williamr@2: //=======================================================================
williamr@2: // Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 University of Notre Dame.
williamr@2: // Copyright 2004 The Trustees of Indiana University.
williamr@2: // Authors: Andrew Lumsdaine, Lie-Quan Lee, Jeremy G. Siek, Douglas Gregor
williamr@2: //
williamr@2: // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
williamr@2: // accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
williamr@2: // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
williamr@2: //=======================================================================
williamr@2: #ifndef BOOST_GRAPH_LEDA_HPP
williamr@2: #define BOOST_GRAPH_LEDA_HPP
williamr@2: #include <boost/config.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <boost/graph/properties.hpp>
williamr@2: #include <LEDA/graph.h>
williamr@2: #include <LEDA/node_array.h>
williamr@2: #include <LEDA/node_map.h>
williamr@2: // The functions and classes in this file allows the user to
williamr@2: // treat a LEDA GRAPH object as a boost graph "as is". No
williamr@2: // wrapper is needed for the GRAPH object.
williamr@2: // Remember to define LEDA_PREFIX so that LEDA types such as
williamr@2: // leda_edge show up as "leda_edge" and not just "edge".
williamr@2: // Warning: this implementation relies on partial specialization
williamr@2: // for the graph_traits class (so it won't compile with Visual C++)
williamr@2: // Warning: this implementation is in alpha and has not been tested
williamr@2: namespace boost {
williamr@2:   struct leda_graph_traversal_category : 
williamr@2:     public virtual bidirectional_graph_tag,
williamr@2:     public virtual adjacency_graph_tag,
williamr@2:     public virtual vertex_list_graph_tag { };
williamr@2:   template <class vtype, class etype>
williamr@2:   struct graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> > {
williamr@2:     typedef leda_node vertex_descriptor;
williamr@2:     typedef leda_edge edge_descriptor;
williamr@2:     class adjacency_iterator 
williamr@2:       : public iterator_facade<adjacency_iterator,
williamr@2:                                leda_node,
williamr@2:                                bidirectional_traversal_tag,
williamr@2:                                leda_node,
williamr@2:                                const leda_node*>
williamr@2:     {
williamr@2:     public:
williamr@2:       explicit adjacency_iterator(leda_edge edge = 0) : base(edge) {}
williamr@2:     private:
williamr@2:       leda_node dereference() const { return leda::target(base); }
williamr@2:       bool equal(const adjacency_iterator& other) const
williamr@2:       { return base == other.base; }
williamr@2:       void increment() { base = Succ_Adj_Edge(base, 0); }
williamr@2:       void decrement() { base = Pred_Adj_Edge(base, 0); }
williamr@2:       leda_edge base;
williamr@2:       friend class iterator_core_access;
williamr@2:     };
williamr@2:     class out_edge_iterator 
williamr@2:       : public iterator_facade<out_edge_iterator,
williamr@2:                                leda_edge,
williamr@2:                                bidirectional_traversal_tag,
williamr@2:                                const leda_edge&,
williamr@2:                                const leda_edge*>
williamr@2:     {
williamr@2:     public:
williamr@2:       explicit out_edge_iterator(leda_edge edge = 0) : base(edge) {}
williamr@2:     private:
williamr@2:       const leda_edge& dereference() const { return base; }
williamr@2:       bool equal(const out_edge_iterator& other) const
williamr@2:       { return base == other.base; }
williamr@2:       void increment() { base = Succ_Adj_Edge(base, 0); }
williamr@2:       void decrement() { base = Pred_Adj_Edge(base, 0); }
williamr@2:       leda_edge base;
williamr@2:       friend class iterator_core_access;
williamr@2:     };
williamr@2:     class in_edge_iterator 
williamr@2:       : public iterator_facade<in_edge_iterator,
williamr@2:                                leda_edge,
williamr@2:                                bidirectional_traversal_tag,
williamr@2:                                const leda_edge&,
williamr@2:                                const leda_edge*>
williamr@2:     {
williamr@2:     public:
williamr@2:       explicit in_edge_iterator(leda_edge edge = 0) : base(edge) {}
williamr@2:     private:
williamr@2:       const leda_edge& dereference() const { return base; }
williamr@2:       bool equal(const in_edge_iterator& other) const
williamr@2:       { return base == other.base; }
williamr@2:       void increment() { base = Succ_Adj_Edge(base, 1); }
williamr@2:       void decrement() { base = Pred_Adj_Edge(base, 1); }
williamr@2:       leda_edge base;
williamr@2:       friend class iterator_core_access;
williamr@2:     };
