author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 2 2fe1408b6811
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  
    15 *
    16 */
    21 #include <e32def.h>
    22 #include <e32base.h>
    24 class CCmConnSettingsUiImpl;
    25 namespace CMManager
    26     {
    28     /**
    29     * CCmApplicationSettingsUi::RunApplicationSettingsL leaves with this 
    30     * error code if the selection dialog would have zero elements caused 
    31     * by filtering out all the Connection Methods with the aFilterArray
    32     * and not requesting other list elements by the aListItems bitfield.
    33     * See the comment of the RunApplicationSettingsL method for more 
    34     * detailes.
    35     * This error code is supported by the error resolver. 
    36     */
    37     const TInt KErrConnectionNotFound = -32700;
    39     /** 
    40     * The selection type of a list item in application settings UI
    41     */
    42     enum TCmSettingSelectionMode
    43         {
    44         EAlwaysAsk,         /**<
    45                             * The user selected Always ask 
    46                             */
    47         EDestination,       /**<
    48                             * The user selected a destination
    49                             */
    50         EConnectionMethod,  /**<
    51                             * The user selected a connection method
    52                             */
    53         EDefaultConnection // The user selected Default Connection 
    55         };
    58     /** 
    59     * These bitmasks controls what items does the selection UI containes.
    60     * Bitmasks not listed in the enum are reserved for future usage and they
    61     * are disabled by default. So extending these bitmasks does not cause 
    62     * BC break later.
    63     */
    64     enum TCmSelectionDialogItems
    65         {
    66         EShowAlwaysAsk = 0x01,          /**<
    67                                         * AlwaysAsk is added to the 
    68                                         * selection UI.
    69                                         */                                
    70         EShowDefaultConnection = 0x02,  /**<
    71                                         * DefaultConnection is added to the 
    72                                         * selection UI.
    73                                         */           
    75         /**
    76         * The following enumerations controls how destinations and 
    77         * Connection Methods are presented in the selection UI.
    78         * EShowDestinations is set and EShowConnectionMethods is set:
    79         *   Destination list is added to the selection UI and a Connection
    80         *   Method can be selected inside a Destination.
    81         * EShowDestinations is set and EShowConnectionMethods is not set:
    82         *   Destination list is added to the selection UI and no Connection
    83         *   Method can be selected inside a Destination. 
    84         * EShowDestinations is not set and EShowConnectionMethods is set:
    85         *   Connection Method list is added to the selection UI. Connection
    86         *   Methods are ordered according to the global bearer type 
    87         *   priorities. Destination cannot be selected.
    88         * EShowDestinations is not set and EShowConnectionMethods is not set:
    89         *   The selection UI will not contain any Destination or Connection 
    90         *   Method. E.g. If EShowAlwaysAsk and EShowDefaultConnection was set
    91         *   then the selection UI will contain two entries (AlwaysAsk and 
    92         *   DefaultConnection).
    93         */
    94         EShowDestinations = 0x04,       /**<
    95                                         * Destination list is added to the 
    96                                         * selection UI. Destinations which
    97                                         * does not contain any Connection
    98                                         * Methods are not shown.
    99                                         */
   100         EShowConnectionMethods = 0x08,  /**<
   101                                         * If EShowDestinations is set:
   102                                         *   Connection Method can be selected
   103                                         *   inside a destination.
   104                                         * If EShowDestinations is not set:
   105                                         *   Connection Method list is added to 
   106                                         *   the selection UI.
   107                                         */                                  
   108         };    
   110     }// namespace CMManger
   113     // Structs
   115 /**
   116  * Stores the details of a setting selection
   117  *
   118  *  @lib cmmanager.lib
   119  *  @since S60 3.2
   120  */
   121 NONSHARABLE_STRUCT( TCmSettingSelection )
   122     {
   123     /**
   124     * Selection mode, refers to the type of the list item which is selected
   125     */
   126     CMManager::TCmSettingSelectionMode iResult;
   128     /**
   129     * Id of the selected destination or connection method
   130     */
   131     TUint iId;
   132     };
   134 /**
   135 * Typedef of the bearer filter array.
   136 * This type of array is used to filter Connection Methods
   137 * by bearer types.
   138 *
   139 * The array elements are bearer IDs. The IDs are defined in the bearer
   140 * type specific cmplugin...def.h files. E.g. the ID of the CSD bearer
   141 * type (KUidCSDBearerType) can be found in the cmplugincsddef.h header.
   142 */
   143 typedef RArray<TUint32> TBearerFilterArray;
   145 /**
   146  * For launching the Application Settings UI
   147  *
   148  * Displays a radio button page for an application used to select
   149  * a destination or connection method
   150  *
   151  *  @lib cmmanager.lib
   152  *  @since S60 3.2
   153  */
   154 NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CCmApplicationSettingsUi ) : public CBase
   155     {
   157     public: // construction/destruction
   159         /** Epoc constructor */
   160         IMPORT_C static CCmApplicationSettingsUi* NewL();
   162         /** Epoc constructor 
   163         * Pushes the object on the cleanup stack
   164         */
   165         IMPORT_C static CCmApplicationSettingsUi* NewLC();
   167         /** Destructor. */
   168         virtual ~CCmApplicationSettingsUi();
   170     //=======================================================================
   171     // UI API
   172     //
   173     public:
   175         /**
   176         * Launches the 'easy to use' Settings UI provided for applications
   177         * for handling Destinations and Connection Methods.
