author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 2 2fe1408b6811
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 // Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    20 #include <e32base.h>
    21 #include <e32std.h>
    22 #include <f32file.h>
    23 #include <mmf/common/mmfutilities.h>
    24 #include <mmf/common/mmfcontrollerframeworkbase.h>
    25 #include <mmf/common/mmfipc.h>
    27 // fwd ref
    28 class CMMFControllerImplementationInformation;
    29 class CLogonMonitor;
    31 _LIT(KMMFControllerProxyServerName, "MMFControllerProxyServer-");
    33 /**
    34 @publishedAll
    35 @released
    37 Signals that the message is destined for the controller
    38 */
    39 const TInt KMMFObjectHandleController = -2;
    41 /**
    42 @publishedAll
    43 @released
    45 Null, or invalid, object handle
    46 */
    47 const TInt KMMFObjectHandleNull = 0;
    49 /**
    50 @publishedAll
    51 @released
    53 Describes the destination of a message in the controller framework.
    55 The destination is defined by a UID describing the interface and an integer object handle.
    56 The controller framework uses this information when it receives a message to decide where
    57 to send the message.
    59 The controller plugin and controller proxy use the special constant handles
    60 KMMFObjectHandleControllerProxy and KMMFObjectHandleController for
    61 efficiency.
    63 @since 7.0s
    64 */
    65 class TMMFMessageDestination
    66 	{
    67 public:
    69 	/**
    70 	Default constructor.
    72 	Assigns a null UID to the interface, and a null handle to the handle.
    74 	@since 7.0s
    75 	*/
    76 	IMPORT_C TMMFMessageDestination();
    78 	/**
    79 	Constructor for sending messages to the controller plugin.
    81 	Assigns KMMFObjectHandleController to the destination handle.
    83 	@param  aInterfaceId
    84 	        The UID of the interface of this message destination.
    86 	@since  7.0s
    87 	*/
    88 	IMPORT_C TMMFMessageDestination(TUid aInterfaceId);
    90 	/**
    91 	Full constructor.
    93 	@param  aInterfaceId
    94 	        The UID of the interface of this message destination.
    95 	@param  aDestinationHandle
    96 	        The handle of the destination object in the controller framework.
    98 	@since  7.0s
    99 	*/
   100 	IMPORT_C TMMFMessageDestination(TUid aInterfaceId, TInt aDestinationHandle);
   102 	/**
   103 	Copy constructor.
   105 	@param  aOther
   106 	        The TMMFMessageDestination object to be copied.
   108 	@since  7.0s
   109 	*/
   110 	IMPORT_C TMMFMessageDestination(const TMMFMessageDestination& aOther);
   112 	/**
   113 	Returns the UID of the interface of the message destination.
   115 	@return	The interface UID.
   117 	@since 7.0s
   118 	*/
   119 	IMPORT_C TUid InterfaceId() const;
   121 	/**
   122 	Returns the handle of the destination object in the controller framework.
   124 	@return	The destination handle.
   126 	@since 7.0s
   127 	*/
   128 	IMPORT_C TInt DestinationHandle() const;
   130 	/**
   131 	Compares two destinations.
   133 	@param  aOther
   134 	        The object to be compared with this object.
   136 	@return A boolean indicating if the objects are the same. ETrue if the objects are the same, 
   137 	        EFalse if the objects are different.
   139 	@since 7.0s
   140 	*/
   141 	IMPORT_C TBool operator==(const TMMFMessageDestination& aOther) const;
   143 private:
   144 	TUid iInterfaceId;
   145 	TInt iDestinationHandle;
   146 	/**
   147 	This member is internal and not intended for use.
   148 	*/
   149 	TInt iReserved1;
   150 	TInt iReserved2;
   151 	TInt iReserved3;
   152 	};
   154 /**
   155 @publishedAll
   156 @released
   158 Package buffer for TMMFMessageDestination
   159 */
   160 typedef TPckgBuf<TMMFMessageDestination> TMMFMessageDestinationPckg;
   163 /**
   164 @publishedAll
   165 @released
   167 Encapsulation of an RMessage or an RMessage2 to provide protection to controller plugins
   168 from the changes occurring with secure APIs.
