williamr@2: // MS compatible compilers support #pragma once
williamr@2: #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
williamr@2: # pragma once
williamr@2: #pragma inline_depth(511)
williamr@2: #pragma inline_recursion(on)
williamr@2: #endif
williamr@2: #if defined(__MWERKS__)
williamr@2: #pragma inline_depth(511)
williamr@2: #endif
williamr@2: /////////1/////////2/////////3/////////4/////////5/////////6/////////7/////////8
williamr@2: // iserializer.hpp: interface for serialization system.
williamr@2: // (C) Copyright 2002 Robert Ramey - http://www.rrsd.com . 
williamr@2: // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
williamr@2: // License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
williamr@2: // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
williamr@2: //  See http://www.boost.org for updates, documentation, and revision history.
williamr@2: #include <new>     // for placement new
williamr@2: #include <memory>  // for auto_ptr
williamr@2: #include <cstddef> // size_t
williamr@2: #include <boost/config.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/detail/workaround.hpp>
williamr@2: #if defined(BOOST_NO_STDC_NAMESPACE)
williamr@2: namespace std{ 
williamr@2:     using ::size_t; 
williamr@2: } // namespace std
williamr@2: #endif
williamr@2: #include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/smart_cast.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/static_warning.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/detail/no_exceptions_support.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/type_traits/is_pointer.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/type_traits/is_fundamental.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/type_traits/is_enum.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/type_traits/is_const.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/type_traits/remove_const.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/serialization/is_abstract.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/mpl/eval_if.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/mpl/identity.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/mpl/or.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/mpl/and.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/mpl/less.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/mpl/greater_equal.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/mpl/int.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/mpl/empty.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/mpl/not.hpp>
williamr@2:      #include <boost/serialization/extended_type_info_typeid.hpp>   
williamr@2:  #endif 
williamr@2: // the following is need only for dynamic cast of polymorphic pointers
williamr@2: #include <boost/archive/detail/basic_iarchive.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/archive/detail/basic_iserializer.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/archive/detail/archive_pointer_iserializer.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/archive/archive_exception.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/serialization/force_include.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/serialization/serialization.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/serialization/version.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/serialization/level.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/serialization/tracking.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/serialization/type_info_implementation.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/serialization/nvp.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/serialization/binary_object.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/serialization/void_cast.hpp>
williamr@2: namespace boost {
williamr@2: namespace serialization {
williamr@2:     class extended_type_info;
williamr@2: } // namespace serialization
williamr@2: namespace archive {
williamr@2: // an accessor to permit friend access to archives.  Needed because
williamr@2: // some compilers don't handle friend templates completely
williamr@2: class load_access {
williamr@2: public:
williamr@2:     template<class Archive, class T>
williamr@2:     static void load_primitive(Archive &ar, T &t){
williamr@2:         ar.load(t);
williamr@2:     }
williamr@2: };
williamr@2: namespace detail {
williamr@2: template<class Archive, class T>
williamr@2: class iserializer : public basic_iserializer
williamr@2: {
williamr@2: private:
williamr@2:     virtual void destroy(/*const*/ void *address) const {
williamr@2:         boost::serialization::access::destroy(static_cast<T *>(address));
williamr@2:     }
williamr@2:     // private constructor to inhibit any existence other than the 
williamr@2:     // static one
williamr@2:     explicit iserializer() :
williamr@2:         basic_iserializer(
williamr@2:             * boost::serialization::type_info_implementation<T>::type::get_instance()
williamr@2:         )
williamr@2:     {}
williamr@2: public:
williamr@2:     virtual BOOST_DLLEXPORT void load_object_data(
williamr@2:         basic_iarchive & ar,
williamr@2:         void *x, 
williamr@2:         const unsigned int file_version
williamr@2:     ) const BOOST_USED ;
williamr@2:     virtual bool class_info() const {
williamr@2:         return boost::serialization::implementation_level<T>::value 
williamr@2:             >= boost::serialization::object_class_info;
williamr@2:     }
williamr@2:     virtual bool tracking(const unsigned int flags) const {
williamr@2: //        if(0 != (flags & no_tracking))
williamr@2: //            return false;
williamr@2:         return boost::serialization::tracking_level<T>::value 
williamr@2:                 == boost::serialization::track_always
williamr@2:             || boost::serialization::tracking_level<T>::value 
williamr@2:                 == boost::serialization::track_selectivly
williamr@2:             && serialized_as_pointer();
williamr@2:     }
williamr@2:     virtual unsigned int version() const {
williamr@2:         return ::boost::serialization::version<T>::value;
williamr@2:     }
williamr@2:     virtual bool is_polymorphic() const {
williamr@2:         typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME 
williamr@2:             boost::serialization::type_info_implementation<
williamr@2:                 T
williamr@2:             >::type::is_polymorphic::type typex;
williamr@2:         return typex::value;
williamr@2:     }
williamr@2:     static iserializer & instantiate(){
williamr@2:         static iserializer instance;
williamr@2:         return instance;
williamr@2:     }
williamr@2:     virtual ~iserializer(){};
williamr@2: };
williamr@2: template<class Archive, class T>
williamr@2: BOOST_DLLEXPORT void iserializer<Archive, T>::load_object_data(
williamr@2:     basic_iarchive & ar,
williamr@2:     void *x, 
williamr@2:     const unsigned int file_version
williamr@2: ) const {
williamr@2:     // make sure call is routed through the higest interface that might
williamr@2:     // be specialized by the user.
