author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 3 e1b950c65cb4
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #ifndef __CNTFILT_H__
    17 #define __CNTFILT_H__
    19 #include <e32base.h>
    21 #if !( defined __SYMBIAN_CNTMODEL_HIDE_DBMS__ )
    22 #include <d32dbms.h>
    23 #endif
    25 #include <cntdb.h>
    27 class CCntFilter : public CBase
    28 /** A contact database filter.
    30 This is used to get a subset of the items in a contact database. 
    31 There are three criteria used when filtering a database:
    33 - the contact item's state
    35 - the date/time the contact item was created/last modified/deleted
    37 - the contact item's type
    39 The state can be one of: deleted, modified or created (since 
    40 a specified date/time). The filter can be set to include contact items of 
    41 only one state, or it can be set to include contact items of all states, using 
    42 the TInclude enumeration. 
    44 The date/time value is used in combination with the contact item's state.
    46 The contact item's type is one of contact card, contact card group, contact 
    47 card template, or own card. Any combination of contact types may be specified 
    48 in the filter, in addition to the contact item's state.
    50 After the filter has been set up, it should be passed to the function 
    51 CContactDatabase::FilterDatabaseL(). 
    52 @publishedAll
    53 @released
    54 */
    55 	{
    56 	friend class CPackagerTests; //Comparison test
    57 public:	
    58 	/** Flags to identify which contact items should be included in the filter.
    60 	Only one of the following values can be set in the filter at a time. However 
    61 	the client may select to filter contacts in all states using EIncludeAllContacts. */
    62 	enum TInclude 
    63 		{ 
    64 		/** Contact items in all states should be included. */
    65 		EIncludeAllContacts,
    66 		/** Only contact items which have been added since the date/time should be included. */
    67 		EIncludeNewContacts,
    68 		/** Only contact items which have been modified since the date/time should be included. */
    69 		EIncludeModifiedContacts,
    70 		/** Only contact items which have been deleted since the date/time should be included. */
    71 		EIncludeDeletedContacts	
    72 		};
    73 	/** Contact item types.*/
    74 	enum TContactType
    75 		{
    76 		/** All contact item types should be included. */
    77 		EIncludeAllTypes = 0x01,
    78 		/** Contact cards should be included in the filter. */
    79 		EContactCards = 0x02,
    80 		/** Contact card groups should be included in the filter. */
    81 		EContactGroups = 0x04, 
    82 		/** Contact card templates should be included in the filter. */
    83 		EContactTemplates = 0x08,
    84 		/** Own cards should be included in the filter. */
    85 		EContactOwnCard = 0x10 
    86 		};
    88 	IMPORT_C static CCntFilter* NewL();
    89 	IMPORT_C static CCntFilter* NewLC();
    90 	IMPORT_C static CCntFilter* NewL(const CCntFilter* aFilter);
    91 	IMPORT_C static CCntFilter* NewLC(const CCntFilter* aFilter);
    92 	static CCntFilter* NewLC(RReadStream& aStream);
    93 	IMPORT_C ~CCntFilter();
    94 public:
    95 	/** A pointer to an array which stores the filtered list of contact IDs. */
    96 	CContactIdArray* iIds;
    97 //
    98 	IMPORT_C void SetIncludeModifiedContacts(TBool aIncludeModified); 
    99 	IMPORT_C void SetIncludeNewContacts(TBool aIncludeNew); 
   100 	IMPORT_C void SetIncludeDeletedContacts(TBool aIncludeDeleted);
   101 //
   102 	IMPORT_C TBool TestContactFilterType(TUid aTypeUid);
   103 	IMPORT_C void SetContactFilterTypeALL(TBool aFilterAllContacts);
   104 	IMPORT_C void SetContactFilterTypeCard(TBool aFilterCards);
   105 	IMPORT_C void SetContactFilterTypeGroup(TBool aFilterGroups);
   106 	IMPORT_C void SetContactFilterTypeTemplate(TBool aFilterTemplates);
   107 	IMPORT_C void SetContactFilterTypeOwnCard(TBool aFilterOwnCard);
   108 	void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
   109 	void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);	
