author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 3 e1b950c65cb4
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     3 // Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     4 // All rights reserved.
     5 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     6 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     7 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     8 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     9 //
    10 // Initial Contributors:
    11 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    12 //
    13 // Contributors:
    14 //
    15 // Description:
    16 //
    18 #ifndef __CMSVPLAINBODYTEXT_H__
    19 #define __CMSVPLAINBODYTEXT_H__
    22 #include <msvstore.h>
    23 #include <mentact.h>
    24 #include <charconv.h>
    26 class CMsvStore;
    27 class CRichText;
    28 class CParaFormatLayer;
    29 class CCharFormatLayer;
    30 class CCnvCharacterSetConverter;
    32 /**
    33 This class encapsulates plainbody text information for storage within the
    34 Message Store.It also populates a CRichText object with the 8 bit data
    35 decoded to the specified character set.If a character set is not specified,
    36 then the default character set is used.
    38 @publishedAll
    39 @released
    40 */
    41 class CMsvPlainBodyText : public CMsgActive
    42 	{
    43 public:
    44 	static CMsvPlainBodyText* NewL(MMsvStoreManager& aMsvStoreManager, CMsvStore& aStore, TBool aIs8Bit, TUint aCharsetId, TUint aDefaultCharsetId, TMsvId aMessageId, RFs& aFs);
    45 	static CMsvPlainBodyText* NewL(MMsvStoreManager& aMsvStoreManager, CMsvStore& aStore, TMsvId aMessageId, RFs& aFs, TInt aChunkLength);
    47 	IMPORT_C ~CMsvPlainBodyText();
    49 	IMPORT_C void StoreChunkL(const TDesC8& aChunk, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
    50 	IMPORT_C void StoreChunkL(const TDesC8& aChunk);
    52 	IMPORT_C void StoreChunkL(const TDesC16& aChunk, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
    53 	IMPORT_C void StoreChunkL(const TDesC16& aChunk);
    55 	IMPORT_C void StoreRichTextAsPlainTextL(CRichText& aRichText);
    57 	IMPORT_C void CommitL();
    59 	IMPORT_C void NextChunkL(TDes8& aChunk, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
    60 	IMPORT_C void NextChunkL(TDes8& aChunk);
    62 	IMPORT_C void NextChunkL(TDes16& aChunk, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
    63 	IMPORT_C void NextChunkL(TDes16& aChunk);
    65 	IMPORT_C void PreviousChunkL(TDes8& aChunk, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
    66 	IMPORT_C void PreviousChunkL(TDes8& aChunk);
    68 	IMPORT_C void PreviousChunkL(TDes16& aChunk, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
    69 	IMPORT_C void PreviousChunkL(TDes16& aChunk);
    72 	IMPORT_C void SetCharacterSetL(const TUint aCharset);
    73 	IMPORT_C TUint CharacterSet();
    74 	IMPORT_C TUint DefaultCharacterSet();
    76  	IMPORT_C TInt Size();
    78 private:
    79 	CMsvPlainBodyText(MMsvStoreManager& aMsvStoreManager, CMsvStore& aStore, TBool aIs8Bit, TUint aCharsetId, TUint aDefaultCharsetId, TMsvId aMessageId, RFs& aFs);
    80 	void ConstructWriteL();
    82 	CMsvPlainBodyText(MMsvStoreManager& aMsvStoreManager, CMsvStore& aStore,TMsvId aMessageId, RFs& aFs,TInt aChunkLength);
    83 	void ConstructReadL();
    85 	void PrepareToConvertL();
    86 	void ConvertChunkToUnicodeForStoreL(const TDesC8& aChunk);
    87 	TInt ConvertChunkToUnicodeForRestoreL();
    88 	void ExtractNextChunkFromRichText(TDes16& aChunk);
    89 	void ExtractPreviousChunkFromRichText(TDes16& aChunk);
    90 	void RevertL();
    91 	void DoRunL();
    92 	void DoComplete();
    93 	void DoCancel();
    95 private:
    96 	/** To access APIs related to RFile operations.*/
    97 	MMsvStoreManager& 			  iMsvStoreManager;
    98 	CMsvStore& 					  iStore;
    99 	/** Indicates whether to store text as 8 bit or 16 bit.*/
   100 	TBool 						  iIs8Bit;
   101 	/** The charset of the body text*/
   102 	TUint 						  iCharsetId;
   103  	TUint 					 	  iDefaultCharsetId;
   105  	/** The RFile Path.*/
   106 	HBufC*	 					  iFilePath;
   107   	TMsvId 						  iMessageId;
   108 	RFs& 						  iFSession;
   110 	/** The RFile to which body text is written.*/
   111 	RFile 						  iFile;
   112 	/** Character converter for 8 to 16 bit conversion.*/
   113 	CCnvCharacterSetConverter* 	  iConverter;
   114 	CRichText* 					  iRichText;
   115 	CParaFormatLayer* 			  iParaLayer;
   116 	CCharFormatLayer* 			  iCharLayer;
   117 	TInt 						  iReadChunkLength;
   118 	/** Temporary buffer created to Store chunk while it is being written aynchronously.*/
   119 	RBuf16	 					  iTempChunk16;
   120 	/** Buffer used to read data from RFile.*/
   121 	RBuf8 						  iRfileReadBuf8;
   122 	/** Pointer to 8-bit buffer that needs to be written to RFile.*/
   123 	TPtrC8 						  iRfileWritePtr8;
   124 	/** The position from where to extract data in CRichText*/
   125 	TInt 						  iPos;
   126 	/** Contains the size of the chunk that will be read or write in the RFile*/
   127 	TInt 					 	  iChunkMaxLength;
   128 	/** Contains the remaining unconverted Unicode Data*/
   129 	HBufC8* 					  iRemainingUnConvertedData;
   130 	/** Array that stores the start positions of each chunk,in Rfile*/
   131 	RArray<TInt> 			 	  iStartPosOfEachChunkInFile;
   132 	/** Contains the start position of the next chunk*/
   133 	TInt 						  iStartPosOfNextChunk;
   134 	/** Contains the remaining converted Unicode Data*/
   135 	RBuf16						  iRemainingConvertedData;
   136 	/** Pointer to a 16 bit chunk that is being read from the store.*/
   137 	TDes16*	 					  iChunk16;
   138 	/** Pointer to a 8 bit chunk that is being read from the store.*/
   139 	TDes8* 						  iChunk8;
   140 	/** Indicates whether the Rfile is commited or not.*/
   141 	TBool 						  iIsCommitted;
   143 	/** Indicates whether the chunk being read is last.*/
   144 	TBool 						  iIsLastChunk;
   145 	/** Indicates whether call to DoRunl was initiated by PreviousChunkL method.*/
   146 	TBool 						  iPrevChunk;
   147 	/** Indicates whether call to DoRunl was initiated by 8 bit PreviousChunkL and NextChunkL methods.*/
   148 	TBool 						  iRetrieving8bit;
   149 	/** Enum indicating if RFile is being written or read */
   150 	enum {EMsvFileReading, EMsvFileWriting} iMsvFileStatus;
   151 	CCnvCharacterSetConverter::TAvailability iAvailable;
   152 	//Containes current position of the Rfile
   153 	TInt 						 iCurrentFilePos;
   154 	};
   156 #endif//__CMSVPLAINBODYTEXT_H__