author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 2 2fe1408b6811
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *     Support for passwords in Settings Pages
    16 *
    17 *
    18 */
    24 #include <eikdef.h>
    25 #include <eikbtgpc.h>
    27 // for the alphanumeric secret editor:
    28 #include <eikseced.h>
    29 #include <aknsettingpage.h>
    31 const TInt KDefaultAlphaPasswordLength = 12;
    32 const TInt KDefaultNumericPasswordLength = 4;
    34 /** 
    35  * Structure to hold the required resources for a password confirmation sequence 
    36  * This holds 3 resource IDs.  One for a query, and a note each for 
    37  * success or failure
    38  * This structure contains the information read in from a AVKON_PASSWORD_CONFIRMATION
    39  * resource structure.
    40  */
    41 class SAknConfirmationResource 
    42 {
    43 public:
    45 	/**
    46 	* Resource for the password query, if non-zero
    47 	*/
    48 	TInt iEntryQueryResourceId;
    49 	/** 
    50 	* Resource for the success note, if non-zero
    51 	*/
    52 	TInt iSuccessNoteResourceId;
    53 	/** 
    54 	* Resource for the failure note, if non-zero
    55 	*/
    56 	TInt iFailureNoteResourceId;
    57 };
    60 /**
    61  * Base class for Password editors to ensure that their general functionality is 
    62  * consistent.  
    63  * 
    64  * All contained-editor-specific stuff should be in the derived classes.
    65  *
    67  * 
    68  */
    69 class CAknPasswordSettingPage : public CAknSettingPage
    70 {
    71 public:
    72 	/**
    73 	*
    74 	* Modes to be used for the matching of password texts
    75 	*
    76 	*/
    77 	enum TAknPasswordMatchingMode
    78 	{
    79 	ECaseSensitive,
    80 	ECaseInsensitive
    81 	};
    82 public:
    83 	/**
    84 	 * Simple constructor depending only on a single resource Id and the new and old password.
    85 	 * Editor resource is given via the link in the setting page resource. 
    86 	 *
    87 	 * @param aSettingPageResourceId		Setting Page to use (if present)
    88 	 * @param aNewPassword
    89 	 * @param aOldPassword					password to be checked against
    90 	 */
    91 	IMPORT_C CAknPasswordSettingPage(
    92 		TInt aResourceID, 
    93 		TDes& aNewPassword, 
    94 		const TDesC& aOldPassword);
    96 	/**
    97 	 * Constructor that allows separate setting page and editor resources
    98 	 * 
    99 	 * This constructor allows the use of setting page using only the editor resource.  Other combinations are also possible
   100 	 *
   101 	 * In all cases the number (if supplied i.e. <> 0 ) is used.  
   102 	 *
   103 	 *		Editor Resource		Setting Page Resource
   104 	 *			present				present				Both are used (but text & number overridden)
   105 	 *			 = 0					present				Editor resource is used via SP resource (Effectively like the other constructor)
   106 	 *			present				= 0					Default Avkon SP resource if used + this editor resource
   107 	 *			 = 0					= 0					uses default resource for both SP and editor. This is OK if:
   108 	 *	 i) control type is present, 
   109 	 *  ii) a default resource exists ( OK for text, integer, date, time, duration )
   110 	 *
   111 	 * Note: The first argument is a TDesC* (rather than TDesC&) because the other constructor
   112 	 * cannot initialize such a member without allocation or having an internal dummy buffer.
   113 	 * This descriptor must be owned by the client since not copy is taken until ExecuteLD()
   114 	 *
   115 	 * Rules for text and numbers: The rules are the same for both: (non-zero length) text or number other 
   116 	 * than EAknSettingPageNoOrdinalDisplayed if given in this constructor will not override resource 
   117 	 * (unless that is zero length or EAknSettingPageNoOrdinalDisplayed).  Note, however, that text or number given via the 
   118 	 * specific API for setting them, WILL override resource.
   119 	 * It is assumed that number from resource is very rare.  Special text is somewhat more likely.
