author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 3 e1b950c65cb4
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    23 #include <e32std.h>
    24 #include <e32base.h>	// class CArrayFix
    25 #include <bamdesca.h>	// class MDesCArray
    26 #include <biditext.h>	// class TBidiText
    27 class CCoeEnv;
    30 /**
    31 Utility that provides methods to load and format resource strings.
    32 String Loader API provides an interface to load and format resource strings
    33 that may contain parameter(s) (\%U for (unicode) text or or \%N for numerical).
    34 Resource strings are usually defined in an RSS file.
    36 The API consists of the TulTextResourceUtils class. All methods are static, so there is
    37 no need to explicitly allocate memory for the interface class.
    38 The implementation needs a CCoeEnv instance to access for example the
    39 resource files.
    42 Usage:
    44 Applications load and format resource strings from normal resources with
    45 static methods of the TulTextResourceUtils class. The loading is done with the LoadL
    46 and LoadLC methods and with the Load method in situations where memory
    47 allocation from the heap is not possible. Formatting is done automatically
    48 after loading in the LoadL and LoadLC methods, but it can also be done
    49 separately with the Format method in situations where memory allocation from
    50 the heap is not possible. For reading the resource strings with the Load,
    51 LoadL and LoadLC methods, the user should provide a pointer to CCoeEnv for
    52 efficiency reasons. If the pointer is not provided, the implementation uses
    53 the CCoeEnv::Static method internally to get it.
    55 Different size displays can handle different length strings. To take full
    56 advantage of this fact, TulTextResourceUtils supports resource strings with multiple
    57 options for strings, separated by the character 0x0001. Each such string can
    58 contain the same or different sub string keys (\%U and \%N). TulTextResourceUtils returns
    59 all strings, it is the responsibility of the caller to parse the result and
    60 choose the proper string to display.
    62 Setting the maximum sub string length may be done in the text resources. Sub
    63 string maximum lengths can be localized separately for every language.
    64 The maximum sub string length is of the format: \%U[NN]
    65 where NN is a number [01..99]. Please note that NN must always consist of two
    66 characters, i.e. if the sub string maximum length is eight characters, the
    67 value to be used is 08, not plain 8. If the number of characters exceeds the
    68 maximum length, the sub string is cut to fit and the last character is
    69 replaced with an ellipsis character.
    71 The following examples describe the usage of the String Loader API.
    73 Usage when one TInt is added:
    75 @code
    76  // In .loc -file
    77  // #define text_example "You have %N undone tasks."
    79  // In .rss -file
    80  // RESOURCE TBUF r_text_example { buf = text_example; }
    82  // (In the .cpp -file)
    83  #include <coeutils.h>
    85  // Get CCoeEnv instance
    86  CEikonEnv* iEikonEnv = CEikonEnv::Static();
    88  TInt number(324);
    90  // Method reads a resource string with memory allocation
    91  // and replaces the first %N-string in it with replacement TInt.
    92  // The heap descriptor must be destroyed when it is no longer needed.
    93  // iEikonEnv is needed for loading the resource string.
    94  HBufC* stringholder = TulTextResourceUtils::LoadL(R_TEXT_EXAMPLE, number, iEikonEnv);
    96  // The 'number' is added to the resource string. The result is
    97  // that stringholder points to a heap descriptor containing string:
    98  // "You have 324 undone tasks."
   100  // Delete the heap descriptor
   101  delete stringholder;
   102 @endcode
   105 Usage when several strings are added:
   107 An index can be included to parameters. Several parameters can have same index
   108 if the same replacement is needed multiple times.
   110 @code
   111  // In .loc -file
   112  // #define text_example "I'm %2U%1U %3U%0U fine."
