author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 2 2fe1408b6811
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Sensor channel class definition
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #ifndef SENSRVCHANNEL_H
    20 #define SENSRVCHANNEL_H
    22 #include <e32base.h>
    23 #include <sensrvtypes.h>
    24 #include <sensrvchannelconditionset.h>
    25 #include <sensrvchannelinfo.h>
    28 class MSensrvPropertyListener;
    29 class MSensrvDataListener;
    30 class MSensrvChannelConditionListener;
    31 class CSensrvChannelCondition;
    32 class CSensrvChannelListener;
    35 /**
    36 * The CSensrvChannel class provides an API that allows clients to open, control, configure, 
    37 * receive data and receive notifications from a sensor channel.
    38 * 
    39 * When instantiating CSensrvChannel an instance of TSensrvChannelInfo returned by
    40 * CSensrvChannelFinder::FindChannelsL() must be used. This ensures that internal data used
    41 * in identifying the chosen channel is passed back to Sensor Services in its entirety
    42 * therefore ensuring correct operation. Not using the instance returned by
    43 * CSensrvChannelFinder::FindChannelsL() will result in undefined behaviour.
    44 * 
    45 * On instantiation of this class a session connection to the Sensor Server is made. The Sensor
    46 * server is a transient server and is started, if not already running, when a session connection
    47 * is made. The sensor server is shutdown when a device-configured timeout period expires after
    48 * the last session connection has been dropped. The Sensor Server will not shutdown if there is
    49 * a session connection to it.
    50 * 
    51 * The instance of TSensrvChannelInfo returned by CSensrvChannelFinder::FindChannelsL()
    52 * contains a channel Id which is only valid for the lifetime of the sensor server. If a client
    53 * requires that this id remains unchanged then the client must ensure that an instance of either
    54 * CSensrvChannelFinder or CSensrvChannel remains instantiated. This keeps a session connection with
    55 * the server open which prevents the sensor server from shutting down.
    56 * 
    57 * After creating an instance of this class a client would typically:
    58 * 1. Check the configuration of the channel using GetPropertyL() or GetAllPropertuies().
    59 * 2. Change the configuration where necessary using SetPropertiesL()
    60 * 3. If SetPropertiesL() failed, because of higher priority clients of this same channel or higher
    61 * priority clients of impacted channels on the same sensor, listen for notifications indicating
    62 * when it is able to set properties using SetPropertyListenerl().
    63 * 4. Listen for property changes using SetPropertyListenerl(). This notifies the client of property
    64 * changes made by other clients of this same channel.
    65 * 5. Listen for data and retrieve data on the channel using StartDataListeningL() and GetData().
    66 * 6. Set trigger conditions for a 1 off notification when the condition is met using AddConditionL()
    67 * and SetConditionListeningL(). 
    68 * 
    69 * Its possible that there may be more than 1 client using the same sensor channel on the device. Each
    70 * of these clients will have created their own instance of CSensrvChannel and can attempt to configure
    71 * the sensor using the SetPropertyL() operation. To manage any contention between clients wishing to
    72 * change the configuration of the sensor a concept of Client Priorities is employed. This means that a
    73 * device creator assigns a pre-determined priority to a client. If a client has not been assigned a
    74 * priority then it is assumed it has the lowest priority.
    75 * 
    76 * When the SetPropertyL() operation is called the sensor server checks to see if the client has the
    77 * highest Client Priority of all clients using that channel or using an impacted channel on the same
    78 * sensor. If it has the property is set and all other clients of the channel are notified of the property
    79 * change. If it has not the SetPropertyL() operation fails with KErrAccessDenied. If clients have
    80 * the same priority then property setting is done on a first come first served basis.
    81 * 
    82 * If a client is unable to set a property because of higher priority clients then the client should
    83 * implement the MSensrvPropertyListener::SetPropertySuccessIndicationChanged() callback so that they can
    84 * be notified when they are able to set properties.
    85 * 
    86 * All client applications should be designed in such a way so that they are able to handle the situation
    87 * where they are unable to configure a channel using the SetPropertyL() operation.
    88 * 
    89 * For example:
    90 * Should application features be disabled or should the application shutdown in such conditions?
    91 * Should features be disabled under certain channel configurations?
    92 * 
    93 * This object is closed when deleted either by a call to operator delete or by the cleanup stack. No special
    94 * cleanup code is necessary to close the object before deletion.
