1 // Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
2 // All rights reserved.
3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
8 // Initial Contributors:
9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
14 // Comms Data Type Definitions version 1.1
15 // Container classes expressing Symbian OS Comms Data Types that can be stored in the Comms Repository
16 // Type Definitions are version controlled. New versions may be introduced from time to time.
17 // Then older versions are marked as deprecated and given a planned removal date.
18 // This version introduced with Release 9.1
28 #if (!defined COMMSDATTYPESV1_1_H)
29 #define COMMSDATTYPESV1_1_H
31 #include <metadatabase.h>
32 #include <commsdattypeinfov1_1.h>
45 // Contains fields common to all records
48 class CCDRecordBase : public CMDBRecordBase
50 Base class for wrapper containers for supported CommsDat recordtypes
51 Alternatively the class CMDBGenericRecord can be used to express any record.
58 IMPORT_C CCDRecordBase(TMDBElementId aElementId); //< Import CCDRecordBase constructor from another DLL.
60 IMPORT_C static CMDBRecordBase* RecordFactoryL(TMDBElementId); //< Import function RecordFactoryL from another DLL.
62 IMPORT_C static CMDBRecordBase* CreateCopyRecordL(CMDBRecordBase& aCopyFromRecord); //< Import function CreateCopyRecordL from another DLL.
73 CMDBField<TInt> iRecordTag; //<User-defined numeric tag for this record. Should be unique in this table.
75 CMDBField<TDesC> iRecordName; //< User-defined name for this record. Should be unique in this table.
85 // Contains fields common to all service records
91 class CCDParamsRecordBase : public CCDRecordBase
98 CCDParamsRecordBase();
102 CCDParamsRecordBase(TMDBElementId aElementId);
104 const SRecordTypeInfo* GetRecordInfo(){return iRecordInfo;}
112 // Field Declarations shared by all Params Records
113 CMDBField<TUint32> iSTypeId;
117 static const SRecordTypeInfo* const iRecordInfo;
123 // Contains fields common to all service records
129 class CCDServiceRecordBase : public CCDRecordBase
136 CCDServiceRecordBase();
140 CCDServiceRecordBase(TMDBElementId aElementId);
143 Gets the following information:
149 @return Returns a const pointer to the record containing the data - client does not need to delete this pointer after use.
151 const SRecordTypeInfo* GetRecordInfo(){return iRecordInfo;}
159 // Field Declarations shared by all Service Records
160 CMDBField<TBool> iServiceEnableLlmnr; //< Specifies whether Link-local multicast name resolution is enabled.
164 static const SRecordTypeInfo* const iRecordInfo;
171 // Contains fields common to all bearer records
177 class CCDBearerRecordBase : public CCDRecordBase
185 CCDBearerRecordBase();
189 CCDBearerRecordBase(TMDBElementId aElementId);
192 Gets the following information:
198 @return Returns a const pointer to the record containing the data - client does not need to delete this pointer after use.
200 const SRecordTypeInfo* GetRecordInfo(){return iRecordInfo;}
208 // Field Declarations shared by all Bearer Records
209 CMDBField<TDesC> iBearerAgent; //< Name of the agent to be used by a particular bearer
213 static const SRecordTypeInfo* const iRecordInfo;
223 // Forward declaration
228 class CCDConnectionPrefsRecord : public CCDRecordBase
234 CCDConnectionPrefsRecord();
238 CCDConnectionPrefsRecord(TMDBElementId aElementId);
241 Gets the following information:
247 @return Returns a const pointer to the record containing the data - client does not need to delete this pointer after use.
249 const SRecordTypeInfo* GetRecordInfo(){return iRecordInfo;}
255 CMDBField<TUint32> iRanking; //< IAP ranking- An IAP with ranking of 1 is attempted first and so forth. An IAP with a ranking of 0 will never be attempted for connection.
256 CMDBField<TCommDbConnectionDirection> iDirection; //< Specifies the direction of a connection.
257 CMDBField<TUint32> iBearerSet; //< Bearers which can be used for a connection.
258 CMDBField<TUint32> iDialogPref; //< Specifies whether the system, on a connection attempt being started, should: a) offer the user a menu of the available connection options; b) warn that a connection is about to take place; c) connect without further notifying the user. Takes a value from the enum TCommDbDialogPref. Default value is ECommDbDialogPrefUnknown.
259 CMDBRecordLink<CCDIAPRecord> iDefaultIAP; //< The record id of the preferred IAP to connect to.
261 static const SRecordTypeInfo* const iRecordInfo;
267 class CCDLocationRecord;
268 class CCDModemBearerRecord;
269 class CCDNetworkRecord;
270 class CCDAgentLookupRecord;
271 class CCDWAPAccessPointRecord;
272 class CCDAccessPointRecord;
284 class CCDGlobalSettingsRecord : public CCDRecordBase
292 CCDGlobalSettingsRecord();
296 CCDGlobalSettingsRecord(TMDBElementId aElementId);
299 Gets the following information:
305 @return Returns a const pointer to the record containing the data - client does not need to delete this pointer after use.
307 const SRecordTypeInfo* GetRecordInfo(){return iRecordInfo;}
313 CMDBRecordLink<CCDWAPAccessPointRecord> iWAPAccessPoint;
314 CMDBField<TUint32> iMaxConnectionAttempts; //< Number of attempts to establish a connection.
315 CMDBField<TUint32> iMaxRedialAttempts; //< Maximum redial attempts before report failure to user.
317 CMDBField<TUint32> iSMSBearer; //< Default bearer for SMS on the phone.
318 CMDBField<TUint32> iSMSReceiveMode; //< Clients (SMS Stack on the phone) can receive an SMS either before or after the message has been stored. If the client receives a new message, which the phone has already stored and has acknowledged, then the client does not have to do anything further. If the client receives an unstored new message which the phone has not acknowledged, then the client has the responsibility of attempting to store the message and then either "acking" or "nacking" that message to the network.
321 CMDBField<TUint32> iGPRSAttachMode; //< Determines when the GPRS terminal should attach to the network. i.e. attach at the boot-up of the device or at a later time.
322 CMDBField<TUint32> iAcceptIncomingGPRS; //< Specifies whether or not to allow incoming requests for PDP context activation to be automatically accepted (when there is a waiting application).
323 CMDBField<TUint32> iGPRSClassCBearer; //< The preferred bearer when the device (phone) is forced into GPRS Class C operation.
325 CMDBRecordLink<CCDModemBearerRecord> iModemForDataAndFax;
326 CMDBRecordLink<CCDModemBearerRecord> iModemForPhoneServicesAndSMS;
328 CMDBRecordLink<CCDLocationRecord> iLocationForDataAndFax; //< Default local location info for data and fax calls.
329 CMDBRecordLink<CCDLocationRecord> iLocationForPhoneServicesAndSMS; //< Sets the default location from which you are dialling for phone services such as a SMS service
331 CMDBField<TUint32> iMaxMBufHeap; //< Maximum RMBuf heap size.
332 CMDBRecordLink<CCDAgentLookupRecord> iDefaultAgent; //< Record id of an agent from the AgentLookup table.
334 CMDBRecordLink<CCDNetworkRecord> iDefaultNetwork; //< Default network to connect to.
336 CMDBField<TDesC> iBearerAvailabilityCheckTSY; //< The name of the TSY that should be used for bearer availability checking. If this global setting is not found then the TSY specified in ModemBearer is used.
338 //This field differentiate the Bravo selection from the 399 selection
339 //(needed for implicit scenarios where prefs are not available)
340 CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord> iDefaultSnap; //<CDMA PARAMETER- Not currently supported.
343 //@deprecated use CCDTierRecord::iPromptUser instead
344 CMDBField<TBool> iPromptForSnap;
348 CMDBRecordLink<CCDTierRecord> iDefaultTier;
351 CMDBField<TCommsDatWlanRegDomain> iRegulatoryDomain;
353 CMDBField<TBool> iWmmEnabled;
354 CMDBField<TBool> iEnableCountryCode;
355 CMDBField<TCommsDatWlanRegDomain> iDefaultRegulatoryDomain;
358 static const SRecordTypeInfo* const iRecordInfo;
370 class CCDNetworkRecord : public CCDRecordBase
380 CCDNetworkRecord(TMDBElementId aElementId);
383 Gets the following information:
389 @return Returns a const pointer to the record containing the data - client does not need to delete this pointer after use.
391 const SRecordTypeInfo* GetRecordInfo(){return iRecordInfo;}
396 CMDBField<TDesC> iHostName; //< Name of the host of the network
400 static const SRecordTypeInfo* const iRecordInfo;
413 class CCDLocationRecord : public CCDRecordBase
425 CCDLocationRecord(TMDBElementId aElementId);
428 Gets the following information:
434 @return Returns a const pointer to the record containing the data - client does not need to delete this pointer after use.
