author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Structures and constant declarations for the AVKON Notifiers.
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #ifndef AKNNOTIFYSTD_H
    19 #define AKNNOTIFYSTD_H
    21 #include <e32std.h>
    22 #include <e32base.h>
    23 #include <eiknotapi.h>
    25 /**
    26  * @deprecated
    27  */
    28 const TUid KAknPopupNotifierUid={0x100059DC};
    30 /**
    31  * UID for identifying AVKON signal notifier.
    32  * @internal
    33  */
    34 const TUid KAknSignalNotifierUid={0x100059AB};
    36 /**
    37  * UID for identifying AVKON battery notifier.
    38  * @internal
    39  */
    40 const TUid KAknBatteryNotifierUid={0x100059AC};
    42 /**
    43  * UID for identifying AVKON indicator notifier.
    44  * @internal
    45  */
    46 const TUid KAknSmallIndicatorUid={0x100059AD};
    48 /**
    49  * @deprecated
    50  */
    51 const TUid KAknAsyncDemoNotifierUid={0x100059AE};
    53 /**
    54  * @deprecated
    55  */
    56 const TUid KAknTestNoteUid={0x100059AF};
    58 /**
    59  * UID for identifying AVKON key lock notifier.
    60  * @internal
    61  */
    62 const TUid KAknKeyLockNotifierUid={0x100059B0};
    64 /**
    65  * UID for identifying AVKON global note notifier.
    66  * @internal
    67  */
    68 const TUid KAknGlobalNoteUid={0x100059B1};
    70 /**
    71  * UID for identifying AVKON soft notification notifier.
    72  * @internal
    73  */
    74 const TUid KAknSoftNotificationUid={0x100059B2};
    76 /**
    77  * UID for identifying AVKON incall bubble notifier.
    78  * @internal
    79  */
    80 const TUid KAknIncallBubbleUid={0x100059B3};
    82 /**
    83  * UID for identifying AVKON list query notifier.
    84  * @internal
    85  */
    86 const TUid KAknGlobalListQueryUid={0x100059B4}; 
    88 /**
    89  * UID for identifying AVKON list msg query notifier.
    90  * @internal
    91  */
    92 const TUid KAknGlobalListMsgQueryUid={0x20011102};
    94 /**
    95  * UID for identifying AVKON message query notifier.
    96  * @internal
    97  */
    98 const TUid KAknGlobalMsgQueryUid={0x100059CB};
   100 /**
   101  * UID for identifying AVKON confirmation query notifier.
   102  * @internal
   103  */
   104 const TUid KAknGlobalConfirmationQueryUid={0x100059DB};
   106 /**
   107  * UID for identifying AVKON progress dialog notifier.
   108  * @internal
   109  */
   110 const TUid KAknGlobalProgressDialogUid={0x10005A04};
   112 /**
   113  * @deprecated
   114  */
   115 const TUid KAknMemoryCardDialogUid={0x101F467A};
   117 /**
   118  * @deprecated
   119  */
   120 const TUid KAknNotifierControllerUid={0x1020721C};  
   123 /**
   124  * AVKON notifier channel UID for notes.
   125  * @internal
   126  */
   127 const TUid EAknNotifierChannelNote = {1};
   128 /**
   129  * AVKON notifier channel UID for lists.
   130  * @internal
   131  */
   132 const TUid EAknNotifierChannelList = {2};
   133 /**
   134  * AVKON notifier channel UID for message queries.
   135  * @internal
   136  */
   137 const TUid EAknNotifierChannelMsgQuery = {3};
   138 /**
   139  * AVKON notifier channel UID for confirmation queries.
   140  * @internal
   141  */
   142 const TUid EAknNotifierChannelConfirmationQuery = {4};
   143 /**
   144  * AVKON notifier channel UID for progress dialogs.
   145  * @internal
   146  */
   147 const TUid EAknNotifierChannelProgressDialog = {5};
   148 /**
   149  * AVKON notifier channel UID for list message queries.
