author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 2 2fe1408b6811
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002 - 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 * 
    16 *
    17 */
    20 #if !defined(__AKNMESSAGEQUERYDIALOG_H__)
    23 #include <AknQueryDialog.h>
    24 class CEikImage;
    25 class CAknMessageQueryDialogExtension;
    27 _LIT( KOpeningLinkTag, "<AknMessageQuery Link>" );
    28 _LIT( KClosingLinkTag, "</AknMessageQuery Link>" );
    29 _LIT( KOpeningBoldTag, "<AknMessageQuery Bold>" );
    30 _LIT( KClosingBoldTag, "</AknMessageQuery Bold>" );
    33 /** 
    34  * Message query dialog. 
    35  *
    36  * The dialog contains text that can be scrolled page by page.
    37  * 
    38  * If you want to use links and/or bold text among message you
    39  * must use @c SetMessageTextL method. Formatting text does not
    40  * work through resource file. If there are incorrect/misplaced
    41  * tags or tags are within each other, dialog will leave.
    42  */
    43 class CAknMessageQueryDialog : public CAknQueryDialog
    44     {
    46 public:
    48     /** 
    49      * Two-phased constructor.
    50      *
    51      * @param aMessage Text for the dialog.
    52      * @param aTone=ENoTone Tone played by the dialog.
    53      */
    54     IMPORT_C static CAknMessageQueryDialog* NewL(TDesC& aMessage, 
    55                                         const TTone& aTone = ENoTone);
    57     /**
    58      * Destructor.
    59      */
    60     IMPORT_C ~CAknMessageQueryDialog();
    62     /**
    63      * C++ default constructor.
    64      *
    65      * @param aTone Tone played with the dialog.
    66      */
    67     IMPORT_C CAknMessageQueryDialog(const TTone aTone);
    69 public:
    71     /**
    72      * Sets message text. If you have links in your message you can mark 
    73      * link texts between tags @c <AknMessageQuery Link> and 
    74      * @c </AknMessageQuery Link> in the message text. For links see also @c SetLink.
    75      * Bold text can be achieved using tags @c <AknMessageQuery Bold> and @c </AknMessageQuery Bold>
    76      * 
    77      * @param aMessage Message text inside query. Insert '\\n' to get new line. 
    78      */
    79     IMPORT_C void SetMessageTextL(const TDesC& aMessage);
    81     /**
    82      * Sets header text.
    83      *
    84      * @param aHeader Message query header text
    85      * @deprecated - use @c Heading() + @c CAknPopupHeadingPane API instead
    86      */
    87     IMPORT_C void SetHeaderTextL(const TDesC& aHeader);  
    89     /**
    90      * @deprecated - use tags within text instead. 
    91      *
    92      * Changes the first occurance of @c aLinkText to a link
    93      * within the Message. If you have many links with the same name,
    94      * the method will set the links in the order you call them.
    95      * Before you set a new link you have to bind the 
    96      * previous one with a callback by calling @c SetLink() function. 
    97      *
    98      * Note that you don't have to call this function if you have already 
    99      * marked your links between tags @c <AknMessageQuery Link> and 
   100      * @c </AknMessageQuery Link> in the Message. In that
   101      * case only @c SetLink() method is used.
   102      *
   103      * @since S60 2.8
   104      * @param aLinkText Link text inside message.
   105      */
   106     IMPORT_C void SetLinkTextL(const TDesC& aLinkText);
   108     /**
   109      * Binds a callback to your link so that the dialog knows 
   110      * which callback to call when a link is activated by the user.
   111      *
   112      * @since S60 2.8
   113      * @param aCallBack Points to function which is executed when a link is 
   114      *        activated by a user.
   115      */
   116     IMPORT_C void SetLink(TCallBack& aCallBack);
   118 public: // from CCoeControl
   120     /** 
   121      * From @c CCoeControl.
   122      *
   123      * Handles key events.
