.
   674      *
   675      * @return Number of menu items within menu pane.
   676      */
   677     IMPORT_C TInt NumberOfItemsInPane() const;
   679     /**
   680      * Closes the menu pane.
   681      */
   682     IMPORT_C void Close();
   684     /**
   685      * From @ CCoeControl
   686      *
   687      * Handles key events offered to the menu by the control environment.
   688      * 
   689      * @since Platform 004.
   690      * @param aKeyEvent The key event.
   691      * @param aType The type of key event: @c EEventKey, @c EEventKeyUp or @c
   692      *        EEventKeyDown. 
   693      * @param aConsumeAllKeys If @c ETrue this function returns @c 
   694      *        EKeyWasConsumed regardless of whether it was used. If @c EFalse
   695      *        the key event is consumed if possible and either @c 
   696      *        EKeyWasConsumed or @c EKeyWasNotConsumed is returned as 
   697      *        appropriate.
   698      */
   699     IMPORT_C TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
   700                                          TEventCode aType,
   701                                          TBool aConsumeAllKeys); // not available before Platform 004
   703     /**
   704      * Sets whether the scroll bar occupies the left side of the menu pane.
   705      * 
   706      * @param aOnLeft If @c ETrue the scroll bar will occupy the left side of
   707      *        the menu pane.
   708      */                                     
   709     IMPORT_C void SetScrollBarOnLeft(TBool aOnLeft);
   711     /**
   712      * Sets whether the menu pane uses an arrow head scroll bar.
   713      * 
   714      * @param aArrowHead If @c ETrue the menu pane uses an arrow head scroll 
   715      *        bar.
   716      */
   717     IMPORT_C void SetArrowHeadScrollBar(TBool aArrowHead);
   719 // new for AVKON
   721     /**
   722      * Moves highlight to the next item or to the first one if last item is 
   723      * selected. 
   724      */
   725     IMPORT_C void NavigateToNextItem();
   727     /**
   728      * Inserts the menu item to the specified position.
   729      * 
   730      * @param aMenuItem The menu item to add. NOTICE @c SData is the structure
   731      *        and all fileds should be initialized.
   732      * @param aPosition The position of newly created item in the array.
   733      */
   734     IMPORT_C void InsertMenuItemL(const CEikMenuPaneItem::SData& aMenuItem, 
   735                                   TInt aPosition);
   737     /**
   738      * Checks whether menu pane contains the menu item and returns position of
   739      * it if the item is found.
   740      * 
   741      * @param[in] aCommandId The command ID of the item to be searched for.
   742      * @param[out] aPosition On return contains position of the item.
   743      * @return @c ETrue if item was found. Otherwise @c EFalse.
   744      */
   745     IMPORT_C TBool MenuItemExists(TInt aCommandId, 
   746                                   TInt& aPosition);
   748     /**
   749      * Checks whether the menu pane is a cascade menu or a main menu. 
   750      *
   751      * @return @c ETrue if the menu pane is cascade menu and @c EFalse if the
   752      *         menu pane is the main menu.
   753      */
   754     IMPORT_C TBool IsCascadeMenuPane() const;
   756     /**
   757      * Enables or disables text scrolling functionality. It is disabled by 
   758      * default.
   759      * 
   760      * @param aEnable @c ETrue to enable text scrolling functionality.
   761      */
   762     IMPORT_C void EnableMarqueeL(const TBool aEnable); 
   764     /**
   765      * Report that selection was done for the currently highlighted item.
   766      */
   767     void ActivateCurrentItemL();
   769     /**
   770      * Closes cascade menu if there is one and it is active.
   771      */
   772     TBool CancelActiveMenuPane();
   774     /**
   775      * Deletes dimmed items from the menu item array.
   776      */
   777     void FilterDimmedItems();
   779     /**
   780      * Gets the menu pane for the cascade menu.
   781      *
   782      * @return The menu pane for the cascade menu.
   783      */
   784     IMPORT_C CEikMenuPane* CascadeMenuPane();
   786     /**
   787      * Gets a reference to the data in the specified menu item.