    95 *
    96 * @see CSensrvChannelFinder
    97 * @lib sensrvclient.lib
    98 * @since S60 5.0
    99 */
   101 NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CSensrvChannel ): public CBase
   102     {
   103     public:
   104     /**
   105     * Two-phased constructor.
   106     *
   107     * The Sensor Server uses aChannelInfo to identify the channel in the server that the returned object
   108     * represents.
   109     *
   110     * @since S60 5.0
   111     * @param  aChannelInfo The information that determines which channel object is created. This must
   112     *         be an object returned by CSensrvChannelFinder::FindChannelsL().
   113     * @return Pointer to created CSensorChannel object
   114     * @leave  KErrNoMemory
   115     * @leave  One of the system-wide error codes
   116     */  
   117     IMPORT_C static CSensrvChannel* NewL
   118             ( const TSensrvChannelInfo& aChannelInfo );
   120     /**
   121     * Two-phased constructor.      
   122     * 
   123     * The Sensor Server uses aChannelInfo to identify the channel in the server that the returned object
   124     * represents.
   125     * 
   126     * @since S60 5.0
   127     * @param  aChannelInfo The information that determines which channel object is created. This must
   128     *         be an object returned by CSensrvChannelFinder::FindChannelsL().
   129     * @return Pointer to created CSensorChannel object that is placed on the cleanup stack.      
   130     * @leave  KErrNoMemory
   131     * @leave  One of the system-wide error codes
   132     */  
   133     IMPORT_C static CSensrvChannel* NewLC
   134             ( const TSensrvChannelInfo& aChannelInfo );
   136     public:
   137     /**
   138     * Initializes and opens the channel. After the channel is opened, the client can set and get channel
   139     * properties, add channel conditions and listen for sensor data.
   140     * 
   141     * @since S60 5.0
   142     * @leave  KErrAlreadyExists if channel is already open
   143     * @leave  One of the system-wide error codes
   144     */
   145     virtual void OpenChannelL() = 0;
   147     /**
   148     * Closes the channel. 
   149     * 
   150     * This object is closed when deleted either by a call to operator delete or by the cleanup stack. No special
   151     * cleanup code is necessary to close the object before deletion.
   152     * 
   153     * @since S60 5.0
   154     * @return KErrNone if channel closing is successful, or one of the system-wide error codes
   155     */  
   156     virtual TInt CloseChannel() = 0;
   158     /**
   159     * Retrieves a channel information object related to this channel.
   160     *     
   161     * @since S60 5.0
   162     * @return Reference to the channel information object
   163     */  
   164     virtual const TSensrvChannelInfo& GetChannelInfo() const = 0;
   166     /**
   167     * Starts channel data listening on the channel.
   168     * 
   169     * To use this operation clients must provide an object that inherits from MSensrvDataListener.  
   170     * 
   171     * When new data is available to be read, the client is notified by the
   172     * MSensrvDataListener::DataReceived() callback. On receiving this notificaton the client should
   173     * retrieve the data using the GetData() operation.
   174     * 
   175     * Note that if a client is listening for both data and conditions on the channel then the lower
   176     * desired count and buffering period provided in either start listening operation arguments will be
   177     * used for both listeners. When either listener is stopped neither the desired count nor the
   178     * buffering period shall be changed.
   179     * 
   180     * For the best performance, always use the highest desired count and maximum count as the use case
   181     * allows. This will reduce the overhead caused by a high volume of IPC context switches. However,
   182     * be aware that higher counts need to reserve more memory.
   183     * 
   184     * @since S60 5.0
   185     * @param  aDataListener Data listener for the channel. Must be valid until data listening is stopped. 
   186     * @param  aDesiredCount Desired receiving buffer size defined as a count of the channel data objects.
   187     *         The maximum value is determined by sensor server internal channel buffer size, and minimum
   188     *         value is one. Any value outside these limits is interpreted as maximum possible value.
   189     *         The actual count of channel data objects received may be smaller than aDesiredCount, if a
   190     *         non-zero buffering period has been specified.
   191     *         The actual count of channel data objects received may larger, if aMaximumCount is bigger
   192     *         than aDesiredCount.
   193     *         If the sensor supplies data sporadically, and the clients requires every data object then
   194     *         aDesiredCount should be set to one to ensure that no data objects are missed. 
   195     * @param  aMaximumCount Maximum receiving buffer size defined as a count of the channel data object.