williamr@2:     boost::serialization::serialize_adl(
williamr@2:         boost::smart_cast_reference<Archive &>(ar),
williamr@2:         * static_cast<T *>(x), 
williamr@2:         file_version
williamr@2:     );
williamr@2: }
williamr@2: // instantiation of this template creates a static object.  Note inversion of
williamr@2: // normal argument order to workaround bizarre error in MSVC 6.0 which only
williamr@2: // manifests iftself during compiler time.
williamr@2: template<class T, class Archive>
williamr@2: class pointer_iserializer : public archive_pointer_iserializer<Archive> 
williamr@2: {
williamr@2: private:
williamr@2:     virtual const basic_iserializer & get_basic_serializer() const {
williamr@2:         return iserializer<Archive, T>::instantiate();
williamr@2:     }
williamr@2:     virtual BOOST_DLLEXPORT void load_object_ptr(
williamr@2:         basic_iarchive & ar, 
williamr@2:         void * & x,
williamr@2:         const unsigned int file_version
williamr@2:     ) const BOOST_USED;
williamr@2: #if defined(__GNUC__) || ( defined(BOOST_MSVC) && (_MSC_VER <= 1300) )
williamr@2: public:
williamr@2: #endif
williamr@2:     // private constructor to inhibit any existence other than the 
williamr@2:     // static one.  Note GCC doesn't permit constructor to be private
williamr@2:     explicit BOOST_DLLEXPORT pointer_iserializer() BOOST_USED;
williamr@2:     static const pointer_iserializer instance;
williamr@2: public:
williamr@2:     // at least one compiler (CW) seems to require that serialize_adl
williamr@2:     // be explicitly instantiated. Still under investigation. 
williamr@2:     #if ! BOOST_WORKAROUND(__BORLANDC__, BOOST_TESTED_AT(0x582))
williamr@2:     void (* const m)(Archive &, T &, const unsigned);
williamr@2:     boost::serialization::extended_type_info * (* e)();
williamr@2:     #endif
williamr@2:     static BOOST_DLLEXPORT const pointer_iserializer & instantiate() BOOST_USED;
williamr@2:     virtual ~pointer_iserializer(){};
williamr@2: };
williamr@2: template<class T, class Archive>
williamr@2: BOOST_DLLEXPORT const pointer_iserializer<T, Archive> & 
williamr@2: pointer_iserializer<T, Archive>::instantiate() {
williamr@2:     return instance;
williamr@2: }
williamr@2: // note: instances of this template to be constructed before the main
williamr@2: // is called in order for things to be initialized properly.  For this
williamr@2: // reason, hiding the instance in a static function as was done above
williamr@2: // won't work here so we created a free instance here.
williamr@2: template<class T, class Archive>
williamr@2: const pointer_iserializer<T, Archive> pointer_iserializer<T, Archive>::instance;
williamr@2: // note trick to be sure that operator new is using class specific
williamr@2: // version if such exists. Due to Peter Dimov.
williamr@2: // note: the following fails if T has no default constructor.