   788      * 
   789      * @since S60 3.1
   790      * @param aItemIndex The index of the item in the items array.
   791      * @return The menu item's data.
   792      * @leave  KErrArgument Wrong @aItemIndex.
   793      */
   794     IMPORT_C CEikMenuPaneItem::SData& ItemDataByIndexL(TInt aItemIndex);
   796     /**
   797      * Creates and enables a special characters row to be used in the edit 
   798      * menu.
   799      *
   800      * @since S60 3.1 
   801      * @param aSpecialChars Buffer that holds the selected characters after 
   802      *                      user has selected them.
   803      */
   804     IMPORT_C void ConstructMenuSctRowL( TDes& aSpecialChars );
   806     /**
   807      * Returns the command id of the specified menu item. The function panics
   808      * if aIndex doesn't exist or is out of range.
   809      * @param aIndex The index of the menu item for which the command ID is returned.
   810      * @since 3.1
   811      */
   812     IMPORT_C TInt MenuItemCommandId( TInt aIndex ) const;
   814     /**
   815      * Creates and enables a special characters row to be used in the edit menu.
   816      * The special character row is constructed from the given special character table.
   817      *
   818      * @param aSpecialChars Buffer that holds the selected characters after 
   819      * user has selected them.
   820      * @param aResourceId The special character table resource id to define the 
   821      * characters in the row.
   822      *
   823      * @since S60 3.1
   824      */
   825     IMPORT_C void ConstructMenuSctRowL( TDes& aSpecialChars, TInt aResourceId );
   827     /**
   828      * Creates and enables a special characters row to be used in the edit menu.
   829      * The special character row is constructed from the given special character dialog.
   830      *
   831      * @param aSpecialChars Buffer that holds the selected characters after 
   832      * user has selected them.
   833      * @param aResourceId The special character dialog  resource id that contains a special character table
   834      *
   835      * @since S60 3.2
   836      */
   837     IMPORT_C void ConstructMenuSctRowFromDialogL( TDes& aSpecialChars, TInt aResourceId );
   839     /**
   840      * Creates and enables a special characters row to be used in the edit menu.
   841      * The special character row is constructed from the given special character dialog.
   842      *
   843      * @param aCharCase the charcase used by menu sct
   844      * @param aSpecialChars Buffer that holds the selected characters after
   845      * user has selected them.
   846      * @param aResourceId The special character dialog  resource id that contains a special character table
   847      *
   848      * @since S60 3.2
   849      */
   850     IMPORT_C void ConstructMenuSctRowFromDialogL( TInt aCharCase, TDes& aSpecialChars, TInt aResourceId );
   852     /**
   853      * Sets menu item as item specific command.
   854      * 
   855      * @param aCommandId The command associated with this menu item.
   856      * @param aItemSpecific ETrue to define the menu item item specific,
   857      * EFalse otherwise.
   858      */
   859     IMPORT_C void SetItemSpecific( TInt aCommandId, TBool aItemSpecific );
   861     /**
   862      * Sets the embedded cba to options menu
   863      *
   864      * @param aCba Cba to embed to menu
   865      * 
   866      * @since S60 v5.2
   867      */
   868     void SetEmbeddedCba( CEikCba* aCba );
   870     /**
   871      * Closes and destroys any current cascade menu and takes focus back. Does
   872      * nothing if no cascade menu exists.
   873      * 
   874      * @param aMainMenuClosing ETrue if main menu is also to be closed.
   875      */
   876     void CloseCascadeMenu( TBool aMainMenuClosing );
   878     /**
   879      * Symbian two-phased constructor for menu panes that are created for
   880      * item specific menus.
   881      * 
   882      * @internal
   883      * @since S60 v5.2
   884      * @return Created menu pane. Ownership transfers to caller.
   885      */
   886     static CEikMenuPane* NewItemCommandMenuL( MEikMenuObserver* aObserver );
   888     /**
   889      * Sets item specific commands dimmed.
   890      * 
   891      * @internal
   892      * @since S60 v5.2
   893      */
   894     void SetItemCommandsDimmed();
   896     /**
   897      * Adds menu items to this menu and item action menu data. 
