author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 2 2fe1408b6811
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *      Phonebook Single Item Fetch API.
    16 *
    17 */
    20 #ifndef __CPbkSingleItemFetchDlg_H__
    21 #define __CPbkSingleItemFetchDlg_H__
    23 //  INCLUDES
    24 #include <e32base.h>    // CBase
    25 #include <cntdef.h>     // TContactItemId
    28 class CContactViewBase;
    29 class CPbkFetchDlg;
    30 class CPbkSelectFieldDlg;
    31 class CPbkContactEngine;
    32 class CPbkFieldIdArray;
    33 class CPbkContactItem;
    34 class TPbkContactItemField;
    35 class MObjectProvider;
    40 /**
    41  * Phonebook Single Item Fetch API. This class is used to construct 
    42  * a Phonebook UI dialog where the user is able to select a single 
    43  * contact entry from a contact list. Then the user must select a 
    44  * particular field of that selected contact. The selected contact 
    45  * item and field are then returned to the client.
    46  */
    47 class CPbkSingleItemFetchDlg : public CBase
    48     {
    49     public:  // Types
    50         /**
    51          * Single item fetch parameter class. 
    52          */
    53         class TParams
    54             {
    55             public:  // Input parameters
    56                 /**
    57                  * Contact view to display. If NULL, loads the default
    58                  * contact view containing all names in the contact
    59                  * database.
    60                  */
    61                 CContactViewBase* iContactView;
    63                 /**
    64                  * Array of field types to fetch.
    65                  */
    66                 const CPbkFieldIdArray* iFieldIdArray;
    68             public:  // Output parameters
    69                 /**
    70                  * Returns an contact item of the selected entry, undefined 
    71                  * if the dialog is canceled. Caller is responsible of 
    72                  * deleting iContactItem.
    73                  */
    74                 CPbkContactItem* iContactItem;
    76                 /**
    77                  * Returns a field of the selected entry, undefined if the 
    78                  * dialog is canceled. This is iContactItem's field so it 
    79                  * is deleted when iContactItem is deleted.
    80                  */
    81                 TPbkContactItemField* iContactItemField;
    83             public: // Additional input parameters
    84                 /**
    85                  * OPTIONAL: Fetch softkey resource ID.
    86                  * If 0, Default softkeys are used.
    87                  */
    88                 TInt iCbaId;
    90             public:  // Constructors
    91                 /**
    92                  * C++ constructor.
    93                  */
    94                 IMPORT_C TParams();
    96                 // Compiler-generated destructor is ok for this class
    98                 /**
    99                  * Returns a cleanup item which will handle cleanup of this
   100                  * object in case a leave occurs.
   101                  */
   102                 IMPORT_C operator TCleanupItem();
   104             private: // Implementation
   105                 static void Cleanup(TAny* aSelf);
   107             private:  // Unimplemented functions
   108                 /// Unimplemented copy constructor
   109                 TParams(const TParams&);
   110                 /// Unimplemented assignment operator
   111                 TParams& operator=(const TParams&);
   113             private:  // data
   114 				/// Own: spare data
   115                 TInt32 iSpare1;
   116             };
   118     public:  // Interface
   119         /**
   120          * Creates a new single entry fetch dialog.
   121          *
   122          * @param aParams   Fetch parameters, @see TParams
   123          * @param aEngine   Phonebook engine
   124          */
   125         IMPORT_C static CPbkSingleItemFetchDlg* NewL
   126             (TParams& aParams, CPbkContactEngine& aEngine);
   128         /**
   129          * @see CCoeControl::SetMopParent(MObjectProvider* aParent)
   130          */
   131         IMPORT_C void SetMopParent(MObjectProvider* aParent);
   133         /**
   134          * Executes this dialog.
   135          * NOTE: this object is deleted when ExecuteLD returns or leaves!
   136          * NOTE: current status pane layout is replaced with the Phonebook
   137          * one. Restoring the original pane is left to be the responsibility
   138          * of the caller.
   139          *
   140          * @return A non-zero value if not canceled.
   141          */
   142         IMPORT_C TInt ExecuteLD();
   144         /**
   145          * Destructor. Also cancels this dialog if ExecuteLD() has been called.
   146          */
   147         ~CPbkSingleItemFetchDlg();
   149     private:  // Implementation
   150         CPbkSingleItemFetchDlg(TParams& aParams, CPbkContactEngine& aEngine);
   151         void ConstructL();
   152         TBool EntryFetchAcceptedL(TContactItemId aCid);
   153         class TFetchCallback;
   154         friend class TFetchCallback;
   156     private:  // Data
   157         /// Own: parameters
   158         TParams& iParams;
   159         /// Ref: contact view containing contacts to choose from
   160         CContactViewBase* iContactView;
   161         /// Own: fetch dialog
   162         CPbkFetchDlg* iFetchDlg;
   163         /// Own: field selection dialog
   164         CPbkSelectFieldDlg* iFieldDlg;
   165         /// Own: Phonebook engine
   166         CPbkContactEngine& iPbkEngine;
   167         /// Own: contact item to return to user via iParams
   168         CPbkContactItem* iContactItem;
   169         /// Own: contact item field to return to user via iParams
   170         TPbkContactItemField* iContactItemField;
   171         /// Ref: set to ETrue in destructor
   172         TBool* iDestroyedPtr;
   173         /// Own: object provicer
   174         MObjectProvider* iObjectProvider;
   175     };
   177 #endif // __CPbkSingleItemFetchDlg_H__
   179 // End of File