williamr@2: // otherwise it would have been ideal
williamr@2: //struct heap_allocator : public T 
williamr@2: //{
williamr@2: //    T * invoke(){
williamr@2: //        return ::new(sizeof(T));
williamr@2: //    }
williamr@2: //}
williamr@2: // note: this should really be a member of the load_ptr function
williamr@2: // below but some compilers still complain about this.
williamr@2: template<class T>
williamr@2: struct heap_allocator
williamr@2: {
williamr@2:     #if 0
williamr@2:         // note: this fails on msvc 7.0 and gcc 3.2
williamr@2:         template <class U, U x> struct test;
williamr@2:         typedef char* yes;
williamr@2:         typedef int* no;
williamr@2:         template <class U>
williamr@2:         yes has_op_new(U*, test<void* (*)(std::size_t), &U::operator new>* = 0);
williamr@2:         no has_op_new(...);
williamr@2:         template<class U>
williamr@2:         T * new_operator(U);
williamr@2:         T * new_operator(yes){
williamr@2:             return (T::operator new)(sizeof(T));
williamr@2:         }
williamr@2:         T * new_operator(no){
williamr@2:             return static_cast<T *>(operator new(sizeof(T)));
williamr@2:         }
williamr@2:         static T * invoke(){
williamr@2:             return new_operator(has_op_new(static_cast<T *>(NULL)));
williamr@2:         }
williamr@2:     #else
williamr@2:         // while this doesn't handle operator new overload for class T
williamr@2:         static T * invoke(){
williamr@2:             return static_cast<T *>(operator new(sizeof(T)));
williamr@2:         }
williamr@2:     #endif
williamr@2: };
williamr@2: // due to Martin Ecker
williamr@2: template <typename T>
williamr@2: class auto_ptr_with_deleter
williamr@2: {
williamr@2: public:
williamr@2:     explicit auto_ptr_with_deleter(T* p) :
williamr@2:         m_p(p)
williamr@2:     {}
williamr@2:     ~auto_ptr_with_deleter(){
williamr@2:         if (m_p)
williamr@2:             boost::serialization::access::destroy(m_p);
williamr@2:     }
williamr@2:     T* get() const {
williamr@2:         return m_p;
williamr@2:     }
williamr@2:     T* release() {
williamr@2:         T* p = m_p;
williamr@2:         m_p = NULL;
williamr@2:         return p;
williamr@2:     }
williamr@2: private:
williamr@2:     T* m_p;
williamr@2: };
williamr@2: template<class T, class Archive>
williamr@2: BOOST_DLLEXPORT void pointer_iserializer<T, Archive>::load_object_ptr(
williamr@2:     basic_iarchive & ar, 
williamr@2:     void * & x,
williamr@2:     const unsigned int file_version
williamr@2: ) const {
williamr@2:     Archive & ar_impl = boost::smart_cast_reference<Archive &>(ar);
williamr@2: //    if(0 != (ar.get_flags() & no_object_creation)){
williamr@2: //        ar_impl >> boost::serialization::make_nvp(NULL, * static_cast<T *>(x));
williamr@2: //        return;
williamr@2: //    }
williamr@2:     auto_ptr_with_deleter<T> ap(heap_allocator<T>::invoke());
williamr@2:     if(NULL == ap.get())
williamr@2:         boost::throw_exception(std::bad_alloc()) ;
williamr@2:     T * t = ap.get();
williamr@2:     x = t;
williamr@2:     // catch exception during load_construct_data so that we don't
williamr@2:     // automatically delete the t which is most likely not fully
williamr@2:     // constructed
williamr@2:     BOOST_TRY {
williamr@2:         // this addresses an obscure situtation that occurs when 
williamr@2:         // load_constructor de-serializes something through a pointer.
