author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 2 2fe1408b6811
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Definition of attributes used by every Connection Methods.
    15 *
    16 */
    21 // INCLUDES
    22 #include <e32base.h>
    24 // CONSTANTS
    26 // Beginning of the CMManager enum range (internal use)
    27 const TUint KLanBaseSpecificAttributes = 20000;
    28 const TUint KLanBaseIfNetworks = 20100; 
    29 // End of the CMManager enum range (internal use)
    30 const TUint KLanBaseRangeMax = 29999;
    32 /**  ECOM interface UID */
    33 const TUint KCMPluginInterfaceUid = 0x10207377;
    35 namespace CMManager
    36     {
    37     //Enumeration for possible values of seamlessness field 
    38     //in IAP Metadata table 
    39     /**  Naming method options */
    40     enum TNamingMethod
    41         {
    42         ENamingNothing,     ///< Do nothing with name set via ECmName
    43         ENamingUnique,      ///< Make name unique when ECmName is set.
    44         ENamingNotAccept    ///< Do not accept duplication. It will leave with
    45                             ///< KErrArgument.
    46         };
    48     // Enumeration for IPv6 types
    49     enum TIPv6Types
    50         {
    51         EIPv6Unspecified,   ///< Unspecified IPv6 type
    52         EIPv6WellKnown,     ///< Well known IPv6 type
    53         EIPv6UserDefined    ///< User defined IPv6 type
    54         };
    56     enum TSeamlessnessValue
    57         {
    58         ESeamlessnessNotRoamedTo,   // NOT supported
    59         ESeamlessnessConfirmFirst,  // Confirm first
    60         ESeamlessnessShowprogress,  // Shows progress
    61         ESeamlessnessFullySeamless  // NOT supported
    62         };
    65     /// Unspecified IPv4 address
    66     _LIT( KUnspecifiedIPv4, "" );
    68     /// Known IPv6 name server 1
    69     _LIT( KKnownIp6NameServer1, "fec0:000:0000:ffff::1" );
    70     /// Known IPv6 name server 2
    71     _LIT( KKnownIp6NameServer2, "fec0:000:0000:ffff::2" );
    73     /// Dynamic IPv6 address
    74     _LIT( KDynamicIpv6Address, "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0" );
    76     /// Default proxy protocol name
    77     _LIT( KDefProxyProtocolName, "http" );
    79     /// Default proxy port number
    80     _LIT( KDefaultProxyPortNumber, "0" );
    82     /// IPv4 network protocol
    83     _LIT( KDefIspIfNetworksIPv4, "ip" );
    84     /// IPv6 network protocol
    85     _LIT( KDefIspIfNetworksIPv6, "ip6" );
    86     /// IPv4 and IPv6 network protocols
    87     _LIT( KDefIspIfNetworksIPv4IPv6, "ip,ip6" );
    88     /// IPv4 and IPv6 network protocols for LAN bearers
    89     _LIT( KDefIspIfNetworksIPv4IPv6LAN, "ip" );
    91     _LIT( KDaemonManagerName, "NetCfgExtnDhcp" );
    92     _LIT( KConfigDaemonName, "!DhcpServ" );
    95     /**
    96     * This enum lists all the common attributes of Connection Methods.
    97     */
    98     enum TConnectionMethodCommonAttributes
    99         {
   100         /**
   101         * The following attributes can be queried via both 
   102         * the manager interface's and connection method interface's ::Get functions.
   103         */
   104         ECmCoverage,                /**<
   105                                     * Checks if there's coverage for this bearer.
   106                                     * (TBool - default: none - read only)
   107                                     */
   109         ECmDefaultPriority,         /**<
   110                                     * Default global priority of the CM's bearer 
   111                                     * type.
   112                                     * (TUint32 - default: none - read only)
   113                                     */
   115         ECmDestination,             /**<
   116                                     * ETrue if this connection method is 
   117                                     * an embedded destination.
   118                                     * (TBool - default: none - read only)
   119                                     */
   121         ECmBearerHasUi,             /**<
   122                                     * Indicates whether the bearer has any UI.
   123                                     * (TBool - default: none - read only)
   124                                     */
   126         ECmIPv6Supported,           /**<
   127                                     * Returns ETrue if IPv6 is supported.
