author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 2 2fe1408b6811
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 // Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 // Class TStreamId
    17 inline TStreamId::TStreamId(TUint32 aValue)
    18 	: iVal(aValue)
    19 /** Constructs the object with the specified stream ID value.
    21 Users of stores do not normally use this function.
    23 In debug mode, the function checks that the supplied stream ID value is not 
    24 greater than the maximum permitted value, and raises a STORE-Store 2 panic 
    25 if it is. In release mode, no checking on the supplied value is done.
    27 The checking of the supplied value is done by a private function implemented 
    28 in estor. dll. This means that in debug mode, a call is made into estor.dll, 
    29 but in release mode it is not.
    31 @param aValue The stream ID value. */
    32 	{
    33 #if defined (_DEBUG)
    34 	__DbgChkRange(aValue);
    35 #endif
    36 	}
    37 inline TBool TStreamId::operator==(TStreamId anId) const
    38 /** Equality comparison operator. Use this operator to determine whether this stream 
    39 id is equal to the specified stream id.
    41 @param anId The stream id to be compared with this stream id.
    42 @return True, if the stream ids are equal; false otherwise */
    43 	{return iVal==anId.iVal;}
    44 inline TBool TStreamId::operator!=(TStreamId anId) const
    45 /** Inequality comparison operator. Use this operator to determine whether this 
    46 stream id is unequal to the specified stream id.
    48 @param anId The stream id to be compared with this stream id.
    49 @return True, if the two stream ids are unequal, false otherwise. */
    50 	{return iVal!=anId.iVal;}
    51 inline void TStreamId::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const
    52 /** Externalises an object of this class to a write stream.
    54 The presence of this function means that the standard templated operator<<() 
    55 can be used to externalise objects of this class.
    57 @param aStream Stream to which the object should be externalised. */
    58 	{
    59 #if defined (_DEBUG)
    60 	__DbgChkRange(iVal);
    61 #endif
    62 	aStream<<iVal;
    63 	}
    64 inline TUint32 TStreamId::Value() const
    65 /** Gets the stream ID value encapsulated by this object.
    67 @return The stream ID value. */
    68 	{
    69 #if defined (_DEBUG)
    70 	__DbgChkRange(iVal);
    71 #endif
    72 	return iVal;
    73 	}
    75 // Class RStoreWriteStream
    76 inline RStoreWriteStream::RStoreWriteStream(const MExternalizer<TStreamRef>& anExter)
    77 	: RWriteStream(anExter)
    78 /** Constructs an object with an externaliser. The store map CStoreMap is an example 
    79 of an externalizer.
    81 @param anExter Specifies an externaliser */
    82 	{}
    84 // Class TSwizzleCBase
    85 inline TSwizzleCBase::TSwizzleCBase(TStreamRef aRef)
    86 	: iPtr(aRef.Ptr())
    87 	{
    88 #if defined (_DEBUG)
    89 	__DbgChkRef(aRef);
    90 #endif
    91     }
    92 inline TBool TSwizzleCBase::operator==(const TSwizzleCBase& aSwizzle) const
    93 /** Compares for equality with another swizzle.
    95 Use this operator to determine whether this swizzle represents the same object 
    96 as that represented by the specified swizzle.
    98 Both this swizzle and the specified swizzle must maintain the representation 
    99 of their respective objects as either pointers or stream ids.
   101 If one swizzle maintains the representation of its object as a pointer while 
   102 the other swizzle maintains the representation of its object as a stream id, 
   103 the comparison is meaningless and always returns false.
   105 @param aSwizzle A reference to the swizzle to be compared with this swizzle.
   106 @return True, if the represented objects are the same; False, otherwise. */
   107 	{return iPtr==aSwizzle.iPtr;}
   108 inline TBool TSwizzleCBase::operator==(const TAny* aPtr) const
   109 /** Compares for equality with an in-memory object.
   111 Use this operator to determine whether this swizzle represents the same in-memory 
   112 object as that represented by the specified pointer.
   114 This swizzle must maintain the representation of its object as a pointer. 
   115 If it maintains the representation of its object as a swizzle, the comparison 
   116 is meaningless and always returns false.
   118 @param aPtr A pointer to the object to be compared with this swizzle.
   119 @return True, if the represented objects are the same; False, otherwise. */
   120 	{return iPtr==aPtr;}
   121 inline TBool TSwizzleCBase::operator!=(const TSwizzleCBase& aSwizzle) const
   122 /** Compares for inequality with another swizzle.
   124 Use this operator to determine whether this swizzle represents a different 
   125 object to that represented by the specified swizzle.
   127 Both this swizzle and the specified swizzle must maintain the representation 
   128 of their respective objects as either pointers or stream ids.
   130 If one swizzle maintains the representation of its object as a pointer while 
   131 the other swizzle maintains the representation of its object as a stream id, 
   132 the comparison is meaningless and always returns true.