   170 Adds required destination information to the message so the controller framework
   171 can determine which object the message is for.
   173 Adds capability to check whether the message has been completed.
   175 Allows two descriptors to be read from the client, and one descriptor to be copied to the client.
   177 @see RMMFControllerProxy::SendSync
   178 @see RMMFControllerProxy::SendAsync
   180 @since 7.0s
   181 */
   182 class TMMFMessage
   183 	{
   184 friend class CMMFControllerProxySession;
   185 friend class CMMFDevSoundSession;
   186 public:
   188 	/**
   189 	Copy constructor.
   191 	A controller plugin should use this to take a copy of the message when it must wait for some
   192 	other event before completing it.
   194 	@param  aMessage
   195 	        The message object to copy.
   197 	@since 7.0s
   198 	*/
   199 	IMPORT_C TMMFMessage(const TMMFMessage& aMessage);
   201 	/**
   202 	Returns the destination of the message.
   204 	@return	The destination of the message, consisting of a UID defining the interface and the
   205 			handle of the destination object.
   207 	@since	7.0s
   208 	*/
   209 	IMPORT_C const TMMFMessageDestination& Destination();
   211 	/**
   212 	Returns an integer describing the function being called. Equivalent to 
   213 	RMessage::Function().
   215 	@return The function being called over IPC.
   217 	@see    RMessage::Function()
   219 	@since  7.0s
   220 	*/
   221 	IMPORT_C TInt Function();
   223 	/**
   224 	Returns the size of the first descriptor that can be copied over from the client.
   226 	Use this to create a descriptor of appropriate size before reading the data from the client.
   228 	@return	The size of data 1.
   229 	@since	7.0s
   230 	*/
   231 	IMPORT_C TInt SizeOfData1FromClient();
   233 	/**
   234 	Copy the first descriptor from the client.
   236 	@param  aDes
   237 	        A descriptor defining the area of memory into which the data from the client
   238 	        will be copied. Note, the descriptor must be of sufficient size.
   240 	@return	One of the system-wide error codes. In particular, KErrBadDescriptor will be returned
   241 	        if the client did not provide a valid descriptor.
   243 	@since  7.0s
   244 	*/
   245 	IMPORT_C TInt ReadData1FromClient(TDes8& aDes);
   247 	/**
   248 	Copy the first descriptor from the client.
   250 	This functino can leave with one of the system-wide error codes. In particular, the leave code 
   251 	KErrBadDescriptor will be used if the client did not provide a valid descriptor.
   253 	@param  aDes
   254 	        A descriptor defining the area of memory into which the data from the client
   255 	        will be copied. Note, the descriptor must be of sufficient size.
   257 	@since 7.0s
   258 	*/
   259 	IMPORT_C void ReadData1FromClientL(TDes8& aDes);
   262 	/**
   263 	Returns the size of the second descriptor that can be copied over from the client.
   265 	Use this to create a descriptor of appropriate size before reading the data from the client.
   267 	@return The size of data 2.
   269 	@since  7.0s
   270 	*/
   271 	IMPORT_C TInt SizeOfData2FromClient();
   273 	/**
   274 	Copies the second descriptor from the client.
   276 	@param  aDes
   277 	        A descriptor defining the area of memory into which the data from the client
   278 	        will be copied. Note, the descriptor must be of sufficient size.
   280 	@return One of the system-wide error codes. In particular, KErrBadDescriptor will be returned
   281 	        if the client did not provide a valid descriptor.
   283 	@since  7.0s
   284 	*/
   285 	IMPORT_C TInt ReadData2FromClient(TDes8& aDes);
   287 	/**
   288 	Copies the second descriptor from the client.
   290 	This function can leave with one of the system-wide error codes. In particular, the leave code
   291 	KErrBadDescriptor will be used if the client did not provide a valid descriptor.
   293 	@param  aDes
   294 	        A descriptor defining the area of memory into which the data from the client
   295 	        will be copied. Note, the descriptor must be of sufficient size.
