author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Defines a public interface class MAknsSkinInstance and related
    15 *                enumerations.
    16 *
    17 */
    23 //  INCLUDES
    24 #include <e32std.h>
    26 #include <AknsDataContext.h>
    27 #include <AknsItemData.h>
    30 class CFbsBitGc;
    31 class CAknsItemDef;
    33 // DATA TYPES
    35 /**
    36 * Type enumeration for skin client errors.
    37 *
    38 * @since 2.0
    39 */
    40 enum TAknsClientError
    41     {
    42     /**
    43     * Unspecified error.
    44     */
    45     EAknsClientErrorUnspecified     = 0,
    47     /**
    48     * Out of memory.
    49     *
    50     * @since 2.5
    51     */
    52     EAknsClientErrorOOM             = -4
    53     };
    55 /**
    56 * Type enumeration for the last skin change reason.
    57 *
    58 * @since 3.1
    59 *
    60 */
    61 enum TAknsSkinChangeReason
    62     {
    63     // For normal skin change events, ie. all item change
    64     ENormalSkinChange       = 0,
    65     // When a morphing state is changed, ie. only backgrounds change
    66     EMorphingStateChange    = 1,
    67     // When the wallpaper is changed, ie. only the wallpaper change
    68     EWallpaperChange        = 2
    69     };
    74 /**
    75 * Interface to skin instance.
    76 * Skin instance is a singleton object that can be retrieved using
    77 * AknsUtils::SkinInstance(). It maintains item cache, but also
    78 * local item definition list and root data context. While skin instance
    79 * can be used directly by client code, it is often easier to use utility
    80 * methods provided in AknsUtils and AknsDrawUtils.
    81 *
    82 * This is a public interface class that contains no exported functions.
    83 * The class is not intended for derivation outside the library.
    84 *
    85 * @since 2.0
    86 */
    87 class MAknsSkinInstance
    88     {
    89     public:  // Constructors and destructor
    91         /**
    92         * Destructor for internal use.
    93         * Destructor is reserved for internal use and should be never
    94         * called by client code on singleton instance.
    95         *
    96         * @internal
    97         */
    98         inline virtual ~MAknsSkinInstance() {}
   100     public: // New functions - Item data
   102         /**
   103         * Returns root data context.
   104         * Root data context is used by other data context instances to
   105         * indicate data reservations and releases. It may also be used
   106         * directly by application code, if no other context is available.
   107         * Nearest data context can be retrieved using 
   108         * AknsUtils::DataContext(MObjectProvider* aMop) utility method.
   109         *
   110         * @since 2.0
   111         *
   112         * @return Pointer to root data context. Skin instance still owns the
   113         *   data context and its lifetime is that of skin instance itself.
   114         */
   115         virtual MAknsDataContext* RootDataContext() =0;
   117         /**
   118         * Returns (and constructs if necessary) cached item data object.
   119         * The method first searches the cache for the specified item. 
   120         * If none is found, it creates and caches a new instance of the 
   121         * item data.
   122         *
   123         * @since 2.0
   124         *
   125         * @param aID Item ID of the item to be retrieved.
   126         *
   127         * @param aType Type of the item.
   128         *
   129         * @return Item data for the specified item, or @c NULL value if
   130         *   none was found or an error occured. The caller can assume that a
   131         *   non-NULL value is a pointer that can be casted to the subclass
   132         *   corresponding to aType.
   133         *
   134         * @par Exceptions:
   135         *   Since this is a non-leaving method, the skin instance may perform
   136         *   error handling, e.g., by instructing the system to switch to the
   137         *   default skin.
   138         */
   139         virtual CAknsItemData* GetCachedItemData( const TAknsItemID& aID,
   140             const TAknsItemType aType ) =0;
   142         /**
   143         * Returns (and constructs if necessary) cached item data object.
   144         * The method first searches the cache for the specified item. 
   145         * If none is found, it creates and caches a new instance of the 
   146         * item data. 
   147         *
   148         * This overload can be used to retrieve items if the type of the
   149         * item is not known beforehand. In other cases, the first overload
   150         * shold be preferred, since it may be considerably faster.
   151         *
   152         * @since 2.0
   153         *
   154         * @param aID Item ID of the item to be retrieved.
   155         *
   156         * @return Item data for the specified item, or @c NULL value if
   157         *   none was found or an error occured.
   158         *
   159         * @par Exceptions:
   160         *   Since this is a non-leaving method, the skin instance may perform
   161         *   error handling, e.g., by instructing the system to switch to the
   162         *   default skin.