   120 	 * 
   121 	 * @param aSettingTitleText	Text at top of setting pane; EXTERNALLY OWNED
   122 	 * @param aSettingNumber		Number at top left (if present)
   123 	 * @param aControlType			Determines the type constructed and how its resource is read
   124 	 * @param aEditorResourceId	Editor resource to use in the setting page (if present)
   125 	 * @param aSettingPageResourceId		Setting Page to use (if present)
   126 	 * @param aNewPassword			Descriptor for the new password
   127 	 * @param aOldPassword			Descriptor for the old password
   128 	 */
   130 	IMPORT_C CAknPasswordSettingPage(	const TDesC* aSettingTitleText, 
   131 								TInt aSettingNumber, 
   132 								TInt aControlType,
   133 								TInt aEditorResourceId, 
   134 								TInt aSettingPageResourceId,	
   135 								TDes& aNewPassword, 
   136 								const TDesC& aOldPassword );
   139 	/**
   140 	* Set the resource Id set for the old password confirmation sequence. 
   141 	* Resource Id should be for a AVKON_PASSWORD_CONFIRMATION structure
   142 	*
   143 	* @param resource for old password sequence
   144 	*/
   145 	IMPORT_C void SetOldPasswordConfirmationResourceId( TInt aOldPasswordConfirmationResourceId ); 
   147 	/** 
   148 	* Set the resource Id set for the new password confirmation sequence
   149 	* Resource Id should be for a AVKON_PASSWORD_CONFIRMATION structure
   150 	*
   151 	* @param resource for new password sequence
   152 	*/
   153 	IMPORT_C void SetNewPasswordConfirmationResourceId( TInt aNewPasswordConfirmationResourceId );
   155 	/**
   156 	* Sets the matching mode to be used in the password validation
   157 	* @param	one of ECaseSensitive or ECaseInsensitive
   158 	*/
   159 	IMPORT_C void SetMatchingMode( TAknPasswordMatchingMode aMode );
   161 	/**
   162 	* Returns the matching mode to be used in the password validation
   163 	* @return	one of ECaseSensitive or ECaseInsensitive
   164 	*/
   165 	IMPORT_C TAknPasswordMatchingMode MatchingMode();
   168 	/**
   169 	* Sets the maximum length of the password. The user will not be able to enter
   170 	* more than this number of characters/keys
   171 	*
   172 	* @param	set the max length
   173 	*/
   174 	IMPORT_C void SetMaxPasswordLength( TInt aLength );
   177 	/** 
   178 	* Access the maximum password length
   179 	*
   180 	* @return the maximum length
   181 	*/
   182 	IMPORT_C TInt MaxPasswordLength() const;
   184     /**
   185     *  From CCoeControl
   186     */
   187     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);
   188 protected:
   190 	/**
   191 	* Implementation of CAknSettingPage framework method
   192 	* Called when the client's value is updated. Frequency of calling depends 
   193 	* upon the flag passed to ExecuteLD()
   194 	*
   195 	*/
   196 	IMPORT_C virtual void UpdateSettingL();
   199 	/** 
   200 	* Implementation of CAknSettingPage framework method
   201 	* Perform necessary operations when the user accepts. 
   202 	* Default implementation has password checking 
   203 	*/
   204 	IMPORT_C virtual void AcceptSettingL();
   207 	/**
   208 	* Acts upon changes in the hosted control's state. 
   209 	*
   210 	* @param	aControl	The control changing its state (not used)
   211 	* @param	aEventType	The type of control event 
   212 	*/
   213 	IMPORT_C virtual void HandleControlEventL(CCoeControl* aControl, TCoeEvent aEventType );	
   216 	/** 
   217 	* Implementation of CAknSettingPage framework method
   218 	*  
   219 	* Method called after full construction and activation of the setting page
   220 	*/
   221 	IMPORT_C virtual void PostDisplayInitL();
   223 	/** 
   224 	* Implementation of CAknSettingPage framework method
   225 	* Called after display of the setting page, but before the start of the 
   226 	* setting page "waiting".  
   227 	*
   228 	* If overidden, would normally hold a query.
