author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 2 2fe1408b6811
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #ifndef __AKNLISTS_H__
    19 #define __AKNLISTS_H__
    21 #include <eikclb.h>
    22 #include <eikfrlb.h>
    23 #include <eikslb.h>
    24 #include <AknGrid.h>
    25 #include <AknUtils.h>
    27 #include <AknPanic.h>
    30 class TAknTextLineLayout;
    31 class MAknsSkinInstance;
    32 class MAknsControlContext;
    35  *  1) All listbox layouts specified in Avkon LAF specification
    36  *      a) General list pane descendants
    37  *      b) Pop up window list pane descendants
    38  *      c) Grid panes
    39  *  2) Utilities that help building listbox layouts based on LAF specification
    40  *  3) Other helper classes that handle listbox behavior
    41  */
    44 //
    45 //
    46 // Helper template definitions.
    47 // (these are before concrete listbox classes because they're needed for inheritance)
    48 //
    51 /**
    52  * This adds correct horizontal and vertival lines to the listbox and handles empty listbox!
    53  *
    54  * This class is only useful if you're writing your own list layout. 
    55  * Please use the predefined layouts instead, for example CAknSingleStyleListBox.
    56  */
    57 template<class T>
    58 class AknListBoxLinesTemplate : public T
    59     {
    60 public:
    61     /** AknListBoxLinesTemplate
    62      *
    63      * Read AVKON_LISTBOX_LINES resources. 
    64      *
    65      * The following predefined lines are available:
    73      * 
    74      */
    75     IMPORT_C AknListBoxLinesTemplate(TInt aResourceId);
    76     /** SizeChanged()
    77      * 
    78      * Determines position of the lines
    79      */
    80     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
    81     /** Draw()
    82      * 
    83      * Draws the lines
    84      */
    85     IMPORT_C void Draw(const TRect& aRect) const;
    86     /** CountComponentControls()
    87      * 
    88      * Choose controls to use as child controls
    89      */
    90     IMPORT_C TInt CountComponentControls() const;
    91     /** CountComponentControls()
    92      * 
    93      * Choose controls to use as child controls
    94      */
    95     IMPORT_C CCoeControl* ComponentControl(TInt aIndex) const;
    97 private:
    98     TInt iSpare0;                           // was iResourceId;
    99     TAknLayoutRect iVertLine1, iVertLine2;  // not used
   100     TAknLayoutRect iHoriLine;               // not used
   101     TBool iResized;
   102     TInt iSpare[2];
   103     };
   105 /**
   106  * Empty layout for popup lists
   107  */
   109 template<class T>
   110 class AknPopupListEmpty : public T
   111     {
   112    /**
   113     * Draws empty list when needed. See AknDraw::DrawEmptyList().
   114     */
   115     IMPORT_C virtual void Draw(const TRect &aRect) const;
   116     };
   119 	/** 
   120 	* Avkon version of eikon's column listbox.
   121 	* Content for list items are tab-separated strings.
   122 	*
   123 	* See methods 
   124 	*   CEikListBox::ConstructFromResourceL()
   125 	*   CEikListBox::ConstructL()
   126 	*   CEikTextListBox::SetItemArray()
   127 	*   CEikColumnListBoxData::SetIconArray()
   128 	* 
   129 	* Related flags for ConstructL() (avkon.hrh)
   130 	*   EAknListBoxSelectionList
   131 	*   EAknListBoxMenuList
   132 	*   EAknListBoxMarkableList
   133 	*   EAknListBoxMultiselectionList
   134 	*   EAknListBoxViewerFlags
   135 	*
   136 	* Related flags for dialogs (avkon.hrh)
   137 	*   EAknDialogSelectionList
   138 	*   EAknDialogMenuList
   139 	*   EAknDialogMultiselectionList
   140 	*
   141 	* @since Series 60 0.9
   142 	*
   143 	*/
   144 class CAknColumnListBox : public CEikColumnListBox
   145     {
   146 public:
   147     /** 
   148 	* Creates new @c CAknColumnListBoxView object and returns pointer to it.
   149 	* @return Pointer to the list box view which displays the list items which
   150 	* are currently visible in a list box.
   151     */
   152     IMPORT_C virtual CListBoxView* MakeViewClassInstanceL();
   154     /** 
   155     * Creates @c CAknFilteredTextListBoxModel object.
   156     */
   157     IMPORT_C virtual void CreateModelL();
   159     /** 
   160     * Listbox rectangle calculation. Rounds down the height of the rectangle
   161     * (if necessary) so that only a whole number of items can be displayed
   162     * inside the list box.
   163     * @param aRect The size of the listbox.
   164     * @return The number of pixels reduced.
   165     */
   166     IMPORT_C virtual TInt AdjustRectHeightToWholeNumberOfItems(TRect& aRect) const;
   168     /**
   169      * From CCoeControl.     
   170      * Handles pointer events
   171      */
   172     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);
   173 private:
   174     /**
   175     * From CAknControl
   176     */
   177     IMPORT_C void* ExtensionInterface( TUid aInterface );
   178 private: // listbox use only
   179 	IMPORT_C virtual void CEikListBox_Reserved(); 
   180     };
   183 //
   184 // These define what features are needed --> you can remove shortcuts from ALL lists by changing these..
   185 // Templates available: AknListBoxLinesTemplate<> AknListBoxShortCutTemplate<>
   186 typedef AknListBoxLinesTemplate<CAknColumnListBox > CEikColumnListBoxTypedef;
   187 typedef AknListBoxLinesTemplate<CEikFormattedCellListBox > CEikFormattedCellListBoxTypedef;
   188 typedef AknListBoxLinesTemplate<CEikSettingsListBox > CEikSettingsListBoxTypedef;
   189 typedef CAknGrid CAknSelectionGridTypedef;
   191 // Templates available: AknListBoxShortCutTemplate<> AknListBoxLinesTemplate<>
   192 #define AKNCOLUMNLISTBOXNAME(x) AknListBoxLinesTemplate<CAknColumnListBox >(x)
   193 #define AKNDOUBLELISTBOXNAME(x) AknListBoxLinesTemplate<CEikFormattedCellListBox >(x)
   194 #define AKNSETTINGLISTBOXNAME(x) AknListBoxLinesTemplate<CEikSettingsListBox >(x)
   196 // Templates available: AknListBoxLinesTemplate<>, AknListBoxShortCutTemplate<>
   197 #define AKNCOLUMNLISTBOX AknListBoxLinesTemplate<CAknColumnListBox >
   198 #define AKNFORMATTEDLISTBOX AknListBoxLinesTemplate<CEikFormattedCellListBox >
   199 #define AKNSETTINGSLISTBOX AknListBoxLinesTemplate<CEikSettingsListBox >
   200 #define AKNGRID CAknGrid
   208 //
   209 //
   210 // Derived listboxes (Use these in applications!)
   211 // These are only for full screen lists -- the Rect() of the list must be ClientRect()
   212 //
   213 //
   216 /**
   217  * list_single_pane
   218  *
   219  * list item string format: "\tTextLabel\t0\t1"
   220  * where 0 and 1 are indexes to icon array
   221  */
   223 class CAknSingleStyleListBox : public CEikColumnListBoxTypedef
   224     {
   225 public:
   226     IMPORT_C CAknSingleStyleListBox();
   227     /** SizeChanged()
   228      * 
   229      * Determines layout of the listbox
   230      */
   231     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
   232     /** MinimumSize()
   233      * 
   234      * Determines size of the listbox for use in dialogs.
   235      */
   236     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
   237     /**
   238      * From CCoeControl.     