   134 @param aSwizzle A reference to the swizzle to be compared with this swizzle.
   135 @return True, if the represented objects are not the same; False, otherwise */
   136 	{return iPtr!=aSwizzle.iPtr;}
   137 inline TBool TSwizzleCBase::operator!=(const TAny* aPtr) const
   138 /** Compares for inequality with an in-memory object.
   140 Use this operator to determine whether this swizzle represents a different 
   141 in-memory object to that represented by the specified pointer.
   143 This swizzle must maintain the representation of its object as a pointer. 
   144 If it maintains the representation of its object as a swizzle, the comparison 
   145 is meaningless and always returns true.
   147 @param aPtr A pointer to the object to be compared with this swizzle.
   148 @return True, if the represented objects are not the same; False, otherwise */
   149 	{return iPtr!=aPtr;}
   150 inline TBool TSwizzleCBase::IsPtr() const
   151 /** Tests whether this swizzle currently represents an object as a pointer.
   153 @return True, if this swizzle currently maintains the object representation 
   154 as a pointer; False, otherwise. Note that if the swizzle is uninitialised, 
   155 the value returned by this function is not defined. */
   156 	{return IsPtrRep(iPtr);}
   157 inline TBool TSwizzleCBase::IsId() const
   158 /** Tests whether this swizzle currently represents an object as a stream id.
   160 @return True, if this swizzle currently maintains the representation of the 
   161 object as a stream id; False, otherwise. Note that if the swizzle is uninitialised, 
   162 the value returned by this function is not defined. */
   163 	{return IsIdRep(iPtr);}
   164 inline TSwizzleCBase::TSwizzleCBase(const TAny* aPtr)
   165 	: iPtr(aPtr)
   166 	{
   167 #if defined (_DEBUG)
   168 	__DbgChkPtr(aPtr);
   169 #endif
   170     }
   171 inline const TAny* TSwizzleCBase::Ptr() const
   172 	{
   173 #if defined (_DEBUG)
   174 	__DbgChkPtr(iPtr);
   175 #endif
   176 	return iPtr;
   177 	}
   178 inline TBool operator==(const TAny* aPtr,const TSwizzleCBase& aSwizzle)
   179 	{return aSwizzle==aPtr;}
   180 inline TBool operator!=(const TAny* aPtr,const TSwizzleCBase& aSwizzle)
   181 	{return aSwizzle!=aPtr;}
   183 // Class TSwizzleBase
   184 inline TSwizzleBase::TSwizzleBase(TAny* aPtr)
   185 	: TSwizzleCBase(aPtr)
   186 	{}
   187 inline TSwizzleBase::TSwizzleBase(TStreamId anId)
   188 	: TSwizzleCBase(anId)
   189 	{}
   190 inline TAny* TSwizzleBase::Ptr() const
   191 	{return (TAny*)TSwizzleCBase::Ptr();}
   193 // Template class TSwizzle
   194 template <class T>
   195 inline TSwizzle<T>::TSwizzle(T* aPtr)
   196 	: TSwizzleBase(aPtr)
   197 /** Constructs a swizzle for a class T type object, represented by a pointer.
   199 @param aPtr A pointer to a class T type object. */
   200 	{}
   201 template <class T>
   202 inline TSwizzle<T>::TSwizzle(TStreamId anId)
   203 	: TSwizzleBase(anId)
   204 /** Constructs a swizzle for a class T type object, represented as a stream id.
   206 @param anId The id of a stream containing the external representation of a 
   207 class T type object. */
   208 	{}
   209 template <class T>
   210 inline TSwizzle<T>& TSwizzle<T>::operator=(T* aPtr)
   211 /** Sets this swizzle to represent the in-memory type T object, pointed to by the 
   212 specified T* pointer.
   214 @param aPtr A pointer to an object of type T which the swizzle is to represent.
   215 @return A reference to this swizzle representing the object of type T. */
   216 	{return *this=TSwizzle<T>(aPtr);}
   217 template <class T>
   218 inline T* TSwizzle<T>::AsPtr() const
   219 /** Returns a pointer to the object which this swizzle represents.
   221 Note that the indirect component selector operator->() can be used to access 
   222 members of the represented object.
   224 @return A pointer to the class T type object represented by this swizzle. */
   225 	{return (T*)Ptr();}
   226 template <class T>
   227 inline TSwizzle<T>::operator T*() const
   228 	{return AsPtr();}
   229 template <class T>
   230 inline T& TSwizzle<T>::operator*() const
   231 /** Returns a reference to the type T object which this swizzle represents.
   233 @return A reference to the type T object represented by this swizzle. */
   234 	{return *AsPtr();}
   235 template <class T>
   236 inline T* TSwizzle<T>::operator->() const
   237 /** Gives access to members of the type T object which this swizzle represents.
