author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 2 2fe1408b6811
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 // Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 // Class TStreamMark
    17 inline TStreamMark::TStreamMark()
    18 	: iPos(KStreamBeginning-1)
    19 /** Constructs a default shared stream mark object.
    21 The position for the mark is uninitialised.
    23 An uninitialised mark means that a call to IsEmpty() returns true.
    25 @see IsEmpty() */
    26 	{}
    27 inline TStreamMark::TStreamMark(TStreamPos aPos)
    28 	: iPos(aPos)
    29 /** Constructs the shared stream mark object, setting the mark to the specified 
    30 stream position.
    32 An initialised mark means that a call to IsEmpty() returns false.
    34 @param aPos The stream position
    35 @see IsEmpty() */
    36 	{
    37 #if defined (_DEBUG)
    38 	__DbgChkPos(aPos);
    39 #endif
    40 	}
    41 inline TStreamMark& TStreamMark::operator=(TStreamPos aPos)
    42 /** Assigns the specified stream position value to this shared stream mark object.
    44 @param aPos The stream position value to be assigned.
    45 @return A reference to this shared stream mark object. */
    46 	{
    47 #if defined (_DEBUG)
    48 	__DbgChkPos(aPos);
    49 #endif
    50 	iPos=aPos;
    51 	return *this;
    52 	}
    53 inline TStreamMark::operator TStreamMark*()
    54 	{return this;}
    55 inline TStreamMark::operator const TStreamMark*() const
    56 	{return this;}
    57 inline TBool TStreamMark::operator==(const TStreamMark& aMark) const
    58 /** Tests whether this object and the specified referenced shared stream mark object 
    59 are the same object.
    61 @param aMark A reference to a shared stream mark object.
    62 @return True, if the two objects are the same object; false, otherwise. */
    63 	{return this==&aMark;}
    64 inline TBool TStreamMark::operator==(const TStreamMark* aPtr) const
    65 	{return this==aPtr;}
    66 inline TBool TStreamMark::operator!=(const TStreamMark& aMark) const
    67 /** Tests whether this object and the specified shared stream mark object are different 
    68 objects.
    70 @param aMark A pointer to a shared stream mark object.
    71 @return True, if the two objects are different objects; false, otherwise. */
    72 	{return this!=&aMark;}
    73 inline TBool TStreamMark::operator!=(const TStreamMark* aPtr) const
    74 	{return this!=aPtr;}
    75 inline TBool TStreamMark::IsEmpty() const
    76 /** Tests whether this mark object is uninitialised.
    78 @return True, if this mark object is uninitialised; false, otherwise. */
    79 	{return iPos<KStreamBeginning;}
    80 inline void TStreamMark::Clear()
    81 /** Resets the mark object to its default state.
    83 On return from this function, the mark is uninitialised and a call to IsEmpty() 
    84 returns true.
    86 Empties the object/makes it empty so that IsEmpty() returns false */
    87 	{iPos=KStreamBeginning-1;}
    88 inline TStreamPos TStreamMark::Position() const
    89 /** Gets the position of the mark.
    91 @return The stream position. */
    92 	{
    93 #if defined (_DEBUG)
    94 	__DbgChkPos(iPos);
    95 #endif
    96 	return iPos;
    97 	}
    98 inline TBool TStreamMark::IsWith(TStreamExchange& aHost) const
    99 /** Tests whether the specified shared streaming manager currently refers to this 
   100 mark object.
   102 @param aHost The object that manages shared streaming.
   103 @return True, if the shared stream manager refers to this mark; false, otherwise. */
   104 	{return aHost.RefersTo(*this);}
   105 inline TBool TStreamMark::RelatesTo(TStreamExchange& aHost) const
   106 /** Tests whether the specified shared streaming manager currently refers to this 
   107 mark object OR whether this mark object is initialised.
   109 @param aHost The object that manages shared streaming.
   110 @return True, if the shared stream manager refers to this mark OR if this mark 
   111 object is initialised; false, otherwise.
   112 @see IsWith()
   113 @see TStreamExchange::IsActive() */
   114 	{return iPos>=KStreamBeginning||aHost.RefersTo(*this);}
   115 inline void TStreamMark::Withdraw(TStreamExchange& aHost)
   116 /** Instructs the shared streaming manager to remove any reference it has to this 
   117 mark object.
   119 @param aHost The object that manages shared streaming. */
   120 	{aHost.Drop(*this);}
   121 inline void TStreamMark::ExtractL(TStreamExchange& aHost)
   122 /** Refreshes this mark from the mark in the host stream buffer and tells the shared 
   123 streaming manager to drop any reference it has to to this mark object.