   239      * Handles pointer events
   240      */
   241     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);  
   242 private:
   243     void SizeChangedL();
   244     };
   246 /**
   247  * list_single_number_pane
   248  *
   249  * list item string format: "2\tTextLabel\t0\t1"
   250  * where 0 and 1 are indexes to icon array
   251  */
   253 class CAknSingleNumberStyleListBox : public CEikColumnListBoxTypedef
   254     {
   255 public:
   256     IMPORT_C CAknSingleNumberStyleListBox();
   257     /** SizeChanged()
   258      * 
   259      * Determines layout of the listbox
   260      */
   261     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
   262     /** MinimumSize()
   263      * 
   264      * Determines size of the listbox for use in dialogs.
   265      */
   266     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
   267     /**
   268      * From CCoeControl.     
   269      * Handles pointer events
   270      */
   271     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);   
   272 private:
   273     void SizeChangedL();
   274     };
   276 /**
   277  * list_single_heading_pane
   278  *
   279  * list item string format: "Heading\tTextLabel\t0\t1"
   280  * where 0 and 1 are indexes to icon array
   281  *
   282  */
   284 class CAknSingleHeadingStyleListBox : public CEikColumnListBoxTypedef
   285     {
   286 public:
   287     IMPORT_C CAknSingleHeadingStyleListBox();
   288     /** SizeChanged()
   289      * 
   290      * Determines layout of the listbox
   291      */
   292     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
   293     /** MinimumSize()
   294      * 
   295      * Determines size of the listbox for use in dialogs.
   296      */
   297     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
   298     /**
   299      * From CCoeControl.     
   300      * Handles pointer events
   301      */
   302     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent); 
   304 protected:
   305     /** CreateItemDrawerL()
   306      *
   307      * Chooses which itemdrawer to use.
   308      */
   309     IMPORT_C virtual void CreateItemDrawerL();
   311    /** MakeViewClassInstanceL()
   312     *
   313     * Chooses which listbox view class to use
   314     */
   315     IMPORT_C virtual CListBoxView* MakeViewClassInstanceL();
   316 private:
   317     void SizeChangedL();
   318     };
   321 /**
   322  * list_single_graphic_pane
   323  *
   324  * list item string format: "0\tTextLabel\t1\t2"
   325  * where 0,1,2 are index to the icon array 
   326  */
   328 class CAknSingleGraphicStyleListBox : public CEikColumnListBoxTypedef
   329     {
   330 public: 
   331     IMPORT_C CAknSingleGraphicStyleListBox();
   332     /** SizeChanged()
   333      * 
   334      * Determines layout of the listbox
   335      */
   336     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
   337     /** MinimumSize()
   338      * 
   339      * Determines size of the listbox for use in dialogs.
   340      */
   341     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
   342     /**
   343      * From CCoeControl.     
   344      * Handles pointer events
   345      */
   346     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent); 
   347 private:
   348     void SizeChangedL();
   349     };
   351 /**
   352  * list_single_Graphic_heading_pane
   353  *
   354  * list item string format: "0\tHeading\tTextLabel\t1\t2"
   355  * where 0,1,2 are index to the icon array 
   356  */
   358 class CAknSingleGraphicHeadingStyleListBox : public CEikColumnListBoxTypedef
   359     {
   360 public:
   361     IMPORT_C CAknSingleGraphicHeadingStyleListBox();
   362     /** SizeChanged()
   363      * 
   364      * Determines layout of the listbox
   365      */
   366     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
   367     /** MinimumSize()
   368      * 
   369      * Determines size of the listbox for use in dialogs.
   370      */
   371     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
   372     /**
   373      * From CCoeControl.     
   374      * Handles pointer events
   375      */
   376     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);    
   377 protected:
   378     IMPORT_C virtual void CreateItemDrawerL();
   379    /** MakeViewClassInstanceL()
   380     *
   381     * Chooses which listbox view class to use
   382     */
   383     IMPORT_C virtual CListBoxView* MakeViewClassInstanceL();
   384 private:
   385     void SizeChangedL();
   386     };
   388 /**
   389  * list_single_number_heading_pane
   390  *
   391  * list item string format: "1\tHeading\tTextLabel\t2\t3"
   392  * where 2 and 3 are indexes to icon array
   393  */
   395 class CAknSingleNumberHeadingStyleListBox : public CEikColumnListBoxTypedef
   396     {
   397 public:
   398     IMPORT_C CAknSingleNumberHeadingStyleListBox();
   399     /** SizeChanged()
   400      * 
   401      * Determines layout of the listbox
   402      */
   403     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
   404     /** MinimumSize()
   405      * 
   406      * Determines size of the listbox for use in dialogs.
   407      */
   408     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
   409     /**
   410      * From CCoeControl.     
   411      * Handles pointer events
   412      */
   413     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent); 
   414 protected:
   415     IMPORT_C virtual void CreateItemDrawerL();
   416    /** MakeViewClassInstanceL()
   417     *
   418     * Chooses which listbox view class to use
   419     */
   420     IMPORT_C virtual CListBoxView* MakeViewClassInstanceL();
   421 private:
   422     void SizeChangedL();
   423     };
   425 /**
   426  * list_single_large_pane
   427  *
   428  * list item string format: "1\tTextLabel\t0\t0"
   429  * where 0 is an index to icon array
   430  */
   432 class CAknSingleLargeStyleListBox : public CEikColumnListBoxTypedef
   433     {
   434 public:
   435     IMPORT_C CAknSingleLargeStyleListBox();
   436     /** SizeChanged()
   437      * 
   438      * Determines layout of the listbox
   439      */
   440     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
   441     /** MinimumSize()
   442      * 
   443      * Determines size of the listbox for use in dialogs.
   444      */
   445     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
   446     /**
   447      * From CCoeControl.     
   448      * Handles pointer events
   449      */
   450     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);   
   451 private:
   452     void SizeChangedL();
   453     };
   455 /**
   456  * list_double_pane and list_big_single_pane
   457  *
   458  * list item string format: " \tFirstLabel\tSecondLabel\t0\t0"
   459  * where 0 is an index to icon array
   460  */
   462 class CAknDoubleStyleListBox : public CEikFormattedCellListBoxTypedef
   463     {
   464 public:
   465     IMPORT_C CAknDoubleStyleListBox();
   466     /** SizeChanged()
   467      * 
   468      * Determines layout of the listbox
   469      */
   470     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
   471     /** MinimumSize()
   472      * 
   473      * Determines size of the listbox for use in dialogs.
   474      */
   475     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
   476     /**
   477      * From CCoeControl.     
   478      * Handles pointer events
   479      */
   480     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent); 
   481 private:
   482     void SizeChangedL();
   483     };
   485 /**
   486  * list_twoline_pane
   487  *
   488  * list item string format: " \tFirstLongLabel\t\t0"
   489  * where 0 is an index to icon array
   490  */
   492 class CAknDoubleStyle2ListBox : public CAknDoubleStyleListBox
   493     {
   494 public:
   495     /** SizeChanged()
   496      * 
   497      * Determines layout of the listbox
   498      */
   499     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
   500     /** CreateItemDrawerL()
   501      *
   502      * Chooses which itemdrawer to use.
   503      */
   504     IMPORT_C void CreateItemDrawerL();
   505     /**
   506      * From CCoeControl.     
