author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 2 2fe1408b6811
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005 - 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Contains the OMA DRM CAF Agent specific data types, commands
    15 *                and attributes
    16 *
    17 */
    21 #ifndef OMA2AGENT_H
    22 #define OMA2AGENT_H
    24 //  INCLUDES
    25 #include <caf/caftypes.h>
    27 // CONSTANTS
    28 _LIT(KOmaDrm2AgentName, "OMA DRM Agent");
    29 _LIT8(KOma1DrmMessageContentType, "application/vnd.oma.drm.message");
    30 _LIT8(KOma1XmlRoContentType, "application/vnd.oma.drm.rights+xml");
    31 _LIT8(KOma1WbxmlRoContentType, "application/vnd.oma.drm.rights+wbxml");
    32 _LIT8(KOma2RoContentType, "application/vnd.oma.drm.roap-pdu+xml");
    33 _LIT8(KOma2ProtectedRoType, "application/vnd.oma.drm.ro+xml");
    34 _LIT8(KOma2TriggerContentType, "application/vnd.oma.drm.roap-trigger+xml");
    35 _LIT8(KOma1DcfContentType, "application/vnd.oma.drm.content");
    36 _LIT8(KOma2DcfContentType, "application/vnd.oma.drm.dcf");
    37 _LIT8(KOmaImportContentType, "application/x-vnd.oma.drm.import");
    38 _LIT8(KOmaImportMimeTypeField, "Content-type");
    39 _LIT8(KOmaImportRightsField, "Rights");
    40 _LIT8(KOma2DcfRoBoxId, "cid:Oma2DcfRightsObjectBox@localhost");
    41 _LIT8(KOma2DcfTransactionBoxId, "cid:Oma2DcfTransactionBox@localhost");
    42 _LIT8(KOma2DcfBranding, "\000\000\000\024ftypodcf\000\000\000\002odcf");
    43 _LIT8(KCafMimeType, "application/x-caf");
    44 _LIT(KOma1DcfExtension, ".dcf");
    45 _LIT(KOma2DcfExtension, ".odf");
    46 _LIT(KOma2DcfExtensionAudio, ".o4a");
    47 _LIT(KOma2DcfExtensionVideo, ".o4v");
    49 // DATA TYPES
    51 // Transport scheme for encrypted rights objects
    53 enum TKeyTransportScheme
    54     {
    55     EOma,
    56     ECmlaIp1,
    57     ECmlaIp2,
    58     ECmlaIp3,
    59     ECmlaIp4,
    60     ECmlaIp5,
    61     ECmlaIp6,
    62     ECmlaIp7,
    63     };
    65 namespace ContentAccess
    66 {
    67 // Agent specific attribute identifiers
    69 enum TOma2AgentAttribute
    70     {
    71     EFileType = EAgentSpecificAttributeBase + 1,
    72     EPreviewType,
    73     ESilentRightsType,
    74     EDeliveryMethod,
    75     ERecordingYear
    76     };
    78 enum TOma2AgentStringAttribute
    79     {
    80     EInstantPreviewUri = EAgentSpecificAttributeBase + 1,
    81     EPreviewRightsUri,
    82     ERightsIssuerUrl,
    83     ESilentRightsUrl,
    84     ETransactionTrackingId,
    85     EEmbeddedRightsObject,
    86     EGroupId,
    87     EDomainRightsIssuerUrl,
    88     EDomainId,
    89     EDomainRightsIssuerId,
    90     EContentVendor,
    91     ECopyright,
    92     EContentName,
    93     EOmaDrmContentLocation,
    94     EOmaDrmContentVersion,
    95     EPerformer,
    96     EOmaDrmGenre,
    97     ERatingInfo,
    98     EClassificationInfo,
    99     EKeyword,
   100     ELocInfoName,
   101     ELocInfoAstronomicalBody,
   102     ELocInfoAdditionalNotes,
   103     EAlbumTitle,
   104     EAlbumTrack,
   105     ECoverUri,
   106     ELyricsUrl,
   107     EFileName
   108     };
   110 // File types
   111 // EOma1DcfBased, The file type is derived from Oma1Dcf but has some extensions to it
   112 enum
   113     {
   114     ENoDcf = 0,
   115     EOma1Dcf = 1,
   116     EOma2Dcf = 2,
   117     EOma1DcfBased = 4 