   163         */
   164         virtual CAknsItemData* GetCachedItemData( const TAknsItemID& aID ) =0;
   166         /**
   167         * Creates a new non-cached item data object.
   168         * The method constructs a new instance of item data of the specified 
   169         * skin item and returns it.
   170         *
   171         * @since 2.0
   172         *
   173         * @param aID Item ID of the item to be created.
   174         *
   175         * @param aType Type of the item.
   176         *
   177         * @return Newly created item data object. Ownership of the object is
   178         *   transferred to the caller. If no item definition for the specified
   179         *   ID was found, @c NULL value is returned. The caller can assume that
   180         *   a non-NULL value is a pointer that can be casted to the subclass
   181         *   corresponding to aType.
   182         *
   183         * @par Exceptions:
   184         *   If item data construction fails, function leaves with an error code.
   185         */
   186         virtual CAknsItemData* CreateUncachedItemDataL( const TAknsItemID& aID,
   187             const TAknsItemType aType ) =0;
   189         /**
   190         * Creates a new non-cached item data object.
   191         * The method constructs a new instance of item data of the specified 
   192         * skin item and returns it.
   193         *
   194         * This overload can be used to create items if the type of the
   195         * item is not known beforehand. In other cases, the first overload
   196         * shold be preferred, since it may be considerably faster.
   197         *
   198         * @since 2.0
   199         *
   200         * @param aID Item ID of the item to be created.
   201         *
   202         * @return Newly created item data object. Ownership of the object is
   203         *   transferred to the caller. If no item definition for the specified
   204         *   ID was found, @c NULL value is returned.
   205         *
   206         * @par Exceptions:
   207         *   If item data construction fails, function leaves with an error code.
   208         */
   209         virtual CAknsItemData* CreateUncachedItemDataL( const TAknsItemID& aID ) =0;
   211     public: // New functions - Item definitions
   213         /**
   214         * Sets local item definition.
   215         * Adds (or replaces if one already exists) a local item definition.
   216         *
   217         * @since 2.0
   218         *
   219         * @param aDef New local item definition. Ownership of definition object
   220         *   is transferred to skin instance and caller should make no access
   221         *   to it after this call.
   222         *
   223         * @par Exceptions:
   224         *   If an error occurs, function leaves with an error code. Item 
   225         *   definition object is either added into local definition list or
   226         *   destroyed depending on when the error occured.
   227         *
   228         * @par Note:
   229         *   Since the method always assumes ownership of @c aDef, it must
   230         *   not be pushed into the cleanup stack.
   231         */
   232         virtual void SetLocalItemDefL( CAknsItemDef* aDef ) =0;   
   234         /**
   235         * Enables or disables change notifications.
   236         * When enabled, resource change events are sent to the application when
   237         * item definitions change. If a change occurs when events are disabled,
   238         * it will be sent (collated, only one event) when events are re-enabled.
   239         *
   240         * @since 2.0
   241         *
   242         * @param aEnabled ETrue to enable events, EFalse to disable them.
   243         */
   244         virtual void SetChangeEventsEnabled( TBool aEnabled ) =0;
   246     public: // New functions - Error handling
   248         /**
   249         * Notifies the skin instance about an error condition.
   250         * Errors that can be reported to the skin instance include incorrect
   251         * skin content (e.g., a bitmap that can not be constructed) or
   252         * out of memory situations. The error condition is usually handled by
   253         * switching to the default system skin. Error notifications will be
   254         * ignored when there is no reasonable recovery operation available.
   255         *
   256         * @since 2.0
   257         *
   258         * @param aError Error type. Currently only EAknsClientErrorUnspecified
   259         *   is supported.
   260         */
   261         virtual void NotifyClientError( const TAknsClientError aError ) =0;
   263     public: // New functions - querying the skin change reason.
   264         /**
   265         * Queries the last skin change reason. This function can be used
   266         * to query the last reason why skin change occurred. Usually client
   267         * would use this inside the HandleResourceChange call. If no skin
   268         * change events have been reported for the application, the function
   269         * returns ENormalSkinChange.
   270         *
   271         * @since 3.1
   272         *
   273         * @return the last skin change reason.
   274         */
   275         virtual TAknsSkinChangeReason SkinChangeReason() = 0;
   277     public:
   278         /**
   279         * Removes all local item defs from this instance set by
   280         * SetLocalItemDefL
   281         */
   282         virtual void RemoveLocalItemDefs() = 0;
   284         /**
   285         * Checks whether a skin update is currently being done.
   286         *
   287         * @since 5.0
   288         */
   289         virtual TBool IsUpdateInProgress() = 0;       
   290     };
   292 #endif      // AKNSSKININSTANCE_H   
   294 // End of File