author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 2 2fe1408b6811
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Dialogs for selection service implementation.
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #ifndef __AKNSELECTIONLIST_H__
    20 #define __AKNSELECTIONLIST_H__
    22 #include <AknForm.h>
    23 #include <aknview.h>
    24 #include <AknUtils.h>
    25 #include <aknPopup.h>
    26 #include <avkon.rsg>
    28 class CAknSelectionListDialogExtension;
    29 class CAknMarkableListDialogExtension;
    31 /** CAknSelectionListDialog is the actual interface to the applications.
    32 *
    33 * Use this class to get a full screen list.
    34 *
    35 * This class only works in whole main pane. Do not try to use
    36 * this directly for other places. 
    37 *
    38 * @lib Avkon.lib
    39 * @since S60 v1.0
    40 *  
    41 * resource definition for this class:
    42 * @code
    43 * RESOURCE DIALOG r_res_id_for_a_dialog
    44 *   {
    45 *   flags = EAknDialogSelectionList;
    46 *   buttons = R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_OPTIONS_BACK;
    47 *   items =
    48 *        {
    49 *        DLG_LINE
    50 *            {
    51 *            type = EAknCtSingleGraphicListBox;
    52 *            id = ESelectionListControl;
    53 *            control = LISTBOX
    54 *                {
    55 *                flags = EAknListBoxSelectionList;
    56 *                };
    57 *            }
    58 *     // the next dlg line is optional.
    59  *        ,
    60 *        DLG_LINE
    61 *            {
    62 *             itemflags = EEikDlgItemNonFocusing;
    63 *            id = EFindControl;
    64 *            type = EAknCtSelectionListFixedFind;
    65 *            }
    66 *        };
    67 *   }
    68 * @endcode
    69 * The listbox type can be one of the following (defined in avkon.hrh and aknlists.h):
    70  @verbatim
    71    EAknCtSingleListBox                (See CAknSingleStyleListBox)
    72    EAknCtSingleNumberListBox          (See CAknSingleNumberStyleListBox)
    73    EAknCtSingleHeadingListBox         (See CAknSingleHeadingStyleListBox)
    74    EAknCtSingleGraphicListBox         (See CAknSingleGraphicStyleListBox)
    75    EAknCtSingleGraphicHeadingListBox  (See CAknSingleGraphicHeadingStyleListBox)
    76    EAknCtSingleNumberHeadingListBox   (See CAknSingleNumberHeadingStyleListBox)
    77    EAknCtSingleLargeListBox           (See CAknSingleLargeStyleListBox)
    78    EAknCtDoubleListBox                (See CAknDoubleStyleListBox)
    79    EAknCtDoubleNumberListBox          (See CAknDoubleNumberStyleListBox)
    80    EAknCtDoubleTimeListBox            (See CAknDoubleTimeStyleListBox)
    81    EAknCtDoubleLargeListBox           (See CAknDoubleLargeStyleListBox)
    82    EAknCtDoubleGraphicListBox         (See CAknDoubleGraphicStyleListBox)
    83  @endverbatim
    84 * The type field while defining find can be one of the following:
    85 @verbatim
    86 EAknCtSelectionListFixedFind
    87 EAknCtSelectionListPopupFind
    88 EAknCtSelectionListAdaptiveFind
    89 @endverbatim
    90 *
    91 * The menubar you give for selection list dialog should have
    92 * one of the following as one of its menu panes (defined in avkon.hrh):
    93 @verbatim
    96 @endverbatim
    97 * @code
    98 * RESOURCE MENU_BAR r_res_id_for_a_menubar
    99 * {
   100 * titles =
   101 *     {
   102 *     MENU_TITLE { menu_pane = R_AVKON_MENUPANE_SELECTION_LIST; } 
   103 *     };
   104 * };
   105 * @endcode
   106 * C++ Usage:
   107 * @code
   108 *    TInt openedItem = 0;
   109 *    MDesCArray *array = ...;
   110 *    CAknSelectionListDialog *dialog = CAknSelectionListDialog::NewL(openedItem, array, R_RES_ID_FOR_A_MENUBAR);
   111 *    TInt result = dialog->ExecuteLD(R_RES_ID_FOR_A_DIALOG);
   112 *    if (result)
   113 *        {
   114 *        ...use openeditem here...
