1 // Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
2 // All rights reserved.
3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
8 // Initial Contributors:
9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
22 #include <mmf/common/mmfcontroller.h>
23 #include <mmf/common/mmfstandardcustomcommands.h>
24 #include <mmf/common/mmfdrmcustomcommands.h>
25 #include <mmf/common/mmfmididatacommon.h>
29 General utility class to hold instrument information.
38 *Identifier of sound bank to reference.
43 * Specifies whether to reference a custom or standard sound bank.
48 * Identifier of specified instrument.
54 Defines the state of the MIDI client utility with regard to the MIDI resource.
62 * No MIDI resource is currently open.
63 * The MIDI engine is not processing midi events.
65 EMidiStateClosedDisengaged,
69 * A MIDI resource is open and primed but not playing.
70 * The MIDI engine is not processing midi events.
72 EMidiStateOpenDisengaged,
75 * A MIDI resource is open and currently playing.
76 * The MIDI engine is currently processing midi events.
78 EMidiStateOpenPlaying,
81 * Not able to play full SP-MIDI or DLS content, but attempting best-effort playback.
83 EMidiStatePlaybackIncompatible,
86 * Due to system resource constraints and SP-MIDI content constraints,
87 * there is no audible MIDI content during playback currently.
88 * The situation may change if resources are freed later.
90 EMidiStatePlaybackSilent,
93 * No MIDI resource is currently open.
94 * The MIDI engine is currently processing midi events.
96 EMidiStateClosedEngaged,
99 * A MIDI resource is open and primed but not playing.
100 * The MIDI engine is currently processing MIDI events.
101 * The transition to this state is only possible from EMidiStateOpenPlaying state,
102 * when the 'playback head' reaches the end of media data or the playback
103 * stops due to stop time set.
105 EMidiStateOpenEngaged,
109 Active object utility class to allow MIDI events to be signalled asynchronously.
110 @see CMidiClientUtility::NewL().
115 class MMidiClientUtilityObserver
119 A state change has occurred in the MIDI client utility.
126 The time in microseconds at which playback stopped relative to the start of the MIDI resource.
130 virtual void MmcuoStateChanged(TMidiState aOldState,TMidiState aNewState,const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTime,TInt aError) = 0;
132 The MIDI resource has encountered a tempo change message in the MIDI data stream.
134 @param aMicroBeatsPerMinute
135 New tempo value in micro beats per minute (BPM*1000000).
137 virtual void MmcuoTempoChanged(TInt aMicroBeatsPerMinute) = 0;
139 The MIDI resource has encountered a volume change message in the MIDI data stream.
142 Logical channel to which the message applies. 0 <= aChannel < ChannelsSupportedL().
143 @param aVolumeInDecibels
144 New volume setting being used.
146 virtual void MmcuoVolumeChanged(TInt aChannel,TReal32 aVolumeInDecibels) = 0;
148 The MIDI resource has encountered a mute message in the MIDI data stream.
151 Logical channel to which the message applies. 0 <= aChannel < ChannelsSupportedL().
153 New muting state of the channel - ETrue is muted, EFalse is unmuted.
155 virtual void MmcuoMuteChanged(TInt aChannel,TBool aMuted) = 0;
157 Callback in response to a call to CMIDIClientUtility::SetSyncUpdateCallbackIntervalL().
158 By default there are no callbacks. Otherwise the callback is called at an interval set by the client.
161 Position in microseconds relative to the start of the resource - only set if
162 the sync update set function was called with the microseconds parameter set.
164 Position in microbeats relative to the start of the resource - only set if
165 the sync update set function was called with the microbeats parameter set and
166 the microseconds parameter set to 0.
168 virtual void MmcuoSyncUpdate(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aMicroSeconds,TInt64 aMicroBeats) = 0;
170 A timed meta data entry has been found in the MIDI data stream, eg a timed song lyric in an SMF file.
172 @param aMetaDataEntryId
173 Index of the meta data entry - if this entry has not been encountere before,
174 it will be added to the list of meta data entries. Previously encountered timed
175 entries still generate this callback.
177 Position in microseconds relative to the start of the MIDI resource that the MIDI
178 meta data entry was found at.
180 virtual void MmcuoMetaDataEntryFound(const TInt aMetaDataEntryId,const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aPosition) = 0;
182 A MIP message has been found in the MIDI data stream.
185 Reference to an array of MIP message entries (logical {channel, MIP} value pairs)
186 contained in the message.