   125 @param aHost The object that manages shared streaming. */
   126 	{aHost.GetL(*this);}
   127 inline TInt TStreamMark::ReadL(TStreamExchange& aHost,TAny* aPtr,TInt aMaxLength)
   128 /** Reads data from the shared stream into the specified memory location.
   130 @param aHost The object that manages shared streaming.
   131 @param aPtr A pointer to the target memory location for the data read from 
   132 the shared stream.
   133 @param aMaxLength The maximum number of bytes to be read.
   134 @return The number of bytes read. */
   135 	{return aHost.DoReadL(aPtr,aMaxLength,*this);}
   136 inline TInt TStreamMark::ReadL(TStreamExchange& aHost,TDes8& aDes,TInt aMaxLength,TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   137 /** Reads data, asynchronously, from the shared stream into the specified descriptor.
   139 If the function leaves, then no read request will have been initiated.
   141 @param aHost The object that manages shared streaming.
   142 @param aDes The target descriptor for the data read from the shared stream.
   143 @param aMaxLength The maximum number of bytes to be read.
   144 @param aStatus The request status that indicates the completion status of this 
   145 asynchronous request.
   146 @return The maximum number of bytes to be read, as used in this request. This 
   147 can be different to the value supplied in aMaxLength; this is dependent on 
   148 the implementation of the underlying stream. */
   149 	{return aHost.DoReadL(aDes,aMaxLength,aStatus,*this);}
   150 inline TStreamTransfer TStreamMark::ReadL(TStreamExchange& aHost,MStreamInput& anInput,TStreamTransfer aTransfer)
   151 /** Reads data from the shared stream into the specified data sink.
   153 @param aHost The object that manages shared streaming.
   154 @param anInput The sink which is the target for the read operation.
   155 @param aTransfer Defines the amount of data available to be read from the shared 
   156 stream.
   157 @return The amount of data that was not consumed. */
   158 	{return aHost.DoReadL(anInput,aTransfer,*this);}
   159 inline TInt TStreamMark::ReadL(TStreamExchange& aHost,MStreamInput& anInput,TInt aMaxLength)
   160 /** Reads data from the shared stream into the specified data sink.
   162 @param aHost The object that manages shared streaming.
   163 @param anInput The sink which is the target for the read operation.
   164 @param aMaxLength The maximum amount of data available to be read from the 
   165 shared stream.
   166 @return The amount of data that was not consumed. */
   167 	{return aMaxLength-aHost.DoReadL(anInput,TStreamTransfer(aMaxLength),*this).Left();}
   168 inline void TStreamMark::ReadL(TStreamExchange& aHost,MStreamInput& anInput)
   169 /** Reads data from the shared stream into the specified data sink.
   171 No explicit limit is placed on the amount of data that can be read.
   173 @param aHost The object that manages shared streaming.
   174 @param anInput The sink which is the target for the read operation. */
   175 	{aHost.DoReadL(anInput,KStreamUnlimited,*this);}
   176 inline void TStreamMark::WriteL(TStreamExchange& aHost,const TAny* aPtr,TInt aLength)
   177 /** Writes data from the specified memory location into the shared stream.
   179 @param aHost The object that manages shared streaming.
   180 @param aPtr A pointer to the memory location from which data is to be written 
   181 to the shared stream.
   182 @param aLength The number of bytes to be written. */
   183 	{aHost.DoWriteL(aPtr,aLength,*this);}
   184 inline TInt TStreamMark::WriteL(TStreamExchange& aHost,const TDesC8& aDes,TInt aMaxLength,TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   185 /** Writes data, asynchronously, from the specified descriptor into the shared 
   186 stream.
   188 If the function leaves, then no write request will have been initiated.
   190 @param aHost The object that manages shared streaming.
   191 @param aDes The source descriptor for the data to be written into the shared 
   192 stream.
   193 @param aMaxLength The maximum number of bytes to be written.
   194 @param aStatus The request status that indicates the completion status of this 
   195 asynchronous request.
   196 @return The maximum number of bytes to be written, as used in this request. 
   197 This can be different to the value supplied in aMaxLength; this is dependent 
   198 on the implementation. */
   199 	{return aHost.DoWriteL(aDes,aMaxLength,aStatus,*this);}
   200 inline TStreamTransfer TStreamMark::WriteL(TStreamExchange& aHost,MStreamOutput& anOutput,TStreamTransfer aTransfer)
   201 /** Writes data into the shared stream from the specified data source.
   203 @param aHost The object that manages shared streaming.
   204 @param anOutput The data source for the write operation.
   205 @param aTransfer Defines the amount of data to be pulled from the output stream 
   206 object.
