williamr@2: /*
williamr@4: * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
williamr@2: * All rights reserved.
williamr@2: * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
williamr@4: * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
williamr@2: * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
williamr@4: * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
williamr@2: *
williamr@2: * Initial Contributors:
williamr@2: * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
williamr@2: *
williamr@2: * Contributors:
williamr@2: *
williamr@4: * Description:           CSenServiceConnection offers public API for
williamr@2: *                service consumers to access invocable services, 
williamr@2: *                as a part of the Web Services Framework (WSF).
williamr@2: *
williamr@2: */
williamr@2: #ifndef SEN_SERVICE_CONNECTION_H
williamr@2: #define SEN_SERVICE_CONNECTION_H
williamr@2: //  INCLUDES
williamr@2: #include <e32base.h> // for CActive
williamr@2: #include <MSenServiceConsumer.h>
williamr@2: #include <MSenServiceDescription.h>
williamr@2: #include <MSenAuthenticationProvider.h>
williamr@2: #include <SenSoapMessage.h>
williamr@2: #include <SenSoapMessage2.h>
williamr@2: //#include <SenAtomEntry.h>
williamr@2: #include <MSenMessage.h>
williamr@2: // CONSTANTS
williamr@2: const TInt KErrSenNotInitialized                    =   -30291;
williamr@2: const TInt KErrSenServiceConnectionBusy             =   -30292;
williamr@2: const TInt KErrConnectionInitializing               =   -30293;
williamr@2: const TInt KErrConnectionExpired                    =   -30294;
williamr@2: const TInt KErrSubmitting                           =   -30295;
williamr@2: const TInt KErrSenSoapFault                         =   -30296; 
williamr@2: const TInt KErrSenInternal                          =   -30297;
williamr@2: const TInt KErrSenNoEndpoint                        =   -30298;
williamr@2: const TInt KErrSenNoContract                        =   -30299;
williamr@2: const TInt KErrSenProviderIdInUseByAnotherEndpoint  =   -30305;
williamr@2: const TInt KErrSenNoContractNoEndPoint              =   -30306;
williamr@2: const TInt KErrSenBrokenSoapEnvelope                =   -30307;
williamr@2: const TInt KErrSenBrokenSoapFault                   =   -30308;
williamr@2: const TInt KErrSenCancelled                         =   -30309;
williamr@2: // HTTP transport error codes:
williamr@2: const TInt KErrSenNoHttpResponseBody                =   -30310;
williamr@2: const TInt KErrSenNoHttpContentType                 =   -30311;
williamr@2: const TInt KErrSenHttpRedirectRequiresConfirmation  =   -30312;
williamr@2: // SOAP message verification error codes:
williamr@2: const TInt KErrSenNoSoapBody                        =   -30313;
williamr@2: const TInt KErrSenNoSoapHeader                      =   -30314;
williamr@2: const TInt KErrSenNoPermission                      =   -30315; 
williamr@2: const TInt KErrSenHostNotAvailable                  =   -30318;
williamr@2: const TInt KErrSenAuthenticationFault               =   -30319;
williamr@2: const TInt KErrSenNoEndUserPermission               =   -30321;
williamr@4: const TInt KErrSenBrandNotSupported                 =   -30322;
williamr@2: const TInt KSenConnectionStatusCreateFailed         =  -1; // post-state
williamr@2: const TInt KSenConnectionStatusNew                  =   0; // post-state
williamr@2: const TInt KSenConnectionStatusReady                =   1; // post-state
williamr@2: const TInt KSenConnectionStatusExpired              =   2; // post-state
williamr@2: const TInt KSenConnectionStatusAuthentication       =   3; // pre-state
williamr@2: const TInt KSenConnectionStatusDiscovery            =   4; // pre-state
williamr@2: const TInt KSenConnectionStatusMetadataExchange     =   5; // pre-state
williamr@2: _LIT8(KDefaultBasicWebServicesFrameworkID,          "WS-I");
williamr@2: _LIT8(KDefaultIdWsfFrameworkID,                     "ID-WSF"); 
williamr@2: _LIT8(KDefaultRestServicesFrameworkID,              "REST");
williamr@2: _LIT8(KDefaultWSStarFrameworkID,                    "WS-STAR");
williamr@2: _LIT8(KDefaultAtomPubFrameworkID,                   "ATOM-PUB");
williamr@2: _LIT8(KDefaultOviFrameworkID,                       "OVI");
williamr@2: const TInt KSenTransportStatusCodeOffsetBaseHttp = 1000;
williamr@2: const TInt KSenTransportStatusCodeOffsetBaseVtcp = 2000;
williamr@2: const TInt KSenTransportStatusCodeVtcpInit =        2001; // KSenTransportStatusCodeOffsetBaseVtcp +1 
williamr@2: const TInt KSenTransportStatusCodeVtcpActive =      2002; // KSenTransportStatusCodeOffsetBaseVtcp +2 
williamr@2: const TInt KSenTransportStatusCodeVtcpSuspended =   2003; // KSenTransportStatusCodeOffsetBaseVtcp +3 
williamr@2: const TInt KSenTransportStatusCodeVtcpInactive =    2004; // KSenTransportStatusCodeOffsetBaseVtcp +4
williamr@2: const TInt KSenTransportStatusCodeVtcpUnavailable = 2005; // KSenTransportStatusCodeOffsetBaseVtcp +5
williamr@2: class CSenServicePattern;
williamr@2: class CSenIdentityProvider;
williamr@4: struct TSenDataTrafficDetails 
williamr@4: {
williamr@4: public:
williamr@4:    	TSenDataTrafficDetails():iTotalBytesSent(0),
williamr@4:    							 iTotalBytesRecieved(0)
williamr@4: 	{
williamr@4: 	}   						
williamr@4: 	TBool operator==(TSenDataTrafficDetails& rhs)
williamr@4: 	{
williamr@4: 		if( (this->iTotalBytesSent == rhs.iTotalBytesSent) &&
williamr@4: 			(this->iTotalBytesRecieved == rhs.iTotalBytesRecieved) )
williamr@4: 			return ETrue;
williamr@4: 		else
williamr@4: 			return EFalse;
williamr@4: 	}
williamr@4: 	TSenDataTrafficDetails& operator=(TSenDataTrafficDetails& rhs)
williamr@4: 	{
williamr@4: 		if(*this == rhs)
williamr@4: 			return *this;
williamr@4: 		this->iTotalBytesSent = rhs.iTotalBytesSent;
williamr@4: 		this->iTotalBytesRecieved = rhs.iTotalBytesRecieved;
williamr@4: 		return *this;
williamr@4: 	}
williamr@4: 	TSenDataTrafficDetails& operator+=(TSenDataTrafficDetails& rhs)	
williamr@4: 	{
williamr@4: 		this->iTotalBytesSent += rhs.iTotalBytesSent;
williamr@4: 		this->iTotalBytesRecieved += rhs.iTotalBytesRecieved;
williamr@4: 		return *this;
williamr@4: 	}
williamr@4:    	TUint iTotalBytesSent ; 
williamr@4:    	TUint iTotalBytesRecieved ; 
williamr@4: private:	   
williamr@4:    	TAny* iReserved;
williamr@4: };
williamr@4: struct TSenDataTrafficOperations 
williamr@4: {
williamr@4: public:
williamr@4: 	TSenDataTrafficOperations(): iReset(EFalse)
williamr@4: 	{
williamr@4: 	}
williamr@4:    	TBool iReset;
williamr@4: private:   	
williamr@4:    	TAny* iReserved;
williamr@4: };
williamr@2: // CLASS DECLARATION
williamr@2: /**
williamr@2:   * The class for connecting to service providers
williamr@2:   * through Web Services Framework (WSF). 
williamr@2:   *
williamr@2:   * The class offers asynchronous construction of a
williamr@2:   * service connection. Further, there are asynchronous
williamr@2:   * and synchronous interaction methods for e.g. sending 
williamr@2:   * and receiving data from (possibly remote) service.
williamr@2:   * 
williamr@2:   * WSF offers two default frameworks:
williamr@2:   *
williamr@2:   *   1. Identity Based Web Services Framework
williamr@2:   *      (ID-WSF). The framework ID for this is 
williamr@2:   *      KDefaultIdWsfFrameworkID ("ID-WSF").
williamr@2:   * 
williamr@2:   *   2. Basic Web Services Framework. Framework
williamr@2:   *      ID is KDefaultBasicWebServicesFrameworkID
williamr@2:   *      ("WS-I").
williamr@2:   * 
williamr@2:   * The most typical use of CSenServiceConnection
williamr@2:   * is to interact with a service of certain type
williamr@2:   * through some invocable framework and submitting
williamr@2:   * and receiving messages.
williamr@2:   *
williamr@2:   * In case of WebServices, the actual service is remote
williamr@2:   * and submitted messages are SOAP envelopes. However,
williamr@2:   * CSenServiceConnection supports accessing any
williamr@2:   * ServiceInvocationFramework which ECOM plug-in
williamr@2:   * implementation is present. These plug-ins may
williamr@2:   * further communicate with some service, including
williamr@2:   * local services. 
williamr@2:   * 
williamr@2:   * The link between CSenServiceConnection and any plug-in
williamr@2:   * implementation interacting with some service is the
williamr@2:   * framework ID, which is a property of ServiceDescription (SD)
williamr@2:   * and accessible via MSenServiceDescription interface, which
williamr@2:   * each SD class must implement. 
