First public contribution.
3 First mainline release of certificate management code
4 This release consists of 6 DLLs:
7 -basic ASN.1/DER decoding functionality
8 -depends on euser and bigint
10 -processing of X.500 Distinguished Names
11 -depends on euser, estor and asn1
13 -handling of generic signature verification functionality
14 -depends on euser, estor, cryptalg and hash
16 -handling of certificate storage
17 -depends on euser, estor, efsrv and crypto
19 -processing of X.509 certificates
20 -depends on euser, bafl, estor, asn1, certstore bigint, x500, cryptalg and crypto
21 -extraction of DH keys is currently *not* supported: this will happen in the next
24 -processing of X.509 certificates according to the PKIX profile (RFC 2459)
25 -depends on euser, x500, x509, certstore and crypto
27 3 test executables are also included with the release:
30 -tests X.509 certificate processing, including OOM handling
31 -requires the existence of a directory 'c:\system\testdata'
32 -the program reads all the files in the directory and attempts
33 to process them as X.509 certificates
34 -for each file it attempts to process, it writes success or failure
35 to the console. The names of failed files are written to 'c:\errfile.txt',
36 and details of each successfully parsed certificate to 'c:\outfile.txt'
37 -a .zip file, '' is included in '\certman\tx509': this
38 contains sample X.509 certificates which may be extracted to
39 'c:\system\testdata' for processing.
41 -tests basic certificate store functionality
42 -requires the existence of an certificate store file, 'certx509.dat', in
43 'c:\system\data', and the existence of certain specific certificate files in
44 'c:\system\testdata': these files, along with a suitable certificate store,
45 are included in the .zip file '' which is found in '\certman\tcertstore'
47 -test basic chain building functionality, and a little validation functionality
48 -requires the existence of certain specific certificate files in
49 'c:\system\testdata': these files are included in the .zip file ''
50 which is found in '\certman\tpkixcert'. It also reqiuires the existence of a file called
51 'correctchain.txt' in 'c:\': this file is also included in the .zip.
53 N.B. certstore.dll also needs a certificate store file, 'certx509.dat', in 'c:\system\data'.
54 While it is best if the tcertstore test program starts with an empty store, it is more useful to
55 dependent code if the store is already populated. So, an alternative 'certx509.dat' is included in
56 '\certman\certstore' for use by certstore.dll when code other than the dedicated test code is using it.
57 This file currently contains:
59 Name = "Software Install", UID = 0x100042AB
60 Name = "T_SSLWeb.exe", UID = 1