author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 2 2fe1408b6811
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:               Predective text input engine core interface.
    15 *
    16 */
    31 #ifndef _PTI_CORE_H
    32 #define _PTI_CORE_H
    34 // INCLUDES
    35 #include <badesca.h> 
    36 #include "PtiDefs.h"
    37 #include "PtiLanguage.h"
    38 #include "PtiUserDictionary.h"
    41 class CPtiEngine;
    42 class MPtiEngineCompositionDataInterface;
    43 class MPtiUserDictionaryEntry;
    45 // CONSTANTS
    46 const TInt KDefaultCoresGran = 3;
    48 /**
    49 * This is abstract base class of all PtiEngine core objects. A PtiEngine core object implements set of
    50 * input modes and input related services for a set of languages. This class defines core side
    51 * PtiEngine API.
    52 */
    53 class MPtiCore
    54 	{
    55 	//
    56 	// General API
    57 	//
    58 	public:
    59 		/**
    60 		* Initialized core object. This method is called by PtiEngine framework when core object
    61 		* is loaded.		
    62 		*
    63 		* @since 2.6
    64 		* @param aOwner Pointer to onwing PtiEngine framework instance.
    65 		* @param aTextBuffer A pointer to PtiEngine main text buffer.
    66 		* @param aLanguageList A language list to be filled with language bindings to this core
    67 		*                      onbject
    68 		* @param aUseDefautUserDictionary A boolean value indicating whether default user dictionary shoulkd be used
    69 		*                                 (in case this core object supports user dictionaries).
    70 		*/	
    71 		virtual void InitializeL(CPtiEngine* aOwner, TDes* aTextBuffer, CArrayPtrFlat<CPtiCoreLanguage>* aLanguageList, TBool aUseDefautUserDictionary) = 0;
    73 		/**
    74 		* Removes languages associated to this core object from given language list. Languages
    75 		* not associated to this core abject are not touched.
    76 		* 
    77 		* @since 2.6
    78 		* @param aLanguageList A language list to be cleaned.
    79 		*/
    80 		virtual void DropLanguages(CArrayPtrFlat<CPtiCoreLanguage>* aLanguageList) = 0;
    82 		/**
    83 		* Opens resources for given language and itinialized them.
    84 		*
    85 		* @since 2.6
    86 		* @param aLanguage Symbian OS language code a language to be initialized.
    87 		* @return KErrNone or a system wide error code.
    88 		*/
    89 		virtual TInt OpenLanguageL(CPtiCoreLanguage *aLanguage) = 0;
    91 		/**
    92 		* Closes currently activate language and frees resources associated to it.
    93 		*
    94 		* @since 2.6
    95 		* @return KErrNone of system wide error ocde.
    96 		*/
    97 		virtual TInt CloseLanguageL() = 0;
    99 		/**
   100 		* Returns the contents of text buffer.
   101 		* 
   102 		* @since 2.6
   103 		* @return A constant pointer to text buffer.
   104 		*/	
   105 		virtual TPtrC GetCurrentWord() const = 0;
   107 		/**
   108 		* Commits current word. Commiting means that user has added current
   109 		* word as part of text. Frequency information and other related attributes
   110 		* can then be updated.
   111 		*
   112 		* @since 2.6
   113 		* @return KErrNone or a system wide error code.
   114 		*/
   115 		virtual TInt CommitCurrentWord() = 0;		
   117 		/**
   118 		* Returns a pointer core info structure. Core info struct contains useful 
   119 		* information about core object and its features.
   120 		*
   121 		*/				
   122 		virtual MPtiCoreInfo* GetCoreInfo() = 0;
   124 		/**
   125 		* Turns reoreding feature on or off. Reordering means that prediction engine
   126 		* maintains frequency information for used words and modifys the order of candidate list
   127 		* based on that information. This feature may not be supported by all prediction engines.
   128 		* 
   129 		* @since 2.6
   130 		* @param aStatus New status for reorderinf feature.
   131 		* @return KErrNone or a system wide error code.
   132 		*/
   133 		virtual TInt SetReordering(TBool aStatus) = 0;
   135 		/**
   136 		* This is the single most important core API method, most of the text input functionality
   137 		* will be utilize this method. Call to this method indicates core object that a key was
   138 		* pressed and it should act accordingly and fill the output buffer.
   139 		* 
   140 		* @since 2.6
   141 		* @param aKey Enum value for pressed key.
   142 		*/
   143 		virtual void AppendKeyPress(TPtiKey aKey) = 0;
   145 		/**
   146 		* Indicates core object that it should perform 'delete key press'-operation.