   507      * Handles pointer events
   508      */
   509     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);
   510 private:
   511     void SizeChangedL();
   512     };
   514  /**
   515  * list_double_number_pane and list_big_single_number_pane
   516  *
   517  * list item string format: "1\tFirstLabel\t\t0\t0"
   518  * list item string format: "1\tFirstLabel\tSecondLabel\t0\t0"
   519  * where 0 is an index to icon array
   520  *
   521  */
   523 class CAknDoubleNumberStyleListBox : public CEikFormattedCellListBoxTypedef
   524     {
   525 public:
   526     IMPORT_C CAknDoubleNumberStyleListBox();
   527     /** SizeChanged()
   528      * 
   529      * Determines layout of the listbox
   530      */
   531     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
   532     /** MinimumSize()
   533      * 
   534      * Determines size of the listbox for use in dialogs.
   535      */
   536     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
   537     /**
   538      * From CCoeControl.     
   539      * Handles pointer events
   540      */
   541     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent); 
   542 private:
   543     void SizeChangedL();
   544     };
   546 /**
   547  * list_double_time_pane
   548  */
   550 class CAknDoubleTimeStyleListBox : public CEikFormattedCellListBoxTypedef
   551     {
   552 public:
   553     IMPORT_C CAknDoubleTimeStyleListBox();
   554     /** SizeChanged()
   555      * 
   556      * Determines layout of the listbox
   557      */
   558     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
   559     /** MinimumSize()
   560      * 
   561      * Determines size of the listbox for use in dialogs.
   562      */
   563     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
   564     /**
   565      * From CCoeControl.     
   566      * Handles pointer events
   567      */
   568     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);
   569 private:
   570     void SizeChangedL();
   571     };
   573 /**
   574  * list_double_large_pane
   575  *
   576  * list item string format: "1\tFirstLabel\tSecondLabel\t0\t0"
   577  *
   578  * where 0 is an index of small (13x13) icon in icon array
   579  *   and 1 is an index of a thumbnail image
   580  *
   581  * Good thumbnail image sizes for this list are:
   582  *   30x40, 36x44, 40x30, 40x48, 44x36.
   583  */
   585 class CAknDoubleLargeStyleListBox : public CEikFormattedCellListBoxTypedef
   586     {
   587 public:
   588     IMPORT_C CAknDoubleLargeStyleListBox();
   589     /** SizeChanged()
   590      * 
   591      * Determines layout of the listbox
   592      */
   593     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
   594     /** MinimumSize()
   595      * 
   596      * Determines size of the listbox for use in dialogs.
   597      */
   598     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
   599     /** CreateItemDrawerL()
   600      *
   601      * Chooses which itemdrawer to use.
   602      */
   603     IMPORT_C virtual void CreateItemDrawerL();
   604     /**
   605      * From CCoeControl.     
   606      * Handles pointer events
   607      */
   608     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent); 
   609 private:
   610     void SizeChangedL();
   611     };
   614 /**
   615  * list_double_graphic_pane
   616  *
   617  * list item string format: "0\tFirstLabel\tSecondLabel\t0"
   618  * where 0 is index to icon array
   619  *
   620  */
   622 class CAknDoubleGraphicStyleListBox : public CEikFormattedCellListBoxTypedef
   623     {
   624 public:
   625     IMPORT_C CAknDoubleGraphicStyleListBox();
   626     /** SizeChanged()
   627      * 
   628      * Determines layout of the listbox
   629      */
   630     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
   631     /** MinimumSize()
   632      * 
   633      * Determines size of the listbox for use in dialogs.
   634      */
   635     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
   636     /**
   637      * From CCoeControl.     
   638      * Handles pointer events
   639      */
   640     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent); 
   641 private:
   642     void SizeChangedL();
   643     };
   646 /** 
   647  * list_double2_graphic_pane
   648  *
   649  * list item string format: "0\tFirstLabel\tSecondLabel\t0"
   650  * where 0 is index to icon array
   651  *
   652  */
   654 class CAknDouble2GraphicStyleListBox : public CEikFormattedCellListBoxTypedef
   655     {
   656 public:
   657     IMPORT_C CAknDouble2GraphicStyleListBox();
   658     /** SizeChanged()
   659      * 
   660      * Determines layout of the listbox
   661      */
   662     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
   663     /** MinimumSize()
   664      * 
   665      * Determines size of the listbox for use in dialogs.
   666      */
   667     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
   669 	/** CreateItemDrawerL()
   670      *
   671      * Chooses which itemdrawer to use.
   672      */
   673     IMPORT_C void CreateItemDrawerL();
   674     /**
   675      * From CCoeControl.     
   676      * Handles pointer events
   677      */
   678     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent); 
   679 private:
   680     void SizeChangedL();
   681     };
   684 /**
   685  * list_double2_large_graphic_pane
   686  *
   687  * list item string format: "1\tFirstLabel\tSecondLabel\t0"
   688  *
   689  * where 0 is an index of small (13x13) icon in icon array
   690  *   and 1 is an index of a thumbnail image
   691  *
   692  */
   694 class CAknDouble2LargeStyleListBox : public CEikFormattedCellListBoxTypedef
   695     {
   696 public:
   697     IMPORT_C CAknDouble2LargeStyleListBox();
   698     /** SizeChanged()
   699      * 
   700      * Determines layout of the listbox
   701      */
   702     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
   703     /** MinimumSize()
   704      * 
   705      * Determines size of the listbox for use in dialogs.
   706      */
   707     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
   708     /** CreateItemDrawerL()
   709      *
   710      * Chooses which itemdrawer to use.
   711      */
   712     IMPORT_C virtual void CreateItemDrawerL();
   713     /**
   714      * From CCoeControl.     
   715      * Handles pointer events
   716      */
   717     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent); 
   718 private:
   719     void SizeChangedL();
   720     };
   723 /**
   724 *  list_double2_graphic_large_graphic_pane
   725 *
   726 *  This is similar but not identical to
   727 *  java list CAknDouble2GraphicLargeStyleListBox
   728 *
   729 *  list item string format: "0\t1\tFirstLabel\tSecondLabel\t2\t3"
   730 *
   731 *  where 0 (mandatory), 2 and 3 (optional) are an index of small icon
   732 *  in icon array and 1 (mandatory) is an index of a thumbnail image
   733 *
   734 *  @lib avkon
   735 *  @since Series 60 2.8
   736 */
   738 class CAknDouble2GraphicLargeGraphicStyleListBox : public CEikFormattedCellListBoxTypedef
   739     {
   740 public:
   741     IMPORT_C CAknDouble2GraphicLargeGraphicStyleListBox();
   742     /** SizeChanged()
   743      * 
   744      * Determines layout of the listbox
   745      */
   746     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
   747     /** MinimumSize()
   748      * 
   749      * Determines size of the listbox for use in dialogs.
   750      */
   751     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
   752     /** CreateItemDrawerL()
   753      *
   754      * Chooses which itemdrawer to use.
   755      */
   756     IMPORT_C virtual void CreateItemDrawerL();
   757     /**
   758      * From CCoeControl.     
   759      * Handles pointer events
   760      */
   761     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);   
   762 private:
   763     void SizeChangedL();
   764     };
   767 /**
   768  * list_double2_graphic_pane
   769  *
   770  * list item string format: "1\tFirstLabel\tSecondLabel\t0"
   771  * where 0 is an index to icon array
   772  *
   773  */
   775 class CAknFormDoubleGraphicStyleListBox : public CAknDoubleGraphicStyleListBox
   776     {
   777 public:
   778     /** SizeChanged()
   779      * 
   780      * Determines layout of the listbox
   781      */
   782     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
   783     /**
   784      * From CCoeControl.     