   150  * @internal
   151  */
   152 const TUid EAknNotifierChannelListMsgQuery = {6};
   154 /**
   155  * Signal state notifier parameter structure.
   156  * @internal
   157  */
   158 struct SAknSignalNotifyParams
   159     {
   160     TInt iGprsState;
   161     TInt iValue;
   162     };
   164 /**
   165  * Battery state notifier parameter structure.
   166  * @internal
   167  */
   168 struct SAknBatteryNotifyParams
   169     {
   170     enum { ERecharge, EStopRecharge, ENoRecharge, ESetValue, ESetState } iType;
   171     TInt iValue;
   172     TInt iBatteryState;
   173     };
   175 /**
   176  * Small indicator notifier parameter structure.
   177  * @internal
   178  */
   179 struct SAknSmallIndicatorParams
   180     {
   181     TUid iSmallIndicatorUid;
   182     TInt iValue;
   183     };
   185 /**
   186  * Incall status bubble notifier parameter structure.
   187  * @internal
   188  */
   189 struct SAknIncallBubbleParams
   190     {
   191     TInt iIncallBubbleFlags;
   192     };
   194 /**
   195  * Key lock notifier reasons.
   196  * @internal
   197  */
   198 enum TKeyLockNotifierReason
   199     {
   200     ELockEnabled,
   201     ELockDisabled,
   202     EAllowNotifications,
   203     EStopNotifications,
   204     EInquire,
   205     EOfferKeylock,
   206     ECancelAllNotifications,
   207     EEnableAutoLockEmulation,
   208     EDisableWithoutNote,
   209     EEnableWithoutNote,
   210     // add normal keylock operations before this
   211     ECommandFSWToHideApplication=99
   212     };
   214 /**
   215  * Soft note notifier parameter structure.
   216  * @internal
   217  */
   218 struct SAknSoftNoteNotifierParams
   219     {
   220     TInt iNoteResource;
   221     TInt iNoteCbaResource;
   222     TInt iResponse;
   223     };
   225 /**
   226  * Key lock notifier parameter structure.
   227  * @internal
   228  */
   229 struct SAknKeyLockNotifierParams
   230     {
   231     TKeyLockNotifierReason iReason;
   232     TBool iEnabled;
   233     };
   235 /**
   236  * Global note types.
   237  */
   238 enum TAknGlobalNoteType
   239     {
   240     EAknGlobalInformationNote = 1,
   241     EAknGlobalWarningNote,
   242     EAknGlobalConfirmationNote,
   243     EAknGlobalErrorNote,
   244     EAknGlobalChargingNote,
   245     EAknGlobalWaitNote,
   246     EAknGlobalPermanentNote,
   247     EAknGlobalNotChargingNote,
   248     EAknGlobalBatteryFullNote,
   249     EAknGlobalBatteryLowNote,
   250     EAknGlobalRechargeBatteryNote,
   251     EAknCancelGlobalNote,
   252     EAknGlobalTextNote,
   253     EAknGlobalBatteryFullUnplugNote = 105,
   254     EAknGlobalUnplugChargerNote
   255     };
   257 /**
   258  * Global note parameters.
   259  * @internal
   260  */
   261 struct SAknGlobalNoteParams
   262     {
   263     TAknGlobalNoteType iType;
   264     TPtrC iText;
   265     TInt iPriority;
   266     TInt iSoftkeys;
   267     TInt iGraphic;
   268     TInt iGraphicMask;
   269     TInt iAnimation;
   270     };
   272 /**
   273  * Global note return parameter structure.
   274  * @internal
   275  */
   276 struct SAknGlobalNoteReturnParams
   277     {
   278     TInt iNoteId;
   279     };
   281 /**
   282  * Global query commands.
   283  * @internal
   284  */
   285 enum TAknGlobalQueryCmd
   286     {
   287     EAknShowGlobalQuery=1,
   288     EAknCancelGlobalQuery,
   289     EAknUpdateGlobalQuery,
   290     // list query cmds,
   291     EAknMoveDownGlobalListQuery,
   292     EAknMoveUpGlobalListQuery,
   293     EAknSelectGlobalListQuery,
   294     // Progess dialog cmds
   295     EAknFinishGlobalProgressDialog
   296     };
   298 /**
   299  * Global list query parameter structure.