williamr@2:     class vertex_iterator 
williamr@2:       : public iterator_facade<vertex_iterator,
williamr@2:                                leda_node,
williamr@2:                                bidirectional_traversal_tag,
williamr@2:                                const leda_node&,
williamr@2:                                const leda_node*>
williamr@2:     {
williamr@2:     public:
williamr@2:       vertex_iterator(leda_node node = 0, 
williamr@2:                       const leda::GRAPH<vtype, etype>* g = 0)
williamr@2:         : base(node), g(g) {}
williamr@2:     private:
williamr@2:       const leda_node& dereference() const { return base; }
williamr@2:       bool equal(const vertex_iterator& other) const
williamr@2:       { return base == other.base; }
williamr@2:       void increment() { base = g->succ_node(base); }
williamr@2:       void decrement() { base = g->pred_node(base); }
williamr@2:       leda_node base;
williamr@2:       const leda::GRAPH<vtype, etype>* g;
williamr@2:       friend class iterator_core_access;
williamr@2:     };
williamr@2:     typedef directed_tag directed_category;
williamr@2:     typedef allow_parallel_edge_tag edge_parallel_category; // not sure here
williamr@2:     typedef leda_graph_traversal_category traversal_category;
williamr@2:     typedef int vertices_size_type;
williamr@2:     typedef int edges_size_type;
williamr@2:     typedef int degree_size_type;
williamr@2:   };
williamr@2:   template <class vtype, class etype>
williamr@2:   struct vertex_property< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> > {
williamr@2:     typedef vtype type;
williamr@2:   };
williamr@2:   template <class vtype, class etype>
williamr@2:   struct edge_property< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> > {
williamr@2:     typedef etype type;
williamr@2:   };
williamr@2: } // namespace boost
williamr@2: #endif
williamr@2: namespace boost {
williamr@2:   template <class vtype, class etype>
williamr@2:   typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::vertex_descriptor
williamr@2:   source(typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::edge_descriptor e,
williamr@2:          const leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype>& g)
williamr@2:   {
williamr@2:     return source(e);
williamr@2:   }
williamr@2:   template <class vtype, class etype>
williamr@2:   typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::vertex_descriptor
williamr@2:   target(typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::edge_descriptor e,
williamr@2:          const leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype>& g)
williamr@2:   {
williamr@2:     return target(e);
williamr@2:   }
williamr@2:   template <class vtype, class etype>
williamr@2:   inline std::pair<
williamr@2:     typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::vertex_iterator,
williamr@2:     typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::vertex_iterator >  
williamr@2:   vertices(const leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype>& g)
williamr@2:   {
williamr@2:     typedef typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::vertex_iterator
williamr@2:       Iter;
williamr@2:     return std::make_pair( Iter(g.first_node(),&g), Iter(0,&g) );
williamr@2:   }
williamr@2:   // no edges(g) function
williamr@2:   template <class vtype, class etype>
williamr@2:   inline std::pair<
williamr@2:     typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::out_edge_iterator,
williamr@2:     typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::out_edge_iterator >  
williamr@2:   out_edges(
williamr@2:     typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::vertex_descriptor u, 
williamr@2:     const leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype>& g)
williamr@2:   {
williamr@2:     typedef typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >
williamr@2:       ::out_edge_iterator Iter;
williamr@2:     return std::make_pair( Iter(First_Adj_Edge(u,0)), Iter(0) );
williamr@2:   }
williamr@2:   template <class vtype, class etype>
williamr@2:   inline std::pair<
williamr@2:     typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::in_edge_iterator,
williamr@2:     typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::in_edge_iterator >  
williamr@2:   in_edges(
williamr@2:     typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::vertex_descriptor u, 
williamr@2:     const leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype>& g)
williamr@2:   {
williamr@2:     typedef typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >
williamr@2:       ::in_edge_iterator Iter;
williamr@2:     return std::make_pair( Iter(First_Adj_Edge(u,1)), Iter(0) );
williamr@2:   }
williamr@2:   template <class vtype, class etype>