williamr@2:   * 
williamr@2:   * When creating a connection, one offers predefined SD as
williamr@2:   * an argument for asynchronous constructor. Or, optionally 
williamr@2:   * only a Liberty Alliance ID-WSF specific contract string 
williamr@2:   * - typically some URN. If only contract is offered, then
williamr@2:   * the created connection defaults to ID-WSF service and 
williamr@2:   * ID-WSF framework (ID) will be used.
williamr@2:   * 
williamr@2:   * The WSF further uses the offered framework ID while looking
williamr@2:   * up any matching framework plug-in implementation. As a
williamr@2:   * result the SD might be offered to several plug-ins.
williamr@2: * 
williamr@2: * @lib SenServConn.lib
williamr@2: *  @since Series60 3.0
williamr@2: */
williamr@2: class CSenServiceConnection : public CActive, public MSenFragment
williamr@2:     {
williamr@2:     public: // Constructors and destructor
williamr@2:         /**
williamr@2:         * Two-phased constructor intended for Identity based service 
williamr@2:         * consumers (like ID-WSF). The pointer is left on the cleanup stack.
williamr@2:         * This constructor is ASYNCHRONOUS and the actual state of
williamr@2:         * created connection has to be observed from SetStatus() AND
williamr@2:         * HandleErrorL() functions.
williamr@2:         * If service is found, the SetStatus() call-back is performed
williamr@2:         * with a status value KSenConnectionStatusReady (1).
williamr@2:         * Contract of the service (typically some URN) is provided.
williamr@2:         * Authentication for the Web Service Provider (WSP) connection 
williamr@2:         * is resolved using one of the identity providers which have 
williamr@2:         * been associated with this contract (typically an URN).
williamr@2:         *
williamr@2:         * This constructor is ASYNCHRONOUS and the actual state of newly
williamr@2:         * created connection has to be observed from SetStatus() AND
williamr@2:         * HandleErrorL() functions.
williamr@2:         * If service is found, a SetStatus call-back with value
williamr@2:         * KSenConnectionStatusReady (1) is executed.
williamr@2:         * If some error occurs, HandleErrorL() will be called to inform the
williamr@2:         * creator of this connection (service consumer application)
williamr@2:         *
williamr@2:         *    For example, if service is not found, a system wide error
williamr@2:         *    code of -1 is deliver via HandleErrorL() to WSC.
williamr@2:         *
williamr@2:         *    Second example: server response HTTP 501 means, that this error
williamr@2:         *    code. 501 will be delivered via HandleErrorL() to WSC.
williamr@2:         *    This can happen in ID-WSF connection being initialized, if
williamr@2:         *    either Authentication Service (AS) or Discovery Service (DS)
williamr@2:         *    cannot be reached.
williamr@2:         *
williamr@2:         * @param aConsumer      (web) service consumer (for call-backs)
williamr@2:         * @param aContract      contract of the service, typically an URI.
williamr@2:         * @return a pointer to a CSenServiceConnection instance.
williamr@2:         *
williamr@2:         */
williamr@2:         IMPORT_C static CSenServiceConnection* NewL(MSenServiceConsumer& aConsumer,
williamr@2:                                                     const TDesC8& aContract);
williamr@2:         /**
williamr@2:         * Two-phased constructor intended for Identity based service 
williamr@2:         * consumers (like ID-WSF). 
williamr@2:         * This constructor is ASYNCHRONOUS and the actual state of
williamr@2:         * created connection has to be observed from SetStatus() and
williamr@2:         * HandleErrorL() functions.
williamr@2:         * If service is found, the SetStatus() call-back is performed
williamr@2:         * with a status value KSenConnectionStatusReady (1).
williamr@2:         * Contract of the service (typically some URN) is provided.
williamr@2:         * Authentication for the Web Service Provider (WSP) connection 
williamr@2:         * is resolved using one of the identity providers which have 
williamr@2:         * been associated with this contract (typically an URN).
williamr@2:         * This constructor is ASYNCHRONOUS and the actual state of newly
williamr@2:         * created connection has to be observed from SetStatus() AND
williamr@2:         * HandleErrorL() functions.
williamr@2:         * If service is found, a SetStatus call-back with value
williamr@2:         * KSenConnectionStatusReady (1) is executed.
williamr@2:         * If some error occurs, HandleErrorL() will be called to inform the
williamr@2:         * creator of this connection (service consumer application)
williamr@2:         *
williamr@2:         *    For example, if service is not found, a system wide error
williamr@2:         *    code of -1 is deliver via HandleErrorL() to WSC.
williamr@2:         *
williamr@2:         *    Second example: server response HTTP 501 means, that this error
williamr@2:         *    code. 501 will be delivered via HandleErrorL() to WSC.
williamr@2:         *    This can happen in ID-WSF connection being initialized, if
williamr@2:         *    either Authentication Service (AS) or Discovery Service (DS)
williamr@2:         *    cannot be reached.
williamr@2:         *
williamr@2:         * @param aConsumer      (web) service consumer (for call-backs)
williamr@2:         * @param aContract      contract of the service, typically an URI.
williamr@2:         * @return a pointer to a CSenServiceConnection instance.
williamr@2:         *                       The pointer is left on the cleanup stack.
williamr@2:         */
williamr@2:         IMPORT_C static CSenServiceConnection* NewLC(MSenServiceConsumer& aObserver,
williamr@2:                                                      const TDesC8& aContract);
williamr@2:         /**
williamr@2:         * Two-phased constructor using a service description.
williamr@2:         * This constructor is ASYNCHRONOUS and the actual state of
williamr@2:         * created connection has to be observed from SetStatus() and
williamr@2:         * HandleErrorL() functions.
williamr@2:         * If service is found, the SetStatus() call-back is executed
williamr@2:         * with a status value KSenConnectionStatusReady (1)
williamr@2:         * For ID-WSF connections, the authentication for the Web Service
williamr@2:         * Provider (WSP) connection is resolved using one of the identity 
williamr@2:         * providers which have been associated with the contract found in 
williamr@2:         * the SD. At minimum, the contract of the service (typically some URN)
williamr@2:         * has to provided in the SD.
williamr@2:         * Basic Web Service consumers instantiate a SD where an endpoint
williamr@2:         * and framework ID KDefaultBasicWebServicesFrameworkID are defined.
williamr@2:         * @param    aObserver connection observer.
williamr@2:         * @param    aServiceDescription is the description used to
williamr@2:         *               obtain a service connection.
williamr@2:         * @return   a pointer to a CSenServiceConnection instance.
williamr@2:         */
williamr@2:         IMPORT_C static CSenServiceConnection* NewL(MSenServiceConsumer& aObserver,
williamr@2:                                                     MSenServiceDescription& aServiceDescription);
williamr@2:         /**
williamr@2:         * Two-phased constructor using a service description. The pointer
williamr@2:         * is left on the cleanup stack.
williamr@2:         * This constructor is ASYNCHRONOUS and the actual state of
williamr@2:         * created connection has to be observed from SetStatus() AND
williamr@2:         * HandleErrorL() functions.
williamr@2:         * If service is found, the SetStatus() call-back is executed
williamr@2:         * with a status value KSenConnectionStatusReady (1)
williamr@2:         * For ID-WSF connections, the authentication for the Web Service
williamr@2:         * Provider (WSP) connection is resolved using one of the identity 
williamr@2:         * providers which have been associated with the contract found in 
williamr@2:         * the SD. At minimum, the contract of the service (typically some URN)
williamr@2:         * has to provided in the SD.
williamr@2:         * Basic Web Service consumers instantiate a SD where an endpoint
williamr@2:         * and framework ID KDefaultBasicWebServicesFrameworkID are defined.
williamr@2:         * @param    aObserver connection observer.
williamr@2:         * @param    aServiceDescription is the description used to
williamr@2:         *               obtain a service connection.
williamr@2:         * @return   a pointer to a CSenServiceConnection instance.
williamr@2:         *               The pointer is left on the cleanup stack.
williamr@2:         */
williamr@2:         IMPORT_C static CSenServiceConnection* NewLC(MSenServiceConsumer& aObserver,
williamr@2:                                                      MSenServiceDescription& aServiceDescription);
williamr@2:         /*
williamr@2:         * The ServicePattern version of two phased constructor. 
williamr@2:         * Note, that this method is intended to be used by service consumers
williamr@2:         * wishing to initialize connection in specific context called
williamr@2:         * consumer policy. In consumer policy, certain properties 
williamr@2:         * can be set to further define what kind of connection is acceptable
williamr@2:         * and how the connection interacts with transport (for example, which
williamr@2:         * Internet Access Point (IAP) will be used).
williamr@2:         * However, any ConsumerPolicy feature is applicable in 
williamr@2:         * one-policy-per-client scope and not used as a common policy.
williamr@2:         * To set permanent information about known WSP, please use the
williamr@2:         * CSenXmlServiceDescription, which implements MSenProviderPolicy
williamr@2:         * interface.
williamr@2:         * This constructor is ASYNCHRONOUS and the actual state of
williamr@2:         * created connection has to be observed from SetStatus() and
williamr@2:         * HandleErrorL() functions.