   128                                     * (TBool - default: none - read only)
   129                                     */
   131         ECmDefaultUiPriority,       /**<
   132                                     * Priority of this bearer type when shown in UI for 
   133                                     * configuring a new IAP.
   134                                     * (TUint32 - default: none - read only)
   135                                     */
   137         ECmBearerIcon = 100,        /**<
   138                                     * Return the bearer specific icon. Assumes that
   139                                     * there's an existing EEikEnv in the client.                        
   140                                     * Type cast return value from TUint32 to 
   141                                     * CGuiIcon*.
   142                                     * Return value 0 means bearer has no icon.
   143                                     * (TUint32 - default: none - read only)
   144                                     */ 
   146         ECmBearerAvailableIcon,     /**<
   147                                     * Return the bearer available specific icon. 
   148                                     * Assumes that there's an existing EEikEnv 
   149                                     * in the client. Type cast return value from 
   150                                     * TUint32 to CGuiIcon*.
   151                                     * Return value 0 means bearer has no icon.
   152                                     * (TUint32 - default: none - read only)
   153                                     */
   155         ECmBearerAvailableName = 200,   /**<
   156                                         * Name of the bearer. Can be used in 
   157                                         * layout 
   158                                         * list_double_large_graphic_popup_menu_pane.
   159                                         * (String - default: none - read only)
   160                                         */
   162         ECmBearerSupportedName,     /**<
   163                                     * Name of the bearer. Can be used in 
   164                                     * layout list_single_popup_menu_pane_1.
   165                                     * (String - default: none - read only)
   166                                     */
   168         ECmBearerAvailableText,     /**<
   169                                     * Localized text 'Available'. Can be used in 
   170                                     * layout 
   171                                     * list_double_large_graphic_popup_menu_pane.
   172                                     * (String - default: none - read only)
   173                                     */
   175         ECmBearerNamePopupNote,     /**<
   176                                     * Localized text of the bearer type name.
   177                                     * Can be used in layout popup note.
   178                                     * (String - default: none - read only)
   179                                     */
   181         ECmCommsDBBearerType,       /**<
   182                                     * For backward compatibility, connection method
   183                                     * can return its CommsDB specific bearer type.
   184                                     * (TUint32 - default: none - read only)
   185                                     * Leaves with KErrUnknown if no associated bearer 
   186                                     * type exists in CommsDat.
   187                                     */
   189         ECmBearerSettingName,       /**<
   190                                     * Name of the data bearer used when 
   191                                     * accessing external network.
   192                                     * (String - default: none - read only)
   193                                     */
   195         ECmVirtual,                 /**<
   196                                     * Is the given connection method virtual?
   197                                     * (TBool - default: none - read only)
   198                                     */
   200         /**
   201         * These are not bearer specific, but controling attributes.
   202         */    
   203         ECmInvalidAttribute = 400,  /**<
   204                                     * Client application can check which attribute 
   205                                     * was incorrect in UpdateL().
   206                                     * (TUint32 - default: none - read only)
   207                                     */
   209         ECmAddToAvailableList,      /**<
   210                                     * Bearer type has to be added to the avaialable
   211                                     * bearer type list.
   212                                     * (TBool - default: EFalse - read only)
   213                                     */                   
   215         ECmLoadResult,              /**<
   216                                     * Result of the load process. KErrNone if there
   217                                     * was no error. Otherwise a system wide
   218                                     * error code.
   219                                     * (TUint32 - default: KErrNone - read only)
   220                                     */
   222         /**
   223         * Attributes the can be queried only via
   224         * - connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()
   225         * - connection manager's function GetConnectionMethodInfoXXXL()
   226         * functions
   227         */
   228         ECmBearerType = 500,        /**<   
   229                                     * Bearer type of the CM 
   230                                     * (TUint - default: none - read only)
   231                                     */
   233         ECmName,                    /**<   
   234                                     * Name of the CM
   235                                     * (String - default: none)
   236                                     */
   238         ECmIapId,                   /**<    
   239                                     * IAP id
   240                                     * (TUint32 - default: none - read only)
   241                                     */
   243         ECmStartPage,               /**<
   244                                     * Start page of the connection method
   245                                     * (String - default: empty string)
   246                                     */
   248         ECmHidden,                  /**<
   249                                     * Connection method is hidden. 