436 const SRecordTypeInfo* GetRecordInfo(){return iRecordInfo;}
443 CMDBField<TDesC> iIntlPrefixCode; //< Prefix code to use for international calls.
444 CMDBField<TDesC> iNatPrefixCode; //< Prefix code to use for national calls.
445 CMDBField<TDesC> iNatCode; //< Country code.
446 CMDBField<TDesC> iAreaCode; //< Area code.
447 CMDBField<TDesC> iDialOutCode; //< Number to dial for an outside line.
448 CMDBField<TDesC> iDisableCallWaitingCode; //< Code to dial to disable call waiting facility.
449 CMDBField<TBool> iMobile; //< Specifies whether the device is a mobile phone.
450 CMDBField<TBool> iUsePulseDial; //< Specifies whether to use pulse dialling.
451 CMDBField<TBool> iWaitForDialTone; //< Specifies whether to wait for the dial tone.
452 CMDBField<TUint32> iPauseAfterDialOut; //< This specifies the length of the pause (in seconds) after using the dial-out code. In the dial string this delay is represented as a comma. The number indicates the value of that comma.
457 static const SRecordTypeInfo* const iRecordInfo;
467 class CCDIAPRecord : public CCDRecordBase
477 CCDIAPRecord(TMDBElementId aElementId);
480 Gets the following information:
486 @return Returns a const pointer to the record containing the data - client does not need to delete this pointer after use.
488 const SRecordTypeInfo* GetRecordInfo(){return iRecordInfo;}
495 CMDBField<TDesC> iServiceType; //< The name of a servicing table. E.g. DialOutISP.
496 CMDBRecordLink<CCDServiceRecordBase> iService; //< Every IAP provides a specific service. The field IAPService provides a link between the IAP and the servicing table, It tells us which record to use from the servicing table. For example, an IAP could provide the DialOutISP service. Say IAPService = 1, this would mean the settings of first record in the DialOutISP table is provided by this particular IAP.
497 CMDBField<TDesC> iBearerType; //< The name of the bearer to be used for the IAP.
498 CMDBRecordLink<CCDBearerRecordBase> iBearer; //< The record id from the Bearer table specifying the bearer to be used with the IAP.
499 CMDBRecordLink<CCDNetworkRecord> iNetwork; //< The record id of the network to be used with the IAP. The IAP will connect to this network.
500 CMDBField<TUint32> iNetworkWeighting; //< When there are multiple IAPs that wish to connect to the same network, this subset of IAPs is given a weighting. This determines the order of connection to that particular network. The IAP with the highest weighting will receive the first connection attempt and if that fails, the next highest IAP is attempted and so forth. This is an alternative way to make a connection if the ConnectionPreferences ranking system is not preferred.
501 CMDBRecordLink<CCDLocationRecord> iLocation; //< The record id specifying a location for the IAP. This field links the Location table and the IAP table together. The location determines factors such as areacode prefix dialling etc.
503 CMDBField<TUint32> iAppSid; // Marks this IAP for exclusive use of a particular Application
507 static const SRecordTypeInfo* const iRecordInfo;
519 class CCDWAPAccessPointRecord : public CCDRecordBase
525 CCDWAPAccessPointRecord();
529 CCDWAPAccessPointRecord(TMDBElementId aElementId);
532 Gets the following information:
538 @return Returns a const pointer to the record containing the data - client does not need to delete this pointer after use.
540 const SRecordTypeInfo* GetRecordInfo(){return iRecordInfo;}
547 CMDBField<TDesC> iWAPCurrentBearer; //< The name of the table from which to read the bearer information. This can be WAP_IP_BEARER or WAP_SMS_BEARER.
548 CMDBField<TDesC> iWAPStartPage; //< WAP start page URL.
552 static const SRecordTypeInfo* const iRecordInfo;
556 //Forward declaration
557 class CCDChargecardRecord;
566 class CCDDialOutISPRecord : public CCDServiceRecordBase
573 CCDDialOutISPRecord();
577 CCDDialOutISPRecord(TMDBElementId aId);
582 Gets the following information:
588 @return Returns a const pointer to the record containing the data - client does not need to delete this pointer after use.
590 const SRecordTypeInfo* GetRecordInfo(){return iRecordInfo;}
597 CMDBField<TDesC> iDescription; //< Description of the ISP.
598 CMDBField<TUint32> iType; //< Type of browser protocol used. The term 'browser protocol' is used to differentiate between the standards that are used when browsing web pages. For example HTML for general internet standards and WML for WAP standards.
599 CMDBField<TDesC> iDefaultTelNum; //< Default phone number for an ISP, used to dial-up to the ISP.
600 CMDBField<TBool> iDialResolution; //< Specifies whether to add additional information from the Location table such as AreaCode, NatCode to the ISP number (DefaultTelNum) to be dialled.
601 CMDBRecordLink<CCDChargecardRecord> iChargecard; //< This is an optional field which is set when the ISP has permission from the user to use their chargecard details such as their account number. CCDDialOutISP ::iChargecard
602 CMDBField<TBool> iUseLoginScript; //< Specifies whether to login with a script or not.
603 CMDBField<TDesC> iLoginScript; //< The actual script used to login to the ISP.
604 CMDBField<TBool> iPromptForLogin; //< Prompt user to enter login information to start a session with the ISP, i.e. username and password.
605 CMDBField<TDesC> iLoginName; //< User login name.
606 CMDBField<TDesC> iLoginPass; //< User login password.
607 CMDBField<TBool> iDisplayPct; //< Specifies whether to display the post connection terminal (PCT) (without scanning the login script for READ commands).
608 CMDBField<TDesC> iIfParams; //< Interface parameter string-used to specify the lower layer that the interface protocol is to use.
609 CMDBField<TDesC> iIfNetworks; //< Comma separated list of network protocols to be used by the NIF.
610 CMDBField<TBool> iIfPromptForAuth; //< Specifies whether or not to request an authentication username and password. This depends on whether or not the user wishes to connect to the ISP's NIF(s).
611 CMDBField<TDesC> iIfAuthName; //< Prompt user to enter authentication username. Used when a user wishes to connect to the ISP's NIF(s). E.g. PPP.
612 CMDBField<TDesC> iIfAuthPass; //< Prompt user to enter authentication password used by an interface protocol such as PPP. Used when a user wishes to connect to the ISP's NIF(s). E.g. PPP.
613 CMDBField<TUint32> iIfAuthRetries; //< Number of times to retry authentication if it fails.
614 CMDBField<TBool> iIfCallbackEnabled; //< Specifies whether call-back is enabled. Call-back is usually due to security or toll-saving reasons.
615 CMDBField<TUint32> iIfCallbackType; //< The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Callback type. For more detailed information of the meaning of the possible values for this field, please refer to information regarding the Call-back Control Protocol (CBCP) and the Microsoft CBCP.
616 CMDBField<TDesC8> iIfCallbackInfo; //< Info for call-back request if enabled. This information could for example be a phone number.
617 CMDBField<TUint32> iCallbackTimeout; //< Time duration to wait for the ISP to call back and establish a connection. In microseconds (if call-back is enabled).
618 CMDBField<TBool> iIfServerMode; //< PPP in server mode?
619 CMDBField<TBool> iIpAddrFromServer; //< Specifies whether to get the IP address from the ISP.
620 CMDBField<TDesC> iIpAddr; //< Static IP Address (if required). This is the IP address of a NIF. This is used if the address is not dynamically allocated by the ISP.
621 CMDBField<TDesC> iIpNetMask; //< IP netmask of the NIF.
622 CMDBField<TDesC> iIpGateway; //< IP address of the Gateway.
623 CMDBField<TBool> iIpDnsAddrFromServer; //< Specifies whether to get the DNS address (IPV4) from the ISP.
624 CMDBField<TDesC> iIpNameServer1; //< Static address of the Primary IPV4 DNS server if required. This is used if the address of the name server is not dynamically allocated by the ISP. May be set to to disable assigning the primary DNS address.
625 CMDBField<TDesC> iIpNameServer2; //< Static address of the Secondary IPV4 DNS server (if required). May be set to to disable assigning the secondary DNS address.
626 CMDBField<TBool> iIp6DnsAddrFromServer; //< Specifies whether to get the DNS address (IPV6) from the ISP.
627 CMDBField<TDesC> iIp6NameServer1; //< Static address of the Primary IPV6 name server if required. This is used if the address of the name server is not dynamically allocated by the ISP. May be set to to disable assigning the primary DNS address.
628 CMDBField<TDesC> iIp6NameServer2; //< Static address of the Secondary IPV6 name server if required. May be set to to disable assigning the secondary DNS address.
629 CMDBField<TDesC> iIpAddrLeaseValidFrom; //< Start of the address lease for dynamic address allocation by the ISP (e.g. a DHCP assigned IP address). Start time information stating when the IP address was leased out. The format is as follows: dd/mm/yyyy hr:mins AM/PM, e.g. 04/08/2006 6:21 PM.
630 CMDBField<TDesC> iIpAddrLeaseValidTo; //< End of the address lease for dynamic address allocation by the ISP (e.g. a DHCP assigned IP address). End time information stating when the IP address lease finishes. The format is as follows: dd/mm/yyyy hr:mins AM/PM, e.g. 08/08/2006 6:21 PM.
631 CMDBField<TDesC> iConfigDaemonManagerName; //< Name of the ECOM daemon manager plug-in for NIFMAN used to load a specific configuration daemon.
