author sl
Tue, 10 Jun 2014 14:32:02 +0200
changeset 1 260cb5ec6c19
permissions -rw-r--r--
Update contrib.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 * crypto MAC application interface 
    16 *
    17 */
    20 /**
    21  @file
    22  @publishedAll
    23  @released
    24 */
    26 #ifndef __CRYPTOAPI_MACAPI_H__
    27 #define __CRYPTOAPI_MACAPI_H__
    29 #include <e32base.h>
    30 #include <cryptospi/cryptobaseapi.h>
    33 namespace CryptoSpi
    34 	{
    35 	class MPlugin;
    36 	class CCryptoParams;
    37 	class CKey;
    38 	class MMac;
    39 	class MAsyncMac;
    42 	/**
    43 	 * Mac API, which wraps a synchronous Mac plugin implementation
    44 	 * This Mac interface helps the client application to get the message 
    45 	 * authentication code value of a given message which provides
    46 	 * data integrity and data origin authentication. These two goals are 
    47 	 * dependent upon the scope of the distribution of the secret key.
    48 	 */
    50 	NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CMac) : public CCryptoBase
    51 		{
    52 	public:
    53 		/**
    54 		 * @internalComponent
    55 		 * Create a CMac instance from the given MMac instance
    56 		 *
    57 		 * @param aMac  	The mac plugin instance
    58 		 * @param aHandle	The current plugin DLL loaded.
    59 		 * @return      	pointer to a CMac instance
    60 		 */
    61 		static CMac* NewL(MMac* aMac, TInt aHandle);
    63 		/**
    64 		 * Adds message to the internal representation of data for which the MAC value
    65 		 * needs to be evaluated and then returns a TPtrC8 of the finalised MAC value 
    66 		 * of all the previously appended messages. 
    67 		 * 
    68 		 * @param aMessage  The data for which MAC value is to be evaluated.
    69 		 * @return          A descriptor pointer to the buffer containing the
    70 		 *                  resulting MAC value.
    71 		 * @leave ...		Any of the crypto error codes defined in 
    72   							cryptospi_errs.h or any of the system-wide error codes.
    73 		 */
    74 		IMPORT_C TPtrC8 MacL(const TDesC8& aMessage);    
    76         /**
    77          * Adds data to the internal representation of messages for which the MAC value
    78 		 * needs to be evaluated.
    79          * 
    80          * @param aMessage	The data to be included in the MAC evaluation.
    81 		 * @leave ...		Any of the crypto error codes defined in 
    82   							cryptospi_errs.h or any of the system-wide error codes.
    83          */
    84 		IMPORT_C void UpdateL(const TDesC8& aMessage);
    86         /**
    87          * Produces a final MAC value from all the previous updates of data to be MACed. 
    88          * It resets the MAC algorithm in a state similar to creating a new MAC instance
    89          * with the same underlying algorithm and supplied symmetric key.
    90          *   
    91          * @param aMessage	The data to be included in the MAC evaluation.
    92 		 * @return          A descriptor pointer to the buffer containing the
    93 		 *                  resulting MAC value.
    94 		 * @leave ...		Any of the crypto error codes defined in 
    95   							cryptospi_errs.h or any of the system-wide error codes.
    96 		 */
    97 		IMPORT_C TPtrC8 FinalL(const TDesC8& aMessage);
    99 		/**
   100 		 * This re-initialises the underlying MAC algorithm with a new symmetric key. 
   101          * It resets the MAC algorithm in a state similar to creating a new MAC instance
   102          * with the same underlying algorithm but a new symmetric key.
   103 		 *
   104 		 * @param aKey  Symmetric key for calculating message authentication code value. 
   105 		 * @leave ...		Any of the crypto error codes defined in 
   106   							cryptospi_errs.h or any of the system-wide error codes.
   107 		 */
   108 		IMPORT_C void ReInitialiseAndSetKeyL(const CKey& aKey);    
   110 		/**
   111 		 * Creates a brand new reset CMac object containing no state
   112 		 * information from the current object.  
   113 		 * 
   114 		 * @return 	A pointer to the new reset CMac object
   115 		 * @leave ...		Any of the crypto error codes defined in 
   116   							cryptospi_errs.h or any of the system-wide error codes.
   117 		 */
   118 		IMPORT_C CMac* ReplicateL();		
   120 		/** 
   121 		 * Creates a new CMac object with the exact same state as
   122 		 * the current object.  
   123  		 * This function copies all internal state of the message digest.