   297 	@since  7.0s
   298 	*/
   299 	IMPORT_C void ReadData2FromClientL(TDes8& aDes);
   301 	/**
   302 	Copies data back to the client.
   304 	@param  aDes
   305 	        The data to be copied back to the client.  Note that the client must
   306 	        have already created a descriptor of sufficient size for the data to be
   307 	        copied into.
   309 	@return One of the system-wide error codes. In particular, the error code KErrBadDescriptor will 
   310 	        be returned if the client did not provide a valid descriptor.
   312 	@since  7.0s
   313 	*/
   314 	IMPORT_C TInt WriteDataToClient(const TDesC8& aDes);
   316 	/**
   317 	Copies the data back to the client.
   319 	This function can leave with one of the system-wide error codes. In particular, the leave code
   320 	KErrBadDescriptor will be used if the client did not provide a valid descriptor.
   322 	@param  aDes
   323 	        The data to be copied back to the client. Note that the client must have already
   324 	        created a descriptor of sufficient size for the data to be copied into.
   326 	@since 7.0s
   327 	*/
   328 	IMPORT_C void WriteDataToClientL(const TDesC8& aDes);
   330 	/**
   331 	Signals to the client that its request has been completed.
   333 	Equivalent to RMessage::Complete.
   335 	@param  aReason
   336 	        The result code to be given back to the client.
   338 	@since  7.0s
   339 	*/
   340 	IMPORT_C void Complete(TInt aReason);
   342 	IMPORT_C void AdoptFileHandleFromClientL(TInt aFsHandleIndex, TInt aFileHandleIndex, RFile& aFile);
   344 	/**
   345 	Checks whether this message has already been completed.
   347 	@return A boolean indicating if the message has been completed. ETrue if the message has been 
   348 	        completed, EFalse if not.
   350 	@since  7.0s
   351 	*/
   352 	IMPORT_C TBool IsCompleted();
   354 	/**
   355 	Constructs a TMMFMessage from an RMmfIpcMessage.
   357 	@param	aMessage
   358 			The handle to the remote message.
   360 	@since  7.0s
   361 	*/
   362 	IMPORT_C TMMFMessage(const RMmfIpcMessage& aMessage);
   364 	/**
   365 	Gets the destination info from the client.
   367 	@since  7.0s
   368 	*/
   369 	IMPORT_C void FetchDestinationL();
   370 private:
   371 #ifdef __MMF_USE_IPC_V2__
   372 	/**
   373 	The encapsulated message
   374 	*/
   375 	RMessagePtr2 iMessage;
   376 	/**
   377 	The encapsulated function
   378 	*/
   379 	TInt iFunction;
   380 	/**
   381 	Private padding to preserve BC with earlier versions
   382 	*/
   383 	TInt iDummyPadding[6];
   384 #else
   385 	/**
   386 	The RMessage encapsulated by this object.
   387 	*/
   388 	RMessage iMessage;
   389 #endif // __MMF_USE_IPC_V2__
   391 	/**
   392 	The destination of this message.
   393 	*/
   394 	TMMFMessageDestination iDestination;
   396 	/**
   397 	Defines whether this object has yet to be completed.
   398 	*/
   399 	TBool iAmCompleted;
   400 	};
   402 /**
   403 @publishedAll
   405 Mixin class used by CLogonMonitor to inform about its state
   407 @since 9.3
   408 */
   409 class MLogonMonitorObserver
   410 	{
   411 public:
   412 	/**
   413 	The monitored thread has been terminated.
   414 	*/
   415 	virtual void ThreadTerminated() = 0;
   416 	};
   418 /**
   419 @publishedAll
   421 RSessionBase-based client class to handle the creation of the controller thread and
   422 message sending over IPC.
   424 The controller proxy is responsible for sending and recieving messages over IPC; it does not
   425 care exactly what those messages are.