   898      * 
   899      * @internal
   900      * @since S60 v5.2
   901      * @param aMenuData Item action menu data.
   902      */
   903     void AddMenuItemsToItemActionMenuL(
   904             CAknItemActionMenuData& aMenuData );
   906     /**
   907      * Adds cascade menu items to item action menu data.
   908      * 
   909      * @internal
   910      * @since S60 v5.2
   911      * @param aCascadeId Cascade menu id.
   912      * @param aItemSpecific If ETrue, adds only item specific items.
   913      * @param aMenuData Item action menu data.
   914      */
   915     void AddCascadeMenuItemsToActionMenuL(
   916             TInt aCascadeId,
   917             TBool aItemSpecific,
   918             CAknItemActionMenuData& aMenuData );
   920     /**
   921      * Enables the default highlight in menu
   922      */
   923     void SetDefaultHighlight();
   925 private:
   926     enum { EInvalidCurrentSize=0x01, EBackgroundFaded=0x02 };
   928 private: // new functions
   929     TRect CalculateSizeAndPosition() ;
   930     enum THighlightType {ENoHighlight,EDrawHighlight,ERemoveHighlight};
   931     void DrawItem( TInt aItem, THighlightType aHighlight ) const;
   932     void DrawItem(CWindowGc& aGc,TInt aItem, THighlightType aHighlight) const;
   933     void ReportSelectionMadeL( TBool aAbortTransition = ETrue );
   934     void ReportCanceled();
   935     void LaunchCascadeMenuL(TInt aCascadeMenuId);
   936     void DoLaunchCascadeMenuL(TInt aCascadeMenuId);
   937     void TryLaunchCascadeMenuL(const CEikMenuPaneItem& aItem);
   938     void PrepareGcForDrawingItems(CGraphicsContext& aGc) const;
   939     TBool ItemArrayOwnedExternally() const;
   940     TBool IsHotKeyL(const TInt modifiers,const TInt aCode);
   941     TBool MoveToItemL(TInt aCode, TInt aModifiers);
   942     void HandleScrollEventL(CEikScrollBar* aScrollBar,TEikScrollEvent aEventType);
   943     void CreateScrollBarFrame();
   944     void UpdateScrollBar();
   945     void DoUpdateScrollBarL();
   946     void UpdateScrollBarThumbs();
   947     static TInt UpdateScrollBarCallBackL(TAny* aObj);
   948     TRect ViewRect() const;
   949     TInt TotalItemHeight() const;
   950     void ScrollToMakeItemVisible(TInt aItemIndex);
   951     void Scroll(TInt aAmount);
   952     TBool CheckCreateScroller();
   953     void CheckCreateScrollerL();
   954     void ResetItemArray();
   955     void CreateItemArrayL();
   956     void CreateIconFromResourceL(TResourceReader& aReader, CEikMenuPaneItem& aItem) const;
   958     // Skin support for menu
   959     void UpdateBackgroundContext(const TRect& aWindowRect);
   961     // Support method for highlight animation
   962     void RepaintHighlight() const;
   964 private: // from CCoeControl
   965     IMPORT_C void Reserved_1();
   966     IMPORT_C void Reserved_2();
   968 private : // new functions
   969     void LoadCascadeBitmapL() ;
   971     // Support for check mark, from v3.0
   972     void LoadCheckMarkBitmapL();
   973     TBool MenuHasCheckBoxOn() const;
   974     // Support for radio button, from v3.0
   975     void LoadRadioButtonBitmapL();
   976     TBool IsItemMemberOfRadioButtonGroup(TInt aItem) const ;
   977     // for drawing,from v3.0
   978     TBool MenuHasIcon() const;
   980     TRect CalculateSizeAndPositionScalable( const TRect& aWindowRect, TInt aNumItemsInPane ) ;
   981     TRect HighlightRect() const;
   982     void PrepareHighlightFrame() const;
   983     void SetCascadedIconSize() const;
   985     // fixes marquee flickering
   986     friend class CAknMarqueeControl;
   988     CEikMenuPaneExtension* Extension() const;
   990     /**
   991      * Creates menu pane's extension object if it doesn't exist yet.
