author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 2 2fe1408b6811
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  CAknChoiceList - Choice list for S60 
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #ifndef AKNCHOICELIST_H
    21 #define AKNCHOICELIST_H
    23 // includes 
    24 #include <AknControl.h>
    25 #include <coecobs.h>
    27 // forward declarations  
    28 class CAknButton;
    29 class CEikLabel;
    30 class CAknChoiceListPopup;
    31 class CAknChoiceListPopupList;
    32 class CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext;
    33 class CAknInfoPopupNoteController;
    35 // Class declaration
    37 /**
    38  *  CAknChoiceList
    39  *  Choice list is new component, which allows selection from vertical list of choices.
    40  *  By default choice list shows currently selected item and a arrow for opening the 
    41  *  the choice list. Choice list can be used also without showing current selection. 
    42  *  @lib avkon.lib
    43  *  @since S60 5.0
    44  */ 
    45 class CAknChoiceList : public CAknControl, public MCoeControlObserver
    46     {   
    47 public:
    49     /* Flags for choice list types and positioning */   
    50     enum TAknChoiceListFlags
    51         {
    52         /* Using default choice list with popup list */
    53         EAknChoiceListWithCurrentSelection = 0x01,
    54         /* Using user defined button to open choice list */
    55         EAknChoiceListWithoutCurrentSelection = 0x02,
    56         /* Popup positioning flags */
    57         EAknChoiceListPositionLeft = 0x04,   
    58         EAknChoiceListPositionRight = 0x08,   
    59         EAknChoiceListPositionBottom = 0x10  
    60         };    
    62      /* Tooltip positioning */
    63      enum TTooltipPosition
    64         {
    65         EPositionTop = 1, /* Tooltip alignment vertically to top */
    66         EPositionBottom, /* Tooltip alignment vertically to bottom */
    67         EPositionLeft, /* Tooltip alignment horizontally to left */
    68         EPositionRight /* Tooltip alignment horizontally to right */
    69         };
    70 public: 
    72     /**
    73      * Two-phased constructor.
    74      * If the default flag is used then choice list shows an opening arrow and selected item on its 
    75      * left side. If flag EAknChoiceListUsesButton is and user has defined own button then choice list
    76      * open with items in the given array. Selected item is not show when choice list is closed. 
    77      * @param aParent the parent control for choice list
    78      * @param aItemArray Array of items to be shown in the choicelist. Transfers ownership.
    79      * @param aFlags Flags for choice list type and positioning
    80      * @param aButton user defined button for choicelist. Button replaces the typical choice list. 
    81      * Transfers ownership.
    82      */
    83     IMPORT_C static CAknChoiceList* NewL( CCoeControl* aParent, CDesCArray* aItemArray, TInt aFlags = EAknChoiceListWithCurrentSelection, CAknButton* aButton = NULL );
    85     /**
    86      * Two-phased constructor.
    87      * If the default flag is used then choice list shows an opening arrow and selected item on its 
    88      * left side. If flag EAknChoiceListUsesButton is and user has defined own button then choice list
    89      * open with items in the given array. Selected item is not show when choice list is closed. 
    90      * @param aParent the parent control for choice list
    91      * @param aItemArray Array of items to be shown in the choicelist. Transfers ownership.
    92      * @param aFlags Flags for choice list type and positioning
    93      * @param aButton user defined button for choicelist. Button replaces the typical choice list. 
    94      * Transfers ownership.
    95      */
    96     IMPORT_C static CAknChoiceList* NewLC( CCoeControl* aParent, CDesCArray* aItemArray, TInt aFlags = EAknChoiceListWithCurrentSelection, CAknButton* aButton = NULL );
    98     /**
    99      * Destructor
   100      */
   101     ~CAknChoiceList();
   103     /**
   104      * Open choice list.
   105      * Choicelist can be opened with this function. If the choicelist is already
   106      * open nothing will happen.
   107      * @return KErrNone if succeeded
   108      */
   109     IMPORT_C TInt ShowChoiceListL();
   111     /**
   112      * Set certain index of the choice list array to selected
   113      * @param aIndex Index of the array to be selected as default
   114      */
   115     IMPORT_C void SetSelectedIndex( const TInt aIndex );
   117     /**
   118      * Returns selected index from the choice list array
   119      * @return TInt selected index
   120      */
   121     IMPORT_C TInt SelectedIndex() const;
   123     /**
   124      * Set certain array as the contents of the choice list. 