   115 *        }
   116 *    else
   117 *        {
   118 *        ...canceled...
   119 *        }
   120 *
   121 * @endcode
   122 * Alternatively, you can use:
   123 * @code
   124 *    TInt openedItem = 0;
   125 *    MDesCArray *array = ...;
   126 *    CAknSelectionListDialog *dialog = CAknSelectionListDialog::NewL(openedItem, array, R_RES_ID_FOR_A_MENUBAR);
   127 *    dialog->PrepareLC(R_RES_ID_FOR_A_DIALOG);
   128 *    // do some operations here, for example fill icon array 
   129 *    TInt result = dialog->RunLD();
   130 *    if (result)
   131 *        {
   132 *        ...
   133 *        }
   134 *    else
   135 *        {
   136 *        ...
   137 *        }
   138 * @endcode
   139 *
   140 * Often it is also useful to derive from CAknSelectionListDialog and implement OkToExitL(), constructors and the NewL() methods.
   141 * OkToExitL() implementation helps with providing navigation with other dialogs; OkToExitL() is ideal place to launch
   142 * new dialogs when a list item is selected. This way when backstepping, the state of the first dialog is preserved...
   143 *
   144 *
   145 */
   146 class CAknSelectionListDialog : public CAknDialog, public MEikListBoxObserver
   147     {
   148 public:
   149     /** CAknSelectionListDialog::NewL()
   150     *
   151     * Static factory constructor. Uses two phase construction and leaves nothing on the CleanupStack.
   152     * 
   153     * @param aOpenedItem   Variable to be modified when user selects a list item.
   154     * @param aArray        Content of list items; A tab-separated string with texts and indexes to icon array
   155     * @param aMenuBarResourceId Menu items to be shown in options menu
   156     * @param aCommand      Callback for state changes. EAknCmdOpen command is send by listbox. Options menu commands come here too.
   157     * @return A pointer to created object  
   158     */
   159     IMPORT_C static CAknSelectionListDialog *NewL( TInt &aOpenedItem, MDesCArray *aArray, TInt aMenuBarResourceId, MEikCommandObserver *aCommand = 0 );
   161     /** CAknSelectionListDialog::NewLC()
   162     *
   163     * Static factory constructor. Uses two phase construction and leaves created object in CleanupStack.
   164     * 
   165     * @param aOpenedItem   Variable to be modified when user selects a list item.
   166     * @param aArray        Content of list items; A tab-separated string with texts and indexes to icon array
   167     * @param aMenuBarResourceId Menu items to be shown in options menu
   168     * @param aCommand      Callback for state changes. EAknCmdOpen command is send by listbox. Options menu commands come here too.
   169     * @return A pointer to created object  
   170     */
   171     IMPORT_C static CAknSelectionListDialog *NewLC( TInt &aOpenedItem, MDesCArray *aArray, TInt aMenuBarResourceId, MEikCommandObserver *aCommand = 0 );
   173     /** ConstructL()
   174     * Second phase constructor.
   175     *
   176     * @param aMenuTitleResourceId Menu items to be shown in options menu. Same as aMenuBarResourceId of NewL(C).
   177     */
   178     IMPORT_C void ConstructL(TInt aMenuTitleResourceId);
   180 public:
   181     /** CAknSelectionListDialog::TFindType
   182     *   Determines what kind of findbox should be used. Note, that a fixed findbox is not
   183     *   available with all list types.
   184     */
   185     enum TFindType
   186         {
   187          /** no findbox should be used */
   188         ENoFind,
   189         /** fixed findbox should be used */
   190         EFixedFind,
   191         /** popup findbox should be used */
   192         EPopupFind,
   193 	   /** fixed findbox with adaptive search should be used */
   194         EAdaptiveFind
   195         };
   197     /** SetupFind()
   198     *
   199     * Provides a way to enable and disable find and find popup on runtime.