   785      * Handles pointer events
   786      */
   787     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent); 
   788 private:
   789     void SizeChangedL();
   790     };
   791 typedef CAknFormDoubleGraphicStyleListBox CAknSingleBigHeadingGraphicListBox;
   793 /**
   794  * list_double2_pane
   795  *
   796  * list item string format: " \tFirstLabel\tSecondLabel\t0"
   797  * where 0 is an index to icon array
   798  */
   800 class CAknFormDoubleStyleListBox : public CAknDoubleStyleListBox
   801     {
   802 public:
   803     /** SizeChanged()
   804      * 
   805      * Determines layout of the listbox
   806      */
   807     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
   808     /**
   809      * From CCoeControl.     
   810      * Handles pointer events
   811      */
   812     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent); 
   813 private:
   814     void SizeChangedL();
   815     };
   816 typedef CAknFormDoubleStyleListBox CAknSingleBigHeadingListBox;
   819 /**
   820  * list_setting_pane and list_big_single_setting_pane
   821  *
   822  * list item string format: "\tFirstLabel\t\tValueText"
   823  * list item string format: "\tFirstLabel\t0\t"
   824  * list item string format: "\tFirstLabel\t\tValueText\t*"
   825  * list item string format: "\tFirstLabel\t\t\t\tSecondLabel"
   826  * where 0 is an index to icon array
   827  */
   829 class CAknSettingStyleListBox : public CEikSettingsListBoxTypedef
   830     {
   831 public:
   832     IMPORT_C CAknSettingStyleListBox();
   833     /** SizeChanged()
   834      * 
   835      * Determines layout of the listbox
   836      */
   837     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
   838     /** MinimumSize()
   839      * 
   840      * Determines size of the listbox for use in dialogs.
   841      */
   842     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
   843     /**
   844      * From CCoeControl.     
   845      * Handles pointer events
   846      */
   847     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent); 
   848 private:
   849     void SizeChangedL();
   850     };
   852 /**
   853  * list_setting_number_pane and list_big_single_setting_number_pane
   854  *
   855  * list item string format: "1\tFirstLabel\t\tValueText"
   856  * list item string format: "2\tFirstLabel\t0\t"
   857  * list item string format: "3\tFirstLabel\t\tValueText\t*"
   858  * list item string format: "4\tFirstLabel\t\t\t\tSecondLabel"
   859  * where 0 is an index to icon array
   860  * and 1..4 is list item number shown on screen
   861  */
   862 class CAknSettingNumberStyleListBox : public CEikSettingsListBoxTypedef
   863     {
   864 public:
   865     IMPORT_C CAknSettingNumberStyleListBox();
   866     /** SizeChanged()
   867      * 
   868      * Determines layout of the listbox
   869      */
   870     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
   871     /** MinimumSize()
   872      * 
   873      * Determines size of the listbox for use in dialogs.
   874      */
   875     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
   876     /**
   877      * From CCoeControl.     
   878      * Handles pointer events
   879      */
   880     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent); 
   881 private:
   882     void SizeChangedL();
   883     };
   886 //
   887 // Use the popup styles with CAknPopupList and CAknListQueryDialog
   888 //
   890 /**
   891  * list_single_popup_menu_pane
   892  *
   893  * list item string format: "FirstLabel\t0"
   894  *
   895  * where 0 is an index to icon array
   896  */
   898 class CAknSinglePopupMenuStyleListBox : public AknPopupListEmpty<CEikFormattedCellListBox>
   899     {
   900 public:
   901     /** SizeChanged()
   902      * 
   903      * Determines layout of the listbox
   904      */
   905     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
   906     /** MinimumSize()
   907      * 
   908      * Determines size of the listbox for use in dialogs.
   909      */
   910     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
   911     protected:
   912     /** CreateItemDrawerL()
   913      *
   914      * Chooses which itemdrawer to use.
   915      */
   916     IMPORT_C virtual void CreateItemDrawerL();
   917     /**
   918      * From CCoeControl.     
   919      * Handles pointer events
   920      */
   921     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);
   922 private:
   923     void SizeChangedL();
   924     };
   926 /**
   927  * list_single_graphic_popup_menu_pane
   928  *
   929  * list item string format: "0\tLabel"
   930  *
   931  * where 0 is an index to icon array
   932  */
   934 class CAknSingleGraphicPopupMenuStyleListBox : public AknPopupListEmpty<CEikFormattedCellListBox>
   935     {
   936 public:
   937     /** SizeChanged()
   938      * 
   939      * Determines layout of the listbox
   940      */
   941     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
   942     /** MinimumSize()
   943      * 
   944      * Determines size of the listbox for use in dialogs.
   945      */
   946     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
   947     protected:
   948     /** CreateItemDrawerL()
   949      *
   950      * Chooses which itemdrawer to use.
   951      */
   952     IMPORT_C virtual void CreateItemDrawerL();
   953     /**
   954      * From CCoeControl.     
   955      * Handles pointer events
   956      */
   957     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);  
   958 private:
   959     void SizeChangedL();
   960     };
   962 /**
   963  * list_single_graphic_bt_popup_menu_pane
   964  *
   965  * list item string format: "0\tLabel"
   966  *
   967  * where 0 is an index to icon array
   968  *
   969  */
   971 class CAknSingleGraphicBtPopupMenuStyleListBox : public CAknSingleGraphicPopupMenuStyleListBox
   972     {
   973 public:
   974     /** SizeChanged()
   975      * 
   976      * Determines layout of the listbox
   977      */
   978     IMPORT_C virtual void SizeChanged();
   979     /**
   980      * From CCoeControl.     
   981      * Handles pointer events
   982      */
   983     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);    
   984     };
   986 /**
   987  * list_single_heading_popup_menu_pane
   988  *
   989  * list item string format: "Heading\tLabel"
   990  *
   991  */
   993 class CAknSingleHeadingPopupMenuStyleListBox : public AknPopupListEmpty<CEikFormattedCellListBox>
   994     {
   995 public:
   996     IMPORT_C CAknSingleHeadingPopupMenuStyleListBox();
   997     /** SizeChanged()
   998      * 
   999      * Determines layout of the listbox
  1000      */
  1001     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
  1002     /** MinimumSize()
  1003      * 
  1004      * Determines size of the listbox for use in dialogs.
  1005      */
  1006     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
  1007     /**
  1008      * From CCoeControl.     
  1009      * Handles pointer events
  1010      */
  1011     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);    
  1012 protected:
  1013     /** CreateItemDrawerL()
  1014      *
  1015      * Chooses which itemdrawer to use.
  1016      */
  1017     IMPORT_C virtual void CreateItemDrawerL();
  1018 private:
  1019     void SizeChangedL();
  1020     };
  1023 /**
  1024  * list_single_graphic_heading_popup_menu_pane
  1025  *
  1026  * list item string format: "0\tHeading\tLabel"
  1027  *
  1028  * where 0 is an index to icon array
  1029  *
  1030  */
  1032 class CAknSingleGraphicHeadingPopupMenuStyleListBox : public AknPopupListEmpty<CEikFormattedCellListBox>
  1034     {
  1035 public:
  1036     IMPORT_C CAknSingleGraphicHeadingPopupMenuStyleListBox();
  1037     /** SizeChanged()
  1038      * 
  1039      * Determines layout of the listbox
  1040      */
  1041     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
  1042     /** MinimumSize()
  1043      * 
  1044      * Determines size of the listbox for use in dialogs.
  1045      */
  1046     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
  1047     /**
  1048      * From CCoeControl.     
  1049      * Handles pointer events
  1050      */
  1051     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent); 
  1052 protected:
  1053     /** CreateItemDrawerL()
  1054      *
  1055      * Chooses which itemdrawer to use.