   250                                     * (not supported yet)
   251                                     * (TBool - default: EFalse)
   252                                     */
   254         ECmProtected,               /**<
   255                                     * This connection method is protected. 
   256                                     * Modifying it needs NetworkControl capability.
   257                                     * (TBool - default: EFalse)
   258                                     */
   260         ECmNamingMethod,            /**<
   261                                     * See acceptable values in TNamingControl.
   262                                     * (TUint32 - default: ENamingUnique)
   263                                     */             
   265         ECmSeamlessnessLevel,   /**<
   266                                 * Defines whether an IAP can be roamed to.
   267                                 * See details in TSeamlessnessValue.
   268                                 * (TUint32 - default: ESeamlessnessConfirmFirst )
   269                                 */
   271         ECmElementID,           /**<
   272                                 * Element id of the connection method in IAP table.
   273                                 * (TUint32 - default: none - read only)
   274                                 */
   276         ECmNetworkId,           /**<
   277                                 * Network id of the connection method.
   278                                 * (TUint32 - default: none - read only)
   279                                 */
   281         ECmConnected,           /**<
   282                                 * Is network connection created with connection
   283                                 * method?
   284                                 * (TBool - default: none - read only)
   285                                 */
   287         ECmId,                  /**<    
   288                                 * ID to uniquely identify the connection
   289                                 * methods
   290                                 * It is guaranteed that every connection
   291                                 * method has an ECmId
   292                                 * (TUint32 - default: none - read only)
   293                                 */
   295         ECmWapId,               /**
   296 		                        * Provided for backwards compatibility only.
   297                                 * The record ID of the connection methods' 
   298                                 * corresponding WAP_ACCESS_POINT record, which
   299                                 * use had been deprecated as the main ID 
   300                                 * should now be ECmIapId, ECmElementID or ECmId.
   301                                 * (TUint32 - default: none - read only)
   302                                 */
   304         ECmIapServiceId,        /**
   305 		                        * Provided for backwards compatibility only.
   306                                 * The record ID of the connection methods' 
   307                                 * service record
   308                                 * (TUint32 - default: none - read only)
   309                                 */
   311         /**
   312         * The following attributes are stored in the connection method's 
   313         * meta data record.
   314         */
   315         ECmMetaHighlight = 600, /**<
   316                                 * Set to indicate that this connection method is
   317                                 * highlighted in Agent dialog. Only one connection
   318                                 * method can have this flag set.
   319                                 * (TBool - default: EFalse)
   320                                 */
   322         ECmMetaHiddenAgent,     /**<
   323                                 * Set to hide this connection method in Agent
   324                                 * dialog.
   325                                 * (TBool - default: EFalse)
   326                                 */
   328         // These attributes can be used with virtual bearer type
   329         // connection methods.
   330         ECmNextLayerIapId,      /**<
   331                                 * Returns the linked connection method's IAP id.
   332                                 * (TUint32 - default: None)
   333                                 */
   335         ECmNextLayerSNAPId,     /**<
   336                                 * Returns the linked connection method's SNAP id.
   337                                 * (TUint32 - default: None)
   338                                 */
   340         // Proxy attributes
   341         ECmProxyUsageEnabled = 1000,    /**<
   342                                         * Set to enable/disable proxy setting
   343                                         * of connection method.
   344                                         * Disabling: record is deleted from proxy 
   345                                         * when UpdateL() is called.
   346                                         * Proxy record is deleted on UpdateL() 
   347                                         * if ECmProxyServerName is an empty string.
   348                                         * It can be queried only via the 
   349                                         * connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()
   350                                         * (TBool: default: EFalse)
   351                                         */
   353         ECmProxyServerName,             /**<
   354                                         * Name of the host.
   355                                         * It can be queried only via the 
   356                                         * connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()
   357                                         * (String - default: none)
   358                                         */
   360         ECmProxyProtocolName,           /**<
   361                                         * Name of the protocol for which this proxy 
   362                                         * can be used.