williamr@2:         ar.next_object_pointer(t);
williamr@2:         boost::serialization::load_construct_data_adl<Archive, T>(
williamr@2:             ar_impl,
williamr@2:             t, 
williamr@2:             file_version
williamr@2:         );
williamr@2:     }
williamr@2:     BOOST_CATCH(...){
williamr@2:         BOOST_RETHROW;
williamr@2:     }
williamr@2:     BOOST_CATCH_END
williamr@2:     ar_impl >> boost::serialization::make_nvp(NULL, * t);
williamr@2:     ap.release();
williamr@2: }
williamr@2: template<class T, class Archive>
williamr@2: #if ! BOOST_WORKAROUND(__BORLANDC__, BOOST_TESTED_AT(0x582))
williamr@2: BOOST_DLLEXPORT pointer_iserializer<T, Archive>::pointer_iserializer() :
williamr@2:     archive_pointer_iserializer<Archive>(
williamr@2:         * boost::serialization::type_info_implementation<T>::type::get_instance()
williamr@2:     ),
williamr@2:     m(boost::serialization::serialize_adl<Archive, T>),
williamr@2:     e(boost::serialization::type_info_implementation<T>::type::get_instance)
williamr@2: #else
williamr@2: BOOST_DLLEXPORT pointer_iserializer<T, Archive>::pointer_iserializer() :
williamr@2:     archive_pointer_iserializer<Archive>(
williamr@2:         * boost::serialization::type_info_implementation<T>::type::get_instance()
williamr@2:     )
williamr@2: #endif
williamr@2: {
williamr@2:     iserializer<Archive, T> & bis = iserializer<Archive, T>::instantiate();
williamr@2:     bis.set_bpis(this);
williamr@2: }
williamr@2: template<class Archive, class T>
williamr@2: struct load_non_pointer_type {
williamr@2:     // note this bounces the call right back to the archive
williamr@2:     // with no runtime overhead
williamr@2:     struct load_primitive {
williamr@2:         static void invoke(Archive & ar, T & t){
williamr@2:             load_access::load_primitive(ar, t);
williamr@2:         }
williamr@2:     };
williamr@2:     // note this bounces the call right back to the archive
williamr@2:     // with no runtime overhead
williamr@2:     struct load_only {
williamr@2:         static void invoke(Archive & ar, T & t){
williamr@2:             // short cut to user's serializer
williamr@2:             // make sure call is routed through the higest interface that might
williamr@2:             // be specialized by the user.
williamr@2:             boost::serialization::serialize_adl(
williamr@2:                 ar, t, boost::serialization::version<T>::value
williamr@2:             );
williamr@2:         }
williamr@2:     };
williamr@2:     // note this save class information including version
williamr@2:     // and serialization level to the archive
williamr@2:     struct load_standard {
williamr@2:         static void invoke(Archive &ar, T &t){
williamr@2:             //BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(! boost::is_const<T>::value);
williamr@2:             // borland - for some reason T is const here - even though
williamr@2:             // its not called that way - so fix it her
williamr@2:             typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME boost::remove_const<T>::type typex;
williamr@2:             void * x = & const_cast<typex &>(t);
williamr@2:             ar.load_object(x, iserializer<Archive, T>::instantiate());
williamr@2:         }
williamr@2:     };
williamr@2:     struct load_conditional {
williamr@2:         static void invoke(Archive &ar, T &t){
williamr@2:             //if(0 == (ar.get_flags() & no_tracking))
williamr@2:                 load_standard::invoke(ar, t);
williamr@2:             //else
williamr@2:             //    load_only::invoke(ar, t);
williamr@2:         }
williamr@2:     };
williamr@2:     typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME mpl::eval_if<
williamr@2:             // if its primitive
williamr@2:             mpl::equal_to<
williamr@2:                 boost::serialization::implementation_level<T>,
williamr@2:                 mpl::int_<boost::serialization::primitive_type>
williamr@2:             >,
williamr@2:             mpl::identity<load_primitive>,
williamr@2:         // else
williamr@2:         BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME mpl::eval_if<
williamr@2:         // class info / version
williamr@2:         mpl::greater_equal<
williamr@2:                     boost::serialization::implementation_level<T>,
williamr@2:                     mpl::int_<boost::serialization::object_class_info>
williamr@2:                 >,
williamr@2:         // do standard load
williamr@2:         mpl::identity<load_standard>,
williamr@2:     // else
williamr@2:     BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME mpl::eval_if<