   239 Note, use the AsPtr() member function to return a pointer to the object itself.
   241 @return A pointer to the T type object; not explicitly accessible. */
   242 	{return AsPtr();}
   243 template <class T>
   244 inline void TSwizzle<T>::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const
   245 /** Externalises the stream id of the stream associated with this swizzle.
   247 This function presupposes that: 
   249 a store map, i.e. an object of type CStoreMap, has been constructed
   251 the id of the stream containing the external representation of the represented 
   252 type T object has been bound to this swizzle and added to the store map.
   254 the concrete stream referenced by aStream has been constructed, specifying 
   255 the store map as an externaliser.
   257 The presence of this function means that the standard templated operator<<() 
   258 can be used.
   260 @param aStream Stream to which the stream id should be externalised.
   261 @see CStoreMap */
   262 	{TSwizzleBase::DoExternalizeL(aStream,TExternalizer<T>::Function());}
   263 inline TSwizzle<TAny>::TSwizzle(TAny* aPtr)
   264 	: TSwizzleBase(aPtr)
   265 /** Constructs the swizzle representing the specified untyped object as a pointer.
   267 @param aPtr A pointer to an untyped object which this swizzle is to represent. */
   268 	{}
   269 inline TSwizzle<TAny>::TSwizzle(TStreamId anId)
   270 	: TSwizzleBase(anId)
   271 /** Constructs the swizzle for an untyped object, represented as a stream id.
   273 @param anId The id of a stream containing the external representation of the 
   274 	untyped object which this swizzle is to represent. */
   275 	{}
   276 inline TSwizzle<TAny>::TSwizzle(const TSwizzleBase& aSwizzle)
   277 	: TSwizzleBase(aSwizzle)
   278 /** Constructs the swizzle to represent the untyped object currently represented 
   279 	by the specified swizzle.
   281 @param aSwizzle A reference to a swizzle whose representation of an object 
   282 	is to be copied to this swizzle */
   283 	{}
   284 inline TSwizzle<TAny>& TSwizzle<TAny>::operator=(TAny* aPtr)
   285 /** Sets this swizzle to represent the in-memory object, pointed to by the specified 
   286 	pointer.
   288 @param aPtr A pointer to the untyped object which the swizzle is to represent.
   289 @return A reference to this swizzle. */
   290 	{return *this=TSwizzle<TAny>(aPtr);}
   291 inline TSwizzle<TAny>& TSwizzle<TAny>::operator=(const TSwizzleBase& aSwizzle)
   292 	/** Sets the swizzle to represent the untyped object currently represented by the 
   293 	specified swizzle.
   295 	@param aSwizzle The swizzle whose representation of an object is to be copied 
   296 	to this swizzle.
   297 	@return A reference to this swizzle. */
   298 	{return *this=TSwizzle<TAny>(aSwizzle);}
   299 inline TAny* TSwizzle<TAny>::AsPtr() const
   300 /** Returns a pointer to the untyped object that this swizzle represents.
   302 	@return A pointer to the untyped object represented by this swizzle. */
   303 	{return Ptr();}
   304 inline TSwizzle<TAny>::operator TAny*() const
   305 	{return AsPtr();}
   307 // Template class TSwizzleC
   308 template <class T>
   309 inline TSwizzleC<T>::TSwizzleC(const T* aPtr)
   310 	: TSwizzleCBase(aPtr)
   311 /** Constructs a swizzle for a class T type object and represents the object by 
   312 pointer.
   314 @param aPtr A pointer to a class T type object. */
   315 	{}
   316 template <class T>
   317 inline TSwizzleC<T>::TSwizzleC(TStreamId anId)
   318 	: TSwizzleCBase(anId)
   319 /** Constructs a swizzle for a class T type object and represents the object as 
   320 a stream id.
   322 @param anId The stream id of a stream containing the external representation 
   323 of an object of type class T. */
   324 	{}
   325 template <class T>
   326 inline TSwizzleC<T>::TSwizzleC(TSwizzle<T> aSwizzle)
   327 	: TSwizzleCBase(aSwizzle)
   328 /** Constructs a swizzle for a class T type object that is currently represented 
   329 by another swizzle.
   331 The representation of the class T type object is the same as its representation 
   332 by the specified swizzle, i.e. if the specified swizzle represents the object 
   333 as a pointer, then this newly constructed swizzle also represents the object 
   334 as a pointer.
   336 @param aSwizzle The swizzle whose representation of the class T type object 
   337 is to be copied to this swizzle. */
   338 	{}
   339 template <class T>
   340 inline TSwizzleC<T>& TSwizzleC<T>::operator=(const T* aPtr)
   341 /** Sets this swizzle to represent the in-memory type T object, pointed to by the 
   342 specified T* pointer.