   363                                         * It can be queried only via the 
   364                                         * connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()
   365                                         * (String - default: none)
   366                                         */
   368         ECmProxyPortNumber,             /**< 
   369                                         * Port number
   370                                         * It can be queried only via the 
   371                                         * connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()
   372                                         * (TUint32 - default: none)
   373                                         */
   375         ECmProxyExceptions,             /**<
   376                                         * ";" separated list of the addresses for 
   377                                         * which the proxy server should not be used.
   378                                         * It can be queried only via the 
   379                                         * connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()
   380                                         * (String - default: none)
   381                                         */
   383         ECmProxyRangeMax = 1999,        /**<
   384                                         * Marks the end of the proxy range
   385                                         */
   387         ECmChargeCardUsageEnabled = 2000,   /**<
   388                                             * Same as in ECmProxyUsageEnabled but 
   389                                             * for charge card. 
   390                                             * (TBool - default: EFalse)
   391                                             */      
   393         ECmChargeCardAccountNumber,         /**<
   394                                             * Account number
   395                                             * (String - default: none)
   396                                             */
   398         ECmChargeCardPIN,                   /**<
   399                                             * PIN number
   400                                             * (String - default: none)
   401                                             */
   403         ECmChargeCardLocalRule,             /**<
   404                                             * Order of dialling account number, 
   405                                             * PIN and phone number for local calls.
   406                                             * (String - default: none)
   407                                             */
   409         ECmChargeCardNatRule,               /**<
   410                                             * Order of dialling account number, 
   411                                             * PIN and phone number for national 
   412                                             * calls.
   413                                             * (String - default: none)
   414                                             */
   416         ECmChargeCardIntlRule,              /**<
   417                                             * Order of  dialling account number, 
   418                                             * PIN and phone number for 
   419                                             * international calls.
   420                                             * (String - default: none)
   421                                             */
   423         ECmChargeCardRangeMax = 2999,       /**<
   424                                             * Marks the end of the chargecard range
   425                                             */
   427         ECmLocationUsageEnabled = 3000,     /**<
   428                                             * Same as in ECmProxyUsageEnabled but 
   429                                             * for location. 
   430                                             * (TBool - default: EFalse)
   431                                             */
   433         ECmLocationIntlPrefixCode,          /**<
   434                                             * International prefix code.
   435                                             * (String - default: none)
   436                                             */
   438         ECmLocationNatPrefixCode,           /**<
   439                                             * National prefix code.
   440                                             * (String - default: none)
   441                                             */
   443         ECmLocationNatCode,                 /**<
   444                                             * National code
   445                                             * (String - default: none)
   446                                             */
   448         ECmLocationAreaCode,                /**<
   449                                             * Area code.
   450                                             * (String - default: none)
   451                                             */
   453         ECmLocationDialOutCode,             /**<
   454                                             * Number to dial for an outside line.
   455                                             * (String - default: none)
   456                                             */
   458         ECmLocationDisableCallWaitingCode,  /**<
   459                                             * Code to dial to disable call waiting 
   460                                             * facility.
   461                                             * (String - default: none)
   462                                             */
   464         ECmLocationMobile,                  /**<
   465                                             * Mobile phone?
   466                                             * (TBool - default: none)
   467                                             */
   469         ECmLocationUsePulseDial,            /**<
   470                                             * Use pulse dialling?
   471                                             * (TBool - default: none)
   472                                             */
   474         ECmLocationWaitForDialTone,         /**<
   475                                             * Wait for the dial tone?
   476                                             * (TBool - default: none)
   477                                             */
   479         ECmLocationPauseAfterDialOut,       /**<
   480                                             * Pause time after dial out.
   481                                             * (TUint32 - default: none)
   482                                             */
   484         ECmLocationRangeMax = 3999,         /**<
   485                                             * Marks the end of the location
   486                                             * range
   487                                             */
   489         // WAP specific attributes
   490         ECmWapIPGatewayAddress = 4000,      /**<
   491                                             * WAP Gateway address, in this case an 
   492                                             * IP address.
