author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 2 2fe1408b6811
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    21 #ifndef TEXT_RESOLVER_H
    22 #define TEXT_RESOLVER_H
    24 #include <coemain.h>    //  CCoeEnv
    25 #include <textresolver.hrh> // Resource flags 
    26 #include <eikenv.h>    //  CEikonEnv
    28 // DEFINES
    29 typedef CArrayFixFlat<TInt> CErrorResourceIdArray;
    30 typedef CArrayFixFlat<TInt> CErrorResourceFlagArray;
    32 /**
    33 * Class offers functionality for resolving corresponding error texts for 
    34 * error codes. Text Resolver API provides operations with which a specific 
    35 * error code can be resolved to a human readable text. Descriptions for the
    36 * different error codes must be defined in the resource files of this 
    37 * component. 
    38 *
    39 * Text Resolver uses the CCoeEnv environment class to access the resource
    40 * files if the CCoeEnv environment is available. If the CCoeEnv environment
    41 * is not available, the files are accessed through the RResourceFile API.
    42 *
    43 * The API consist of the CTextResolver class which is used together with 
    44 * Text Resolver flags defined in textresolver.hrh file. The flags are used
    45 * to tell the priority of the error to the client:
    46 *
    47 * - EErrorResBlankErrorFlag is used to tell that error has no proper explanation.
    48 * - EErrorResUnknownErrorFlag indicates that Text Resolver does not support the error. 
    49 * - EErrorResOOMFlag Flag is returned while processing KErrNoMemory error code. 
    50 *
    51 *
    52 * Usage:
    53 *
    54 * @code
    55 *  #include <textresolver.h>
    56 *
    57 *  // Typically used as an instance variable.
    58 *  
    59 *  // Call the factory method NewLC() to create a new instance of CTextResolver.
    60 *  // NewLC() method leaves the instance of the object on the cleanup stack.	
    61 *  // The passed CCoeEnv instance is needed to access the resource files.
    62 *  CTextResolver* iTextResolver = CTextResolver::NewLC(*iCoeEnv); 
    63 *
    64 *  // // Error Resolving, simple:
    65 *
    66 *  // Get error code to be resolved.
    67 *  // TInt err1 = MyMethod(KInvalidValue);
    68 *  TInt err1 = KErrNoMemory;
    69 *    
    70 *  TPtrC buf1;  // For returned error text
    71 *    
    72 *  if (err1 != KErrNone)
    73 *      {
    74 *      // Resolve the given error code. 
    75 *      // The operation returns the error text for the resolved error.
    76 *      // There's no limit how long the resolved string can be.
    77 *      // Add context to 2nd param if needed.
    78 *      buf1.Set(iTextResolver->ResolveErrorString(err)); 
    79 *      }
    80 *  else
    81 *      {
    82 *      // Do something.
    83 *      }
    84 *        
    85 *  // Note that buf1 will only be valid as long as CTextResolver 
    86 *  // instance is alive and no new error is resolved by the same instance.
    87 *  // If for some reason you need to store the resolved error
    88 *  // beyond immediate use, make a copy of it.
    89 *
    90 *  // Error Resolving, advanced:
    91 * 
    92 *  // Get error code to be resolved.
    93 *  // TInt err2 = MyMethod(KInvalidValue);
    94 *  TInt err2 = KErrNotSupported;
    95 *        
    96 *  TInt textId(0);    // ID of the returned text
    97 *  TUint flags(0);    // Priority of the returned error 
    98 *  TPtrC buf2;      // For returned error text
    99 *   
   100 *  if (err2 != KErrNone)
   101 *      {
   102 *      // Resolve the given error code.
   103 *      // The operation returns the error text for the resolved error.
   104 *      // There's no limit on how long the resolved string can be.
   105 *      // Add Context to 4th param if needed.
   106 *      buf2.Set(iTextResolver->ResolveErrorString(err, textId, flags)); 
   107 *
   108 *      if (flags & EErrorResUnknownErrorFlag)
   109 *          {
   110 *          // The flag indicates that Text Resolver does not support
   111 *          // the error code. 