   147 		*
   148 		* @since 2.6
   149 		*/
   150 		virtual void DeleteKeyPress() = 0;
   152 		/**
   153 		* Call to this method notifys core object that input buffer was cleared.
   154 		*
   155 		* @since 2.6
   156 		*/
   157 		virtual void ClearBuffer() = 0;
   159 		/**
   160 		* Sets current input sequence. The end result of this operation must be same as 
   161 		* if user had entered keys in input array as individual key presses.
   162 		*
   163 		* @since 2.6
   164 		* @param aInput An array containing sequence of key presses (type TPtiKey).
   165 		* @return KErrNone or a system wide error code.
   166 		*/
   167 		virtual TInt SetCurrentInputSequence(TPtrC8 aInput) = 0;
   169 		/**
   170 		* Converts given string from one character set to another. Possible conversion types
   171 		* are defined in PtiDefs.h
   172 		*
   173 		* @since 2.6
   174 		* @param aType        Conversion type.
   175 		* @param aInput       Pointer to input string to be converted.
   176 		* @param aInputLength Length of input buffer.
   177 		* @param aOutput      pointer to output buffer.
   178 		* @return KErrNone or a system wide error code.
   179 		*/
   180 		virtual TInt Convert(TPtiCharConversion aType,
   181 							 TAny* aInput,
   182 							 TInt aInputLength,
   183 							 TAny* aOutput) = 0;
   185 		/**
   186 		* Re-defines keymappings for given key / input mode / case combination. Previous 
   187 		* keymapping will be deleted and new mappings will be used instead.
   188 		*
   189 		* @since 2.6
   190 		* @param aMode Input mode for new key mapping.
   191 		* @param aKey  A key to be replaced.
   192 		* @param aKeyMap New keymapping data for aKey.
   193 		* @param aCase   Text case to be replaced.
   194 		* @return KErrNone or system wide error code.
   195 		*/
   196 		virtual TInt SetExternalKeyMapL(TPtiEngineInputMode aMode,
   197 			                            TPtiKey aKey,
   198 									    TDesC& aKeyMap,
   199 										TPtiTextCase aCase) = 0;
   200 		/**
   201 		* Returns alternate spelling for given unicode characters. Possible conversion
   202 		* types are defined in header PtiDefs.h.
   203 		*										
   204 		* @sinec 2.6
   205 		* @aInput A character to be converted.
   206 		* @aOutput Resulting alternate spelling will be stored here.
   207 		* @aType   Spelling conversion type.
   208 		* @return  KErrNone or system wide error code.
   209 		*/								
   210 		virtual TInt GetSpelling(TUint16 aInput, TDes& aOutput, TPtiSpelling aType) = 0;
   212 		/**
   213 		* Cancels all on-going core obejct timner activity.
   214 		*
   215 		* @since 2.6
   216 		* @return KErrNone or system wide error code.
   217 		*/
   218 		virtual TInt CancelTimerActivity() = 0;
   220 		/**
   221 		* A generic command handling method for extending PtiEngine API without adding
   222 		* new base class methods. It is recommended to use this only in force major
   223 		* situations, where there is no other way.
   224 		* 
   225 		* @since 2.6
   226 		* @param aCommand A Command id value. Platform wide command ids are defined in PtiDefs.h.
   227 		* @param aParams  TAny pointer for passing any required parameters.
   228 		* @return An integer containing possible return value related to command.
   229 		*/
   230 		virtual TInt HandleCommandL(TPtiEngineCommand aCommand, TAny* aParams) = 0;
   232 	//
   233 	// Predictive latin API
   234 	//  
   235 	public:    
   236 	    /**
   237 	    * Returns number of candidates for currently entered key sequence.
   238 	    *
   239 	    * @since 2.6
   240 	    * @return Number of prediction candidates for currently entered key sequence.
   241 	    */
   242 		virtual TInt NumberOfCandidates() = 0;
   244 		/**		
   245 		* Returns a list of candidate words for currently entered key sequence.
   246 		*
   247 		* @since 2.6
   248 		* @param aList A list to be filled with candidate words.
   249 		* @return Number of candidate works in aList.
   250 		*/
   251 		virtual TInt GetCandidateListL(CDesCArray& aList) = 0;
   253 		/**
   254 		* Returns next word candidate list. Next word candidates are words
   255 		* potentially related to currently selected candidate. Next word prediction
   256 		* feature must supported by the engine and turned on.
   257 		*
   258 		* @since 2.6
   259 		*/
   260 		virtual TInt GetNextWordCandidateListL(CDesCArray& aList) = 0;
   262 		/**
   263 		* Returns first word in list of candidate words for current input sequence.