   196     *         The Maximum value is determined by sensor server internal channel buffer size, and minimum
   197     *         value is aDesiredCount. Any value outside these limits is interpreted as maximum possible
   198     *         value.
   199     *         It is recommended that whenever aDesiredCount needs to be low and sensor has relatively high
   200     *         data rate, aMaximumCount is set to significantly higher than aDesiredCount to reduce IPC
   201     *         context switches and data loss.
   202     * @param  aBufferingPeriod Specifies the maximum time in milliseconds that sensor server waits before
   203     *         notifying the client that new data is available. It is possible that no new data is will be
   204     *         available when the client is notified.
   205     *         Zero timeout means that only desired and maximum counts are used in getting data.
   206     *         Using a buffering period results in lot of unnecessary IPC context switches if a sensor
   207     *         channel supplies data sporadically. It is therefore recommended that a buffering period is
   208     *         used only when it is absolutely vital to have data at specific intervals and using a low
   209     *         desired count is otherwise too expensive performance-wise.
   210     * @leave  KErrArgument if aDataListener is NULL, or if a negative argument is supplied
   211     * @leave  KErrNotFound if the channel is not open
   212     * @leave  KErrAlreadyExists if data listening has already started on the channel
   213     * @leave  One of the system-wide error codes
   214     */  
   215     virtual void StartDataListeningL( MSensrvDataListener* aDataListener, 
   216                                       const TInt aDesiredCount, 
   217                                       const TInt aMaximumCount,
   218                                       const TInt aBufferingPeriod ) = 0;
   220     /**
   221     * Stop channel data listening. 
   222     * 
   223     * @since S60 5.0
   224     * @return KErrNone if stopping successful or one of the system-wide error codes
   225     */  
   226     virtual TInt StopDataListening() = 0;
   228     /**
   229     * Get data items when the client is notified by the MSensrvDataListener::DataReceived() callback
   230     * that new data is ready to be retrieved. The callback also indicates the number of data items
   231     * contained in aData. 
   232     * 
   233     * Example:
   234     *     
   235     * How to retrieve data using TPckg
   236     * 
   237     * @code
   238 	  * void DataReceived(CSensrvChannel& aChannel, TInt aCount, TInt aDataLost )
   239 		* {
   240     * if(aChannel.GetChannelInfo().iChannelType == KSensrvChannelTypeIdAccelerometerXYZAxisData)
   241 		* 	{
   242 		* 	TSensrvAccelerometerAxisData XYZData;
   243 	  *       TPckg<TSensrvAccelerometerAxisData> XYZPackage( XYZData );
   244 	  *       aChannel.GetData( XYZPackage );
   245 		* 	}
   246 		* }
   247     * @endcode
   248     *  
   249     * @since S60 5.0
   250     * @param  aData Reference to descriptor that contains the data. Typically this is a package buffer
   251     *         defined for data type of this channel. See channel specific data headers for details of
   252     *         the package types and data supported by a channel.
   253     * @return KErrNotFound if data buffer is empty, KErrOverflow if aData is wrong size for data
   254     *         item, or one of the system-wide error codes
   255     */  
   256     virtual TInt GetData( TDes8& aData ) = 0;
   258     /**
   259     * Sets a property value for this channel. To manage any contention between multiple clients wishing
   260     * to change the configuration of the sensor a concept of Client Priorities is employed. See class
   261     * description for further information.
   262     * 
   263     * The sensor plugin may police setting of properties by verifying that the client making the request
   264     * has the necessary capabilities. If the client does not then it will return with KErrAccessDenied.
   265     * @since S60 5.0
   266     * @param  aProperty Identifies the property that is to be set and its new value. Only the Property Id,
   267     *         Item Index and Property Value should be filled in. All other fields in TSensrvProperty are
   268     *         ignored.
   269     * @return KErrNotFound if channel is not open or if the property does not exist, KErrAccessDenied
   270     *         if there are other clients for this channel or impacted channel on the same sensor with a
   271     *         higher Client Priority, KErrAccessDenied if the client does not have the required
   272     *         capabilities or one of the system-wide error codes
   273     */  
   274     virtual TInt SetProperty(  const TSensrvProperty& aProperty ) = 0;
   276     /**
   277     * Gets a channel property value for this channel.
   278     * 
   279     * @since S60 5.0
   280     * @param  aPropertyId Id of the property that is to be retrieved
   281     * @param  aItemIndex The Item Index of the property to be retrieved. This is mapped to a specific item
   282     *         in channel data structure. See channel specific data headers.