632 CMDBField<TDesC> iConfigDaemonName; //< Name of the daemon used for address configuration.
633 CMDBField<TBool> iEnableIpHeaderComp; //< Specifies whether to enable IP header compression protocol.
634 CMDBField<TBool> iEnableLcpExtension; //< Specifies whether to enable LCP extension protocol.
635 CMDBField<TBool> iDisablePlainTextAuth; //< Specifies whether to disable plain text authentication. If disabled, PAP cannot be used- CHAP will be used instead.
636 CMDBField<TBool> iEnableSwComp; //< Specifies whether to enable software compression. Here, the data payload is compressed, which is separate to header compression. Enabling this field will enable compression such as Microsoft or Predictor compression.
637 CMDBField<TUint32> iBearerName; //< Name of the bearer used to establish and transmit data over the connection
638 CMDBField<TUint32> iBearerSpeed; //< Baud rate of the bearer.
639 CMDBField<TUint32> iBearerCe; //< Defines the quality of service (QoS) of the connection.
640 CMDBField<TDesC8> iInitString; //< Initialisation string for the bearer, used specifically when a modem is in use. It is used to initialise (init) the modem by sending it a string of commands, typically Hayes commands.
641 CMDBField<TUint32> iBearerType; //< The bearer's chosen method to transmit data. This can be of 2 types - either CSD or HSCSD.
642 CMDBField<TUint32> iChannelCoding; //< The channel coding used for the connection. This field can only be used when the BearerType field has a value of "HSCSD".
643 CMDBField<TUint32> iAiur; //< Air interface user rate (AIUR) - The AIUR (Air Interface User Rate) is the rate indicated between a Mobile Terminal (Mobile Station) and the IWF (Interworking function) for transparent and non-transparent data services.
644 CMDBField<TUint32> iRequestedTimeSlots; //< Requested number of time slots for HSCSD.
645 CMDBField<TUint32> iMaximumTimeSlots; //< Maximum number of time slots for HSCSD which could be requested during the connection.
646 CMDBField<TUint32> iBearerService; //< Bearer service refers to a service that allows transmission of data between NIFs. It defines the correct service to use when setting up the data connection.
647 CMDBField<TUint32> iBearerProtocol; //< A set of standards governed by the ITU-T allowing different bearers to communicate with each other. Bearer protocol definitions are typically referred to by the letter V followed by a number.
648 CMDBField<TUint32> iRlpVersion; //< Radio Link Protocol (RLP)- is an automatic repeat request (ARQ) protocol used over a wireless interface. RLP is differentiated by version numbers.
649 CMDBField<TUint32> iIwfToMs; //< Integer specifying network to MS (Mobile Station) window size. IWF stands for Interworking Function and MS stands for Mobile Station.
650 CMDBField<TUint32> iMsToIwf; //< Integer specifying MS (Mobile Station) to network window size.
651 CMDBField<TUint32> iAckTimer; //< Acknowledgement Timer: takes an integer specifying RLP ack timeout in microseconds.
652 CMDBField<TUint32> iRetransmissionAttempts; //< Specifies number of RLP retransmission attempts.
653 CMDBField<TUint32> iResequencePeriod; //< Specifies the period when packets are being resequenced.
654 CMDBField<TUint32> iV42Compression; //< Enumeration specifying 1) Whether or not to set V.42 Compression 2) Direction that compression is used. V.42 compression follows the V.42bis protocol which is a data compression protocol used on top of the bearer protocol.
655 CMDBField<TUint32> iV42Codewords; //< Specifies the V.42 codewords if V.42 compression is used. A codeword represents a string of characters in compressed form.
656 CMDBField<TUint32> iV42MaxLength; //< Specifies the maximum string length of the data before V.42 compression.
657 CMDBField<TUint32> iAsymmetry; //< For HSCSD. An enumeration to specify whether 1) asymmetrical bias on the connection is preferred 2) Type of asymmetrical bias used. Note: The service provided by uplink and downlink is different.
658 CMDBField<TBool> iUserInitUpgrade; //< Specifies whether the user will initialise service upgrade over HSCSD or not
659 CMDBField<TBool> iUseEdge; //< Specifies whether to use EDGE technology.
663 static const SRecordTypeInfo* const iRecordInfo;
676 class CCDDialInISPRecord : public CCDServiceRecordBase
682 CCDDialInISPRecord();
686 CCDDialInISPRecord(TMDBElementId aId);
691 Gets the following information:
697 @return Returns a const pointer to the record containing the data - client does not need to delete this pointer after use.
699 const SRecordTypeInfo* GetRecordInfo(){return iRecordInfo;}
705 CMDBField<TDesC> iDescription; //< Description of the ISP.
706 CMDBField<TUint32> iType; //< Type of browser protocol used. The term 'browser protocol' is used to differentiate between the standards that are used when browsing web pages. For example HTML for general internet standards and WML for WAP standards.
707 CMDBField<TBool> iUseLoginScript; //< Specifies whether to login with a script or not
708 CMDBField<TDesC> iLoginScript; //< The actual script used to login to the ISP
709 CMDBField<TUint32> iAuthentication; //< Reserved for future use.
710 CMDBField<TUint32> iIfAuthRetries; //< Number of times to retry authentication if it fails.
711 CMDBField<TDesC> iIfParams; //< Interface parameter string-used to specify the lower layer that the interface protocol is to use.
712 CMDBField<TDesC> iIfNetworks; //< Comma separated list of network protocols to be used by the NIF.
713 CMDBField<TBool> iIpAddrFromServer; //< Specifies whether to get the IP address from the ISP.
714 CMDBField<TDesC> iIpAddr; //< Static IP Address (if required). This is the IP address of a NIF. This is used if the address is not dynamically allocated by the ISP.
715 CMDBField<TDesC> iIpNetMask; //< IP netmask of the NIF.
716 CMDBField<TDesC> iIpGateway; //< IP address of the Gateway.
717 CMDBField<TBool> iIpDnsAddrFromServer; //< Specifies whether to get the DNS address (IPV4) from the ISP.
718 CMDBField<TDesC> iIpNameServer1; //< Static address of the Primary IPV4 DNS server if required. This is used if the address of the name server is not dynamically allocated by the ISP. May be set to to disable assigning the primary DNS address.
719 CMDBField<TDesC> iIpNameServer2; //< Static address of the Secondary IPV4 DNS server (if required). May be set to to disable assigning the secondary DNS address.
720 CMDBField<TBool> iIp6DnsAddrFromServer; //< Specifies whether to get the DNS address (IPV6) from the ISP.
721 CMDBField<TDesC> iIp6NameServer1; //< Static address of the Primary IPV6 name server if required. This is used if the address of the name server is not dynamically allocated by the ISP. May be set to to disable assigning the primary DNS address.
722 CMDBField<TDesC> iIp6NameServer2; //< Static address of the Secondary IPV6 name server if required. May be set to to disable assigning the secondary DNS address.
723 CMDBField<TBool> iEnableIpHeaderComp; //< Specifies whether to enable IP header compression protocol.
724 CMDBField<TBool> iEnableLcpExtension; //< Specifies whether to enable LCP extension protocol.
725 CMDBField<TBool> iDisablePlainTextAuth; //< Specifies whether to disable plain text authentication. If disabled, PAP cannot be used- CHAP will be used instead.
726 CMDBField<TBool> iEnableSwComp; //< Specifies whether to enable software compression. Here, the data payload is compressed, which is separate to header compression. Enabling this field will enable compression such as Microsoft or Predictor compression.
727 CMDBField<TUint32> iBearerName; //< Name of the bearer used to establish and transmit data over the connection.
728 CMDBField<TUint32> iBearerSpeed; //< Baud rate of the bearer.
729 CMDBField<TUint32> iBearerCe; //< Defines the quality of service (QoS) of the connection.
730 CMDBField<TDesC8> iInitString; //< Initialisation string for the bearer, used specifically when a modem is in use. It is used to initialise (init) the modem by sending it a string of commands, typically Hayes commands.
731 CMDBField<TBool> iUseEdge; //< Specifies whether to use EDGE technology.
736 static const SRecordTypeInfo* const iRecordInfo;
742 // 0A/ LAN Service Record
744 typedef CCDRecordBase CCDServiceExtRecordBase;
749 class CCDLANServiceRecord : public CCDServiceRecordBase
755 CCDLANServiceRecord();
759 CCDLANServiceRecord(TMDBElementId aElementId);
762 Gets the following information:
768 @return Returns a const pointer to the record containing the data - client does not need to delete this pointer after use.
770 const SRecordTypeInfo* GetRecordInfo(){return iRecordInfo;}
778 CMDBField<TDesC> iIfNetworks; //< Comma separated list of network protocols to be used by the NIF.
779 CMDBField<TDesC> iIpNetmask; //< IP netmask of the NIF.
780 CMDBField<TDesC> iIpGateway; //< IP address of the Gateway.
781 CMDBField<TBool> iIpAddrFromServer; //< Specifies whether to get the IP address from the ISP.
782 CMDBField<TDesC> iIpAddr; //< Static IP Address (if required). This is the IP address of a NIF. This is used if the address is not dynamically allocated by the ISP.
783 CMDBField<TBool> iIpDnsAddrFromServer; //< Specifies whether to get the DNS address (IPV4) from the ISP.
784 CMDBField<TDesC> iIpNameServer1; //< Static address of the Primary IPV4 DNS server if required. This is used if the address of the name server is not dynamically allocated by the ISP. May be set to to disable assigning the primary DNS address.
