author sl
Tue, 10 Jun 2014 14:32:02 +0200
changeset 1 260cb5ec6c19
permissions -rw-r--r--
Update contrib.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 * crypto parameters interface
    16 *
    17 */
    20 /**
    21  @file
    22  @publishedAll
    23  @released 
    24 */
    26 #ifndef __CRYPTOPARAMS_H__
    27 #define __CRYPTOPARAMS_H__
    29 #include <bigint.h>
    31 namespace CryptoSpi
    32 	{
    33 	/**
    34 	Abstract base class for generic crypto parameters to enable plug-in 
    35 	specific parameters and the externalisation of plug-ins. The type
    36 	of the sub-class is identified by the GetType method.
    38 	All sub-class contain copies of (instead of references to) the 
    39 	supplied values.
    40 	*/
    41 	NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CCryptoParam) : public CBase
    42 		{
    43 	public:
    45 		/**
    46 		The definition of the data type of the embedded value. 
    47 		Other data types may be added in future so applications 
    48 		should not panic if the type is not recognised.
    49 		*/
    50 		enum TParamType
    51 			{
    52 			/** 
    53 			RCryptoIntParam 
    54 			*/
    55 			EInt = 1,
    56 			/** 
    57 			RCryptoBigIntParam 
    58 			*/
    59 			EBigInt = 2,
    60 			/** 
    61 			RCryptoDesC8Param 
    62 			*/
    63 			EDesC8 = 3,
    64 			/** 
    65 			RCryptoDesC16Param 
    66 			*/
    67 			EDesC16 = 4,
    68 			};
    70 		/**
    71 		Returns the data type of the crypto parameter
    72 		@return The data type of the crypto parameter
    73 		*/
    74 		IMPORT_C TInt Type() const;
    76 		/**
    77 		Returns the Uid of the crypto parameter
    78 		@return The Uid of the crypto parameter
    79 		*/
    80 		IMPORT_C TUid Uid() const;
    82 		/** 
    83 		Destructor 
    84 		*/
    85 		IMPORT_C ~CCryptoParam();
    87 	protected:
    88 		/**
    89 		 * @internalComponent
    90 		 * 
    91 		 * Constructor 
    92 		 * @param aType	The data type identifier for the sub-class.
    93 		 * @param aUid	The Uid of the cryptoparam
    94 		 */
    95 		CCryptoParam(TParamType aType, TUid aUid);
    97 	protected:
    98 		/**
    99 		The data type of the embedded value
   100 		*/
   101 		TParamType iType;
   103 		/**
   104 		The Uid of the crypto parameter
   105 		*/
   106 		TUid iUid;
   107 		};
   109 	/**
   110 	CryptoParam class that wraps a TInt
   111 	*/
   112 	NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CCryptoIntParam) : public CCryptoParam
   113 		{
   114 	public: 
   115 		/**
   116 		Factory method for allocating a new CCryptoIntParam object
   117 		that contains a copy of the supplied TInt
   118 		@param aValue The TInt to be wrapped (copied)
   119 		@param aUid The UID of the CryptoParam
   120 		@return A pointer to a CCryptoIntParam instance
   121 		*/
   122 		IMPORT_C static CCryptoIntParam* NewL(TInt aValue, TUid aUid);
   124 		/**
   125 		Factory method for allocating a new CCryptoIntParam object
   126 		that contains a copy of the supplied TInt
   127 		Leaves the pointer of the CryptoParam on the cleanup stack
   128 		@param aValue The TInt to be wrapped (copied)
   129 		@param aUid The UID of the CryptoParam
   130 		@return A pointer to a CCryptoIntParam instance
   131 		*/
   132 		IMPORT_C static CCryptoIntParam* NewLC(TInt aValue, TUid aUid);
   134 		/**
   135 		Returns the embedded value.
   136 		@return The embedded integer
   137 		*/
   138 		IMPORT_C TInt Value() const;
   140 		/**
   141 		Destructor
   142 		*/
   143 		IMPORT_C ~CCryptoIntParam();
   145 	private:
   146 		/**
   147 		Constructor
   148 		@param aValue The integer to wrap
   149 		@param aUid	The UID of the crypto parameter
   150 		*/		
   151 		CCryptoIntParam(TInt aValue, TUid aUid);
   153 	private:
   154 		/** 
   155 		The embedded value 
   156 		*/
   157 		TInt iValue;
   158 		};
   160 	/**
   161 	Crypto param class the wraps an RInteger
   162 	 */
   163 	NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CCryptoBigIntParam) : public CCryptoParam
   164 		{
   165 	public: 
   166 		/**
   167 		Factory method for allocating a new CCryptoBigIntParam object
   168 		that contains a copy of the supplied TInteger object.