  1056      */
  1057     IMPORT_C virtual void CreateItemDrawerL();
  1058 private:
  1059     void SizeChangedL();
  1060     };
  1062 /**
  1063  * list_double_popup_menu_pane
  1064  *
  1065  * list item string format: "FirstLabel\tSecondLabel"
  1066  *
  1067  */
  1069 class CAknDoublePopupMenuStyleListBox : public AknPopupListEmpty<CEikFormattedCellListBox>
  1070     {
  1071 public:
  1072     /** SizeChanged()
  1073      * 
  1074      * Determines layout of the listbox
  1075      */
  1076     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
  1077     /** MinimumSize()
  1078      * 
  1079      * Determines size of the listbox for use in dialogs.
  1080      */
  1081     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
  1082     /**
  1083      * From CCoeControl.     
  1084      * Handles pointer events
  1085      */
  1086     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent); 
  1087 protected:
  1088     /** CreateItemDrawerL()
  1089      *
  1090      * Chooses which itemdrawer to use.
  1091      */
  1092     IMPORT_C virtual void CreateItemDrawerL();
  1093 private:
  1094     void SizeChangedL();
  1095     };
  1097 /**
  1098  * list_single_popup_submenu_pane
  1099  *
  1100  * DO NOT USE
  1101  *
  1102  */
  1104 class CAknSinglePopupSubmenuStyleListBox : public AknPopupListEmpty<CEikFormattedCellListBox>
  1105     {
  1106 public:
  1107     /** SizeChanged()
  1108      * 
  1109      * Determines layout of the listbox
  1110      */
  1111     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
  1112     /** MinimumSize()
  1113      * 
  1114      * Determines size of the listbox for use in dialogs.
  1115      */
  1116     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
  1117     /**
  1118      * From CCoeControl.     
  1119      * Handles pointer events
  1120      */
  1121     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent); 
  1122 private:
  1123     void SizeChangedL();
  1124     };
  1127 /**
  1128  * list_double_large_graphic_popup_menu_pane
  1129  *
  1130  * list item string format: "0\tFirstLabel\tSecondLabel"
  1131  *
  1132  * where 0 is an index to icon array
  1133  *
  1134  */
  1136 class CAknDoubleLargeGraphicPopupMenuStyleListBox : public AknPopupListEmpty<CEikFormattedCellListBox>
  1137     {
  1138 public:
  1139     /** SizeChanged()
  1140      * 
  1141      * Determines layout of the listbox
  1142      */
  1143     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
  1144     /** MinimumSize()
  1145      * 
  1146      * Determines size of the listbox for use in dialogs.
  1147      */
  1148     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
  1149     /**
  1150      * From CCoeControl.     
  1151      * Handles pointer events
  1152      */
  1153     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);
  1154 protected:
  1155     /** CreateItemDrawerL()
  1156      *
  1157      * Chooses which itemdrawer to use.
  1158      */
  1159     IMPORT_C virtual void CreateItemDrawerL();
  1160 private:
  1161     void SizeChangedL();
  1162     };
  1165 /**
  1166  * list_double2_popup_menu_pane
  1167  *
  1168  * list item string format: "FirstLabel\tSecondLabel"
  1169  *
  1170  */
  1172 class CAknDouble2PopupMenuStyleListBox : public AknPopupListEmpty<CEikFormattedCellListBox>
  1173     {
  1174 public:
  1175     /** SizeChanged()
  1176      * 
  1177      * Determines layout of the listbox
  1178      */
  1179     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
  1180     /** MinimumSize()
  1181      * 
  1182      * Determines size of the listbox for use in dialogs.
  1183      */
  1184     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
  1185     /**
  1186      * From CCoeControl.     
  1187      * Handles pointer events
  1188      */
  1189     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);  
  1190 protected:
  1191     /** CreateItemDrawerL()
  1192      *
  1193      * Chooses which itemdrawer to use.
  1194      */
  1195     IMPORT_C virtual void CreateItemDrawerL();
  1196 private:
  1197     void SizeChangedL();
  1198     };
  1201 /**
  1202  * list_single_2graphic_pane_cp2
  1203  *
  1204  * list item string format: "0\t1\tTextLabel\t2\t3"
  1205  *
  1206  * where 0,1,2,3 are index to the icon array 
  1207  */
  1209 class CAknSingle2GraphicPopupMenuStyleListBox : public AknPopupListEmpty<CEikFormattedCellListBox>
  1210     {
  1211 public:
  1212     IMPORT_C CAknSingle2GraphicPopupMenuStyleListBox();
  1213     /** SizeChanged()
  1214      * 
  1215      * Determines layout of the listbox
  1216      */
  1217     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
  1218     /** MinimumSize()
  1219      * 
  1220      * Determines size of the listbox for use in dialogs.
  1221      */
  1222     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
  1223     protected:
  1224     /** CreateItemDrawerL()
  1225      *
  1226      * Chooses which itemdrawer to use.
  1227      */
  1228     IMPORT_C virtual void CreateItemDrawerL();
  1229     /**
  1230      * From CCoeControl.     
  1231      * Handles pointer events
  1232      */
  1233     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);
  1234 private:
  1235     void SizeChangedL();
  1236     };
  1240 /**
  1241  * list_double_graphic_pane
  1242  *
  1243  * list item string format: "0\tFirstLabel\tSecondLabel\t1\t2"
  1244  * where 0 is index to icon array
  1245  *
  1246  */
  1247 class CAknDoubleGraphicPopupMenuStyleListBox : public AknPopupListEmpty<CEikFormattedCellListBox>
  1248     {
  1249 public:
  1250     IMPORT_C CAknDoubleGraphicPopupMenuStyleListBox();
  1251     /** SizeChanged()
  1252      * 
  1253      * Determines layout of the listbox
  1254      */
  1255     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
  1256     /** MinimumSize()
  1257      * 
  1258      * Determines size of the listbox for use in dialogs.
  1259      */
  1260     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
  1261     protected:
  1262     /** CreateItemDrawerL()
  1263      *
  1264      * Chooses which itemdrawer to use.
  1265      */
  1266     IMPORT_C virtual void CreateItemDrawerL();
  1267     /**
  1268      * From CCoeControl.     
  1269      * Handles pointer events
  1270      */
  1271     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);
  1272 private:
  1273     void SizeChangedL();
  1274     };
  1276 // --- end of popup styles
  1280 /** list_set_pane
  1281  * Setting Page component uses this
  1282  *
  1283  * list item string format: "1\tShortLabel"
  1284  * list item string format: "\t\tLongLabel"
  1285  *
  1286  */
  1287 class CAknSetStyleListBox : public AknPopupListEmpty<CEikFormattedCellListBox>
  1288     {
  1289 public:
  1290     IMPORT_C void ConstructWithWindowL(const CCoeControl *aParent, TInt aFlags);
  1291     /** SizeChanged()
  1292      * 
  1293      * Determines layout of the listbox
  1294      */
  1295     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
  1296     /** MinimumSize()
  1297      * 
  1298      * Determines size of the listbox for use in dialogs.
  1299      */
  1300     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
  1301     IMPORT_C void Draw(const TRect& aRect) const;
  1302     IMPORT_C TTypeUid::Ptr MopSupplyObject(TTypeUid aId);
  1304     /**
  1305      * From CCoeControl.     
  1306      * Handles pointer events
  1307      */
  1308     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent); 
  1310 protected:
  1311     /** CreateItemDrawerL()
  1312      *
  1313      * Chooses which itemdrawer to use.