williamr@2:         * If service is found, the SetStatus() call-back is executed
williamr@2:         * with a status value KSenConnectionStatusReady (1)
williamr@2:         * For ID-WSF connections, the authentication for the Web Service
williamr@2:         * Provider (WSP) connection is resolved using one of the identity 
williamr@2:         * providers which have been associated with the contract found in 
williamr@2:         * the SD. At minimum, the contract of the service (typically some URN)
williamr@2:         * has to provided in the SD.
williamr@2:         * Basic Web Service consumers instantiate a SD where an endpoint
williamr@2:         * and framework ID KDefaultBasicWebServicesFrameworkID are defined.
williamr@2:         * @param    aObserver connection observer.
williamr@2:         * @param    aServiceDescription is the description used to
williamr@2:         *               obtain a service connection. 
williamr@2:         * @return   a pointer to a CSenServiceConnection instance.
williamr@2:         */
williamr@2:         IMPORT_C static CSenServiceConnection* NewL(MSenServiceConsumer& aObserver,
williamr@2:                                                     CSenServicePattern& aServicePattern);
williamr@2:         /*
williamr@2:         * The ServicePattern version of two phased constructor. 
williamr@2:         * Note, that this method is intended to be used by service consumers
williamr@2:         * wishing to initialize connection in specific context called
williamr@2:         * consumer policy. In consumer policy, certain properties 
williamr@2:         * can be set to further define what kind of connection is acceptable
williamr@2:         * and how the connection interacts with transport (for example, which
williamr@2:         * Internet Access Point (IAP) will be used).
williamr@2:         * However, any ConsumerPolicy feature is applicable in 
williamr@2:         * one-policy-per-client scope and not used as a common policy.
williamr@2:         * To set permanent information about known WSP, please use the
williamr@2:         * CSenXmlServiceDescription, which implements MSenProviderPolicy
williamr@2:         * interface.
williamr@2:         * This constructor is ASYNCHRONOUS and the actual state of
williamr@2:         * created connection has to be observed from SetStatus() and
williamr@2:         * HandleErrorL() functions.
williamr@2:         * If service is found, the SetStatus() call-back is executed
williamr@2:         * with a status value KSenConnectionStatusReady (1)
williamr@2:         * For ID-WSF connections, the authentication for the Web Service
williamr@2:         * Provider (WSP) connection is resolved using one of the identity 
williamr@2:         * providers which have been associated with the contract found in 
williamr@2:         * the SD. At minimum, the contract of the service (typically some URN)
williamr@2:         * has to provided in the SD.
williamr@2:         * Basic Web Service consumers instantiate a SD where an endpoint
williamr@2:         * and framework ID KDefaultBasicWebServicesFrameworkID are defined.
williamr@2:         * @param    aObserver connection observer.
williamr@2:         * @param    aServiceDescription is the description used to
williamr@2:         *               obtain a service connection. 
williamr@2:         * @return   a pointer to a CSenServiceConnection instance.
williamr@2:         *               The pointer is left on the cleanup stack.
williamr@2:         */
williamr@2:         IMPORT_C static CSenServiceConnection* NewLC(MSenServiceConsumer& aObserver,
williamr@2:                                                      CSenServicePattern& aServicePattern);
williamr@2:         /**
williamr@2:         * Two-phased constructor intended for Identity based service 
williamr@2:         * consumers (like ID-WSF). The pointer is left on the cleanup stack.
williamr@2:         * This constructor is ASYNCHRONOUS and the actual state of
williamr@2:         * created connection has to be observed from SetStatus() AND
williamr@2:         * HandleErrorL() functions.
williamr@2:         * If service is found, the SetStatus() call-back is performed
williamr@2:         * with a status value KSenConnectionStatusReady (1).
williamr@2:         * Contract of the service (typically some URN) is provided.
williamr@2:         * Authentication for the Web Service Provider (WSP) connection 
williamr@2:         * is resolved using one of the identity providers which have 
williamr@2:         * been associated with this contract (typically an URN).
williamr@2:         *
williamr@2:         * This constructor is ASYNCHRONOUS and the actual state of newly
williamr@2:         * created connection has to be observed from SetStatus() AND
williamr@2:         * HandleErrorL() functions.
williamr@2:         * If service is found, a SetStatus call-back with value
williamr@2:         * KSenConnectionStatusReady (1) is executed.
williamr@2:         * If some error occurs, HandleErrorL() will be called to inform the
williamr@2:         * creator of this connection (service consumer application)
williamr@2:         *
williamr@2:         *    For example, if service is not found, a system wide error
williamr@2:         *    code of -1 is deliver via HandleErrorL() to WSC.
williamr@2:         *
williamr@2:         *    Second example: server response HTTP 501 means, that this error
williamr@2:         *    code. 501 will be delivered via HandleErrorL() to WSC.
williamr@2:         *    This can happen in ID-WSF connection being initialized, if
williamr@2:         *    either Authentication Service (AS) or Discovery Service (DS)
williamr@2:         *    cannot be reached.
williamr@2:         *
williamr@2:         * @param aConsumer      (web) service consumer (for call-backs)
williamr@2:         * @param aContract      contract of the service, typically an URI.
williamr@2:         * @return a pointer to a CSenServiceConnection instance.
williamr@2:         * @param aAuthProvider      Authentication Provider
williamr@2:         */        
williamr@2:         IMPORT_C static CSenServiceConnection* NewL(MSenServiceConsumer& aConsumer,
williamr@2:                                                     const TDesC8& aContract,
williamr@2:                                                     MSenExtendedConsumerInterface& aExtendedConsumer);
williamr@2:         /**
williamr@2:         * Two-phased constructor intended for Identity based service 
williamr@2:         * consumers (like ID-WSF). 
williamr@2:         * This constructor is ASYNCHRONOUS and the actual state of
williamr@2:         * created connection has to be observed from SetStatus() and
williamr@2:         * HandleErrorL() functions.
williamr@2:         * If service is found, the SetStatus() call-back is performed
williamr@2:         * with a status value KSenConnectionStatusReady (1).
williamr@2:         * Contract of the service (typically some URN) is provided.
williamr@2:         * Authentication for the Web Service Provider (WSP) connection 
williamr@2:         * is resolved using one of the identity providers which have 
williamr@2:         * been associated with this contract (typically an URN).
williamr@2:         * This constructor is ASYNCHRONOUS and the actual state of newly
williamr@2:         * created connection has to be observed from SetStatus() AND
williamr@2:         * HandleErrorL() functions.
williamr@2:         * If service is found, a SetStatus call-back with value
williamr@2:         * KSenConnectionStatusReady (1) is executed.
williamr@2:         * If some error occurs, HandleErrorL() will be called to inform the
williamr@2:         * creator of this connection (service consumer application)
williamr@2:         *
williamr@2:         *    For example, if service is not found, a system wide error
williamr@2:         *    code of -1 is deliver via HandleErrorL() to WSC.
williamr@2:         *
williamr@2:         *    Second example: server response HTTP 501 means, that this error
williamr@2:         *    code. 501 will be delivered via HandleErrorL() to WSC.
williamr@2:         *    This can happen in ID-WSF connection being initialized, if
williamr@2:         *    either Authentication Service (AS) or Discovery Service (DS)
williamr@2:         *    cannot be reached.
williamr@2:         *
williamr@2:         * @param aConsumer      (web) service consumer (for call-backs)
williamr@2:         * @param aContract      contract of the service, typically an URI.
williamr@2:         * @param aAuthProvider      Authentication Provider        
williamr@2:         * @return a pointer to a CSenServiceConnection instance.
williamr@2:         *                       The pointer is left on the cleanup stack.
williamr@2:         */    
williamr@2:         IMPORT_C static CSenServiceConnection* NewLC(MSenServiceConsumer& aConsumer,
williamr@2:                                                      const TDesC8& aContract,
williamr@2:                                                      MSenExtendedConsumerInterface& aExtendedConsumer);
williamr@2:         /**
williamr@2:         * Two-phased constructor using a service description.
williamr@2:         * This constructor is ASYNCHRONOUS and the actual state of
williamr@2:         * created connection has to be observed from SetStatus() and
williamr@2:         * HandleErrorL() functions.
williamr@2:         * If service is found, the SetStatus() call-back is executed
williamr@2:         * with a status value KSenConnectionStatusReady (1)
williamr@2:         * For ID-WSF connections, the authentication for the Web Service
williamr@2:         * Provider (WSP) connection is resolved using one of the identity 
williamr@2:         * providers which have been associated with the contract found in 
williamr@2:         * the SD. At minimum, the contract of the service (typically some URN)
williamr@2:         * has to provided in the SD.
williamr@2:         * Basic Web Service consumers instantiate a SD where an endpoint
williamr@2:         * and framework ID KDefaultBasicWebServicesFrameworkID are defined.
williamr@2:         * @param    aConsumer connection observer.
williamr@2:         * @param    aServiceDescription is the description used to
williamr@2:         *               obtain a service connection.
williamr@2:         * @param 	aAuthProvider      Authentication Provider                
williamr@2:         * @return   a pointer to a CSenServiceConnection instance.
williamr@2:         */    
williamr@2:         IMPORT_C static CSenServiceConnection* NewL(MSenServiceConsumer& aConsumer,
williamr@2:                                                     MSenServiceDescription& aServiceDescription,
williamr@2:                                                     MSenExtendedConsumerInterface& aExtendedConsumer);
williamr@2:         /**
williamr@2:         * Two-phased constructor using a service description. The pointer
williamr@2:         * is left on the cleanup stack.