   283     * @param  aProperty Reference for a property object where property data is to be copied
   284     * @leave  KErrNotFound if channel is not open
   285     * @leave  KErrNotFound if property does not exist
   286     * @leave  KErrArgument if a negative argument is supplied
   287     * @leave  One of the system-wide error codes
   288     * */
   289     virtual void GetPropertyL( const TSensrvPropertyId aPropertyId, 
   290                                const TInt aItemIndex,
   291                                TSensrvProperty& aProperty ) = 0;
   293     /**
   294     * Get a channel property value for this channel
   295     * 
   296     * @since S60 5.0
   297     * @param  aPropertyId Id of the property that is to be retrieved
   298     * @param  aItemIndex Item Index of the property to be retrieved. This is mapped to a specific item
   299     *         in channel data structure. See channel specific data headers.
   300     * @param  aArrayIndex Array index of the property to be retrieved when the property is part of a
   301     *         property array.
   302     * @param  aProperty Reference for a property object where property data is to be copied
   303     * @leave  KErrNotFound if channel is not open
   304     * @leave  KErrNotFound if property does not exist
   305     * @leave  KErrArgument if a negative argument is supplied
   306     * @leave  One of the system-wide error codes
   307     */  
   308     virtual void GetPropertyL( const TSensrvPropertyId aPropertyId, 
   309                                const TInt aItemIndex,
   310                                const TInt aArrayIndex,
   311                                TSensrvProperty& aProperty ) = 0;
   313     /**
   314     * Get all properties for this channel
   315     * 
   316     * @since S60 5.0
   317     * @param  aChannelPropertyList Reference for a property list where all property data is to be
   318     *         copied. Any existing data in the list will be lost.
   319     * @leave  KErrNotFound if channel is not open
   320     * @leave  One of the system-wide error codes
   321     */  
   322     virtual void GetAllPropertiesL
   323             ( RSensrvPropertyList& aChannelPropertyList ) = 0;
   325     /**
   326     * Get all channel properties having the supplied Property Id. This is used when the property
   327     * is an array property.    
   328     * 
   329     * @since S60 5.0
   330     * @param  aPropertyId Id of the property to be retrieved
   331     * @param  aChannelPropertyList Reference for a property list where all property data is to be
   332     *         copied. Any existing data in the list will be lost.
   333     * @leave  KErrNotFound if channel is not open
   334     * @leave  KErrNotFound if property does not exist
   335     * @leave  One of the system-wide error codes
   336     */  
   337     virtual void GetAllPropertiesL
   338             ( const TSensrvPropertyId aPropertyId, 
   339               RSensrvPropertyList& aChannelPropertyList ) = 0;
   341     /**
   342     * Start property listening on this channel.
   343     * 
   344     * To use this operation clients must provide an object that inherits from MSensrvPropertyListener.
   345     *     
   346     * The client can use the property listener to get notifications when properties are changed and
   347     * to get a notification when the client is able/unable to set properties because of higher priority
   348     * clients have opened/closed the same sensor channel.
   349     * 
   350     * If the client itself changes a property value, no notification is received for that property by
   351     * the client. If another client changes a property on this channel or another channel that impacts
   352     * this channel a notification will be received by the client.
   353     * 
   354     * Some sensors support a number of channels with each channel having some common properties.
   355     * Therefore changing a common property may result in notifications on a number of other channels
   356     * supported by the sensor.
   357     * 
   358     * @since S60 5.0
   359     * @param  aChannelPropertyListener Pointer to channel property listener callback instance. The
   360     *         channel property listener must be valid until the CSensrvChannel object is destroyed or
   361     *         listening has been stopped. Listening can be stopped using a NULL parameter.
   362     * @leave  KErrAlreadyExists if channel property listener has already been set
   363     * @leave  KErrNotFound if channel is not open
   364     * @leave  One of the system-wide error codes
   365     */  
   366     virtual void SetPropertyListenerL
   367                   ( MSensrvPropertyListener* aChannelPropertyListener ) = 0;
   369     /**
   370     * Add a channel ConditionSet to the channel.
   371     * 
   372     * Channel ConditionSet's are used for channel condition listening and at least 1 ConditionSet must
   373     * be added before listening can begin.