   178         * This function call launches the same selection dialog as the 
   179         * the extended RunApplicationSettingsL do (see below) with the
   180         * list items Default Connection, Destinations and  Connection Methods 
   181         * without any filtering.
   182         *
   183         * @since 3.2
   184         * @param aSelection If initialised to a valid value, sets the higlight to the
   185         * corresponding list item at startup. If a list of Destinations is displayed, and
   186         * the initial highlight is set to a Connection Method, the parent Destination
   187         * gets highlighted. On return, holds user selection.
   188         * @return TBool seleceted or not.
   189         */
   190         IMPORT_C TBool RunApplicationSettingsL( 
   191                                         TCmSettingSelection& aSelection );
   193         /**
   194         * Launches the 'easy to use' Settings UI provided for applications
   195         * for handling Destinations and Connection Methods
   196         *
   197         * @since 3.2
   198         * @param aSelection If initialised to a valid value, sets the higlight to the
   199         * corresponding list item at startup. If a list of Destinations is displayed, and
   200         * the initial highlight is set to a Connection Method, the parent Destination
   201         * gets highlighted. On return, holds user selection.
   202         * @param aListItems A bit field which indicates which items shoud be
   203         *                   shown in the selection dialog. The bitmasks are 
   204         *                   defined in the TCmSelectionDialogItems enum.
   205         *
   206         * The function leaves with KErrNotSupported  if all the items which 
   207         * were set to be shown are not supported/enabled. 
   208         * E.g. Default Connection availability/support is controlled by the 
   209         * Feature Manager so if only EShowDefaultConnection is set and the 
   210         * Default Connection feature is not enabled than the function leaves
   211         * with KErrNotSupported.
   212         *
   213         * In other cases (when an item or items are not supported/enabled but
   214         * not all) the selected but not supported/enabled items are not added
   215         * to the list. The request to show such an item is silently ignored.
   216         *
   217         *
   218         * Special note about the EShowDestinations and EShowConnectionMethods
   219         * bitmasks:      
   220         *   The following enumerations controls how how destinations and 
   221         *   Connection Methods are presented in the selection UI.
   222         *   General rule about the EShowDestinations:
   223         *     Destinations which does not contain any Connection Methods are 
   224         *     not shown in the selection dialog. The same rule is applied if
   225         *     the Destination containes Connection Methods but all of them 
   226         *     are filtered out by the filtering criteria.
   227         *   EShowDestinations is set and EShowConnectionMethods is set:
   228         *     Destination list is added to the selection UI and a Connection
   229         *     Method can be selected inside a Destination.
   230         *   EShowDestinations is set and EShowConnectionMethods is not set:
   231         *     Destination list is added to the selection UI and no Connection
   232         *     Method can be selected inside a Destination. 
   233         *   EShowDestinations is not set and EShowConnectionMethods is set:
   234         *     Connection Method list is added to the selection UI. Connection
   235         *     Methods are ordered according to the global bearer type 
   236         *     priorities. Destination cannot be selected.
   237         *   EShowDestinations is not set and EShowConnectionMethods is not set:
   238         *     The selection UI will not contain any Destination or Connection 
   239         *     Method. E.g. If EShowAlwaysAsk and EShowDefaultConnection was 
   240         *     set then the selection UI will contain two entries (AlwaysAsk
   241         *     and DefaultConnection).
   242         *
   243         * @param aFilterArray Only Connection Methods with bearer types from
   244         *                     the aFilterArray will be shown. 
   245         *                     All Connection Methods will be listed if the 
   246         *                     array has no element.
   247         * @return TBool seleceted or not.
   248         *
   249         * @leave KErrArgument If the selection dialog would have zero 
   250         *                     elements based on the aListItems bitmask
   251         *                     (aListItems is equal to zero). 
   252         *
   253         * @leave KErrNotSupported 
   254         *                     If the selection dialog would have zero 
   255         *                     elements based on the aListItems bitmask
   256         *                     (all the selected elements in aListItems  
   257         *	                  are not supported/disabled).
   258         *                     E.g. aListItems = EShowDefaultConnection but 
   259         *                     Default Connection feature is not enabled.
   260         *
   261         * @leave KErrConnectionNotFound 
   262         *                     If the selection dialog would have zero 
   263         *                     elements caused by filtering out all the 
   264         *                     Connection Methods with the aFilterArray
   265         *                     and not requesting other list elements by 
   266         *                     the aListItems bitfield than the function 
   267         *                     call leaves with KErrConnectionNotFound 
   268         *                     error code. A corresponding error note can
   269         *                     be shown using the error resolver. 
   270         *                     E.g. 
   271         *                       - aListItems = EShowConnectionMethods
   272         *                     but all Connection Methods are filtered 
   273         *                     out by the aFilterArray.
   274         */
   275         IMPORT_C TBool RunApplicationSettingsL( 
   276                                         TCmSettingSelection& aSelection, 
   277                                         TUint aListItems,
   278                                         TBearerFilterArray& aFilterArray);
   280     private:
   282         /** C++ constructor */
   283         CCmApplicationSettingsUi();
   285         /**
   286         * Epoc 2nd phase constructor
   287         *
   288         * @since S60 3.2        
   289         */
   290         void ConstructL();
   292     private: // data
   294         /**
   295          * implementation of the class
   296          */
   297         CCmConnSettingsUiImpl* iImpl;    
   298     };