Attempt to represent the S^2->S^3 header reorganisation as a series of "hg rename" operations
1 // boost/config/user.hpp ---------------------------------------------------//
3 // (C) Copyright John Maddock 2001.
4 // Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
5 // Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
6 // LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
8 // Do not check in modified versions of this file,
9 // This file may be customized by the end user, but not by boost.
12 // Use this file to define a site and compiler specific
13 // configuration policy:
16 // define this to locate a compiler config file:
17 // #define BOOST_COMPILER_CONFIG <myheader>
19 // define this to locate a stdlib config file:
20 // #define BOOST_STDLIB_CONFIG <myheader>
22 // define this to locate a platform config file:
23 // #define BOOST_PLATFORM_CONFIG <myheader>
25 // define this to disable compiler config,
26 // use if your compiler config has nothing to set:
29 // define this to disable stdlib config,
30 // use if your stdlib config has nothing to set:
33 // define this to disable platform config,
34 // use if your platform config has nothing to set:
37 // define this to disable all config options,
38 // excluding the user config. Use if your
39 // setup is fully ISO compliant, and has no
40 // useful extensions, or for autoconf generated
42 // #define BOOST_NO_CONFIG
44 // define this to make the config "optimistic"
45 // about unknown compiler versions. Normally
46 // unknown compiler versions are assumed to have
47 // all the defects of the last known version, however
48 // setting this flag, causes the config to assume
49 // that unknown compiler versions are fully conformant
53 // define this to cause the config to halt compilation
54 // with an #error if it encounters anything unknown --
55 // either an unknown compiler version or an unknown
56 // compiler/platform/library:
60 // define if you want to disable threading support, even
64 // define when you want to disable Win32 specific features
65 // even when available:
66 // #define BOOST_DISABLE_WIN32
68 // BOOST_DISABLE_ABI_HEADERS: Stops boost headers from including any
69 // prefix/suffix headers that normally control things like struct
70 // packing and alignment.
73 // BOOST_ABI_PREFIX: A prefix header to include in place of whatever
74 // boost.config would normally select, any replacement should set up
75 // struct packing and alignment options as required.
76 // #define BOOST_ABI_PREFIX my-header-name
78 // BOOST_ABI_SUFFIX: A suffix header to include in place of whatever
79 // boost.config would normally select, any replacement should undo
80 // the effects of the prefix header.
81 // #define BOOST_ABI_SUFFIX my-header-name
83 // BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK: Forces all libraries that have separate source,
84 // to be linked as dll's rather than static libraries on Microsoft Windows
85 // (this macro is used to turn on __declspec(dllimport) modifiers, so that
86 // the compiler knows which symbols to look for in a dll rather than in a
87 // static library). Note that there may be some libraries that can only
88 // be statically linked (Boost.Test for example) and others which may only
89 // be dynamically linked (Boost.Threads for example), in these cases this
90 // macro has no effect.
91 // #define BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK
93 // BOOST_WHATEVER_DYN_LINK: Forces library "whatever" to be linked as a dll
94 // rather than a static library on Microsoft Windows: replace the WHATEVER
95 // part of the macro name with the name of the library that you want to
96 // dynamically link to, for example use BOOST_DATE_TIME_DYN_LINK or
97 // BOOST_REGEX_DYN_LINK etc (this macro is used to turn on __declspec(dllimport)
98 // modifiers, so that the compiler knows which symbols to look for in a dll
99 // rather than in a static library).
100 // Note that there may be some libraries that can only be statically linked
101 // (Boost.Test for example) and others which may only be dynamically linked
102 // (Boost.Threads for example), in these cases this macro is unsupported.
105 // BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB: Tells the config system not to automatically select
106 // which libraries to link against.
107 // Normally if a compiler supports #pragma lib, then the correct library
108 // build variant will be automatically selected and linked against,
109 // simply by the act of including one of that library's headers.
110 // This macro turns that feature off.
111 // #define BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB
113 // BOOST_WHATEVER_NO_LIB: Tells the config system not to automatically
114 // select which library to link against for library "whatever",
115 // replace WHATEVER in the macro name with the name of the library;
117 // Normally if a compiler supports #pragma lib, then the correct library
118 // build variant will be automatically selected and linked against, simply
119 // by the act of including one of that library's headers. This macro turns
121 // #define BOOST_WHATEVER_NO_LIB