   229 	*
   230 	* @return	ETrue if OK to carry on; EFalse if setting it to be abandoned
   231 	*
   232 	*/
   233 	IMPORT_C virtual TBool PostDisplayCheckL();
   236 	/** 
   237 	* Implementation of CAknSettingPage framework method
   238 	*
   239 	*/
   240 	IMPORT_C virtual TBool OkToExitL(TBool aAccept);
   242 	/** 
   243 	* Implementation of CCoeControl framework method
   244 	* Called when the control has its size changed
   245 	*/
   246 	IMPORT_C virtual void SizeChanged();
   248 	/** 
   249 	* Implementation of CCoeControl framework method
   250 	* Called when required to draw
   251 	*/
   252 	IMPORT_C void Draw(const TRect& aRect) const;
   254 	/**
   255 	* Only implemented in the derived classes
   256 	* Updates the text in the referenced password descriptor using a utility routine.
   257 	*
   258 	*/
   259 	virtual void UpdateTextL() = 0;
   261 	/**
   262 	* Framework for password handling
   263 	* Called when the old password is to be confirmed
   264 	* @param	aPassword	old password
   265 	* @param	aResourceId	AVKON_PASSWORD_CONFIRMATION id to use
   266 	*/
   267 	IMPORT_C virtual TBool ExecuteOldPasswordConfirmationL(const TDesC& aPassword, TInt aPasswordConfirmationResourceId );
   269 	/**
   270 	* Framework for password handling
   271 	* Called when the new password is to be confirmed
   272 	* @param	aPassword	new password
   273 	* @param	aResourceId	AVKON_PASSWORD_CONFIRMATION id to use
   274 	*/
   275 	IMPORT_C virtual TBool ExecuteNewPasswordConfirmationL(const TDesC& aPassword, TInt aPasswordConfirmationResourceId );
   277 	/**
   278 	* Framework for password handling
   279 	* Called to compare the two passwords
   280 	* @param	reference (old) password
   281 	* @param	candidate password; password just entered
   282 	*/
   283 	IMPORT_C virtual TInt ComparePasswords( const TDesC& aRefPassword, const TDesC& aCandidatePassword, TAknPasswordMatchingMode ) const;
   285 	/**
   286 	* Utility method
   287 	* Access to the old password confirmation resource
   288 	* @return	id for AVKON_PASSWORD_CONFIRMATION structure
   289 	*/
   290 	IMPORT_C TInt OldPasswordConfirmationResourceId() const;
   292 	/**
   293 	* Utility method
   294 	* Access to the new password confirmation resource
   295 	* @return	id for AVKON_PASSWORD_CONFIRMATION structure
   296 	*/
   297 	IMPORT_C TInt NewPasswordConfirmationResourceId() const;
   299 	/**
   300 	* Utility method
   301 	* Read in the confirmation resource structure
   302 	* @param	aPasswordResourceId		id to use
   303 	* @param	aResourceGroup		structure to fill
   304 	*/
   305 	IMPORT_C void ReadConfirmationResourceL( TInt aPasswordResourceId, SAknConfirmationResource& aResourceGroup );
   307 	/**
   308 	* Utility method
   309 	* Run the password confirmation
   310 	*/
   311 	IMPORT_C TBool DoPasswordConfirmationL(const TDesC& aPassword, TInt aPasswordConfirmationResourceId, TAknPasswordMatchingMode aMatchMode, TInt& aTries );
   313 	/**
   314 	* Utility method
   315 	* Access to new password candidate
   316 	*/
   318 	IMPORT_C TDes& NewPassword() const;
   320 	/**
   321 	* Utility method
   322 	* Access to old password
   323 	*/
   324 	IMPORT_C const TDesC& OldPassword() const;
   326 //
   327 // CoeControl Framework and reserved methods
   328 //
   329 protected:
   331 /**
   332  * Writes the internal state of the control and its components to aStream.
   333  * Does nothing in release mode.
   334  * Designed to be overidden and base called by subclasses.