   200     * You still need entry with id EFindControl to resource file for the find, this is only for disabling
   201     * existing find element.
   202     *
   203     * @param aType type of findbox to be used.
   204     */
   205     IMPORT_C void SetupFind(TFindType aType);
   207     /** IconArray()
   208     *
   209     * Icons, images and thumbnails are in this array.
   210     *
   211     * The list items are tab separated strings with fixed format. Some of the numbers
   212     * in the list item strings are indexes to this array.
   213     *
   214     * This array can be modified by MDesCArray::MdcaPoint() method or at construction of
   215     * dialog; after PrepareLC() call.
   216     *
   217     * @return pointer to iconarray of the list
   218     */
   219     IMPORT_C CArrayPtr<CGulIcon>* IconArray() const;
   221     /**   SetIconArrayL()
   222     *
   223     * Icons, images and thumbnails are in this array.
   224     *
   225     * The list items are tab separated strings with fixed format. Some of the numbers
   226     * in the list item strings are indexes to this array.
   227     *
   228     * This array can be modified by MDesCArray::MdcaPoint() method or at construction of
   229     * dialog; after PrepareLC() call.
   230     *
   231     * @param aIcons a array containing icons.
   232     */
   233     IMPORT_C void SetIconArrayL(CArrayPtr<CGulIcon>* aIcons);
   235     /**
   236     * From CCoeControl.     
   237     * Handles pointer events
   238     * @param aPointerEvent     The pointer event.
   239     */
   240     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);
   242 protected:
   243     /** CAknSelectionListDialog()
   244     * Default constructor.
   245     */
   246     IMPORT_C CAknSelectionListDialog( TInt &aIndex, MDesCArray *aArray, MEikCommandObserver *aCommand );
   247     /** ~CAknSelectionListDialog()
   248     * Destructor.
   249     */        
   250     IMPORT_C ~CAknSelectionListDialog();
   252 protected: // Customisation from derived classes
   253     /** SelectionListProcessCommandL() handles selection list and markable list
   254      *  default commands.
   255      *
   256      *  For markable lists, this method handles EAknCmdMark, EAknCmdUnmark, EAknMarkAll, EAknUnmarkAll
   257      *  defined in options menu pane R_AVKON_MENUPANE_MARKABLE_LIST.
   258      */
   259     IMPORT_C virtual void SelectionListProcessCommandL(TInt aCommand);
   261     /** IsAcceptableListBoxType(): Detection of list and grid layouts
   262     *
   263     * The CAknSelectionList only works with certain list and grid
   264     * layouts.
   265     *
   266     * You will get Panic() if you use your own list/grid layouts and
   267     * you do not have this method implemented!
   268     *
   269     * If you add new list layouts, you should implement this method to
   270     * publish the type of the layout using this method. This is especially
   271     * the case where you use CAknSelectionGrid with your own grid layout.
   272     * (as there are no predefined grid layouts, you need to do this
   273     * every time you use a selection grid)
   274     *
   275     * The following aControlTypes are already implemented and requires
   276     * no action:
   277     * @verbatim
   278      EAknCtSingleListBox
   279      EAknCtSingleNumberListBox
   280      EAknCtSingleHeadingListBox
   281      EAknCtSingleGraphicListBox
   282      EAknCtSingleGraphicHeadingListBox
   283      EAknCtSingleNumberHeadingListBox
   284      EAknCtSingleLargeListBox
   285      EAknCtDoubleListBox
   286      EAknCtDoubleNumberListBox
   287      EAknCtDoubleTimeListBox
   288      EAknCtDoubleLargeListBox
   289      EAknCtDoubleGraphicListBox
   290      EAknCtSettingListBox
   291      EAknCtSettingNumberListBox
   292      @endverbatim
   293     *
   294     * Any other layout requires you to inherit from CAknSelectionList
   295     * and implement the following methods:
   296     * @code
   297     * TBool IsAcceptableListBoxType(TInt aControlType, TBool &aIsFormattedCellList)
   298     *     {
   299     *     if (aControlType == EMyCtGridLayout)
   300     *         {
   301     *         // CAknGrid is-a formattedcelllistbox.