   114  // In .rss -file
   115  // RESOURCE TBUF r_text_example { buf = text_example; }
   117  // In the .cpp -file
   118  #include <coeutils.h>
   120  // Get CCoeEnv instance
   121  CEikonEnv* iEikonEnv = CEikonEnv::Static();
   123  CDesCArrayFlat* strings = new CDesCArrayFlat(4);
   124  CleanupStack::PushL(strings);
   126  strings->AppendL(_L("orking")); //First string
   128  strings->AppendL(_L("ll")); //Second string
   130  strings->AppendL(_L("sti")); //Third string
   132  strings->AppendL(_L("w")); //Fourth string
   134  // Method reads a resource string with memory allocation and replaces
   135  // the %(index)U strings in it with replacement strings from an array.
   136  // The heap descriptor must be destroyed when it is no longer needed.
   137  // iEikonEnv is needed for loading the resource string.
   138  HBufC* stringholder = TulTextResourceUtils::LoadL(R_TEXT_EXAMPLE, *strings, iEikonEnv);
   140  // Four strings are added to the resource string. The result is
   141  // that stringholder points to a heap descriptor containing string:
   142  // "I'm still working fine."
   144  // Pop and delete strings array
   145  CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   147  // Delete the heap descriptor
   148  delete stringholder;
   149 @endcode
   152 Usage with scalable UI support:
   154 @code
   155  // In .loc -file
   156  // #define TEXT_EXAMPLE "You have missed %N messages from %U."<0x0001>"Missed %N msgs from %U."<0x0001>"Missed %N msgs."
   158  // In .rss -file
   161  // In the .cpp -file
   162  #include <coeutils.h>
   164  // Get CCoeEnv instance
   165  CEikonEnv* iEikonEnv = CEikonEnv::Static();
   167  TInt number(12);
   168  _LIT(name, "John Doe");
   170  // Method reads a resource string with memory allocation,
   171  // replaces all %N strings in it with a replacement TInt and
   172  // all %U strings in it with a replacement string.
   173  // The heap descriptor must be destroyed  when it is no longer needed.
   174  // iEikonEnv is needed for loading the resource string.
   175  HBufC stringholder = TulTextResourceUtils::LoadL(R_TEXT_EXAMPLE, name, number, iEikonEnv);
   177  // The number and name are added to the resource string. The result is
   178  // that stringholder points to a heap descriptor containing string:
   179  // "You have missed 12 messages from John Doe.\001Missed 12 msgs from John
   180  // Doe.\001Missed 12 msgs."
   182  // Delete the heap descriptor
   183  delete stringholder;
   184 @endcode
   187 Error handling:
   189 The leave mechanism of the Symbian OS environment is used to handle memory
   190 exhaustion. The panic mechanism is used to handle programming errors while
   191 debugging. TulTextResourceUtils panics for seven different reasons. The panic 
   192 category is named TulTextResourceUtils. The panic codes are:
   194 - ETooFewArguments        = 0 (Unsolved parameters in resource string.)
   195 - ETooManyArguments       = 1 (Already solved all parameters in  resource string.)
   196 - EKeyStringNotFound      = 2 (The key string wasn't found in formatting.)
   197 - EInvalidIndex           = 3 (Invalid index in Format-method)
   198 - EDescriptorTooSmall     = 4 (Too small destination descriptor.)
