author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *   Interface for Series 60 font type, incorporating principles of series 60 layout
    16 *
    17 *
    18 */
    21 #ifndef AKNLAYOUTFONT_H
    22 #define AKNLAYOUTFONT_H
    24 #include <gdi.h>
    25 #include <fbs.h>
    26 #include <AknFontSpecification.h>
    27 #include <AknTextDecorationMetrics.h>
    29 class CBitmapDevice;
    31 /**
    32 * This abstract class is a CFbsFont that can update itself (re-bind a font) and has standard
    33 * Series 60 layout API available.
    34 * 
    35 * Concrete classes derived from this implement constructors and Update methods that
    36 * supply the specification required for the initially, and newly bound font, respectively. 
    37 * Derived classes must also implement the CreateFont framework method in order to
    38 * implement the font binding itself.
    39 * 
    40 *  @lib avkon.dll
    41 *  @since 2.8
    42 *
    43 *  @internal
    44 */
    45 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAknLayoutFont) : public CFbsFont
    46     {
    48 public:
    49     /**
    50     * C++ Destructor.
    51     */
    52     virtual ~CAknLayoutFont();
    54 public: // New functions
    55     /**  
    56     * Update this object's binding to a CFbsFont, using the member data of the derived class.
    57     * This method only needs to be called if the client owns the CAknLayoutFont
    58     * object, and there has been a layout switch that may affect the font. 
    59     * 
    60     * It is functionally equivalent to deleting the CAknLayoutFont object, and 
    61     * reconstructing it with the same parameters.
    62     */
    63     IMPORT_C void Update();
    65     /**
    66     * Return the maximum extent of any pixel in the font upwards from the baseline
    67     * Measured up, so therefore it is a positive value.
    68     * 
    69     * @return maximum ascent of the font
    70     */ 
    71     IMPORT_C TInt MaxAscent() const;
    73     /**
    74     * Return the maximum extent of any pixel in the font down the baseline
    75     * Measured down, so therefore it is usually a positive value.
    76     * 
    77     * @return maximum descent of the font
    78     */ 
    79     IMPORT_C TInt MaxDescent() const;
    81     /*
    82     * Position of the baseline measured down from the Series 60 layout text pane top
    83     *
    84     * @return distance from text pane top to baseline
    85     */
    86     IMPORT_C TInt TextPaneTopToBaseline() const;
    88     /*
    89     * Position of the text pane bottom measured down from the baseline
    90     *
    91     * @return distance from text pane top to baseline
    92     */
    93     IMPORT_C TInt BaselineToTextPaneBottom() const;
    95     /*
    96     * Series 60 text pane height. 
    97     * Always equal to TextPaneTopToBaseline() + BaselineToTextPaneBottom()
    98     *
    99     * @return text pane height
   100     */
   101     IMPORT_C TInt TextPaneHeight() const;
   103     /**
   104     * This provides the baseline relative to the top of the combined font for a specific 
   105     * character code. This value does not include any TopShortfall.
   106     **/
   107     TInt AscentForCharacter( TChar aCharacter ) const; 
   109     /**
   110     * Returns if a font pointer cast to this type if the actual type conforms to this type. 
   111     * 
   112     * @returns NULL if the font does not conform to CAknLayoutFont.
   113     */
   114     IMPORT_C static const CAknLayoutFont* AsCAknLayoutFontOrNull( const CFont* aFont );
   116     /**
   117     * Returns an object describing how the text with this font is to be decorated
   118     * 
   119     * @return   text decoration metrics for the font
   120     */
   121     IMPORT_C TAknTextDecorationMetrics TextDecorationMetrics() const;
   123     /**
   124     * Returns the Avkon font category (EAknFontCategoryPrimary, EAknFontCategorySecondary...)
   125     * that was used to generate this font.
   126     * 
   127     * @return   font category
   128     */
   129     IMPORT_C TAknFontCategory FontCategory() const;
   131     /**
   132     * This API allows the font to provide the metrics under which the font was requested.
   133     * 
   134     * @return   the font specification for which the font has been supplied
   135     */
   136     IMPORT_C TAknFontSpecification FontSpecification() const;
   138 public: // Functions from CFont
   140 public:// Functions from CFbsFont
   142     TFontSpec DoFontSpecInTwips() const;
   144 protected:
   145     /**
   146     * C++ Constructor.
   147     */
   148     CAknLayoutFont( CBitmapDevice& aScreenDevice );
   149     CBitmapDevice& BitmapDevice() const;
   151 protected: // Internal methods
   153     void SetExcessAscent( TInt aExcessAscent );
   154     void SetExcessDescent( TInt aExcessDescent );
   155     void SetBottomShortfall( TInt aBottomShortfall );
   156     void SetTextPaneHeight( TInt aTextPaneHeight );
   158 private: // New Framework methods
   159     virtual CFbsFont* SupplyFont() = 0;
   160     virtual TInt DoAscentForCharacter( TChar aCharacter ) const;
   161     virtual TAknTextDecorationMetrics DoTextDecorationMetrics() const = 0;
   162     virtual TAknFontSpecification DoFontSpecification() const = 0;
   163     virtual void CAknLayoutFont_Reserved_1();
   165 private:
   166     void Register();
   167     void Deregister();
   169 private:
   171     CFbsFont* iNonDynamicFont;
   172     CBitmapDevice& iScreenDevice;
   173     TInt iExcessAscent;
   174     TInt iExcessDescent;
   175     TInt iBottomShortfall;
   176     TInt iTextPaneHeight;
   177     TInt iSpare;
   178     };
   181 #endif  //AKNLAYOUTFONT_H