williamr@2:         * This constructor is ASYNCHRONOUS and the actual state of
williamr@2:         * created connection has to be observed from SetStatus() AND
williamr@2:         * HandleErrorL() functions.
williamr@2:         * If service is found, the SetStatus() call-back is executed
williamr@2:         * with a status value KSenConnectionStatusReady (1)
williamr@2:         * For ID-WSF connections, the authentication for the Web Service
williamr@2:         * Provider (WSP) connection is resolved using one of the identity 
williamr@2:         * providers which have been associated with the contract found in 
williamr@2:         * the SD. At minimum, the contract of the service (typically some URN)
williamr@2:         * has to provided in the SD.
williamr@2:         * Basic Web Service consumers instantiate a SD where an endpoint
williamr@2:         * and framework ID KDefaultBasicWebServicesFrameworkID are defined.
williamr@2:         * @param    aConsumer connection observer.
williamr@2:         * @param    aServiceDescription is the description used to
williamr@2:         *               obtain a service connection.
williamr@2:         * @param 	aAuthProvider      Authentication Provider                        
williamr@2:         * @return   a pointer to a CSenServiceConnection instance.
williamr@2:         *               The pointer is left on the cleanup stack.
williamr@2:         */    
williamr@2:         IMPORT_C static CSenServiceConnection* NewLC(MSenServiceConsumer& aConsumer,
williamr@2:                                                      MSenServiceDescription& aServiceDescription,
williamr@2:                                                      MSenExtendedConsumerInterface& aExtendedConsumer);
williamr@2:         /*
williamr@2:         * The ServicePattern version of two phased constructor. 
williamr@2:         * Note, that this method is intended to be used by service consumers
williamr@2:         * wishing to initialize connection in specific context called
williamr@2:         * consumer policy. In consumer policy, certain properties 
williamr@2:         * can be set to further define what kind of connection is acceptable
williamr@2:         * and how the connection interacts with transport (for example, which
williamr@2:         * Internet Access Point (IAP) will be used).
williamr@2:         * However, any ConsumerPolicy feature is applicable in 
williamr@2:         * one-policy-per-client scope and not used as a common policy.
williamr@2:         * To set permanent information about known WSP, please use the
williamr@2:         * CSenXmlServiceDescription, which implements MSenProviderPolicy
williamr@2:         * interface.
williamr@2:         * This constructor is ASYNCHRONOUS and the actual state of
williamr@2:         * created connection has to be observed from SetStatus() and
williamr@2:         * HandleErrorL() functions.
williamr@2:         * If service is found, the SetStatus() call-back is executed
williamr@2:         * with a status value KSenConnectionStatusReady (1)
williamr@2:         * For ID-WSF connections, the authentication for the Web Service
williamr@2:         * Provider (WSP) connection is resolved using one of the identity 
williamr@2:         * providers which have been associated with the contract found in 
williamr@2:         * the SD. At minimum, the contract of the service (typically some URN)
williamr@2:         * has to provided in the SD.
williamr@2:         * Basic Web Service consumers instantiate a SD where an endpoint
williamr@2:         * and framework ID KDefaultBasicWebServicesFrameworkID are defined.
williamr@2:         * @param    aConsumer connection observer.
williamr@2:         * @param    aServiceDescription is the description used to
williamr@2:         *               obtain a service connection.
williamr@2:         * @param 	aAuthProvider      Authentication Provider                                 
williamr@2:         * @return   a pointer to a CSenServiceConnection instance.
williamr@2:         */    
williamr@2:         IMPORT_C static CSenServiceConnection* NewL(MSenServiceConsumer& aConsumer,
williamr@2:                                                     CSenServicePattern& aServicePattern,
williamr@2:                                                     MSenExtendedConsumerInterface& aExtendedConsumer);
williamr@2:         /*
williamr@2:         * The ServicePattern version of two phased constructor. 
williamr@2:         * Note, that this method is intended to be used by service consumers
williamr@2:         * wishing to initialize connection in specific context called
williamr@2:         * consumer policy. In consumer policy, certain properties 
williamr@2:         * can be set to further define what kind of connection is acceptable
williamr@2:         * and how the connection interacts with transport (for example, which
williamr@2:         * Internet Access Point (IAP) will be used).
williamr@2:         * However, any ConsumerPolicy feature is applicable in 
williamr@2:         * one-policy-per-client scope and not used as a common policy.
williamr@2:         * To set permanent information about known WSP, please use the
williamr@2:         * CSenXmlServiceDescription, which implements MSenProviderPolicy
williamr@2:         * interface.
williamr@2:         * This constructor is ASYNCHRONOUS and the actual state of
williamr@2:         * created connection has to be observed from SetStatus() and
williamr@2:         * HandleErrorL() functions.
williamr@2:         * If service is found, the SetStatus() call-back is executed
williamr@2:         * with a status value KSenConnectionStatusReady (1)
williamr@2:         * For ID-WSF connections, the authentication for the Web Service
williamr@2:         * Provider (WSP) connection is resolved using one of the identity 
williamr@2:         * providers which have been associated with the contract found in 
williamr@2:         * the SD. At minimum, the contract of the service (typically some URN)
williamr@2:         * has to provided in the SD.
williamr@2:         * Basic Web Service consumers instantiate a SD where an endpoint
williamr@2:         * and framework ID KDefaultBasicWebServicesFrameworkID are defined.
williamr@2:         * @param    aConsumer connection observer.
williamr@2:         * @param    aServiceDescription is the description used to
williamr@2:         *               obtain a service connection.
williamr@2:         * @param 	aAuthProvider      Authentication Provider                                          
williamr@2:         * @return   a pointer to a CSenServiceConnection instance.
williamr@2:         *               The pointer is left on the cleanup stack.
williamr@2:         */
williamr@2:         IMPORT_C static CSenServiceConnection* NewLC(MSenServiceConsumer& aConsumer,
williamr@2:                                                      CSenServicePattern& aServicePattern,
williamr@2:                                                      MSenExtendedConsumerInterface& aExtendedConsumer);
williamr@2:         // New functions
williamr@2:         /**
williamr@2:         * Send an ASYNCHRONOUS request to a service.
williamr@2:         * In ID-WSF, the request data is a SOAP Body.
williamr@2:         * Response message is received either via 
williamr@2:         * HandleMessageL() or HandleErrorL() callback.
williamr@2:         * There are two default frameworks available - 
williamr@2:         * the Identity Based Web Service Framework (which ID is "ID-WSF") 
williamr@2:         * and the Basic Web Services Framework (which ID is "WS-I"). 
williamr@2:         * Please note, that Basic Web Services framework does NOT support this method.
williamr@2:         * Instead, one should send complete SOAP envelopes using SendL(CSenSoapEnvelope&).
williamr@2:         * So, currently this method is supported only in ID-WSF.
williamr@2:         * @param aRequest outgoing request message.
williamr@2:         * @return Transaction ID (positive integer) or error code, if method fails.
williamr@2:         * Transaction ids:
williamr@2:         * Positive integers                 SendL returns transaction ID of the request,
williamr@2:         *                                   which can be later on utilized inside
williamr@2:         *                                   HandleMessageL and HandleErrorL methods,
williamr@2:         *                                   in order to map request and its response
williamr@2:         *                                   together.
williamr@2:         * Error codes:
williamr@2:         * KErrSenNotInitialized             Connection has not been initialized.
williamr@2:         * KErrSenServiceConnectionBusy      Connection is already busy with another
williamr@2:         *                                   request.
williamr@2:         * KErrConnectionInitializing        Connection is still initializing and
williamr@2:         *                                   cannot yet process commands.
williamr@2:         * KErrConnectionExpired             Credential for the connection is 
williamr@2:         *                                   expired and needs to be renewed. 
williamr@2:         *                                   This can be done by instantiating a new
williamr@2:         *                                   ServiceConnection.
williamr@2:         * KErrSubmitting                    An error occurred
williamr@2:         * KErrNoMemory                      Not enough memory to process the message.
williamr@2:         * Other error codes are system-wide Symbian error codes.
williamr@2:         */
williamr@2:         virtual TInt SendL(const TDesC8& aRequest) = 0;
williamr@2:         /**
williamr@2:         * Submit a synchronous request to a service
williamr@2:         * (in ID-WSF, the SOAP message Body) and receive a response as XML.
williamr@2:         * There are two default frameworks available -
williamr@2:         * the Identity Based Web Service Framework (which ID is "ID-WSF") 
williamr@2:         * and the Basic Web Services Framework (which ID is "WS-I"). 
williamr@2:         * Please note, that Basic Web Services framework does NOT support this method.
williamr@2:         * Instead, one must send complete SOAP envelopes using SubmitL(CSenSoapEnvelope&).
williamr@2:         * So, currently this method is supported only in ID-WSF.
williamr@2:         * @param aRequest outgoing request message.
williamr@2:         * @param aResponse the resolved response message.
williamr@2:         *        The ownership of the aResponse is transfered to the caller.
williamr@2:         *        The response is service specific part of the response. 
williamr@2:         *        For ID-WSF services response contents is the SOAP Body, or complete SOAP 
williamr@2:         *        envelope as XML, depending on the complete server messages on/off setting 
williamr@2:         *       (default is off).
williamr@2:         * @return status/error code.