williamr@2:         // no tracking
williamr@2:                 mpl::equal_to<
williamr@2:                     boost::serialization::tracking_level<T>,
williamr@2:                     mpl::int_<boost::serialization::track_never>
williamr@2:             >,
williamr@2:             // do a fast load
williamr@2:             mpl::identity<load_only>,
williamr@2:         // else
williamr@2:         // do a fast load only tracking is turned off
williamr@2:         mpl::identity<load_conditional>
williamr@2:     > > >::type typex;
williamr@2:     static void invoke(Archive & ar, T &t){
williamr@2:         BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((
williamr@2:             mpl::greater_equal<
williamr@2:                 boost::serialization::implementation_level<T>, 
williamr@2:                 mpl::int_<boost::serialization::primitive_type>
williamr@2:             >::value
williamr@2:         ));
williamr@2:         typex::invoke(ar, t);
williamr@2:     }
williamr@2: };
williamr@2: template<class Archive, class Tptr>
williamr@2: struct load_pointer_type {
williamr@2:     template<class T>
williamr@2:     struct abstract
williamr@2:     {
williamr@2:         static const basic_pointer_iserializer * register_type(Archive & /* ar */){
williamr@2:             #if ! defined(__BORLANDC__)
williamr@2:             typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME 
williamr@2:                 boost::serialization::type_info_implementation<T>::type::is_polymorphic typex;
williamr@2:             // it has? to be polymorphic
williamr@2:             BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(typex::value);
williamr@2:             #endif
williamr@2:             return static_cast<basic_pointer_iserializer *>(NULL);
williamr@2:          }
williamr@2:     };
williamr@2:     template<class T>
williamr@2:     struct non_abstract
williamr@2:     {
williamr@2:         static const basic_pointer_iserializer * register_type(Archive & ar){
williamr@2:             return ar.register_type(static_cast<T *>(NULL));
williamr@2:         }
williamr@2:     };
williamr@2:     template<class T>
williamr@2:     static const basic_pointer_iserializer * register_type(Archive &ar, T & /*t*/){
williamr@2:         // there should never be any need to load an abstract polymorphic 
williamr@2:         // class pointer.  Inhibiting code generation for this
williamr@2:         // permits abstract base classes to be used - note: exception
williamr@2:         // virtual serialize functions used for plug-ins
williamr@2:         typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME
williamr@2:             mpl::eval_if<
williamr@2:                 serialization::is_abstract<T>,
williamr@2:                 mpl::identity<abstract<T> >,
williamr@2:                 mpl::identity<non_abstract<T> >    
williamr@2:             >::type typex;
williamr@2:         return typex::register_type(ar);
williamr@2:     }
williamr@2:     template<class T>
williamr@2:     static T * pointer_tweak(
williamr@2:         const boost::serialization::extended_type_info & eti,
williamr@2:         void * t,
williamr@2:         T &
williamr@2:     ) {
williamr@2:         // tweak the pointer back to the base class
williamr@2:         return static_cast<T *>(
williamr@2:             boost::serialization::void_upcast(
williamr@2:                 eti,
williamr@2:                 * boost::serialization::type_info_implementation<T>::type::get_instance(),
williamr@2:                 t
williamr@2:             )
williamr@2:         );
williamr@2:     }
williamr@2:     static void invoke(Archive & ar, Tptr & t){
williamr@2:         const basic_pointer_iserializer * bpis_ptr = register_type(ar, *t);
williamr@2:         const basic_pointer_iserializer * newbpis_ptr = ar.load_pointer(
williamr@2:             * reinterpret_cast<void **>(&t),
williamr@2:             bpis_ptr,
williamr@2:             archive_pointer_iserializer<Archive>::find
williamr@2:         );
williamr@2:         // if the pointer isn't that of the base class
williamr@2:         if(newbpis_ptr != bpis_ptr){
williamr@2:             t = pointer_tweak(newbpis_ptr->get_eti(), t, *t);
williamr@2:         }
williamr@2:     }
williamr@2: };
williamr@2: template<class Archive, class T>
williamr@2: struct load_enum_type {
williamr@2:     static void invoke(Archive &ar, T &t){
williamr@2:         // convert integers to correct enum to load
williamr@2:         int i;
williamr@2:         ar >> boost::serialization::make_nvp(NULL, i);
williamr@2:         t = static_cast<T>(i);
williamr@2:     }
williamr@2: };
