2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
9 * Initial Contributors:
10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
15 * The file contains some avkon constants (mainly for internal use).
26 // Status pane constants
31 const TInt KStatusPaneBackgroundGraphicsColorIdle = 215;
36 const TInt KStatusPaneBackgroundGraphicsColorUsual = 237;
41 const TInt KStatusPaneBackgroundColor = 0;
46 const TInt Kqpn_height_status_pane_idle = 56;
51 const TInt Kqpn_height_status_pane_usual = 44;
69 struct SLafTextCharasteristics
79 /** Navi pane constants */
83 const TInt KNoValue = -1000;
88 const TInt KUseOtherValue = -1001;
93 const TInt KUseBaseValue = 0;
99 const struct SLafIconLayout KStatusPaneBackgroundGraphics =
100 {1,29,KNoValue,KNoValue,174,15};
105 const struct SLafIconLayout KStatusPaneNaviPaneWipeGraphics =
106 {0, 1, KNoValue, KNoValue, 174, 15};
111 const struct SLafIconLayout KStatusPaneNaviPaneWipeBitmapOffset =
112 {55, 0, KNoValue, KNoValue, 174, 15};
117 const struct SLafIconLayout KNaviQgnNaviArrowLeft =
118 {0,0,KNoValue,KNoValue,4,16};
123 const struct SLafIconLayout KNaviQgnNaviArrowRight[2] =
125 {KNoValue,0,5,KNoValue,4,16},
126 {KNoValue,0,1,KNoValue,4,16}
133 const struct SLafIconLayout KNaviQgnNaviTabBitmap =
134 {4,0,KNoValue,KNoValue,107,16};
139 const struct SLafIconLayout KNaviQgnNaviTabIcon2[2] =
141 {17,3,KNoValue,KNoValue,35,11},
142 {63,3,KNoValue,KNoValue,35,11}
148 const struct SLafIconLayout KNaviQgnNaviTabIconLong2[2] =
150 {17,3,KNoValue,KNoValue,74,11},
151 {24,3,KNoValue,KNoValue,74,11}
157 const struct SLafIconLayout KNaviQgnNaviTabIcon3[3] =
159 {16,3,KNoValue,KNoValue,22,11},
160 {47,3,KNoValue,KNoValue,22,11},
161 {78,3,KNoValue,KNoValue,22,11}
168 const struct SLafIconLayout KNaviQgnNaviTabIcon4[4] =
170 {14,3,KNoValue,KNoValue,18,11},
171 {37,3,KNoValue,KNoValue,18,11},
172 {60,3,KNoValue,KNoValue,18,11},
173 {83,3,KNoValue,KNoValue,18,11}
179 const struct SLafIconLayout KNaviQgnNaviTabIconLong3[3] =
181 {17,3,KNoValue,KNoValue,67,11},
182 {24,3,KNoValue,KNoValue,67,11},
183 {31,3,KNoValue,KNoValue,67,11}
189 const struct SLafTextCharasteristics KNaviQgnNaviTabText2[2] =
191 {215,17,66,12,36,ECenter},
192 {215,63,20,12,36,ECenter}
198 const struct SLafTextCharasteristics KNaviQgnNaviTabTextLong2[2] =
200 {215,17,29,12,74,ECenter},
201 {215,24,22,12,74,ECenter}
207 const struct SLafTextCharasteristics KNaviQgnNaviTabText3[3] =
209 {215,17,81,12,21,ECenter},
210 {215,48,50,12,21,ECenter},
211 {215,79,19,12,21,ECenter}
217 const struct SLafTextCharasteristics KNaviQgnNaviTabText4[4] =
219 {215,17,89,12,13,ECenter},
220 {215,40,66,12,13,ECenter},
221 {215,63,43,12,13,ECenter},
222 {215,86,20,12,13,ECenter}
229 const struct SLafTextCharasteristics KNaviQgnNaviTabTextLong3[3] =
231 {215,17,36,12,67,ECenter},
232 {215,24,29,12,67,ECenter},
233 {215,31,22,12,67,ECenter}
239 const struct SLafIconLayout KNaviQgnNaviTabIcon1 =
240 {20,3,KNoValue,KNoValue,35,11};
245 const struct SLafTextCharasteristics KNaviQgnNaviTabText1 =
246 {0,62,25,13,33,ECenter};
252 const struct SLafTextCharasteristics KNaviQgnNaviInformation[2] =
254 {0, 8, 12, 12, 100, ECenter},
255 {0, 8, 8, 12, 85, ECenter}
261 const struct SLafTextCharasteristics KNaviQgnAdditionalInformation =
262 {0, 6, 3, 12, 92, ELeft};
267 const struct SLafTextCharasteristics KNaviQgnHelpHints =
268 {0, 6, 4, 12, 110, ELeft};
273 const struct SLafIconLayout KNaviQgnNaviIcon =
274 {20, 3, KNoValue, KNoValue, 35, 11};
279 const struct SLafTextCharasteristics KNaviQgnNaviIconText =
280 {0, 62, 25, 13, 33, ECenter};
285 const struct SLafIconLayout KNaviQgnNaviEditingStatusIcon =
286 {75, 4, KNoValue, KNoValue, 110, 9};
289 * Following constants determine the layout of tabs in the navigation pane.