   264 		* 
   265 		* @since 2.6
   266 		* @param aResult A descriptor where resulting word will be stored.
   267 		* @return KErrnNone or system wide error code.
   268 		*/		
   269 		virtual TInt GetFirstCandidate(TDes& aResult) = 0;
   271 		/**
   272 		* Returns next word in list of candidate words for current input sequence.
   273 		* 
   274 		* @since 2.6
   275 		* @param aResult A descriptor where resulting word will be stored.
   276 		* @return KErrnNone or system wide error code.
   277 		*/						
   278 		virtual TInt GetNextCandidate(TDes& aResult) = 0;
   280 		/**
   281 		* Returns previous word in list of candidate words for current input sequence.
   282 		* 
   283 		* @since 2.6
   284 		* @param aResult A descriptor where resulting word will be stored.
   285 		* @return KErrnNone or system wide error code.
   286 		*/								
   287 		virtual TInt GetPreviousCandidate(TDes& aResult) = 0;
   289 	//
   290 	// User dictionary API
   291 	//
   292 	public:
   293 		virtual TInt AddUserDictionaryEntry(MPtiUserDictionaryEntry& aEntry, CPtiUserDictionary* aDict) = 0;
   294 		virtual TInt RemoveUserDictionaryEntry(MPtiUserDictionaryEntry& aEntry, CPtiUserDictionary* aDict) = 0;
   295         virtual TInt NumberOfEntriesInUserDictionary(CPtiUserDictionary* aDict) = 0;
   296 		virtual TInt GetUserDictionaryEntry(TInt aIndex, MPtiUserDictionaryEntry& aResult, CPtiUserDictionary* aDict) = 0;
   297 		virtual CPtiUserDictionary* CreateEmptyUserDictionaryL(TInt aMaxSize) = 0;
   298 		virtual TInt AttachUserDictionary(CPtiUserDictionary* aDict) = 0;
   299 		virtual TBool DetachUserDictionary(CPtiUserDictionary* aDict) = 0;		
   301 	//
   302 	// Chinese API
   303 	//
   304 	public:
   305 		virtual TPtrC GetCandidatePage() = 0;
   306 		virtual TBool NextCandidatePage() = 0;
   307 		virtual TBool PreviousCandidatePage() = 0;
   308 		virtual TBool MoreCandidatePages() = 0;
   309 		virtual void SetCandidatePageLength(TInt aLength) = 0;
   310 		virtual TPtrC GetPhoneticSpelling(TInt aIndex) const = 0; 
   311 		virtual TInt PhoneticSpellingCount() const = 0;	
   312 	    virtual TBool SelectPhoneticSpelling(TInt aIndex) = 0;
   313 	    virtual TInt SelectedPhoneticSpelling() const = 0; 
   314 		virtual TBool ToneMark(TText& aToneMark) const = 0;
   315 		virtual TBool IsToneMarkValidForSpelling() = 0;
   316 		virtual TBool SetPredictiveChineseChar(const TDesC& aChar) = 0;
   317 		virtual TBool SetToneMark(TInt aToneMark) = 0;
   320    	//
   321 	// Japanese API
   322 	//
   323 	public:
   324 		virtual TPtrC ReadingTextL() = 0;
   325 		virtual MPtiEngineCompositionDataInterface* CompositionData() = 0;
   327 	//
   328 	// Chinese API
   329 	//
   330 	public:
   331 	        virtual HBufC* GetCandidatesByInputString(const TDesC& aInputString, 
   332                                                         RPointerArray<HBufC>& aList, 
   333                                                         const TBool aIsPredictive) = 0;
   334 	};
   337 /**
   338 * This class is a base class implementation for MPtiCore. It contains empty base implemenations
   339 * for core API methods and static methods for creating and listing PtiEngine core objects.
   340 */
   341 class CPtiCore : public CBase, public MPtiCore
   342 	{
   343 	//
   344 	// Plugin household methods
   345 	//
   346 	public:
   347  		/**
   348 		* Creates in instance of core object for given implemenation uid.
   349 		*
   350 		* @param aCoreUid An ecom implementation uid for core object to be created.
   351 		* @return Pointer to new core object instance.
   352 		*/
   353 		IMPORT_C static CPtiCore* CreateCoreL(TUid aCoreUid);
   355 		/**
   356 		* Lists all the available PtiEngine core onject implemenatations.
   357 		*
   358 		* @return Pointer to a list cantaining implementation uids for available core plugins.
   359 		*/
   360 		IMPORT_C static CArrayFix<TInt>* ListCoresLC();
   362 	public: 
   363 		IMPORT_C ~CPtiCore();
   365 	//
   366 	// 	General methods.
