Update contrib.
2 * Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
9 * Initial Contributors:
10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
20 #include "t_testhandler.h"
21 #include "t_testsetup.h"
22 #include "tscripttests.h"
23 #include "tactionvector.h"
24 #include "tperformancetest.h"
25 #include "tactionincremental.h"
26 #include "tactionmontecarlo.h"
28 LOCAL_D void callExampleL() // initialize and call example code under cleanup stack
31 SCRIPT_ITEM(CActionVector,_L8("Vector")),
32 SCRIPT_ITEM(CPerformanceTest,_L8("Performance")),
33 SCRIPT_ITEM(CActionIncremental,_L8("Incremental")),
34 SCRIPT_ITEM(CActionMonteCarlo, _L8("MonteCarlo"))
37 TDriveUnit sysDrive (RFs::GetSystemDrive());
38 TDriveName sysDriveName (sysDrive.Name());
39 TBuf<64> scriptFile (sysDriveName);
40 scriptFile.Append(_L("\\tsymmetric\\tsymmetrictests.txt"));
42 TBuf<64> logFile (sysDriveName);
43 logFile.Append(_L("\\tsymmetric\\tsymmetrictests.log"));
46 // RC2, RC4, DES, 3DES (ECB and CBC modes)
47 /* CTestSetup::CreateAndRunTestsL(theTestTypes, _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\symmetricOOMtests.txt"),
48 _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\symmetricOOMtests.log"));*/
49 CTestSetup::CreateAndRunTestsL(theTestTypes, scriptFile, logFile);
51 // CTestSetup::CreateAndRunTestsL(theTestTypes, _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\tsymmetricperformancetests.txt"),
52 // _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\tsymmetricperformancetests.log"));
54 // There are so many other test scripts because it is impossible to put all the test
55 // data in one big script. The test framework just falls over with out of memory because
56 // it attempts to create all test objects at the start of the test. All these tests
57 // are (of course) necessary hence they've been split. Either run the top level build
58 // and test script or, if running this test specifically, uncomment the following and it'll run them
59 // all one after the other
60 // AES (ECB) using Rijndael vectors for all table values
61 /* CTestSetup::CreateAndRunTestsL(theTestTypes, _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\AESECBVectorsScript.txt"),
62 _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\aesecb_vectors.log"));
64 // AES (ECB) KAT using variable text, known key
65 CTestSetup::CreateAndRunTestsL(theTestTypes, _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\AESECB_KAT_VT.txt"),
66 _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\aesecb_kat_vt.log"));
68 // AES (ECB) KAT using variable key, known text
69 CTestSetup::CreateAndRunTestsL(theTestTypes, _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\AESECB_KAT_VK.txt"),
70 _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\aesecb_kat_vk.log"));
72 // AES Monte Carlo tests (ECB encrypt) with 128 bit key
73 CTestSetup::CreateAndRunTestsL(theTestTypes, _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\AESMonteCarloEncryptECB128.txt"),
74 _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\aesmontecarlo_encryptECB128.log"));
76 // AES Monte Carlo tests (ECB encrypt) with 192 bit key
77 CTestSetup::CreateAndRunTestsL(theTestTypes, _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\AESMonteCarloEncryptECB192.txt"),
78 _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\aesmontecarlo_encryptECB192.log"));
80 // AES Monte Carlo tests (ECB encrypt) with 256 bit key
81 CTestSetup::CreateAndRunTestsL(theTestTypes, _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\AESMonteCarloEncryptECB256.txt"),
82 _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\aesmontecarlo_encryptECB256.log"));
84 // AES Monte Carlo tests (ECB decrypt) with 128 bit key
85 CTestSetup::CreateAndRunTestsL(theTestTypes, _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\AESMonteCarloDecryptECB128.txt"),
86 _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\aesmontecarlo_decryptECB128.log"));
88 // AES Monte Carlo tests (ECB decrypt) with 192 bit key
89 CTestSetup::CreateAndRunTestsL(theTestTypes, _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\AESMonteCarloDecryptECB192.txt"),
90 _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\aesmontecarlo_decryptECB192.log"));
92 // AES Monte Carlo tests (ECB decrypt) with 256 bit key
93 CTestSetup::CreateAndRunTestsL(theTestTypes, _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\AESMonteCarloDecryptECB256.txt"),
94 _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\aesmontecarlo_decryptECB256.log"));
96 // AES Monte Carlo tests (CBC encrypt) with 128 bit key
97 CTestSetup::CreateAndRunTestsL(theTestTypes, _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\AESMonteCarloEncryptCBC128.txt"),
98 _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\aesmontecarlo_encryptCBC128.log"));
100 // AES Monte Carlo tests (CBC encrypt) with 192 bit key
101 CTestSetup::CreateAndRunTestsL(theTestTypes, _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\AESMonteCarloEncryptCBC192.txt"),
102 _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\aesmontecarlo_encryptCBC192.log"));
104 // AES Monte Carlo tests (CBC encrypt) with 256 bit key
105 CTestSetup::CreateAndRunTestsL(theTestTypes, _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\AESMonteCarloEncryptCBC256.txt"),
106 _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\aesmontecarlo_encryptCBC256.log"));
108 // AES Monte Carlo tests (CBC decrypt) with 128 bit key
109 CTestSetup::CreateAndRunTestsL(theTestTypes, _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\AESMonteCarloDecryptCBC128.txt"),
110 _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\aesmontecarlo_decryptCBC128.log"));
112 // AES Monte Carlo tests (CBC decrypt) with 192 bit key
113 CTestSetup::CreateAndRunTestsL(theTestTypes, _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\AESMonteCarloDecryptCBC192.txt"),
114 _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\aesmontecarlo_decryptCBC192.log"));
116 // AES Monte Carlo tests (CBC decrypt) with 256 bit key
117 CTestSetup::CreateAndRunTestsL(theTestTypes, _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\AESMonteCarloDecryptCBC256.txt"),
118 _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\aesmontecarlo_decryptCBC256.log"));
120 CTestSetup::CreateAndRunTestsL(theTestTypes, _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\symmetricOOMtests.txt"),
121 _L("c:\\tsymmetric\\symmetricOOMtests.log"));
124 GLDEF_C TInt E32Main() // main function called by E32
127 CTrapCleanup* cleanup = CTrapCleanup::New(); // get clean-up stack
128 TRAPD(error, callExampleL());
129 __ASSERT_ALWAYS(!error,User::Panic(_L("tsymmetric"),error));
130 delete cleanup; // destroy clean-up stack