author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 2 2fe1408b6811
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Base class for view architecture-based applications.
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #ifndef __AKNVIEWAPPUI_H__
    19 #define __AKNVIEWAPPUI_H__
    21 // INCLUDES
    22 #include <aknappui.h>
    25 class CAknView;
    26 class CAknViewShutter;
    27 class CAknLocalScreenClearer;
    28 class CAknViewAppUiExtension;
    29 class CAknViewNavigator;
    31 // MACROS
    32 #define iAvkonViewAppUi ((CAknViewAppUi*)CEikonEnv::Static()->EikAppUi())
    36 /**
    37 *  Base class for view architecture-based applications.
    38 *
    39 *  @since Series 60 0.9
    40 */
    41 class CAknViewAppUi : public CAknAppUi
    42     {
    43 public:
    44 	NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CViewActivationItem) : public CBase
    45 		{
    46 	public:
    48         /**
    49         * Two-phased constructor.
    50         * @param aNewView Application view.
    51         * @param aCustomMessageId Message ID.
    52         * @param aCustomMessage Message contents.
    53         * @param aPrevViewId The UID of the previously active view.
    54         * @return Pointer to new @c CViewActivationItem object.
    55         */
    56 		static CViewActivationItem* NewLC(CAknView* aNewView, 
    57 		                                  TUid aCustomMessageId, 
    58 		                                  const TDesC8& aCustomMessage, 
    59 		                                  const TVwsViewId& aPrevViewId);
    61 		/**
    62         * Destructor.
    63         */
    64 		~CViewActivationItem();
    65 	private:
    66 		CViewActivationItem(CAknView* aNewView, 
    67 		                    TUid aCustomMessageId,
    68 		                    const TVwsViewId& aPrevViewId);
    70 		void ConstructL(const TDesC8& aCustomMessage);
    71 	public:
    73 		// Application view.
    74 		CAknView* iNewView;
    76 		// Message ID.
    77 		TUid iCustomMessageId;
    79 		// Message contents.
    80 		HBufC8* iCustomMessage;
    82 		// The UID of the previously active view.
    83 		TVwsViewId iPrevViewId;
    84 		};
    86         /**
    87         * Container class used to hold information about one split view.
    88         */
    89         NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TAknSplitViewContainer)
    90             {
    91             public:
    92                 /**
    93                 * Checks is a view is part of the split view.
    94                 * @param aViewId UID of the view to be checked.
    95                 * @return ETrue if the given view belongs to the split view.
    96                 */
    97                 TBool IsPartOf( const TUid aViewId );
    99             public:
   100                 // view uids
   101                 TUid iViewIds[2];
   102                 // ETrue if a view's activation failed
   103                 TBool iFailed[2];
   104                 // drawing areas
   105                 TRect iViewRect[2];
   106                 // the size of the leftmost view
   107                 TInt iLeftViewSize;
   108             };
   110     	typedef CArrayPtrFlat<CViewActivationItem> CAknViewActivationQueue;
   111     	typedef CArrayPtrFlat<CAknView> CAknViews;
   113 public:
   115     /**
   116     * Initialises this app UI with standard values.
   117     * @param aAppUiFlags Application user interface flags.
   118     */
   119 	IMPORT_C void BaseConstructL(TInt aAppUiFlags=EStandardApp);
   121 	/**
   122     * Destructor.
   123     */
   124 	IMPORT_C virtual ~CAknViewAppUi();
   126     /**
   127     * Activates a specified application view, without passing any message.
   128     * The function leaves if activation of the view fails.
   129     * @param aViewId Identifier of the view to activate.
   130     */
   131 	IMPORT_C void ActivateLocalViewL(TUid aViewId);
   133     /**
   134     * Activates a specified application view, then passes the message text 
   135     * descriptor aCustomMessage for a message of type aCustomMessageId.
   136     * The function leaves if activation of the view fails.
   137     * @param aViewId Identifier of the view to activate.
   138     * @param aCustomMessageId Specifies the message type.
   139     * @param aCustomMessage The message passed to the activated view.
   140     */
   141 	IMPORT_C void ActivateLocalViewL(TUid aViewId, 
   142 	                                 TUid aCustomMessageId,
   143 	                                 const TDesC8& aCustomMessage);
   145 	/**
   146     * Gets a pointer to specified application view.
   147     * @param aView ID of the application view.
   148     * @return Pointer to application view object, 
   149     * NULL if aView doesn't exists.
   150     */
   151 	IMPORT_C CAknView* View(TUid aView) const;
   153 	/**
   154     * Registers and adds the view to the app UI. 
   155     * This function calls @c CCoeAppUi::RegisterViewL.
   156     * @param aView The view to be registered and added.
   157     */
   158 	IMPORT_C void AddViewL(CAknView* aView);	// takes ownership of aView
   160 	/**
   161     * Removes and deregisteres the view from the app UI. 
   162     * This function calls @c CCoeAppUi::DeregisterView.
   163     * @param aViewId The view to be deregistered and removed.
   164     */
   165 	IMPORT_C void RemoveView(TUid aViewId);
   167     /**
   168     * Processes user commands.
   169     * @param aCommand A command ID.
   170     */
   171 	IMPORT_C void ProcessCommandL(TInt aCommand);
   173 	/**
   174     * Stops displaying the application’s menu bar.