   427 Note the fact that, although this is an internal component, its size cannot be changed because 
   428 it's embedded in a publishedAll class (RMMFController) and the size of the latter would also be
   429 changed raising a binary compatibility problem.
   431 @since 7.0s
   432 */
   433 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(RMMFControllerProxy) : public RMmfSessionBase, public MLogonMonitorObserver
   434 	{
   435 public:
   437 	/**
   438 	Constructor.
   439 	@since 7.0s
   440 	*/
   441 	IMPORT_C RMMFControllerProxy();
   443 	/**
   444 	Create a new thread and load a controller plugin into that thread.
   446 	@param  aControllerUid
   447 	        The UID of the controller plugin to be loaded.
   448 	@param	aUseSharedHeap
   449 			If this value is EFalse each controller is created with its own heap. The alternative,
   450 			if the value is ETrue, is that controllers share a special heap with other controllers
   451 			created the same way. Each heap uses a chunk, so this avoids situations where the
   452 			number of chunks per process is limited. The default behaviour is generally to be
   453 			preferred, and should give lower overall memory usage. However, if many controllers are
   454 			to be created for a particular thread, then ETrue should be provided to prevent running
   455 			out of heaps or chunks.
   457 	@return One of the system-wide error codes.
   458 	@since	7.0s
   459 	*/
   460 	IMPORT_C TInt LoadController(TUid aControllerUid, TBool aUseSharedHeap);
   462 	/**
   463 	Create a new thread and load a controller plugin into that thread.
   465 	@param  aControllerInfo
   466 	        A reference to a CMMFControllerImplementationInformation object
   467 	        used for determining the controller UID and heap size
   468 	@param	aUseSharedHeap
   469 			If this value is EFalse each controller is created with its own heap. The alternative,
   470 			if the value is ETrue, is that controllers share a special heap with other controllers
   471 			created the same way. Each heap uses a chunk, so this avoids situations where the
   472 			number of chunks per process is limited. The default behaviour is generally to be
   473 			preferred, and should give lower overall memory usage. However, if many controllers are
   474 			to be created for a particular thread, then ETrue should be provided to prevent running
   475 			out of heaps or chunks.
   477 	@return	One of the system-wide error codes.
   478 	@since	7.0s
   479 	*/
   480 	IMPORT_C TInt LoadController(const CMMFControllerImplementationInformation& aControllerInfo, TBool aUseSharedHeap);
   482 	/**
   483 	Create a new thread in another process through Secure DRM Plugin server and load a controller plugin 
   484 	into that thread.  The motivation of this model is to allow applications without DRM capability able 
   485 	to play protected content through MMF.
   487 	@param  aControllerUid
   488 	        The UID of the controller plugin to be loaded.
   489 	@param	aUseSharedHeap
   490 			If this value is EFalse each controller is created with its own heap. The alternative,
   491 			if the value is ETrue, is that controllers share a special heap with other controllers
   492 			created the same way. Each heap uses a chunk, so this avoids situations where the
   493 			number of chunks per process is limited. The default behaviour is generally to be
   494 			preferred, and should give lower overall memory usage. However, if many controllers are
   495 			to be created for a particular thread, then ETrue should be provided to prevent running
   496 			out of heaps or chunks.
   498 	@return One of the system-wide error codes.
   499 	*/
   500 	IMPORT_C TInt LoadControllerInSecureDRMProcess(TUid aControllerUid, TBool aUseSharedHeap);
   502 	/**
   503 	Create a new thread in another process through Secure DRM Plugin server and load a controller plugin 
   504 	into that thread.  The motivation of this model is to allow applications without DRM capability able 
   505 	to play protected content through MMF.
   507 	@param  aControllerInfo
   508 	        A reference to a CMMFControllerImplementationInformation object
   509 	        used for determining the controller UID and heap size
   510 	@param	aUseSharedHeap
   511 			If this value is EFalse each controller is created with its own heap. The alternative,
   512 			if the value is ETrue, is that controllers share a special heap with other controllers
   513 			created the same way. Each heap uses a chunk, so this avoids situations where the
   514 			number of chunks per process is limited. The default behaviour is generally to be
   515 			preferred, and should give lower overall memory usage. However, if many controllers are
   516 			to be created for a particular thread, then ETrue should be provided to prevent running
   517 			out of heaps or chunks.