   199 - ECCoeEnvNotInitialized  = 5 (CCoeEnv is not initialized)
   200 - EInvalidSubstitute      = 6 (Substituted string contains KSubStringSeparator)
   202 @publishedAll
   203 @released
   204 */
   205 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TulTextResourceUtils)
   206     {
   207 public:
   208     IMPORT_C static void Load(TDes& aDest, TInt aResourceId, CCoeEnv* aLoaderEnv = NULL);
   209     IMPORT_C static void Format(TDes& aDest, const TDesC& aSource, TInt aPosition, TInt aSubs);
   210     IMPORT_C static void Format(TDes& aDest, const TDesC& aSource, TInt aPosition, const TDesC& aSubs);
   211     IMPORT_C static HBufC* LoadL(TInt aResourceId, CCoeEnv* aLoaderEnv = NULL);
   212     IMPORT_C static HBufC* LoadL(TInt aResourceId, TInt aInt, CCoeEnv* aLoaderEnv = NULL);
   213     IMPORT_C static HBufC* LoadL(TInt aResourceId, const TDesC& aString, CCoeEnv* aLoaderEnv = NULL);
   214     IMPORT_C static HBufC* LoadL(TInt aResourceId, const TDesC& aString, TInt aInt, CCoeEnv* aLoaderEnv = NULL);
   215     IMPORT_C static HBufC* LoadL(TInt aResourceId, const CArrayFix<TInt>& aInts, CCoeEnv* aLoaderEnv = NULL);
   216     IMPORT_C static HBufC* LoadL(TInt aResourceId, const MDesCArray& aStrings, CCoeEnv* aLoaderEnv = NULL);
   217     IMPORT_C static HBufC* LoadL(TInt aResourceId, const MDesCArray& aStrings, const CArrayFix<TInt>& aInts, CCoeEnv* aLoaderEnv = NULL);
   218     IMPORT_C static HBufC* LoadLC(TInt aResourceId, CCoeEnv* aLoaderEnv = NULL);
   219     IMPORT_C static HBufC* LoadLC(TInt aResourceId, TInt aInt, CCoeEnv* aLoaderEnv = NULL);
   220     IMPORT_C static HBufC* LoadLC(TInt aResourceId, const TDesC& aString, CCoeEnv* aLoaderEnv = NULL);
   221     IMPORT_C static HBufC* LoadLC(TInt aResourceId, const TDesC& aString, TInt aInt, CCoeEnv* aLoaderEnv = NULL);
   222     IMPORT_C static HBufC* LoadLC(TInt aResourceId, const CArrayFix<TInt>& aInts, CCoeEnv* aLoaderEnv = NULL);
   223     IMPORT_C static HBufC* LoadLC(TInt aResourceId, const MDesCArray& aStrings, CCoeEnv* aLoaderEnv = NULL);
   224     IMPORT_C static HBufC* LoadLC(TInt aResourceId, const MDesCArray& aStrings, const CArrayFix<TInt>& aInts, CCoeEnv* aLoaderEnv = NULL);
   225 private:
   226     TulTextResourceUtils();
   227     TulTextResourceUtils(const TulTextResourceUtils&);	// Prohibit copy constructor
   228     TulTextResourceUtils& operator= (const TulTextResourceUtils&);	// Prohibit assigment operator
   229     static HBufC* FormatStringL(const TDesC& aSource, const TDesC& aKey, const TDesC& aSubs, TBidiText::TDirectionality aDir);
   230     static HBufC* FormatStringL(const TDesC& aSource, const TDesC& aKey, const TDesC& aSubs,
   231         						 TBidiText::TDirectionality aDirectionality, TInt& aParamCount, TInt aSubCount);
   232     static HBufC* FormatStringL(TDesC& aSource, const CArrayFix<TInt>& aInts, TInt aMax, TBidiText::TDirectionality aDir);
   233     static HBufC* FormatStringL(TDesC& aSource, const MDesCArray& aStrings, TInt aMax, TBidiText::TDirectionality aDir);
   234     static TInt Formater(TDes& aDest, const TDesC& aSource, const TDesC& aKey,
   235         					const TDesC& aSubs, TBidiText::TDirectionality aDirectionality);
   237     static void KeyStringFormater(TDes& aDest, const TText& aKey, TInt aPosition, const TDesC& aKeyString);
   238     static TBidiText::TDirectionality ResolveDirectionality(TDes& aText, TBool* aFound);
   239     static TInt GetParamCount(const TDesC& aText, TInt aIndex = -1);
   240     static TInt GetSubStringCount(const TDesC& aText);
   242     static TBidiText::TDirectionality DirectionalityL(const TDesC& aText, TBool* aFound);
   243     static HBufC* ResolveSubStringDirsL(TDes& aText, TInt aCount, TBool* aMarker);
   244     static HBufC* ResolveSubStringL(TDes& aText, TBool* aMarker);
   245     static void RemoveNoDirMarkers(TDes& aText);
   246     static void FormatL(TDes& aDest, const TDesC& aSource, const TDesC& aKeybuf, const TDesC& aSubs);
   247     };
   250 #endif	// __TULTEXTRESOURCEUTILS_H__