author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #if !defined(__EIKDPAGE_H__)
    20 #define __EIKDPAGE_H__
    22 #include <coeccntx.h>
    23 #include <eiksbfrm.h>
    24 #include <coecobs.h>
    25 #include <eikedwob.h>
    26 #include <AknPopupFieldText.h>
    27 #include <AknControl.h>
    29 //
    30 // Forward declarations.
    31 //
    33 class CEikCapCArray;
    34 class CEikCaptionedControl;
    35 class CEikDialogPageContainer;
    36 class CEikEdwin;
    37 class CEikLabel;
    38 class MEikDialogPageObserver;
    39 struct SEikControlInfo;
    40 class CAknLayoutData;
    41 class CDialogPageExtension;
    43 class CEikFormAnim;
    44 class MEikFormAnimObserver;
    45 class CAknPaneScroll;
    46 class CAknFormPhysics;
    48 /**
    49  * The CEikDialogPage class implements a scrollable dialog page control.
    50  *
    51  * @internal
    52  * @since ER5U
    53  */
    54 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CEikDialogPage) :
    55     public CAknControl,
    56     public MCoeControlObserver, 
    57     public MEikScrollBarObserver, 
    58     public MEikEdwinSizeObserver,
    59     public MAknPopupFieldObserver,
    60     public MEikEdwinObserver
    61     {
    62 public:
    63     enum TFocusNavigationMode
    64         {
    65         ECyclic,
    66         ENonCyclic
    67         };
    68     enum TAScrollBarBreadthAllocationMode
    69         {
    70         ENone                                   =0x0000,
    71         EScrollBarBreadthPreAllocated           =0x1000
    72         };
    73     /**
    74     * Enumeration to express what layout is currently being used. Note that the use of 
    75     * bitmaps on the left is controlled by D
    76     *
    77     */
    78     enum TFormLayoutSelection
    79         {
    80         ESingle,
    81         EDouble
    82         };
    84     /** 
    85      * Used with iFormFlags to indicate where optimisations may or may not occur.  
    86      * Uses bits above 0x100 as those below are used as static form flags for configuration by resource file.
    87      */
    88     enum TDynamicFormFlags
    89         {
    90         EFormResizeOptimisationFlag = 0x100 ,
    91         EFormForceEdwinResizeFlag = 0x200
    92         } ;
    94 public:
    95     ~CEikDialogPage();
    96     static CEikDialogPage* NewL(TInt aId,RWindow& aViewWin,CEikScrollBarFrame& aSBFrame,const CEikDialogPageContainer& aParent,MEikDialogPageObserver* aPageObserver);
    97     static CEikDialogPage* NewLC(TInt aId,RWindow& aViewWin,CEikScrollBarFrame& aSBFrame,const CEikDialogPageContainer& aParent,MEikDialogPageObserver* aPageObserver);
    98     static CEikDialogPage* NewL(TInt aId,RWindow& aViewWin,CEikScrollBarFrame& aSBFrame,const CEikDialogPageContainer& aParent,MEikDialogPageObserver* aPageObserver,TResourceReader& aReader);
    99     static CEikDialogPage* NewLC(TInt aId,RWindow& aViewWin,CEikScrollBarFrame& aSBFrame,const CEikDialogPageContainer& aParent,MEikDialogPageObserver* aPageObserver,TResourceReader& aReader);
   100     void SetDataPosition( TInt aTopY, TInt aBottomY, TBool aForceResize );
   101     TSize PreferredSize() const;
   102     void SetActiveL();
   103     void SetActiveAndFocusL();
   104     void SetInactiveL();
   105     TInt PageId() const;
   106     TInt LineId(const CCoeControl& aControl) const;
   107     TBool SetInitialFocus();
   108     CCoeControl* CreateLineByTypeL(const TDesC& aCaption,TInt aLineId,TInt aControlType,TAny* aReturnValue);
   109     CCoeControl* Control(TInt aLineId) const;
   110     CCoeControl* ControlOrNull(TInt aLineId) const;
   111     TInt ControlHeight(TInt aLineIndex) const;
   112     CEikCaptionedControl* Line(TInt aLineId) const;