   493                                             * (String - default: none)
   494                                             */
   496         ECmWapIPWSPOption,          /**<
   497                                     * Enum value indicating whether 
   498                                     * connection-oriented 
   499                                     * or connectionless API should be used.
   500                                     * See valid values in TWapWSPOption.
   501                                     * (TUint32 - default: 
   502                                     * ECmWapWspOptionConnectionless)
   503                                     */
   505         ECmWapIPSecurity,           /**<
   506                                     * Attempt secure WTLS connection to the gateway
   507                                     * (TBool - default: EFalse)
   508                                     */
   510         ECmWapIPProxyPort,          /**<
   511                                     * Proxy port number. Required for WAP2.0 only.
   512                                     * (TUint32 - default: none)
   513                                     */
   515         ECmWapIPProxyLoginName,     /**<
   516                                     * Proxy login name. Required for WAP2.0 only.
   517                                     * (String - default: none)
   518                                     */
   520         ECmWapIPProxyLoginPass,     /**<
   521                                     * Proxy login password. 
   522                                     * Required for WAP2.0 only.
   523                                     * (String - default: none)
   524                                     */
   526         ECmWapRangeMax = 4099,      /**<
   527                                     * Marks the end of the WAP specific range
   528                                     */
   530         /** 
   531         * The following attributes are common for many bearer types.
   532         * It's not sure that every IF or IP attribute is supported by
   533         * all bearer types.
   534         * It's not possible to query these attributes via 
   535         * GetConnectionInfoXXX() functions.
   536         */
   537         ECmCommonAttributesStart = 5000, /**<
   538                                          * Marks the beginning of the common
   539                                          * attributes
   540                                          */
   542         ECmIFName,                  /**<
   543                                     * Interface name
   544                                     * It can be queried only via the 
   545                                     * connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()
   546                                     * (String - default: none)
   547                                     */
   549         ECmIFParams,                /**<
   550                                     * Interface parameter string
   551                                     * It can be queried only via the 
   552                                     * connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()
   553                                     * (String - default: none)
   554                                     */
   556         ECmIFNetworks,              /**<
   557                                     * List of network protocols
   558                                     * It can be queried only via the 
   559                                     * connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()
   560                                     * (String - default: none)
   561                                     */
   563         ECmIFPromptForAuth,         /**<
   564                                     * Prompt user for authentication
   565                                     * It can be queried only via the 
   566                                     * connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()
   567                                     * (TBool - default: none)
   568                                     */
   570         ECmIFAuthName,              /**<
   571                                     * Authentication user name used by PPP
   572                                     * It can be queried only via the 
   573                                     * connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()
   574                                     * (String - default: none)
   575                                     */
   577         ECmIFAuthPass,              /**<
   578                                     * Authentication password used by PPP
   579                                     * It can be queried only via the 
   580                                     * connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()
   581                                     * (String - default: none)
   582                                     */
   584         ECmIFAuthRetries,           /**<
   585                                     * Number of times for retrying authentication
   586                                     * if it fails
   587                                     * It can be queried only via the 
   588                                     * connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()
   589                                     * (TUint32 - default: none)
   590                                     */
   592         ECmIPNetmask = 5050,        /**<
   593                                     * IP net mask of interface
   594                                     * It can be queried only via the 
   595                                     * connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()
   596                                     * (String - default: none)
   597                                     */
   599         ECmIPGateway,               /**<
   600                                     * IP address of gateway
   601                                     * It can be queried only via the 
   602                                     * connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()
   603                                     * (String - default: none)
   604                                     */
   606         ECmIPAddFromServer,         /**<
   607                                     * Get IP address from server?
   608                                     * It can be queried only via the 
   609                                     * connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()
   610                                     * (TBool - default: none)
   611                                     */
   613         ECmIPAddress,               /**<
   614                                     * IP address of interface
   615                                     * It can be queried only via the 
   616                                     * connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()
   617                                     * (String - default: none)
   618                                     */
   620         ECmIPDNSAddrFromServer,     /**<
   621                                     * Get DNS addresses from server?
