changeset 0 bde4ae8d615e
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/os/security/cryptoservices/certificateandkeymgmt/group/release.txt	Fri Jun 15 03:10:57 2012 +0200
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
     1.4 +28 January 2000
     1.5 +***************
     1.6 +First mainline release of certificate management code
     1.7 +This release consists of 6 DLLs:
     1.8 +
     1.9 +asn1.dll: 
    1.10 +	-basic ASN.1/DER decoding functionality
    1.11 +	-depends on euser and bigint
    1.12 +x500.dll:
    1.13 +	-processing of X.500 Distinguished Names
    1.14 +	-depends on euser, estor and asn1
    1.15 +crypto.dll:
    1.16 +	-handling of generic signature verification functionality
    1.17 +	-depends on euser, estor, cryptalg and hash
    1.18 +certstore.dll
    1.19 +	-handling of certificate storage
    1.20 +	-depends on euser, estor, efsrv and crypto
    1.21 +x509.dll
    1.22 +	-processing of X.509 certificates
    1.23 +	-depends on euser, bafl, estor, asn1, certstore bigint, x500, cryptalg and crypto
    1.24 +	-extraction of DH keys is currently *not* supported: this will happen in the next
    1.25 +	release
    1.26 +pkixCert.dll
    1.27 +	-processing of X.509 certificates according to the PKIX profile (RFC 2459)
    1.28 +	-depends on euser, x500, x509, certstore and crypto
    1.29 +
    1.30 +3 test executables are also included with the release:
    1.31 +
    1.32 +tx509.exe:
    1.33 +	-tests X.509 certificate processing, including OOM handling
    1.34 +	-requires the existence of a directory 'c:\system\testdata'
    1.35 +	-the program reads all the files in the directory and attempts 
    1.36 +	to process them as X.509 certificates
    1.37 +	-for each file it attempts to process, it writes success or failure 
    1.38 +	to the console. The names of failed files are written to 'c:\errfile.txt',
    1.39 +	and details of each successfully parsed certificate to 'c:\outfile.txt'
    1.40 +	-a .zip file, 'testdata.zip' is included in '\certman\tx509': this 
    1.41 +	contains sample X.509 certificates which may be extracted to 
    1.42 +	'c:\system\testdata' for processing.
    1.43 +tcertstore.exe:
    1.44 +	-tests basic certificate store functionality
    1.45 +	-requires the existence of an certificate store file, 'certx509.dat', in 
    1.46 +	'c:\system\data', and the existence of certain specific certificate files in 
    1.47 +	'c:\system\testdata': these files, along with a suitable certificate store, 
    1.48 +	are included in the .zip file 'testdata.zip' which is found in '\certman\tcertstore'
    1.49 +tpkixcert.exe
    1.50 +	-test basic chain building functionality, and a little validation functionality
    1.51 +	-requires the existence of certain specific certificate files in 
    1.52 +	'c:\system\testdata': these files are included in the .zip file 'testdata.zip' 
    1.53 +	which is found in '\certman\tpkixcert'. It also reqiuires the existence of a file called 
    1.54 +	'correctchain.txt' in 'c:\': this file is also included in the .zip.
    1.55 +
    1.56 +N.B. certstore.dll also needs a certificate store file, 'certx509.dat', in 'c:\system\data'. 
    1.57 +While it is best if the tcertstore test program starts with an empty store, it is more useful to 
    1.58 +dependent code if the store is already populated. So, an alternative 'certx509.dat' is included in 
    1.59 +'\certman\certstore' for use by certstore.dll when code other than the dedicated test code is using it.
    1.60 +This file currently contains:
    1.61 +	Clients:
    1.62 +		Name = "Software Install", UID = 0x100042AB       
    1.63 +		Name = "T_SSLWeb.exe", UID = 1
    1.64 +	Certs: 
    1.65 +		Thawte root
    1.66 \ No newline at end of file