   113     CEikCaptionedControl* LineOrNull(TInt aLineId) const;
   114     CEikCaptionedControl* CurrentLine() const;
   115     void SetDensePacking(TBool aDensePacking);
   116     void InsertLineL(TInt aPosition,TInt aResourceId);
   117     void DeleteLine(TInt aLineId,TBool aRedrawNow);
   118     void AdjustAllIds(TInt aControlIdDelta);
   119     TInt FocusLineL(TInt aLineId);
   120     TInt FocusedLineId() const;
   121     void GetAutoValues();
   122     TKeyResponse OfferUpDownKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType,TFocusNavigationMode aFocusNavigationMode);
   123     TBool OwnsLine(TInt aLineId) const;
   124     void ResetLineMinimumSizes();
   125     TInt FindLineIndex(const CCoeControl* aControl) const;
   126     TBool RotateFocusByL(TInt aDelta);
   127     TKeyResponse OfferHotKeysKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType);
   128     TBool TakesEnterKey();
   129     TInt LineIndex(TInt aLineId);
   130     void ReportPageChangedL();
   131     TInt GetFormFlags() const;
   132     void SetFormFlag( TInt16 aFlag, TBool aEnable ) ;  // used with TDynamicFormFlags
   133     void ConstructFormFromResourceL( TResourceReader& aReader ) ;
   134     void SetEditableL( TBool aEditable, TBool aActivePage ) ;
   135     TBool IsEditable() const;
   136     TBool IsForm() const;
   138 	void SetDoubleQuery(TBool aIsDoubleQuery);
   140     CEikFormAnim* AcquireAnim( TBool aAcquire, MEikFormAnimObserver* aObserver ) const;
   142 public:
   143     void UpdateScrollBarL();
   144     TBool LineHandlerCalled() const;
   146 public: // from CCoeControl
   147     TSize MinimumSize();
   148     virtual void GetColorUseListL(CArrayFix<TCoeColorUse>& aColorUseList) const;
   149     virtual void HandleResourceChange(TInt aType);
   150     virtual void PrepareForFocusLossL();
   151     virtual void SetDimmed(TBool aDimmed);
   152     virtual TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType);
   153 public: // from MCoeControlObserver
   154     virtual void HandleControlEventL(CCoeControl* aControl,TCoeEvent aEventType);
   155 public: // from MEikEdwinSizeObserver
   156     virtual TBool HandleEdwinSizeEventL(CEikEdwin* aEdwin, TEdwinSizeEvent aEventType, TSize aDesirableEdwinSize);
   157 public: // from MEikEdwinObserver
   158     virtual void HandleEdwinEventL(CEikEdwin* aEdwin,TEdwinEvent aEventType);
   160 public: // from MAknPopupFieldObserver
   161     virtual void HandlePopupFieldEventL(CAknPopupField* aPopupField, TAknPopupFieldEvent aEventType, TInt aHint);
   162 public: 
   163     void SetPageContainer(const CEikDialogPageContainer* aPageContainer);
   164     const CEikDialogPageContainer* PageContainer() const;
   165 protected: // from CCoeControl
   166     void WriteInternalStateL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream) const;
   167     void SizeChanged();
   168     TInt CountComponentControls() const;
   169     CCoeControl* ComponentControl(TInt aIndex) const;
   170     void FocusChanged(TDrawNow aDrawNow);
   171     void Draw(const TRect& aRect) const;
   172 public:
   173     // added to allow Form format to be set by API
   174     IMPORT_C void SetFormLayout(TFormLayoutSelection aLayout);
   175     IMPORT_C TFormLayoutSelection FormLayout() const;
   176 public:
   177 public:
   178     TBool IsAtOrOffTopOfPage(const CCoeControl* aControl) const;
   179     TBool IsAtOrOffBottomOfPage(const CCoeControl* aControl) const ;
   180 public:
   181     TBool VisibleSizeOnPage(TInt& aHeightOfControlVisibleOnPage, const CCoeControl* aControl) const;
   183     /**
   184      * Scrolls cached drawing commands by @c aDelta pixels in y direction.
   185      * 
   186      * @param  aDelta     A y-asix base on the sliding control's coordinate.