   112 *          // Do something.
   113 *          }
   114 *      }
   115 *  else
   116 *      {
   117 *      // Do something.
   118 *      }
   119 *    
   120 *  // Note that buf2 will only be valid as long as CTextResolver 
   121 *  // instance is alive and no new error is resolved by the same instance.
   122 *  // If for some reason you need to store the resolved error
   123 *  // beyond immediate use, make a copy of it.
   124 *
   125 *  // iTextResolver, Free loaded resources
   126 *  CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); 
   127 * @endcode
   128 *
   129 * @lib commonengine.lib
   130 * @since S60 2.0
   131 */
   132 class CTextResolver : public CBase
   133     {
   134 public:
   135     /**
   136     * Defines used error contexts. 
   137     * Optional error contexes for aiding the mapping of error codes to 
   138     * texts in a unique way. If no context is given the assumption is 
   139     * that error codes are unique.
   140     */
   141     enum TErrorContext
   142         {
   143         /** Context is defined automatically from error code value.
   144         * Here it is assumed that each error code is unique and in
   145         * own range. This is a default value when resolving errors. */
   146         ECtxAutomatic = 0,
   147         /** Context text is not added to the beginning of the resolved error text,
   148         * just context separator ':' and newline are added. */
   149         ECtxNoCtx = 1,
   150         /** No context text, context separator ':' or newline added to the 
   151         * beginning of the resolved error text. */
   152         ECtxNoCtxNoSeparator = 2
   153         };
   154 public:
   155     IMPORT_C static CTextResolver* NewL(CCoeEnv& aEnv);
   156     IMPORT_C static CTextResolver* NewLC(CCoeEnv& aEnv);
   157     IMPORT_C static CTextResolver* NewL();
   158 	IMPORT_C static CTextResolver* NewLC();
   159     IMPORT_C ~CTextResolver();
   160 	IMPORT_C const TDesC& ResolveErrorString(TInt aError, TInt& aTextId, TUint& aFlags,TErrorContext aContext = ECtxAutomatic);
   161     IMPORT_C const TDesC& ResolveErrorString(TInt aError, TErrorContext aContext = ECtxAutomatic);
   162 private: // Construction
   163     virtual TInt ResourceForError(TInt aError);
   164     virtual void LoadResourceFilesL() { ASSERT(0); }	// deprecated
   165     CTextResolver(CCoeEnv& aEnv);
   166     CTextResolver();
   167     void ConstructL();
   169     // Utility
   170     void DoRawReadOfSystemErrorResourcesToArraysL(TInt& aError, TInt& aTextId);
   171     void Reset();
   172     void ReadLocalizedSeparatorCharacterFromResourceL(CCoeEnv& aCoeEnv);
   173     void ReadLocalizedSeparatorCharacterFromResourceAndPrepareResourceReaderLC(TResourceReader& aResReader);
   175     // returns NULL if fails
   176     static HBufC* AllocReadUnicodeString(RResourceFile& aResFile, TInt aTextId);
   177     /** Returns false if any memory allocation fails or initial values 
   178 	of necessary pointers are NULL, indicating alloc failure earlier.*/
   179     TBool AddContextAndSeparator(TErrorContext aContext);
   180     void AllocBuffersL();
   181     void DoResolveErrorStringL(TInt aError, TInt& aTextId, TUint& aFlags);
   182 private:
   183     CCoeEnv* iCoe;
   184     RResourceFile iResFile;
   185     TInt iRDSupport;
   186     TInt iBaseResourceFileOffset;
   187     CArrayFix<TInt>* iStartError;
   188     CArrayFix<TInt>* iAppTexts;
   189     CArrayPtr<CErrorResourceIdArray>*   iErrorTexts;	// Array of arrays of ints
   190     CArrayPtr<CErrorResourceFlagArray>* iFlags;			// Array of arrays of ints
   191     HBufC* iTextBuffer;
   192     HBufC* iTitleText;
   193     HBufC* iContextSeparator;
   194     RFs iFs;
   195     TPtrC  iTruncatedTextPointer;
   196 	};
   198 #endif