author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 2 2fe1408b6811
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 */
    18 // EIKPANIC.H
    19 //
    20 // Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Symbian Ltd.  All rights reserved.
    21 //
    23 #if !defined(__AKNPANIC_H__)
    24 #define __AKNPANIC_H__
    26 #include <e32def.h>
    28 /** Panic codes used throughout the code in Avkon library.
    29   * These panics have a category of AVKON.
    30   */
    31 enum TAknPanic
    32 	{
    33 	/**
    34 	 *  00: Invalid bitmap index is given to the list box.
    35 	 */
    36 	EAknPanicFormattedCellListInvalidBitmapIndex,
    37 	/** 01: @deprecated */
    38 	EAknPanicNoSuchControlInStack,
    39 	/** 
    40 	 *  02: Listbox object has not been defined for 
    41 	 *  popup list (CAknPopupList).
    42 	 */
    43 	EAknPanicListboxUndefined,
    44 	/** 03: @deprecated */
    45 	EAknPanicListboxSizeIsNotAccordingToLAFSpec,
    46 	/** 04: @deprecated */
    47 	EAknPanicListboxShortcutValueNotHandled,
    48 	/** 05: @deprecated */
    49 	EAknPanicListboxShortcutInvalidValue,
    50 	/**
    51 	 *  06: Some value is out of valid range.
    52 	 */
    53 	EAknPanicOutOfRange,
    54 	/** 07: @deprecated */
    55 	EAknPanicListboxLayoutProblem,
    56 	/** 08: @deprecated */
    57 	EAknPanicLAF,
    58 	/**
    59 	 *  09:Query control type was not given in query resource.
    60 	 */
    61 	EAknPanicLayoutResourceProblem,
    62 	/** 10: @deprecated */
    63 	EAknPopupCorrupt,
    64 	/**
    65 	 *  11: Invalid NULL pointer value.
    66 	 */
    67     EAknPanicNullPointer,
    68 	/** 12: @deprecated */
    69 	EAknPanicLayoutMismatchBetweenMarginsAndParentRect,
    70 	/** 13: @deprecated */
    71 	EAknPanicLayoutTextResourceProblem,
    72 	/** 14: @deprecated */
    73 	EAknPanicLayoutRectResourceProblem,
    74 	/** 15: @deprecated */
    75 	EAknPanicLayoutEdwinResourceProblem,
    76 	/** 16: @deprecated */
    77 	EAknPanicLayoutMfneResourceProblem,
    78 	/** 
    79 	 *  17: Query type of query control is invalid.
    80 	 */
    81 	EAknPanicLayoutControlResourceProblem,
    82 	/** 18: @deprecated */
    83 	EAknPanicLayoutIncorrectEdwinSize,
    84 	/** 19: @deprecated */
    85 	EAknPanicLayoutControlSetRectChangedControlSize,
    86 	/**
    87 	 *  20: Animation data was not given to the animation control (CAknAnimationCtrl).
    88 	 */
    89 	EAknPanicNoAnimationData,
    90 	/** 21: Unsupported user animation type used */
    91 	EAknPanicUnknownAnimationType,
    92 	/** 22: A user animation is not found */
    93 	EAknPanicNoUserAnimation,
    94 	/** 23: Initialization of CAknAnimatedView failed. */
    95 	EAknPanicAnimationCorrupt,
    96 	/** 24: Invalid MdcaPoint index given. */
    97 	EAknPanicDCADecoratorIndexOutOfRange,
    98 	/** 25: @deprecated */
    99 	EAknPanicPopupFieldListInvalidDecorator,
   100 	/** 26: Invalid value set to CAknPopupField. */
   101 	EAknPanicPopupFieldInvalidValue,
   102 	/** 27: Uninitilized member in CAknPopupField. */
   103 	EAknPanicPopupFieldUninitialisedMember,
   104 	/** 28: @deprecated */
   105 	EAknPanicPopupFieldEditComboInsufficientSize,
   106 	/** 29: Invalid time format string used or 
   107 	 *  memory allocation failure in formatting.
   108 	 */
   109 	EAknPanicQueryTimeArrayTimeFormatLeave,
   110 	/** 30: TAknLayoutText is not initialized properly. */
   111 	EAknPanicLayoutTextNotCalled,
   112 	/** 31: TAknLayoutRect is not initialized properly. */
   113 	EAknPanicLayoutRectNotCalled,
   114 	/** 32: @deprecated */
   115 	EAknStatusPaneUidIndic,
   116 	/** 33: @deprecated */
   117 	EAknPanicLayoutDoesNotExists,
   118 	/** 34: Memory allocation failure in CAknListBoxLayoutDecorator. */
   119 	EAknPanicListBoxLayoutDecoratorMemoryAllocation,
   120 	/** 35: Unsupported CAknPopupField mode used. */
   121 	EAknPanicPopupFieldUndefinedMode,
   122 	/** 36: Wrong CAknPopupField mode used. */
   123 	EAknPanicPopupFieldWrongMode,
   124 	/** 37: Selection list object is missing from CAknPopupField. */
   125 	EAknPanicPopupFieldSelectionListDoesntExist,
   126 	/** 38: @deprecated */
   127 	EAknPanicPopupFieldSelectionListAlreadyExists,
   128 	/** 39: Depratead CAknPopupFieldList method called. */
   129 	EAknPanicPopupFieldListNotImplemented,
   130 	/** 40: Empty text array resource in CAknPopupFieldText. */
   131 	EAknPanicPopupFieldArrayIsEmpty,
   132 	/** 41: @deprecated */
   133 	EAknPanicLayoutPopupFieldResourceProblem,
   134 	/** 42: Invalid special character table characters set resources. */
   135 	EAknPanicInvalidResourceData,
   136 	/** 43: Listbox is not supported by the list query dialog. */
   137 	EAknPanicListBoxNotSupportedByListQuery,
   138 	/** 44: Invalid time format string used or 
   139 	 *  memory allocation failure in formatting. 