  1314      */
  1315     IMPORT_C virtual void CreateItemDrawerL();
  1316    /** MakeViewClassInstanceL()
  1317     *
  1318     * Chooses which listbox view class to use
  1319     */
  1320     IMPORT_C CListBoxView *MakeViewClassInstanceL();
  1321 private:
  1322     void SizeChangedL();
  1323     };
  1325 /** list_form_graphic_pane
  1326  * Form popup field should use this
  1327  *
  1328  * list item string format: "1\tShortLabel"
  1329  * list item string format: "\t\tLongLabel"
  1330  *
  1331  */
  1332 class CAknFormGraphicStyleListBox : public AknPopupListEmpty<CEikFormattedCellListBox>
  1333     {
  1334 public:
  1335     IMPORT_C void ConstructWithWindowL(const CCoeControl *aParent, TInt aFlags);
  1336     /** SizeChanged()
  1337      * 
  1338      * Determines layout of the listbox
  1339      */
  1340     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
  1341     /** MinimumSize()
  1342      * 
  1343      * Determines size of the grid for use in dialogs.
  1344      */
  1345     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
  1346     /** CreateItemDrawerL()
  1347      *
  1348      * Chooses which itemdrawer to use.
  1349      */
  1350     IMPORT_C virtual void CreateItemDrawerL();
  1351     /** Listbox rectangle calculation.
  1352      */
  1353     IMPORT_C virtual TInt AdjustRectHeightToWholeNumberOfItems(TRect &aRect) const;
  1354      /**
  1355      * From CCoeControl
  1356      * Handles pointerevents of popupfield's list
  1357      * @param aPointerEvent pointerevent to be handled
  1358      */
  1359     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent); 
  1360 private:
  1361     void SizeChangedL();
  1362 	};
  1364 class CAknFormGraphicWideStyleListBox : public CAknFormGraphicStyleListBox
  1365     {
  1366 public:
  1367     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
  1368     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
  1369     // From CCoeControl
  1370     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);  
  1371 private:
  1372     void SizeChangedL();
  1373     };
  1376 /** grid_app_pane
  1377  * Application Shell uses this (note that part of layout needs to be done
  1378  * inside application -- the listbox will not be in correct position on the
  1379  * screen by just using this -- see listapp)
  1380  *
  1381  * list item string format: "1\tLabel"
  1382  * list item string format: "1\tLabel\t1"
  1383  */
  1385 /**
  1386  * grid_pinb_pane
  1387  *
  1388  * list item string format: "1"
  1389  * list item string format: "1\t1"
  1390  * list item string format: "1\t1\t1"
  1391  * list item string format: "1\t\t1"
  1392  */
  1394 class CAknPinbStyleGrid : public CAknSelectionGridTypedef
  1395     {
  1396 public:
  1397     /** SizeChanged()
  1398      * 
  1399      * Determines layout of the grid
  1400      */
  1401     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
  1402     /** MinimumSize()
  1403      * 
  1404      * Determines size of the grid for use in dialogs.
  1405      */
  1406     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
  1408     /**
  1409      * From CCoeControl.     
  1410      * Handles pointer events
  1411      */
  1412     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent); 
  1414 private:    
  1415     void SizeChangedL();
  1416     };
  1419 /**
  1420  * grid_qdial_pane
  1421  */
  1423 class CAknQdialStyleGrid : public CAknSelectionGridTypedef
  1424     {
  1425 public:
  1426     /** SizeChanged()
  1427      * 
  1428      * Determines layout of the grid
  1429      */
  1430     IMPORT_C virtual void SizeChanged();
  1431     /** MinimumSize()
  1432      * 
  1433      * Determines size of the grid for use in dialogs.
  1434      */
  1435     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
  1437     /**
  1438      * From CCoeControl.     
  1439      * Handles pointer events
  1440      */
  1441     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent); 
  1443 private:
  1444     void SizeChangedL();
  1445     };
  1447 /**
  1448  * grid_cale_month_pane
  1449  */
  1451 class CAknCaleMonthStyleGrid : public CAknSelectionGridTypedef
  1452     {
  1453 public:
  1454     /** SizeChanged()
  1455      * 
  1456      * Determines layout of the listbox
  1457      */
  1458     IMPORT_C void SizeChanged();
  1459     /** MinimumSize()
  1460      * 
  1461      * Determines size of the grid for use in dialogs.
  1462      */
  1463     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
  1464     /**
  1465      * From CCoeControl.     
  1466      * Handles pointer events
  1467      */
  1468     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);  
  1470 private:
  1471     void SizeChangedL();
  1472     };
  1476 //
  1477 //
  1478 // Here we have itemdrawer/view modifications needed by the lists
  1479 //
  1480 //
  1482 // This class is to keep drawing routines that depend on avkon and which we cannot place to
  1483 // eikstd or uikon because of that.
  1485 	/**
  1486  	* A view that provides empty lists for use with find pane
  1487  	* @since Series 60 0.9
  1488  	*/
  1489 class CAknColumnListBoxView : public CColumnListBoxView
  1490     {
  1491 public:
  1493 	/**
  1494 	* Enables find in empty list. Basically same as @c SetFindEmptyListState()
  1495 	* when it is set @c ETrue.
  1496 	*/
  1497     IMPORT_C void EnableFindEmptyList();
  1499     /**
  1500     * Sets find in empty list visible or hides it.
  1501     * @param aUsedWithFind Setter to set find visible or to hide it.
  1502     */
  1503     IMPORT_C void SetFindEmptyListState(TBool aUsedWithFind);
  1505     /**
  1506     * Draws empty list with or without find depending if it has been enabled.
  1507     * @param aClientRect The client rectangle.
  1508     */
  1509     IMPORT_C void DrawEmptyList(const TRect &aClientRect) const;
  1511     /**
  1512     * Calls @c CColumnListBoxView::CalcBottomItemIndex() and removes filtering
  1513     * from find box if new list items are added. Called by listbox control when
  1514     * either the size of the listbox or the number of items in its model has
  1515     * changed.
  1516     */
  1517     IMPORT_C virtual void CalcBottomItemIndex();
  1518     TBool GetFindEmptyListState();    
  1519 private: // overridden from CListBoxView
  1520 	IMPORT_C virtual TAny* Reserved_1();
  1521 private:
  1522     TBool iEmptyListWithFind;
  1523     };
  1525 /**
  1526  * empty list for settings item editing
  1527  */
  1529 class CAknSetStyleListBoxView : public CFormattedCellListBoxView
  1530     {
  1531 public:
  1532     IMPORT_C void DrawEmptyList(const TRect &aClientRect) const ;
  1533 private: // overridden from CListBoxView
  1534 	IMPORT_C virtual TAny* Reserved_1();
  1535     };
  1538 /**
  1539  * Horizontal lines and empty list support for views
  1540  */
  1542 class CSingleHeadingStyleView : public CAknColumnListBoxView
  1543     {
  1544 public:
  1545     IMPORT_C void Draw(const TRect* ) const;
  1546     IMPORT_C void DrawEmptyList(const TRect& aClientRect) const;
  1547 private: // overridden from CListBoxView
  1548 	IMPORT_C virtual TAny* Reserved_1();
  1549     };
  1551 /**
  1552  * Horizontal lines support for item drawer.