   124      * 
   125      * If a control wishes to process key events, it should implement this
   126      * function. The implementation must ensure that the function returns 
   127      * @c EKeyWasNotConsumed if it does not do anything in response to a 
   128      * key event, otherwise, other controls or dialogs may be prevented 
   129      * from receiving the key event. If it is able to process the event it 
   130      * should return @c EKeyWasConsumed.
   131      * 
   132      * @param aKeyEvent The key event. 
   133      * @param aType The type of key event: @c EEventKey, @c EEventKeyUp or 
   134      *        @c EEventKeyDown. 
   135      * @return Indicates whether or not the key event was used
   136      *         by this control. 
   137      */
   138     IMPORT_C TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, 
   139                                          TEventCode);
   141     /**
   142      * From @c CCoeControl.
   143      *
   144      * Handles pointer events
   145      *
   146      * @param aPointerEvent The pointer event.
   147      */
   148     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent); 
   150 protected: // from CEikDialog
   152     /** 
   153      * From @c CEikDialog.
   154      *
   155      * Should be derived to perform pre-layout dialog initialisation. 
   156      *
   157      * This function is called by the dialog framework before the dialog 
   158      * is sized and laid out. It may be overloaded to initialise the control
   159      * values that should influence sizing and layout, the default 
   160      * implementation is empty.
   161      */ 
   162     IMPORT_C virtual void PreLayoutDynInitL();
   164     /** 
   165      * From @c CEikDialog
   166      *
   167      * Sets the size and position of the dialog.
   168      *
   169      * Positions the dialog in the centre of the screen by default.
   170      *
   171      * @param aSize Not used.
   172      */ 
   173     IMPORT_C virtual void SetSizeAndPosition(const TSize& aSize);
   175     /** 
   176      * From @c CEikDialog
   177      * 
   178      * Not implemented.
   179      */ 
   180     IMPORT_C virtual void PostLayoutDynInitL();
   182 private:
   184     /**
   185      * If the dialog does not have an extension create one.
   186      *
   187      * @since S60 2.8
   188      */
   189     void CreateExtensionL();
   191     /**
   192      * Register/Unregister an observer to extendedinputcapabilities. 
   193      * Registering is done so that we can receive pointer events from edwin. 
   194      *
   195      * @param aRegister, if true then registering, in other case unregister
   196      * @since S60 3.2
   197      */
   198     void RegisterPointerEventObserver( TBool aRegister ); 
   200     /**
   201      * @since S60 3.0
   202      * With multiple link support 
   203      */
   204     TInt CountLinks() const;         
   205     TBool SetNextLinkTextLocationL(const TDesC* aLinkText);     // for the non-marked links
   207     void ParseMessageTxtL();
   208     TBool GetNextTagL(TMsgQueryTag& aTag);
   209     void SetMsgFormattingL(TMsgQueryTag aTag);
   210     TBool TaggedMessageL();
   211     TInt LinksInArray();
   212     TInt LastLinkInArray();
   214     /**
   215     * Execute the current link. The link is dehighlighted after the execution.
   216     * @return ETrue if the link was executed successfully. EFalse if no link
   217     * is selected or there is no control object.
   218     */
   219     TBool ExecuteLinkL();
   221 private:
   222     /**
   223     * From CAknControl
   224     */
   225     IMPORT_C void* ExtensionInterface( TUid aInterface );
   226 private: 
   227     IMPORT_C virtual void CEikDialog_Reserved_1();
   228     IMPORT_C virtual void CEikDialog_Reserved_2();  
   229 private: 
   230     IMPORT_C virtual void CAknDialog_Reserved();
   231 private:
   232     IMPORT_C virtual void CAknQueryDialog_Reserved();
   233 private:
   234     TDesC* iMessage;
   235     TDesC* iHeader;
   236     CEikImage* iHeaderImage;
   237     // Moved to iMsgQueryExtension
   238     // TInt iAnimationId;
   239     CAknMessageQueryDialogExtension * iMsgQueryExtension;
   242 public:
   244     /**
   245      * From @c MEikCommandObserver. 