   207 @return A stream transfer object defining the amount of data that was not consumed. */
   208 	{return aHost.DoWriteL(anOutput,aTransfer,*this);}
   209 inline TInt TStreamMark::WriteL(TStreamExchange& aHost,MStreamOutput& anOutput,TInt aMaxLength)
   210 /** Writes data into the shared stream from the specified data source
   212 @param aHost The object that manages shared streaming.
   213 @param anOutput The data source for the write operation.
   214 @param aMaxLength The maximum amount of data available to be written.
   215 @return The amount of data that was not consumed. */
   216 	{return aMaxLength-aHost.DoWriteL(anOutput,TStreamTransfer(aMaxLength),*this).Left();}
   217 inline void TStreamMark::WriteL(TStreamExchange& aHost,MStreamOutput& anOutput)
   218 /** Writes data into the shared stream from the specified data source.
   220 No explicit limit is placed on the amount of data that can be written.
   222 @param aHost The object that manages shared streaming.
   223 @param anOutput The data source for the write operation. */
   224 	{aHost.DoWriteL(anOutput,KStreamUnlimited,*this);}
   225 inline void TStreamMark::SeekL(TStreamExchange& aHost,TStreamPos aPos)
   226 	{aHost.DoSeekL(*this,EStreamBeginning,aPos.Offset());}
   227 inline TStreamPos TStreamMark::SeekL(TStreamExchange& aHost,TStreamLocation aLocation,TInt anOffset)
   228 /** Moves the position of the mark in the host stream.
   230 The new position is calculated by adding the specified offset to one of:
   232 the position of the beginning of the host stream
   234 the position of the end of the host stream
   236 the position of the current mark.
   238 @param aHost The object that manages shared streaming.
   239 @param aLocation The location in the host stream on which the calculation of 
   240 the new position is based.
   241 @param anOffset The offset value.
   242 @return The new position of the mark. */
   243 	{return aHost.DoSeekL(*this,aLocation,anOffset);}
   244 inline TStreamPos TStreamMark::SeekL(TStreamExchange& aHost,TInt anOffset)
   245 /** Moves the position of the mark in the host stream.
   247 @param aHost The object that manages shared streaming.
   248 @param anOffset The amount by which the position of the mark is to be moved 
   249 relative to the existing position of the mark.
   250 @return The new position of the mark. */
   251 	{return aHost.DoSeekL(*this,EStreamMark,anOffset);}
   252 inline TStreamPos TStreamMark::TellL(TStreamExchange& aHost) const
   253 /** Gets the position of the mark within the host stream.
   255 @param aHost The object that manages shared streaming.
   256 @return The stream position. */
   257 	{return aHost.DoSeekL(CONST_CAST(TStreamMark&,*this),EStreamMark,0);}
   259 // Class TStreamExchange
   260 inline TStreamExchange::TStreamExchange()
   261 	: iHost(NULL),iRMrk(NULL),iWMrk(NULL)
   262 /** Constructs an empty object.
   264 Call Share() to prepare for access to a shared stream buffer. */
   265 	{}
   266 inline TStreamExchange::TStreamExchange(MStreamBuf* aHost)
   267 	: iHost(aHost),iRMrk(NULL),iWMrk(NULL)
   268 /** Constructs the object, specifying the stream buffer that will act as the shared 
   269 host.
   271 @param aHost A pointer to a stream buffer that will act as the shared host. */
   272 	{}
   273 inline void TStreamExchange::Share(MStreamBuf* aHost)
   274 /** Tells the object to use the specified stream buffer that will act as the shared 
   275 host.
   277 @param aHost A pointer to a stream buffer that will act as the shared host. */
   278 	{iHost=aHost;}
   279 inline TBool TStreamExchange::IsActive() const
   280 /** Tests whether this object is using a stream buffer that is acting as shared 
   281 host.
   283 @return True, if this object is using a shared host ; false, otherwise. */
   284 	{return iHost!=NULL;}
   286 // Class RShareBuf
   287 inline void RShareBuf::Open(TStreamExchange& aHost,TInt aMode)
   288 /** Prepares the shared stream buffer for streaming.
   290 The function sets the read mark and/or the write mark to the beginning of 
   291 the host stream.
   293 @param aHost The object that manages shared streaming.
   294 @param aMode The streaming mode. This can be read and/or write, as indicated 
   295 by the ERead and EWrite bits.
   296 @see MStreamBuf::TRead
   297 @see MStreamBuf::TWrite
   298 @see KStreamBeginning */
   299 	{Open(aHost,KStreamBeginning,aMode);}
   301 // Class RShareWriteStream
   302 inline RShareWriteStream::RShareWriteStream(const MExternalizer<TStreamRef>& anExter)
   303 	: RWriteStream(anExter)
   304 	{}