   374     * 
   375     * When the conditions defined by the ConditionSet is met the client will be notified by the 
   376     * MSensrvChannelConditionListener::ConditionMet() callback and listening for this ConditionSet will
   377     * cease. If a client wishes to listen for this ConditionSet again it must be added again.
   378     * 
   379     * The client continues to own the ConditionSet object after a call to this function and must ensure
   380     * that it is destroyed when no longer required.
   381     * 
   382     * The client must ensure that the ConditionSet object is valid until it is no longer needed by the
   383     * Sensor Server. This is either after the condition set has been removed by the client using
   384     * RemoveConditionL() or the client has been notified that the condition has been met.
   385     * 
   386     * @since S60 5.0
   387     * @param  aChannelConditionSet The channel condition set to be added.
   388     * @leave  KErrNotFound if channel is not open
   389     * @leave  KErrNotSupported if a channel does not support conditions.
   390     * @leave  One of the system-wide error codes
   391     * @see CSensrvChannel::StartConditionListeningL()    
   392     */  
   393     virtual void AddConditionL( CSensrvChannelConditionSet& aChannelConditionSet ) = 0;
   395     /**
   396     * Remove a channel ConditionSet from the channel.
   397     * 
   398     * The same reference used to to add the Condition Set in AddConditionL(), must also be used to
   399     * remove it. 
   400     * 
   401     * The removed channel ConditionSet is no longer used for channel condition listening. 
   402     * 
   403     * The client continues to own the ConditionSet object after a call to this function and must ensure
   404     * that it is destroyed when no longer required.
   405     * 
   406     * @since S60 5.0
   407     * @param  aChannelConditionSet The channel condition set to be removed.
   408     * @leave  KErrNotFound if channel is not open
   409     * @leave  One of the system-wide error codes
   410     */  
   411     virtual void RemoveConditionL
   412                     ( CSensrvChannelConditionSet& aChannelConditionSet ) = 0;
   414     /**
   415     * Start channel condition listening.
   416     * 
   417     * To use this operation clients must provide an object that inherits from MSensrvChannelConditionListener.
   418     * 
   419     * If the conditions of an added ConditionSet is met the MSensrvChannelConditionListener::ConditionMet()
   420     * callback function will be called and listening for this ConditionSet will cease. If a client wishes
   421     * to listen for the same ConditionSet again it must be added again.
   422     * 
   423     * Note that if a client is listening for both data and conditions on the channel then the lower
   424     * desired count and buffering period provided in either start listening operation arguments will be
   425     * used for both listeners. When either listener is stopped neither the desired count nor the
   426     * buffering period shall be changed.
   427     * 
   428     * @since S60 5.0
   429     * @param  aChannelConditionListener Condition listener for the channel. Must be valid until data
   430     *         listening is stopped.
   431     * @param  aObjectCount Listening buffer size defined as a count of the channel data objects. When the
   432     *         desired object count is reached each ConditionSet is evaluated in turn. The maximum value is
   433     *         determined by sensor server internal channel buffer size, and minimum value is one. Any value
   434     *         outside these limits is interpreted as maximum possible value.
   435     * @param  aBufferingPeriod Specifies the maximum time in milliseconds that sensor server waits before
   436     *         evaluating new data.
   437     *         Zero timeout means that the sensor server only evaluates new data when the object count has been
   438     *         reached.
   439     * @leave  KErrArgument if aChannelConditionListener is NULL, or if a negative argument is supplied
   440     * @leave  KErrNotFound if the channel is not open
   441     * @leave  KErrAlreadyExists if condition listening has already started on the channel
   442     * @leave  One of the system-wide error codes  
   443     */  
   444     virtual void StartConditionListeningL
   445                     ( MSensrvChannelConditionListener* aChannelConditionListener,
   446                       const TInt aObjectCount,
   447                       const TInt aBufferingPeriod ) = 0;
   449     /**
   450     * Stop channel condition listening.
   451     * 
   452     * All remaining unmet ConditionSet's are removed and channel condition listening is stopped.
   453     * 
   454     * If the same ConditionSet's need to be used when condition listening has been restarted then they must be
   455     * re-added.
   456     * 
   457     * @since S60 5.0
   458     * @return KErrNone if condition listening is successfully stopped or one of the system-wide error codes
   459     */  
   460     virtual TInt StopConditionListening() = 0;
   462     public:
   463     /**
   464     * Default constructor. 
   465     */
   466     CSensrvChannel();
   467     };
   470 #endif //SENSRVCHANNEL_H
   472 // End of File