   187      * @param  aDebugMsg  Not used.
   188      * @param  aDrawNow   Whether or not the view should be drawn.  
   189      */
   190     void ScrollCacheByPixels( TInt aDelta,
   191                               const TDesC& aDebugMsg,
   192                               TBool aDrawNow = ETrue );
   194     /**
   195      * Updates line's cached drawing commands.
   196      */
   197     void UpdateLineInCache( CEikCaptionedControl* aLine );
   199     /**
   200      * Physics simulation ended.
   201      */
   202     void Synchronize();
   204     /**
   205      * Can be used to query whether highlight graphics should be drawn.
   206      *
   207      * @since S60 5.2
   208      * 
   209      * @return ETrue if highlight should be drawn.
   210      */
   211     TBool HighlightVisible() const;
   213 protected: // from MEikScrollBarObserver
   214     virtual void HandleScrollEventL(CEikScrollBar* aScrollBar,TEikScrollEvent aEventType);
   216 private: // new functions
   217     void AfterAddingNewLinesL(TInt aNewLineAdded);
   219     CEikDialogPage(TInt aId,RWindow& aViewWin,CEikScrollBarFrame& aSBFrame,MEikDialogPageObserver* aPageObserver);
   220     void ConstructL();
   221     void ConstructFromResourceL(TResourceReader& aReader, TBool aFormControl = EFalse );
   222     void ConstructByTypeL(TInt aControlType,CEikCaptionedControl* aLine,CCoeControl* aContainer);
   223     void ShowFocus(TBool aFocus, TBool aRedraw=ETrue);
   224     SEikControlInfo CreateCustomControlL(TInt aControlType);
   225     void ChangeFocusTo(TInt aLineIndex);
   226     void PrepareForFocusTransitionL();
   227     void ChangeFocusToAndExposeL(TInt aLine,TBool aShowWholeControl=EFalse);
   228     TInt TopFocusableLine() const;
   229     TInt BottomFocusableLine() const;
   230     TBool LineIsFocusable(TInt aLine) const;
   231     TBool ResizeEdwinToFitTextL(CEikEdwin* aEdwin, TDrawNow aDrawNow, TSize aDesirableEdwinSize);
   232     TInt YPosToLine2(TInt aYPos) const;
   233     TInt LineToYPos(TInt& aLine) const;
   234     void ExposeLine(TInt aLine, TBool aForceResize, TBool aShowWholeLine = EFalse );
   235     void PassOnEventL(CCoeControl* aControl,MCoeControlObserver::TCoeEvent aEvent);
   236     CEikCaptionedControl* ConstructLineL(TInt aResourceId);
   237     CEikCaptionedControl* ConstructLineL(TResourceReader& aReader);
   238     TKeyResponse HandleCyclicFocusNavigationKeyL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent);
   239     TKeyResponse HandleNonCyclicFocusNavigationKeyL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent);
   240     void MakeEdwinScrollbarsVisibleL(TBool aVisible);
   241     void LineChangedL(TInt aControlId);
   242     void UpdateScrollBarThumb();
   243     void ReconsiderPageSize();
   244 	void PrepareToDrawVerticalLine() const;
   246 	/**
   247 	* Specialized pointer event handling for forms.
   248 	*/
   249 	void HandleFormPointerEventL( const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent );
   251 	/**
   252 	* Updates physics data.
   253 	*/
   254 	void UpdatePhysics();
   256     /**
   257     * Callback for highlight timer.
   258     */
   259     static TInt HighlightTimerCallBack( TAny* aPtr );
   261     /**
   262     * Handles highlight timer's expiration.
   263     */
   264     void HandleHighlightTimer();
   266     /**
   267     * Performs forced redraw of aControl and its component controls.
   268     */
   269     void DrawControl( CCoeControl* aControl ) const;
   271     /**
   272     * Record all lines drawing commands to the cache. Existing cache is purged.
   273     */
   274     void RecordLinesL();
   276     /**
   277     * Records one line's drawing commands to the cache replacing existing commands for that line.
   278     */
   279     void RecordLineL( TInt aLine );
   281     /**
   282     * Scrolls all lines by aPixels in y direction.