   300  * @internal
   301  */
   302 struct SAknGlobalListQueryParams
   303     {
   304     TAknGlobalQueryCmd iCmd;
   305     TInt iIndex;
   306     };
   308 /**
   309  * Global message query parameter structure.
   310  * @internal
   311  */
   312 struct SAknGlobalMsgQueryParams
   313     {
   314     TAknGlobalQueryCmd iCmd;
   315     TInt iSoftkeys;
   316     };
   318 /**
   319  * Global progress note parameter structure.
   320  * @internal
   321  */
   322 struct SAknGlobalProgressDialogParams
   323     {
   324     TAknGlobalQueryCmd iCmd;
   325     TInt iValue;
   326     TInt iFinalValue;
   327     };
   329 /**
   330  * Soft notification types.
   331  * @internal
   332  */
   333 enum TAknSoftNotificationType
   334     {
   335     ENoSoftNotification = -1,
   336     ENetworkInformationNotification=0,
   337     ESelectNetworkNotification,
   338     EUnstructuredSSDataNotification,
   339     EVoiceMailNotification,
   340     ESeparateVoiceMailOnLine1Notification,
   341     ESeparateVoiceMailOnLine2Notification,
   342     ECellBroadcastNotification,
   344     EDeliveryReportNotification,
   345     EClass0SmsNotification,
   347     EMissedCallsNotification,
   348     ENewMessagesNotification,
   349     ENewMailNotification,
   351     EShowActiveNotifications,
   353     EShowGroupedNotification,
   354     ECustomSoftNotification,
   355     EChatMessageNotification,
   356     EMaxSoftNotification,
   357     ESetIdleState = 100
   358     };
   360 /**
   361  * Soft notification parameters.
   362  * @internal
   363  */
   364 struct SAknSoftNotificationParams
   365     {
   366     /** The type of the soft notification, @see @c TAknSoftNotificationType
   367     */
   368     TAknSoftNotificationType iType; 
   370     /**
   371      * @c iIsCancel is used to decide whether to spawn a new
   372      * (or add the number on an existing) soft notification or
   373      * to cancel a type of soft notification. Please note that
   374      * calling a cancel on a certain type of soft notification
   375      * cancels all soft notifications of that type.
   376      */
   377     TBool iIsCancel;
   379     /**
   380      * This parameter is intended only to be used when setting
   381      * the number of new messages. Stay clear otherwise!
   382      */
   383     TInt iCount;
   384     };
   387 /**
   388  * @deprecated
   389  */
   390 enum TAknSignalStates
   391     {
   392     EAknSignalGprsStateOff = 0,
   393     EAknSignalGprsStateOn = 1,
   394     EAknSignalGprsStateNotChanged = -1,
   395     EAknSignalStateNotChanged = -2,
   396     // Constants below are used for syncronizing signalpane and navipane background types.
   397     EAknSignalGprsIndicatorBgTypeNotDefined = -3,
   398     EAknSignalGprsIndicatorBgTypeWipe       = -4,
   399     EAknSignalGprsIndicatorBgTypeSolid      = -5                
   400     };
   402 /**
   403  * @deprecated
   404  */
   405 const TInt KAknSignalNumberOfGprsStates = 6;
   407 /**
   408  * @deprecated
   409  */
   410 struct SAknMemoryCardUIParams
   411     {
   412     TBool iStore;
   413     };
   415 /**
   416  * @deprecated
   417  */
   418 class MAknUINotifierBase: public MEikSrvNotifierBase2
   419     {
   420 public:
   421     /**
   422      * @deprecated
   423      */
   424     TInt NotifierCapabilites(){return EScreenDeviceChangeSupported;}
   425     };
   427 #endif // AKNNOTIFYSTD_H