1 // Boost common_factor_ct.hpp header file ----------------------------------//
3 // (C) Copyright Daryle Walker and Stephen Cleary 2001-2002.
4 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
5 // accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
6 // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
8 // See http://www.boost.org for updates, documentation, and revision history.
13 #include <boost/math_fwd.hpp> // self include
15 #include <boost/config.hpp> // for BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT, etc.
24 // Implementation details --------------------------------------------------//
29 // Build GCD with Euclid's recursive algorithm
30 template < unsigned long Value1, unsigned long Value2 >
31 struct static_gcd_helper_t
34 BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( unsigned long, new_value1 = Value2 );
35 BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( unsigned long, new_value2 = Value1 % Value2 );
38 #define BOOST_DETAIL_GCD_HELPER_VAL(Value) static_cast<unsigned long>(Value)
40 typedef static_gcd_helper_t self_type;
41 #define BOOST_DETAIL_GCD_HELPER_VAL(Value) (self_type:: Value )
44 typedef static_gcd_helper_t< BOOST_DETAIL_GCD_HELPER_VAL(new_value1),
45 BOOST_DETAIL_GCD_HELPER_VAL(new_value2) > next_step_type;
50 BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( unsigned long, value = next_step_type::value );
54 template < unsigned long Value1 >
55 struct static_gcd_helper_t< Value1, 0UL >
57 BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( unsigned long, value = Value1 );
60 // Use inner class template workaround from Peter Dimov
61 template < unsigned long Value1 >
62 struct static_gcd_helper2_t
64 template < unsigned long Value2 >
67 BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( unsigned long, value
68 = static_gcd_helper2_t<Value2>::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE
69 helper<Value1 % Value2>::value );
75 BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( unsigned long, value = Value1 );
81 struct static_gcd_helper2_t< 0UL >
83 template < unsigned long Value2 >
86 BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( unsigned long, value = Value2 );
90 // Build the GCD from the above template(s)
91 template < unsigned long Value1, unsigned long Value2 >
92 struct static_gcd_helper_t
94 BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( unsigned long, value
95 = static_gcd_helper2_t<Value1>::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE
96 helper<Value2>::value );
101 // Build the LCM from the GCD
102 template < unsigned long Value1, unsigned long Value2 >
103 struct static_lcm_helper_t
105 typedef static_gcd_helper_t<Value1, Value2> gcd_type;
107 BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( unsigned long, value = Value1 / gcd_type::value
111 // Special case for zero-GCD values
113 struct static_lcm_helper_t< 0UL, 0UL >
115 BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( unsigned long, value = 0UL );
118 // Adapt GCD's inner class template workaround for LCM
119 template < unsigned long Value1 >
120 struct static_lcm_helper2_t
122 template < unsigned long Value2 >
125 typedef static_gcd_helper_t<Value1, Value2> gcd_type;
127 BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( unsigned long, value = Value1
128 / gcd_type::value * Value2 );
134 BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( unsigned long, value = 0UL );
140 struct static_lcm_helper2_t< 0UL >
142 template < unsigned long Value2 >
145 BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( unsigned long, value = 0UL );
149 // Build the LCM from the above template(s)
150 template < unsigned long Value1, unsigned long Value2 >
151 struct static_lcm_helper_t
153 BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( unsigned long, value
154 = static_lcm_helper2_t<Value1>::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE
155 helper<Value2>::value );
159 } // namespace detail
162 // Compile-time greatest common divisor evaluator class declaration --------//
164 template < unsigned long Value1, unsigned long Value2 >
167 BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( unsigned long, value
168 = (detail::static_gcd_helper_t<Value1, Value2>::value) );
170 }; // boost::math::static_gcd
173 // Compile-time least common multiple evaluator class declaration ----------//
175 template < unsigned long Value1, unsigned long Value2 >
178 BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( unsigned long, value
179 = (detail::static_lcm_helper_t<Value1, Value2>::value) );
181 }; // boost::math::static_lcm