   175     */
   176 	IMPORT_C void StopDisplayingMenuBar();
   178 	// Avkon view architecture system. Internal use only.
   179 	void ViewActivatedL(CAknView* aView, 
   180 	                    const TVwsViewId& aPrevViewId,
   181 	                    TUid aCustomMessageId,
   182 	                    const TDesC8& aCustomMessage);
   184 	void ViewDeactivated(CAknView* aView);
   186     /**
   187     * Combines two views. If either of the views belongs to another view combination
   188     * then that combination is removed.
   189     * @since Series 60 5.0
   190     * @param aView1Id UID of the first (leftmost) view.
   191     * @param aView2Id UID of the second view.
   192     * @param aLeftViewSize Size of the first view (in percentages).
   193     */
   194     IMPORT_C void SetSplitViewL( const TUid aView1Id, const TUid aView2Id, const TInt aLeftViewSize );
   196     /**
   197     * Removes a view combination containing the given view UID. If the view
   198     * with the given UID is currently visible then the screen is switched to
   199     * single view and the the given view stays active.
   200     * @since Series 60 5.0
   201     * @param aViewId UID of a view combination.
   202     */
   203     IMPORT_C void RemoveSplitViewL( const TUid aViewId );
   205     /**
   206     * Checks if split view is in use.
   207     * @since Series 60 5.0
   208     * @return ETrue if a split view is active.
   209     */
   210     IMPORT_C TBool SplitViewActive() const;
   212     /**
   213     * Returns the currently focused view.
   214     * @since Series 60 5.0
   215     * @return UID of the currently focused view.
   216     */
   217     IMPORT_C TUid FocusedView() const;
   219     /**
   220     * Checks if the given view is visible on the screen.
   221     * @since Series 60 5.0
   222     * @param aViewId View to be checked.
   223     * @return ETrue if the given view is visible.	
   224     */
   225     IMPORT_C TBool ViewShown( const TUid aViewId ) const;
   227     /**
   228     * Enables/disables local screen clearer.
   229     * Local screen clearer is used in the view based applications
   230     * to clear the application window if/when the view itself fails
   231     * to do this. By default, the clearer is used.
   232     * This function must be called before the BaseConstructL() to
   233     * prevent the screen clearer on application start up.
   234     *
   235     * @since 3.2 
   236     * @param aEnable ETrue enables local screen clearer.
   237     *                EFalse disables local screen clearer.
   238     */
   239     IMPORT_C void EnableLocalScreenClearer( TBool aEnable = ETrue );
   241     /**
   242     * Returns view's rectangle.
   243     * @since Series 60 5.0
   244     * @param aViewId UID of the view whose rectangle should be returned.
   245     * @param Given view's drawing area.
   246     */
   247     TRect ViewRect( const TUid aViewId ) const;
   249     /**
   250     * Handles keyboard initiated navigation between visible split views.
   251     * @since Series 60 5.0
   252     * @param aKeyEvent Keyboard event.
   253     * @param EKeyWasConsumed if view focus was changed.
   254     */
   255     TKeyResponse HandleViewNavigationL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent );
   257 protected:
   259 	/**
   260     * From @c MEikStatusPaneObserver. Handles a change in the position or
   261     * size of the screen area occupied by the status pane.
   262     */
   263 	IMPORT_C void HandleStatusPaneSizeChange();
   265 	/**
   266     * From @c CCoeAppUi. Handles changes in keyboard focus when
   267     * an application switches to foreground.
   268     * @param aForeground @c ETrue if the application is in the foreground,
   269     * otherwise @c EFalse.
   270     */
   271 	IMPORT_C void HandleForegroundEventL(TBool aForeground);
   273     /**
   274     * From AknAppUi. Handles pointer-initiated view switch. Currently this
   275     * function does nothing but calls base class function.
   276     * @since Series 60 3.0
   277     * @param aEvent Window server event.
   278     * @param aDestination Pointer to the control which the event is targeted to.
   279     */
   280     IMPORT_C void HandleWsEventL( const TWsEvent& aEvent, CCoeControl* aDestination );
   282 private:
   283 	static TInt ActivationCallBack(TAny* aThis);
   284 	void ActivationTick();
   285 	void QueueActivationTick();
   287     /**
   288     * Asserts that extension object has been created.
   289     * @return Extension object.
   290     */
   291     CAknViewAppUiExtension* Extension() const;
   293     /**
   294     * Activates views in split view.
   295     * @since Series 60 5.0
   296     * @param View under activation.
   297     */
   298     void ActivateSplitViewL( CViewActivationItem* aItem );
   300     /**
   301     * If the given view is part of a split view then returns that split view,
   302     * @since Series 60 5.0
   303     * @param aViewId UID of a view that belongs to a split view.
   304     * @return Pointer to a correct split view or NULL if no corresponding split view was found.
   305     */
   306     TAknSplitViewContainer* SplitView( const TUid aViewId ) const;
   308 protected:
   310     // Application view.
   311     CAknView* iView;
   313     // Application views.
   314     CAknViews* iViews;
   316 private:
   317     CAknViewShutter* iShutter;
   318     CAknLocalScreenClearer* iClearer;
   319     CAknViewActivationQueue* iActivationQueue;
   320     CIdle* iActivationTick;
   321     // extension class
   322     CAknViewAppUiExtension* iExtension;
   323     };
   325 #endif // __AKNVIEWAPPUI_H__