   283     */
   284     void ScrollByPixels( TInt aDelta );
   286     /**
   287     * Removes pressed down highlight.
   288     */
   289     void RemovePressedDownHighlight();
   291     /**
   292      * Sets highlight's visibility.
   293      *
   294      * @since S60 5.2
   295      * 
   296      * @param aVisible ETrue to set highlight visible.
   297      */
   298     void HighlightVisible( TBool aVisible );
   300     enum TScrollDirection
   301         {
   302         ESingleLineScrollUp ,
   303         ESingleLineScrollDown
   304         } ;
   305     void RegisterComponentL(TInt aControlType, CCoeControl* aControl, CEikCaptionedControl* aLine);
   306     static void CommonConstructCodeBetweenNewL(CEikDialogPage& aDialogPage, const CEikDialogPageContainer& aParent);
   308 public: 
   309     TBool AnythingToDisplay() const;
   310     void DrawVerticalLine() const;
   311     CEikCaptionedControl* LineOnPageOrNull(TInt aLine) const;
   312     TSize RealDataSize() const;
   313     TInt NumberOfLines() const;
   314     CEikCaptionedControl* LineByIndex(TInt aIndex) const;
   316 private:
   317     CEikCapCArray* iLines;
   318     MEikDialogPageObserver* iPageObserver;
   319     TInt iPageId;
   320     TInt iCurrentLine;
   321     TInt16 iFormFlags ;
   322     TBool iIsEditable;
   323     TBool iFormControl ;
   324     TInt iLastExposedLine;
   325     TInt iLastExposedLineViewWinYPosition;
   326     const CEikDialogPageContainer* iPageContainer;
   327     TFormLayoutSelection iFormLayout;
   328 	CAknPaneScroll *iScroll;
   329 public:
   330 mutable CEikEdwin* iIgnoreFurtherEdwinResizeEvents;
   331 private:
   332     CDialogPageExtension* iExtension;
   333     void DrawEmptyListL( CWindowGc& aGc );
   334     CAknFormPhysics* iPhysics;
   336     /**
   337      * Stores highlight's visibility.
   338      */
   339     TBool iHighlightVisible;
   341 public:
   342 /**
   343  * HandlePointerEventL
   344  * Function notifys the pages observer that the page has been tapped. (stylus down&up)
   345  * @param aPointerEvent the pointer event.
   346  */
   347 	virtual void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);
   349 	void SetScbState(TBool aExternal);
   350     TBool ScbState() const;
   352 private:
   353     /**
   354     * From CAknControl
   355     */
   356     IMPORT_C void* ExtensionInterface( TUid aInterface );
   357 	};
   360 /**
   361  * The CEikDialogPageContainer class contains one or more dialog pages and provides an interface to the active
   362  * page.
   363  *
   364  * @internal
   365  * @since ER5U
   366  */
   367 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CEikDialogPageContainer) : public CAknControl, public MCoeControlContext, public MCoeControlHitTest
   368     {
   369 public:
   370     ~CEikDialogPageContainer();
   371     static CEikDialogPageContainer* NewL(const CCoeControl& aParent,MEikDialogPageObserver* aPageObserver);
   372     static CEikDialogPageContainer* NewLC(const CCoeControl& aParent,MEikDialogPageObserver* aPageObserver);
   373     TSize PreferredSize(const TSize& aMaxSize) const;
   374     void SetActivePageByIdL(TInt aPageId);
   375     void SetActivePageByIndexL(TInt aPageIndex);
   376     TInt ActivateFirstPageL();
   377     void AddPageL(TInt aPageId);
   378     void AddPageL(TInt aPageId,TResourceReader& aReader);
   379     TBool SetInitialFocus();
   380     CEikCaptionedControl* Line(TInt aLineId) const;
   381     CEikCaptionedControl* LineOrNull(TInt aLineId) const;
   382     CEikCaptionedControl* CurrentLine() const;
   383     void SetPageDensePacked(TInt aPageId,TBool aDensePacked);
   384     void SetAllPagesDensePacked(TBool aDensePacked);
   385     void SetPageDimmed(TInt aPageId,TBool aDimmed,TDrawNow aDrawNow);
   386     TBool IsActivePageDimmed() const;