williamr@2:         * Status codes:
williamr@2:         * KErrNone                          ok
williamr@2:         * Error codes:
williamr@2:         * KErrSenNotInitialized             Connection has not been initialized.
williamr@2:         * KErrSenServiceConnectionBusy      Connection is already busy with another request.
williamr@2:         * KErrConnectionInitializing        Connection is still initializing and
williamr@2:         *                                   cannot yet process commands.
williamr@2:         * KErrConnectionExpired             Credential for the connection is 
williamr@2:         *                                   expired and needs to be renewed. 
williamr@2:         *                                   This can be done by instantiating a new
williamr@2:         *                                   ServiceConnection.
williamr@2:         * KErrSubmitting                    An internal error occurred.
williamr@2:         * KErrSenInternal                   Internal state is invalid.
williamr@2:         * Other error codes are system-wide Symbian error codes.
williamr@2:         */
williamr@2:         virtual TInt SubmitL(const TDesC8& aRequest, HBufC8*& aResponse) = 0;
williamr@2:         /**
williamr@2:         * Consumer application can use this method to check that 
williamr@2:         * service connection is in ready state.
williamr@2:         * In ID-WSF, this means that WSF interprets that credentials 
williamr@2:         * for the service connection are valid (not expired).
williamr@2:         * @param aReady indicates that the connection is ready to be used.
williamr@2:         * @return           status/error code.
williamr@2:         * Status codes:
williamr@2:         * KErrNone               ok
williamr@2:         * Error codes are system-wide Symbian error codes.
williamr@2:         */
williamr@2:         virtual TInt IsReady(TBool& aReady) = 0;
williamr@2:         /**
williamr@2:         * Check if the underlying service connection has a certain characteristic
williamr@2:         * called a facet.
williamr@2:         * Currently, only ID-WSF framework supports facets.
williamr@2:         * For example, if consumer application is interested to resolve if 
williamr@2:         * initialized service connection has a facet indicating that service
williamr@2:         * is free of charge (for e.g. "urn:framework.com.free:cost"), the 
williamr@2:         * method used to check this would be:
williamr@2:         * _LIT8(KFacetOfFreeService, "urn:some.service.free:cost");
williamr@2:         * int err = HasFacetL(KFacetOfFreeService, hasFacet);
williamr@2:         *
williamr@2:         * In the service session of initialed connection, this would be the form 
williamr@2:         * of the facet element:
williamr@2:         * <Facet name="urn:framework.com.free:cost"/>
williamr@2:         *
williamr@2:         * If there is no facet in the service connection then the element is not
williamr@2:         * present.
williamr@2:         * @param aURI           the name of the facet
williamr@2:         * @param aHasFacet      will indicate if underlying service has a certain
williamr@2:         *                       characteristic.
williamr@2:         * @return status/error code.
williamr@2:         * Status codes:
williamr@2:         * KErrNone                          ok
williamr@2:         * Error codes:
williamr@2:         * KErrSenNotInitialized             Connection has not been initialized.
williamr@2:         * KErrConnectionInitializing        Connection is still initializing and
williamr@2:         *                                   cannot yet process commands.
williamr@2:         * KErrConnectionExpired             Connection is expired and needs to be
williamr@2:         *                                   renewed.
williamr@2:         * KErrBadDescriptor                 The aUri parameter was an invalid
williamr@2:         *                                   descriptor.
williamr@2:         * Other error codes are system-wide Symbian error codes.
williamr@2:         */
williamr@2:         virtual TInt HasFacetL(const TDesC8& aURI, TBool& aHasFacet) = 0;
williamr@2:         /**
williamr@2:         * Consumer application can use this method to set flag which defines
williamr@2:         * whether or not the consumer wishes to receive complete SOAP envelope 
williamr@2:         * from the service.
williamr@2:         * If complete server messages mode is off, then only the <Body> element
williamr@2:         * is received from the SOAP envelope, otherwise full SOAP envelope.
williamr@2:         * Note: Calling this function must not be done before connection is 
williamr@2:         * initialized (the observer's SetStatus() has been called with value 
williamr@2:         * KSenConnectionStatusReady).
williamr@2:         * Calling this function should be done before sending or submitting
williamr@2:         * anything.
williamr@2:         * @param aCompleteOnOff defines the content of HandleMessageL() callback.   
williamr@2:         *              If set to ETrue (ON), then complete SOAP envelopes are
williamr@2:         *              received, including <Header> element.
williamr@2:         *              If set to EFalse (OFF), only the service specific
williamr@2:         *              content - SOAP envelope <Body> element - is received.
williamr@2:         *              In WSF frameworks the default settings are:
williamr@2:         *              1. In ID-WSF, the complete server messages is OFF.
williamr@2:         *              2. In Basic Web Services, the default is ON.
williamr@2:         * @return status/error code.
williamr@2:         * Status codes:
williamr@2:         * KErrNone                          ok
williamr@2:         * Error codes:
williamr@2:         * KErrSenNotInitialized             Connection has not been initialized.
williamr@2:         * KErrConnectionInitializing        Connection is still initializing and
williamr@2:         *                                   cannot yet process commands.
williamr@2:         * KErrConnectionExpired             Connection is expired and needs to be
williamr@2:         *                                   renewed.
williamr@2:         * Other error codes are system-wide Symbian error codes.
williamr@2:         */
williamr@2:         virtual TInt CompleteServerMessagesOnOff(const TBool& aCompleteOnOff) = 0;
williamr@2:         /*
williamr@2:         * Sends a SOAP message to the service. The SOAP envelope may contain
williamr@2:         * proprietary headers. The system will augment the message with the
williamr@2:         * appropriate headers specified in the service invocation framework,
williamr@2:         * so a client application should add only non-standard headers; and
williamr@2:         * if it doesn't need to set such headers it is strongly recommended
williamr@2:         * to use SendL(TDesC8&), which is meant for that.
williamr@2:         * This is an asynchronous function, that returns immediately.
williamr@2:         * When the service responds, the SOAP envelope content will
williamr@2:         * be received via HandleMessageL() callback. In case of an
williamr@2:         * error - like a SOAP fault - HandleErrorL() will be called
williamr@2:         * with appropriate error code.
williamr@2:         * There are two default frameworks available -
williamr@2:         * the Identity Based Web Service Framework (which ID is "ID-WSF") 
williamr@2:         * and the Basic Web Services Framework (which ID is "WS-I"). 
williamr@2:         * Please note, that ID-WSF does NOT support this method. 
williamr@2:         * Instead, one should send SOAP envelope Bodies using 
williamr@2:         * SendL(const TDesC8&).
williamr@2:         * So, currently this method is supported only in Basic Web Services framework.
williamr@2:         * @param aMessage  The service specific message - a full SOAP envelope 
williamr@2:         * @return Transaction ID (positive integer) or error code, if method fails.
williamr@2:         * Transaction ids:
williamr@2:         * Positive integers                 SendL returns transaction ID of the request,
williamr@2:         *                                   which can be later on utilized inside
williamr@2:         *                                   HandleMessageL and HandleErrorL methods,
williamr@2:         *                                   in order to map request and its response
williamr@2:         *                                   together.
williamr@2:         * Error codes:
williamr@2:         * KErrSenNotInitialized             Connection has not been initialized.
williamr@2:         * KErrSenServiceConnectionBusy      Connection is already busy with another
williamr@2:         *                                   request.
williamr@2:         * KErrConnectionInitializing        Connection is still initializing and
williamr@2:         *                                   cannot yet process commands.
williamr@2:         * KErrConnectionExpired             Connection is expired and needs to be
williamr@2:         *                                   renewed.
williamr@2:         * KErrSubmitting                    An internal error has occurred.
williamr@2:         * KErrNoMemory                      Not enough memory to process the 
williamr@2:         *                                   message.
williamr@2:         * Other error codes are system-wide Symbian error codes.
williamr@2:         */
williamr@2:         virtual TInt SendL(CSenSoapEnvelope& aMessage) = 0;
williamr@2:         /*
williamr@2:         * Submits a SOAP message to the service. This is a synchronous call,
williamr@2:         * returning  a SOAP envelope that was received from the service.
williamr@2:         * There are two default frameworks available:
williamr@2:         * the Identity Based Web Service Framework (which ID is "ID-WSF") 
williamr@2:         * and the Basic Web Services Framework (which ID is "WS-I"). 
williamr@2:         * Please note, that ID-WSF does NOT support this method. 
williamr@2:         * Instead, one should send SOAP envelope Bodies using SendL(const TDesC8&).
williamr@2:         * So, currently this method is supported only in Basic Web Services framework.
williamr@2:         * @param    aMessage SOAPEnvelope with the service specific message
williamr@2:         *                    without any framework wrapping
williamr@2:         * @param    aResponseTo  This is a ref-to-pointer where response 
williamr@2:         *                        from the service will be allocated. If the
williamr@2:         *                        complete server messages mode is set to OFF,
williamr@2:         *                        then only <Body> element will be returned, 
williamr@2:         *                        otherwise a complete SOAP envelope.
williamr@2:         *                        The ownership of aResponse is transfered to 
williamr@2:         *                        the caller.
williamr@2:         * @return status/error code
williamr@2:         * Status codes:
williamr@2:         * KErrNone                          ok
williamr@2:         * Error codes:
williamr@2:         * KErrSenNotInitialized             Connection has not been initialized.
williamr@2:         * KErrSenServiceConnectionBusy      Connection is already busy with another
williamr@2:         *                                   request.