785 CMDBField<TDesC> iIpNameServer2; //< Static address of the Secondary IPV4 DNS server (if required). May be set to to disable assigning the secondary DNS address.
786 CMDBField<TBool> iIp6DnsAddrFromServer; //< Specifies whether to get the DNS address (IPV6) from the ISP.
787 CMDBField<TDesC> iIp6NameServer1; //< Static address of the Primary IPV6 name server if required. This is used if the address of the name server is not dynamically allocated by the ISP. May be set to to disable assigning the primary DNS address.
788 CMDBField<TDesC> iIp6NameServer2; //< Static address of the Secondary IPV6 name server if required. May be set to to disable assigning the secondary DNS address.
789 CMDBField<TDesC> iIpAddrLeaseValidFrom; //< Start of the address lease for dynamic address allocation by the ISP (e.g. a DHCP assigned IP address). Start time information stating when the IP address was leased out. The format is as follows: dd/mm/yyyy hr:mins AM/PM, e.g. 04/08/2006 6:21 PM.
790 CMDBField<TDesC> iIpAddrLeaseValidTo; //< End of the address lease for dynamic address allocation by the ISP (.e.g. a DHCP assigned IP address). End time information stating when the IP address lease finishes. The format is as follows: dd/mm/yyyy hr:mins AM/PM, e.g. 08/08/2006 6:21 PM.
791 CMDBField<TDesC> iConfigDaemonManagerName; //< Name of the ECOM daemon manager plug-in for NIFMAN used to load a specific configuration daemon.
792 CMDBField<TDesC> iConfigDaemonName; //< Name of the daemon used for address configuration.
793 CMDBField<TDesC> iServiceExtensionTableName; //< Name of the extension table.
794 CMDBRecordLink<CCDServiceExtRecordBase> iServiceExtensionTableRecordId;
798 static const SRecordTypeInfo* const iRecordInfo;
809 class CCDVPNServiceRecord : public CCDServiceRecordBase
815 CCDVPNServiceRecord();
819 CCDVPNServiceRecord(TMDBElementId aElementId);
824 Gets the following information:
830 @return Returns a const pointer to the record containing the data - client does not need to delete this pointer after use.
832 const SRecordTypeInfo* GetRecordInfo(){return iRecordInfo;}
836 CMDBField<TDesC> iServicePolicy; ///< Policy id of the policy file- this is a reference to the policy file.
837 CMDBRecordLink<CCDIAPRecord> iServiceIAP; ///< Record id of the real IAP used by the IPSEC software to communicate with the VPN gateway.
838 CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord> iServiceSNAP; ///< Record id of the SNAP id used by the IPSEC software to communicate with the VPN gateway.
839 CMDBRecordLink<CCDNetworkRecord> iServiceNetwork;///< Record id of the real Network to be connected to by the virtual tunnel.
843 static const SRecordTypeInfo* const iRecordInfo;
848 // 10/ WCDMA Packet Service Record
850 class CCDUmtsR99QoSAndOnTableRecord;
856 class CCDWCDMAPacketServiceRecord : public CCDServiceRecordBase
862 CCDWCDMAPacketServiceRecord();
866 CCDWCDMAPacketServiceRecord(TMDBElementId aElementId);
871 Gets the following information:
877 @return Returns a const pointer to the record containing the data - client does not need to delete this pointer after use.
879 const SRecordTypeInfo* GetRecordInfo(){return iRecordInfo;}
885 CMDBField<TDesC> iGPRSAPN; //< When the mobile phone sets up a PDP context, the access point is chosen by specifying an APN.
886 CMDBField<TUint32> iGPRSPDPType; //< PDP is a network protocol which is used by packet switching networks to communicate with GPRS networks. IPV6 is an example of a PDP type supported by GPRS.
887 CMDBField<TDesC> iGPRSPDPAddress; //< PDP address of the phone.
888 CMDBField<TUint32> iGPRSReqPrecedence; //< Requested quality of service precedence class. This field has been deprecated and may be removed in the future.
889 CMDBField<TUint32> iGPRSReqDelay; //< Requested quality of service delay class. This field has been deprecated and may be removed in the future.
890 CMDBField<TUint32> iGPRSReqReliability; //< Requested quality of service reliability class. This field has been deprecated amnd may be removed in the future.
891 CMDBField<TUint32> iGPRSReqPeakThroughput; //< Requested quality of service peak throughput. This field has been deprecated and may be removed in the future.
892 CMDBField<TUint32> iGPRSReqMeanThroughput; //< Requested quality of service mean throughput class. This field has been deprecated and may be removed in the future.
893 CMDBField<TUint32> iGPRSMinPrecedence; //< Minimum quality of service precedence class. This field has been deprecated and may be removed in the future.
894 CMDBField<TUint32> iGPRSMinDelay; //< Minimum quality of service delay class This field has been deprecated and may be removed in the future.
895 CMDBField<TUint32> iGPRSMinReliability; //< Minimum quality of service reliability class. This field has been deprecated and may be removed in the future.
896 CMDBField<TUint32> iGPRSMinPeakThroughput; //< Minimum quality of service peak throughput class. This field has been deprecated and may be removed in the future.
897 CMDBField<TUint32> iGPRSMinMeanThroughput; //< Minimum quality of service mean throughput class. This field has been deprecated and may be removed in the future.
898 CMDBField<TBool> iGPRSDataCompression; //< Specifies whether to compress data.
899 CMDBField<TBool> iGPRSHeaderCompression; //< Specifies whether IP header compression is on.
900 CMDBField<TBool> iGPRSUseEdge; //< Specifies whether to use EDGE technology.
901 CMDBField<TBool> iGPRSAnonymousAccess; //< This tells the MS (Mobile Station) whether to try anonymous access or not. Anonymous access allows the mobile device to connect to a network without having to authenticate identity. To access the network, the MS (Mobile Station) will just use a random identity.
902 CMDBField<TDesC> iGPRSIfParams; //< Interface parameter string-used to specify the lower layer that the interface protocol is to use.
903 CMDBField<TDesC> iGPRSIfNetworks; //< Comma separated list of network protocols to be used by the NIF.
904 CMDBField<TBool> iGPRSIfPromptForAuth; //< Specifies whether or not to request an authentication username and password. This depends on whether or not the user wishes to connect to the ISP's NIF(s).
905 CMDBField<TDesC> iGPRSIfAuthName; //< Prompt user to enter authentication username. Used when a user wishes to connect to the ISP's NIF(s). E.g. PPP.
906 CMDBField<TDesC> iGPRSIfAuthPass; //< Prompt user to enter authentication password used by an interface protocol such as PPP. Used when a user wishes to connect to the ISP's NIF(s). E.g. PPP.
907 CMDBField<TUint32> iGPRSIfAuthRetries; //< Number of times to retry authentication if it fails.
908 CMDBField<TDesC> iGPRSIPNetMask; //< IP netmask of the NIF.
909 CMDBField<TDesC> iGPRSIPGateway; //< IP address of the Gateway.
910 CMDBField<TBool> iGPRSIPAddrFromServer; //< Specifies whether to get the IP address from the ISP.
911 CMDBField<TDesC> iGPRSIPAddr; //< Static IP Address (if required). This is the IP address of a NIF. This is used if the address is not dynamically allocated by the ISP.
912 CMDBField<TBool> iGPRSIPDNSAddrFromServer; //< Specifies whether to get the DNS address (IPV4) from the ISP.
913 CMDBField<TDesC> iGPRSIPNameServer1; //< Static address of the Primary IPV4 DNS server if required. This is used if the address of the name server is not dynamically allocated by the ISP. May be set to to disable assigning the primary DNS address.
914 CMDBField<TDesC> iGPRSIPNameServer2; //< Static address of the Secondary IPV4 DNS server (if required). May be set to to disable assigning the secondary DNS address.
915 CMDBField<TBool> iGPRSIP6DNSAddrFromServer; //< Specifies whether to get the DNS address (IPV6) from the ISP.
916 CMDBField<TDesC> iGPRSIP6NameServer1; //< Static address of the Secondary IPV6 name server if required. May be set to to disable assigning the secondary DNS address.
917 CMDBField<TDesC> iGPRSIP6NameServer2; //< Static address of the Secondary IPV6 name server if required. May be set to to disable assigning the secondary DNS address.
918 CMDBField<TDesC> iGPRSIPAddrLeaseValidFrom; //< Start of the address lease for dynamic address allocation by the ISP (.e.g. a DHCP assigned IP address). Start time information stating when the IP address was leased out. The format is as follows: dd/mm/yyyy hr:mins AM/PM, e.g. 04/08/2006 6:21 PM.
919 CMDBField<TDesC> iGPRSIPAddrLeaseValidTo; //< End of the address lease for dynamic address allocation by the ISP (.e.g. a DHCP assigned IP address). End time information stating when the IP address lease finishes. The format is as follows: dd/mm/yyyy hr:mins AM/PM, e.g. 08/08/2006 6:21 PM.
920 CMDBField<TDesC> iGPRSConfigDaemonManagerName; //< Name of the ECOM daemon manager plug-in for NIFMAN used to load a specific configuration daemon.