   124 		 * 
   125 		 * @return 	A pointer to the new CMac object
   126 		 * @leave ...		Any of the crypto error codes defined in 
   127   							cryptospi_errs.h or any of the system-wide error codes.
   128 		 */
   129 		IMPORT_C CMac* CopyL();
   131 		/**
   132 		 * This destructor is exported so that the client application after using
   133 		 * a specific plug-in implementation can destroy its instance. Both the framework 
   134 		 * and the plug-in use/derived from the same interface 'MPlugin. 
   135 		 * By exporting the destructor we are destroying the plug-in instance at
   136 		 * client side via the CryptoSPI framework.
   137 		 */
   138 		IMPORT_C ~CMac();
   140 	private:
   141 		/**
   142 		 * The constructor of this class is private. An user application will use
   143 		 * CMacFactory::CreateMacL for the object's initialisation.
   144 		 * 
   145 		 * @param aMac 		The mac plug-in instance
   146 		 * @param aHandle   The current plug-in DLL loaded
   147 		 */
   148 		CMac(MMac* aMac, TInt aHandle);
   149 		};
   152 	/**
   153 	 * This is the asynchronous version of CMac class typically used by the 
   154 	 * client applications if hardware plug-in implementation of 
   155 	 * the MAC interface is present. 	
   156 	 */
   158 	NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAsyncMac) : public CCryptoBase
   159 		{
   160 	public:
   161 		/**
   162 		 * @internalComponent
   163 		 * Create a CAsyncMac instance from the given MAsyncMac instance
   164 		 *
   165 		 * @param aMac  The mac plugin instance
   166 		 * @param aHandle	The current plugin DLL loaded.
   167 		 * @return      pointer to a CMac instance
   168 		 */
   169 		static CAsyncMac* NewL(MAsyncMac* aMac, TInt aHandle);
   171 		/**
   172 		 * Adds message to the internal representation of data for which the MAC value
   173 		 * needs to be evaluated and then returns a TPtrC8 of the finalised MAC value 
   174 		 * of all the previously appended messages. 
   175 		 * 
   176 		 * @param aMessage  The data for which MAC value is to be evaluated.
   177 		 * @param aStatus   Holds the completion status of an asynchronous
   178 		 * 					request for MAC evaluation.
   179 		 * @return          A descriptor pointer to the buffer containing the
   180 		 *                  resulting MAC value.
   181 		 * @leave ...		Any of the crypto error codes defined in 
   182   							cryptospi_errs.h or any of the system-wide error codes.
   183 		 */
   184 		IMPORT_C TPtrC8 MacL(const TDesC8& aMessage, TRequestStatus& aStatus);    
   186         /**
   187          * Adds data to the internal representation of messages for which the MAC value
   188 		 * needs to be evaluated.
   189          * 
   190          * @param aMessage	The data to be included in the MAC evaluation.
   191 		 * @param aStatus   Holds the completion status of an asynchronous
   192 		 * 					request for MAC evaluation.
   193 		 * @leave ...		Any of the crypto error codes defined in 
   194   							cryptospi_errs.h or any of the system-wide error codes.
   195          */
   196 		IMPORT_C void UpdateL(const TDesC8& aMessage, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   198 		/**
   199          * Produces a final MAC value from all the previous updates of data to be MACed. 
   200          * It resets the MAC algorithm in a state similar to creating a new MAC instance
   201          * with the same underlying algorithm and supplied symmetric key.
   202          *  
   203          * @param aMessage	The data to be included in the MAC evaluation.
   204 		 * @param aStatus   Holds the completion status of an asynchronous
   205 		 * 					request for MAC evaluation.
   206 		 * @return          A descriptor pointer to the buffer containing the
   207 		 *                  resulting MAC value.
   208 		 * @leave ...		Any of the crypto error codes defined in 
   209   							cryptospi_errs.h or any of the system-wide error codes.
   210 		 */
   211 		IMPORT_C TPtrC8 FinalL(const TDesC8& aMessage, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   213 		/**
   214 		 * This re-initialises the underlying MAC algorithm with a new symmetric key. 
   215          * It resets the MAC algorithm in a state similar to creating a new MAC instance
   216          * with the same underlying algorithm but a new symmetric key.
   217 		 *
   218 		 * @param aKey  Symmetric key for calculating message authentication code value. 
   219 		 * @leave ...		Any of the crypto error codes defined in 
   220   							cryptospi_errs.h or any of the system-wide error codes.
   221 		 */
   222 		IMPORT_C void ReInitialiseAndSetKeyL(const CKey& aKey);    
   224 		/**
   225 		 * Creates a brand new reset CAsyncMac object containing no state
   226 		 * information from the current object.  
