author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 3 e1b950c65cb4
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 * Name        : sipresolvedclient2.h
    16 * Part of     : SIP Client Resolver API
    17 * Version     : 1.0
    18 *
    19 */
    26 // INCLUDES
    27 #include <sipacceptcontactheader.h>
    28 #include <sipeventheader.h>
    29 #include <stringpool.h>
    30 #include <uri8.h>
    31 #include <sipheaderbase.h>
    32 #include <sipcontenttypeheader.h>
    33 #include <e32base.h>
    36 class CSdpMediaField;
    38 // CONSTANTS
    39 /** Interface UID of this ECOM interface*/
    40 const TUid KSIPResolvedClient2IFUid = { 0x10282EE5 };
    43 /**
    44 * @publishedAll
    45 * @released
    46 *
    47 * Interface that SIP stack's clients must realize 
    48 * in order to be able to receive incoming SIP requests outside SIP dialogs.
    49 * Note that channel UIDs must be unique accross all SIP clients 
    50 * e.g. clients may use UIDs assigned for binaries.
    51 * 
    52 * SIP stack utilizes the plug-ins that implement 
    53 * this interface in the following manner:
    54 *
    55 * 1) If the SIP request does not contain Accept-Contact-header(s), go to step 2.
    56 *    SIP stack calls CSIPResolvedClient2::MatchAcceptContactsL 
    57 *    for all the plug-ins and applies the following logic: 
    58 *    a) None of the clients match -> go to step 2
    59 *    b) One client matches -> the SIP request is routed to the matching client
    60 *    c) Several clients match -> go to step 2
    61 *
    62 * 2) If the SIP request does not contain Event-header, go to step 3.
    63 *    SIP stack calls CSIPResolvedClient2::MatchEventL 
    64 *    for all the plug-ins and applies the following logic:
    65 *    a) None of the clients match -> go to step 3
    66 *    b) One client matches -> the SIP request is routed to the matching client
    67 *    c) Several clients match -> go to step 3
    68 *
    69 * 3) SIP stack calls CSIPResolvedClient2::MatchRequestL for all the plug-ins.
    70 *    a) None of the clients match -> SIP generates an error response
    71 *    b) One client matches -> the SIP request is routed to the matching client
    72 *    c) Several clients match -> 
    73 *       SIP picks one of these clients randomly and routes the request to it. 
    74 *       The ROM-based clients are preferred.
    75 */
    76 class CSIPResolvedClient2 : public CBase
    77     {
    78     public:    // Destructor
    80         /**
    81         * Destructor
    82         */
    83         inline ~CSIPResolvedClient2();
    85     public: // Abstract methods
    87         /**
    88         * Matches the Accept-Contact-headers 
    89         * to the client(s) represented by this plug-in.
    90         * This function is called for an incoming SIP request 
    91         * if it contains Accept-Contact-header(s).
    92         * @param aMethod the method of the SIP request
    93         * @param aRequestUri the request-URI of the SIP request
    94         * @param aHeaders all the headers in the SIP request
    95         * @param aContent SIP request body; 
    96         *        zero-length descriptor if not present
    97         * @param aContentType the content-type of the SIP request. 
    98         *        Zero-pointer if body is not present.
    99         * @param aClientUid indicates client's UID for 
   100         *        SIP e.g. the one passed as a parameter to CSIP::NewL().
   101         * @return ETrue, if the Accept-Contact-headers match to the client
   102         *         represented by this plug-in, otherwise EFalse. 
   103         */
   104         virtual TBool MatchAcceptContactsL(
   105             RStringF aMethod,
   106             const CUri8& aRequestUri,
   107             const RPointerArray<CSIPHeaderBase>& aHeaders,
   108             const TDesC8& aContent,
   109             const CSIPContentTypeHeader* aContentType,
   110             TUid& aClientUid) = 0;
   112         /**
   113         * Matches the Event-header to the client(s) represented by this plug-in.
   114         * This function is called for an incoming SIP request, 
   115         * if it contains an Event-header and 
   116         * MatchAcceptContactsL returned EFalse.
   117         * @param aMethod the method of the SIP request
   118         * @param aRequestUri the request-URI of the SIP request
   119         * @param aHeaders all the headers in the SIP request
   120         * @param aContent SIP request body; 
   121         *        zero-length descriptor if not present
   122         * @param aContentType the content-type of the SIP request. 
   123         *        Zero-pointer if body is not present.