   302     *         aIsFormattedCellList = ETrue;
   303     *         return ETrue;
   304     *         }
   305     *     else
   306     *        {
   307     *        return EFalse;
   308     *        }
   309     *     }
   310     *
   311     * @endcode
   312     * See also CreateCustomControlL(). IsAcceptableListBoxType() and CreateCustomControlL() forms a pair that should
   313     * be implemented together.
   314     *
   315     * @param aControlType type of the control. Ignored in current default implementation.
   316     * @param aIsFormattedCellList returns whetehr list is a formatted cell listbox or a column listbox.
   317     * Ignored in current default implementation. In derived implementations this must be set according to
   318     * dialog's listbox type.
   319     * @return whether layout can be used
   320     */
   321     IMPORT_C virtual TBool IsAcceptableListBoxType(TInt aControlType, TBool &aIsFormattedCellList) const;
   322 protected:
   323     /** ProcessCommandL()
   324     * From CAknDialog. Processes commands and passes commands to FindBox and ListBox as needed.
   325     * @param aCommandId id of the command.
   326     */
   327     IMPORT_C void ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommandId );
   329     /** PreLayoutDynInitL()
   330     * From CAknDialog.
   331     */
   332     IMPORT_C void PreLayoutDynInitL();
   334     /** PreLayoutDynInitL()
   335     * From CAknDialog.
   336     */
   337     IMPORT_C void PostLayoutDynInitL();
   339     /** SetSizeAndPosition()
   340     * From CAknDialog.
   341     * Sets dialog's size to whole main pane.
   342     * @param aSize ignored
   343     */
   344     IMPORT_C void SetSizeAndPosition(const TSize &aSize);
   346     /** OkToExitL()
   347     * From CAknDialog.
   348     * This is not called if the Cancel button is activated unless the EEikDialogFlagNotifyEsc flag has been set.
   349     * @param aButtonId The ID of the button that was activated.
   350     */
   351     IMPORT_C TBool OkToExitL( TInt aButtonId );
   353     /** HandleListBoxEventL()
   354     * From MEikListBoxObserver
   355     * Handles listbox events.
   356     * @param aListBox currently ignored
   357     * @param aEventType type of the listbox event
   358     */
   359     IMPORT_C void HandleListBoxEventL( CEikListBox* aListBox, TListBoxEvent aEventType );
   361     /** CountComponentControls()
   362     * From CCoeControl
   363     */
   364     IMPORT_C TInt CountComponentControls() const;
   366     /** ComponentControl()
   367     * From CCoeControl
   368     */
   369     IMPORT_C CCoeControl* ComponentControl( TInt aIndex ) const;
   371     /** OfferKeyEventL()
   372     * From CCoeControl
   373     */
   374     IMPORT_C TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType );
   376     /** CreateCustomControlL() creates own list or grid layouts.
   377     *
   378     * Normal implementation of this method is:
   379     *
   380     * @code
   381     * SEikControlInfo CreateCustomControlL(TInt aControlType)
   382     *     {
   383     *     CCoeControl *control = NULL;
   384     *     if ( aControlType == EMyCtGridLayout )
   385     *         {
   386     *         // CMyOddStyleGrid should be derived from CAknFormattedCellListBox or CEikColumnListBox.
   387     *         control = new(ELeave)CMyOddStyleGrid;
   388     *         } 
   389     *     SEikControlInfo info = {control,0,0};
   390     *     return info;
   391     *     }
   392     * @endcode
   393     * See also IsAcceptableListBoxType(). CreateCustomControlL() and IsAcceptableListBoxType() forms a pair that should
   394     * be implemented together.