290 * Constants are used with CAknTabGroup::SetTabFixedWidthL(TInt aWidth) method.
293 /** Constant for two tabs layout */
294 const TInt KTabWidthWithTwoTabs = EAknTabWidthWithTwoTabs;
295 /** Constant for two long tabs layout */
296 const TInt KTabWidthWithTwoLongTabs = EAknTabWidthWithTwoLongTabs;
297 /** Constant for three tabs layout */
298 const TInt KTabWidthWithThreeTabs = EAknTabWidthWithThreeTabs;
299 /** Constant for three long tabs layout */
300 const TInt KTabWidthWithThreeLongTabs = EAknTabWidthWithThreeLongTabs;
301 /** Constant for four tabs layout */
302 const TInt KTabWidthWithFourTabs = EAknTabWidthWithFourTabs;
303 /** Constant for one tab layout */
304 const TInt KTabWidthWithOneTab = EAknTabWidthWithOneTab;
307 const TInt KNaviTabMargins=0;
309 const TInt KNaviTabActiveTextColor = 215;
311 const TInt KNaviTabInactiveTextColor = 129;
313 const TInt KNaviTabOneTabTextColor = 0;
317 const TInt KTabNumberOfTabBitmaps = 14;
319 const TInt KTabIndexOfFirstTabBitmapInTwoTabsSet = 0;
321 const TInt KTabIndexOfLastTabBitmapInTwoTabsSet = 1;
323 const TInt KTabIndexOfFirstTabBitmapInTwoLongTabsSet = 2;
325 const TInt KTabIndexOfLastTabBitmapInTwoLongTabsSet = 3;
327 const TInt KTabIndexOfFirstTabBitmapInThreeTabsSet = 7;
329 const TInt KTabIndexOfLastTabBitmapInThreeTabsSet = 9;
331 const TInt KTabIndexOfFirstTabBitmapInThreeLongTabsSet = 4;
333 const TInt KTabIndexOfLastTabBitmapInThreeLongTabsSet = 6;
335 const TInt KTabIndexOfFirstTabBitmapInFourTabsSet = 10;
337 const TInt KTabIndexOfLastTabBitmapInFourTabsSet = 13;
340 /** Title pane constants */
344 const struct SLafTextCharasteristics KTitleQgnOneLineLabel[2] =
346 { 215, 1, 3, 22, 104, ELeft},
347 { KUseOtherValue, KUseOtherValue, KUseOtherValue, KUseOtherValue, 97, KUseOtherValue}
353 const struct SLafTextCharasteristics KTitleQgnTwoLineLabel[2] =
355 { 215, 1, 3, 11, 104, ELeft},
356 { KUseOtherValue, KUseOtherValue, KUseOtherValue, 25, 97, KUseOtherValue}
362 const struct SLafIconLayout KTitleQgnLogoImage = { 2, 2, 2, 1, 97, 25};
365 * Title pane default text if not any other default text is avilable
368 _LIT(KTitlePaneDefaultText, " ");
370 #ifndef __GMXMLCONSTANTS_H__
374 * Notice that GMXMLConstants.h contains same constant with different value.