   622                                     * It can be queried only via the 
   623                                     * connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()
   624                                     * (TBool - default: none)
   625                                     */
   627         ECmIPNameServer1,           /**<
   628                                     * IP address of primary name server
   629                                     * It can be queried only via the 
   630                                     * connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()
   631                                     * (String - default: none)
   632                                     */
   634         ECmIPNameServer2,           /**<
   635                                     * IP address of secondary name server
   636                                     * It can be queried only via the 
   637                                     * connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()
   638                                     * (String - default: none)
   639                                     */
   641         ECmIP6DNSAddrFromServer,    /**<
   642                                     * Get IP6 DNS addresses from server?
   643                                     * It can be queried only via the 
   644                                     * connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()
   645                                     * (TBool - default: none)
   646                                     */
   648         ECmIP6NameServer1,          /**<
   649                                     * IP6 address of primary name server
   650                                     * It can be queried only via the 
   651                                     * connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()
   652                                     * (String - default: none)
   653                                     */
   655         ECmIP6NameServer2,          /**<
   656                                     * IP6 address of secondary name server
   657                                     * It can be queried only via the 
   658                                     * connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()
   659                                     * (String - default: none)
   660                                     */
   662         ECmIPAddrLeaseValidFrom,    /**<
   663                                     * IP address valid from this time, used to
   664                                     * store dynamically assigned address lease
   665                                     * info
   666                                     * It can be queried only via the 
   667                                     * connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()
   668                                     * (String - default: none)
   669                                     */
   671         ECmIPAddrLeaseValidTo,      /**<
   672                                     * IP address valid for use until this time,
   673                                     * used to store dynamically assigned
   674                                     * address lease info
   675                                     * It can be queried only via the 
   676                                     * connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()
   677                                     * (String - default: none)
   678                                     */
   680         ECmConfigDaemonManagerName = 5100, /**<
   681                                             * Name of the ECom configuration
   682                                             * daemon manager component. This
   683                                             * component interfaces with the
   684                                             * server identified in
   685                                             * ECmConfigDaemonName. If
   686                                             * specified, ECmConfigDaemonName
   687                                             * should also be specified.                                            
   688                                             * It can be queried only via the 
   689                                             * connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()
   690                                             * (String - default: none)
   691                                             */
   693         ECmConfigDaemonName,        /**<
   694                                     * Name of the configuration daemon server.
   695                                     * This server is used to provide further
   696                                     * configuration for a connection, e.g.
   697                                     * dynamic IP address assignment. If
   698                                     * specified, ECmConfigDaemonManagerName
   699                                     * should also be specified.
   700                                     * It can be queried only via the 
   701                                     * connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()
   702                                     * (String - default: none)
   703                                     */
   705         ECmEnableLPCExtension = 5110,   /**<
   706                                         * Enable LCP extensions?
   707                                         * It can be queried only via the 
   708                                         * connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()
   709                                         * (TBool - default: none)
   710                                         */
   712         ECmDisablePlainTextAuth,        /**<
   713                                         * Disable plaintext authentication?
   714                                         * It can be queried only via the 
   715                                         * connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()
   716                                         * (TBool - default: none)
   717                                         */
   719         ECmCommonAttributesEnd = 5999,  /**<
   720                                         * Marks the end of common attributes
   721                                         */
   723         /**
   724         * The following methods can be queried only via 
   725         * connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()
   726         */
   727         ECmSpecialAttributes = 6000,   /**<
   728                                         * Marks the beginning of special
   729                                         * attributes
   730                                         */
   732         ECmIsLinked,                /**<
   733                                     * Is connection method linked to any
   734                                     * virtual connection method?
   735                                     * It can be queried only via the 
   736                                     * connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()
   737                                     * (TBool - default: none)
   738                                     */
   740         ECmSpecialAttributesEnd = 8999  /**<
   741                                         * Marks the end of special attributes
   742                                         */
   743         };
   745     /**  WAP WSP options */        
   746     enum TWapWSPOption
   747         {
   748         /**
   749         * Indicates that connectionless APIs should be used
   750         */
   751         ECmWapWspOptionConnectionless,
   753         /**
   754         * Indicates that connection oriented APIs should be used
   755         */
   756         ECmWapWspOptionConnectionOriented
   757         };
   759     }   // namespace CMManager