   519 	@return	One of the system-wide error codes.
   520 	*/
   521 	IMPORT_C TInt LoadControllerInSecureDRMProcess(const CMMFControllerImplementationInformation& aControllerInfo, TBool aUseSharedHeap);
   523 	/**
   524 	Delete the controller plugin and close its thread.
   526 	Clients must call Close() on the controller proxy, otherwise leaks will occur.
   528 	@since	7.0s
   529 	*/
   530 	IMPORT_C void Close();
   532 	/**
   533 	Send a message synchronously to the controller thread.
   535 	The controller framework will analyze the message to determine its correct destination.
   537 	Note: This method will not return until the controller framework has serviced the command.
   539 	@param  aDestination
   540 	        The destination of the message, consisting of the uid of
   541 	        the interface of this message.
   542 	@param  aFunction
   543 	        The function number to indicate which function is to be called
   544 	        on the interface defined in the aDestination parameter.
   545 	@param  aDataTo1
   546 	        A reference to the first chunk of data to be copied to the controller
   547 	        framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
   548 	        interface being called.  Can be NULL.
   549 	@param  aDataTo2
   550 	        A reference to the second chunk of data to be copied to the controller
   551 	        framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
   552 	        interface being called.  Can be NULL.
   553 	@param  aDataFrom
   554 	        A reference to an area of memory to which the controller framework will
   555 	        write any data to be passed back to the client.  Can't be NULL.
   557 	@return The result of the request.  Exact range of values is dependent on the interface.
   558 	@since	7.0s
   559 	*/
   560 	IMPORT_C TInt SendSync(const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination, TInt aFunction, const TDesC8& aDataTo1, const TDesC8& aDataTo2, TDes8& aDataFrom) const;
   562 	/**
   563 	Send a message synchronously to the controller thread.
   565 	The controller framework will analyze the message to determine its correct destination.
   567 	Note: This method will not return until the controller framework has serviced the command.
   569 	@param  aDestination
   570 	        The destination of the message, consisting of the uid of
   571 	        the interface of this message.
   572 	@param  aFunction
   573 	        The function number to indicate which function is to be called
   574 	        on the interface defined in the aDestination parameter.
   575 	@param  aDataTo1
   576 	        A reference to the first chunk of data to be copied to the controller
   577 	        framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
   578 	        interface being called.  Can be NULL.
   579 	@param  aDataTo2
   580 	        A reference to the second chunk of data to be copied to the controller
   581 	        framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
   582 	        interface being called.  Can be NULL.
   584 	@return The result of the request.  Exact range of values is dependent on the interface.
   585 	@since	7.0s
   586 	*/
   587 	IMPORT_C TInt SendSync(const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination, TInt aFunction, const TDesC8& aDataTo1, const TDesC8& aDataTo2) const;
   589 	/**
   590 	Send a message asynchronously to the controller thread.
   592 	The controller framework will analyze the message to determine its correct destination.
   594 	Note: This method will return immediately.  The RunL of the active object owning the
   595 	aStatus parameter will be called when the command is completed by the
   596 	controller framework.
   598 	@param  aDestination
   599 	        The destination of the message, consisting of the uid of
   600 	        the interface of this message.
   601 	@param  aFunction
   602 	        The function number to indicate which function is to be called
   603 	        on the interface defined in the aDestination parameter.
   604 	@param  aDataTo1
   605 	        A reference to the first chunk of data to be copied to the controller
   606 	        framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
   607 	        interface being called.  Can be NULL.
   608 	@param  aDataTo2
   609 	        A reference to the second chunk of data to be copied to the controller
   610 	        framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
   611 	        interface being called.  Can be NULL.
   612 	@param  aDataFrom
   613 	        A reference to an area of memory to which the controller framework will
   614 	        write any data to be passed back to the client.  Can't be NULL.
