author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2  * Summary: Unicode character range checking
     3  * Description: this module exports interfaces for the character
     4  *       range validation APIs
     5  *
     6  * This file is automatically generated from the cvs source
     7  * definition files using the genChRanges.py Python script
     8  *
     9  * Generation date: Tue Nov 18 08:14:21 2003
    10  * Sources: chvalid.def
    11  * Author: William Brack <wbrack@mmm.com.hk>
    12  * 
    13  * See Copyright for the status of this software.
    14  * Portion Copyright © 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. 
    15  */
    17 /** @file
    18 @publishedAll
    19 @released
    20 */
    22 #ifndef XML_CHVALID_H
    23 #define XML_CHVALID_H
    25 #pragma warning(disable: 4127 4132 4510 4512 4610)
    27 #include "libxml2_xmlstring.h"
    29 #ifdef __cplusplus
    30 extern "C" {
    31 #endif
    33 /*
    34  * Define our typedefs and structures
    35  *
    36  */
    38 // XMLENGINE: xmlChSRangePtr declared as const now
    39 typedef struct _xmlChSRange xmlChSRange;
    40 typedef const xmlChSRange* xmlChSRangePtr;
    41 struct _xmlChSRange {
    42     const unsigned short    low;
    43     const unsigned short    high;
    44 };
    46 typedef struct _xmlChLRange xmlChLRange;
    47 typedef const xmlChLRange* xmlChLRangePtr;
    48 struct _xmlChLRange {
    49     const unsigned int  low;
    50     const unsigned int  high;
    51 };
    53 typedef struct _xmlChRangeGroup xmlChRangeGroup;
    54 typedef const xmlChRangeGroup *xmlChRangeGroupPtr;
    55 struct _xmlChRangeGroup {
    56     const int            nbShortRange;
    57     const int            nbLongRange;
    58     const xmlChSRangePtr shortRange;    /* points to an array of ranges */
    59     const xmlChLRangePtr longRange;
    60 };
    62 /**
    63  * Range checking routine
    64  */
    66         xmlCharInRange(unsigned int val, const xmlChRangeGroupPtr group);
    69 /**
    70  * xmlIsBaseChar_ch:
    71  * @c: char to validate
    72  *
    73  * Automatically generated by genChRanges.py
    74  */
    75 #define xmlIsBaseChar_ch(c) (((0x41 <= (c)) && ((c) <= 0x5a)) || \
    76                  ((0x61 <= (c)) && ((c) <= 0x7a)) || \
    77                  ((0xc0 <= (c)) && ((c) <= 0xd6)) || \
    78                  ((0xd8 <= (c)) && ((c) <= 0xf6)) || \
    79                   (0xf8 <= (c)))
    80 #ifndef UNDEF_IMPORT_C_IN_DATA
    81 XMLPUBVAR const xmlChSRange  xmlIsBaseChar_srng[197];
    82 #endif
    83 /**
    84  * xmlIsBaseCharQ:
    85  * @c: char to validate
    86  *
    87  * Automatically generated by genChRanges.py
    88  */
    89 #define xmlIsBaseCharQ(c)   (((c) < 0x100) ? \
    90                  xmlIsBaseChar_ch((c)) : \
    91                  xmlCharInRange((c), &xmlIsBaseCharGroup))
    92 #ifndef UNDEF_IMPORT_C_IN_DATA
    93 XMLPUBVAR const xmlChRangeGroup xmlIsBaseCharGroup;
    94 #endif
    95 /**
    96  * xmlIsBlank_ch:
    97  * @c: char to validate
    98  *
    99  * Automatically generated by genChRanges.py
   100  *
   101  * OOM: never
   102  */ 
   103 #define xmlIsBlank_ch(c)    (((c) == 0x20) || \
   104                  ((0x9 <= (c)) && ((c) <= 0xa)) || \
   105                  ((c) == 0xd))
   107 /**
   108  * xmlIsBlankQ:
   109  * @c: char to validate
   110  *
   111  * Automatically generated by genChRanges.py
   112  */
   113 #define xmlIsBlankQ(c)      (((c) < 0x100) ? \
   114                  xmlIsBlank_ch((c)) : 0)
   117 /**
   118  * xmlIsChar_ch:
   119  * @c: char to validate
   120  *
   121  * Automatically generated by genChRanges.py
   122  */
   123 #define xmlIsChar_ch(c)     (((0x9 <= (c)) && ((c) <= 0xa)) || \
   124                  ((c) == 0xd) || \
   125                   (0x20 <= (c)))
   127 /**
   128  * xmlIsCharQ:
   129  * @c: char to validate
   130  *
   131  * Automatically generated by genChRanges.py
   132  */
   133 #define xmlIsCharQ(c)       (((c) < 0x100) ? \
   134                  xmlIsChar_ch((c)) :\
   135                 (((0x100 <= (c)) && ((c) <= 0xd7ff)) || \
   136                  ((0xe000 <= (c)) && ((c) <= 0xfffd)) || \
   137                  ((0x10000 <= (c)) && ((c) <= 0x10ffff))))