   395     */
   396     IMPORT_C SEikControlInfo CreateCustomControlL(TInt aControlType);
   397 protected:
   398     /** ListBox()
   399     * accessor to listbox control
   400     * @return a pointer to the listbox
   401     */
   402     IMPORT_C virtual CEikListBox *ListBox() const;
   404     /** FindBox()
   405     * accessor to findbox control
   406     * @return a pointer to the findbox
   407     */
   408     IMPORT_C CAknSearchField *FindBox() const;
   410     /** IsFormattedCellListBox()
   411     * used to check whether listbox control is a CEikFormattedCellListBox or a CEikColumnListBox.
   412     * If you derive from IsAcceptableListBoxType() you must take care of the aIsFormattedCellListParameter to
   413     * make this method to work correctly.
   414     * @return whether listbox control is a CEikFormattedCellListBox
   415     */
   416     IMPORT_C TBool IsFormattedCellListBox() const;
   418     /** Draw()
   419     * from CCoeControl
   420     */
   421     IMPORT_C void Draw(const TRect&) const;
   422 private: 
   423     /**
   424     * From CAknControl
   425     */
   426     IMPORT_C void* ExtensionInterface( TUid aInterface );
   427 private: 
   428     IMPORT_C virtual void CEikDialog_Reserved_1();
   429     IMPORT_C virtual void CEikDialog_Reserved_2();
   430 private: 
   431     IMPORT_C virtual void CAknDialog_Reserved();
   432 private: // new function 
   433     IMPORT_C virtual void CAknSelectionListDialog_Reserved();
   434 protected:
   435     /** iEnterKeyPressed Set as ETrue if EAknCmdOpen is handled in
   436     * ProcessCommandL(). This will eventually cause OkToExitL() to
   437     * be called with EAknSoftkeyOk as aButtonId.
   438     */
   439     TBool iEnterKeyPressed;
   440 protected:
   441     /** ExitViaIdle()
   442     *
   443     * Callback function to exit dialog after selecting something with
   444     * tapping it.  This prevents dialog to be destroyed before dialog
   445     * page's handlepointereventl is fully completed.
   446     * @param aSelectionList pointer to current CAknSelectionList
   447     */
   448     static TInt ExitViaIdle(TAny* aSelectionList );    
   449 private:
   450     CAknSelectionListDialogExtension *iExtension;
   451 private:
   452     CAknSearchField *iFindBox;
   453     TFindType iFindType;
   454     TInt *iSelectedItem;
   455     MDesCArray *iArray;
   456     MEikCommandObserver *iCmdObserver;
   457     TInt iDialogResourceId;
   458     TInt iSpare[4];
   459     };
   461 /** CAknMarkableListDialog is an interface for applications
   462 *
   463 * The class provides a list with items markable with shift+selection_key.
   464 *
   465 * What this class does:
   466 *
   467 *   1) Setup listbox for markable list (resource file still needs to be correct for markable lists :)
   468 *
   469 *   2) Loading default bitmaps
   470 *
   471 *   3) Handles mark/unmark/mark all/unmark all and edit list options menu visibility
   472 *
   473 *   4) Handles mark/unmark/mark all/unmark all commands from options menu
   474 *
   475 *
   476 *
   477 * @lib Avkon.lib
   478 * @since S60 v1.0
   479 *
   480 * resource definition for this class:
   481 @code
   482 * RESOURCE DIALOG r_res_id_for_a_dialog
   483 *   {
   484 *   flags = EAknDialogMarkableList;
   485 *   buttons = R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_OPTIONS_BACK;
   486 *   items =
   487 *        {
   488 *        DLG_LINE
   489 *            {
   490 *            type = EAknCtSingleGraphicListBox;
   491 *            id = ESelectionListControl;
   492 *            control = LISTBOX
   493 *                {
   494 *                flags = EAknListBoxMarkableList;
   495 *                };
   496 *            }
   497 *     // the next dlg line is optional.