   118     };
   120 // Delivery method
   122 enum TOmaDrmDeliveryMethod
   123     {
   124     EOmaDrm1LocalDataFile,
   125     EOmaDrm1ForwardLock,
   126     EOmaDrm1ForwardLockDcf,
   127     EOmaDrm1CombinedDelivery,
   128     EOmaDrm1CombinedDeliveryDcf,
   129     EOmaDrm1SeparateDelivery,
   130     EOmaDrm2
   131     };
   133 // Encryption methods for OMA DRM 2 DCF files
   135 enum TEncryptionMethod
   136     {
   137     EMethodNULL = 0x00,
   138     EMethodAES_128_CBC = 0x01,
   139     EMethodAES_128_CTR = 0x02
   140     };
   142 // Padding options
   144 enum TEncryptionPadding
   145     {
   146     EPaddingNone = 0x00,
   147     EPaddingRFC_2630 = 0x01
   148     };
   150 // Rights refresh and preview options
   152 enum TSilentRefresh
   153     {
   154     ENoSilentRefresh = 0x00,
   155     EOnDemand = 0x01,
   156     EInAdvance = 0x02
   157     };
   159 enum TPreview
   160     {
   161     ENoPreview = 0x00,
   162     EInstantPreview = 0x01,
   163     EPreviewRights = 0x02
   164     };
   166 // Rights Object version (stored in the iVersionMain field of the version)
   168 enum
   169     {
   170     EOma1Rights = 1,
   171     EOma2Rights = 2,
   172     ECmlaRights = 3
   173     };
   175 // Agent specific commands
   177 enum
   178     {
   179     /**
   180     * Embed any present domain RO into a CContent object
   181     * Works as an agent specific command for CContent
   182     * Input buffer: unused
   183     * Output buffer: unused
   184     */
   185     EEmbedDomainRo,
   187     /**
   188     * Return the supported OMA DRM methods
   189     * Works as an agent specific command for CManager
   190     * Input buffer: unused
   191     * Output buffer: String containing the following tokens
   192     *                FL if OMA DRM 1.0 Forward Lock is supported
   193     *                CD if OMA DRM 1.0 Combined Delivery is supported
   194     *                SD if OMA DRM 1.0 Separate Delivery is supported
   195     *                OMADRM2 if OMA DRM 2.0 is supported
   196     */
   197     EOmaDrmMethods,
   199     /**
   200     * Set the value of the x-oma header
   201     * works as an agent specific command for CManager
   202     * Input buffer: String containing the following data
   203     *               4 bytes(TInt) | ContentURI
   204     * Output buffer: unused
   205     */
   206     ESetPendingRightsETA,
   208     /**
   209     * Checks whether a memory buffer contains an OMA DRM 1.0 DCF
   210     * Input buffer: Memory buffer to check
   211     * Output buffer: unused
   212     * Return value: KErrNone if the buffer contains a DCF
   213     */
   214     EBufferContainsOma1Dcf,
   216     /**
   217     * Decrypt an OMA DRM 1.0 DCF memory buffer
   218     * Input buffer: Intent of the decryption (EPlay, ...) in the first byte,
   219     *               followed by the memory buffer to decrypt
   220     * Output buffer: Decrypted data
   221     */
   222     EDecryptOma1DcfBuffer,
   225     /**
   226     * Set the content name
   227     * Input buffer: first memory buffer 4 bytes of length of the content name |
   228     *               memory buffer of the new content name |
   229     *               content id
   230     * Output buffer: unused
   231     */
   232     ESetContentName,
   234     };
   235 }
   237 #endif      // OMA2AGENT_H
   239 // End of File