   335  *
   336  * @param	aWriteSteam		A connected write stream
   337  */	
   338 	IMPORT_C virtual void WriteInternalStateL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream) const;
   340 private: 
   342 /**
   343  *	Reserved method derived from CCoeControl
   344  */
   345 	IMPORT_C virtual void Reserved_2();
   347 private:
   348     /**
   349     * From CAknControl
   350     */
   351     IMPORT_C void* ExtensionInterface( TUid aInterface );
   353 /**
   354  * New reserved methods for CAknSettingPage hierarchy
   355  */ 
   356 private: 
   357 	IMPORT_C virtual void CAknSettingPage_Reserved_1();
   358 	IMPORT_C virtual void CAknSettingPage_Reserved_2();
   360 private:
   361 	TDes& iNewPassword;
   362 	const TDesC& iOldPassword;
   363 	TInt iOldPasswordConfirmationResourceId;
   364 	TInt iNewPasswordConfirmationResourceId;
   365 	TAknPasswordMatchingMode iMatchingMode;
   366 	TInt iMaxPasswordLength;
   368 	TAknLayoutRect iSecretEditorLayoutRect;
   369 	TAknLayoutRect iHorizontalShadow;
   370 	TAknLayoutRect iVerticalShadow;
   371 	TAknLayoutRect iOutlineFrame;
   373 	TInt iSpare_1;
   375 };
   378 /** 
   379  *
   380  * This class is used for alphanumeric passwords
   381  *
   382  */
   384 class CAknAlphaPasswordSettingPage : public CAknPasswordSettingPage
   385 {
   386 public:
   387 	/**
   388 	 * Simple constructor depending only on a single resource Id and the new and old password.
   389 	 * Editor resource is given via the link in the setting page resource. 
   390 	 *
   391 	 * @param aSettingPageResourceId		Setting Page to use (if present)
   392 	 * @param aNewPassword
   393 	 * @param aOldPassword					password to be checked against
   394 	 */
   395 	IMPORT_C CAknAlphaPasswordSettingPage(
   396 		TInt aResourceID, 
   397 		TDes& aNewPassword, 
   398 		const TDesC& aOldPassword);
   399 	/**
   400 	 * Constructor that allows separate setting page and editor resources
   401 	 * 
   402 	 * This constructor allows the use of setting page using only the editor resource. Other combinations are also possible
   403 	 *
   404 	 * In all cases the number (if supplied i.e. <> 0 ) is used.  
   405 	 *
   406 	 *		Editor Resource		Setting Page Resource
   407 	 *			present				present				Both are used (but text & number overridden)
   408 	 *			 = 0					present				Editor resource is used via SP resource (Effectively like the other constructor)
   409 	 *			present				= 0					Default Avkon SP resource if used + this editor resource
   410 	 *			 = 0					= 0					uses default resource for both SP and editor. This is OK if:
   411 	 *	 i) control type is present, 
   412 	 *  ii) a default resource exists ( OK for text, integer, date, time, duration )
   413 	 *
   414 	 * Note: The first argument is a TDesC* (rather than TDesC&) because the other constructor
   415 	 * cannot initialize such a member without allocation or having an internal dummy buffer.
   416 	 * This descriptor must be owned by the client since not copy is taken until ExecuteLD()
   417 	 *
   418 	 * Rules for text and numbers: The rules are the same for both:  (non-zero length) text or number other 
   419 	 * than EAknSettingPageNoOrdinalDisplayed if given in this constructor will not override resource 
   420 	 * (unless that is zero length or EAknSettingPageNoOrdinalDisplayed). Note, however, that text or number given via the 
   421 	 * specific API for setting them, WILL override resource.
   422 	 * It is assumed that number from resource is very rare.  Special text is somewhat more likely.
   423 	 * 
   424 	 * @param aSettingTitleText		Text at top of setting pane; EXTERNALLY OWNED
   425 	 * @param aSettingNumber		Number at top left (if present)
   426 	 * @param aControlType			Determines the type constructed and how its resource is read
   427 	 * @param aEditorResourceId	Editor resource to use in the setting page (if present)
   428 	 * @param aSettingPageResourceId		Setting Page to use (if present)
   429 	 * @param aNewPassword			Descriptor for the new password
   430 	 * @param aOldPassword			Descriptor for the old password
   431 	 */
   432 	IMPORT_C CAknAlphaPasswordSettingPage(	const TDesC* aSettingTitleText, 
   433 								TInt aSettingNumber, 
   434 								TInt aControlType,
   435 								TInt aEditorResourceId, 
   436 								TInt aSettingPageResourceId,	
   437 								TDes& aNewPassword, 
   438 								const TDesC& aOldPassword );
   440 	/**
   441 	*
   442 	* 2nd stage construction.  This uses stored values from the constructor to allocate the 
   443 	* required aggregate objects, and then set the Date value. 