921 CMDBField<TDesC> iGPRSConfigDaemonName; //< Name of the configuration daemon server. This server is used to provide further configuration for a connection, e.g. dynamic IP address assignment.
922 CMDBField<TBool> iGPRSEnableLCPExtension; //< Specifies whether to enable LCP extension protocol.
923 CMDBField<TBool> iGPRSDisablePlainTextAuth; //< Specifies whether to disable plain text authentication. If disabled, PAP cannot be used- CHAP will be used instead.
924 CMDBField<TUint32> iGPRSAPType; //< Service supports Internet only, WAP only or both. Values defined in TCommsDbIspType.
925 CMDBField<TUint32> iGPRSQOSWarningTimeOut; //< If the requested QOS can not be satisfied, warn the user after this time in microseconds. Set to 0xffffffff to disable.
926 CMDBRecordLink<CCDUmtsR99QoSAndOnTableRecord> iUmtsR99QoSAndOnTable; //< A record link between the Incoming/Outgoing GPRS table and the UmtsR99QosAndOn table
927 CMDBField<TUint32> iGPRSR5DataCompression;
928 CMDBField<TUint32> iGPRSR5HeaderCompression;
929 CMDBField<TUint32> iGPRSPacketFlowIdentifier;
930 CMDBField<TUint32> iGPRSUmtsGprsRelease;
934 static const SRecordTypeInfo* const iRecordInfo;
941 class CCDOutgoingGprsRecord : public CCDWCDMAPacketServiceRecord
947 CCDOutgoingGprsRecord(TMDBElementId aElementId);
956 class CCDIncomingGprsRecord : public CCDWCDMAPacketServiceRecord
962 CCDIncomingGprsRecord(TMDBElementId aElementId);
971 class CCDUmtsR99QoSAndOnTableRecord: public CCDRecordBase
977 CCDUmtsR99QoSAndOnTableRecord();
981 CCDUmtsR99QoSAndOnTableRecord(TMDBElementId aElementId);
985 const SRecordTypeInfo* GetRecordInfo(){return iRecordInfo;}
988 CMDBField<RPacketQoS::TTrafficClass> iGPRSReqTrafficClass; //< Requested traffic class.
989 CMDBField<RPacketQoS::TTrafficClass> iGPRSMinTrafficClass; //< Minimum acceptable traffic class.
990 CMDBField<RPacketQoS::TDeliveryOrder> iGPRSReqDeliveryOrder; //< Requested value for sequential SDU delivery.
991 CMDBField<RPacketQoS::TDeliveryOrder> iGPRSMinDeliveryOrder; //< Minimum acceptable value for sequential SDU delivery.
992 CMDBField<RPacketQoS::TErroneousSDUDelivery> iGPRSReqDeliverErroneousSDU;//< Requested value for erroneous SDU delivery.
993 CMDBField<RPacketQoS::TErroneousSDUDelivery> iGPRSMinDeliverErroneousSDU;//< Minimum acceptable value for erroneous SDU delivery.
994 CMDBField<TInt32> iGPRSReqMaxSDUSize; //< Request maximum SDU size.
995 CMDBField<TInt32> iGPRSMinAcceptableMaxSDUSize; //< Minimum acceptable SDU size.
996 CMDBField<TInt32> iGPRSReqMaxUplinkRate; //< Requested maximum bit rates on uplink.
997 CMDBField<TInt32> iGPRSReqMinUplinkRate; //< Requested minimum bit rates on uplink.
998 CMDBField<TInt32> iGPRSReqMaxDownlinkRate; //< Requested maximum bit rates on downlink.
999 CMDBField<TInt32> iGPRSReqMinDownlinkRate; //< Requested minimum bit rates on downlink.
1000 CMDBField<RPacketQoS::TBitErrorRatio> iGPRSReqBER; //< Requested target BER.
1001 CMDBField<RPacketQoS::TBitErrorRatio> iGPRSMaxBER; //< Maximum acceptable target BER.
1002 CMDBField<RPacketQoS::TSDUErrorRatio> iGPRSReqSDUErrorRatio; //< Requested target SDU error ratio.
1003 CMDBField<RPacketQoS::TSDUErrorRatio> iGPRSMaxSDUErrorRatio; //< Maximum acceptable target SDU error ratio.
1004 CMDBField<RPacketQoS::TTrafficHandlingPriority> iGPRSReqTrafficHandlingPriority; //< Requested traffic handling priority.
1005 CMDBField<RPacketQoS::TTrafficHandlingPriority> iGPRSMinTrafficHandlingPriority; //< Minimum acceptable traffic handling priority.
1006 CMDBField<TInt32> iGPRSReqTransferDelay; //< Requested transfer delay (in milliseconds).
1007 CMDBField<TInt32> iGPRSMaxTransferDelay; //< Maximum acceptable transfer delay (in milliseconds).
1008 CMDBField<TInt32> iGPRSReqGuaranteedUplinkRate; //< Requested guaranteed bit rates on uplink.
1009 CMDBField<TInt32> iGPRSMinGuaranteedUplinkRate; //< Minimum acceptable guaranteed bit rates on uplink.
1010 CMDBField<TInt32> iGPRSReqGuaranteedDownlinkRate; //< Requested guaranteed bit rates on downlink.
1011 CMDBField<TInt32> iGPRSMinGuaranteedDownlinkRate; //< Minimum acceptable guaranteed bit rates on downlink.
1012 CMDBField<TBool> iGPRSSignallingIndication; //< Signalling indication.
1013 CMDBField<TBool> iGPRS_ImCnSignallingIndication; //< IP Multimeida System (IMS) Core Network (CN) Signalling Indicator.
1014 CMDBField<RPacketQoS::TSourceStatisticsDescriptor> iGPRSSourceStatisticsDescriptor; //< Static source descriptor.
1017 static const SRecordTypeInfo* const iRecordInfo;
1020 // TCommdbBearer for BearerTechnology field
1021 typedef TCommDbBearer TCommsDBBearerTechnology; //< Bearer support type for field BearerTechnology
1030 class CCDModemBearerRecord : public CCDBearerRecordBase
1036 CCDModemBearerRecord();
1040 CCDModemBearerRecord(TMDBElementId id);
1043 Gets the following information:
1049 @return Returns a const pointer to the record containing the data - client does not need to delete this pointer after use.
1051 const SRecordTypeInfo* GetRecordInfo(){return iRecordInfo;}
1059 CMDBField<TDesC> iNifName; //< A protocol name is specified for establishing a direct connection using the modem bearer. The interface typically implements a particular network connection protocol such as PPP.
1060 CMDBField<TDesC> iPortName; //< The name of the Comm port for the modem to connect to
1061 CMDBField<TDesC> iTsyName; //< The name of the TSY. ETEL is the telephony server/common interface for Symbian. The TSY provides the hardware specific implementation to this.
1062 CMDBField<TDesC> iCsyName; //< The name of the CSY. CSY provides the Comm port specific implementation to C32 (Serial Comms server).
1063 CMDBField<TUint32> iLastSocketActivityTimeout; //< Time (in seconds) to stay online when all socket activity has ceased.
1064 CMDBField<TUint32> iLastSessionClosedTimeout; //< Time (in seconds) to stay online when session has closed
1065 CMDBField<TUint32> iLastSocketClosedTimeout; //< Time (in seconds) to stay online when socket has closed.
1066 CMDBField<TUint32> iDataBits; //< Number of data bits used for serial port configuration.
1067 CMDBField<TUint32> iStopBits; //< Number of stop bits used for serial port configuration. This marks the end of a unit of transmission, e.g. the end of a byte of data.
1068 CMDBField<TUint32> iParity; //< The type of parity checking to be used when data is transmitted over the bearer. This involves sending an extra bit known as the parity bit and can be used to detect corrupted data.
1069 CMDBField<TUint32> iRate; //< The baud rate of the modem. Measured in bits per second (bps). This specifies the maximum rate that data can be sent on this modem bearer.
1070 CMDBField<TUint32> iHandshaking; //< The handshaking process between modems is encapsulated into one integer. This integer can be viewed as a binary bitmask of bits, each bit representing one of the pins inside the RS232 serial cable. The integer value can actually be derived from taking a binary OR of each of the bits. From this integer, Symbian OS is able to check whether individual pins have been set or not for the handshaking process.
1071 CMDBField<TUint32> iSpecialRate; //< User defined baud rate for the modem. This field will contain a value only if the value of field Rate is EBpsSpecial.
1072 CMDBField<TUint32> iXonChar; //< Character used to signal to the transmitter to resume sending when using XON/XOFF handshaking.
1073 CMDBField<TUint32> iXoffChar; //< Character used to signal the transmitter to suspend sending when using XON/XOFF handshaking.
1074 CMDBField<TUint32> iFaxClassPref; //< The preferred fax modem class supported by the fax client. This is the command set used to control the modem.
1075 CMDBField<TUint32> iSpeakerPref; //< Preferred speaker mode.
1076 CMDBField<TUint32> iSpeakerVolPref; //< Preferred speaker volume.
1077 CMDBField<TDesC8> iModemInitString; //< General modem initialisation string. It is used to initialise (init) the modem by sending it a series (string) of commands, typically Hayes commands. These commands configure the modem's options for things like error correction, data compression, flow control, and many other parameters.