   387     TInt LineId(const CCoeControl& aControl) const;
   388     void InsertLineL(TInt aPosition,TInt aPageId,TInt aResourceId);
   389     void DeleteLine(TInt aLineId, TBool aRedrawNow);
   390     void AdjustAllIds(TInt aPageId,TInt aControlIdDelta);
   391     CCoeControl* CreateLineByTypeL(const TDesC& aCaption,TInt aLineId,TInt aControlType,TAny* aReturnValue);
   392     CCoeControl* CreateLineByTypeL(const TDesC& aCaption,TInt aPageId,TInt aLineId,TInt aControlType,TAny* aReturnValue);
   393     TInt FocusLineL(TInt aLineId);
   394     TInt FocusedLineId() const;
   395     void GetAutoValues();
   396     TKeyResponse OfferUpDownKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType,CEikDialogPage::TFocusNavigationMode aFocusNavigationMode);
   397     TInt ActivePageId() const;
   398     TInt ActivePageIndex() const;
   399     void ResetLineMinimumSizes();
   400     TInt FindLineIndex(const CCoeControl& aControl) const;
   401     TBool RotateFocusByL(TInt aDelta);
   402     TInt NumPages() const;
   403     TKeyResponse OfferHotKeysKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType);
   404     TBool TakesEnterKey();
   405     TInt FindPageIndexForLineId(TInt aLineId);
   406     CEikDialogPage* Page( TInt aPageID ) ;
   407     void SetEditableL( TBool aEditable ) ;
   409     CEikFormAnim* AcquireAnim( TBool aAcquire, MEikFormAnimObserver* aObserver ) const;
   411 public: // from CCoeControl
   412     virtual void Draw(const TRect& aRect) const;
   413     virtual TSize MinimumSize();
   414     virtual void PrepareForFocusLossL();
   415     virtual TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType);
   416     virtual void HandleResourceChange(TInt aType);
   417 public: // from MCoeControlContext
   418     virtual void PrepareContext(CWindowGc& aGc) const;
   419 public:
   420     TBool HitRegionContains( const TPoint& aPoint, const CCoeControl& aControl ) const;
   421 public:
   422     void SetPageFormSized();
   423 protected:  // from CCoeControl
   424     virtual void SizeChanged();
   425     virtual TInt CountComponentControls() const;
   426     virtual CCoeControl* ComponentControl(TInt aIndex) const;
   427     virtual void ActivateL();
   428     virtual void FocusChanged(TDrawNow aDrawNow);
   429     virtual void WriteInternalStateL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream) const;
   430 public: 
   431     void SetPageSelector(const CEikDialogPageSelector* aPageSelector);
   432     const CEikDialogPageSelector* PageSelector() const; 
   433 private:
   434     CEikDialogPageContainer(MEikDialogPageObserver* aPageObserver);
   435     void ConstructL(const CCoeControl& aParent);
   436     void ConstructFromResourceL(TResourceReader& aReader,const CCoeControl& aParent);
   437     void CommonConstructL(const CCoeControl& aParent);
   438     void CreatePageArrayL();
   439     TInt PageIndex(TInt aPageId) const;
   440     TInt PageId(TInt aIndex) const;
   441     TInt PageIdFromLineId(TInt aLineId) const;
   442 public:
   443     void CreateScrollBarL(const CCoeControl& aParent);
   444     CEikScrollBarFrame* ScrollBar() const;
   446 private:
   447     CEikScrollBarFrame* iSBFrame;
   448     CArrayPtr<CEikDialogPage>* iPageArray;
   449     MEikDialogPageObserver* iPageObserver;
   450     TInt iActivePage;
   451     const CEikDialogPageSelector* iPageSelector;
   452     TBool iForm;
   453     TBool iIsEditable;
   455     /**
   456     * A singleton animation object for interfacing AknsEffectAnimation. All
   457     * captioned controls (in all dialog pages) share the same animation.
   458     * Only animation creation and memory management is vested here. Actual
   459     * animation usage is implemented in CaptionedControl.
   460     */
   461     CEikFormAnim* iAnimation;
   462     };
   464 #endif