   246      *
   247      * Acts on the menu selection if menu is showing - pass on to client if 
   248      * not processed here.
   249      *
   250      * Responds to @c EAknSoftkeyView and @c EAknSoftkeyEmpty commands. 
   251      *
   252      * @since S60 3.0 
   253      */
   254     IMPORT_C virtual void ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommandId );
   256     /**
   257      * Checks if a link is tapped. If yes and the pointer event was of type 
   258      * TPointerEvent::EButton1Up, then calls the callback for the tapped link. 
   259      * 
   260      * @param aParams information on the position tapped and the pointer event
   261      * @since S60 3.2
   262      */
   263     void CheckLinkTappedL( TAny* aParams ); 
   266 public:
   268     /**
   269      * C++ default constructor.
   270      *
   271      * @param aMessage Dialog box text.
   272      * @param aHeader Header for the dialog.
   273      * @deprecated 
   274      */ 
   275     IMPORT_C CAknMessageQueryDialog(TDesC* aMessage, TDesC* aHeader); 
   277     /**
   278      * C++ default constructor.
   279      *
   280      * @param aMessage Dialog box text.
   281      * @param aHeader Header for the dialog.
   282      * @param aHeaderImage Image to be inserted to the header.
   283      * @deprecated
   284      */ 
   285     IMPORT_C CAknMessageQueryDialog(TDesC* aMessage, 
   286                                     TDesC* aHeader, 
   287                                     CEikImage *aHeaderImage); 
   289     /**
   290      * C++ default constructor.
   291      *
   292      * @param aMessage Dialog box text.
   293      * @param aHeader Header for the dialog.
   294      * @param aTone Tone for the dialog. 
   295      * @deprecated
   296      */ 
   297     IMPORT_C CAknMessageQueryDialog(TDesC* aMessage, 
   298                                     TDesC* aHeader, 
   299                                     const TTone aTone); 
   301     /**
   302      * C++ default constructor.
   303      *
   304      * @param aMessage Dialog box text.
   305      * @param aHeader Header for the dialog.
   306      * @param aHeaderImage Image to be used in the header. 
   307      * @param aTone Ton for the dialog.
   308      * @deprecated
   309      */ 
   310     IMPORT_C CAknMessageQueryDialog(TDesC* aMessage, 
   311                                     TDesC* aHeader, 
   312                                     CEikImage *aHeaderImage, 
   313                                     const TTone aTone); 
   315     /** 
   316      * Sets the dialogs texts. 
   317      *
   318      * @param aMessage Text to be inserter into the dialog. 
   319      * @deprecated
   320      */
   321     IMPORT_C void SetMessageText(TDesC* aMessage); 
   323     /** 
   324      * Sets the dialogs texts. 
   325      *
   326      * @deprecated
   327      * @param aMessage Text to be inserter into the dialog. 
   328      */
   329     IMPORT_C void SetMessageText(const TDesC& aMessage);
   331     /** 
   332      * Sets the dialogs header texts. 
   333      *
   334      * @param aHeader Text to be inserter into the dialogs header. 
   335      * @deprecated
   336      */
   337     IMPORT_C void SetHeaderText(TDesC* aHeader);  
   339     /** 
   340      * Sets the dialogs header texts. 
   341      *
   342      * @param aHeader Text to be inserter into the dialogs header. 
   343      * @deprecated
   344      */
   345     IMPORT_C void SetHeaderText(const TDesC& aHeader);  
   347     /** Update softkey labels depending on whether any link is highlighted.
   348      * If a link is highlighted, the labels change to "View - <Empty>".
   349      * If no link i highlighted, the labels change to their previous values ( Ok - Cancel ).
   350      */
   351     void UpdateSoftkeyLabels();
   353     /** 
   354      * C++ default constructor.
   355      *
   356      * @deprecated
   357      */
   358     IMPORT_C CAknMessageQueryDialog();
   360     };
   363 #endif // __AKNMESSAGEQUERYDIALOG_H__
   365 //  End of File