   125      * It's recommended to use CDesCArrayFlat. The ownership of the array is transferred
   126      * to choice list.
   127      * @param aArray Array of text items to be inserted as the content for choice list
   128      */
   129     IMPORT_C void SetItems( CDesCArray* aArray );
   131     /**
   132      * Set certain array as the contents of the choice list. 
   133      * It's recommended to use CDesCArrayFlat. 
   134      * @param aResourceId Resource id for an array. 
   135      */
   136     IMPORT_C void SetItemsL( TInt aResourceId );
   138     /**
   139      * Add a text as a new item in the end of the choice list array. 
   140      * @param aDesC Pointer to a descriptor item that should be appended to the array. 
   141      * Transfers ownership.
   142      * @return index in the choicelist array for newly added item. 
   143      */
   144     IMPORT_C TInt AddItemL( const TDesC* aDesC );
   146     /**
   147      * Removes an item from the choice list array with the given index. 
   148      * @param aIndex index for the item that should be removed from the choice list array
   149      */
   150     IMPORT_C void RemoveItem( const TInt aIndex );    
   152     /**
   153      * Sets flags for choice list.
   154      * Choice lists position can be changed in runtime with right flags. 
   155      * @param aFlags The flags to be set for choice list
   156      */        
   157     IMPORT_C void SetFlags( const TInt aFlags );
   159     /**
   160      * Return choice list specific flags.
   161      * @return choice list flags
   162      */
   163     IMPORT_C TInt Flags() const;
   165     /**
   166      * Set the button that launches choice list opening.
   167      * @param aButton The Button for opening choice list control 
   168      */
   169     IMPORT_C void SetButtonL( CAknButton* aButton );
   171     /**
   172      * Hide choice list popup. Current selection is not selected.
   173      */
   174     IMPORT_C void HideChoiceList();
   176     /**
   177      * Set text for tooltip
   178      * @param aText The text shown as tooltip
   179      */
   180     IMPORT_C void SetTooltipTextL( const TDesC& aText );
   182     /**
   183      * Set the delays for tooltip
   184      * @param aBeforeTimeout The delay in milliseconds before tooltip
   185      *        is shown. The default is 150 milliseconds
   186      * @param aInViewTiemout The interval in milliseconds how long the
   187      *        tooltip is displayed. The default is 3000 milliseconds.
   188      */
   189     IMPORT_C void SetTooltipTimeouts( const TInt aBeforeTimeout,
   190                                       const TInt aInViewTimeout );
   191     /**
   192      * Set the postion of tooltip
   193      * @param aPosition The position expressed with TTooltipPosition
   194      *        The default is EPositionTop
   195      */                                      
   196     IMPORT_C void SetTooltipPosition( const TTooltipPosition aPosition );
   198 // From CCoeControl
   200     /**
   201      * From CCoeControl. Returns the control inside control with given index.
   202      * @param aIndex Index of a control be returned
   203      * @return A Pointer to control.
   204      */
   205     IMPORT_C CCoeControl* ComponentControl( TInt aIndex ) const;
   207     /**
   208      * From CCoeControl. Returns number of controls inside the control.
   209      * @return Number of component controls.
   210      */
   211     IMPORT_C TInt CountComponentControls() const;
   213     /**
   214      * From CCoeControl. Returns the Minimum size needed by the control. 
   215      * @return TSize minimum size. 
   216      */
   217     IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();    
   219     /**
   220      * From CCoeControl. Handles a change to the control's resources.
   221      * @param aType A message UID value.   
   222      */
   223     IMPORT_C void HandleResourceChange( TInt aType );    
   225     /**
   226      * From CCoeControl. Handles key events.
   227      * @param aKeyEvent the key event    
   228      * @param aType The type of key event
   229      * @return Indicates whether or not the keyevent was used by this control   
   230      */
   231     IMPORT_C TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType );    
   233     /**
   234      * From CCoeControl. Draws control to given area
   235      * @param aRect The rectangle that should be drawn by the control. 
   236      */
   237     IMPORT_C void Draw( const TRect& aRect ) const;
   240     /**
   241     * from CCoeControl 
   242     *
   243     * Responds to changes in the position of a control.
   244     *
   245     */
   246     IMPORT_C virtual void PositionChanged();
   249 // From MCoeControlObserver
   251     /**
   252      * From MCoeControlObserver. Handles an event from an observed control.