   615 	@param  aStatus
   616 	        The TRequestStatus of an active object.  This will contain the
   617 	        result of the request on completion.  The exact range of
   618 	        result values is dependent on the interface.
   620 	@since	7.0s
   621 	*/
   622 	IMPORT_C void SendAsync(const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination, TInt aFunction,  const TDesC8& aDataTo1, const TDesC8& aDataTo2, TDes8& aDataFrom, TRequestStatus& aStatus) const;
   624 	/**
   625 	Send a message asynchronously to the controller thread.
   627 	The controller framework will analyze the message to determine its correct destination.
   629 	Note: This method will return immediately.  The RunL of the active object owning the 
   630 	aStatus parameter will be called when the command is completed by the
   631 	controller framework.
   633 	@param  aDestination
   634 	        The destination of the message, consisting of the uid of
   635 	        the interface of this message.
   636 	@param  aFunction
   637 	        The function number to indicate which function is to be called
   638 	        on the interface defined in the aDestination parameter.
   639 	@param  aDataTo1
   640 	        A reference to the first chunk of data to be copied to the controller
   641 	        framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
   642 	        interface being called.  Can be NULL.
   643 	@param  aDataTo2
   644 	        A reference to the second chunk of data to be copied to the controller
   645 	        framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
   646 	        interface being called.  Can be NULL.
   647 	@param  aStatus
   648 	        The TRequestStatus of an active object.  This will contain the
   649 	        result of the request on completion.  The exact range of
   650 	        result values is dependent on the interface.
   652 	@since	7.0s
   653 	*/
   654 	IMPORT_C void SendAsync(const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination, TInt aFunction,  const TDesC8& aDataTo1, const TDesC8& aDataTo2, TRequestStatus& aStatus) const;
   656 	IMPORT_C TInt SendSync(TInt aFunction, const TIpcArgs& aIpcArgs) const;
   657 	IMPORT_C void SendAsync(TInt aFunction, const TIpcArgs& aIpcArgs, TRequestStatus& aStatus) const;
   658 	/**
   659 	Register to receive events from the controller framework.
   661 	Events can be generated at any time, and are generally associated with things that occur
   662 	due to something happening internally within the controller. For example, an event will
   663 	be generated if the controller stops playing due to reaching the end of a file.
   665 	@param  aEvent
   666 	        A reference to a TMMFEventPckg object that must be member data
   667 	        of the active object calling this method.  The details of the event
   668 	        will be copied into this object when an event occurs.
   669 	@param  aStatus
   670 	        The TRequestStatus of the active object calling this method.
   672 	@see	TMMFEvent
   673 	@see	CMMFControllerEventMonitor
   674 	@since	7.0s
   675 	*/
   676 	IMPORT_C void ReceiveEvents(TMMFEventPckg& aEvent, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   678 	/**
   679 	Cancel a previous registration to receive events from the controller framework.
   681 	This must be called from the DoCancel() method of the active object using the
   682 	ReceiveEvents() API.
   684 	@return One of the standard system-wide error codes.
   686 	@see	TMMFEvent
   687 	@since	7.0s
   688 	*/
   689 	IMPORT_C TInt CancelReceiveEvents();
   691 	/**
   692 	Set the priority of the controller's sub thread.
   694 	This can be used to increase the responsiveness of the audio plugin to minimise
   695 	any lag in processing. This function should be used with care as it may have knock-on
   696 	effects elsewhere in the system.
   698 	@param	aPriority
   699 			The TThreadPriority that the thread should run under.  The default is EPriorityNormal.
   700 	@return	TInt
   701 			A standard error code: KErrNone if successful, KErrNotReady if the thread does not have a
   702 			valid handle.