williamr@2: template<class Archive, class T>
williamr@2: struct load_array_type {
williamr@2:     static void invoke(Archive &ar, T &t){
williamr@2:         // convert integers to correct enum to load
williamr@2:         int current_count = sizeof(t) / (
williamr@2:             static_cast<char *>(static_cast<void *>(&t[1])) 
williamr@2:             - static_cast<char *>(static_cast<void *>(&t[0]))
williamr@2:         );
williamr@2:         int count;
williamr@2:         ar >> BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(count);
williamr@2:         if(count > current_count)
williamr@2:             boost::throw_exception(archive::archive_exception(
williamr@2:                 boost::archive::archive_exception::array_size_too_short
williamr@2:             ));
williamr@2:         int i;
williamr@2:         for(i = 0; i < count; ++i)
williamr@2:             ar >> boost::serialization::make_nvp("item", t[i]);
williamr@2:     }
williamr@2: };
williamr@2: // note bogus arguments to workaround msvc 6 silent runtime failure
williamr@2: template<class Archive, class T>
williamr@2: BOOST_DLLEXPORT 
williamr@2: inline const basic_pointer_iserializer &
williamr@2: instantiate_pointer_iserializer(
williamr@2:     Archive * /* ar = NULL */,
williamr@2:     T * /* t = NULL */
williamr@2: ) BOOST_USED;
williamr@2: template<class Archive, class T>
williamr@2: BOOST_DLLEXPORT 
williamr@2: inline const basic_pointer_iserializer &
williamr@2: instantiate_pointer_iserializer(
williamr@2:     Archive * /* ar = NULL */,
williamr@2:     T * /* t = NULL */
williamr@2: ){
williamr@2:     // note: reversal of order of arguments to work around msvc 6.0 bug
williamr@2:     // that manifests itself while trying to link.
williamr@2:     return pointer_iserializer<T, Archive>::instantiate();
williamr@2: }
williamr@2: } // detail
williamr@2: template<class Archive, class T>
williamr@2: inline void load(Archive &ar, T &t){
williamr@2:     // if this assertion trips. It means we're trying to load a
williamr@2:     // const object with a compiler that doesn't have correct
williamr@2:     // funtion template ordering.  On other compilers, this is
williamr@2:     // handled below.
williamr@2:     BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(! boost::is_const<T>::value);
williamr@2:     typedef
williamr@2:         BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME mpl::eval_if<is_pointer<T>,
williamr@2:             mpl::identity<detail::load_pointer_type<Archive, T> >
williamr@2:         ,//else
williamr@2:         BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME mpl::eval_if<is_array<T>,
williamr@2:             mpl::identity<detail::load_array_type<Archive, T> >
williamr@2:         ,//else
williamr@2:         BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME mpl::eval_if<is_enum<T>,
williamr@2:             mpl::identity<detail::load_enum_type<Archive, T> >
williamr@2:         ,//else
williamr@2:             mpl::identity<detail::load_non_pointer_type<Archive, T> >
williamr@2:         >
williamr@2:         >
williamr@2:         >::type typex;
williamr@2:     typex::invoke(ar, t);
williamr@2: }
williamr@2: // BORLAND
williamr@2: // borland has a couple fo problems
williamr@2: // a) if function is partiall specialized - see below
williamr@2: // const paramters are transformed to non-const ones
williamr@2: // b) implementation of base_object can't be made to work
williamr@2: // correctly which results in all base_object s being const.
williamr@2: // So, strip off the const for borland.  This breaks the trap
williamr@2: // for loading const objects - but I see no alternative
williamr@2: template<class Archive, class T>
williamr@2: inline void load(Archive &ar, const T & t){
williamr@2:         load(ar, const_cast<T &>(t));
williamr@2: }
williamr@2: #endif
williamr@2: // let wrappers through.  (Someday implement is_wrapper)
williamr@2: template<class Archive, class T>
williamr@2: inline void load(Archive &ar, const serialization::nvp<T> &t){
williamr@2:         boost::archive::load(ar, const_cast<serialization::nvp<T> &>(t));
williamr@2: }
williamr@2: template<class Archive>
williamr@2: inline void load(Archive &ar, const serialization::binary_object &t){
williamr@2:         boost::archive::load(ar, const_cast<serialization::binary_object &>(t));
williamr@2: }
williamr@2: //template<class Archive, class T>
williamr@2: //inline void load(Archive &ar, const serialization::binary_object &t){
williamr@2: //      load(ar, const_cast<binary_object &>(t));
williamr@2: //}
williamr@2: #endif
williamr@2: } // namespace archive
williamr@2: } // namespace boost