   498 *        ,
   499 *        DLG_LINE
   500 *            {
   501 *             itemflags = EEikDlgItemNonFocusing;
   502 *            id = EFindControl;
   503 *            type = EAknCtSelectionListFixedFind;
   504 *            }
   505 *        };
   506 *   }
   507 @endcode
   509 * The listbox type can be one of the following ( defined in avkon.hrh and aknlists.h ):
   510 @verbatim
   511 EAknCtSingleListBox                (See CAknSingleStyleListBox)
   512 EAknCtSingleNumberListBox          (See CAknSingleNumberStyleListBox)
   513 EAknCtSingleHeadingListBox         (See CAknSingleHeadingStyleListBox)
   514 EAknCtSingleGraphicListBox         (See CAknSingleGraphicStyleListBox)
   515 EAknCtSingleGraphicHeadingListBox  (See CAknSingleGraphicHeadingStyleListBox)
   516 EAknCtSingleNumberHeadingListBox   (See CAknSingleNumberHeadingStyleListBox)
   517 EAknCtSingleLargeListBox           (See CAknSingleLargeStyleListBox)
   518 EAknCtDoubleListBox                (See CAknDoubleStyleListBox)
   519 EAknCtDoubleNumberListBox          (See CAknDoubleNumberStyleListBox)
   520 EAknCtDoubleTimeListBox            (See CAknDoubleTimeStyleListBox)
   521 EAknCtDoubleLargeListBox           (See CAknDoubleLargeStyleListBox)
   522 EAknCtDoubleGraphicListBox         (See CAknDoubleGraphicStyleListBox)
   523 @endverbatim
   524 *
   525 * The type field while defining find can be one of the following:
   526 @verbatim
   527 EAknCtSelectionListFixedFind
   528 EAknCtSelectionListPopupFind
   529 EAknCtSelectionListAdaptiveFind
   530 @endverbatim
   531 *
   532 * The menubar you give for markable list dialog should have
   533 * one of the following as menu panes:
   534 @verbatim
   535 R_AVKON_MENUPANE_MARKABLE_LIST   to get edit list menu
   536 R_AVKON_MENUPANE_MARKABLE_LIST_WITH_FIND_POPUP to get find and edit list
   537 @endverbatim
   538 *
   539 * @code
   540 * RESOURCE MENU_BAR r_res_id_for_a_menubar
   541 *     {
   542 *     titles =
   543 *         {
   544 *         MENU_TITLE { menu_pane = R_AVKON_MENUPANE_MARKABLE_LIST; }
   545 *         };
   546 *     };
   547 * @endcode
   548 *
   549 * C++ Usage:
   550 *
   551 * @code
   552 *    TInt openedItem = 0;
   553 *    MDesCArray *arrayOfItems = ...; 
   554 *    CArrayFix<TInt> *selectedItems = ...;
   555 *    CAknMarkableListDialog *dialog = CAknMarkableListDialog::NewL(openedItem, selectedItems, arrayOfItems, R_RES_ID_FOR_A_MENUBAR);
   556 *    TInt result = dialog->ExecuteLD(R_RES_ID_FOR_A_DIALOG);
   557 *    if (result)
   558 *        {
   559 *        ...
   560 *        }
   561 *    else
   562 *        {
   563 *        ...
   564 *        }
   565 * @endcode
   566 *
   567 */
   568 class CAknMarkableListDialog : public CAknSelectionListDialog
   569     {
   570 public:
   571     /** CAknMarkableListDialog::NewL()
   572     *
   573     * Static factory constructor. Uses two phase construction.
   574     * 
   575     * @param aOpenedItem        Variable to be modified when user
   576     *                           selects a list item.
   577     * @param aSelectedItems     array of selected items
   578     * @param aArray             Content of list items;
   579     *                           A tab-separated string with texts and indexes to icon array
   580     * @param aMenuBarResourceId Menu items to be shown in options menu.  May be NULL.
