author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 2 2fe1408b6811
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Volume editor class
    15 *
    16 */
    22 #include <AknNaviDecoratorObserver.h>
    24 #include <AknControl.h>
    26 class CGulIcon;
    27 class MAknsSkinInstance;
    28 class CVolumeExtension;
    30 /**
    31  * Used for controlling the volume setting on the phone.
    32  */
    33 class CAknVolumeControl : public CAknControl, public MAknNaviDecoratorObserver
    34     {
    36     public:
    38         /** 
    39          * C++ default constructor. 
    40          */
    41         IMPORT_C CAknVolumeControl();
    43         /** 
    44          * Destructor. 
    45          */
    46         IMPORT_C ~CAknVolumeControl();
    48         /** 
    49          * Sets volume.
    50          *
    51          * @param aValue The new volume.
    52          */
    53         IMPORT_C void SetValue(TInt aValue);
    55         /** 
    56          * Gets volume.
    57          *
    58          * @return The volume setting.
    59          */ 
    60         IMPORT_C TInt Value() const;
    62         /**
    63         * Sets the range of the volume control. Maximum value must be greater 
    64         * than the minimum value, or the method will Panic.
    65         *
    66         * @since 3.2
    67         * @param aMinimumValue The minimum value of the volume  control
    68         * @param aMaximumValue The maximum value of the volume control
    69         * @par Exceptions:
    70         *   Will panic with EAknPanicInvalidValue if the minimum value is 
    71         *   greater or equal than maximum value.
    72         *
    73         */
    74         IMPORT_C void SetRange( TInt aMinimumValue, TInt aMaximumValue );
    76         /**
    77         * Gets the range of the volume control.
    78         * @since 3.2
    79         * @param aMinimumValue The minimum value of the volume  control
    80         * @param aMaximumValue The maximum value of the volume control
    81         */
    82         IMPORT_C void GetRange( TInt& aMinimumValue, TInt& aMaximumValue );
    84         void SuppressDrawing( TBool aSuppress );
    85     public: // from CCoeControl
    87         /** 
    88          * From @c CCoeControl.
    89          * 
    90          * Gets minimun size of layout rectangle.
    91          *
    92          * @return Minimum layout rectangle size. 
    93          */ 
    94         TSize MinimumSize();
    96         /** 
    97          * From @c CCoeControl 
    98          *
    99          * Handles key events.
   100          * 
   101          * @param aKeyEvent Key event to be handled.
   102          * @param aType Type of the event.
   103          * @return Returns @c EKeyConsumed if key event was handled. 
   104          */ 
   105         TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType);
   107         /**
   108          * From @c CCoeControl.
   109          *
   110          * Construct item from given resource.
   111          *
   112          * @param aReader Resource reader reading the wanted resource set. 
   113          */
   114         IMPORT_C void ConstructFromResourceL(TResourceReader& aReader);
   116         /** 
   117          * From @c CCoeControl.
   118          *
   119          * Handles the change of @c CAknVolumeControl's resources. 
   120          * 
   121          * @param aType Type of resource to change
   122          */ 
   123         IMPORT_C void HandleResourceChange(TInt aType);
   125         /**
   126          * Creates volume bitmap to "list pane for setting item" 
   127          * (setting option item volume graphic). Ownership of the returned bitmap
   128          * is transfered to the caller.
   129          *
   130          * @param  aValue Current value (1-10)
   131          * @return Volume bitmap. Ownership of the bitmap is transfered to 
   132          *         the caller.
   133          */
   134         IMPORT_C static CFbsBitmap* CreateBitmapL(TInt aValue);
   136         /**
   137         * Creates general volume icon to "list pane for setting item" 
   138         * (setting option item volume graphic). Ownership of the returned icon
   139         * is transfered to the caller.
   140         *
   141         * @param  aValue Current value (1-10)
   142         * @return Volume icon. Ownership of the icon is transfered to 
   143         *         the caller.
   144         */
   145         IMPORT_C static CGulIcon* CreateSetStyleListBoxIconL( TInt aValue );
   147         /**
   148         * Creates Hi-res volume icon to "list pane for setting item" 
   149         * (setting option item volume graphic). Ownership of the returned icon
   150         * is transfered to the caller.
   151         *
   152         * @since 3.2
   153         * @param  aValue Current value (1-10)
   154         * @param  aMinimum Minimum for Hi-res volume control
   155         * @param  aMaximum Maximum for Hi-res volume control        
   156         * @return Volume icon. Ownership of the icon is transfered to 
   157         *         the caller.