   110 //
   111 	inline TBool ContactFilterTypeALL() const;
   112 	inline TBool ContactFilterTypeCard() const;
   113 	inline TBool ContactFilterTypeGroup() const;
   114 	inline TBool ContactFilterTypeOwnCard() const;
   115 	inline TBool ContactFilterTypeTemplate() const;
   116 //
   117 	inline TBool IncludeModifiedContacts();
   118 	inline TBool IncludeNewContacts();
   119 	inline TBool IncludeDeletedContacts();
   120 //
   121 	inline TTime GetFilterDateTime();
   122 	inline void SetFilterDateTime(TTime aTime);
   123 //
   124 	IMPORT_C void Reset();
   125 //
   126 /**	
   127     Intended usage: Reserved to preserve future BC  */ 
   128 	IMPORT_C void Reserved1();
   129 /**	
   130     Intended usage: Reserved to preserve future BC  */
   131   	IMPORT_C void Reserved2();
   133 private:
   134 	TTime            iSinceDateTime;
   135 	TInclude		 iInclude;
   136 	TInt32			 iContactType;
   137 	TAny*	         iReserved1;
   138 	TAny*			 iReserved2;
   139 	CCntFilter();
   140 	CCntFilter(const CCntFilter* aFilter);
   141 	};
   144 inline TBool CCntFilter::IncludeModifiedContacts()
   145 /** Tests whether the filter includes only contacts modified since the filter's 
   146 date/time.
   148 @return ETrue if the filter only includes modified contacts. EFalse if not. */
   149 	{return iInclude == EIncludeModifiedContacts;};
   151 inline TBool CCntFilter::IncludeNewContacts()
   152 /** Tests whether the filter includes only contacts created since the filter's 
   153 date/time.
   155 @return ETrue if the filter only includes new contacts. EFalse if not. */
   156 	{return iInclude == EIncludeNewContacts;};
   158 inline TBool CCntFilter::IncludeDeletedContacts()
   159 /** Tests whether the filter includes only contacts deleted since the filter's 
   160 date/time.
   162 @return ETrue if the filter only includes deleted contacts. EFalse if not. */
   163 	{return iInclude == EIncludeDeletedContacts;};
   165 inline TTime CCntFilter::GetFilterDateTime()
   166 /** Gets the date and time used by the filter, as set by SetFilterDateTime().
   168 @return The filter's date and time value. */
   169 	{return iSinceDateTime;};
   171 inline void CCntFilter::SetFilterDateTime(TTime aTime)
   172 /** Sets the date and time used by the filter in combination with the TInclude 
   173 value to test contact items against.
   175 @param aTime The new date and time value. */
   176 	{iSinceDateTime = aTime;};
   178 // CONTACT TYPE
   179 inline TBool CCntFilter::ContactFilterTypeALL() const
   180 /** Tests whether all contact item types are included in the filter, as set by 
   181 SetContactFilterTypeALL().
   183 @return ETrue if all contact item types are included in the filter, EFalse 
   184 if not. */
   185 	{return iContactType & EIncludeAllTypes;}
   187 inline TBool CCntFilter::ContactFilterTypeCard() const
   188 /** Tests whether contact cards are included in the filter, as set by SetContactFilterTypeCard().
   190 @return ETrue if contact cards are included in the filter, EFalse if not. */
   191 	{return iContactType & EContactCards;}
   193 inline TBool CCntFilter::ContactFilterTypeGroup() const
   194 /** Tests whether contact card groups are included in the filter, as set by SetContactFilterTypeGroup().
   196 @return ETrue if contact card groups are included in the filter, EFalse if 
   197 not. */
   198 	{return iContactType & EContactGroups;}
   200 inline TBool CCntFilter::ContactFilterTypeOwnCard() const
   201 /** Tests whether own cards are included in the filter, as set by SetContactFilterTypeOwnCard().
   203 @return ETrue if own cards are included in the filter, EFalse if not. */
   204 	{return iContactType & EContactOwnCard;}
   206 inline TBool CCntFilter::ContactFilterTypeTemplate() const
   207 /** Tests whether contact card templates are included in the filter, as set by 
   208 SetContactFilterTypeTemplate().
   210 @return ETrue if contact card templates are included in the filter, EFalse 
   211 if not. */
   212 	{return iContactType & EContactTemplates;}
   214 #endif