   344 @param aPtr A pointer to an object of type T which the swizzle is to represent.
   345 @return A reference to this swizzle representing the object of type T.
   346 @see TSwizzle::operator=() */
   347 	{return *this=TSwizzleC<T>(aPtr);}
   348 template <class T>
   349 inline const T* TSwizzleC<T>::AsPtr() const
   350 /** Returns a constant pointer to the object which this swizzle represents.
   352 Note:
   354 The in memory object cannot be changed through this swizzle.
   356 To access members of the object, the indirect component selector operator->() 
   357 can be used.
   359 @return A const pointer to the class T type object represented by this swizzle. */
   360 	{return (const T*)Ptr();}
   361 template <class T>
   362 inline TSwizzleC<T>::operator const T*() const
   363 	{return AsPtr();}
   364 template <class T>
   365 inline const T& TSwizzleC<T>::operator*() const
   366 /** Returns a const reference to the type T object which this swizzle represents.
   368 @return A const reference to the type T object represented by this swizzle.
   369 @see TSwizzle::operator*() */
   370 	{return *AsPtr();}
   371 template <class T>
   372 inline const T* TSwizzleC<T>::operator->() const
   373 /** Gives access to members of the type T object which this swizzle represents.
   375 Note:
   377 use the AsPtr() member function to return a pointer to the object itself.
   379 the type T object cannot be changed through this operator.
   381 @return A const pointer to the T type object; not explicitly accessible.
   382 @see TSwizzle::operator->() */
   383 	{return AsPtr();}
   384 template <class T>
   385 inline void TSwizzleC<T>::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const
   386 /** Externalises the stream id of the stream associated with this swizzle.
   388 This function presupposes that: 
   390 a store map, i.e. an object of type CStoreMap, has been constructed
   392 the id of the stream containing the external representation of the <class T> 
   393 object has been bound to this swizzle and added to the store map.
   395 the concrete stream referenced by aStream has been constructed, specifying 
   396 the store map as an externalizer.
   398 The presence of this function means that the standard templated operator<<() 
   399 can be used.
   401 @param aStream Stream to which the stream id should be externalised
   402 @see CStoreMap */
   403 	{TSwizzleCBase::DoExternalizeL(aStream,TExternalizer<T>::Function());}
   404 inline TSwizzleC<TAny>::TSwizzleC(const TAny* aPtr)
   405 	: TSwizzleCBase(aPtr)
   406 /** Constructs the swizzle representing the specified untyped object as a pointer.
   408 @param aPtr A pointer to an untyped object which this swizzle is to represent. */
   409 	{}
   410 inline TSwizzleC<TAny>::TSwizzleC(TStreamId anId)
   411 	: TSwizzleCBase(anId)
   412 /** Constructs the swizzle for an untyped object, represented as a stream id.
   414 @param anId The id of a stream containing the external representation of the 
   415 	untyped object which this swizzle is to represent. */
   416 	{}
   417 inline TSwizzleC<TAny>::TSwizzleC(const TSwizzleCBase& aSwizzle)
   418 	: TSwizzleCBase(aSwizzle)
   419 /** Constructs the swizzle to represent the untyped object currently represented 
   420 	by the specified swizzle.
   422 @param aSwizzle The swizzle whose representation of an object is to be copied 
   423 	to this swizzle. */
   424 	{}
   425 inline TSwizzleC<TAny>::TSwizzleC(TStreamRef aRef)
   426 	: TSwizzleCBase(aRef)
   427 /** Constructs the swizzle from a stream reference.
   429 @param aRef The stream reference. */
   430  	{}
   431 inline TSwizzleC<TAny>& TSwizzleC<TAny>::operator=(const TAny* aPtr)
   432 /** Sets this swizzle to represent the specified in-memory untyped object.
   434 @param aPtr A pointer to the untyped object that the swizzle is to represent.
   435 @return A reference to this swizzle representing the untyped object. */
   436 	{return *this=TSwizzleC<TAny>(aPtr);}
   437 inline TSwizzleC<TAny>& TSwizzleC<TAny>::operator=(const TSwizzleCBase& aSwizzle)
   438 /** Sets this swizzle to represent the untyped object currently represented by the 
   439 	specific swizzle.
   441 @param aSwizzle A pointer to the untyped object that the swizzle is to represent.
   442 @return A reference to a swizzle whose representation of an object is to be 
   443 	copied to this swizzle. */
   444 	{return *this=TSwizzleC<TAny>(aSwizzle);}
   445 inline const TAny* TSwizzleC<TAny>::AsPtr() const
   446 /** Gets a constant pointer to the untyped object that this swizzle represents.
   448 @return A const pointer to the untyped object represented by this swizzle. */
   449 	{return Ptr();}
   450 inline TSwizzleC<TAny>::operator const TAny*() const
   451 	{return AsPtr();}