   158         */
   159         IMPORT_C static CGulIcon* CreateSetDynRangeStyleListBoxIconL( TInt aValue,
   160                                                                   TInt aMinimum,
   161                                                                   TInt aMaximum );
   163         /**
   164         * Informs the volume control about whether or not it's placed on the
   165         * navi pane's control stack
   166         *
   167         * @param  aIsOnNaviStack  @c ETrue if the control is on the navi stack,
   168         *                         @c EFalse otherwise.
   169         */                                                                  
   170         void HandleNaviStackChange( TBool aIsOnNaviStack );
   172     protected: // from CCoeControl
   174         /** 
   175          * From @c CCoeControl. 
   176          *
   177          * Handles layout change. 
   178          */
   179         void SizeChanged();
   181         /**
   182          * From @c CCoeControl.
   183          *
   184          * Draws every visible item into the specified rectangle.
   185          *
   186          * @param aRect the specified rectangle.
   187          */ 
   188         void Draw(const TRect& aRect) const;
   190     public:
   192         /**
   193          * From @c CCoeControl. 
   194          *
   195          * Handles pointer events.
   196          * 
   197          * @param aPointerEvent Pointer event to be handled
   198          */
   199         IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);
   201         /**
   202          * From @c MAknNaviDecoratorObserver
   203          *
   204          * Handles Navidecorator events (Arrow left and arrow right)
   205          * 
   206          * @param aEventID ID of event to be handled
   207          */
   208         IMPORT_C void HandleNaviDecoratorEventL( TInt aEventID ); 
   210     private:
   212         /**
   213         * From CAknControl
   214         */
   215         IMPORT_C void* ExtensionInterface( TUid aInterface );        
   217     private:
   219         /**
   220         *
   221         */
   222         void SetVolumeLayout(TInt aStyle);
   224         /**
   225         * Starts a timer for feedback effect visualization 
   226         */
   227         void StartTimerL();
   229     	/**
   230     	 * A callback function for feedback effect.
   231     	 *
   232     	 * @param aThis Pointer to this volume control.
   233     	 */
   234         static TInt IndicationDrawCallbackL( TAny* aThis );
   236 		/**
   237          * Implementation of the feedback effect (Blinking when the volume value
   238          * is set to the max/min value).
   239          */
   240 		void SmallDirectionIndicationL();
   242         /**
   243         * (Re)create the navi icon
   244         */
   245         void CreateNaviIconL();
   247         // Refactored: Used for drawing different styles.
   248         void DrawSettingsStyleVolumeControl( const TRect& aRect ) const;
   249         void DrawDefaultStyleVolumeControl( const TRect& aRect ) const;
   250         void DrawSkinnedDefaultStyleVolumeControl( const TRect& aRect ) const;
   251         void DrawDynRangeSettingsStyleVolumeControl( const TRect& aVolumeArea ) const;
   253         /**
   254         * Calculates the volume icon areas using given volume value.
   255         *
   256         * @param aVolume Volume used as the ratio between active and inactive areas.
   257         * @param aDrawArea The whole drawing area.
   258         * @param aActiveRect Drawing area for the active icon.
   259         * @param aInactiveRect Drawing area for the inactive icon.
   260         */    
   261         void CalcVolumeIconAreas( const TInt aVolume, 
   262                                   const TRect& aDrawArea,
   263                                   TRect& aActiveRect, 
   264                                   TRect& aInactiveRect ) const;
   266         /**
   267         * Utility function for scaling the value between iMiminumValue and 
   268         * iMaximumValue to a range of [0-10]. This is needed for old drawing 
   269         * functions that assume only 10 step volume control.
   270         *
   271         * @return Colume value scaled to range of [0-10].
   272         */
   273         TInt CAknVolumeControl::ScaledValue() const;
   275        /*
   276         * Set extended touch area to be used 
   277         */
   278         void UseExtendedTouchArea();
   280     private:        
   282         CFbsBitmap*         iBitmap;
   283         CFbsBitmap*         iMaskBitmap;
   284         TPoint              iStartPos;
   285         CVolumeExtension*   iExtension;
   286         TInt                iSpare1;
   287         TPoint              iBmpPos;
   288         TInt                iValue;
   289         TInt                iStyle;
   290     };
   292 #endif        // AKNVOLUMECONTROL_H