williamr@2:   inline std::pair<
williamr@2:     typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::adjacency_iterator,
williamr@2:     typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::adjacency_iterator >  
williamr@2:   adjacent_vertices(
williamr@2:     typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::vertex_descriptor u, 
williamr@2:     const leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype>& g)
williamr@2:   {
williamr@2:     typedef typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >
williamr@2:       ::adjacency_iterator Iter;
williamr@2:     return std::make_pair( Iter(First_Adj_Edge(u,0)), Iter(0) );
williamr@2:   }
williamr@2:   template <class vtype, class etype>
williamr@2:   typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::vertices_size_type
williamr@2:   num_vertices(const leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype>& g)
williamr@2:   {
williamr@2:     return g.number_of_nodes();
williamr@2:   }  
williamr@2:   template <class vtype, class etype>
williamr@2:   typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::edges_size_type
williamr@2:   num_edges(const leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype>& g)
williamr@2:   {
williamr@2:     return g.number_of_edges();
williamr@2:   }  
williamr@2:   template <class vtype, class etype>
williamr@2:   typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::degree_size_type
williamr@2:   out_degree(
williamr@2:     typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::vertex_descriptor u, 
williamr@2:     const leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype>&)
williamr@2:   {
williamr@2:     return outdeg(u);
williamr@2:   }
williamr@2:   template <class vtype, class etype>
williamr@2:   typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::degree_size_type
williamr@2:   in_degree(
williamr@2:     typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::vertex_descriptor u, 
williamr@2:     const leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype>&)
williamr@2:   {
williamr@2:     return indeg(u);
williamr@2:   }
williamr@2:   template <class vtype, class etype>
williamr@2:   typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::degree_size_type
williamr@2:   degree(
williamr@2:     typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::vertex_descriptor u, 
williamr@2:     const leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype>&)
williamr@2:   {
williamr@2:     return outdeg(u) + indeg(u);
williamr@2:   }
williamr@2:   template <class vtype, class etype>
williamr@2:   typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::vertex_descriptor
williamr@2:   add_vertex(leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype>& g)
williamr@2:   {
williamr@2:     return g.new_node();
williamr@2:   }
williamr@2:   template <class vtype, class etype>
williamr@2:   typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::vertex_descriptor
williamr@2:   add_vertex(const vtype& vp, leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype>& g)
williamr@2:   {
williamr@2:     return g.new_node(vp);
williamr@2:   }
williamr@2:   // Hmm, LEDA doesn't have the equivalent of clear_vertex() -JGS
williamr@2:   // need to write an implementation
williamr@2:   template <class vtype, class etype>
williamr@2:   void clear_vertex(
williamr@2:     typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::vertex_descriptor u,
williamr@2:     leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype>& g)
williamr@2:   {
williamr@2:     g.del_node(u);
williamr@2:   }
williamr@2:   template <class vtype, class etype>
williamr@2:   void remove_vertex(
williamr@2:     typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::vertex_descriptor u,
williamr@2:     leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype>& g)
williamr@2:   {
williamr@2:     g.del_node(u);
williamr@2:   }
williamr@2:   template <class vtype, class etype>
williamr@2:   std::pair<
williamr@2:     typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::edge_descriptor,
williamr@2:     bool>
williamr@2:   add_edge(
williamr@2:     typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::vertex_descriptor u,
williamr@2:     typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::vertex_descriptor v,
williamr@2:     leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype>& g)
williamr@2:   {
williamr@2:     return std::make_pair(g.new_edge(u, v), true);
williamr@2:   }
williamr@2:   template <class vtype, class etype>
williamr@2:   std::pair<
williamr@2:     typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::edge_descriptor,
williamr@2:     bool>
williamr@2:   add_edge(
williamr@2:     typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::vertex_descriptor u,