188 virtual void MmcuoMipMessageReceived(const RArray<TMipMessageEntry>& aMessage) = 0;
190 The polyphony of the MIDI engine has changed.
193 The new polyphony value.
195 virtual void MmcuoPolyphonyChanged(TInt aNewPolyphony) = 0;
197 An instrument has been changed on a channel.
200 Channel where the change of instrument occurred. 0 <= aChannel < ChannelsSupportedL().
202 Identifier of the bank that the instrument belongs to, occupying no more than 14 bits.
203 The bank ID is a concatenation of MIDI bank MSB and LSB values.
205 Identifier of the instrument that has been changed. 0 <= aInstrumentId <= 127.
207 virtual void MmcuoInstrumentChanged(TInt aChannel,TInt aBankId,TInt aInstrumentId) = 0;
212 Utility class to provide a standard client interface to a MIDI controller.
217 class CMidiClientUtility : public CBase
221 IMPORT_C static CMidiClientUtility* NewL(MMidiClientUtilityObserver& aObserver,
222 TInt aPriority = EMdaPriorityNormal,
223 TInt aPref = EMdaPriorityPreferenceTimeAndQuality);
225 // alternative NewL for selecting shared/separate controller heap(s)
226 IMPORT_C static CMidiClientUtility* NewL(MMidiClientUtilityObserver& aObserver,
229 TBool aUseSharedHeap);
232 virtual ~CMidiClientUtility();
233 IMPORT_C TMidiState State() const;
234 IMPORT_C void OpenFile(const TDesC& aFileName);
235 IMPORT_C void OpenFile(const RFile& aFile);
237 IMPORT_C void OpenFile(const TMMSource& aSource);
239 IMPORT_C void OpenDes(const TDesC8& aDescriptor);
240 IMPORT_C void OpenUrl(const TDesC& aUrl,TInt aIapId = KUseDefaultIap,const TDesC8& aMimeType=KNullDesC8);
241 IMPORT_C void Close();
242 IMPORT_C void Play();
243 IMPORT_C void Stop(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aFadeOutDuration);
244 IMPORT_C void PlayNoteL(TInt aChannel,TInt aNote,const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aDuration,TInt aNoteOnVelocity,TInt aNoteOffVelocity);
245 IMPORT_C void PlayNoteL(TInt aChannel,TInt aNote,const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aStartTime,const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aDuration,TInt aNoteOnVelocity,TInt aNoteOffVelocity);
246 IMPORT_C void StopNotes(TInt aChannel);
247 IMPORT_C void NoteOnL(TInt aChannel,TInt aNote,TInt aVelocity);
248 IMPORT_C void NoteOffL(TInt aChannel,TInt aNote,TInt aVelocity);
249 IMPORT_C TInt PlaybackRateL() const;
250 IMPORT_C void SetPlaybackRateL(TInt aRate);
251 IMPORT_C TInt MaxPlaybackRateL() const;
252 IMPORT_C TInt MinPlaybackRateL() const;
253 IMPORT_C TInt TempoMicroBeatsPerMinuteL() const;
254 IMPORT_C void SetTempoL(TInt aMicroBeatsPerMinute);
255 IMPORT_C TInt PitchTranspositionCentsL() const;
256 IMPORT_C TInt SetPitchTranspositionL(TInt aCents);
257 IMPORT_C TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds DurationMicroSecondsL() const;
258 IMPORT_C TInt64 DurationMicroBeatsL() const;
259 IMPORT_C TInt NumTracksL() const;
260 IMPORT_C void SetTrackMuteL(TInt aTrack,TBool aMuted) const;
261 IMPORT_C const TDesC8& MimeTypeL();
262 IMPORT_C TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds PositionMicroSecondsL() const;
263 IMPORT_C void SetPositionMicroSecondsL(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aPosition);
264 IMPORT_C TInt64 PositionMicroBeatsL() const;
265 IMPORT_C void SetPositionMicroBeatsL(TInt64 aMicroBeats);
266 IMPORT_C void SetSyncUpdateCallbackIntervalL(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aMicroSeconds, TInt64 aMicroBeats=0);
267 IMPORT_C TInt SendMessageL(const TDesC8& aMidiMessage);
268 IMPORT_C TInt SendMessageL(const TDesC8& aMidiMessage,const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTime);
269 IMPORT_C void SendMipMessageL(const RArray<TMipMessageEntry>& aEntry);
270 IMPORT_C TInt NumberOfBanksL(TBool aCustom) const;
271 IMPORT_C TInt GetBankIdL(TBool aCustom,TInt aBankIndex) const;