   169 		@param aValue	The TInteger to be wrapped (copied)
   170 		@param aUid	The UID of the CryptoParam
   171 		@return A pointer to a CCryptoBigIntParam instance
   172 		*/
   173 		IMPORT_C static CCryptoBigIntParam* NewL(const TInteger& aValue, TUid aUid);
   175 		/**
   176 		Factory method for allocating a new CCryptoBigIntParam object
   177 		that contains a copy of the supplied TInteger object.
   178 		Leaves the pointer of the CryptoParam onto the cleanup stack.
   179 		@param aValue	The TInteger to be wrapped (copied)
   180 		@param aUid	The UID of the CryptoParam
   181 		@return A pointer to a CCryptoBigIntParam instance
   182 		*/		
   183 		IMPORT_C static CCryptoBigIntParam* NewLC(const TInteger& aValue, TUid aUid);
   185 		/**
   186 		Returns the embedded value.
   187 		@return A reference to the embedded TInteger
   188 		*/
   189 		IMPORT_C const TInteger& Value() const;
   191 		/** 
   192 		Destructor 
   193 		*/
   194 		IMPORT_C ~CCryptoBigIntParam();
   196 	private:
   197 		/**
   198 		Constructor
   199 		*/
   200 		CCryptoBigIntParam();
   202 		/**
   203 		Constructor
   204 		@param aUid	The UID of the crypto parameter
   205 		*/				
   206 		CCryptoBigIntParam(TUid aUid);
   208 		/**
   209 		Second Phase Constructor
   210 		@param aValue	The TInteger to wrap
   211 		*/		
   212 		void ConstructL(const TInteger& aValue);
   214 	private:
   215 		/**
   216 		The copied RInteger
   217 		*/
   218 		RInteger iValue;
   219 		};
   221 	/**
   222 	Crypto param class that wraps an 8-bit constant descriptor
   223 	*/
   224 	NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CCryptoDesC8Param) : public CCryptoParam
   225 		{
   226 	public:
   227 		/**
   228 		Factory method for allocating a new CCryptoDesC8Param object
   229 		that contains a copy of the supplied RInteger object.
   230 		@param aValue The TDesC* to be wrapped (copied)
   231 		@param aUid	The Uid of the CryptoParam
   232 		@return A pointer to a CCryptoDesC8Param instance
   233 		*/
   234 		IMPORT_C static CCryptoDesC8Param* NewL(const TDesC8& aValue, TUid aUid);
   236 		/**
   237 		Factory method for allocating a new CCryptoDesC8Param object
   238 		that contains a copy of the supplied RInteger object.
   239 		Leaves the pointer of the CryptoParam on the cleanup stack
   240 		@param aValue The TDesC* to be wrapped (copied)
   241 		@param aUid	The Uid of the CryptoParam
   242 		@return A pointer to a CCryptoDesC8Param instance
   243 		*/
   244 		IMPORT_C static CCryptoDesC8Param* NewLC(const TDesC8& aValue, TUid aUid);
   246 		/**
   247 		Returns the embedded value.
   248 		@return A reference to the embedded TDesC8
   249 		*/
   250 		IMPORT_C const TDesC8& Value() const;
   252 		/**
   253 		Destructor
   254 		*/
   255 		IMPORT_C ~CCryptoDesC8Param();
   257 	private:
   258 		/**
   259 		Constructor
   260 		*/
   261 		CCryptoDesC8Param();
   263 		/**
   264 		Constructor
   265 		@param aUid	The UID of the crypto parameter
   266 		*/						
   267 		CCryptoDesC8Param(TUid aUid);
   269 		/**
   270 		Second Phase Constructor
   271 		@param aValue The DesC8 to wrap
   272 		*/				
   273 		void ConstructL(const TDesC8& aValue);
   275 	private:
   276 		/**
   277 		The copied descriptor
   278 		*/		
   279 		HBufC8* iValue;
   280 		};
   282 	/**
   283 	Crypto param class that wraps an 16-bit constant descriptor
   284 	*/
   285 	NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CCryptoDesC16Param) : public CCryptoParam
   286 		{
   287 	public:
   288 		/**
   289 		Factory method for allocating a new CCryptoDesC8Param object
   290 		that contains a copy of the supplied RInteger object.