williamr@2:     typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::vertex_descriptor v,
williamr@2:     const etype& et, 
williamr@2:     leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype>& g)
williamr@2:   {
williamr@2:     return std::make_pair(g.new_edge(u, v, et), true);
williamr@2:   }
williamr@2:   template <class vtype, class etype>
williamr@2:   void
williamr@2:   remove_edge(
williamr@2:     typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::vertex_descriptor u,
williamr@2:     typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::vertex_descriptor v,
williamr@2:     leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype>& g)
williamr@2:   {
williamr@2:     typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::out_edge_iterator 
williamr@2:       i,iend;
williamr@2:     for (boost::tie(i,iend) = out_edges(u,g); i != iend; ++i)
williamr@2:       if (target(*i,g) == v)
williamr@2:         g.del_edge(*i);
williamr@2:   }
williamr@2:   template <class vtype, class etype>
williamr@2:   void
williamr@2:   remove_edge(
williamr@2:     typename graph_traits< leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype> >::edge_descriptor e,
williamr@2:     leda::GRAPH<vtype,etype>& g)
williamr@2:   {
williamr@2:     g.del_edge(e);
williamr@2:   }
williamr@2:   //===========================================================================
williamr@2:   // property maps
williamr@2:   class leda_graph_id_map
williamr@2:     : public put_get_helper<int, leda_graph_id_map>
williamr@2:   {
williamr@2:   public:
williamr@2:     typedef readable_property_map_tag category;
williamr@2:     typedef int value_type;
williamr@2:     typedef int reference;
williamr@2:     typedef leda_node key_type;
williamr@2:     leda_graph_id_map() { }
williamr@2:     template <class T>
williamr@2:     long operator[](T x) const { return x->id(); }
williamr@2:   };
williamr@2:   template <class vtype, class etype>
williamr@2:   inline leda_graph_id_map
williamr@2:   get(vertex_index_t, const leda::GRAPH<vtype, etype>& g) {
williamr@2:     return leda_graph_id_map();
williamr@2:   }
williamr@2:   template <class vtype, class etype>
williamr@2:   inline leda_graph_id_map
williamr@2:   get(edge_index_t, const leda::GRAPH<vtype, etype>& g) {
williamr@2:     return leda_graph_id_map();
williamr@2:   }
williamr@2:   template <class Tag>
williamr@2:   struct leda_property_map { };
williamr@2:   template <>
williamr@2:   struct leda_property_map<vertex_index_t> {
williamr@2:     template <class vtype, class etype>
williamr@2:     struct bind_ {
williamr@2:       typedef leda_graph_id_map type;
williamr@2:       typedef leda_graph_id_map const_type;
williamr@2:     };
williamr@2:   };
williamr@2:   template <>
williamr@2:   struct leda_property_map<edge_index_t> {
williamr@2:     template <class vtype, class etype>
williamr@2:     struct bind_ {
williamr@2:       typedef leda_graph_id_map type;
williamr@2:       typedef leda_graph_id_map const_type;
williamr@2:     };
williamr@2:   };
williamr@2:   template <class Data, class DataRef, class GraphPtr>
williamr@2:   class leda_graph_data_map
williamr@2:     : public put_get_helper<DataRef, 
williamr@2:                             leda_graph_data_map<Data,DataRef,GraphPtr> >
williamr@2:   {
williamr@2:   public:
williamr@2:     typedef Data value_type;
williamr@2:     typedef DataRef reference;
williamr@2:     typedef void key_type;
williamr@2:     typedef lvalue_property_map_tag category;
williamr@2:     leda_graph_data_map(GraphPtr g) : m_g(g) { }
williamr@2:     template <class NodeOrEdge>
williamr@2:     DataRef operator[](NodeOrEdge x) const { return (*m_g)[x]; }
williamr@2:   protected:
williamr@2:     GraphPtr m_g;
williamr@2:   };
williamr@2:   template <>
williamr@2:   struct leda_property_map<vertex_all_t> {
williamr@2:     template <class vtype, class etype>
williamr@2:     struct bind_ {
williamr@2:       typedef leda_graph_data_map<vtype, vtype&, leda::GRAPH<vtype, etype>*> type;
williamr@2:       typedef leda_graph_data_map<vtype, const vtype&, 
williamr@2:         const leda::GRAPH<vtype, etype>*> const_type;
williamr@2:     };
williamr@2:   };  
williamr@2:   template <class vtype, class etype >
williamr@2:   inline typename property_map< leda::GRAPH<vtype, etype>, vertex_all_t>::type
williamr@2:   get(vertex_all_t, leda::GRAPH<vtype, etype>& g) {
williamr@2:     typedef typename property_map< leda::GRAPH<vtype, etype>, vertex_all_t>::type 
williamr@2:       pmap_type;
williamr@2:     return pmap_type(&g);
williamr@2:   }
williamr@2:   template <class vtype, class etype >
williamr@2:   inline typename property_map< leda::GRAPH<vtype, etype>, vertex_all_t>::const_type
williamr@2:   get(vertex_all_t, const leda::GRAPH<vtype, etype>& g) {
williamr@2:     typedef typename property_map< leda::GRAPH<vtype, etype>, 
