author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 2 2fe1408b6811
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Destination interface class.
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #ifndef DESTINATION_H
    19 #define DESTINATION_H
    21 // System includes
    22 #include <cmconnectionmethod.h>
    23 #include <cmmanagerdef.h>
    24 #include <e32def.h>
    25 #include <e32base.h>
    26 #include <metadatabase.h>
    29 class CCmManagerImpl;
    30 class CCmDestinationData;
    31 class CGulIcon;
    33 /**
    34  *  RCmDestination is for setting/getting values of a network destination.
    35  *
    36  *  @lib cmmanager.lib
    37  *  @since S60 v3.2
    38  */
    39 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(RCmDestination)
    40     {
    41     //=====================================================================
    42     // Constructors/Destructors
    43     // 
    44     public:
    46         /** Default constructor. */
    47         IMPORT_C RCmDestination();
    49         IMPORT_C ~RCmDestination();
    51         IMPORT_C RCmDestination(const RCmDestination& aCmDestination);
    53     //=====================================================================
    54     // API functions
    55     public:
    57         /**
    58         * Close the session.
    59         *
    60         * @since S60 3.2
    61         */
    62         IMPORT_C void Close();
    64         /**
    65         * Returns the number of connection methods of the destination
    66         *
    67         * @since 3.2
    68         * @return the number of connection methods belonging to a destination        
    69         */                 
    70         IMPORT_C TInt ConnectionMethodCount() const;
    72         /**
    73         * Returns a reference to the connection method. 
    74         * The index must be less than the return value of 
    75         * ConnectionMethodCount().
    76         *
    77         * @since 3.2
    78         * @param anIndex
    79         * @return a connection method
    80         */        
    81         IMPORT_C RCmConnectionMethod ConnectionMethodL( TInt anIndex ) const;
    83         /**
    84         * Returns the connection method with the ECmId.
    85         * Leaves with KErrNotFound if not found.
    86         * @param aCmId unique id of the requested connection method.
    87         * @return connection method
    88         */
    89         IMPORT_C RCmConnectionMethod ConnectionMethodByIDL( 
    90                                                         TInt aCmId ) const;
    92         /**
    93         * Return the priority of the passed connection method
    94         *
    95         * @since 3.2
    96         * @param aCCMItem connection method
    97         * @return the priority of the queried connection method 
    98         */
    99         IMPORT_C TUint PriorityL(const RCmConnectionMethod& aCCMItem ) const;
   101         //Getting attributes
   103         /**
   104         * Returns the destination's Name attribute
   105         * HBuf ownership is passed to the caller
   106         *
   107         * @since 3.2
   108         * @return HBufC* Passes returned value's ownership to the caller
   109         */      
   110         IMPORT_C HBufC* NameLC() const;                        
   112         /**
   113         * Returns the destination's Id attribute
   114         *
   115         * @since 3.2
   116         * @return the destination's id
   117         */                    
   118         IMPORT_C TUint32 Id() const;
   120         /**
   121         * Returns the destination's ElementId attribute
   122         *
   123         * @since 3.2
   124         * @return the destination's element id        
   125         */            
   126         IMPORT_C TUint32 ElementId() const;        
   128         /**
   129         * Returns the Icon pointer
   130         * This function leaves if the client does not have a valid UI context
   131         *
   132         * @since 3.2
   133         * @return the destination icon  
   134         */ 
   135         IMPORT_C CGulIcon* IconL() const;
   137         /**
   138         * Returns the Metadata
   139         *
   140         * @since 3.2
   141         * @param aMetaField the meta data field to query
   142         * @return the value of the requested field        
   143         */            
   144         IMPORT_C TUint32 MetadataL( CMManager::TSnapMetadataField aMetaField ) const;
   146         /**
   147         * Return the protection level of the destination.
   148         *
   149         * @since 3.2              
   150         * @return protection level of the destination
   151         */
   152         IMPORT_C CMManager::TProtectionLevel ProtectionLevel() const;
   154         /**
   155         * Returns if there's a connection created with any of the destination's
   156         * connection method.
   157         *
   158         * @since 3.2        
   159         * @return ETrue if there's a connection with any of the destination's
   160         * connection method.
   161         */
   162         IMPORT_C TBool IsConnectedL() const;
   164         /**
   165         * Returns whether the destination is hidden or not.