   992      */
   993     void CheckCreateExtensionL();
   995     /**
   996      * Calculates the rectangle occupied by an item.
   997 	 *
   998 	 * @param aItemIndex Item's index.
   999 	 * @return Item's rectangle.
  1000      */
  1001     TRect ItemRect( TInt aItemIndex ) const;
  1003     /**
  1004      * Calculates the height of menu items.
  1005 	 *
  1006 	 * @return Item height.
  1007      */
  1008     TInt CalculateItemHeight() const;
  1010 protected: // from CoeControl
  1012     /**
  1013      * From @c CCoeControl.
  1014      *
  1015      * Retrieves an object of the same type as that encapsulated in aId. Other
  1016      * than in the case where @c NULL is returned, the object returned must be 
  1017      * of the same object type - that is, the @c ETypeId member of the object
  1018      * pointed to by the pointer returned by this function must be equal to the
  1019      * @c iUid member of @c aId.
  1020      *
  1021      * @since SDK 7.0s
  1022      * @param aId An encapsulated object type ID.
  1023      * @return Encapsulates the pointer to the object provided. Note that the 
  1024      *         encapsulated pointer may be @c NULL.
  1025      */
  1026     IMPORT_C TTypeUid::Ptr MopSupplyObject(TTypeUid aId);
  1028 public: // From CoeControl.
  1030     /**
  1031      * From @c CoeControl.
  1032      *
  1033      * Gets the number of controls contained in a compound control. This 
  1034      * function should be implemented by all compound controls.
  1035      * 
  1036      * Note: 
  1037      * In SDK 6.1 this was changed from protected to public.
  1038      * 
  1039      * @return The number of component controls contained by this control.
  1040      */
  1041     IMPORT_C TInt CountComponentControls() const;
  1043     /**
  1044      * From @c CoeControl.
  1045      *
  1046      * Gets the specified component of a compound control. This function should?
  1047      * be implemented by all compound controls.
  1048      *
  1049      * Note:
  1050      * Within a compound control, each component control is identified by an 
  1051      * index, where the index depends on the order the controls were added: the
  1052      * first is given an index of 0, the next an index of 1, and so on.
  1053      *
  1054      * @param[in, out] aIndex The index of the control to get.
  1055      * @return The component control with an index of @c aIndex.
  1056      */
  1057     IMPORT_C CCoeControl* ComponentControl(TInt aIndex) const;
  1059 protected: // new functions
  1061     /**
  1062      * Gets the maximum number of items which can be seen simultaneously.
  1063      *
  1064      * @return The maximum number of items which can be seen simultaneously.
  1065      */
  1066     TInt NumberOfItemsThatFitInView() const;
  1068 private: // data
  1069     friend class CEikMenuButton;
  1070     MEikMenuObserver* iMenuObserver;
  1071     MEikMenuObserver* iEditMenuObserver;
  1072     CEikMenuPane* iCascadeMenuPane;
  1073     const CEikMenuPaneTitle* iMenuPaneTitle;
  1074     const CEikHotKeyTable* iHotKeyTable;
  1075     CEikMenuPane* iOwner;
  1076     CItemArray* iItemArray;
  1077     TBool iArrayOwnedExternally;
  1078     TBool iAllowPointerUpEvents;
  1079     TInt iNumberOfDragEvents;
  1080     TInt iSelectedItem;
  1081     TInt iItemHeight;
  1082     TInt iBaseLine;
  1083     TInt iHotkeyColWidth;
  1084     TInt iFlags;
  1085     CEikScrollBarFrame* iSBFrame;
  1086     CMenuScroller* iScroller;
  1087     CEikButtonBase* iLaunchingButton; // for popouts only
  1088     TInt iSubPopupWidth; // 0..2
  1089     TInt iSpare;
  1090     CEikMenuPaneExtension* iExtension;
  1092     };
  1094 #endif