   227 		 * 
   228 		 * @return	A pointer to the new reset CAsyncMac object
   229 		 * @leave ...		Any of the crypto error codes defined in 
   230   							cryptospi_errs.h or any of the system-wide error codes.
   231 		 */
   232 		IMPORT_C CAsyncMac* ReplicateL();		
   234 		/** 
   235 		 * Creates a new CAsyncMac object with the exact same state as
   236 		 * the current object.  
   237 		 * This function copies all internal state of the message digest.
   238 		 * 
   239 		 * @return	A pointer to the new CAsyncHash object
   240 		 * @leave ...		Any of the crypto error codes defined in 
   241   							cryptospi_errs.h or any of the system-wide error codes.
   242 		 */
   243 		IMPORT_C CAsyncMac* CopyL();
   245 		/**
   246 		 * Cancels an outstanding request from the client.
   247 		 */
   248 		IMPORT_C void Cancel();
   250 		/**
   251 		 * This destructor is exported so that the client application after using
   252 		 * a specific plug-in implementation can destroy its instance. Both the framework 
   253 		 * and the plug-in use/derived from the same interface 'MPlugin. 
   254 		 * By exporting the destructor we are destroying the plug-in instance at
   255 		 * client side via the CryptoSPI framework.
   256 		 */
   257 		IMPORT_C ~CAsyncMac();
   259 	private:
   260 		/**
   261 		 * The constructor of this class is private. An user application will use
   262 		 * CMacFactory::CreateAsyncMacL for the object's initialisation.
   263 		 * 
   264 		 * @param aMac 		The mac plug-in instance
   265 		 * @param aHandle   The current plug-in DLL loaded
   266 		 */
   267 		CAsyncMac(MAsyncMac* aMac, TInt aHandle);
   268 		};
   271 	/**
   272 	 * The Factory to create synchronous and asynchronous Mac instances
   273 	 */
   275 	class CMacFactory
   276 		{
   277 	public:
   279 		/**
   280 		 * Create a CMac instance (for software based MAC plug-in dll implementation)
   281 		 *
   282 		 * @param aMac           	The pointer to CMac. This will be initialised with 
   283 		 * 						  	the plug-in implementation of the desired MAC algorithm.
   284 		 * @param aAlgorithmUid  	The specific MAC algorithm desired for evaluation of MAC value.
   285 		 *                       	e.g. MD2, SHA1 or AES-XCBC-MAC-96, AES-XCBC-PRF-128
   286 		 * @param aKey           	Symmetric key for calculating message authentication code value. 
   287 		 * @param aAlgorithmParams  The parameters those are specific to a particular MAC algorithm.
   288 		 * 							This is for extendibility and will normally be null.                     	
   289 		 * @leave               	KErrNone if successful; otherwise, leaves with a system wide error code.
   290 		 */
   291 		IMPORT_C static void CreateMacL(CMac*& aMac,
   292 										const TUid aAlgorithmUid,
   293 										const CKey& aKey,
   294 										const CCryptoParams* aAlgorithmParams);
   296 		/**
   297 		 * Create a CAsyncMac instance (for hardware based MAC plug-in dll implementation)
   298 		 *
   299 		 * @param aMac           	The pointer to CMac. This will be initialised with 
   300 		 * 						  	the plug-in implementation of the desired MAC algorithm.
   301 		 * @param aAlgorithmUid  	The specific MAC algorithm desired for evaluation of MAC value.
   302 		 *                       	e.g. MD2, SHA1 or AES-XCBC-MAC-96, AES-XCBC-PRF-128
   303 		 * @param aKey           	Symmetric key for calculating message authentication code value. 
   304 		 * @param aAlgorithmParams  The parameters those are specific to a particular MAC algorithm.
   305 		 * 							This is for extendibility and will normally be null.                     	
   306 		 * @leave               	KErrNone if successful; otherwise, leaves with a system wide error code.
   307 		 */
   308 		IMPORT_C static void CreateAsyncMacL(CAsyncMac*& aMac,
   309 										const TUid aAlgorithmUid,
   310 										const CKey& aKey,
   311 										const CCryptoParams* aAlgorithmParams);
   313 	private:
   314 		/**
   315 		 * The class is used as a static class since there is no data 
   316 		 * or behaviour in the class that depends on object identity.
   317 		 * Therefore the default constructor of this class is made private. 
   318 		 */
   319 		CMacFactory();	
   320 		};
   322 	}
   324 #endif //__CRYPTOAPI_MACAPI_H__