Attempt to represent the S^2->S^3 header reorganisation as a series of "hg rename" operations
1 // (C) Copyright Jeremy Siek 2004
2 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
3 // accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
4 //
9 #include <boost/pending/ct_if.hpp>
14 typedef no_property tag_type;
15 typedef no_property next_type;
16 typedef no_property value_type;
21 template <class Tag, class T, class Base = no_property>
22 struct property : public Base {
23 typedef Base next_type;
26 #if BOOST_WORKAROUND (__GNUC__, < 3)
29 property() : m_value() { }
31 property(const T& v) : m_value(v) { }
32 property(const T& v, const Base& b) : Base(b), m_value(v) { }
33 // copy constructor and assignment operator will be generated by compiler
38 // The BGL properties specialize property_kind and
39 // property_num, and use enum's for the Property type (see
40 // graph/properties.hpp), but the user may want to use a class
41 // instead with a nested kind type and num. Also, we may want to
42 // switch BGL back to using class types for properties at some point.
44 template <class PropertyTag>
45 struct property_kind {
46 typedef typename PropertyTag::kind type;
51 BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool, value = true);
52 typedef true_type type;
55 struct has_property<no_property> {
56 BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool, value = false);
57 typedef false_type type;
62 #include <boost/pending/detail/property.hpp>
66 template <class PropertyList, class Tag>
67 struct property_value {
69 typedef typename detail::build_property_tag_value_alist<PropertyList>::type AList;
70 typedef typename detail::extract_value<AList,Tag>::type type;
72 typedef typename detail::build_property_tag_value_alist<PropertyList>::type AList;
73 typedef typename detail::ev_selector<AList>::type Extractor;
74 typedef typename Extractor::template bind_<AList,Tag>::type type;
78 template <class Tag1, class Tag2, class T1, class Base>
79 inline typename property_value<property<Tag1,T1,Base>, Tag2>::type&
80 get_property_value(property<Tag1,T1,Base>& p, Tag2 tag2) {
82 match = (detail::same_property<Tag1,Tag2>::value));
83 typedef property<Tag1,T1,Base> Prop;
84 typedef typename property_value<Prop, Tag2>::type T2;
86 typedef detail::property_value_dispatch<match> Dispatcher;
87 return Dispatcher::get_value(p, t2, tag2);
89 template <class Tag1, class Tag2, class T1, class Base>
91 const typename property_value<property<Tag1,T1,Base>, Tag2>::type&
92 get_property_value(const property<Tag1,T1,Base>& p, Tag2 tag2) {
94 match = (detail::same_property<Tag1,Tag2>::value));
95 typedef property<Tag1,T1,Base> Prop;
96 typedef typename property_value<Prop, Tag2>::type T2;
98 typedef detail::property_value_dispatch<match> Dispatcher;
99 return Dispatcher::const_get_value(p, t2, tag2);
104 template<typename FinalTag, typename FinalType>
105 struct retag_property_list
107 typedef property<FinalTag, FinalType> type;
108 typedef FinalType retagged;
111 template<typename FinalTag, typename Tag, typename T, typename Base>
112 struct retag_property_list<FinalTag, property<Tag, T, Base> >
115 typedef retag_property_list<FinalTag, Base> next;
118 typedef property<Tag, T, typename next::type> type;
119 typedef typename next::retagged retagged;
122 template<typename FinalTag>
123 struct retag_property_list<FinalTag, no_property>
125 typedef no_property type;
126 typedef no_property retagged;
132 #endif /* BOOST_PROPERTY_HPP */