williamr@2:         * KErrConnectionInitializing        Connection is still initializing and
williamr@2:         *                                   cannot yet process commands.
williamr@2:         * KErrConnectionExpired             Connection is expired and needs to be
williamr@2:         *                                   renewed.
williamr@2:         * KErrSubmitting                    An internal error has occurred.
williamr@2:         * KErrNoMemory                      Not enough memory to process the 
williamr@2:         *                                   message.
williamr@2:         * KErrSenInternal                   Internal state is invalid.
williamr@2:         * Other error codes are system-wide Symbian error codes.
williamr@2:         */
williamr@2:         virtual TInt SubmitL(CSenSoapEnvelope& aMessage, HBufC8*& aResponseTo) = 0;
williamr@2:         /**
williamr@2:         * Gets service description of current connection.
williamr@2:         * @param aServiceDescription Contains the service description on return
williamr@2:         * @return status/error code.
williamr@2:         * Status codes:
williamr@2:         * KErrNone                          ok
williamr@2:         * Error codes:
williamr@2:         * KErrSenNotInitialized             Connection has not been initialized.
williamr@2:         * KErrSenServiceConnectionBusy      Connection is already busy with another
williamr@2:         *                                   request.
williamr@2:         * KErrConnectionInitializing        Connection is still initializing and
williamr@2:         *                                   cannot yet process commands.
williamr@2:         * KErrConnectionExpired             Connection is expired and needs to be
williamr@2:         *                                   renewed.
williamr@2:         * KErrUnderFlow                     Server side returned invalid service
williamr@2:         *                                   description.
williamr@2:         * KErrUnknown                       Client-Server request mismatch.
williamr@2:         * Other error codes are system-wide Symbian error codes.
williamr@2:         */
williamr@2:         virtual TInt ServiceDescriptionL(HBufC8*& aServiceDescription) = 0;
williamr@2:         /**
williamr@2:         * Starts an application level transaction. The consumer may now start 
williamr@2:         * to communicate with some service withing a chain of correlated messages.
williamr@2:         * When responding to a certain SOAP message inside a transaction, the last
williamr@2:         * received message ID is used as "refToMessageId". 
williamr@2:         * From default frameworks, only ID-WSF supports transactions.
williamr@2:         * @return   KErrNone if no errors occur.
williamr@2:         *           Other error codes are system-wide Symbian error codes.
williamr@2:         */
williamr@2:         virtual TInt StartTransaction() = 0;
williamr@2:         /**
williamr@2:         * Stops application level transaction by resetting the "refToMessageId".
williamr@2:         * After stopping a transaction the next message will have no 
williamr@2:         * "refToMessageId"
williamr@2:         * @return   KErrNone if no errors occur.
williamr@2:         *           Other error codes are system-wide Symbian error codes.
williamr@2:         */
williamr@2:         virtual TInt TransactionCompleted() = 0;
williamr@2:         /*
williamr@2:         * Returns the transasction ID of this message or error. Id is guaranteed
williamr@2:         * to return unique ID  when called from inside HandleMessageL() or 
williamr@2:         * HandleErrorL callback. This transasction ID may be used to map the 
williamr@2:         * response with the preceedeing SendL() call (a request).
williamr@2:         * @return TInt transaction ID, or KErrNotFound, if no transaction is
williamr@2:         * on-going.
williamr@2:         */
williamr@2:         virtual TInt TxnId() = 0;
williamr@2:         /**
williamr@2:         * Sets transport specific properties which apply as long as this connection
williamr@2:         * is alive (session). Furthermore, the properties are effective for this session
williamr@2:         * in cumulative manner: each property has unique key (name) which is associated
williamr@2:         * to the actual value of that property. When SetTransportPropertiesL method is 
williamr@2:         * called multiple times - in sequence - the last value for each key overrides any
williamr@2:         * previous definitions. If any latter call introduces new keys (property names),
williamr@2:         * they are appended to the list of currently effective properties. 
williamr@2:         * Also note, that it is also possible to set message specific properties when making
williamr@2:         * a SendL/SubmitL call. If such transport properties for message are provided, and
williamr@2:         * those include updates to some properties, the new ones are effective only for that
williamr@2:         * certain message, i.e. those are transaction specific. For any following message,
williamr@2:         * that is sent over a service connection, the session specific properties apply,
williamr@2:         * assuming that the new message does not (again) override some of the property values.
williamr@2:         * @param aProperties contains the transport properties in serialized (UTF-8) form.
williamr@2:         * With HTTP, this descriptor is typically created by utilizing CSenHttpProperties class.
williamr@2:         * @return KErrNone if successful or otherwise some system-wide error code.
williamr@2:         */
williamr@2:         virtual TInt SetTransportPropertiesL(const TDesC8& aProperties) = 0;
williamr@2:         /*
williamr@2:         * Method returns currently effective transport properties as a serialized
williamr@2:         * descriptor. With HTTP, one may utilize CSenHttpProperities class in
williamr@2:         * order to read this data into properties object. Note that returned 
williamr@2:         * list of properties also includes properties, which are defined as default
williamr@2:         * for certain transport in the webservice framework.
williamr@2:         */
williamr@2:         virtual TInt TransportPropertiesL(HBufC8*& aProperties) = 0;
williamr@2:         /**
williamr@2:         * Send an ASYNCHRONOUS request to a service.
williamr@2:         * In ID-WSF, the request data is a SOAP Body.
williamr@2:         * Response message is received either via 
williamr@2:         * HandleMessageL() or HandleErrorL() callback.
williamr@2:         * There are two default frameworks available - 
williamr@2:         * the Identity Based Web Service Framework (which ID is "ID-WSF") 
williamr@2:         * and the Basic Web Services Framework (which ID is "WS-I"). 
williamr@2:         * Please note, that Basic Web Services framework does NOT support this method.
williamr@2:         * Instead, one should send complete SOAP envelopes using SendL(CSenSoapEnvelope&).
williamr@2:         * So, currently this method is supported only in ID-WSF.
williamr@2:         * @param aRequest outgoing request message.
williamr@2:         * @param aProperties contains transport spesific properties, serialized
williamr@2:         * into descriptor. With HTTP, one can create this by utilizing specialized
williamr@2:         * CSenHttpProperties class.
williamr@2:         * @return Transaction ID (positive integer) or error code, if method fails.
williamr@2:         * Transaction ids:
williamr@2:         * Positive integers                 SendL returns transaction ID of the request,
williamr@2:         *                                   which can be later on utilized inside
williamr@2:         *                                   HandleMessageL and HandleErrorL methods,
williamr@2:         *                                   in order to map request and its response
williamr@2:         *                                   together.
williamr@2:         * Error codes
williamr@2:         * KErrSenNotInitialized             Connection has not been initialized.
williamr@2:         * KErrSenServiceConnectionBusy      Connection is already busy with another
williamr@2:         *                                   request.
williamr@2:         * KErrConnectionInitializing        Connection is still initializing and
williamr@2:         *                                   cannot yet process commands.
williamr@2:         * KErrConnectionExpired             Credential for the connection is 
williamr@2:         *                                   expired and needs to be renewed. 
williamr@2:         *                                   This can be done by instantiating a new
williamr@2:         *                                   ServiceConnection.
williamr@2:         * KErrSubmitting                    An error occurred
williamr@2:         * KErrNoMemory                      Not enough memory to process the message.
williamr@2:         * Other error codes are system-wide Symbian error codes.
williamr@2:         */
williamr@2:         virtual TInt SendL(const TDesC8& aRequest, const TDesC8& aProperties) = 0;
williamr@2:         /**
williamr@2:         * Submit a request via SYNCHRONOUS call to a service
williamr@2:         * (in ID-WSF, the SOAP message Body) and receive a response as XML.
williamr@2:         * There are two default frameworks available -
williamr@2:         * the Identity Based Web Service Framework (which ID is "ID-WSF") 
williamr@2:         * and the Basic Web Services Framework (which ID is "WS-I"). 
williamr@2:         * Please note, that Basic Web Services framework does NOT support this method.
williamr@2:         * Instead, one must send complete SOAP envelopes using SubmitL(CSenSoapEnvelope&).
williamr@2:         * So, currently this method is supported only in ID-WSF.
williamr@2:         * @param aRequest outgoing request message.
williamr@2:         * @param aResponse the resolved response message.
williamr@2:         *        The ownership of the aResponse is transfered to the caller.
williamr@2:         *        The response is service specific part of the response. 
williamr@2:         *        For ID-WSF services response contents is the SOAP Body, or complete SOAP 
williamr@2:         *        envelope as XML, depending on the complete server messages on/off setting 
williamr@2:         *       (default is off).
williamr@2:         * @param aProperties contains transport spesific properties, serialized
williamr@2:         * into descriptor. With HTTP, one can create this by utilizing specialized
williamr@2:         * CSenHttpProperties class.
williamr@2:         * @return status/error code.
williamr@2:         * Status codes:
williamr@2:         * KErrNone                          ok
williamr@2:         * Error codes:
williamr@2:         * KErrSenNotInitialized             Connection has not been initialized.
williamr@2:         * KErrSenServiceConnectionBusy      Connection is already busy with another request.
williamr@2:         * KErrConnectionInitializing        Connection is still initializing and
williamr@2:         *                                   cannot yet process commands.