   444 	*
   445 	*/
   446 	IMPORT_C virtual void ConstructL();
   448 	/**
   449 	* Type specific access to hosted editor
   450 	* @return	the hosted (alpha secret) editor
   451 	*/
   452 	IMPORT_C CEikSecretEditor* AlphaPasswordEditor();
   454     /**
   455      * From CCoeControl.     
   456      * Handles pointer events
   457      * @param aPointerEvent     The pointer event.
   458      */	 
   459     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);
   461 protected:
   462 	/**
   463 	* Destructor
   464 	*/
   465 	IMPORT_C virtual ~CAknAlphaPasswordSettingPage();
   467     /**
   468 	* From CAknPasswordSettingPage - Implemented in this class
   469 	* Copy text from the editor to the client's descriptor
   470 	*/
   471 	IMPORT_C virtual void UpdateTextL();
   473 	/**
   474 	* Framework for password handling
   475 	* Called to compare the two passwords
   476 	* @param	reference (old) password
   477 	* @param	candidate password; password just entered
   478 	*/
   479 	IMPORT_C virtual TInt ComparePasswords( const TDesC& aRefPassword, const TDesC& aCandidatePassword, TAknPasswordMatchingMode ) const;
   481 //
   482 // CoeControl Framework and reserved methods
   483 //
   484 protected:
   486 /**
   487  * Writes the internal state of the control and its components to aStream.
   488  * Does nothing in release mode.
   489  * Designed to be overidden and base called by subclasses.
   490  *
   491  * @param	aWriteSteam		A connected write stream
   492  */	
   493 	IMPORT_C virtual void WriteInternalStateL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream) const;
   495 private:
   497 /**
   498  *	Reserved method derived from CCoeControl
   499  */
   500 	IMPORT_C virtual void Reserved_2();
   502 private:
   503     /**
   504     * From CAknControl
   505     */
   506     IMPORT_C void* ExtensionInterface( TUid aInterface );
   508 /**
   509  * New reserved methods for CAknSettingPage hierarchy
   510  */ 
   511 private: 
   512 	IMPORT_C virtual void CAknSettingPage_Reserved_1();
   513 	IMPORT_C virtual void CAknSettingPage_Reserved_2();
   515 private:
   516     TInt iSpare;
   517 };
   520 /** 
   521  *
   522  * This class is used for numeric passwords.  The API uses text descriptors rather than
   523  * integers for the PIN numbers as this is the usage
   524  *
   525  */
   527 #include <Aknnumseced.h>
   529 class CAknNumericPasswordSettingPage : public CAknPasswordSettingPage
   530 {
   531 public:
   532 	/**
   533 	 * Simple constructor depending only on a single resource Id and the new and old password.
   534 	 * Editor resource is given via the link in the setting page resource. 
   535 	 *
   536 	 * @param aSettingPageResourceId		Setting Page to use (if present)
   537 	 * @param aNewPassword
   538 	 * @param aOldPassword					password to be checked against
   539 	 */
   540 	IMPORT_C CAknNumericPasswordSettingPage(
   541 		TInt aResourceID, 
   542 		TDes& aNewPassword, 
   543 		const TDesC& aOldPassword);
   544 	/**
   545 	 * Constructor that allows separate setting page and editor resources
   546 	 * 
   547 	 * This constructor allows the use of setting page using only the editor resource.  Other combinations are also possible
   548 	 *
   549 	 * In all cases the number (if supplied i.e. <> 0 ) is used.  