williamr@2:       vertex_all_t>::const_type pmap_type;
williamr@2:     return pmap_type(&g);
williamr@2:   }
williamr@2:   template <>
williamr@2:   struct leda_property_map<edge_all_t> {
williamr@2:     template <class vtype, class etype>
williamr@2:     struct bind_ {
williamr@2:       typedef leda_graph_data_map<etype, etype&, leda::GRAPH<vtype, etype>*> type;
williamr@2:       typedef leda_graph_data_map<etype, const etype&, 
williamr@2:         const leda::GRAPH<vtype, etype>*> const_type;
williamr@2:     };
williamr@2:   };
williamr@2:   template <class vtype, class etype >
williamr@2:   inline typename property_map< leda::GRAPH<vtype, etype>, edge_all_t>::type
williamr@2:   get(edge_all_t, leda::GRAPH<vtype, etype>& g) {
williamr@2:     typedef typename property_map< leda::GRAPH<vtype, etype>, edge_all_t>::type 
williamr@2:       pmap_type;
williamr@2:     return pmap_type(&g);
williamr@2:   }
williamr@2:   template <class vtype, class etype >
williamr@2:   inline typename property_map< leda::GRAPH<vtype, etype>, edge_all_t>::const_type
williamr@2:   get(edge_all_t, const leda::GRAPH<vtype, etype>& g) {
williamr@2:     typedef typename property_map< leda::GRAPH<vtype, etype>, 
williamr@2:       edge_all_t>::const_type pmap_type;
williamr@2:     return pmap_type(&g);
williamr@2:   }
williamr@2:   // property map interface to the LEDA node_array class
williamr@2:   template <class E, class ERef, class NodeMapPtr>
williamr@2:   class leda_node_property_map
williamr@2:     : public put_get_helper<ERef, leda_node_property_map<E, ERef, NodeMapPtr> >
williamr@2:   {
williamr@2:   public:
williamr@2:     typedef E value_type;
williamr@2:     typedef ERef reference;
williamr@2:     typedef leda_node key_type;
williamr@2:     typedef lvalue_property_map_tag category;
williamr@2:     leda_node_property_map(NodeMapPtr a) : m_array(a) { }
williamr@2:     ERef operator[](leda_node n) const { return (*m_array)[n]; }
williamr@2:   protected:
williamr@2:     NodeMapPtr m_array;
williamr@2:   };
williamr@2:   template <class E>
williamr@2:   leda_node_property_map<E, const E&, const leda_node_array<E>*>
williamr@2:   make_leda_node_property_map(const leda_node_array<E>& a)
williamr@2:   {
williamr@2:     typedef leda_node_property_map<E, const E&, const leda_node_array<E>*>
williamr@2:       pmap_type;
williamr@2:     return pmap_type(&a);
williamr@2:   }
williamr@2:   template <class E>
williamr@2:   leda_node_property_map<E, E&, leda_node_array<E>*>
williamr@2:   make_leda_node_property_map(leda_node_array<E>& a)
williamr@2:   {
williamr@2:     typedef leda_node_property_map<E, E&, leda_node_array<E>*> pmap_type;
williamr@2:     return pmap_type(&a);
williamr@2:   }
williamr@2:   template <class E>
williamr@2:   leda_node_property_map<E, const E&, const leda_node_map<E>*>
williamr@2:   make_leda_node_property_map(const leda_node_map<E>& a)
williamr@2:   {
williamr@2:     typedef leda_node_property_map<E,const E&,const leda_node_map<E>*> 
williamr@2:       pmap_type;
williamr@2:     return pmap_type(&a);
williamr@2:   }
williamr@2:   template <class E>
williamr@2:   leda_node_property_map<E, E&, leda_node_map<E>*>
williamr@2:   make_leda_node_property_map(leda_node_map<E>& a)
williamr@2:   {
williamr@2:     typedef leda_node_property_map<E, E&, leda_node_map<E>*> pmap_type;
williamr@2:     return pmap_type(&a);
williamr@2:   }
williamr@2:   // g++ 'enumeral_type' in template unification not implemented workaround
williamr@2:   template <class vtype, class etype, class Tag>
williamr@2:   struct property_map<leda::GRAPH<vtype, etype>, Tag> {
williamr@2:     typedef typename 
williamr@2:       leda_property_map<Tag>::template bind_<vtype, etype> map_gen;
williamr@2:     typedef typename map_gen::type type;
williamr@2:     typedef typename map_gen::const_type const_type;
williamr@2:   };
williamr@2:   template <class vtype, class etype, class PropertyTag, class Key>
williamr@2:   inline
williamr@2:   typename boost::property_traits<
williamr@2:     typename boost::property_map<leda::GRAPH<vtype, etype>,PropertyTag>::const_type
williamr@2:   >::value_type
williamr@2:   get(PropertyTag p, const leda::GRAPH<vtype, etype>& g, const Key& key) {
williamr@2:     return get(get(p, g), key);
williamr@2:   }
williamr@2:   template <class vtype, class etype, class PropertyTag, class Key,class Value>
williamr@2:   inline void
williamr@2:   put(PropertyTag p, leda::GRAPH<vtype, etype>& g, 
williamr@2:       const Key& key, const Value& value)
williamr@2:   {
williamr@2:     typedef typename property_map<leda::GRAPH<vtype, etype>, PropertyTag>::type Map;
williamr@2:     Map pmap = get(p, g);
williamr@2:     put(pmap, key, value);
williamr@2:   }
williamr@2: } // namespace boost
williamr@2: #endif // BOOST_GRAPH_LEDA_HPP