author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 3 e1b950c65cb4
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 * Name        : sipprofileregistry.h
    16 * Part of     : SIP Profile Client
    17 * Interface   : SDK API, SIP Profile API
    18 * The class for using SIP profiles
    19 * Version     : 1.0
    20 *
    21 */
    28 //  INCLUDES
    29 #include <e32base.h>
    30 #include <e32std.h>
    31 #include <badesca.h>
    32 #include "sipprofileregistrybase.h"
    35 class CSIP;
    36 class CSIPConnection;
    37 class CSIPProfile;
    38 class MSIPProfileRegistryObserver;
    39 class MSIPConnectionObserver;
    43 /**
    44 *  @publishedAll
    45 *  @released
    46 *
    47 *  The class for retrieving SIP profiles from permanent storage.
    48 *  This class provides services for retreiving SIP profiles
    49 *  and enabling/disabling them for the usage.
    50 *
    51 *  The user can create only one instance of this class (a singleton class).
    52 *
    53 *  @lib sipprofilecli.lib
    54 */
    55 class CSIPProfileRegistry: public CSIPProfileRegistryBase
    56     {
    57     public:  // Constructors and destructor
    58         /**
    59         * Two-phased constructor.
    60         * This constructor should be used if the client intends
    61         * to use SIP services with profiles.
    62         * @param aSip a SIP client providing connection to SIP stack.
    63         * @param aObserver a observer for SIP profile change events.
    64         */
    65         IMPORT_C static CSIPProfileRegistry* NewL(
    66             CSIP& aSip,
    67             MSIPProfileRegistryObserver& aObserver);
    69         /**
    70         * Two-phased constructor.
    71         * This constructor should be used if the client intends
    72         * to use SIP services with profiles.
    73         * Constructs an object and adds the pointer to the cleanup stack;
    74         * @param aSip a SIP client providing connection to SIP stack.
    75         * @param aObserver a observer for SIP profile change events.
    76         */
    77         IMPORT_C static CSIPProfileRegistry* NewLC(
    78             CSIP& aSip,
    79             MSIPProfileRegistryObserver& aObserver);
    81         /**
    82         * Destructor
    83         */
    84         IMPORT_C ~CSIPProfileRegistry();
    86     public: // New functions
    87         /**
    88         * Gets handle to the SIP server
    89         * @return handle to the SIP server
    90         */
    91         IMPORT_C CSIP& SIP() const;
    93         /**
    94         * Gets the SIP connection to be used with this SIP profile.
    95         * @pre IsEnabled() == ETrue
    96         * @param aProfile a sip profile
    97         * @return a SIP connection to be used; the owneship is transfered
    98         * @leave KErrNoMemory if out of memory
    99         * @capability NetworkServices
   100         */
   101         IMPORT_C CSIPConnection* ConnectionL(
   102             CSIPProfile& aProfile);
   104         /**
   105         * Enables the SIP profile for use.
   106         * Enabling the SIP profile will cause the SIP profile to
   107         * be registered if its status was unregistered.
   108         * The user must check the profile status after calling this
   109         * function. In case the profile is not registered the user must
   110         * wait until the it is notified about profile registration 
   111         * on MSIPProfileRegistryObserver-callback interface.
   112         * @param aProfile a sip profile to enable
   113         * @param aObserver a observer for SIP connection events
   114         * @leave KErrNotFound if non-existing profile is provided
   115         * @capability NetworkServices
   116         */
   117         IMPORT_C void EnableL(
   118             CSIPProfile& aProfile,
   119             MSIPConnectionObserver &aObserver);
   121         /**
   122         * Disables the usage of SIP profile
   123         * @param aProfile a sip profile to disable
   124         * @return KErrNone if SIP profile was successfully disabled; 
   125         *         system wide error otherwise
   126         * @capability NetworkServices
   127         */
   128         IMPORT_C TInt Disable(CSIPProfile& aProfile);
   130         /**
   131         * Tests is the SIP profile enabled for the use
   132         * @param aProfile a SIP profile to be checked
   133         * @return ETrue if SIP profile is enabled; EFalse otherwise
   134         */
   135         IMPORT_C TBool IsEnabled(const CSIPProfile& aProfile) const;
   137         /**
   138         * Force disables the usage of SIP profile
   139         * All Profile related activities will be stopped ungracefully
   140         * @param aProfile a sip profile to disable
   141         * @return KErrNone if SIP profile was successfully disabled; 
   142         *         system wide error otherwise
   143         * @capability NetworkControl
   144         */
   145         IMPORT_C TInt ForceDisable(CSIPProfile& aProfile);
   147         /**
   148         * Refreshes the Enabled SIP profile for use.
   149         * Refreshing the Enabled Profile will cause the SIP Profile to
   150         * get Registered if its status was not registered. 
   151         * This function has to be used when the profile is in Enabled state and 
   152         * might be unregistered due to a connection loss.
   153         * @param aProfile a sip profile to enable
   154         * @leave KErrNotFound if non-existing profile is provided
   155         * @leave KErrArgument if the profile is not previously Enabled and in Unregistered state.
   156         * @capability NetworkServices
   157         */
   159         IMPORT_C void RefreshEnableL(CSIPProfile& aProfile);
   161     public: 
   163         /**
   164         * @internalComponent
   165         */
   166         CSIPProfile* NewInstanceL();
   168     private:
   170         CSIPProfileRegistry();
   171         CSIPProfileRegistry(CSIP& aSip, MSIPProfileRegistryObserver& aObserver);
   172         void ConstructL();
   174     private: 
   176         CSIP& iSip;
   177         MSIPConnectionObserver* iConnectionObserver;
   178     };