   140 	 */
   141 	EAknPanicQueryDateArrayTimeFormatLeave,
   142 	/** 45: CBA (softkeys) does not exist in the popup field component. */
   143 	EAknPanicPopupFieldCBADoesntExist,
   144 	/** 46: @deprecated */
   145 	EAknPanicPopupSettingListMenuListDoesntExist,
   146 	/** 47: @deprecated */
   147 	EAknPanicPopupSettingListMenuListAlreadyExists,
   148 	/** 48: @deprecated */
   149 	EAknPanicPopupSettingListListNotImplemented,
   150 	/** 49: @deprecated */
   151 	EAknPanicLayoutPopupSettingListResourceProblem,
   152 	/** 50: Invalid value was found in CAknPopupSettingList. */
   153 	EAknPanicPopupSettingListInvalidValue,
   154 	/** 51: Uninitialized member was found in CAknPopupSettingList. */
   155 	EAknPanicPopupSettingListUninitialisedMember,
   156 	/** 52: Overflow happened. */
   157 	EAknPanicOverflow,
   158 	/** 53: Key lock observed already added. Two observers are not supported. */
   159 	EAknPanicKeyLockObserverAlreadyExists,
   160 	/** 54: Key lock observer is not found. */
   161 	EAknPanicKeyLockObserverNotFound,
   162 	/** 55: Unsupported query mode requested. */
   163 	EAknPanicQueryValueInvalidMode,
   164 	/** 56: Unsupported feature requested. */
   165     EAknPanicNotSupported,
   166 	/** 57: @deprecated */
   167 	EAknPanicWrongListBoxTypeUsedInPopupWindow,
   168 	/** 58: Invalid value */
   169 	EAknPanicInvalidValue,
   170 	/** 59: Construction of an object has been failed. */
   171 	EAknPanicObjectNotFullyConstructed,
   172 	/** 60: Self check failure. */
   173 	EAknPanicSelfCheckFailure,
   174 	/** 61: Failure in layout configuration. Layout data is not found. */
   175 	EAknPanicLayoutMissing_AknLayout,
   176 	/** 
   177 	 *  62: Failure in APAC variant configuration. Usually the panic happens if 
   178 	 *  western language code is used as a UI language in APAC variant. 
   179 	 */
   180 	EAknPanicLayoutMissing_ApacLayout,
   181 	/** 
   182 	 *  63: Panic in AknPhoneNumberTextUtils::ClipLineOnLeft(...) if
   183 	 *  the input 'aLine' is not encompassed within the modifiable buffer
   184 	 *   'aOriginalBuffer'.
   185 	 */
   186     EAknPanicInconsistentDescriptors,
   187     /** 64: ItemDrawer of the listbox does not exist */
   188     EAknPanicListBoxItemDrawerNotCreated,
   189 	/** 65: @deprecated */
   190     EAknPanicLayoutMissing_CdlFont,
   191     /** 66: Invalid font type. */
   192     EAknPanicFontProvisionFailure,
   193 	/** 67: @deprecated */
   194     EAknPanicNotifierPluginCreationFailure,
   195     /** 68: Parent rectangle of CAknPopupField is not set. */
   196 	EAknPanicPopupFieldNoFieldRectSet,
   197 	/** 69: @deprecated */	
   198 	EAknPanicWindowGroupNotInTaskList,
   199 	/** 70: TAknFontSpecification unit differs from TAknFontSpecification::EPixels. */
   200 	EAknPanicInconsistentUnits,
   201 	/** 71: List object is missing from radio button setting page. */
   202     EAknPanicRadioButtonSettingPageListDoesntExist,
   203 	/** 
   204 	 *  72: Requested screen mode index does not exist in the layout
   205 	 *  configuration data of the device.
   206 	 */
   207 	EAknPanicLayoutConfigBadScreenModeIndex,
   208 	/** 73: Requested hardware state index does not exist in the layout
   209 	 *  configuration data of the device.
   210 	 */
   211 	EAknPanicLayoutConfigBadHardwareStateIndex,
   212 	/** 74: Layout configuration data of the device is not available. */
   213 	EAknPanicSgccLayoutConfigNull,
   214 	/** 75: Failure in the layout configuration of the device. */
   215 	EAknPanicLayoutConfigUnpackFail,
   216 	/** 76: CAknSgcClient singleton object is not found. */
   217 	EAknPanicSgccNull
   218 	};
   220 GLREF_C void Panic(TAknPanic aPanic);
   222 #endif