   166         *
   167         * @since 3.2
   168         * @return ETrue if the destination is hidden
   169         */
   170         IMPORT_C TBool IsHidden() const;
   172         /**
   173         * checks if destinations are the same 
   174         * 
   175         * @since S60 3.2
   176         * @param aDestination the destination being compared
   177         * @return ETrue if the destinations are the same
   178         */
   179         IMPORT_C TBool operator==(const RCmDestination& aDestination ) const;
   181         /**
   182         * checks if destinations are not the same 
   183         * 
   184         * @since S60 3.2
   185         * @param aDestination the destination being compared
   186         * @return ETrue if the destinations are different
   187         */
   188         IMPORT_C TBool operator!=(const RCmDestination& aDestination ) const;
   190         /**
   191         * assignment operator 
   192         * 
   193         * @since S60 3.2
   194         * @param aDestination the destination being compared
   195         * @return RCmDestination
   196         */
   197         IMPORT_C RCmDestination& operator=(const RCmDestination& 
   198                                                     aCmDestination);
   200                 /**
   201         * Create a connection method that belongs to this destination.
   202         * @param aImplementationUid - implementation uid (bearer type) of the 
   203         * connection method to be created
   204         * @return newly created connection method
   205         */
   206         IMPORT_C RCmConnectionMethod CreateConnectionMethodL( TUint32 aBearerType );
   208         /*
   209         * Adds an existing connection method to a destination
   210         * @param aConnectionMethod Connection method to be added
   211         * @return index in the Connection Method list
   212         */
   213         IMPORT_C TInt AddConnectionMethodL( RCmConnectionMethod aConnectionMethod );            
   215         /*
   216         * Embeds an existing destination into this destination.
   217         * @param RCmDestination - Destination to be embedded
   218         * @return TInt - index in the Connection Method list
   219         */
   220         IMPORT_C TInt AddEmbeddedDestinationL( const RCmDestination& aDestination );     
   222         /**
   223         * Remove a connection method from a destination and delete it
   224         * on update. 
   225         * Exception: conenction method is not deleted  if it's referenced 
   226         * from any other destination.
   227         * @param aConnectionMethod the connection method to be deleted.
   228         */
   229         IMPORT_C void DeleteConnectionMethodL( RCmConnectionMethod& aConnectionMethod );
   231         /**
   232         * Remove connection method from the destination
   233         * @param aConnectionMethod connection method to be removed
   234         */
   235         IMPORT_C void RemoveConnectionMethodL( RCmConnectionMethod aConnectionMethod );
   238         /**
   239         * Set the connection method's priority based on the passed index.
   240         * @param aCCMItem the connection method item
   241         * @param aIndex the new priority of the connection method in the 
   242         * destination
   243         */
   244         IMPORT_C void ModifyPriorityL( RCmConnectionMethod& aCCMItem, 
   245                                        TUint aIndex );
   247         /**
   248         * Set the destination's name
   249         * @param aDestinationName new name of the destination
   250         */
   251         IMPORT_C void SetNameL( const TDesC& aName );
   253         /**
   254         * Set the destination's icon index.
   255         * This fucton leaves if the client does not have a valid UI context
   256         * @param aIconIndex new icon index of the destination
   257         */
   258         IMPORT_C void SetIconL( TUint32 anIndex );
   260         /**
   261         * Set the Metadata
   262         * @param aMetaField field to be modified
   263         * @param aValue value to be set
   264         */            
   265         IMPORT_C void SetMetadataL( CMManager::TSnapMetadataField aMetaField, 
   266                                     TUint32 aValue );
   268         /**
   269         * Set the protection level of the destination.
   270         * @param aProtLevel new protection level 
   271         */
   272         IMPORT_C void SetProtectionL( CMManager::TProtectionLevel aProtLevel );
   274         /**
   275         * Set if the destination is hidden or not.
   276         * @param aHidden - ETrue if destination is hidden
   277         */
   278         IMPORT_C void SetHiddenL( TBool aHidden );         
   280         /**
   281         * Update all values of the destination and its connection method.
   282         * Nothing if stored, if update leaves due to any reason.
   283         */
   284         IMPORT_C void UpdateL();               
   286         /**
   287         * Delete destination and its connection methods from CommsDat.
   288         * Connection methods that belong to other destination, too, are
   289         * not deleted.
   290         */
   291         IMPORT_C void DeleteLD();
   293         /**
   294         * Create a connection method with given id that belongs to this destination.
   295         * @param aImplementationUid - implementation uid (bearer type) of the 
   296         * connection method to be created
   297         * @return newly created connection method or leaves with
   298         * KErrAlreadyExists if there exists CM with the same Id.
   299         */
   300         IMPORT_C RCmConnectionMethod CreateConnectionMethodL( TUint32 aBearerType,
   301                                                               TUint32 aConnMethId );
   304     //=======================================================================
   305     // Member variables
   306     //
   307     private: 
   309         /**
   310          * the implementation class
   311          */
   312         CCmDestinationData* iDestinatonData;
   314     private:
   316         friend class RCmManager;
   317         friend class RCmConnectionMethod;
   318     };
   321 #endif // DESTINATION_H