   291 		@param aValue The TDesC* to be wrapped (copied)
   292 		@param aUid	The Uid of the CryptoParam
   293 		@return A pointer to a CCryptoDesC8Param instance
   294 		*/
   295 		IMPORT_C static CCryptoDesC16Param* NewL(const TDesC16& aValue, TUid aUid);
   297 		/**
   298 		Factory method for allocating a new CCryptoDesC16Param object
   299 		that contains a copy of the supplied RInteger object.
   300 		Leaves the pointer of the CryptoParam on the cleanup stack
   301 		@param aValue The TDesC* to be wrapped (copied)
   302 		@param aUid	The Uid of the CryptoParam
   303 		@return A pointer to a CCryptoDesC16Param instance
   304 		*/
   305 		IMPORT_C static CCryptoDesC16Param* NewLC(const TDesC16& aValue, TUid aUid);
   307 		/**
   308 		Returns the embedded value.
   309 		@return A reference to the embedded TDesC16
   310 		*/
   311 		IMPORT_C const TDesC16& Value() const;
   313 		/**
   314 		Destructor
   315 		*/
   316 		IMPORT_C ~CCryptoDesC16Param();
   318 	private:
   319 		/**
   320 		Constructor
   321 		*/
   322 		CCryptoDesC16Param();
   324 		/**
   325 		Constructor
   326 		@param aUid	The UID of the crypto parameter
   327 		*/						
   328 		CCryptoDesC16Param(TUid aUid);
   330 		/**
   331 		Second Phase Constructor
   332 		@param aValue The DesC16 to wrap
   333 		*/				
   334 		void ConstructL(const TDesC16& aValue);
   336 	private:
   337 		/**
   338 		The copied descriptor
   339 		*/		
   340 		HBufC16* iValue;
   341 		};
   343 	NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CCryptoParams) : public CBase
   344 		{
   345 	public:
   346 		IMPORT_C static CCryptoParams* NewL(void);
   347 		IMPORT_C static CCryptoParams* NewLC(void);
   349 		/**
   350 		 * Various adding methods (CCryptoParams takes a copy)
   351 		 */		
   352 		IMPORT_C void AddL(const TInteger& aParam, TUid aUid);
   353 		IMPORT_C void AddL(const TInt aParam, TUid aUid);
   354 		IMPORT_C void AddL(const TDesC8& aParam, TUid aUid);
   355 		IMPORT_C void AddL(const TDesC16& aParam, TUid aUid);
   357 		/**
   358 		 * Various retrieving methods
   359 		 */
   360 		IMPORT_C const TInteger& GetBigIntL(TUid aUid) const;
   361 		IMPORT_C TInt GetTIntL(TUid aUid) const;
   362 		IMPORT_C const TDesC8& GetTDesC8L(TUid aUid) const;
   363 		IMPORT_C const TDesC16& GetTDesC16L(TUid aUid) const;
   364 		IMPORT_C const RPointerArray<CCryptoParam>& GetParams() const;
   366 		/// Queries if a parameter with the specified uid is present
   367 		IMPORT_C TBool IsPresent(TUid aUid) const;
   369 		/// Return the count of parameters present
   370 		IMPORT_C TInt Count(void) const;
   372 		/// Copy the passed CCryptoParams
   373 		IMPORT_C CCryptoParams& CopyL(const CCryptoParams& aParams);
   375 		/// Destructor
   376 		IMPORT_C virtual ~CCryptoParams();
   378 	protected:
   379 		/** @internalComponent */
   380 		CCryptoParams();
   382 		/** @internalComponent */
   383 		void ConstructL(void);
   384 		/** @internalComponent */
   385 		CCryptoParam* GetCryptoParam(TUid aUid) const;
   386 		/** @internalComponent */ 
   387 		CCryptoParam* GetCryptoParamL(TUid aUid) const;
   389 	private:
   390 		RPointerArray<CCryptoParam> iParams;
   391 		};
   392 	} //End of namespace
   394 #endif // __CRYPTOPARAMS_H__