1078 CMDBField<TDesC8> iDataInitString; //< Data initialisation string.
1079 CMDBField<TDesC8> iFaxInitString; //< Fax initialisation string.
1080 CMDBField<TDesC8> iIspInitString; //< Initialisation string specific to a particular ISP.
1081 CMDBField<TDesC> iDialPauseLength; //< Command to modify the pause created during dialling using the comma character (',').
1082 CMDBField<TDesC> iCarrierTimeOut; //< Command to set the time out the modem uses when establishing a link before giving up and returning to command mode.
1083 CMDBField<TDesC> iAutoAnswerRingCount; //< Command to set the number of rings before the modem auto answers.
1084 CMDBField<TDesC> iSpeakerVolControlLow; //< Command to set the modem speaker volume to low.
1085 CMDBField<TDesC> iSpeakerVolControlMedium; //< Command to set the modem speaker volume to medium.
1086 CMDBField<TDesC> iSpeakerVolControlHigh; //< Command to set the modem speaker volume to high.
1087 CMDBField<TDesC> iSpeakerAlwaysOff; //< Command to set the modem speaker off.
1088 CMDBField<TDesC> iSpeakerOnUntilCarrier; //< Command to set the modem speaker on.
1089 CMDBField<TDesC> iSpeakerAlwaysOn; //< Command to set the modem speaker on until the carrier.
1090 CMDBField<TDesC> iSpeakerOnAfterUntilCarrier; //< Command to set the modem speaker on except during dialling.
1091 CMDBField<TDesC> iDialToneWaitModifier; //< The dial command modifier waits for dial tone.
1092 CMDBField<TDesC> iCallProgress1; //< Disable busy and dial tone detection.
1093 CMDBField<TDesC> iCallProgress2; //< Dial tone detection enabled, busy detection disabled.
1094 CMDBField<TDesC> iCallProgress3; //< Dial tone detection disabled, busy detection enabled.
1095 CMDBField<TDesC> iCallProgress4; //< Dial tone and busy detection enabled.
1096 CMDBField<TDesC> iEchoOff; //< Switch echo mode off.
1097 CMDBField<TDesC> iVerboseText; //< Switch verbose mode on.
1098 CMDBField<TDesC> iQuietOff; //< Switch quiet mode off.
1099 CMDBField<TDesC> iQuietOn; //< Switch quiet mode on.
1100 CMDBField<TDesC> iDialCommandStateModifier; //< Dial command modifier- used to return to command mode after dialling.
1101 CMDBField<TDesC> iOnLine; //< Enter on-line mode from on-line command mode.
1102 CMDBField<TDesC> iResetConfiguration; //< Reset the modem configurations.
1103 CMDBField<TDesC> iReturnToFactoryDefs; //< Return the modem configuration to its factory defaults.
1104 CMDBField<TDesC> iDcdOnDuringLink; //< Command the modem to only assert DCD when a carrier is actually detected, i.e. while the link is up.
1105 CMDBField<TDesC> iDtrHangUp; //< Command the modem to hang up the current call when the DTE drops the DTR line.
1106 CMDBField<TDesC> iDsrAlwaysOn; //< Command the modem to always assert DSR.
1107 CMDBField<TDesC> iRtsCtsHandshake; //< Command the modem to use RTS/CTS flow control
1108 CMDBField<TDesC> iXonXoffHandshake; //< Command the modem to use software flow control.
1109 CMDBField<TDesC> iEscapeCharacter; //< The character used by the DTE to return to command mode from on-line mode.
1110 CMDBField<TDesC> iEscapeGuardPeriod; //< Command the modem to use a particular escape sequence guard period.
1111 CMDBField<TDesC> iFaxClassInterrogate; //< Command asking the modem which fax modes are supported.
1112 CMDBField<TDesC> iFaxClass; //< Command that sets the fax mode.
1113 CMDBField<TDesC> iNoDialTone; //< Modem response when no dial tone is detected.
1114 CMDBField<TDesC> iBusy; //< Modem response when a busy tone is detected.
1115 CMDBField<TDesC> iNoAnswer; //< Modem response when no answer is detected.
1116 CMDBField<TDesC> iCarrier; //< Carrier report message.
1117 CMDBField<TDesC> iConnect; //< Connection report message.
1118 CMDBField<TDesC> iCompressionClass5; //< Compression Class 5 report message.
1119 CMDBField<TDesC> iCompressionV42bis; //< Compression V.42 bis report message.
1120 CMDBField<TDesC> iCompressionNone; //< No compression report message.
1121 CMDBField<TDesC> iProtocolLapd; //< LAPD protocol report message.
1122 CMDBField<TDesC> iProtocolAlt; //< ALT protocol report message.
1123 CMDBField<TDesC> iProtocolAltcellular; //< ALT-CELLULAR report message.
1124 CMDBField<TDesC> iProtocolNone; //< No protocol report message.
1125 CMDBField<TDesC> iMessageCentreNumber; //< Phone number of message centre.
1126 CMDBField<TUint32> iMessageValidityPeriod; //< Validity period for SMS in minutes.
1127 CMDBField<TBool> iMessageDeliveryReport; //< Specifies whether to produce an SMS delivery report.
1128 CMDBField<TUint32> iMinSignalLevel; //< Minimum signal strength of the modem. This is the minimum signal level required for a connection to succeed. The connection will fail if below this level. Setting the column to NULL will turn off this functionality. The value must be in dBm with an offset of 10000 added to it. I.e. Value=dBm+10000.
1130 CMDBField<TUint32> iCommRole; //< Specifies whether comm port should be opened in the role of DTE or DCE. The content of this field is a bit mask. The value of this is ANDed with KModemCommRoleDCE. For example, say the value of CommRole is 1 then the role set is DCE, else the role set is DTE. (see KModemCommRoleDCE).
1131 CMDBField<TDesC> iControlChannelPortName; //< The modem control channel port name.
1132 CMDBField<TUint32> iSirSettings; //< This field sets the serial port's infra-red settings. This enables the range of infrared to be set, to modify the pulse width or even to completely shutdown serial infrared. Please refer to Comms Dat Ref Final documentation to see the list of values this field 'SirSettings' can take.
1133 CMDBField<TDesC> iBcaStack; //< A list of BCAs (Baseband Channel Adapter). The BCA provides an interface for the hardware adaptation layer (HAL). More specifically, it is used to interface the R-Interface data plane transport with a NIF.
1134 CMDBField<TCommsDBBearerTechnology> iBearerTechnology; //< Specifies whether the bearer is a CSD/HSCSD bearer.
1138 static const SRecordTypeInfo* const iRecordInfo;
1152 class CCDLANBearerRecord : public CCDBearerRecordBase
1158 CCDLANBearerRecord();
1162 CCDLANBearerRecord(TMDBElementId aId);
1165 Gets the following information:
1171 @return Returns a const pointer to the record containing the data - client does not need to delete this pointer after use.
1173 const SRecordTypeInfo* GetRecordInfo(){return iRecordInfo;}
1179 CMDBField<TDesC> iLanBearerNifName; //< A protocol name is specified for establishing a direct connection. The interface typically implements a particular network connection protocol such as PPP.
1180 CMDBField<TDesC> iLanBearerLddFilename; //< This is the actual .DLL filename for the LDD.
1181 CMDBField<TDesC> iLanBearerLddName; //< This is the name of a particular LDD.
1182 CMDBField<TDesC> iLanBearerPddFilename; //< This is the actual .DLL filename for the PDD.
1183 CMDBField<TDesC> iLanBearerPddName; //< This is the name of a particular PDD.
1184 CMDBField<TDesC> iLanBearerPacketDriverName; //< The name of the packet driver. The packet driver can do the following: initiate access to a specific packet type, end access to a specific packet type, send a packet, get statistics on the NIF, and get information about the NIF.
1185 CMDBField<TUint32> iLastSocketActivityTimeout; //< Time (in seconds) to stay online when all socket activity has ceased.
1186 CMDBField<TUint32> iLastSessionClosedTimeout; //< Time (in seconds) to stay online when session has closed.
1187 CMDBField<TUint32> iLastSocketClosedTimeout; //< Time (in seconds) to stay online when socket has closed.
1188 CMDBField<TCommsDBBearerTechnology> iBearerTechnology; //< Specifies whether the bearer is a CSD/HSCSD bearer.
1192 static const SRecordTypeInfo* const iRecordInfo;
1203 class CCDVirtualBearerRecord : public CCDBearerRecordBase
1209 CCDVirtualBearerRecord();
1213 CCDVirtualBearerRecord(TMDBElementId aId);
1218 Gets the following information:
1224 @return Returns a const pointer to the record containing the data - client does not need to delete this pointer after use.
1226 const SRecordTypeInfo* GetRecordInfo() {return iRecordInfo;}
1230 CMDBField<TDesC> iVirtualBearerNifName; //< The network interface name of the virtual bearer.
1231 CMDBField<TUint32> iLastSocketActivityTimeout; //< Time (in seconds) to stay online when all socket activity has ceased.