  1553  */
  1554 class CSingleHeadingStyleItemDrawer : public CColumnListBoxItemDrawer 
  1555     {
  1556 public:
  1557     IMPORT_C CSingleHeadingStyleItemDrawer(MTextListBoxModel* aTextListBoxModel, const CFont* aFont, CColumnListBoxData* aColumnData);
  1558     IMPORT_C ~CSingleHeadingStyleItemDrawer();
  1560     IMPORT_C virtual void DrawItem(TInt aItemIndex, TPoint aItemRectPos, TBool aItemIsSelected, TBool aItemIsCurrent, TBool aViewIsEmphasized, TBool aViewIsDimmed) const;
  1562 public:
  1563     IMPORT_C void SetTopItemIndex(TInt aTop);
  1565 private:
  1566     TInt iTopItemIndex;
  1567 	CCoeEnv* iCoeEnv;
  1568     };
  1570 /**
  1571  * Thumbnail image positioning for double large styles.
  1572  */
  1573 class CDoubleLargeStyleItemDrawer : public CFormattedCellListBoxItemDrawer
  1574     {
  1575 public:
  1576     IMPORT_C CDoubleLargeStyleItemDrawer(MTextListBoxModel* aTextListBoxModel, const CFont* aFont, CFormattedCellListBoxData* aFormattedCellData, CEikListBox *aListBox);
  1577     IMPORT_C void DrawItem(TInt aItemIndex, TPoint aItemRectPos, TBool aItemIsSelected, TBool aItemIsCurrent, TBool aViewIsEmphasized, TBool aViewIsDimmed) const;
  1578 private:
  1579 	IMPORT_C void CFormattedCellListBoxItemDrawer_Reserved();
  1580 private:
  1581     CEikListBox *iListBox_tmp;
  1582     };
  1585 /**
  1586  * Word wrapping for double2 styles
  1587  */
  1588 class CWordWrappedFormattedCellItemDrawer : public CFormattedCellListBoxItemDrawer
  1589     {
  1590 public:
  1591     IMPORT_C CWordWrappedFormattedCellItemDrawer(MTextListBoxModel* aTextListBoxModel, const CFont* aFont, CFormattedCellListBoxData* aFormattedCellData, CEikListBox *aListBox, TInt aSubCell, TInt aSubCell2);
  1592     IMPORT_C void DrawItem(TInt aItemIndex, TPoint aItemRectPos, TBool aItemIsSelected, TBool aItemIsCurrent, TBool aViewIsEmphasized, TBool aViewIsDimmed) const;
  1593     IMPORT_C void DrawItemText(TInt aItemIndex,
  1594 			       const TRect &aItemTextRect,
  1595 			       TBool aItemIsCurrent,
  1596 			       TBool,
  1597 			       TBool aItemIsSelected) const;
  1598 private:
  1599 	IMPORT_C void CFormattedCellListBoxItemDrawer_Reserved();
  1600 private:
  1601     TInt iSubCell, iSubCell2;
  1602     };
  1604 //
  1605 //
  1606 //  here starts section for building new listboxes.
  1607 //
  1609 //
  1610 // This is helper class that makes the conversion between European LAF and
  1611 // different listbox itemdrawer implementations.
  1612 //
  1613 // Notice, this CEikListBox is a good friend with this class.
  1614 //
  1615 // 
  1617 /** AknListBoxLayouts
  1618  * Building listbox layouts from European Avkon LAF.
  1619  *
  1620  * The LAF specification has 3 kinds of tables:
  1621  *   Graphics tables
  1622  *   Text tables
  1623  *   Pane coordinates
  1624  * The graphics tables map to SetupColumnGfxCell() and SetupFormGfxCell()
  1625  * The text tables map to SetupColumnTextCell() and SetupFormGfxCell()
  1626  * The pane coordinates map to SetupListboxPos().
  1627  *
  1628  * This class is mostly useless if you don't have LAF specification available!
  1629  *
  1630  * You probably want to use predefined layouts; See CAknSingleStyleListBox.
  1631  *
  1632  * NOTE: This class is old design. You should consider looking at aknutils.h: AknLayoutUtils
  1633  *       whenever you want to build things from the LAF specification. 
  1634  */
  1636 class AknListBoxLayouts
  1637     {
  1638 public:
  1639     /**
  1640      * Setup borders etc.
  1641      */
  1642     IMPORT_C static void SetupStandardListBox(CEikListBox& aListBox);
  1643      /**
  1644      * Setup grid position
  1645      * since 2.0
  1646      */
  1647     static void SetupGridPos(CAknGrid& aGrid,
  1648                      const TAknWindowLineLayout &aLayout);
  1649    /**
  1650      * Setup grid position
  1651      */
  1652     IMPORT_C static void SetupGridPos(CAknGrid& aGrid,
  1653     			     TInt l, 
  1654     			     TInt t, 
  1655     			     TInt /*r*/, 
  1656     			     TInt /*b*/, 
  1657     			     TInt W, 
  1658     			     TInt H);
  1659     /**
  1660      * Setup list position
  1661      */
  1662     IMPORT_C static void SetupListboxPos(CEikListBox& aListBox,
  1663 				TInt startx, 
  1664     				TInt starty, 
  1665     				TInt,
  1666     				TInt, 
  1667     				TInt /*width*/, 
  1668     				TInt height);
  1670     /*
  1671     * non-exported new internal version
  1672     */
  1673     static void SetupListboxPosL( CEikListBox& aListBox,
  1674                                   const TAknWindowLineLayout& aLayout ); // layout of first item
  1676     /**
  1677      * Setup text foreground and background colors to default
  1678      */
  1679     IMPORT_C static void SetupStandardColumnListbox(CColumnListBoxItemDrawer* aItemDrawer);	
  1680     /**
  1681      * Setup text foreground and background colors to default
  1682      */
  1683     IMPORT_C static void SetupStandardFormListbox(CFormattedCellListBoxItemDrawer* aItemDrawer);
  1684     /**
  1685      * Setup text foreground and background colors to default
  1686      */
  1687     IMPORT_C static void SetupStandardGrid(CAknGrid& aGrid);
  1689     /**
  1690      * Setup a single graphics cell of list item
  1691      */
  1692     IMPORT_C static void SetupColumnGfxCell(CEikListBox& aListBox, 
  1693 				   CColumnListBoxItemDrawer* aItemDrawer, 
  1694 				   TInt index,
  1695 				   TInt l, 
  1696 				   TInt t, 
  1697 				   TInt r, 
  1698 				   TInt b, 
  1699 				   TInt W, 
  1700 				   TInt H, 
  1701 				   TInt startx, 
  1702 				   TInt endx);
  1704     /**
  1705      * Setup a single text cell of list item
  1706      */
  1707     IMPORT_C static void SetupColumnTextCell(CEikListBox& aListBox, 
  1708 				    CColumnListBoxItemDrawer* aItemDrawer, 
  1709 				    TInt index,
  1710 				    const CFont *font, 
  1711 				    TInt /*C*/, 
  1712 				    TInt lm, 
  1713 				    TInt rm, 
  1714 				    TInt B, 
  1715 				    TInt /*W*/, 
  1716 				    CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign aAlign, 
  1717 				    TInt startx, 
  1718 				    TInt endx);
  1719     /**
  1720      * Setup a single text cell of list item
  1721      */
  1722     IMPORT_C static void SetupColumnTextCell(CEikListBox& aListBox, 
  1723 				    CColumnListBoxItemDrawer* aItemDrawer, 
  1724 				    TInt index,
  1725 				    const TAknTextLineLayout &aLayout,
  1726 				    TInt startx, 
  1727 				    TInt endx); // use with aknlayoutcompiler
  1729     /**
  1730      * Setup a single graphics cell of list item
  1731      */
  1732     IMPORT_C static void SetupFormGfxCell(CEikListBox& aListBox, 
  1733 				 CFormattedCellListBoxItemDrawer* aItemDrawer, 
  1734 				 TInt index,
  1735 				 TInt l, 
  1736 				 TInt t, 
  1737 				 TInt /*r*/, 
  1738 				 TInt /*b*/, 
  1739 				 TInt W, 
  1740 				 TInt H, 
  1741 				 TPoint p1, 
  1742 				 TPoint p2);
  1745     /**
  1746      * Setup a single graphics cell of list item
  1747      *
  1748      * This version is needed for grid cells. (the FormGfxCell works in
  1749      * most cases, but this is needed if you want exact positioning of
  1750      * the erased area..)