   581     * @param aOkMenuBarId       Resource id of a menu bar. This menu bar is displayed,
   582     *                           when there are marked items in the list
   583     *                           and user presses selection ( OK )  key.  May be NULL.
   584     * @param aObserver          Observer for the menu bar.  May be NULL.
   585     * @return A pointer to created object  
   586     */
   587     IMPORT_C static CAknMarkableListDialog *NewL( TInt &aOpenedItem,
   588                                                   CArrayFix<TInt> *aSelectedItems,
   589                                                   MDesCArray *aArray,
   590                                                   TInt aMenuBarResourceId,
   591                                                   TInt aOkMenuBarId,
   592                                                   MEikCommandObserver *aObserver =0 );
   594     /** CAknMarkableListDialog::NewL()
   595     *
   596     * Static factory constructor. Uses two phase construction.
   597     * Leaves created object to cleanup stack.
   598     * 
   599     * @param aOpenedItem        Variable to be modified when user
   600     *                           selects a list item.
   601     * @param aSelectedItems     array of selected items
   602     * @param aArray             Content of list items;
   603     *                           A tab-separated string with texts and indexes to icon array
   604     * @param aMenuBarResourceId Menu items to be shown in options menu. May be NULL.
   605     * @param aOkMenuBarId       Resource id of a menu bar. This menu bar is displayed,
   606     *                           when there are marked items in the list
   607     *                           and user presses selection ( OK )  key. May be NULL.
   608     * @param aObserver          Observer for the menu bar. May be NULL.
   609     * @return A pointer to created object  
   610     */
   611     IMPORT_C static CAknMarkableListDialog *NewLC( TInt &aOpenedItem,
   612                                                    CArrayFix<TInt> *aSelectedItems,
   613                                                    MDesCArray *aArray,
   614                                                    TInt aMenuBarResourceId,
   615                                                    TInt aOkMenuBarId,
   616                                                    MEikCommandObserver *aObserver =0 );
   618     /** ConstructL()
   619     * 2nd phase constructor.
   620     * @param aMenuTitleResourceId Menu items to be shown in options menu
   621     */
   622     IMPORT_C void ConstructL( TInt aMenuTitleResourceId );
   624     /* ~CAknMarkableListDialog()
   625     * Destructor.
   626     */
   627     IMPORT_C ~CAknMarkableListDialog();
   629 public: // From CCoeControl
   630     /** HandlePointerEventL()
   631     * from CCoeControl.
   632     * @param aPointerEvent a pointer event.
   633     */
   634     IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);
   636 protected:
   637     /** CAknMarkableListDialog()
   638     *
   639     * Default constructor.
   640     * @param aOpenedItem           Variable to be modified when user
   641     *                              selects a list item.
   642     * @param aSelectedItems        array of selected items
   643     * @param aArray                Content of list items;
   644     *                              A tab-separated string with texts and indexes to icon array
   645     * @param aMenuBarResourceId    Menu items to be shown in options menu. May be NULL.
   646     * @param aOkMenuBarResourceId  Resource id of a menu bar. This menu bar is displayed,
   647     *                              when there are marked items in the list
   648     *                              and user presses selection ( OK )  key. May be NULL.
   649     * @param aObserver             Observer for the menu bar. May be NULL.
   650     * @return                      A pointer to created object  
   651     */
   652     IMPORT_C CAknMarkableListDialog( TInt &aOpenedItem,
   653                                      CArrayFix<TInt> *aSelectedItems,
   654                                      MDesCArray *aArray,
   655                                      TInt aMenuBarResourceId,
   656                                      TInt aOkMenuBarResourceId,
   657                                      MEikCommandObserver *aObserver );
   658     /** PreLayoutDynInitL()
   659     * From CAknDialog.
   660     */
   661     IMPORT_C void PreLayoutDynInitL();
   663     /** PreLayoutDynInitL()
   664     * From CAknDialog.
   665     */
   666     IMPORT_C void PostLayoutDynInitL();
   668     /** SelectionListProcessCommandL() handles selection list and markable list
   669     *  default commands.