1232 CMDBField<TUint32> iLastSessionClosedTimeout; //< Time (in seconds) to stay online when socket has closed.
1233 CMDBField<TUint32> iLastSocketClosedTimeout; //< Time (in seconds) to stay online when socket has closed.
1234 CMDBField<TCommsDBBearerTechnology> iBearerTechnology; //< Specifies whether the bearer is a CSD/HSCSD bearer.
1238 static const SRecordTypeInfo* const iRecordInfo;
1244 // 16/ WAP SMS Bearer Record
1250 class CCDWAPSMSBearerRecord : public CCDRecordBase
1256 CCDWAPSMSBearerRecord();
1260 CCDWAPSMSBearerRecord(TMDBElementId aElementId);
1265 Gets the following information:
1271 @return Returns a const pointer to the record containing the data - client does not need to delete this pointer after use.
1273 const SRecordTypeInfo* GetRecordInfo(){return iRecordInfo;}
1277 CMDBRecordLink<CCDWAPAccessPointRecord> iWAPAccessPointId; //< ID of the WAP Access Point record to which this bearer information refers.
1278 CMDBField<TDesC> iWAPGatewayAddress; //< WAP gateway address: an IP address or phone number.
1279 CMDBField<TDesC> iWAPServiceCentreAddress; //< WAP service centre address.
1280 CMDBField<TUint8> iWAPWSPOption; //< Whether connection-oriented or connectionless API should be used.
1281 CMDBField<TBool> iWAPSecurity; //< Attempt secure WTLS connection to the gateway.
1285 static const SRecordTypeInfo* const iRecordInfo;
1291 // 17/ WAP IP BEARER
1297 class CCDWAPIPBearerRecord : public CCDRecordBase
1304 CCDWAPIPBearerRecord();
1308 CCDWAPIPBearerRecord(TMDBElementId aElementId);
1313 Gets the following information:
1319 @return Returns a const pointer to the record containing the data - client does not need to delete this pointer after use.
1321 const SRecordTypeInfo* GetRecordInfo(){return iRecordInfo;}
1326 CMDBRecordLink<CCDWAPAccessPointRecord> iWAPAccessPointId; //< ID of the WAP Access Point record to which this bearer information refers.
1327 CMDBField<TDesC> iWAPGatewayAddress; //< WAP gateway address: an IP address or phone number.
1328 CMDBRecordLink<CCDIAPRecord> iWAPIAP; //< Identifier of a record in the IAP table to be used.
1329 CMDBField<TUint8> iWAPWSPOption; //< Set to an enum deciding whether WAP WSP is to be set to connectionless or connection oriented.
1330 CMDBField<TBool> iWAPSecurity; //< Attempt secure WTLS connection to the gateway.
1331 CMDBField<TUint32> iWAPProxyPort; //< Proxy port number. Required for WAP2.0 only.
1332 CMDBField<TDesC> iWAPProxyLoginName; //< Proxy login name. Required for WAP2.0 only.
1333 CMDBField<TDesC> iWAPProxyLoginPass; //< Proxy login password. Required for WAP2.0 only.
1338 static const SRecordTypeInfo* const iRecordInfo;
1348 Reading of ChargeCard Table data is protected with ECDPrivate Attribute.
1349 This will require additional capabilities to read.
1354 class CCDChargecardRecord : public CCDRecordBase
1360 CCDChargecardRecord();
1364 CCDChargecardRecord(TMDBElementId aElementId);
1369 Gets the following information:
1375 @return Returns a const pointer to the record containing the data - client does not need to delete this pointer after use.
1377 const SRecordTypeInfo* GetRecordInfo(){return iRecordInfo;}
1382 CMDBField<TDesC> iAccountNo; //< The account number to charge.
1383 CMDBField<TDesC> iPin; //< The pin number of the account to charge.
1384 CMDBField<TDesC> iLocalRule; //< An operator dependant rule specifying the order of dialling to be account number, PIN and phone number for local calls.
1385 CMDBField<TDesC> iNatRule; //< An operator dependant rule specifying the order of dialling to be account number, PIN and phone number for national calls.
1386 CMDBField<TDesC> iIntlRule; //< An operator dependant rule specifying the order of dialling to be account number, PIN and phone number for international calls.
1390 static const SRecordTypeInfo* const iRecordInfo;
1395 // 19/ PROXIES RECORD
1401 class CCDProxiesRecord : public CCDRecordBase
1411 CCDProxiesRecord(TMDBElementId aElementId);
1416 Gets the following information:
1422 @return Returns a const pointer to the record containing the data - client does not need to delete this pointer after use.
1425 const SRecordTypeInfo* GetRecordInfo(){return iRecordInfo;}
1430 CMDBRecordLink<CCDServiceRecordBase> iService; //< ISP with which these proxies are associated. This field takes as its value the identifier of the record from the servicing table defined in field ProxyServiceType. For example, ProxyServiceType = DialOutISP, ISP = 1, this means the first record from table DialOutISP is used.
1431 CMDBField<TDesC> iServiceType; //< The servicing table to which the ISP field refers. This is necessary as GPRS records as well as ISP records can have proxy settings associated with them. If this field is read and its length is zero, the value "DialOutISP" is returned, as it is assumed that any client that has not written this field is assuming that proxies are only available to the dial out ISP and not other service types.
1432 CMDBField<TBool> iUseProxyServer; //< Specifies whether to use a proxy server.
1433 CMDBField<TDesC> iServerName; //< Name of the host proxy server.
1434 CMDBField<TDesC> iProtocolName; //< Name of the protocol for which this proxy can be used.
1435 CMDBField<TUint32> iPortNumber; //< Port number for the proxy server.
1436 CMDBField<TDesC> iExceptions; //< Semi-colon separated list of the addresses for which the proxy server should not be used.
1441 static const SRecordTypeInfo* const iRecordInfo;
1453 class CCDPANServiceExtRecord : public CCDServiceRecordBase
1459 CCDPANServiceExtRecord();
1463 CCDPANServiceExtRecord(TMDBElementId aElementId);
1468 Gets the following information:
1474 @return Returns a const pointer to the record containing the data - client does not need to delete this pointer after use.
1476 const SRecordTypeInfo* GetRecordInfo(){return iRecordInfo;}
1481 CMDBField<TUint32> iLocalRole; //< PAN role that the local device will act in. To dynamically select a role, use ECommDbPanRoleUnknown.
1482 CMDBField<TUint32> iPeerRole; //< PAN role that the remote device will act in. To dynamically select a role, use ECommDbPanRoleUnknown.
1483 CMDBField<TDesC> iPeerMACAddresses; //< A list of Bluetooth MAC addresses. If one address is specified, then PAN agent will connect to it. If more than one device address is specified (in a comma seperated list), then PAN agent will discover whether any of the devices are in range, and connect to one of them. Comma-separated list of Bluetooth MAC addresses, with no "0x" preamble and no colons separating the digits
1484 CMDBField<TBool> iPromptForRemoteDevices; //< Whether the agent should prompt the user to select the remote device to connect to.
1485 CMDBField<TBool> iDisableSdpQuery; //< Whether the remote role defined above should be accepted without performing an SDP query to ensure the remote device supports the specified role. Not recommended for use.
1486 CMDBField<TBool> iAllowIncoming; //< Whether the PAN agent should support incoming connections.
1487 CMDBField<TBool> iPromptIfMACListFails; //< Whether the agent should prompt the user to select the remote device to be connected to if we cannot connect to any device specified in the MAC list.
1489 CMDBField<TBool> iNapServiceEnabled;
1493 static const SRecordTypeInfo* const iRecordInfo;
1496 class CCDSelectionPolicyRecordBase;
1500 // ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1502 //|-----------| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
1503 //| * | * | | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * |
1504 // ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1505 // ID - Access point's unique ID.
1506 // NAME - Access point's unique name.
1507 // ACCESS POINT TYPE - Identifies the access point's (tier's) type (row in the CCDAccessPointTypeRecord table).
1509 // SELECTION POLICY - A policy id interpreted by the MCPR's "Next Layer Selector".
1511 // CPR CONFIG - CPR's config id interpreted by a CPR.
1514 // APPLICATION SECURE ID - Only application with this SID may acess this record (can we do that in CommsDat?)
1521 class CCDTierRecord;
1522 class CCDMCprRecord;
1524 class CCDSCprRecord;
1525 class CCDProtocolRecord;
1529 class CCDAccessPointRecord : public CCDRecordBase
1532 enum { KNoPolicy = -1 };
1534 CCDAccessPointRecord(TMDBElementId aElementId);
1539 Gets the following information:
1545 @return Returns a const pointer to the record containing the data - client does not need to delete this pointer after use.