   253      * If this component has observer, then a EEventStateChanged is sent to it
   254      * when a item is selected from choice list
   255      * @param aControl The control that sent the event.
   256      * @param aEventType The event type. 
   257      */
   258     IMPORT_C void HandleControlEventL( CCoeControl* aControl, TCoeEvent aEventType );
   260 public: 
   261     // new functions
   262     /**
   263     * Insert new item to a certain index. The rest of the array will be reindexed. 
   264     * If given index is beyond current array then it's just appended to the end of the array.
   265     * @param aIndex The array index where new item is going to be inserted.
   266     * @param aText Items text
   267     * @return The index of newly inserted item. Index can be other than passed if given index 
   268     * is out of array bounds
   269     */
   270     IMPORT_C TInt InsertItemL( const TInt aIndex, const TDesC& aText );
   272 protected: 
   274 // from CCoeControl         
   276     /**
   277      * From CCoeControl. Sets the size and position of the component. 
   278      */
   279     void SizeChanged();
   281     /**
   282      * From CCoeControl. Handles pointer events
   283      * @param aPointerEvent the pointer event be be handled.
   284      */
   285     void HandlePointerEventL( const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent );    
   287 private:
   289     /**
   290      * C++ Default Constructor 
   291      */
   292     CAknChoiceList(); 
   294     /**
   295      * 2nd phase constructor
   296      * @param aParent the parent control for choice list
   297      * @param aItemArray Array of items to be shown in the choicelist
   298      * @param aFlags Flags for choice list type and positioning
   299      * @param aButton user defined button for choicelist. Button replaces the typical choice list
   300      */
   301     void ConstructL( CCoeControl* aParent, CDesCArray* aItemArray, TInt aFlags, CAknButton* aButton );    
   303     /**
   304      * Construct the typical choice list that open with arrow and show current selection 
   305      * even in the closed state.
   306      */
   307     void ConstructTypicalChoiceListL();
   309     /**
   310      * Calculate positioning for the opened choice list popup by the given position flag.
   311      */
   312     void SetPopupRect();
   314     /**
   315      * Update labels text 
   316      */
   317     void UpdateLabelL();
   319     /**
   320      * Show tooltip text
   321      */
   322     void ShowTooltipL();
   325 private: // data
   327     /**
   328      * Flags for choice list
   329      */
   330     TInt iFlags;
   332     /** 
   333      * Currently selected index of an item that is stored in choice list array.
   334      */
   335     TInt iSelectedIndex;
   337     /** 
   338      * Used to store if the choice list is closed mode or not. 
   339      */
   340     TBool iIsClosed;    
   342     /**
   343      * Button for opening the choicelist. If choice lists type is 
   344      * EAknChoiceListWithCurrentSelection this is the arrow button. 
   345      * Otherwise this is user defined.
   346      * Own.
   347      */
   348     CAknButton* iButton;
   350     /**
   351      * Label that shows the currently selected item if choice list type is 
   352      * EAknChoiceListWithCurrentSelection. Otherwise this will not be used. 
   353      * Own.
   354      */
   355     CEikLabel* iLabel;
   357     /**
   358      * Array that stores all the items in the choice list. 
   359      * Own.
   360      */
   361     CDesCArray* iArray;    
   363     /**
   364      * Pointer to current choice list popup window. Popup window is 
   365      * used only internally and it cannot be accessed from outside.
   366      * Own.
   367      */
   368     CAknChoiceListPopup* iPopup;
   370     /**
   371      * Component used to show tooltip
   372      * Own.
   373      */
   374     CAknInfoPopupNoteController* iTooltip;
   376     /**
   377      * Stores the text for tooltip
   378      * Own.
   379      */
   380     HBufC* iTooltipText;
   382     /**
   383      * Stores the delay in milliseconds when the tooltip is shown
   384      * Own.
   385      */
   386     TInt iTooltipWaitInterval;
   388     /**
   389      * Stores the time interval in milliseconds how long the tooltip is shown
   390      * Own.
   391      */
   392     TInt iTooltipInViewInterval;
   394     /**
   395      * Stores the tool tip positioning
   396      * Own.
   397      */
   398     TTooltipPosition iTooltipPosition;
   401     };    
   403 #endif // AKNCHOICELIST_H
   405 // end of file