williamr@2:         * KErrConnectionExpired             Credential for the connection is 
williamr@2:         *                                   expired and needs to be renewed. 
williamr@2:         *                                   This can be done by instantiating a new
williamr@2:         *                                   ServiceConnection.
williamr@2:         * KErrSubmitting                    An internal error occurred.
williamr@2:         * KErrSenInternal                   Internal state is invalid.
williamr@2:         * Other error codes are system-wide Symbian error codes.
williamr@2:         */
williamr@2:         virtual TInt SubmitL(const TDesC8& aRequest, const TDesC8& aProperties, HBufC8*& aResponse) = 0;
williamr@2:         /*
williamr@2:         * Sends a SOAP message to the service. The SOAP envelope may contain
williamr@2:         * proprietary headers. The system will augment the message with the
williamr@2:         * appropriate headers specified in the service invocation framework,
williamr@2:         * so a client application should add only non-standard headers; and
williamr@2:         * if it doesn't need to set such headers it is strongly recommended
williamr@2:         * to use SendL(TDesC8&), which is meant for this.
williamr@2:         * This is an asynchronous function, that returns immediately.
williamr@2:         * When the service responds, the SOAP envelope content will
williamr@2:         * be received via HandleMessageL() callback. In case of an
williamr@2:         * error - like a SOAP fault - HandleErrorL() will be called
williamr@2:         * with appropriate error code.
williamr@2:         * There are two default frameworks available -
williamr@2:         * the Identity Based Web Service Framework (which ID is "ID-WSF") 
williamr@2:         * and the Basic Web Services Framework (which ID is "WS-I"). 
williamr@2:         * Please note, that ID-WSF does NOT support this method. 
williamr@2:         * Instead, one should send SOAP envelope Bodies using 
williamr@2:         * SendL(const TDesC8&).
williamr@2:         * So, currently this method is supported only in Basic Web Services framework.
williamr@2:         *
williamr@2:         * NOTE:
williamr@2:         * Message is send as serialized XML or Soap message to SendL 
williamr@2:         * aProperties could be "HTTP GET" or "HTTP DELETE"  
williamr@2:         * HTTP GET or HTTP DELETE transport property has been enabled via CSenHttpTransportProperties. 
williamr@2:         * This scenario is not supported  
williamr@2:         *
williamr@2:         * @param aMessage  The service specific message - a full SOAP envelope 
williamr@2:         * @param aProperties contains transport spesific properties, serialized
williamr@2:         * into descriptor. With HTTP, one can create this by utilizing specialized
williamr@2:         * CSenHttpProperties class.
williamr@2:         * @return Transaction ID (positive integer) or error code, if method fails.
williamr@2:         * Transaction ids:
williamr@2:         * Positive integers                 SendL returns transaction ID of the request,
williamr@2:         *                                   which can be later on utilized inside
williamr@2:         *                                   HandleMessageL and HandleErrorL methods,
williamr@2:         *                                   in order to map request and its response
williamr@2:         *                                   together.
williamr@2:         * Error codes:
williamr@2:         * KErrSenNotInitialized             Connection has not been initialized.
williamr@2:         * KErrSenServiceConnectionBusy      Connection is already busy with another
williamr@2:         *                                   request.
williamr@2:         * KErrConnectionInitializing        Connection is still initializing and
williamr@2:         *                                   cannot yet process commands.
williamr@2:         * KErrConnectionExpired             Connection is expired and needs to be
williamr@2:         *                                   renewed.
williamr@2:         * KErrSubmitting                    An internal error has occurred.
williamr@2:         * KErrNoMemory                      Not enough memory to process the 
williamr@2:         *                                   message.
williamr@2:         * KErrNotSupported					HTTP GET or HTTP DELETE is enabled        
williamr@2:         * Other error codes are system-wide Symbian error codes.
williamr@2:         */
williamr@2:         virtual TInt SendL(CSenSoapEnvelope& aMessage, const TDesC8& aProperties) = 0;
williamr@2:         /*
williamr@2:         * Submits a SOAP message to the service. This is a synchronous call,
williamr@2:         * returning  a SOAP envelope that was received from the service.
williamr@2:         * There are two default frameworks available:
williamr@2:         * the Identity Based Web Service Framework (which ID is "ID-WSF") 
williamr@2:         * and the Basic Web Services Framework (which ID is "WS-I"). 
williamr@2:         * Please note, that ID-WSF does NOT support this method. 
williamr@2:         * Instead, one should send SOAP envelope Bodies using SendL(const TDesC8&).
williamr@2:         * So, currently this method is supported only in Basic Web Services framework.
williamr@2:         *
williamr@2:         * NOTE:
williamr@2:         * Message is send as serialized XML or Soap message to SubmitL 
williamr@2:         * aProperties could be "HTTP GET" or "HTTP DELETE"  
williamr@2:         * HTTP GET or HTTP DELETE transport property has been enabled via CSenHttpTransportProperties. 
williamr@2:         * This scenario is not supported
williamr@2:         *
williamr@2:         * @param aMessage SOAPEnvelope with the service specific message
williamr@2:         * without any framework wrapping
williamr@2:         * @param aProperties contains transport spesific properties, serialized
williamr@2:         * into descriptor. With HTTP, one can create this by utilizing specialized
williamr@2:         * CSenHttpProperties class.
williamr@2:         * @param    aResponseTo  This is a ref-to-pointer where response 
williamr@2:         *                        from the service will be allocated. If the
williamr@2:         *                        complete server messages mode is set to OFF,
williamr@2:         *                        then only <Body> element will be returned, 
williamr@2:         *                        otherwise a complete SOAP envelope.
williamr@2:         *                        The ownership of aResponse is transfered to 
williamr@2:         *                        the caller.
williamr@2:         * @return status/error code
williamr@2:         * Status codes:
williamr@2:         * KErrNone                          ok
williamr@2:         * Error codes:
williamr@2:         * KErrSenNotInitialized             Connection has not been initialized.
williamr@2:         * KErrSenServiceConnectionBusy      Connection is already busy with another
williamr@2:         *                                   request.
williamr@2:         * KErrConnectionInitializing        Connection is still initializing and
williamr@2:         *                                   cannot yet process commands.
williamr@2:         * KErrConnectionExpired             Connection is expired and needs to be
williamr@2:         *                                   renewed.
williamr@2:         * KErrSubmitting                    An internal error has occurred.
williamr@2:         * KErrNoMemory                      Not enough memory to process the 
williamr@2:         *                                   message.
williamr@2:         * KErrSenInternal                   Internal state is invalid.
williamr@2:         * KErrNotSupported					HTTP GET or HTTP DELETE is enabled        
williamr@2:         * Other error codes are system-wide Symbian error codes.
williamr@2:         */
williamr@2:         virtual TInt SubmitL(CSenSoapEnvelope& aMessage, const TDesC8& aProperties, HBufC8*& aResponseTo) = 0;
williamr@2:         /*
williamr@2:         * Sends a SOAP message to the service. The SOAP envelope may contain
williamr@2:         * proprietary headers. The system will augment the message with the
williamr@2:         * appropriate headers specified in the service invocation framework,
williamr@2:         * so a client application should add only non-standard headers.
williamr@2:         * This is an asynchronous function, that returns immediately.
williamr@2:         * When the service responds, the SOAP envelope content will
williamr@2:         * be received via HandleMessageL() callback. In case of an
williamr@2:         * error - like a SOAP fault - HandleErrorL() will be called
williamr@2:         * with appropriate error code.
williamr@2:         * There are two default frameworks available -
williamr@2:         * the Identity Based Web Service Framework (which ID is "ID-WSF") 
williamr@2:         * and the Basic Web Services Framework (which ID is "WS-I"). 
williamr@2:         * Please note, that ID-WSF does NOT support this method. 
williamr@2:         * Instead, one should send SOAP envelope Bodies using 
williamr@2:         * SendL(const TDesC8&).
williamr@2:         * So, currently this method is supported only in Basic Web Services framework.
williamr@2:         *
williamr@2:         * @param aMessage  The service specific message - a full SOAP envelope 
williamr@2:         * @return Transaction ID (positive integer) or error code, if method fails.
williamr@2:         * Transaction ids:
williamr@2:         * Positive integers                 SendL returns transaction ID of the request,
williamr@2:         *                                   which can be later on utilized inside
williamr@2:         *                                   HandleMessageL and HandleErrorL methods,
williamr@2:         *                                   in order to map request and its response
williamr@2:         *                                   together.
williamr@2:         * Error codes:
williamr@2:         * KErrSenNotInitialized             Connection has not been initialized.
williamr@2:         * KErrSenServiceConnectionBusy      Connection is already busy with another
williamr@2:         *                                   request.
williamr@2:         * KErrConnectionInitializing        Connection is still initializing and
williamr@2:         *                                   cannot yet process commands.
williamr@2:         * KErrConnectionExpired             Connection is expired and needs to be
williamr@2:         *                                   renewed.
williamr@2:         * KErrSubmitting                    An internal error has occurred.
williamr@2:         * KErrNoMemory                      Not enough memory to process the 
williamr@2:         *                                   message.
williamr@2:         * KErrNotSupported					HTTP GET or HTTP DELETE is enabled
williamr@2:         * Other error codes are system-wide Symbian error codes.