1547 const SRecordTypeInfo* GetRecordInfo(){return iRecordInfo;}
1551 Use iTier instead */
1552 CMDBField<TUint32> iAccessPointGID; // Only present when record is a SNAP. Gives to the SNAP Tier Id
1554 /* mapped (but not deprecated) with SYMBIAN_NON_SEAMLESS_NETWORK_BEARER_MOBILITY*/
1555 CMDBRecordLink<CCDSelectionPolicyRecordBase> iSelectionPolicy; // Link to SelectionPolicy record
1559 CMDBRecordLink<CCDTierRecord> iTier; //Tier. Type of the access point. Row in CCDTierRecord table.
1560 CMDBRecordLink<CCDMCprRecord> iMCpr; //MCPR's type. Row in CCDMCprRecord table.
1561 CMDBRecordLink<CCDCprRecord> iCpr; //CPR's type. Row in CCDCprRecord table.
1562 CMDBRecordLink<CCDSCprRecord> iSCpr; //SCPR's type. Row in CCDSCprRecord table.
1563 CMDBRecordLink<CCDProtocolRecord> iProtocol; //PRT's type. Row in CCDProtocolRecord table.
1564 CMDBField<TUint32> iCprConfig; //CPR's config id. Value interpreted by a CPR.
1565 CMDBField<TUint32> iAppSID; //Application SID.
1566 CMDBField<TDesC> iConfigAPIdList; // List of addition SCprs (from ConfigAccessPoint table)
1567 //This field can be used to create custom selection policies which is _not_ use
1568 //the APPrioritySelectionPolicy record but store some value which is interpreted by the
1570 CMDBField<TInt> iCustomSelectionPolicy;
1571 CMDBField<TUint32> iPriority; //Access point priority.
1574 static const SRecordTypeInfo* const iRecordInfo;
1583 class CCDSelectionPolicyRecordBase : public CCDRecordBase
1592 CCDSelectionPolicyRecordBase(TMDBElementId aElementId);
1596 // ----------- ---------------------------------------------
1597 //| ID | NAME | | IAP LINK 1 | IAP LINK 2 | ... | IAP LINK 15 |
1598 //|-----------| |---------------------------------------------|
1599 //| * | * | | * | * | * | * |
1600 // ----------- ---------------------------------------------
1601 // IAP LINK N - links to Nth IAP record.
1606 when Mapped to CCDAPPrioritySelectionPolicyRecord
1608 class CCDIAPPrioritySelectionPolicyRecord : public CCDSelectionPolicyRecordBase
1611 enum { EMaxNrOfIaps = 15 };
1617 CCDIAPPrioritySelectionPolicyRecord(TMDBElementId aElementId);
1622 Gets the following information:
1628 @return Returns a const pointer to the record containing the data - client does not need to delete this pointer after use.
1630 const SRecordTypeInfo* GetRecordInfo(){return iRecordInfo;}
1633 CMDBRecordLink<CCDIAPRecord> iIap1; //< IAP link 1 - links to first IAP record.
1634 CMDBRecordLink<CCDIAPRecord> iIap2; //< IAP link 2 - links to second IAP record.
1635 CMDBRecordLink<CCDIAPRecord> iIap3; //< IAP link 3 - links to third IAP record.
1636 CMDBRecordLink<CCDIAPRecord> iIap4; //< IAP link 4 - links to fourth IAP record.
1637 CMDBRecordLink<CCDIAPRecord> iIap5; //< IAP link 5 - links to fifth IAP record.
1638 CMDBRecordLink<CCDIAPRecord> iIap6; //< IAP link 6 - links to sixth IAP record.
1639 CMDBRecordLink<CCDIAPRecord> iIap7; //< IAP link 7 - links to seventh IAP record.
1640 CMDBRecordLink<CCDIAPRecord> iIap8; //< IAP link 8 - links to eighth IAP record.
1641 CMDBRecordLink<CCDIAPRecord> iIap9; //< IAP link 9 - links to ninth IAP record.
1642 CMDBRecordLink<CCDIAPRecord> iIap10; //< IAP link 10 - links to tenth IAP record.
1643 CMDBRecordLink<CCDIAPRecord> iIap11; //< IAP link 11- links to eleventh IAP record.
1644 CMDBRecordLink<CCDIAPRecord> iIap12; //< IAP link 12- links to twelveth IAP record.
1645 CMDBRecordLink<CCDIAPRecord> iIap13; //< IAP link 13- links to thirteenth IAP record.
1646 CMDBRecordLink<CCDIAPRecord> iIap14; //< IAP link 14- links to fourteenth IAP record.
1647 CMDBRecordLink<CCDIAPRecord> iIap15; //< IAP link 15- links to fifteenth IAP record.
1648 CMDBField<TUint32> iIapCount; //< Keeps count of the number of IAPs in the selection policy, for comparison purposes.
1651 static const SRecordTypeInfo* const iRecordInfo;
1658 // ----------- --------------------------
1659 //| ID | NAME | | AP 1 | AP 2 | ... | AP N |
1660 //|-----------| |--------------------------|
1661 //| * | * | | * | * | * | * |
1662 // ----------- --------------------------
1667 class CCDAPPrioritySelectionPolicyRecord : public CCDSelectionPolicyRecordBase
1670 enum { EMaxNrOfAps = 15 };
1673 CCDAPPrioritySelectionPolicyRecord(TMDBElementId aElementId);
1677 const SRecordTypeInfo* GetRecordInfo(){return iRecordInfo;}
1681 CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord> iAp1;
1682 CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord> iAp2;
1683 CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord> iAp3;
1684 CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord> iAp4;
1685 CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord> iAp5;
1686 CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord> iAp6;
1687 CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord> iAp7;
1688 CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord> iAp8;
1689 CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord> iAp9;
1690 CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord> iAp10;
1691 CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord> iAp11;
1692 CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord> iAp12;
1693 CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord> iAp13;
1694 CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord> iAp14;
1695 CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord> iAp15;
1697 CMDBField<TUint32> iApCount;
1700 static const SRecordTypeInfo* const iRecordInfo;
1711 class CCDPolicySelectorRecord : public CCDRecordBase
1715 CCDPolicySelectorRecord();
1716 CCDPolicySelectorRecord(TMDBElementId aElementId);
1718 const SRecordTypeInfo* GetRecordInfo(){return iRecordInfo;}
1725 CMDBField<TUint32> iPolicyId;
1726 CMDBField<TUid> iAppUid;
1727 CMDBField<TDesC> iSrcAddress; // TInetAddr
1728 CMDBField<TDesC> iSrcMask; // TInetAddr
1729 CMDBField<TDesC> iDstAddress; // TInetAddr
1730 CMDBField<TDesC> iDstMask; // TInetAddr
1731 CMDBField<TInt> iSrcPort;
1732 CMDBField<TInt> iDstPort;
1733 CMDBField<TInt> iSrcPortMax;
1734 CMDBField<TInt> iDstPortMax;
1735 CMDBField<TUint32> iProtocolId;
1736 CMDBField<TUint32> iIapId;
1737 CMDBField<TInt> iPriority;
1741 static const SRecordTypeInfo* const iRecordInfo;
1749 This table is introduced to allow linking to multimpe tables, for chosen policy selection.
1750 Params tables are GenericQos, UmtsR99QoSAndOnTableRecord
1755 class CCDPolicySelector2ParamsRecord : public CCDRecordBase
1759 CCDPolicySelector2ParamsRecord();
1760 CCDPolicySelector2ParamsRecord(TMDBElementId aElementId);
1762 const SRecordTypeInfo* GetRecordInfo(){return iRecordInfo;}
1769 CMDBField<TUint32> iPolicySelectorId;
1770 CMDBField<TUint32> iParamsId;
1774 static const SRecordTypeInfo* const iRecordInfo;
1784 class CCDGenericQosRecord : public CCDParamsRecordBase
1788 CCDGenericQosRecord();
1789 CCDGenericQosRecord(TMDBElementId aElementId);
1791 const SRecordTypeInfo* GetRecordInfo(){return iRecordInfo;}
1798 CMDBField<TInt> iDownlinkBandwidth;
1799 CMDBField<TInt> iUplinkBandwidth;
1800 CMDBField<TInt> iDownLinkMaximumBurstSize;
1801 CMDBField<TInt> iUpLinkMaximumBurstSize;
1802 CMDBField<TInt> iDownLinkAveragePacketSize;
1803 CMDBField<TInt> iUpLinkAveragePacketSize;
1804 CMDBField<TInt> iDownLinkMaximumPacketSize;
1805 CMDBField<TInt> iUpLinkMaximumPacketSize;
1806 CMDBField<TInt> iDownLinkDelay;
1807 CMDBField<TInt> iUpLinkDelay;
1808 CMDBField<TInt> iDownLinkDelayVariation;
1809 CMDBField<TInt> iUpLinkDelayVariation;
1810 CMDBField<TInt> iDownLinkPriority;
1811 CMDBField<TInt> iUpLinkPriority;
1812 CMDBField<TBool> iHeaderMode;
1813 // CMDBField<TDesC> iQosName;
1816 static const SRecordTypeInfo* const iRecordInfo;
1825 class CCDWifiScanEngineRecord : public CCDRecordBase
1829 CCDWifiScanEngineRecord();
1830 CCDWifiScanEngineRecord(TMDBElementId aElementId);
1832 const SRecordTypeInfo* GetRecordInfo(){return iRecordInfo;}
1839 CMDBField<TUint32> iScanPeriodMs;
1840 CMDBField<TUint32> iRSSIMin;
1841 CMDBField<TUint32> iRSSIMax;
1844 static const SRecordTypeInfo* const iRecordInfo;
1849 } // end namespace CommsDat
1852 #include <commsdattypesv1_1_partner.h>
1853 #include <commsdattypesv1_1_internal.h>