author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 2 2fe1408b6811
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 */
    18 // AknQueryValueTime.h
    19 //
    20 // Copyright (c) 2001 Symbian Ltd.  All rights reserved.
    21 //
    23 #if !defined(__AKNQUERYVALUETIME_H__)
    24 #define __AKNQUERYVALUETIME_H__
    26 #include <bamdesca.h>
    27 #include <eikdialg.h>
    28 #include "AknQueryValue.h"
    30 class CAknQueryValueTimeArray;
    32 /**
    33  * Encapsulates a TTime value. Provides an interface to create a dialog
    34  * containing a time query control, which will edit the value. Optionally 
    35  * Allows the value to be changed by selecting from a list of values. 
    36  *
    37  */
    38 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAknQueryValueTime) : public CAknQueryValue
    39     {
    40 public:
    41     /**
    42      * First stage of two stage construction.
    43     */
    44 	IMPORT_C static CAknQueryValueTime* NewL();
    46 	/**
    47      * First stage of two stage construction.
    48     */
    49 	IMPORT_C static CAknQueryValueTime* NewLC();
    51     IMPORT_C virtual ~CAknQueryValueTime();
    53 	/**
    54      * Set the array.
    55      *  
    56      * @param aArray pointer to array, ownership is not passed
    57     */
    58 	IMPORT_C void SetArrayL(const CAknQueryValueTimeArray* aArray);
    60 	/**
    61      * Set the string used for the query caption to be a string other than the default.
    62      *
    63      * @param aResourceId		resource id of string to use for caption.
    64      *
    65     */
    66 	IMPORT_C void SetQueryCaption(TInt aResourceId);
    68 	/**
    69      * Return the current value, which may have been set by the user
    70      *
    71      * @return The current value
    72      *
    73     */
    74 	IMPORT_C TTime Value() const;
    76 public: // from MAknQueryValue
    77     IMPORT_C virtual const MDesCArray* MdcArray() const;
    78     IMPORT_C virtual HBufC* CurrentValueTextLC();
    79     IMPORT_C virtual TInt CurrentValueIndex() const;
    80     IMPORT_C virtual void SetCurrentValueIndex(const TInt aIndex);
    81     IMPORT_C virtual TBool CreateEditorL();
    83 protected:
    84 	CAknQueryValueTime();
    86 	/**
    87      * Two stage construction
    88      *
    89     */
    90 	void ConstructL();
    92 	/**
    93      * Search for the current time in the list, and set the curent index 
    94      * to be the found index. If not found, set current index to 1 after the size of the array.
    95      *
    96     */
    97 	void CalculateCurrentIndex();
    99 	virtual void AppendValueIfNewL();
   101 private: // from MAknQueryValue
   102 	IMPORT_C void Reserved_MAknQueryValue();
   104 private:
   105 	// the following are member variables
   106 	TInt iQueryCaptionId;
   107 	TTime iTime;
   108 	TInt iCurrentIndex;
   109 	// the following are not owned
   110 	const CAknQueryValueTimeArray* iArray;
   111     };
   114 /**
   115  * Wraps an array of TTime, adapts it into a descriptor array.
   116  *
   117  */
   118 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAknQueryValueTimeArray) : public CBase, public MDesCArray
   119 	{
   120 public:
   121     /**
   122      * Typedef for array containing TTime items
   123      *
   124     */
   125 	typedef CArrayFix<TTime> TimeArray;
   127 	enum {KSafeSizeOfDescriptorForTTimeFormat = 128};
   129 public:
   131     /**
   132      * NewL.
   133      *
   134      * @param aResourceId	Recource id of a TBUF containing a TTime format string. Client
   136      *							if desired, or provide its own resource.
   137     */
   138 	IMPORT_C static CAknQueryValueTimeArray* NewL(TInt aResourceId);
   140 	/**
   141      * See NewL
   142      *
   143     */
   144 	IMPORT_C static CAknQueryValueTimeArray* NewLC(TInt aResourceId);
   146 	IMPORT_C ~CAknQueryValueTimeArray();
   148 	/**
   149      * Set the array of values. 
   150      * Note that client can use any implementation of array class, but must pass in a 
   151      * TArray generated from it (by calling the Array() method on the array class)
   152      *
   153      * @param aArray   array of values, ownership is not passed
   154     */
   155 	IMPORT_C void SetArray(TimeArray& aArray);
   157 	/**
   158      * Get the array of values as a TArray. 
   159      * Note that client can use any implementation of array class, but the array is 
   160      * treated as a TArray.
   161      *
   162      * @return array of values, ownership is not passed
   163     */
   164 	IMPORT_C TimeArray* Array() const;
   166 	/**
   167      * Return the TTime format string that is used to generate MDesCArray values
   168      *
   169      * @return format string
   170     */
   171 	IMPORT_C const HBufC* FormatString() const;
   173     /**
   174      * Return the size of a maximal time string formated using the format string 
   175      * that was supplied during construction of this instance.
   176      * Two versions to eliminate compiler warnings.
   177      *
   178      * @return length of formatted string.
   179     */	
   180 #ifdef __WINS__
   181 	IMPORT_C const TInt FormattedStringSize() const;
   182 #else
   183 	IMPORT_C TInt FormattedStringSize() const;
   184 #endif // __WINS__
   186 public:
   187 	// from MDesCArray
   188 	/**
   189      * @return count of contained array
   190      *
   191     */
   192     IMPORT_C virtual TInt MdcaCount() const;
   194     /**
   195      * Returns array element, converting value to text. 
   196      * <p> WARNING: the returned pointer is only valid until the next time this
   197      * method is invoked. 
   198      *
   199      * @param aIndex  index of element to return
   200      * @return descriptor representing array element, ownership is not passed
   201     */
   202     IMPORT_C virtual TPtrC MdcaPoint(TInt aIndex) const;
   204 protected:
   205 	CAknQueryValueTimeArray();
   207 	/**
   208      * ConstructL
   209      *
   210      * @param aResourceId	id of a resource containing a time format string
   211     */
   212 	void ConstructL(TInt aResourceId);
   214 private:
   215 	// the following members are owned
   216 	HBufC* iLastGeneratedTextValue;
   217 	HBufC* iFormatString;
   218 	// the following members are not owned
   219 	TimeArray* iArray;
   220 	TInt iFormattedStringSize;
   221 	};
   223 #endif // __AKNQUERYVALUETIME_H__