williamr@2:         */
williamr@2:         virtual TInt SendL(MSenMessage& aMessage) = 0;
williamr@2:         /*
williamr@2:         * Submits a SOAP message to the service. This is a synchronous call,
williamr@2:         * returning  a SOAP envelope that was received from the service.
williamr@2:         * There are two default frameworks available:
williamr@2:         * the Identity Based Web Service Framework (which ID is "ID-WSF") 
williamr@2:         * and the Basic Web Services Framework (which ID is "WS-I"). 
williamr@2:         * Please note, that ID-WSF does NOT support this method. 
williamr@2:         * Instead, one should send SOAP envelope Bodies using SendL(const TDesC8&).
williamr@2:         * So, currently this method is supported only in Basic Web Services framework.
williamr@2:         *
williamr@2:         * @param aMessage SOAPEnvelope with the service specific message
williamr@2:         * without any framework wrapping
williamr@2:         * @param    aResponseTo  This is a ref-to-pointer where response 
williamr@2:         *                        from the service will be allocated. If the
williamr@2:         *                        complete server messages mode is set to OFF,
williamr@2:         *                        then only <Body> element will be returned, 
williamr@2:         *                        otherwise a complete SOAP envelope.
williamr@2:         *                        The ownership of aResponse is transfered to 
williamr@2:         *                        the caller.
williamr@2:         * @return status/error code
williamr@2:         * Status codes:
williamr@2:         * KErrNone                          ok
williamr@2:         * Error codes:
williamr@2:         * KErrSenNotInitialized             Connection has not been initialized.
williamr@2:         * KErrSenServiceConnectionBusy      Connection is already busy with another
williamr@2:         *                                   request.
williamr@2:         * KErrConnectionInitializing        Connection is still initializing and
williamr@2:         *                                   cannot yet process commands.
williamr@2:         * KErrConnectionExpired             Connection is expired and needs to be
williamr@2:         *                                   renewed.
williamr@2:         * KErrSubmitting                    An internal error has occurred.
williamr@2:         * KErrNoMemory                      Not enough memory to process the 
williamr@2:         *                                   message.
williamr@2:         * KErrSenInternal                   Internal state is invalid.
williamr@2:         * KErrNotSupported					HTTP GET or HTTP DELETE is enabled
williamr@2:         * Other error codes are system-wide Symbian error codes.
williamr@2:         */
williamr@2:         virtual TInt SubmitL(MSenMessage& aMessage, CSenSoapEnvelope2*& aResponseTo) = 0;
williamr@2:         /**
williamr@2:         * Getter for currently active transaction (service response) that is
williamr@2:         * being handled by the service consumer.
williamr@2:         * @return a pointer to currently active transaction (service response).
williamr@2:         *         It is guarenteed, that the method returns a pointer to
williamr@2:         *         transaction only when called inside HandleMessageL or
williamr@2:         *         HandleErrorL callback methods of MSenServiceConsumer,
williamr@2:         *         otherwise it will return NULL.
williamr@2:         */
williamr@2:         virtual MSenMessage* Response() = 0;
williamr@2:         /**
williamr@2:         * Cancels any active request, if pending transaction 
williamr@2:         * (txn) can be found with given txn ID.
williamr@2:         * @param aTransactionID is the transaction ID to be cancelled. This id has earlier been
williamr@2:         * acquired from a call to some of the asynchronous SendL variants.
williamr@2:         * @return KErrNone on success
williamr@2:         *         KErrNotFound, if there is no pending transaction (active request),
williamr@2:         *         or some of the system-wide error codes otheriwise.
williamr@2:         */
williamr@2:         virtual TInt CancelTransaction(TInt aTransactionID) = 0;
williamr@2:         /**
williamr@2:         * Getter for the identity provider (XML) service description. 
williamr@2:         * @param apIdentityProvider will point to a new IDP instance,
williamr@2:         * if such is associated with this connection (and this connection
williamr@2:         * was ready before calling this method), or NULL otherwise.
williamr@2:         * @return KErrNone if IDP description can be found, or some
williamr@2:         * of the system wide error code otherwise.
williamr@2:         */
williamr@2:         virtual TInt IdentityProviderL(CSenIdentityProvider*& apIdentityProvider) = 0;
williamr@2:         /**
williamr@2:         * Getter for the identifier  of this connection.
williamr@2:         * @return the identifier as integer.
williamr@2:         */
williamr@2:         virtual TInt Identifier() = 0;
williamr@2:         /**
williamr@2:         * Registers observer of BLOBs transfer progress.
williamr@2:         *
williamr@2:         * @param aFilesObserver Implementation of transfer progress observer.
williamr@2:         */
williamr@4: 		virtual void DataTrafficDetails(TSenDataTrafficDetails& aDetails,
williamr@4:     									TSenDataTrafficOperations& aOperations) = 0;     
williamr@4:         /**
williamr@4:         * Service Consumer can call this method to acquire a new interface,
williamr@4:         * which is identified by unique ID (UID).
williamr@4:         * @param aUID is the UID of the interface being requested
williamr@4:         * @return TAny* pointer to the interface, or if no interface to 
williamr@4:         * given UID exists, function returns NULL. In typical cases, returned
williamr@4:         * pointer should be cast to some preknown M-class pointer (the actual
williamr@4:         * new interface).
williamr@4:         *
williamr@4:         * List of currently supported interfaces:
williamr@4:         * KSenInterfaceUidAlrServiceConnection      => MSenAlrServiceConnection
williamr@4:         */    
williamr@4: 	    virtual TAny* InterfaceByUid( TUid aUID ) = 0;
williamr@4:         /*
williamr@4:         * Sends a RFile Handle to the service. 
williamr@4:         * the Identity Based Web Service Framework (which ID is "ID-WSF") 
williamr@4:         * and the Basic Web Services Framework (which ID is "WS-I"). 
williamr@4:         * Please note, that ID-WSF does NOT support this method. 
williamr@4: 				* SendL(const TDesC8&).
williamr@4:         * So, currently this method is supported only in Basic Web Services framework.
williamr@4:         * @param aMessage  The service specific message - a full SOAP envelope 
williamr@4:         * @return Transaction ID (positive integer) or error code, if method fails.
williamr@4:         * Transaction ids:
williamr@4:         * Positive integers                 SendL returns transaction ID of the request,
williamr@4:         *                                   which can be later on utilized inside
williamr@4:         *                                   HandleMessageL and HandleErrorL methods,
williamr@4:         *                                   in order to map request and its response
williamr@4:         *                                   together.
williamr@4:         * Error codes:
williamr@4:         * KErrSenNotInitialized             Connection has not been initialized.
williamr@4:         * KErrArgument                      RFile handle is NULL ( Specified file doesnot exist)
williamr@4:         * KErrSenServiceConnectionBusy      Connection is already busy with another
williamr@4:         *                                   request.
williamr@4:         * KErrConnectionInitializing        Connection is still initializing and
williamr@4:         *                                   cannot yet process commands.
williamr@4:         * KErrConnectionExpired             Connection is expired and needs to be
williamr@4:         *                                   renewed.
williamr@4:         * KErrSubmitting                    An internal error has occurred.
williamr@4:         * KErrNoMemory                      Not enough memory to process the 
williamr@4:         *                                   message.
williamr@4:         * Other error codes are system-wide Symbian error codes.
williamr@4:         */
williamr@4: 				virtual TInt SendL(RFile& aFileHandle) = 0;
williamr@4: 				/*
williamr@4:         * Submits a RFile Handle to the service. This is a synchronous call,
williamr@4:         * returning  a SOAP envelope that was received from the service.
williamr@4:         * There are two default frameworks available:
williamr@4:         * @param    aResponseTo  This is a ref-to-pointer where response 
williamr@4:         *                        from the service will be allocated. If the
williamr@4:         *                        complete server messages mode is set to OFF,
williamr@4:         *                        then only <Body> element will be returned, 
williamr@4:         *                        otherwise a complete SOAP envelope.
williamr@4:         *                        The ownership of aResponse is transfered to 
williamr@4:         *                        the caller.
williamr@4:         * @return status/error code
williamr@4:         * Status codes:
williamr@4:         * KErrNone                          ok
williamr@4:         * Error codes:
williamr@4:         * KErrSenNotInitialized             Connection has not been initialized.
williamr@4:         * KErrSenServiceConnectionBusy      Connection is already busy with another
williamr@4:         *                                   request.
williamr@4:         * KErrConnectionInitializing        Connection is still initializing and
williamr@4:         *                                   cannot yet process commands.
williamr@4:         * KErrConnectionExpired             Connection is expired and needs to be
williamr@4:         *                                   renewed.
williamr@4:         * KErrSubmitting                    An internal error has occurred.
williamr@4:         * KErrNoMemory                      Not enough memory to process the 
williamr@4:         *                                   message.
williamr@4:         * KErrArgument                      RFile handle is NULL ( Specified file doesnot exist)
williamr@4:         * KErrSenInternal                   Internal state is invalid.
williamr@4:         * Other error codes are system-wide Symbian error codes.
williamr@4:         */
williamr@4: 		virtual TInt SubmitL(RFile& aFileHandle, HBufC8*& aResponseTo) = 0;
williamr@2:     protected:
williamr@2:         /**
williamr@2:         * C++ default constructor.
williamr@2:         */
williamr@2:         CSenServiceConnection();
williamr@2:     };
williamr@2: #endif //SEN_SERVICE_CONNECTION_H
williamr@2: // End of File