272 IMPORT_C void LoadCustomBankL(const TDesC& aFileName,TInt& aBankCollectionIndex);
273 IMPORT_C void LoadCustomBankDataL(const TDesC8& aBankData,TInt& aBankCollectionIndex);
274 IMPORT_C void UnloadCustomBankL(TInt aBankCollectionIndex);
275 IMPORT_C TBool CustomBankLoadedL(TInt aBankCollectionIndex) const;
276 IMPORT_C void UnloadAllCustomBanksL();
277 IMPORT_C TInt NumberOfInstrumentsL(TInt aBankId,TBool aCustom) const;
278 IMPORT_C TInt GetInstrumentIdL(TInt aBankId,TBool aCustom,TInt aInstrumentIndex) const;
279 IMPORT_C HBufC* InstrumentNameL(TInt aBankId, TBool aCustom, TInt aInstrumentId) const;
280 IMPORT_C void GetInstrumentL(TInt aChannel, TInt& aInstrumentId, TInt& aBankId);
281 IMPORT_C void SetInstrumentL(TInt aChannel,TInt aBankId,TInt aInstrumentId);
282 IMPORT_C void LoadCustomInstrumentL(const TDesC& aFileName,TInt aFileBankId,TInt aFileInstrumentId,TInt aMemoryBankId,TInt aMemoryInstrumentId);
283 IMPORT_C void LoadCustomInstrumentDataL(const TDesC8& aInstrumentData, TInt aBankDataId, TInt aInstrumentDataId, TInt aMemoryBankId, TInt aMemoryInstrumentId);
284 IMPORT_C void UnloadCustomInstrumentL(TInt aCustomBankId,TInt aInstrumentId);
285 IMPORT_C HBufC* PercussionKeyNameL(TInt aNote, TInt aBankId, TBool aCustom, TInt aInstrumentId) const;
286 IMPORT_C void StopTimeL(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aStopTime) const;
287 IMPORT_C void SetStopTimeL(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aStopTime);
288 IMPORT_C void SetRepeatsL(TInt aRepeatNumberOfTimes, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTrailingSilence);
289 IMPORT_C TInt GetRepeats() const;
290 IMPORT_C TInt PolyphonyL() const;
291 IMPORT_C void SetMaxPolyphonyL(TInt aMaxNotes);
292 IMPORT_C TInt ChannelsSupportedL() const;
293 IMPORT_C TReal32 ChannelVolumeL(TInt aChannel) const;
294 IMPORT_C TReal32 MaxChannelVolumeL() const;
295 IMPORT_C void SetChannelVolumeL(TInt aChannel,TReal32 aVolumeInDecibels);
296 IMPORT_C void SetChannelMuteL(TInt aChannel,TBool aMuted);
297 IMPORT_C TInt VolumeL() const;
298 IMPORT_C TInt MaxVolumeL() const;
299 IMPORT_C void SetVolumeL(TInt aVolume);
300 IMPORT_C void SetVolumeRampL(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aRampDuration);
301 IMPORT_C TInt GetBalanceL() const;
302 IMPORT_C void SetBalanceL(TInt aBalance = KMMFBalanceCenter);
303 IMPORT_C void SetPriorityL(TInt aPriority, TInt aPref);
304 IMPORT_C TInt NumberOfMetaDataEntriesL() const;
305 IMPORT_C CMMFMetaDataEntry* GetMetaDataEntryL(TInt aMetaDataIndex) const;
307 * @deprecated SetBankL is deprecated due to Mobile XMF specification requirement that user instruments (custom instruments) override standard instruments.
309 IMPORT_C void SetBankL(TBool aCustom);
310 IMPORT_C TBool IsTrackMuteL(TInt aTrack) const;
311 IMPORT_C TBool IsChannelMuteL(TInt aChannel) const;
312 IMPORT_C void CustomCommandSyncL(const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination, TInt aFunction, const TDesC8& aDataTo1, const TDesC8& aDataTo2, TDes8& aDataFrom);
313 IMPORT_C void CustomCommandSyncL(const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination, TInt aFunction, const TDesC8& aDataTo1, const TDesC8& aDataTo2);
314 IMPORT_C void CustomCommandAsync(const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination, TInt aFunction, const TDesC8& aDataTo1, const TDesC8& aDataTo2, TDes8& aDataFrom, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
315 IMPORT_C void CustomCommandAsync(const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination, TInt aFunction, const TDesC8& aDataTo1, const TDesC8& aDataTo2, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
316 IMPORT_C TInt MaxPolyphonyL() const;
318 IMPORT_C MMMFDRMCustomCommand* GetDRMCustomCommand();
322 * a pointer to the implementation.