  1751      */
  1752     IMPORT_C static void SetupGridFormGfxCell(CAknGrid& aListBox, 
  1753 				 CFormattedCellListBoxItemDrawer* aItemDrawer, 
  1754 				 TInt index,
  1755 				 TInt l, 
  1756 				 TInt t, 
  1757 				 TInt /*r*/, 
  1758 				 TInt /*b*/, 
  1759 				 TInt W, 
  1760 				 TInt H, 
  1761 				 TPoint aP1, 
  1762 				 TPoint aP2);
  1763     /**
  1764      * Setup a single graphics cell of list item
  1765      *
  1766      * This version is needed for grid cells. (the FormGfxCell works in
  1767      * most cases, but this is needed if you want exact positioning of
  1768      * the erased area..)
  1769      * since 2.6
  1770      */
  1772     IMPORT_C static void SetupGridFormGfxCell(CAknGrid& aGrid,
  1773                  CFormattedCellListBoxItemDrawer* aItemDrawer, 
  1774                  TInt aIndex,
  1775                  const TAknWindowLineLayout& aLine,
  1776                  TPoint& aP1, 
  1777                  TPoint& aP2);         
  1779     /**
  1780      * Setup a single text cell of list item
  1781      */    
  1782     IMPORT_C static void SetupFormTextCell(CEikListBox& aListBox, 
  1783 				  CFormattedCellListBoxItemDrawer* aItemDrawer, 
  1784 				  TInt index,
  1785 				  const CFont *font, 
  1786 				  TInt /*C*/, 
  1787 				  TInt lm,
  1788 				  TInt /*rm*/, 
  1789 				  TInt B, 
  1790 				  TInt W, 
  1791 				  CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign aAlign, 
  1792 				  TPoint p1, 
  1793 				  TPoint p2);
  1794     /**
  1795      * Setup a single text cell of list item
  1796      *
  1797      * This is for removing flicker for settings
  1798      *
  1799      */
  1800     IMPORT_C static void SetupFormAntiFlickerTextCell(CEikListBox& aListBox, 
  1801 				  CFormattedCellListBoxItemDrawer* aItemDrawer, 
  1802 				  TInt index,
  1803 				  const CFont *font, 
  1804 				  TInt /*C*/, 
  1805 				  TInt lm,
  1806 				  TInt /*rm*/, 
  1807 				  TInt B, 
  1808 				  TInt W, 
  1809 				  CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign aAlign, 
  1810 				  TPoint p1, 
  1811 				  TPoint p2);
  1813     /**
  1814      * Setup a single text cell of list item
  1815      */
  1816     IMPORT_C static void SetupFormTextCell(CEikListBox& aListBox, 
  1817 				  CFormattedCellListBoxItemDrawer* aItemDrawer, 
  1818 				  TInt index,
  1819 				  const TAknTextLineLayout &aLayout,
  1820 				  const TPoint &p1, 
  1821 				  const TPoint &p2); // use with layout compiler
  1822     /**
  1823      * Setup a single text cell of list item
  1824      *
  1825      * This is for removing flicker for settings
  1826      */
  1827     IMPORT_C static void SetupFormAntiFlickerTextCell(CEikListBox& aListBox, 
  1828 				  CFormattedCellListBoxItemDrawer* aItemDrawer, 
  1829 				  TInt index,
  1830 				  const TAknTextLineLayout &aLayout,
  1831 				  const TPoint &p1, 
  1832 				  const TPoint &p2); // use with layout compiler
  1834     /**
  1835      * Setup a graphic element for a column listbox using aknlayout.dll
  1836      */
  1837     IMPORT_C static void SetupColumnGfxCell(CEikListBox& aListBox, 
  1838 				   CColumnListBoxItemDrawer* aItemDrawer, 
  1839 				   TInt aIndex,
  1840 				   const TAknWindowLineLayout &aLayout,
  1841 				   TInt startx, 
  1842 				   TInt endx);
  1844     /**
  1845      * Setup a single graphics cell of list item using aknlayout.dll
  1846      */
  1847     IMPORT_C static void SetupFormGfxCell(CEikListBox& aListBox, 
  1848 				 CFormattedCellListBoxItemDrawer* aItemDrawer, 
  1849 				 TInt index,
  1850 				 const TAknWindowLineLayout &aLayout,
  1851 				 const TPoint &p1, 
  1852 				 const TPoint &p2);
  1855     /**
  1856      * Setup a graphic element for a column listbox using aknlayout.dll
  1857      */
  1858     IMPORT_C static void SetupListboxPos(CEikListBox& aListBox, 
  1859 				   const TAknWindowLineLayout &aLayout);
  1861     /**
  1862      * This function returns a correct offset to revise layout data.
  1863      *
  1864      * Attention: The function is only effective for QHD lanscape model. 
  1865      * It always return 0 in QVGA, QVGA2, VGA and VAG3. 
  1866      * A panic will take place if it is used in other models.
  1867      *
  1868      * @since S60 5.0
  1869      *
  1870      * @param aScreenRect Size of Screen.
  1871      * @return Offset of listscroll_menu_pane's layout 
  1872      */
  1873     static TInt AdjustPopupLayoutData( const TRect& aScreenRect );				   
  1874     };
  1876 /**
  1877 * General utilities relating to listboxes
  1878 *
  1879 * @since Series 60 0.9
  1880 */
  1881 class AknListBoxUtils
  1882     {
  1883 public:
  1884     /**
  1885     * This function is similar to @c HandleItemRemovalL(). This function has
  1886     * to call when the items should be removed. If a leave occurs the framework
  1887     * generates a Symbian Leave code.
  1888     * @param aListBox A pointer to @c CEikListBox object.
  1889     * @param aValueOfCurrentItemIndexBeforeRemoval A current item index value 
  1890     * before removal.
  1891     * @param aCurrentItemWasRemoved @c ETrue if removed @c EFalse if not.
  1892     */
  1893     IMPORT_C static void HandleItemRemovalAndPositionHighlightL(CEikListBox *aListBox, TInt aValueOfCurrentItemIndexBeforeRemoval, TBool aCurrentItemWasRemoved);
  1895     /**
  1896     * This function should be called after one or more items have been removed.
  1897     * If a leave occurs the framework generates a Symbian Leave code. 
  1898     * @param aListBox A pointer to @c CEikListBox object.
  1899     * @param aValueOfCurrentItemIndexBeforeRemoval A current item index value 
  1900     * before removal.
  1901     * @param aIndexesToRemovedItems A thin templated base class for arrays of
  1902     * fixed length objects.
  1903     */
  1904     IMPORT_C static void HandleItemRemovalAndPositionHighlightL(CEikListBox *aListBox, TInt aValueOfCurrentItemIndexBeforeRemoval, CArrayFix<TInt> &aIndexesToRemovedItems);
  1906     /** 
  1907     * @deprecated
  1908     */
  1909     IMPORT_C static TBool ListBoxLinesShown(MAknsSkinInstance *aInstance, MAknsControlContext *aCc);
  1910     };
  1912 #endif