   124         * @param aClientUid indicates client's UID for 
   125         *        SIP e.g. the one passed as a parameter to CSIP::NewL().
   126         * @return ETrue, if the Event-header matches to the client
   127         *         represented by this plug-in, otherwise EFalse. 
   128         */
   129         virtual TBool MatchEventL(
   130             RStringF aMethod,
   131             const CUri8& aRequestUri,
   132             const RPointerArray<CSIPHeaderBase>& aHeaders,
   133             const TDesC8& aContent,
   134             const CSIPContentTypeHeader* aContentType,
   135             TUid& aClientUid) = 0;
   137         /**
   138         * Matches the whole SIP request to the client(s) 
   139         * represented by this plug-in.
   140         * This function is called if the SIP request does not contain 
   141         * Accept- or Event-headers or  
   142         * MatchAcceptContactsL and MatchEventL returned EFalse.
   143         * @param aMethod the method of the SIP request
   144         * @param aRequestUri the request-URI of the SIP request
   145         * @param aHeaders all the headers in the SIP request
   146         * @param aContent SIP request body; 
   147         *        zero-length descriptor if not present
   148         * @param aContentType the content-type of the SIP request. 
   149         *        Zero-pointer if body is not present.
   150         * @param aClientUid indicates client's UID for 
   151         *        SIP e.g. the one passed as a parameter to CSIP::NewL().
   152         * @return ETrue, if the request can be handled by the client
   153         *         represented by this plug-in, otherwise EFalse. 
   154         */
   155         virtual TBool MatchRequestL(
   156             RStringF aMethod,
   157             const CUri8& aRequestUri,
   158             const RPointerArray<CSIPHeaderBase>& aHeaders,
   159             const TDesC8& aContent,
   160             const CSIPContentTypeHeader* aContentType,
   161             TUid& aClientUid) = 0;
   163         /**
   164         * Indicates whether the plug-in implements CSIPResolvedClient2::ConnectL
   165         * and by calling CSIPResolvedClient2::ConnectL 
   166         * SIP stack is able to force the client to connect to SIP stack.
   167         * @return ETrue, if the plug-in supports 
   168         *         CSIPResolvedClient2::ConnectL, otherwise EFalse.
   169         */
   170         virtual TBool ConnectSupported() = 0;
   172         /**
   173         * Requests the client to connect to SIP with 
   174         * the resolved UID in case there's no client connection with the UID.
   175         * @param aClientUid previously resolved client UID
   176         */
   177         virtual void ConnectL(const TUid& aClientUid) = 0;
   179         /**
   180         * Cancels a ConnectL request for a client.
   181         * Is called when for example a CANCEL for an INVITE is received 
   182         * before the client connects to SIP stack.
   183         * @param aClientUid a UID for which ConnectL was previously called
   184         */
   185         virtual void CancelConnect(const TUid& aClientUid) = 0;
   187         /** 
   188         * Gets all the SIP message content types supported by the client.
   189         * @return 0..n SIP Content-Type-headers.
   190         *         The ownership of the headers is transferred. 
   191         */
   192         virtual RPointerArray<CSIPContentTypeHeader> 
   193             SupportedContentTypesL() = 0;
   195         /** 
   196         * Gets all the SDP media-fields supported by the client.
   197         * @return 0..n SDP media-fields describing the client's media support.
   198         *         The ownership of the media-fields is transferred. 
   199         */
   200         virtual RPointerArray<CSdpMediaField> 
   201             SupportedSdpMediasL() = 0;
   204         /**
   205         * Adds client specific SIP-headers for the 200 OK for OPTIONS.
   206         * Each plug-in must check that the header to be added
   207         * is not yet in the array. For example when adding header 
   208         * "Allow: INVITE" the client must check that 
   209         * the header is not already present in the array.
   210         * @param aHeaders headers to be added to 200 OK for OPTIONS. 
   211         *        The ownership of the added headers is transferred to the caller.
   212         */            
   213         virtual void AddClientSpecificHeadersForOptionsResponseL(
   214             RPointerArray<CSIPHeaderBase>& aHeaders) = 0;
   216     public: // Data
   218         /// Unique key for implementations of this interface.
   219         TUid iInstanceKey;
   221 		TUid iImplementationUid;
   223     protected: // Constructors:
   225         inline CSIPResolvedClient2();
   226     };
   228 #include "sipresolvedclient2.inl"
   230 #endif // CSIPRESOLVEDCLIENT2_H