376 _LIT(KNewLine, "\n");
380 /** Context pane constants */
385 const struct SLafIconLayout KContextQgnBitmap =
386 { 0, 0, KNoValue, KNoValue, 44, 44};
388 /** Battery pane constants */
391 * Constant for battery level minimum value
394 const TInt KBatteryLevelMin = 0;
396 * Constant for battery level maximum value
399 const TInt KBatteryLevelMax = 7;
404 const TInt KBatteryBitmapOffsets[KBatteryLevelMax] =
405 {25,21,17,13,9,5,1}; // Levels 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
410 const struct SLafIconLayout KBatteryQgnIndiBatteryStrength =
411 {KNoValue,0,0,KNoValue,12,29};
416 const struct SLafIconLayout KBatteryQgnIndiBatteryIcon =
417 {KNoValue,29,0,KNoValue,12,15};
420 /** Signal pane constants */
423 * Constant for signal level minimum value
426 const TInt KSignalLevelMin = 0;
428 * Constant for signal level maximum value
431 const TInt KSignalLevelMax = 7;
436 const TInt KSignalBitmapOffsets[KSignalLevelMax] =
437 {25,21,17,13,9,5,1}; // Levels 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
442 const struct SLafIconLayout KSignalQgnIndiSignalStrength =
443 {0,0,KNoValue,KNoValue,12,29};
448 const struct SLafIconLayout KSignalQgnIndiSignalIcon =
449 {0,29,KNoValue,KNoValue,12,15};
455 * Location of the common dialogs bitmap file
457 _LIT(KCommonDialogsBitmapFile, "z:\\resource\\apps\\commondialogs.mbm");
460 * Location of the call status bitmap file
462 _LIT(KCallStatusBitmapFile, "z:\\resource\\apps\\callstatus.mbm");
465 * Location of the memory card ui bitmap file
467 _LIT(KMemoryCardUiBitmapFile, "z:\\resource\\apps\\aknmemorycardui.mbm");
470 * Location of the avkon bitmap file
472 _LIT(KAvkonBitmapFile, "z:\\resource\\apps\\avkon2.mbm");
475 * Location of the variated bitmaps bitmap file
477 _LIT(KAvkonVariatedBitmapsFile, "z:\\resource\\apps\\variatedbitmaps.mbm");
483 const TInt KAknSoftkeyPaneHeight = 20;
486 * Default size of the window server buffer.
488 const TInt KAknDefaultWsBufferSize = 7000;
490 * Maximum size of the window server buffer.
491 * UI components and applications may request window server buffer size up to
492 * this size with CAknEnv::Static()->RequestWsBuffer() method.
494 const TInt KAknMaxWsBufferSize = 16000;
501 const TInt KMinSpaceBetweenIconsInPixels = 3;
506 const struct SLafIconLayout KSmallStatusPaneIndicator =
507 {0,3,KNoValue,KNoValue,171,15};
511 const struct SLafIconLayout KSmallStatusPaneTextIndicator =
512 {2,2,KNoValue,KNoValue,171,11};
516 const struct SLafIconLayout KSmallStatusPaneSecureStateIndicator =
517 {0,4,KNoValue,KNoValue,10,9};
521 const struct SLafIconLayout KSmallStatusPaneWmlWaitGlobeIndicator =
522 {82,1,80,KNoValue,13,13};
526 const struct SLafIconLayout KSmallStatusPaneWaitBarIndicator =
527 {3,3,KNoValue,KNoValue,77,9};
531 const struct SLafIconLayout KSmallStatusPaneProgressBarIndicator =
532 {3,3,KNoValue,KNoValue,77,9};
536 const struct SLafIconLayout KSmallStatusPaneGprsIndicator =
537 {KNoValue,KNoValue,KNoValue,KNoValue,12,15};
539 // Mirrored statuspane for A&H
543 const struct SLafIconLayout KMirroredStatusPaneNaviPaneWipeBitmapOffset =
544 {0, 0, 55, KNoValue, 174, 15};
549 const struct SLafIconLayout KMirroredNaviQgnNaviArrowLeft[2] =
551 {5,0,KNoValue,KNoValue,4,16},
552 {1,0,KNoValue,KNoValue,4,16}
558 const struct SLafIconLayout KMirroredNaviQgnNaviArrowRight =
559 {0,0,KNoValue,KNoValue,4,16};
564 const struct SLafIconLayout KMirroredNaviQgnNaviTabBitmap =
565 {9,0,KNoValue,KNoValue,107,16};
568 // Naviwipe related constants
578 // Note that values are for skin navi wipes (176x15). Not for
579 // default avkon LAF navi wipes (174x15).
583 const struct SNaviWipePart KNaviWipeSignalPanePart =
588 const struct SNaviWipePart KNaviWipeContextPanePart =
593 const struct SNaviWipePart KNaviWipeNaviPanePart =
599 const struct SNaviWipePart KNaviWipeSignalPanePartMirrored =
604 const struct SNaviWipePart KNaviWipeContextPanePartMirrored =
609 const struct SNaviWipePart KNaviWipeNaviPanePartMirrored =
613 // Keyboard delays and repeat periods
615 * Constant for the delay in microseconds before the key repeating starts
616 * when the key is pressed down.
618 const TInt KAknKeyboardRepeatInitialDelay = 600000;
621 * Keyboard repeat rate in microseconds. Key events are repeated
622 * at this rate when the key is pressed down.
624 * Editor repeat rate is set in KAknEditorKeyboardRepeatRate constant
626 const TInt KAknStandardKeyboardRepeatRate = (1000000/6);
629 * Keyboard repeat rate in editors in microseconds. Key events are repeated
630 * at this rate in editors when the key is pressed down.
632 const TInt KAknEditorKeyboardRepeatRate = (1000000/10);
637 * Value for unset screen mode.
639 const TInt KAknScreenModeUnset = -1;
641 #endif // AKNCONSTS_H