   139 //XMLPUBVAR const xmlChRangeGroup xmlIsCharGroup;
   141 /**
   142  * xmlIsCombiningQ:
   143  * @c: char to validate
   144  *
   145  * Automatically generated by genChRanges.py
   146  */
   147 #define xmlIsCombiningQ(c)  (((c) < 0x100) ? \
   148                  0 : \
   149                  xmlCharInRange((c), &xmlIsCombiningGroup))
   150 #ifndef UNDEF_IMPORT_C_IN_DATA
   151 XMLPUBVAR const xmlChSRange xmlIsCombining_srng[];
   152 XMLPUBVAR const xmlChRangeGroup xmlIsCombiningGroup;
   153 #endif
   154 /**
   155  * xmlIsDigit_ch:
   156  * @c: char to validate
   157  *
   158  * Automatically generated by genChRanges.py
   159  */
   160 #define xmlIsDigit_ch(c)    (((0x30 <= (c)) && ((c) <= 0x39)))
   162 /**
   163  * xmlIsDigitQ:
   164  * @c: char to validate
   165  *
   166  * Automatically generated by genChRanges.py
   167  */
   168 #define xmlIsDigitQ(c)      (((c) < 0x100) ? \
   169                  xmlIsDigit_ch((c)) : \
   170                  xmlCharInRange((c), &xmlIsDigitGroup))
   171 #ifndef UNDEF_IMPORT_C_IN_DATA
   172 XMLPUBVAR const xmlChRangeGroup xmlIsDigitGroup;
   173 XMLPUBVAR const xmlChSRange xmlIsDigit_srng[];
   174 #endif
   175 /**
   176  * xmlIsExtender_ch:
   177  * @c: char to validate
   178  *
   179  * Automatically generated by genChRanges.py
   180  */
   181 #define xmlIsExtender_ch(c) (((c) == 0xb7))
   183 /**
   184  * xmlIsExtenderQ:
   185  * @c: char to validate
   186  *
   187  * Automatically generated by genChRanges.py
   188  */
   189 #define xmlIsExtenderQ(c)   (((c) < 0x100) ?                \
   190                  xmlIsExtender_ch((c)) :                    \
   191                  xmlCharInRange((c), &xmlIsExtenderGroup))
   192 #ifndef UNDEF_IMPORT_C_IN_DATA
   193 XMLPUBVAR const xmlChSRange xmlIsExtender_srng[];
   194 XMLPUBVAR const xmlChRangeGroup xmlIsExtenderGroup;
   195 #endif
   196 /**
   197  * xmlIsIdeographicQ:
   198  * @c: char to validate
   199  *
   200  * Automatically generated by genChRanges.py
   201  */
   202 #define xmlIsIdeographicQ(c)    (((c) < 0x100) ?  0 :       \
   203                 (((0x4e00 <= (c)) && ((c) <= 0x9fa5)) ||    \
   204                  ((c) == 0x3007) ||                         \
   205                  ((0x3021 <= (c)) && ((c) <= 0x3029))))
   207 /**
   208  * xmlIsPubidChar_ch:
   209  * @c: char to validate
   210  *
   211  * Automatically generated by genChRanges.py
   212  */
   213 #define xmlIsPubidChar_ch(c)    (xmlIsPubidChar_tab[(c)])
   215 /*
   216  * The initial tables ({func_name}_tab) are used to validate whether a
   217  * single-byte character is within the specified group.  Each table
   218  * contains 256 bytes, with each byte representing one of the 256
   219  * possible characters.  If the table byte is set, the character is
   220  * allowed.
   221  *
   222  */
   223 #ifndef UNDEF_IMPORT_C_IN_DATA
   224 XMLPUBVAR const unsigned char xmlIsPubidChar_tab[256];
   225 #endif
   226 /**
   227  * xmlIsPubidCharQ:
   228  * @c: char to validate
   229  *
   230  * Automatically generated by genChRanges.py
   231  */
   232 #define xmlIsPubidCharQ(c)  (((c) < 0x100) ? xmlIsPubidChar_ch((c)) : 0)
   235 // these are deprecated and replaced by macroses (for performance reasons)
   236 XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL   xmlIsBaseChar   (unsigned int ch);
   237 XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL   xmlIsBlank      (unsigned int ch);
   238 XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL   xmlIsChar       (unsigned int ch);
   239 XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL   xmlIsCombining  (unsigned int ch);
   240 XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL   xmlIsDigit      (unsigned int ch);
   241 XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL   xmlIsExtender   (unsigned int ch);
   242 XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL   xmlIsIdeographic(unsigned int ch);
   243 XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL   xmlIsPubidChar  (unsigned int ch);
   244 #endif /* ifndef XMLENGINE_EXCLUDE_UNUSED */
   247 #ifdef __cplusplus
   248 }
   249 #endif
   250 #endif /* XML_CHVALID_H */