   367 	//
   368 	public:
   369 		IMPORT_C TInt SetCurrentInputSequence(TPtrC8 aInput);
   370 		IMPORT_C TInt Convert(TPtiCharConversion aType,
   371 							  TAny* aInput,
   372 							  TInt aInputLength,
   373 							  TAny* aOutput);
   374 		IMPORT_C TInt GetSpelling(TUint16 aInput,
   375 			                      TDes& aOutput,
   376 								  TPtiSpelling aType);
   377 		IMPORT_C TInt SetExternalKeyMapL(TPtiEngineInputMode aMode,
   378 			                             TPtiKey aKey,
   379 									     TDesC& aKeyMap,
   380 										 TPtiTextCase aCase);
   381 		IMPORT_C TInt CommitCurrentWord();		
   382 		IMPORT_C TPtrC GetCurrentWord() const;
   384 	//
   385 	// Predictive latin API
   386 	//
   387 	public:
   388 		IMPORT_C TInt NumberOfCandidates();
   389 		IMPORT_C TInt GetCandidateListL(CDesCArray& aList);
   390 		IMPORT_C TInt GetNextWordCandidateListL(CDesCArray& aList);
   391 		IMPORT_C TInt GetFirstCandidate(TDes& aResult);
   392 		IMPORT_C TInt GetNextCandidate(TDes& aResult);
   393 		IMPORT_C TInt GetPreviousCandidate(TDes& aResult);
   395 	//
   396 	// User dictionary API
   397 	//
   398 	public:
   399 		IMPORT_C TInt AddUserDictionaryEntry(MPtiUserDictionaryEntry& aEntry, CPtiUserDictionary* aDict);
   400 		IMPORT_C TInt RemoveUserDictionaryEntry(MPtiUserDictionaryEntry& aEntry, CPtiUserDictionary* aDict);
   401                 IMPORT_C TInt NumberOfEntriesInUserDictionary(CPtiUserDictionary* aDict);
   402 		IMPORT_C TInt GetUserDictionaryEntry(TInt aIndex, MPtiUserDictionaryEntry& aResult, CPtiUserDictionary* aDict);
   403 		IMPORT_C CPtiUserDictionary* CreateEmptyUserDictionaryL(TInt aMaxSize);
   404 		IMPORT_C TInt AttachUserDictionary(CPtiUserDictionary* aDict);
   405 		IMPORT_C TBool DetachUserDictionary(CPtiUserDictionary* aDict);		
   407 	//
   408 	// Chinese API
   409 	//
   410 	public:
   411 		IMPORT_C TPtrC GetCandidatePage();
   412 		IMPORT_C TBool NextCandidatePage();
   413 		IMPORT_C TBool PreviousCandidatePage();
   414 		IMPORT_C TBool MoreCandidatePages();
   415 		IMPORT_C void SetCandidatePageLength(TInt aLength);
   416 		IMPORT_C TPtrC GetPhoneticSpelling(TInt aIndex) const; 
   417 		IMPORT_C TInt PhoneticSpellingCount() const;	
   418 	        IMPORT_C TBool SelectPhoneticSpelling(TInt aIndex);
   419 	        IMPORT_C TInt SelectedPhoneticSpelling() const; 
   420 		IMPORT_C TBool ToneMark(TText& aToneMark) const;
   421 		IMPORT_C TBool IsToneMarkValidForSpelling();
   422 		IMPORT_C TBool SetPredictiveChineseChar(const TDesC& aChar);
   423 		IMPORT_C TBool SetToneMark(TInt aToneMark);
   425 	//
   426 	// Japanese API
   427 	//
   428 	public:
   429 		IMPORT_C TPtrC ReadingTextL();
   430 		IMPORT_C MPtiEngineCompositionDataInterface* CompositionData();
   432 	//
   433 	// Chinese API
   434 	//			
   435 	public:	
   436                 IMPORT_C HBufC* GetCandidatesByInputString(const TDesC& aInputString, 
   437                                                          RPointerArray<HBufC>& aList, 
   438                                                          const TBool aIsPredictive);			
   440 	private:
   441 		inline void SetDestructorKeyId(TInt aDtorKeyId);
   443 	private:
   444 		TInt iDtorKeyId;
   445 		TInt Reserved_1;
   446 	};
   449 inline void CPtiCore::SetDestructorKeyId(TInt aDtorKeyId)
   450 	{
   451 	iDtorKeyId = aDtorKeyId;
   452 	}
   454 #endif _PTI_CORE_H
   456 // End of file