   550 	 *
   551 	 *		Editor Resource		Setting Page Resource
   552 	 *			present				present				Both are used (but text & number overridden)
   553 	 *			 = 0					present				Editor resource is used via SP resource (Effectively like the other constructor)
   554 	 *			present				= 0					Default Avkon SP resource if used + this editor resource
   555 	 *			 = 0					= 0					uses default resource for both SP and editor. This is OK if:
   556 	 *	 i) control type is present, 
   557 	 *  ii) a default resource exists ( OK for text, integer, date, time, duration )
   558 	 *
   559 	 * Note: The first argument is a TDesC* (rather than TDesC&) because the other constructor
   560 	 * cannot initialize such a member without allocation or having an internal dummy buffer.
   561 	 * This descriptor must be owned by the client since not copy is taken until ExecuteLD()
   562 	 *
   563 	 * Rules for text and numbers: The rules are the same for both: (non-zero length) text or number other 
   564 	 * than EAknSettingPageNoOrdinalDisplayed if given in this constructor will not override resource 
   565 	 * (unless that is zero length or EAknSettingPageNoOrdinalDisplayed). Note, however, that text or number given via the 
   566 	 * specific API for setting them, WILL override resource.
   567 	 * It is assumed that number from resource is very rare.  Special text is somewhat more likely.
   568 	 * 
   569 	 * @param aSettingTitleText	Text at top of setting pane; EXTERNALLY OWNED
   570 	 * @param aSettingNumber		Number at top left (if present)
   571 	 * @param aControlType			Determines the type constructed and how its resource is read
   572 	 * @param aEditorResourceId	Editor resource to use in the setting page (if present)
   573 	 * @param aSettingPageResourceId		Setting Page to use (if present)
   574 	 * @param aNewPassword			Descriptor for the new password
   575 	 * @param aOldPassword			Descriptor for the old password
   576 	 */
   577 	IMPORT_C CAknNumericPasswordSettingPage(	const TDesC* aSettingTitleText, 
   578 								TInt aSettingNumber, 
   579 								TInt aControlType,
   580 								TInt aEditorResourceId, 
   581 								TInt aSettingPageResourceId,	
   582 								TDes& aNewPassword, 
   583 								const TDesC& aOldPassword );
   585 	/**
   586 	*
   587 	* 2nd stage construction.  This uses stored values from the conststuctor to allocate the 
   588 	* required aggregate objects, and then set the Date value. 
   589 	*
   590 	*/
   591 	IMPORT_C virtual void ConstructL();
   593 	/**
   594 	* Type specific access to hosted editor
   595 	* @return	the hosted (numeric secret) editor
   596 	*/
   597 	IMPORT_C CAknNumericSecretEditor* NumericPasswordEditor();
   599     /**
   600     * From CCoeControl.     
   601     * Handles pointer events
   602     * @param aPointerEvent     The pointer event.
   603     */
   604     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);
   606 protected:
   607 	/**
   608 	* Destructor
   609 	*/
   610 	IMPORT_C virtual ~CAknNumericPasswordSettingPage();
   612     /**
   613 	* From CAknPasswordSettingPage - Implemented in this class
   614 	* Copy text from the editor to the client's descriptor
   615 	*/
   616 	IMPORT_C virtual void UpdateTextL();
   618 //
   619 // CoeControl Framework and reserved methods
   620 //
   621 protected:
   623 /**
   624  * Writes the internal state of the control and its components to aStream.
   625  * Does nothing in release mode.
   626  * Designed to be overidden and base called by subclasses.
   627  *
   628  * @param	aWriteSteam		A connected write stream
   629  */	
   630 	IMPORT_C virtual void WriteInternalStateL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream) const;
   632 private:
   634 /**
   635  *	Reserved method derived from CCoeControl
   636  */
   637 	IMPORT_C virtual void Reserved_2();
   639 private:
   640     /**
   641     * From CAknControl
   642     */
   643     IMPORT_C void* ExtensionInterface( TUid aInterface );
   645 /**
   646  * New reserved methods for CAknSettingPage hierarchy
   647  */ 
   648 private: 
   649 	IMPORT_C virtual void CAknSettingPage_Reserved_1();
   650 	IMPORT_C virtual void CAknSettingPage_Reserved_2();
   652 private:
   653     TInt iSpare;
   654 };
   657 #endif