   670     *
   671     *  For markable lists, this method handles EAknCmdMark, EAknCmdUnmark, EAknMarkAll, EAknUnmarkAll
   672     *  defined in options menu pane R_AVKON_MENUPANE_MARKABLE_LIST.
   673     */
   674     IMPORT_C void SelectionListProcessCommandL(TInt aCommand);
   676     /** ProcessCommandL()
   677     * From CAknDialog. Processes commands and passes commands to FindBox and ListBox as needed.
   678     * @param aCommand id of the command.
   679     */
   680     IMPORT_C void ProcessCommandL(TInt aCommand);
   682     /** DynInitMenuPaneL()
   683     * From MEikCommandObserver
   684     * @param aResourceId resource id of the menu pane to be modified
   685     * @param aMenuPane pointer to menu pane to be modified
   686     */
   687     IMPORT_C void DynInitMenuPaneL(TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane *aMenuPane);
   689     /** HandleListBoxEventL()
   690     * From MEikListBoxObserver
   691     * Handles listbox events.
   692     * @param aListBox currently ignored
   693     * @param aEventType type of the listbox event
   694     */
   695     IMPORT_C void HandleListBoxEventL( CEikListBox* aListBox, TListBoxEvent aEventType );
   697     /** OfferKeyEventL()
   698     * From CCoeControl
   699     */
   700     IMPORT_C TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType );
   702     /** OkToExitL()
   703     * From CAknDialog.
   704     * This is not called if the Cancel button is activated unless the EEikDialogFlagNotifyEsc flag has been set.
   705     * @param aButtonId The ID of the button that was activated.
   706     */
   707     IMPORT_C TBool OkToExitL(TInt aButtonId);
   709 private:
   710     CArrayFix<TInt> *iSelectionIndexArray; // Not owned
   712 protected:
   713     /**
   714     * resource id of the menu bar
   715     */
   716     TInt iMenuBarResourceId;
   718     /**
   719     * resource id of the OK menu bar
   720     */        
   721     TInt iOkMenuBarResourceId;
   724     /** NewL()
   725     * @deprecated Do not use.
   726     */
   727     IMPORT_C static CAknMarkableListDialog *NewL(TInt &aOpenedItem, CArrayFix<TInt> *aSelectedItems,
   728                                                  MDesCArray *aArray, TInt aMenuBarResourceId, MEikCommandObserver *aObserver =0);
   729     /** NewLC()
   730     * @deprecated Do  not use.
   731     */
   732     IMPORT_C static CAknMarkableListDialog *NewLC(TInt &aOpenedItem, CArrayFix<TInt> *aSelectedItems,
   733                                                   MDesCArray *aArray, TInt aMenuBarResourceId, MEikCommandObserver *aObserver =0);
   734 protected: // DEPRECATED METHODS, DO NOT USE
   735      /** CAknMarkableListDialog()
   736      * @deprecated Do not use.
   737      */
   738     IMPORT_C CAknMarkableListDialog(TInt &aValue, CArrayFix<TInt> *aSelectedItems, MDesCArray *aArray, MEikCommandObserver *aObserver);
   740 private: 
   741     /**
   742     * From CAknControl
   743     */
   744     IMPORT_C void* ExtensionInterface( TUid aInterface );
   745 private: 
   746     IMPORT_C virtual void CEikDialog_Reserved_1();
   747     IMPORT_C virtual void CEikDialog_Reserved_2();
   748 private: 
   749     IMPORT_C virtual void CAknDialog_Reserved();
   750 private: 
   751     IMPORT_C virtual void CAknSelectionListDialog_Reserved();
   752 private:  
   753     CAknMarkableListDialogExtension *iMarkableExtension;
   754 private:
   755     TInt iSpare[2];
   756     };
   759 typedef CAknSelectionListDialog CAknSelectionGridDialog;
   760 typedef CAknMarkableListDialog CAknMarkableGridDialog;
   763 #endif