   703 	*/
   704 	IMPORT_C TInt SetThreadPriority(const TThreadPriority& aPriority) const;
   706 	/**
   707 	The controller subthread has been terminated.
   709 	This is called by CLogonMonitor when the the thread terminates
   710 	*/
   711 	void ThreadTerminated();
   712 private:
   713 	/**
   714 	Creates the new thread
   715 	*/
   716 	TInt DoCreateSubThread(RServer2* aServer2, TUint aMaxHeapSize, TBool aUseSharedHeap, TUint aStackSize);
   718 	/**
   719 	Determines the maximum heap size required by the selected controller
   720 	*/
   721 	TUint ControllersMaxHeapSizeL(TUid aControllerUid);
   723 	/**
   724 	Load a controller by UID
   726 	@param  aControllerUid
   727 	        The UID of the controller plugin to be loaded.
   728 	@param  aControllerInfo
   729 	        A reference to a CMMFControllerImplementationInformation object
   730 	        used for determining the heap size and DRM server supporting state.
   731 	@param	aUseSharedHeap
   732 			If this value is EFalse each controller is created with its own heap. The alternative,
   733 			if the value is ETrue, is that controllers share a special heap with other controllers
   734 			created the same way. Each heap uses a chunk, so this avoids situations where the
   735 			number of chunks per process is limited. The default behaviour is generally to be
   736 			preferred, and should give lower overall memory usage. However, if many controllers are
   737 			to be created for a particular thread, then ETrue should be provided to prevent running
   738 			out of heaps or chunks.
   739 	@param	aNoDRMCap
   740 			The indicator supplied from user used to determine whether the user's process has DRM 
   741 			capability
   742 	@return	TInt
   743 			One of the system-wide error codes.
   744 	*/
   745 	TInt LoadController(TUid aControllerUid, const CMMFControllerImplementationInformation& aControllerInfo, TBool aUseSharedHeap,
   746 						TBool aNoDRMCap = EFalse);
   748 	/**
   749 	Release heap - for use when a shared heap has been registered
   750 	*/
   751 	void ReleaseHeap();
   753 	/**
   754 	Create a session to handle situation of playing DRM protected content in
   755 	process with no DRM capability.
   756 	DRM server process will be created, if not yet created. This server is responsible to
   757 	manage and monitor all the MMF Controller servers created as seperate threads belong to 
   758 	DRM server process. Once the new MMF Controller server is running, a MMF Controller server 
   759 	session will be created and the handle is passing back.
   760 	*/
   761 	TInt DoCreateSessionForNoDRMCapClient(TUint aMaxHeapSize, TBool aUseSharedHeap, TUint aStackSize);
   763 private:
   764 	enum
   765 		{
   766 		/**
   767 		Shared heap has been opened for this object, and must be closed
   768 		*/
   769 		EFlagOpenedSharedHeap=0x01	
   770 		};
   772 private:
   773 	/**
   774 	The thread in which the controller plugin will run.
   775 	*/
   776 	RThread iSubThread;
   777 	/**
   778 	Used to hold destination for messages from the controller proxy
   779 	(not from clients calling SendSync/SendAsync!!)
   780 	*/
   781 	TMMFMessageDestinationPckg iDestinationPckg;
   782 	/**
   783 	Used to determine the success of a logon.  If the status is not pending, the logon has failed
   784 	and the thread should be closed.
   785 	*/
   786 	CLogonMonitor* iLogonAO;
   787 	/**
   788 	The priority at which the controller plugin thread runs.
   789 	*/
   790 	TThreadPriority iThreadPriority;
   791 	/**
   792 	Flags field
   793 	*/
   794 	TInt iFlags;	
   795 	/**
   796 	This member is internal and not intended for use.
   797 	*/
   798 	TInt iReserved1;
   799 	};
   801 /**
   802 @publishedAll
   803 @released
   805 Mixin class to define an object capable of handling an event within the controller framework.
   806 */
   807 class MAsyncEventHandler
   808 	{
   809 public:
   811 	/**
   812 	Sends an event to the client.
   814 	@param  aEvent
   815 	        The event.
   817 	@since 7.0s
   818 	*/
   819 	virtual TInt SendEventToClient(const TMMFEvent& aEvent) = 0;
   820 	};
   823 #include <mmf/common/mmfcontrollerframeworkclasses.h>
   824 #endif
   826 #endif